#Could be a full on aquatic au or just the hotel
silverior968 · 1 year
AU where the Midnight Hotel is an old sailship. I just think it would be neat
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spaceiplier · 6 years
A poorly articulated post about lore for the spaciplier au - gober
Alien types, planets, languages, etc
Jack|| Velm: he is a reptilian type alien. When they’re young they have blue stripes over their bodies and they’re arm spikes haven’t grown in yet. Once the arm spike/scales grown in and when those stripes go away they are considered adults. Their skin is extremely tough and they are cold blooded, so their planet is very warm, dry, and rocky. Most of them especially enjoy sunbathing. They’re tails help them balance as well as serve as a weapon against other creatures. They have sharp teeth, they’re omnivorous but mostly carnivorous, they can see in the dark relatively well, and have fast reflexes. They take naps throughout the day instead of sleeping for long intervals. They’re ears twitch when they hear sudden noises or just when they want. They’re a very survival of the fittest species, and since all members are very strong that tactic seemed to have worked out evolutionary wise. Also they are hatched from eggs.
There was a neighboring planet that this species became allies with, but when they were in trouble the GAAP failed to give them any reinforcements and that planet and its inhabitants were destroyed. This caused jack’s species to cut all ties with the GAAP politically and some even actively go against it, most just ignore it. Many pirates, black market dealers, and mercenaries are from this planet.
Kathryn|| Ninkain: the ninkain may look similar to humans, but their biology and mannerisms are very different. They are predatory hunters naturally, but they’ve evolved a lot since then and are just carnivores now. They have sharp claws, tough skin, sharp teeth, a tail, and tentacle like things hanging from their ears which allow them to sense electromagnetic fields. They’re hearing is superb, they see best in the dark, though they can see fine enough in light, they’re fast on their feet, and they have tremendous balance. They behave similar to cats and their native language is mostly gesture based with few noises between them. It’s kinda like a full body sign language kinda deal. They’re skin can be grey, purple, or red, or a mix of those colors. They have markings on them, males typically have lighter markings then their skin tone, females have darker markings compared to their skin color. They have live births and twins are especially common amongst their species.
Tyler|| Graeldurs: they have a hard outer shell that resembles rock, which grows as they age. They have been known to carve markings into their rock outer layer, since the pain is very dulled there. But, it’s pretty old fashioned, so many have stopped the tradition. They’re the definition of gentle giant, their great strength and height makes them seem threatening but most are very logical and would prefer to avoid conflict, but when it is necessary they are prepared to efficiently take down their enemies. They can be multiple different rock like colors, some even having stripes or even a mix of two types of rocks depending on their parentage. They also have decently long lifespans, living up to 200 years, they reach maturity at around 20 at the lastest and 10 at the earliest, but a general number is 15 and that’s the legal age they are considered an adult. Common jobs for them are leadership positions, especially in the GAAP, many join the space fleet, and also they take up technical jobs creating medicines, new machines, tech, and generally making scientific discoveries. They’re also good teachers or mentors. They’re home planet is very cold for most of its year, it’s the 6th planet from its sun, has 3 moons, and 2 seasons; a warm season only lasting a few months (human time) and a cold season lasting a little more than a year (human time). They aren’t affected much by temperatures, but their main food source is more abundant in colder climates. They mine to get to crystals and the like since it’s their main food source, they live underground, well their cities are underground. There are also extremely cold blizzards that commonly happen and while the cold won’t kill them outright, it can freeze them to the point where they can’t move. Which isn’t good since they’d prolly starve since they can’t get food.
Androids vs robots || rights and legal stuff
Androids: all androids have what is legally classified as free will. They are capable of complex emotion, creativity, and learning past what was put in their memory chip. They can feel ‘pain’ and can develop skills that weren’t implemented when they were first built. And they are made of Android specific parts.
There was an Android civil rights movement that had been going on since before mark’s birth and gained a lot of traction and support when mark was a kid. They finally gained basic space rights when mark was around 12. They’re still discriminated against, but it’s a lot better then it was 20 years ago so. They can no longer be forced into servitude legally, though it definitely still happens, they have the ability to run for government positions, they have a right to a fair trial and all that good stuff.
Robots: robots typically can only do what is in their programming, they can retain knowledge but they are incapable of coming up with something new or creative nor can they learn a new skill on their own. They can be made out of any parts, there are robot specific parts but usually they are a mix of Android parts, mech parts, and robot specific parts. They still have no legal rights and are considered property under space law. They are capable of emotion, but only if it’s programmed in and it’s typically limited, and they aren’t capable of feeling pain. They are incapable of going against their programming.
Who in this au is a robot and whose an android
Ethan and blank are androids while all of jack’s egos are robots
Different planets
Ventos Beta:
This is a planet that no longer really has a set major species. There are a multitude of different alien species living here, mostly land based ones. It’s the perfect planet for farming, which is their main source of trade, though that’s not the only job available. There still needs to be doctors and shop keeps and the sort. This is where Tyler and mark grew up, living quite close by to each other and going to the same school. There are 3 other ventos named planets (ventos prime, alpha, gamma, and omega) they’re all in the same system (the ventos system) orbiting ventos IV, and they were terraformed by the GAAP for multi species use and adhere to GAAP laws and the like.
Zerentia: (where mark was born)
this is a water based planet, there are very little spots of land and almost all of the inhabitants and all of the natural intelligent species are water based and live under the sea. It’s a naturally warm planet and it’s days are very short. It has no moons and 2 suns. There are 4 other planets in its solar system, 3 of which support life, 2 are more tropical and warm while one is more cold and snowy and has more land mass.
Phalieth|| dominant Species: These aliens are a type of aquatic mammal. They have a long, muscular tail and small anal fin, two huge side fins and a short, strong dorsal fin.They have two eyes which sit thightly in their sockets and can often make them appear to be serene. Their eyesight is astonishing.Their huge mouths and small noses often make these aliens appear to be slick, but looks can be deceiving.Their ears are wide and large and their hearing is excellent. They also have one long horn on their head.Their skin is thin, but strong. Their skin colors are mostly dark gold, light orange and blue, which tend to become dull as they age.The males are usually lazier than their female counterpart and their colors are more vibrant. The females, however, are usually more adventurous.
Folia: this is a very colorful and tropical like planet, it’s dominant life form is plant based and while there are creatures on this planet they are definitely not at the top of the food chain by any means. Some of the plants are even carnivorous. It’s dope. This planet has two moons and one sun and there is a pretty even ratio of water to land.
Nihill || Serkiis: this is a gas giant, it’s solar system has little to no life, this planet included, and so is ignored but the GAAP. But one of its moons- and many other planets and moons in this solar system- is used as a base for mercenaries, criminals, and the black market. The moon used for this is named Nihill, it’s the most renowned one of the dead bases and also the one where jack sells all the stuff he steals. There are various buildings, hotels, brothels, markets, and the like. These planets/moons are especially dangerous, but if you generally mind your own business and aren’t defenseless, you’ll be fine. Probably…
Attis: (the homeplanet of Tyler’s species)
This planet has a rotation cycle of 16 months (earth time) 13 of those months are spent in freezing cold weather while the other 3 are slightly warmer. The planet is filled with crystals and diamonds, it being the perfect environment for their creation. Due to them being so abundant, crystals are a major food source for many of the species native to this planet. There are also crystal like species that developed a crystal like exterior to better hide from predators. There are crystal forests above and below ground, one of the most magnificent sights in the galaxy. Throughout the colder months, there are extremely cold and dangerous blizzards, which could easily freeze a creature on the spot, due to this many inhabitants live underground. Attis has two moons and is the 6th planet from its sun.
Bellataine: (kathryn's home planet) this planet is extremely similar to earth, though their trees are 10 times taller on average, they have more carnivorous plants, and there is more of a yellow tint to its plants. It has 4 seasons, but only one big continent with bunches of rivers, lakes, and streams scattered throughout. Their night and day are also a lot longer lasting around 40 hours as a whole, 20 each. Many of the species live up in the trees due to the sheer amount and size of them.
The GAAP|| Galactic Assembly of Allied Planets
Basically it is the gathering of all the most powerful/ intelligent planets all coming together to create laws and the sort for all of space. Every planet has 2 representatives and there is no one leader, it’s kinda a majority rule kinda thing. Each planet has its own government and laws, but they have to adhere to the laws of space, so an example is that since androids have legal rights now, no one planet can have laws blatantly discriminating against them. There is also the GLE or the Galactic Law Enforcement, they only have jurisdiction in space though and not on individual planets. They are made up of any species apart of the GAAP and they are pretty regulated as well, most people call them enforcers. Each individual planet has their own law enforcement. There is also a galactic navy that is run but the GAAP, they have a specific school and training regimen for any species that would like to join, the only requirement is that you are a resident of a planet in the GAAP. This is in place for if one/ multiple planets are attacked by a planet not apart of the GAAP, or a rogue planet/ ship/ group. Their other job is to explore space and engage in various peace negotiations, investigating planets (science wise), and stuff. Basically Star Trek.
There are some planets that have no laws nor government and don’t fall under the jurisdiction of the space government and its laws. These planets are hella cool and are a great place for scavengers/ pirates/ and other criminals to hang out. Plus black market stuff, it’s where jack sells a lot of his stolen goods (Nihill specifically)
Laws and jail: there are two types of jails, on planet jails for crimes committed on one planet and the maximum security jail run by GAAP. If any jailable crime is committed on multiple planets, in space, or if it’s a cosmic crime the criminal will be sent to the GAAP prison. The GAAP prison is located on the outskirts of the galaxy, it is one of the biggest shuttles ever built and it orbits a White dwarf, using the bright star to power the shuttle. The petty crime prisoners and the dangerous prisons are kept apart for safety reasons. The planet jails are basically regular jails.
Some cosmic crimes include but aren’t limited to:
Mass genocide, destruction of a planet, and the destruction of any GAAP ship/ attack against the GAAP
Every planet and species has a different way of educating their youth, but most participate in it. It usually depends on the planets main source of income as well as weather it’s a mixed species planet or a planet where most the inhabitants are native. If it’s mixed, then they typically use the regulations used by the GAAP for their schools. Which is the type of school that Tyler and mark attended. It’s very career based and you choose what you’d like to focus on around 13, going from primary to secondary. They teach you the basics of history, mechanics, medicine, math, science, and language. Then in secondary school you focus on one thing, let’s say you want to be a pilot, you would learn everything you’d need to know to be a successful pilot and nothing more, unless you change your focus or opt to take a generalized focus. A generalized focus teaches you the basics for all the popular and needed jobs available and you can always chose to switch into a focus if one of those jobs catches your eye. There is only 8 years of school for them, 4 for primary or general and 4 in secondary or focus. There isn’t a set age to start, since different species have different lifespans and needs and only primary school is required.
History || major events || currently 3518
Multiplanet Wars [3250-3420]
Before the GAAP was created there were many battles and wars over which planets got which colonies and solar systems and planets. It was a first come first serve kinda deal but even that was shaky when any other alien race could pop in and try an take over a planet by force. These many battles resulted in some alien races even going extinct.
The great leaving (earth) [3314]
Earth was already in bad shape when humans started exploring into the further parts of space, but still many people lived there. Soon though, it became too much for the planet to sustain and earth had run out of many of the resources that had once been abundant. Due to this major resource crisis, almost all humans that could left the planet. The only ones who stayed where the people too poor to afford to move or people so rich that the resource shortage didn’t affect them in the least. These rich people would either develop a superiority complex (like the idea that living anywhere but earth was betraying the human race) or they’d leave cause earth is a shit whole that only over the top elitists would choose to live on.
First treaties [3280-3518]
The treaty of unification; the agreement for all willing, intelligent, and powerful planets to come together to form the GAAP after years of competition and wars.
The creation of the GAAP [3420]
The idea of the was created and pushed for by 5 of the most advanced planets. They wanted space to be safer and they wished for a future were all aliens worked together to make a better galaxy. Soon they had the majority of the intelligent planets on their side and they all came together to create this new, huge alliance.
The medical boom [3420-30]
After the GAAP was formed there was a significant boom in the improvement in the medical field. This was because many species from all the planets apart of the GAAP had come together to work for the GAAP and their combined knowledge on medicine as well as a willingness to cooperate to make space healthier gave way to new and advanced machinery and medicines.
Android revolution [3504]
Since the first official Android was made there were people who pushed for their rights as free thinking beings. They were seen as property, similar to robots, for the longest time. Then after years of protest and fighting for their rights, all this only providing more evidence of their place as a new intelligent species capable of learning, feeling, and thriving on their own without the aid of their creators.
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