nonitha · 3 days
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nmsc-market-pulse · 5 months
The drone countermeasures market has seen significant growth in recent years, driven by the proliferation of drones across various industries and the need to mitigate potential security risks. As drones become more accessible and affordable, they pose a range of threats, including unauthorized surveillance, smuggling, and even potential terrorist attacks. This has spurred the demand for effective countermeasures to detect, track, and neutralize rogue drones.
Several factors are fueling the expansion of the drone countermeasures market:
Rising Security Concerns: With the increasing use of drones for both commercial and recreational purposes, security concerns have escalated. Airports, critical infrastructure, public events, and government facilities are particularly vulnerable to drone threats, necessitating robust countermeasures.
Technological Advancements: The rapid advancement of technology has led to the development of sophisticated drone detection and mitigation systems. These include radar systems, radio frequency (RF) scanners, acoustic sensors, and optical solutions that can detect and identify drones at varying distances and altitudes.
Regulatory Initiatives: Governments worldwide are enacting regulations to address the potential risks associated with drones. These regulations often mandate the implementation of countermeasures to protect sensitive areas and ensure public safety, driving market growth.
Industry Collaboration: Collaboration between technology providers, defense contractors, and government agencies is fostering innovation in the drone countermeasures market. Joint efforts are aimed at developing comprehensive solutions that can effectively detect and neutralize drones in real-time.
Diverse Applications: Drone countermeasures find applications across various sectors, including defense, law enforcement, critical infrastructure protection, and commercial security. This diverse range of applications is expanding the market and attracting investments from both public and private sectors.
Emerging Technologies: Advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and autonomous systems are enhancing the capabilities of drone countermeasures. AI-powered algorithms enable faster and more accurate detection of drones, while autonomous response systems can autonomously neutralize threats without human intervention.
Global Expansion: The demand for drone countermeasures is not limited to developed countries but is also growing in emerging markets. As drones become more prevalent worldwide, there is a parallel increase in the need for effective countermeasures, driving market expansion globally.
Overall, the drone countermeasures market is poised for significant growth in the coming years as the threat landscape evolves, technology advances, and regulatory frameworks continue to evolve. Companies operating in this space are focusing on innovation and collaboration to meet the growing demand for comprehensive solutions to counter the rising drone threat.
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militaryleak · 4 months
DroneShield Awarded $5.7 Million US Government Contract for Its C-UxS Systems
DroneShield Ltd (ASX:DRO) (DroneShield or the Company) is pleased to announce it has received a repeat order of A$5.7 million from a U.S. Government customer for a number of its C-UxS (Counter-UxS) systems. C-UxS refers to counterdrone systems targeting multi-domain aerial, ground and maritime surface drones. The delivery, involving multiple DroneShield product lines, is expected to be completed in several stages throughout the remainder of the year. #military #defense #defence #militaryleak
DroneShield Ltd (ASX:DRO) (DroneShield or the Company) is pleased to announce it has received a repeat order of A$5.7 million from a U.S. Government customer for a number of its C-UxS (Counter-UxS) systems. C-UxS refers to counterdrone systems targeting multi-domain aerial, ground and maritime surface drones. The delivery, involving multiple DroneShield product lines, is expected to be completed…
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y2fear · 7 months
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DroneShield Counterdrone Tech Co Enters SP/ASX Index
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mikyit · 10 months
https://lnkd.in/dc-3PP5h Passionate #UAS operator 👨‍✈️, I love flying drones 🚁 in my free time to capture stunning landscapes 🏕️. Impressed by Dedrone's innovative solutions, especially for securing critical facilities 🏟️ and enhancing #city #surveillance 👮.
Dedrone just launched City-Wide Drone #Detection, covering 50% of the US population and global cities. Public and private #security, including #police and critical infrastructure, can access real-time drone data without installation or hardware upkeep. This service offers threat intelligence gathered from three years and 240 million drone flights.
Dedrone's tech spans 40 #countries, trusted by #G7 nations, 100+ critical sites, 30+ airports, 50+ stadiums, and more. They are leader in smart airspace security and actively provide counterdrone solutions for major #global events, collaborating with 70+ public safety agencies.
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marketingstrategy1 · 2 years
US Struggles To Supply Effective Counterdrone Systems To Ukraine - Reports
US Struggles To Supply Effective Counterdrone Systems To Ukraine – Reports
WASHINGTON (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – 10th January, 2023) The United States struggles to supply the Ukrainian troops with effective counterdrone systems to address the modern aerial threat, the Wall Street Journal said in a report, citing Western officials and analysts. The US Defense Department promised the delivery of Vampire counterdrone systems to Ukraine in August, but only approved a $40…
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unpluggedtv · 2 years
The forces discovered the fallen drone on Wednesday morning on the Pakistani side, within 20 metres from the border station in Bharopal.
The drone reportedly hung in the air close to India's borders for a few minutes. The drone was fired while returning to its base as a result of counterdrone operations.
There is a search going on for any suspicious activity nearby.
At the India-Pakistan border, there have been 220 drone sightings since the year began.
It should be remembered that more than 200 drones have been seen at the India-Pakistan border since the year's beginning.
Read More: https://unpluggedtv.in/pak-drone-entering-indian-territory-shot-by-bsf/
#pakistan PakistanNews Sindh BSF BSF BSF PakistanNews Pakistan News.Net
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militerium · 3 years
Anti Drone
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Drone atau wahana udara tanpa awak merupakan wahana yang saat ini sering digunakan oleh “angkatan bersenjata” untuk dilibatkan dalam “pertempuran”, bukan saja untuk pengintaian tetapi juga untuk membunuh yang disebut sebagai target atau lawan. Sejak dipersenjatainya drone ini dengan roket hingga misil, sudah tidak terhitung kejadian penyerangan ataupun pembunuhan yang salah sasaran dan hanya dianggap sebagai efek sampingan atau collateral damage yang tidak ada artinya, dan tidak ada pihak yang memprotes. Bahkan sekarang ini drone akan dimanfaatkan sebagai wing-plane dari pesawat tempur dengan konsep operasional yang disebut sebagai MUMT atau “Manned-Unmanned Teaming, yaitu konsep suatu operasi udara yang mengkombinasi kekuatan masing-masing platform udara guna meningkatkan kewaspadaan.
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image: Twitter (Charles Forrester) MUMT juga berguna untuk memberikan kemungkinan bagi angkatan bersenjata melakukan operasi dukungan tempur termasuk untuk kegiatan misi intelijen, pengawasan wilayah dari udara, dan pengintaian (ISR). MUMT merupakan operasi udara yang menggabungkan pesawat tempur/helicopter tempur dengan drone yang bertindak sebagai wingman. Dimana drone dikendalikan oleh pilot pesawat atau awak pesawat pada helicopter. Berangkat dari pengalaman bahwa drone kini menjadi wahana yang berbahaya, maka pihak angkatan bersenjata juga memerlukan suatu perangkat yang dapat mendeteksi akan adanya kedatangan drone kesebuah wilayah pertahanan.
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USMC Drone Killer, source. Sarana deteksi drone selanjutnya dilengkapi juga dengan sarana anti-drone. Sistem deteksi dan anti drone kini sudah menjadi standar sistem pertahanan udara bagi beberapa Negara. Industri yang memproduksi perangkat deteksi dan anti drone juga terus kebanjiran pesanan. Industri yang bergerak dalam bidang perangkat pendeteksi drone dan anti drone antara lain Anduril. Industri itu juga memproduksi drone, perangkat lunak untuk pendeteksian, dan perangkat lain yang terkait.
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Lynx Anti Drone System, source Ada lagi industri bernama DOT CON yang mengembangkan sarana anti drone dengan nama LYNX ANTI-DRONE yang produksinya sudah banyak terpasang di perbatasan Negara Amerika Serikat sejak mendapatkan kontrak proyek Pengamanan Perbatasan. Sistem berupa radar, sistem observasi jarak jauh dan radio frequency jammer berkekuatan tinggi; berfungsi sebagai pendeteksi, pengenalan, identifikasi, dan melakukan penetralisiran target (identify and soft/hard kill flying objects). Umumnya sistem deteksi dan anti-drone dapat dioperasikan tanpa henti dalam tujuh hari dalam seminggu dan 24 jam per hari (7/24). Dapat di instalaso secara permanen, portable atau mobil. Menggunakan kamera thermal untuk pengidentifikasian jarak jauh.
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AUDS (Anti-UAV Defence System), source. Adalagi industry Blighter Surveillance System yang memproduksi pendeteksi drone AUDS (Anti-UAV Defence System), yang terdiri dari sarana deteksi Blighter A400 Series Air Security Radar, sistem penjejakan Hawkeye DS dan EO Video Tracker, penetralisir Directional RF Inhibitor. Dari India ada sistem anti-drone, smart air launched weapon, dan radar modern untuk tidakan balasan kreasi dari DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) – semacam DARPA Amerika atau DSTA Singapura. Anti drone untuk menghadapi target udara milik India terdapat dua pilihan, “soft kill” dan “hard kill”. India juga memiliki drone-anti-airfield yang dapat menghantam target dari jarak 62 mil. Berita terakhir (14 Desember 2021), DRDO telah mengembangkan sistem anti-drone terbarunya dan telah diserahkan kepada pihak Angkatan Bersenjata India oleh Menteri Pertahanan Rajnath Singh.
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NADS counter drone India, source. PERANCIS memiliki anti-drone berupa kanon bertenaga laser yang sudah teruji. Sistem tersebut selain untuk kepentingan pertahanan udara, juga ditujukan untuk pengamanan Paris Olympic Games 2024. Pengujian sistem dilakukan di pesisir Atlantik, Barat Daya Perancis. Dalam pengujian, sistem dapat mendeteksi obyek berupa drone komersial berukuran kecil pada jarak 3 kilimeter, menjejakinya dan menghancurkannya dengan kanon laser pada jarak satu kilometer dari posisi kanon. Sistem dikembangkan oleh perusahaan startup lokal CILAS. Diperuntukan bagi pengamanan pangkalan militer, instalasi nuklir, dan obyek lainnya dari ancaman drone yang terbang rendah dan lolos dari deteksi radar pertahanan udara.
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Cilas Anti Drone, source. Selanjutnya Perancis akan mengembangkan kanon gelombang magnetik guna menghadapi ancaman drone yang semakin canggih seperti kawanan drone (swarms of drones) yang sudah dikembangkan terlebih dahulu – bersamaan dengan pengembangan konsep operasi udara MUM-T. Pentagon Amerika Serikat sudah menyerahkan sistem anti-drone berupa portable drone killing system bagi pihak Korps Marinir untuk menghadapi ancaman drone sejak tahun 2018. Sistem yang dioperasikan oleh Marine Corps itu disebut sebagai Ground Base Air Defense (GBAD) Counter-UAS, yang sudah dikembangkan eberapa tahun sebelumnya.
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Marines Drone Killing System, source. Sistem terdiri dari kombinasi S-band radar RADA RPS-42, EW System Siera Nevada Modi, visual sensor dari Lockheed Martin, dan anti-drone Coyote dari Raytheon. Sistem dipasang pada dua unit kendaraan, M-ATV (MRAP-All-Terrain Vehicle) produksi Oshkosh yang mengusung sistem senjata untuk melumpuhkan drone, dan kendaraan taktis ringan MRZE produksi Polaris yang mengusung perangkat radar dan pendukungnya (sentry tower). Sentry tower terdiri dari radar dan sensor optic yang tertanam pada inti computer yang memproses data melalui algoritma mesin, guna mendeteksi, mengenali dan menjejaki target.
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Anduril Counter Drone, source.
Anduril Counter Drone
Berita paling mutakhir adalah dengan adanya tambahan pesanan sistem anti-drone dari Angkatan Bersenjata Amerika Serikan kepada perusahaan teknologi pertahanan ANDURIL Industries yang berkedudukan di California senilai 1 milyar dollar untuk paket sistem dan pengintegrasian kontra-drone (C-UAS/ /Counter Unmanned Aircraft Systems) bagi Komando Operasi Khusus (SOCOM). Hal tersebut ditegaskan dalam pengumuman dari perusahaan tersebut pada 24 Januari 2022. Kontrak tersebut diharapkan akan selesai pada tahun 2032 mendatang. Sistem anti-drone Anduril memanfaatkan sistem operasi Lattice Artificial Intelligence (Lattice = molekul-molekul atom) dan jaringan sensor yang mampu melakukan pendeteksian secara mandiri, mengenali dan menjejaki target pada garis batas area tempur dan memberikan peringatan adanya ancaman untuk selanjutnya meneruskan pendeteksian hingga target dilumpuhkan dengan tenaga kinetic setelah target dikunci oleh Anvil Interceptor. ANDURIL merupakan pemasok sistem anti-drone yang dipasang pada parameter perbatasan Amerika Serikat dengan Mexiko, berdasarkan kontrak pada tahun 2017 bagi keperluan US Customs and Border Protection. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KX0ji1sAXl8 Anduril Industries Anduril Industries merupakan badan usaha pendukung teknologi pertahanan dengan misi mentransformasi kemampuan teknologi mutakhir bagi Amerika Serikat dan sekutunya. Dengan memanfaatkan perkembangan teknologi, termasuk artificial intelligence, computer vision, sensor fusion, optic dan otomatisasi, bagi kemampuan pertahanan untuk menghadapi tantangan dibidang keamanan nasional yang kompleks. Kehadiran drone dewasa ini memperluas khasanah peperangan, dimana drone-drone yang canggih dapat dikendalikan dari jarak yang sangat jauh dengan membawa persenjataan yang mematikan dan dapat menimbulkan korban yang cukup besar. Tidak berlebihan apabila pemanfaatan teknologi dikembangkan juga untuk menciptakan anti-drone sebagai upaya perlindungan diri bagi sistem pertahanan wilayah sebuah Negara berdaulat. Read the full article
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cheshirecat-rabbit · 4 years
Drones — armed and unarmed, sophisticated or off the shelf — represent a “rapidly proliferating, low-cost, high-reward asset” capable of reconnoitering an enemy position or carrying out direct, lethal attacks
With what military planners call “unmanned aircraft systems” rapidly revolutionizing age-old war-fighting theories, every soldier, regardless of assignment, should know how to help knock out swarms of enemy drones before they can wreak havoc on a unit in combat, the head of the Pentagon’s counterdrone effort said last week.
Marine Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr., who as head of U.S. Central Command in the Middle East oversees the theater most affected by the rise of IEDs, said the emergence of drones is changing the battlefield in a similar way.
The U.S. no longer has a near monopoly on military drone technology. Defense analysts around the world are poring over data from the recent war between Azerbaijan and Armenia. The convincing Azerbaijani victory was largely credited to the use of Israeli- and Turkish-made drones that revealed enemy troop and artillery positions to devastating effect.
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tim-de-zitter · 2 years
Mobile groups have been created that track, intercept and destroy enemy drones
To protect against Russian attacks using kamikaze drones, mobile groups have been created that track, intercept and destroy enemy drones. Individual servicemen of the units of the Territorial Defense Forces of Vinnytsia, together with the Air Force and the National Guard, are involved in performing tasks aimed at protecting the airspace of the region. Mobile groups operate throughout the territory of Vinnytsia region. It brings its result. Drones are successfully shot down by large-caliber machine guns and other weapons. Fighters use lighting equipment to illuminate the sky at night to see drones.
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militaryleak · 11 months
Australian Government Supplies DroneShield Counterdrone Equipment to Ukraine
DroneShield Ltd is pleased to advise its counterdrone equipment has been selected to deploy to Ukraine under the latest Australian Government aid package. The Company has received multiple orders from the Australian Government as part of a $20 million dollar military assistance package to Ukraine, with a total value to DroneShield of $10.4 million. $5 million of cash receipts from the $10.4 million total was included in the record $48.2 million cash receipts YTD to 20 October, announced earlier this week in DroneShield’s latest quarterly 4C release. The remaining cash receipts are expected to be received prior to end of 2023.
DroneShield Ltd is pleased to advise its counterdrone equipment has been selected to deploy to Ukraine under the latest Australian Government aid package. The Company has received multiple orders from the Australian Government as part of a $20 million dollar military assistance package to Ukraine, with a total value to DroneShield of $10.4 million. $5 million of cash receipts from the $10.4…
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y2fear · 7 months
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For counterdrone companies, business is ridiculously good
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Pentagon’s first demo of small counter-drone tech set for spring
Pentagon’s first demo of small counter-drone tech set for spring
The Defense Department is developing a counter-small unmanned aircraft system capability for use domestically, in host nations and in conflict. The Pentagon established the Army-led Joint Counter-Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Office, or JCO, and approved a set of requirements to help counter small drones in September 2020, which laid a path for how industry can develop technology to plug into a…
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asymmetricdialogue · 5 years
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Pentagon wants to streamline its counterdrone focus http://bit.ly/2LQN922
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calvinjean574 · 3 years
New Post has been published on drones
New Post has been published on https://hotdrones.online/eying-russia-pentagon-to-send-ukraine-counter-drone-electronic-warfare-equipment/
Eying Russia, Pentagon to send Ukraine counter-drone, electronic warfare equipment
The Pentagon announced on Friday a new package of $ 150 million in military assistance for Ukraine that will include counter-artillery radar, electronic warfare equipment and counter-drone technology, … drone – BingNews
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tklist1 · 8 years
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Iran counter-drone weapon, jamming device takes warfare to next level http://dlvr.it/NcW8tM
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