#Coruscant Guard OC
autumnalfallingleaves · 3 months
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And the last of my OCs for Art Fight this year are Corrie ARC Trooper Renard and his massiff partner, The Good Lady Margaret Crumb! I actually have a ton of trooper OCs, but I thought Renard was a good one to submit :) He's a fun lad.
reblogs are highly appreciated, and please do not repost my art
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honeyed-pines · 1 year
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sometimes (most of the time) Fox really hates being the “supportive older brother” and he’d really love if that title was revoked
he just wants to go back to drinking in silence and not knowing about everything is siblings are up to
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mira-starfall · 9 days
The coruscant guard grabbed me in a choke hold, and this is the result! Meet Rosie.
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Backstory under the cut
The second youngest in a batch of four, Rosie is the only one to make it off Kamino and through her first battle. Unfortunately, a small piece of shrapnel from the bomb that killed her sibling got lodged in her knee, making the crutches a necessity. Transferring from the 501st to the Coruscant Guard after the injury, she became a self-taught medic due to being unable to patrol.
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muyru-iru · 3 months
Coruscanti critter community
Blog on 36', the Koon'arian grey wolf. Introduction; article 1.0
Photo/sketch made by ✘thired&wired
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Commentary by ✘Comm's_us
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"I'm impressed. But as we already have so many records of 36', it was expected."
"True that. It's not as if we have nothing else to do. Hey- Record! How 'bout we make this official?"
"Now you've lost your mind, we can't show the public our nor the GAR's campaigns!"
"The coruscanti critters would love to write adocumentary article, though. Maybe we can be discreet and open to the civilians though. I'm sick of reading the theories of whose with Senator Amidala, they are not really that subtle with each other."
"...I can't change your mind on this. You poor bastard, Comm's. You blind kriffer. You geniusFUCK."
"Only if Commander Fox-"
"He does though. It was all his intention and idea when he started this site."
"Bullshit...really?...holy shit...OSIK!...FOX?!our commander?"
"yes, Record...yes. Welcome to the coruscanti critters"
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satellitesketchbook · 2 years
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My Coruscant Guard OC, Buck!
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flashthescalesian-art · 7 months
So I have this squad of semi-background Corries, and I was developing them more, and oh my word, I love them (my characters often kind of create themselves)
Sergeant Shift— any of you who have been following me for a while might remember Shift, my traumatized mess who has PTSD from getting attacked during a riot. He hasn’t changed much since I created him, but he’s a sweetheart.
Fidget— Named by Thorn when he was a shiny because this dude CANNOT stand still without something to fidget with. He has to have something in his hands to play with while guarding the Senate or he will go insane. Otherwise, he’s pretty chill unless one of his squadmates is being chaotic, then he’ll join in.
Umber— The squad psycho. No, he’s not psycho in the sense that he enjoys hurting people or anything like that; he just says the most out of pocket, off the wall things like they’re totally normal. This man will suggest putting wet cat food or moldy soggy bread into the shoes of senators he doesn’t like, and then just go about his day like what he said is totally normal. Has also definitely eaten a fish right from a fish tank before.
Apex— The squad baby. He’s the youngest, and he can be fairly naive sometimes. He’s not stupid, he just hasn’t been around as long to become jaded like the rest of the squad. He’s also the best at cheering up his squadmates after a bad day.
Ringer— The squad grouch. This man is the embodiment of “BEHOLD, the field in which I grow my kriffs! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!” He’s unfazed by pretty much everything, and often looks extremely bored no matter what is happening. He can be very cranky and abrasive, but the squad is used to it, so they usually just let him do his own thing. Would die for the rest of his squad, but he won’t admit it, and would actually rather die than admit he cares that much.
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jetskibubbles · 2 years
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Meet my Coruscant Guard OCs!! We've got Sergeant Charlie, Lieutenant Seraph, and Cherub from the Angel Squad, as well as Sergeant Luci from the Hellfire Squad! (of no relation to Stranger Things)
Read more under the cut!
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CT-1001 “Charlie” (he/him)
token cishet dudebro (affectionate)
a little bit confused but he’s got the spirit
will support you wholeheartedly even if he doesn’t really truly understand
loves fishing, will take you fishing
cusses a lot
coffee connoisseur
very good listener, will try his best to be open to anything the team suggests
taught himself latte art
really likes going to quaint little cafes
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CT-4478 “Seraph” (he/him)
repaints his armour after every single mission
can be a bit vain
changes his hair colour every other week
sky blue seems to be his favourite
big brother of Angel Squad
smuggles candy for the squad and for the younglings
sexuality unlabled
has a Twi’lek gf that he met in a bar while on leave, she’s a bartender at said bar, they ended up bringing down a criminal together
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CT-2222 “Cherub” (he/they)
baby of Angel Squad -
drew the short straw and got assigned to babysit Kyros and Kyrina with Luci
very tired but too sweet to say anything about it
has a crush on Kyros and has no idea why
gets protected by Seraph, Charlie and Luci a lot, doesn’t like it because it makes him feel useless
very intent on proving that he doesn’t need to be coddled all the time
still learning how to stand up for himself
loves being hugged, but too shy to ask
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CT-6666 “Luci” (she/her)
claims that her name is short for Luciana, but the rest of Hellfire squad ensures that it’s short for Lucifer
filled with inexplicable rage and caf
very mad that she has to babysit Kyros and Kyrina
will not hesitate to slam either of the twins against a wall, because “they aren’t technically generals” etc etc
unsurprisingly no one is against that because everyone is annoyed by the twins
extremely protective of Cherub, considers them her baby brother even though they’re technically older
threatened to drop kick Kyros off the landing platform if he ever hurt Cherub when they started dating
[oc masterdoc]
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nosleeppotions · 11 months
Zone Out sits at his desk hidden under stairs he pretty much never ascends.
He had a headache and just might cry. So.... nothing new. At least he didn't have to deal with Senators and natborns in general, not in person anyway.
He takes a sip of the energy drink a weird nice vod gave him as he looks through the holo-mail.
The screen was tinted a weird color so he has to squint to see some of the numbers before writing them down on flimsi. Half his attention is also focused on some article on his cracked datapad.
Something about "Clone Fiction" gaining popularity. He might download a recommendation to see what that's about.
He looks back up when he sees new holo-mail come through only to almost drop his precious datapad and nearly choke on his even more precious energy drink.
Do you tell the Separatist he has the wrong contact or...?
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orange-twilek-guy · 1 year
Coruscant Gardens
Clone Oc(Leaf) x Reader
Just some Fluff today !! I don’t think I’ve ever written anything like this before but I wanted to try my hand at it and also I really wanted to flesh out my new oc 😊 if you have any constructive feedback I would love to hear it !!
Word count: 1.5k
The sun shone through the canopy of the blueblossom tree that you were inspecting. The leaves on it had started to yellow and brown at their tips, a clear sign that the tree had started to struggle and as a gardener hired to work in the small amounts of greenspace that surrounded the large senate building it was your job to decipher what might be wrong with it. You narrowed your eyes in thought as you inspected each of its hanging branches that gave the blue-flowering plant its weeping shape. You didn’t blame the tree for struggling in the city of metal, Coruscant was filled with many things but greenery was not one of them. A gloved hand came out of seemingly nowhere to rest upon your shoulder and you flinched forward in shock, ripped from your train of thought. You let out a relieved breath as your eyes finally rested upon the familiar, laughing form of the clone trooper Leaf who looked as if he hadn’t expected to surprise you. He had his helmet off and was holding it in his free hand. He wasn’t exactly the quietest trooper and many of the other members of the Coruscant guard joked that Leaf’s favorite hobby was talking everyone in earshot to death. He had never successfully managed to sneak up on you before and you had known him for many standard weeks now. Leaf was frequently stationed right outside the senate building and you had peaked his interest when you first arrived to replace one of the gardeners who had decided to retire. Since then he had stopped by to talk between shift changes and the scarce day off and you had grown used to and looked forward too his presence hovering around you.
“You scared me!” You reprimanded the soldier and gave him a playful push which made the outgoing guard take a step back as more of his laughter filled the air. “Sorry- sorry” he spoke in a tone far too amused to be genuine in between his laughs. “I just came to see if my favourite gardener was doing alright. You looked so lost in thought” he explained himself after finally calming his laughter. You shook your head with a smile at that, if it wasn’t such a sweet move you could stand to be more annoyed at the fact Leaf forgot that you were working. “Yes I’m alright, just working out what’s wrong with the Blueblossom” you decided to explain, gesturing towards the small tree behind you.
Leaf’s light brown gaze shifted from you to the tree and one of his hands moved to his bare chin, pretending to stroke an imaginary beard as he thought about what was wrong with it. “In my very professional opinion” he started, a twinkle in his eyes already giving away his playful teasing, “I think it’s suffering from droopyitis”. You graced his comment with a snort. “Haven’t I told you already the branches are meant to droop?” You reminded him, nudging his shoulder with your own as your eyes rolled. Leaf laughed however it was unclear if it was at your explanation or his own joke, it wouldn’t be the first time he’s laughed at whatever amusing comment or story he’s shared with you.
After he finished laughing a comfortable silence settled between you and the clone. The quiet had a notoriously short lifespan with the talkative Leaf nearby but he tried to not disturb you when you had to concentrate. The sound of him shifting from foot to foot blended easily into the bustling background noise of the city. You tried to focus back onto the Blueblossom tree but you found your eyes and thoughts drifting to your companion instead. You didn’t know how long he had before he had to leave for his next shift but recently you’ve found yourself hoping for him to stay longer and longer. Leaf was good company, talkative and playful yet considerate. He was also good looking, most clones were but the little differences between him and his brothers that you had noticed in your time working in the senate gardens made him stand out in your mind. He had longer hair than most his brothers, it settled just above his shoulders when he let it out of its normal high ponytail and whenever he smiled the usually straight scar on his cheek bent as if even the damage done by the war smiled along with him and his jokes. He was a great friend but the way your heart ached when you referred to him as such was something you didn’t want to linger on in fear the soldier wouldn’t or couldn’t return the sentiment.
“Do I have something on my armour?” Leaf jested and once again brought you from your thoughts, noticing how distracted you seem. You shake your head ‘no’, heat blossomed across your face at the embarrassment of being called out for it, “Just thinking” you clarify swiftly for him. His brows creased in worry at that, hoping that nothing was wrong with you.. or with him. He enjoyed the time he spent with you and he was worried you had finally gotten annoyed with him hovering around you like a fly. His eyes traced your face for any signs you were about to shoo him away or for any sign that you were upset about something else. Even though he found nothing of the sort he couldn’t shake the worry that clung to him like leech. “What about?” He asked in a voice softer than his usual loud voice. You paused, not sure whether or not to admit it. You sucked in a deep breath to stall for time and your eyes flicked to the blue flowered tree that you were meant to be paying attention too so you could escape Leaf’s worry-filled brown eyes.
“You” you admitted quietly and Leaf thought he may of misheard you at first. He wasn’t sure what to say or whether what you were thinking was good or bad but even the simple idea that you were thinking of him made a small amount of warmth rush to his ears. You hadn’t spoken up to clarify and your unwillingness to look away from the tree at him made him worry, his eyebrows still furrowed in worry. Leaf didn’t want to press it, knowing he should hold his tongue as you didn’t look like you wanted him to question you but he never had been good at keeping himself quiet. “What about me?” He asked in a whisper, worried if he spoke any louder you would disappear with them. You blushed harder at that and focused more onto the tree, hoping that maybe the weeping tree would come alive and save you from having to admit the nerve-wracking truth to the sweet soldier. “I was thinking about how I don’t want you to leave” you admitted softly before continuing in an even quieter voice, eyes finally moving back onto Leaf “because I care about you in a way that i don’t think friends usually do”.
Leaf’s eyes widened at your admission and unintelligible stutters of sound left his mouth swifter than any podracer announcer you’ve ever heard. He couldn’t summon the words as his mind raced faster than he could turn into jests so he decided to let his actions show it instead. He closed his mouth and let a gloved hand come up to cup your cheek, his eyes settled on yours as he leaned in slowly to give you time to pull away if you wanted. Despite your burning face and hammering heart you leaned in to meet him halfway.
When Leaf pulled his lips away you found yourself longing for them again. His thumb gently stroked the side of your cheek as he sent you a loving yet apologetic look. “I have to go to my next shift” he explained in a heavy voice. Although he thought you were worth the lecture from Fox or Stone for being late he didn’t want them to have any reason to keep him away from you. “And you have to work out what’s wrong with that troublesome droopy tree” he spoke in amusement as his hand gently slid off your cheek. He backed away and offered you what he hoped was a reassuring smile as he walked to his post. You raised your hand in a small goodbye wave and tried to not feel too disappointed at how short your meeting with him was.
You were sure you’d see him again when Leaf could manage to find time. A small smile returned to your lips as you imagined what your next meeting would be like. You turned to the blueblossom, eyes drifting over the yellow and brown leaves. After assessing that it didn’t look diseased or like it had caught scales from the Ak tree you had treated two weeks prior you figured it just needed some nutrients. Coruscant wasn’t the best place to garden but it had a lot of other good things going for it and the best of those were Leaf.
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autumnalfallingleaves · 3 months
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Guess who's doing Art Fight this year!! I'm on there as Bean-afl because I couldn't fit the entirety of autumnalfallingleaves as my username lmao.
My ref sheets aren't totally finished yet so I have yet to add any characters, so consider this a preview of who I'm submitting :) This is also my first year so I'm still figuring things out lmao.
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tuptastic · 2 years
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captains of the coruscant guard, everyone. holding down the first at triple zero, doing prime proud
ft. captain queen, she/her, and captain dizzy, she/her
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coalmonger · 4 months
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Fox: Um.. Whatcha got there?
Thorn: Rations
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mira-starfall · 9 days
While strict in her rules for working hours (32 hours awake or two straight shifts, whichever is hit first), she is a bit of a hypocrite who will spend the next 48+ hours on shift.
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muyru-iru · 3 months
some 'litte' ARCs
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and a height comparison:
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smol fox, as we tenderly hold him.;)
CT-7979, aka Juggernaut is a soft giant, who never dared to show his face. But Fox did, what a luxury!
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artbypockets · 10 months
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omg somehow tumblr accidentally posted the unfinished version of this post that I foolishly had in my drafts, with unfinished art and no caption 🙄
anyway, meet Junkyard, Double Check, Dancer, and Betcha! Junkyard and Betcha belong to the wonderful @lightbeyondthegrave and I love them with all my heart 💕💕
(if you reblogged this before I realized the mix up can you please reblog this version with the caption instead? tysm)
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cawsceries · 1 month
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@storykeeperahsoka perhaps… thatch and relic?
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