#Crap do I need two subtitles tags?
forabeatofadrum · 2 years
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Thank you @martsonmars​, @cutestkilla​ and @captain-aralias​ for the tags. I am dead tired since I was at another Pride all day yesterday, but it was a lot of fun.
You know what’s not fun? Simon being dead! Have six sentences of the upcoming chapter of Time After Time/“damn Baz, you live like this?”:
“You will [look into it]?”
I nod.
After all, I cannot deny his wishes. If he wants me to find a place where I can be comfortable, I will find it. (Is it sad that I care more about Simon’s opinion on my happiness than my own?)
Even in death, Simon Snow has a grip on my life.
And I have some musings about Ebb & Flow under the cut, with the tags.
Wohoo, it is online! It’s being read. I am happy people seem to like it, since y’all might remember I didn’t always like it, but when I read it through before publishing I had a “yeah, this is alright” moment and the art made me even more excited to publish it.
I was an idiot though and I never gave the actual title to my artist, hence the & in the title now. (I guess I use them interchangeably anyway. Ebb and Flow or Ebb & Flow? Who cares.) (I did laugh a lot when I saw “and other Splatoon gibberish” as the subtitle.)
Title talk aside, I actually have a long deleted scene. I usually try to aim for six actual sentences on Sunday, but I guess I am still high on energy from posting and I cannot wait till Wednesday, so here goes:
Avalon has a big smile on their face.
Blaine was listening to some music, so he takes out an earbud.
“We’re gaming again!” Avalon says happily, “Is this the day you’ll finally join us?”
Blaine has his Switch in his bag. He nods and he joins Avalon. The theatre can be a bit of a maze, but Avalon knows the way and after a few weeks, Blaine’s also gotten used to it. The two of them arrive and Avalon introduces Blaine to everyone, including Mr. 21.
Mr. 21 is staring at him with a frown and Blaine immediately straightens up. Hopefully this isn’t the return of grumpy Mr. 21.
But then Mr. 21 gives him a nod and a smile. Others are also very welcoming. Blaine hears some names in passing, but since everyone already knows each other, they unintentionally ignore him at times. Eventually one person suggests Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, since almost everyone with a Nintendo Switch owns that game.
“We do have to use local multiplayer, though,” Blaine quickly says, “I haven’t connected my device to the Wi-Fi yet.”
After all, he mostly uses online play for Splatoon 2. It’s needed for that game.
It’s a lot of fun and Blaine manages to win one round, which leads to Avalon slapping him on the back. Everyone’s really good at Mario Kart, though, so there’s no clear winner. Well, the game puts a crown on the best player’s Mii, but everyone is doing great and that crown gets passed around a lot.
So, it was always an idea to have Kurt and Blaine game during The Street after they became somewhat friendly, but then I realised that that would mean that their offline interactions would come scarily close to the online ones. As in, if you’re playing on your Switch, your friends get a notification that you’re online and what software you’re playing.
Now, we’ve noticed in the later chapters that Blaine can be quite dense, even when the blatant evidence of Kurt being Mr. 21 is in front of him, but this cut a bit too close.
I came up with a workaround: Blaine’s Switch wouldn’t be connected to the internet. You only get those notifications when you’re both connected, hence the “I haven’t connected my device to the Wi-Fi yet” part. 
But then I realised that Blaine would learn Kurt’s name, since names are displayed while playing Mario Kart 8. And since he’s also obsessed with Kurt (because of the loooove), he’d definitely recognise Kurt’s Mii. So unless I made Kurt play under a screenname, it wasn’t going to work, and we’ve already established that he doesn’t with Splatoon 2, so why would he with Mario Kart?
And that’s why I cut it. Now that they are dating, you bet they play games with other colleagues. Avalon is still the best at Mario Kart 8, though.
Tagging @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @bookish-bogwitch @caramelcoffeeaddict @thnxforknowingme (get in loser we’re going writing!!) @sillyunicorn @wellbelesbian @excalisbury @artsyunderstudy@bazzybelle @urban-sith​ @you-remind-me-of-the-babe​ @dragoneggo @takitalks @tea-brigade​ @facewithoutheart​ @ivelovedhimthroughworse​
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heatherly84 · 7 years
Athosian subtitles, for once
Sigrid: Kohouma. ::raising her eyebrows:: Mutta mika kohouma? Zane: Did I say anything about escalating? ::makes a face:: And if she doesn't speak Standard, what are the odds she knows who we are? Branjen: ::emerging beside her- is familiar, but has a whole hand with all of its fingers:: Sota. Sigrid: Sota? ::gives him a skeptical look:: Ei. Se ei ole Sota. Zane: ::rolls his eyes:: Oh, just make yourself look nonthreatening. ::goes back to working on the ship:: Xur: ::spreads his hands in a clear "look, I'm not holding any weapons" way:: Branjen: On. Velvoit sinua.  Sigrid: ::still looks skeptical, eyes Zane consideringly, then sighs:: Mor vil onske ham. Branjen: Mhm. Sigrid: ::put-upon sigh:: Pilaat kaiken hauskan, toivottavasti tiedat sen. Branjen: ::agreeably:: Mhm.
Sigrid: Eminence. But which eminence? Branjen: War. Sigrid: War? No. That’s not War. Branjen: Is. I’ll bet you. Sigrid: Mother will want him. Branjen: Mhm. Sigrid: You ruin everything fun, you know that. Branjen: Mhm.
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jelloopy · 4 years
TAZ Grad Ep 27
The boys are in front of the Godscar chasm  (This is spooky right off the bat lets see where this goes)
FUCK Argo rolled a 1 and is being strongly affected by the chasm he grabs onto Fitz’ shoulder for balance (Maplekeen shippers come get yall juice.)
T h e m u s i c (I will lose my mind as soon as this album is out good lord)
Argo is seeing himself attacking his boys? (Holy shit where is this going?)
IT WAS A FUCKING DREAM THANK FUCKING GOD (This better not be one of those things like Duck had in Amnesty I’ll fight.)
Griffin being pissed that he rolled a nat 20 on perception in a fucking dream and declaring that he’s withholding that until a more opportune time.
Uh oh…. Where are Firbolg and Fitz?
awe they left him a note! It’s okay!
”That’s just dad’s inner monologue” that’s… awe come on “sorry my son came in here and said that bullshit” “awe Henry come on man” “being a bad son is genetic it seems” (Pure gold I love this family)
Sabor saying he was “somewhere else for a second” (does not give me the best vibes ngl…. Sabor’s p sus)
Justin’s new podcast law around Sabor and Firbolg. (Tbh I was a big fan of the slow arduous talking scenes but I will live I suppose…)
Sabor…………………… why are you so sus rn. Ur just tired. Stop being cryptic p l e a s e.
”I have been giving this much thought” “hell yes.”
”Would you like to party with the fairy’s?” “I need some sort of survival guarantee that I’ll make it through the evening” (This is an extremely viable request)
“Snippers don’t be like that…” “It’s okay I’m flattered!” (I need subtitles for Snippers p l e a s e)
“But this Lil guy is my familiar. He’s not the source of my magical powers, as far as I know… that would be a pretty late season twist.” “DAMNIT GRIFFIN YOU FIGURED IT OUT! All magic in Nua flows through snippers”
damnit they haven’t partied with Chaos
OH SHIT they don’t know about Fitzroy’s connection with Chaos
oop this is…. Oop. “if your source of magic is external you should not have been able to access it within the crypt.”
 “I also have a habit of delighting people” “HM!”
He lovingly refers to them as his “Boys”
“that wasn’t Argo that was your dad” “CLINT?! THE POWERFUL WIZARD!?” (Clint is truly a multidimensional and plane hopping wizard. We stan)
“we need a name for this multiverse that Clint Travels through” “How about the Clinterous” “TRAVIS. Honestly Travis! Are you fucking kidding me?!” (I………… why Travis… why)
Thank god they all use the restroom before they leave
Argo was literally stabbing in his sleep….?
Firbolg’s first pair of shorts! ‘N he enjoys them. V v happy with this
This means that Gray is actively in Argo’s mind, twisting what he hears! That’s dogshit he needs to stop (s t o p h u r t i n g a r g o 2 0 2 0)
Firbolg has yet to tell them about his dad’s passing and Fitz’ respects that. Argo on the other hand goes ahead and pries in on it.
(Fits their characters tbh)
“Are we just not going to class anymore?” “It’s all Virtual” (I had to stop and laugh for a good minute bc of the delivery by Justin. It got me)
Hero is in front of the Chasm… bb are you ok...
Fitz’ whistling to get Hero’s attention… (Fitz… he’s not a Dog anymore bud…)
Hero has been working up the courage to explore the Chasms! (Pls take him with you)
“you were a dog for a long time you think that you’d be used to people cleaning up your mess” it gets a smile out of hero AND Firby starts to dance! (I need all of the Firby cosplayers to make a TikTok with this and I need all artists to draw this stat. I need the dopamine p l e a s e)
“He does this any time he makes a slam dunk of a joke we just have to let him finish”
God I love when they back up for a min and do some good ol table talk
”I’m talking as a human being Justin Mcelroy father of two.”
“If you guys win a demon war? It’s at least an A-” “what would it take to get the A+?” “You could bring me a fruit basket” (The absolute Corruption… lmao)
Niceee Hero is gonna go work with Althea this is gonna be great.
Yes griffin giving that perception check NO CLINT WITH THAT FUCKING NAT 1 (Clint needs new dice that are blessed please)
Fitz sees Argo take out his blade and sees a look in his eyes. Firby sees it too. (aaaaaand I was right it was one of those “Duck” scenarios ….. damnit)
Firby uses thorn whip around Argo’s wrist and he doesn’t fight it. ( :(  )
Fitz insists that he goes into Argo’s mind to see what’s going on and Argo agrees but as Fitz gets near him he puts up a fight… (This is getting quite concerning)
FIRBOLG CASTS HOLD PERSON. HOLY SHIT. BRO. (I did not know he could do that… damn alright…)
Clint your VA is so good I adore you so much. (I just need to tell him that he is doing an amazing job. Pulling at my heartstrings constantly)
Maplekeen shippers come get your angst (I don’t ship it myself but I cannot imagine what the tags are gonna look like after this bc damn…)
Gray is in Argo’s mindscape. Mother FUCKER.
Fitz casts Thunderwave at Gray on-site and a Lil to cocky like Gray puts up a hand to block it but underestimates Fitz and goes flying about 10ft back (This is… mmmmm yes I’m very comfortable with the energy we’ve created in the studio today)
“Stop fucking cheating!” (YO HE CURSED REALLY WELL!!!!!! He’s learning!)
“Festo wouldn’t do anything to hurt me” *silence* (Sus)
The portal in the Chasm... ever-growing… Opalescent being with white eyes...
I’m very intrigued. I enjoy how Fitz is annoyed instead of angry most of the time. It really brings into perspective that this is kinda a useless war that doesn’t need to happen. That also the Warforged from the last episode was onto something with the question of “why six months?).
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gretchensinister · 7 years
Rules: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions. (Um. That’s not happening. But if I’ve ever sent a chat message to you I definitely want you to do this.)
Tagged by @monsterbrush (I think you’re a spy trying to gather intel on me for some reason)
1. coke or pepsi: Caffiene-free diet coke  2. disney or dreamworks: Dreamworks has a cooler name, Disney has this whole surreal mythology thing with the parks and the fact that it basically controls US copyright law, it’s hard to compare and pick one on any scale 3. coffee or tea: Coffee, as long as there’s an actual liquid milk substance to go in it 4. books or movies: Both! 5. windows or mac: I’ll probably never voluntarily work with a mac, but mostly I don’t give that much of a crap 6. dc or marvel: DCAU FOR LIFE  7. x-box or playstation: The only videogame that I’ve ever said “yes, I must play this” that wasn’t playable on a computer was Journey, which was for the playstation 3, so playstation. 8. dragon age or mass effect: I have actually put mass effect on my tumblr savior blacklist, so I seem to have been more annoyed by posts about mass effect than posts about dragon age. But really I don’t know anything about them. People who do, is either something I would like?  9. night owl or early riser: Honestly I try to be both at once and then just end up wanting to sleep in the middle of the day 10. cards or chess: Cards because everyone who’s invited me to play chess with them thinks I’d be good at it AND I’M NOT 11. chocolate or vanilla: chocolate chocolate chocolate 12. vans or converse: Once I spent a whole semester at college never wearing shoes ever (until it snowed) and literally no one ever said anything, even at the movie theater 13. Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: I feel most confident about pronouncing Lavellan or Cadash but otherwise I have no idea what’s going on here 14. fluff or angst: I just want a writer who has a clue what they’re doing 15. beach or forest: the beach but I’m really only in it for the sand 16. dogs or cats: cats 17. clear skies or rain: both, both, definitely both (at the same time) 18. cooking or eating out: I’m too ace for the joke I could make here. Anyway I really enjoy cooking and going out to eat at places that make food that I can’t make in my kitchen  19. spicy food or mild food: I just want a cook who knows what they’re doing (um...but I’ve also actually gone to a hot sauce festival, so) 20. halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: I can say “both” as many times as I want, right? 21. would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: A little too cold, because while that would suck, at least I could wear my favorite styles of clothing year-round. 22. if you could have a superpower, what would it be: I really want the power to heal 23. animation or live action: Animation, because everything on screen is on purpose and there’s so much less mumbling than in live action 24. paragon or renegade: Looking at the two words, I prefer renegade 25. baths or showers: Showers, because I don’t like just sitting around in water. All the things I like to sit around doing don’t mix well with water 26. team cap or team ironman: Team I Feel Like Marvel Is Going To Need To De-escalate Their Storyline And I Don’t See Them Knowing How To Do That 27. fantasy or sci-fi: It’s a continuum, so, both/all 28. do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: “The parties are advised to chill."-Judge Alex Kozinski (Mattel suing Aqua over the song “Barbie Girl”)
“I always had the repulsive need to be something more than human.”—David Bowie
“Life is short And pleasures few And holed the ship And drowned the crew But o! But o! How very blue the sea is.”
― Clive Barker
29. youtube or netflix: I mean, if I had to pick one, I would pick youtube, because netflix has a lower chaos factor 30. harry potter or percy jackson: Harry Potter, but mostly because I saw a percy jackson movie and I absolutely hated what they did with the character of Persephone 31. when you feel accomplished: When I complete my writing goals, and when all the chores get done at work  32. star wars or star trek: I know more about Star Wars, but I’d like to get into Star Trek--I mean, I know there’s a fandom for it.  33. paperback books or hardback books: Paperback, because I’m usually reading three at a time so I prefer lighter formats 34. horror or rom-com: What is the point of horror with no romance or comedy? 35. tv shows or movies: Movies, but this means that I will eagerly see a movie by myself, but friends have to coerce me into watching TV shows, which I then enjoy 36. favorite animal: That one bigfin(?) squid because it’s enough of a diva to want to get filmed, but is confident enough in itself to not sacrifice any of its total horrifyingness 37. favorite genre of music: The playlist that you play while going with your best friend/lover to dispose of the body of someone you didn’t really like in a swamp in Louisiana 38. least favorite book: Atlas Shrugged fuck that thing 39. favourite season: Autumn--everything is very colorful and dead, and the chaos factor of everything increases 40. song that’s currently stuck in your head: I’m listening to music right now so I don’t have a song stuck in my head. But recently I had “We Built This City on Rock and Roll” stuck in my head for a long time at work 41. what kind of pyjama’s do you wear: Flannel pj pants and a long-sleeved t-shirt right now 42. if you could be any fictional character’s best friend, who’d you be?: I would be Sanderson Mansnoozie’s best friend, I feel like that would work out somehow 43. If you can only choose one song to be played at your funeral, what would it be: “Death is the Road to Awe” by Clint Mansell
44. Smiling or smirking?: I mean, when the time is right, you have to have both at your disposal 45. Harry Potter movies or books: books books books 46. Something you’re proud of: the fact that I’ve actually made money off of niche erotica 47. Dub or Subtitles?: Can’t knit with subs, so dubs it is. Unless I started watching something with subtitles. Then I just have to somehow watch a show without doing something else at the same time???????
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escapaldi · 7 years
I was tagged by @randomthunk to do this and I know that @thehenryhiggs tagged me this time last month but I’ve been a bad person so I’ll go and combine the two under the cut.
From Kat:
Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better to answer the following questions no
Relationship status: Taken, talking of possible utmost seriousness-levels of commitment in (Lord willing) the near-ish future
Favorite color: Orange, red, and blue
Lipstick or Chapstick: Neither. I lick my lips very often and find that anything I put on there just gets licked all off/is useless all the way down to chapstick.
Last song I listened to: Since I don’t know what song that was on the radio for five seconds earlier today: I would have to say Days AO Mix by Flow. Last album was Reanimation by Linkin Park. I am bad.
Last movie I watched: One Piece Film GOLD, because you know it’s true love when the man you’re dating was never big in shonen manga but suggests going to see a dumb shonen movie in theatres like you’re both the massive weebs you are. (And trust me, the entire ride back to my place was filled with questions and I got to dust off my knowledge of the series.)
Top 3 TV shows: I’m severely disinterested in a good 80%+ of television at the moment because so much looks like crap (this does not count the shows I have reserved for when the time is right, you know how that goes). I’m mostly catching up on 1963-1989 Doctor Who at the moment, which is a wonderful treat. Do sports count? Green Acres/Bewitched? I dunno.
Top 3 characters: The Doctor (Doctor Who; almost all iterations), the ‘Bots from MST3k... I dunno?
Top 3 ships: Umm... at the moment? Whouffaldi (Twelfth Doctor/Clara Oswald, Doctor Who), Malcolm Tucker/Kate Stewart (The Thick of It/Doctor Who crackship), and Stormy Nakabito/deadpan snarking (Owl’s Flower; it counts!).
Book(s) I’m currently reading: I’m trying desperately to reread A Princess of Mars but it’s not working because I attempt writing way too often to focus properly. I also looked up One Piece spoilers and I realized I need to get back to that again (and the other true manga love in my life: Vinland Saga).
From Trip:
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better! extra no
Nickname? Nehs
Height? 5′9″ or 175cm
Time right now? a bit after midnight-thirty
Last thing you googled? “homemade dog treats” bc I’m trying to get a specific job and such knowledge could be a boost to my efforts
Song stuck in your head? I just kept the Reanimation album on YouTube and am occasionally lipsyncing so that’s a thing.
Last movie you watched? Since I already answered that previously, I’ll list what the bf and I saw in December: Hidden Figures (excellent, A+ rec), Star Wars: Rouge One (a decent installment with a good tone shift I don’t want seen in the main series), Allied (it was Just Okay), and Spirited Away (I had never seen it with subtitles before!). It was a busy month for us and movies.
Last TV show you watched? it was a hockey game bc i am faux-canuckistanian garbage
What are you watching right now? Again, Classic Who and SPORTS.
What are you wearing right now? Captain America t-shirt, jeans, slippers
When did you create your blog? July 2011 holy crap. Writing blog goes back to November 2012, which is almost as weird.
What kind of stuff do you post? When I do post it’s usually fandom-related stuff, maybe dumb things, or cool history stuff.
Do you get asks on a regular basis? Sometimes on the writing blog in the form of prompts, but I haven’t had many of those as of late.
Why did you choose your url? escapades + [peter] capaldi = escapaldi, so it works. Also nehswritesstuffs is self-explanatory.
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The List
The entire point is to avoid those vague-ass goals you’ll never get around to do so I’m posting the reason for every goal I have.
Some goals are private so are either slightly edited (e.g. how much money I want to save) or completely blacked out (e.g. things that are very personal), but the vast majority is for everyone’s eyes. All goals are very specific but to shorten the list I’ve included “Update wardrobe” but omitted the subgoals such as “Buy a new jacket” and “Buy 3 pairs of jeans”, for instance.
If you’re interested in doing this project yourself I suggest you take a look at dayzeroproject.com – there is plenty of information on how to go about it as well as a huge source of ideas for your list!
Without any further ado – my list:
101 List 2017
Start date: 1st January 2017 End date: 29th September 2019
In progress: Complete: Failed:
1.    Update wardrobe in 2017 [I desperately need new clothes after two pregnancies]
2.    Clear out wardrobe [I also desperately need to clear out my closet before I drown in stuff I can’t fit anymore]
3.    Get a new tattoo w. foot/handprints [I want a tattoo of my kid’s hand/footprints, this one is self explanatory]
4.    Get a Doctor Who inspired tattoo [I’ve wanted this for a good while now but never got around to doing it]
5.    Get a SPN inspired tattoo [Ditto the above]
6.    Do 20 sit-ups every day for a month (0/30) [After the twins this is just really necessary since I can barely lift anything anymore]
7.    Cut out sugar for one week (0/7) [In hopes that it’ll help with my migraines]
8.    Don’t drink soda for an entire month (0/30) [Again, migraines. Not to mention it’s expensive]
9.    Jump rope 10 min. every day for a month  (0/30) [Because it’s literally the only thing I want to do AND have time to do, and it’s better than nothing]
10. Wash face every day for a month (0/30) [Primarily because I need to do something for myself once in a while and even with three kids, I can find 30 seconds to put product on my face and wash it]
11. Use hair treatment once a week for 3 months (5/12) [After two horrible pregnancies where food was NOT my friend, my hair is a joke]
12. Practice being ambidextrous [I’ve always been ambidextrous but with twins you notice exactly HOW useful it is, so I want to get better at it]
13. Take an Italian course [Because “learn Italian” always seems to fail on every list and I should be able to do a single course]
14. Learn the ASL alphabet [Never underestimate communication skills!]
15. Learn the Cyrillic alphabet by heart [I’m okay at it but it takes too long if I’m reading subtitles, etc. so I want to get better]
16. Take an archery class [I’ve wanted to do this for SO many years but somehow just never got around to it]
On the inside:
17. Do something for ME once a month for a year (2/12)[Because I really, really need to. This something can be almost anything, as long as I feel relaxed and let myself enjoy myself]
Family & Friends
18. Take kids to a water park [They’d all love it and we’ve never been]
19. Do some kind of activity with A every week for a year (0/52) (bake, cook, Legos, paint, etc.) (2/30) [After the twins, he quickly feels a little left out, so doing activities that are just for him might help.]
20. Give A a new book each month for a year (1/12) [He loves his books just like his mom, but we’re both growing tired of the same ones]
21. Take a picture of D & J next to the giant teddy bear every month until they turn 1 [I’ve always been way too sick after pregnancy to do anything fun like this but better late than never, right?]
22. Have a special one-on-one day with each kid every month for a year [With three kids, especially twins, one-on-one time is hard to come by, so I need to prioritize it]
23. Have a night out with J every month for a year (0/12) [Because we need time away from out lovely offspring]
24. Take dance lessons with J [We’ve talked about it for a while but never got around to it]
25. Give J a “day off” once a week for two months (0/8) [He’s amazing with the kids but he’s very bad at letting himself relax!]
26. Do something nice for J 12 times (0/12) [I used to do so many nice, little things for him but kind of stopped after I got really sick]
27. Take brother mini-golfing [It’s a childhood thing]
28. Invite brother over for dinner once a month for 6 months (0/6) [We don’t always have enough time to hang out very often]
29. Invite mom over for dinner once a month for 6 months  (0/6) [She’s hard to make come by because she always feels like she’s intruding, even with an invitation]
General family:
30. Move to a new house before A starts school [We could use the space but mainly because I REFUSE to let him go to school in this neighborhood!]
32. Have a family photo taken [Because it’s rarely a spur-of-the-moment things that someone takes a picture of all five of us]
33. Take S out to dinner, just the two of us [Because we always hang out as couples + kids and it would be nice to leave the kids and husbands behind for once]
34. Take C out to dinner, just the two of us [I think she could use some adult time, being a single mother she’s always “on call”]
35. Host 3 board-game nights  (0/3) [I LOVE playing board games but we rarely ever do it]
36. Buy 3 new board games (0/3) [It would be nice to own a few new ones]
37. Host 3 dinner nights with friends (0/3) [Usually our dinner nights consist of everyone forgetting dinner and ordering something last minute. I’d like to actually cook food for once]
38. Open an emergency account and put at least X in every month for a year (1/12) [We had one but our car f’ed up tremendously so we need to build it up from scratch]
39. Do a no-spend month (not including groceries, bills, etc.) three times (0/3) [I’m in no doubt we can do this, we don’t buy too much excessive stuff anyhow but I really want to see how much we can save by buying nothing excessive]
40. Try 6 new flavors of ice cream (0/6) [Because this is my favorite goal on all my lists :D]
41. Try 12 new recipes (1/12) [I quickly get bored and it’s fun to try new things]
42. Try 12 new foods (1/12) [Ditto the above]
43. Make homemade chocolates [I’ve always wanted to try but never been patient enough; after three kids I think I have all the patience I’ll ever have]
44. Make and CAN tomato sauce from scratch [I’ve always wanted to be more self-sufficient and I think canning will turn out to be my kind of thing]
45. Make my own bread one a week for a month (0/4) [I love homemade bread but I’m a shovel when it comes to baking… Won’t ever learn if I don’t try]
46. Write down all food we throw out and why for a month(0/30) [I used to throw very little out but kids make everything a bit more challenging, and I know that if I write down how much we throw out, I’ll be more likely to avoid the “pit falls”]
47. Stick to the meal plan for 3 consecutive months (0/3) [Because I’ve been shit at this lately with the result of a tripled food budget!]
48. Keep a food waste journal for a month three times (0/3) [I know we throw out little compared to most people but I still think it’s WAY too much, and it would be nice to see where we can improve]
49. Serve really delicious/interesting lunch for A for two weeks (i.e. no bread/lunchmeat/that’s-it combos) (0/7) (0/7) [because we’re all getting tired of the same things]
50. Serve really delicious/interesting lunch for myself for two weeks (0/7) (0/7)
51. Make really delicious/interesting lunch boxes for my husband for two weeks (0/7) (0/7)
Books, music and movies
52. Read 12 of the unread books in my bookcase (0/12) [I need to cut down the amount of books I have and only keep the ones I love, but I keep re-reading my favorites]
53. Read my height in books (164 cm worth of (0/164 cm) [I’m a hobbit so I might even finish this one]
54. Read one new poem each month for a year. Compile a journal of these poems (1/12) [I miss poetry but it hasn’t been a priority for the last many years]
55. Finish A’s list of movies (1/23)
[Because I’m crap at watching movies and I’ve promised him to watch at least some of these]
- Alien III - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - The Fugitive - In Bruges - Reservoir Dogs - The Prestige - Twelve Monkeys - Good Will Hunting - V for Vendetta - X-Men: Days of Future Past - Indiana Jones - Ant-Man - The Wolverine - The Usual Suspect - Find Me Guilty - Glengarry Glen Ross - John Wick - Love Actually - Megamind - One Hour Photo - Pacific Rim - The Fifth Element - The Recruit
56. Watch all Star Wars movies (2/8)[Because A asked me to]
57. Go ice skating [My husband promised to take me the first winter we were dating but then I got pregnant and we forgot all about it]
58. Try laser tag [Who wouldn’t want to try laser tag!?]
59. Ride a horse [I’ve always wanted to try this but I was one of those kids who cried when I saw a mini-pony and was asked if I wanted to ride it…]
60. Hold a snake [Simply because snakes are awesome]
61. Watch a Symphony Orchestra live [I’m so annoyed we missed the Harry Potter concert two years ago that any concert would do at this point]
Creative stuff
62. Do the 365 Photos in 365 Days challenge [I fail this goal every time but I’ll make it eventually, right?]
63. Take a self-portrait every month for a year (0/12) [Just for fun. Maybe to see if the bags under my eyes get smaller as time goes by]
64. Buy a tripod [Seriously – have you tried taking a selfie with 5 people in it?]
65. Fill out an adult coloring book [I have an app on my phone but it’s much more relaxing with the real deal]
66. Do one craft each week, no matter how small, for 3 months (0/12) [This is gonna be a real challenge but I would love to actually do something enjoyable again that doesn’t involve other people]
67. Take a photography course [Taking better pictures would be nice!]
68. Finish “This Is Not a Book” [I really want to finish these books/journals soon]
69. Finish “Mess” [I really want to finish these books/journals soon]
70. Finish “Wreck This Journal” [I really want to finish these books/journals soon]
House [All goals have sub-goals and are meant to improve our house and our sanity – I go crazy when I have to look at 18 piles of random crap around the house]
71. Bedroom
72. Living room
73. Bathroom
74. A’s room
75. D & J’s room
76. Playroom
77. Kitchen
78. Hallway
Cleaning up my life
80. Use up 10 products (not including shampoo) a year [I’ve given away like 90% of my stuff because I had WAY too much, but I still need to actually use the stuff I have left] - 2017 (1/10) - 2018 (0/10) - 2019 (0/10)
81. Buy 3 things through a helporg site [Often enough they have some pretty cool stuff and why not support it?]
82. Donate X kr to Pomozi.ba (0/X) [They’re one of the very few organizations I fully trust and I highly appreciate what they do, so I’d love to help]
83. Make 6 micro-loans of min. X pr. loan (0/6) [I think this is such a neat idea and definitely something that doesn’t cost too much for us to do]
86. Update First Aid kit
87. Take a baby CPR course
88. Take CPR course every year (2014) (2015) (2016) (2017)
91. Grow something edible in the garden without killing it or attracting a horde of snails this time [Long story, but I won’t be growing lettuce again…]
0 notes
dapaywinduh-blog · 7 years
Wrestlemania 33 Predictions
I've been gone for a bit, but I'm back now. I'll pick up the Raw Time Machine again very soon, but since it is coming up this Sunday, I thought I'd give my picks for Wrestlemania. Subtitled "The Ultimate Thrill-Ride!!!", because Vince apparently hates the "Granddaddy of Them All" nickname, this year's show comes to us from somewhere in Florida and will last like 12 hours. I gotta be honest, I'm kinda checked out this year. WWE programming has not been as compelling to me as other things, like Lucha Underground. But I can't say I won't be watching this Sunday. It is Wrestlemania, dammit! The TWO GODDAMNED HOUR LONG PRE-SHOW! - Andre the Giant Battle Royal - This concept has never been the star creator they make it out to be. It is really just an excuse to get lower midcarders on the show and give them something to do. Cesaro won the inaugural match, then Big Show, and last year it was Baron Corbin. This year is full of tag guys and jobbers and Braun Strowman, making it pretty obvious who will win. He is my pick, but I would prefer Dolph Ziggler to win, because Jesus, he is still in the company after the way they've treated him. At least throw him a bone. - Neville vs Austin Aries for the Cruiserweight Title - Neville has reinvented himself recently, and his bitter hardass villain persona really works. Austin Aries is a real life douchebag who acts like a jerk and gets cheered. He will probably win here so a face gets a win, but I don't see a benefit to him going forward. Neville has the better upside. WRASSLEMANIAAAAAA!!! - Alexa Bliss vs Becky Lynch vs Naomi vs Mickie James vs Natalya vs Carmella for the SmackDown Women's Title - Another "get them all on the show" match. SmackDown's Women's Division benefits from some great wrestlers (Lynch, Nattie, Mickie) as well as supreme hotties (Alexa, Mickie, Naomi). I can't imagine this will be a show-stealer, but it will probably be fun for five to seven minutes. Lynch, Bliss, Naomi, or even Mickie are believable as winners for this, but I'm going to predict Naomi, since she had to drop the title immediately after she won it recently due to an injury. She got a great response when she won, and I think WWE would like to recreate that, especially since I think Naomi is from Florida. - Gallows & Anderson vs Cesaro & Sheamus vs Enzo & Big Cass for the Raw Tag Titles - Another multi-man match. This type of booking smacks of indecision. They can't decide who should be in the match, so fuck it, put everyone in. Wrestlemania 15, anyone? Honestly, any of these three teams could win and be fine going forward, but I'm going to pick Gallows & Anderson to retain. Enzo & Cass will do their entrance promo and continue to never win the big one, and I guess Sheamus will Brogue Kick someone. I guess it will be fine, but it is criminal to me that these teams get a featured match, while American Alpha and the revitalized Usos have to languish in the Battle Royal. - Dean Ambrose vs Baron Corbin for the Intercontinental Title - Dean has a weird thing, where he spends the better part of the year in the main event picture, until Mania roles around and he gets relegated to the midcard. Here he is defending the IC belt against Vince's boy Baron Corbin. Baron has come into his own, but he still suffers at times from the "big stiff hoss" disease. I bet he wins here, probably with some chicanery. - John Cena & Nikki Bella vs Miz & Maryse - I fervently believe that Miz is the best heel in the company right now, and while I think he ultimately deserves better, a featured match against Cena is nothing to sneeze at. The involvement of the ladies here is unnecessary, but I get why - they gotta promote Total Divas/Bellas. Miz is great and Maryse is gorgeous, but there is no way they win over SuperCena and Juggs McTwinsy. - Chris Jericho vs Kevin Owens for the US Title - Like Neville, Y2J has reinvented himself, this time into an arrogant prigg who puts his enemies on "The List of Jericho". His best buddy run with Owens, and the subsequent break up, is easily the best storyline WWE has done this year, and I think it is criminal that this match is for a midcard belt and not the Universal Title. Goldberg/Lesnar didn't need the belt to be the main event. It is Punk losing his title to make Rock/Cena 2 a title match all over again. Anyway, I figure Owens wins here. Jericho is leaving soon to do his rock star bit, and Owens getting the rub from Y2J is more useful than Jericho winning for a brief happy moment. - Bayley vs Sasha Banks vs Charlotte Flair vs Nia Jax for the Raw Women's Title - Another multi-person match? Damn you, D'Lo! First off, Nia has no business being in this match. She had the potential in NXT to be a Bull Nakano-style monster, but the WWE's insistence on focusing on her "pretty eyes" and having her squash better wrestlers for no reason isn't doing her any favors. Sasha has appeared to be teasing a heel turn by helping Bayley for a while now, so I predict that Charlotte wins the belt when Sasha costs Bayley the win, thereby transitioning Bayley and Sasha into a feud, to recreate their chemistry from NXT. Charlotte will go on to feud with newly-face Dana Brooke and they will have terrible matches. - Holy crap, is this still going??? - Shane McMahon vs AJ Styles - AJ deserves so much better, but at least he isn't in the Andre Battle Royal. Shane will jump off something high after selling like death for AJ's offense, and if Styles - the best wrestler in the world - does not beat a 50+ year old non-wrestler, then we will riot. - Seth Rollins vs Triple H in an Unsanctioned Match - I have never understood the idea of an "Unsanctioned Match". So the company feels like having this match is unsafe and a bad idea, but they still put it on the biggest show of the year and assign a WWE ref to count three? Why? Nonsense aside, I'm glad Rollins gets a Mania match after missing out last year and almost missing this year too. The Unsanctioned bullshit is just a fancy way to say No DQ, so expect Samoa Joe to show up and help Hunter. I'd love to see Finn Balor return to even the odds and help Rollins pull out a victory, but I suspect Seth falls to the numbers game and a blatant sledgehammer shot to the knee and Triple H gets the win. - Undertaker vs Roman Reigns - I think this is going to be terrible. Taker should have retired after his Mania 30 loss to Lesnar in a terrible match with a shocking finish. He can barely walk anymore, and while Roman is a much better wrestler than folks give him credit for, his best matches are with guys who can work really well, like Lesnar and AJ Styles. Taker won't give him anything to work with, and Roman will likely not know how to work around him. I hope I'm wrong, and Taker has one last barn-burner in him, but I'm not optimistic. Undertaker wins here because Roman isn't stupid. - Bray Wyatt vs Randy Orton for the WWE Title - Randy Orton's defection to the Wyatt Family has been a surprising success, and he and Bray have surprising chemistry. I think this may be the sleeper match of the night, and I would be shocked if Randy doesn't win. Not saying he is a dead lock, but Bray pulling out a retention will likely only happen if Luke Harper or Erick Rowan come back into the fold and cost Orton the title, and I suspect that is unlikely. - Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar for the Universal Title - Oh my god we made it! So, after their horrible abortion of a match at Wrestlemania 20, Lesnar and Goldberg have another shot. This time, though, neither are working a regular schedule and both are thirteen years older. Leading up to this match, Goldberg has been well protected through the WCW-style ten second squash matches, while Lesnar hasn't done much of anything except lose badly at Survivor Series. Word is that this won't be a long match, likely since Goldberg can't wrestle and Vince remembers what happened last time. I predict ten minutes of entrances, eight minutes of garbage brawling with chairs and gimmicks, a couple spears, a few thousand F-5's, and a victory by Lesnar to send Goldberg off into the sunset. Lesnar will move ahead to feud with Rollins or Owens or maybe Balor, and Goldberg will go into the Hall of Fame next year. So there you have it. Seven-plus hours of Wrestlemania looms before us. Brace yourselves...
0 notes