#Create an Easy Meal with Barber Foods
riviae · 5 years
I love Regis' and Geralt's friendship with all my heart, but then I remember that Regis will outlive him and most of his other friends. Is anyone else thinking about this or is it just me?
oh anon, you’ve got a storm coming because i am /always/ thinking about this: 
Mourning does not come naturally to their species, that much Regis knows. Nothing is lost forever. Only the truly ancient vampires, the ones old enough to recall a time before the Conjunction of Spheres, know what loss is. 
Or so it goes for most higher vampires. But Regis has never quite been an ordinary higher vampire. 
As a youth, he chose to ignore the parts of himself that yearned for genuine connection. He made a reputation as a rabble-rouser, someone good at creating superficial ties between vampires who didn’t quite fit in–they were the lonely ones, the wild ones, the ones who took to drinking in excess, pouring drinks in favor of talking about anything important at all. The superfluous charm he had as a storyteller, a vampire whose drunken escapades were revered and shunned in equal measure, made it so he always had someone, some company to entertain. He was never alone with his thoughts so he never had to face the consequences of his actions, the families he destroyed, the ugly addiction that made him irritable and callous when sober. 
And then he died–or came as close as he could to death. Dismembered and buried under layers upon layer of dirt, all he had to pass the decades of slow healing was his mind. His memories repeated over and over behind his eyes an innumerable amount of times. Burned villages. Empty bassinets covered in blood. Laughter–his own, he knew it had to be his own, but it sounded unfamiliar. Foreign. As if his sense of self had been neatly cleaved in half. There was the monster that he was before his regeneration, and then there was the monstrous man who took its place. Not a monster–not anymore, but perhaps still the relic of one. A relic of monstrosity learning to be a person, something not quite human, but as close as his distinct biological structure allowed.
In the years that followed he felt the burden of his prior choices, allowed them to age him, to steal the dark from his hair, to mark his face with lines and age-spots. The first step to being something human, he surmised, was to age. So he did. It suited him, Regis thought, to wear a different appearance after his regeneration. One that more easily brought to mind that of a kindly barber-surgeon. 
He traveled the continent for centuries, acting as a barber-surgeon on the battlefield (because there was always a war somewhere, wasn’t there? bloodshed somewhere. a constant reminder of what he denied himself floating through the air, as sweet as honeysuckle, as pungent as copper.) and a door-to-door physician at whatever village he chose to settle down in as winter took hold once more. Regis preferred to travel the human way, using a donkey that he always gave a rather obvious name to, and he would not lose a good animal because of frozen roads and waist-deep snow. 
It was during the particularly long and chilling winters that Regis felt the cold sting of loss. Humans could die in so many horrifically tragic ways. He had helped bury babies and mothers and young children and young couples and elderly widows and everything in between. But in the winter, it was as if Death walked amongst them, pacing the doors of the young and old with equal ferocity. First, the livestock died. Then, as the snow continued to fall, as the ice grew more solid and insidious, the weeks turning into months, food storages dwindled. People grew hungry. Disease spread. And Regis could do nothing but act as a comforting hand, a gentle voice in the dark once the tallow ran out, nothing to make candles from. There was no cure for hunger or cold in those days, not when there weren’t any animals around for miles, when Regis spent most of his waking hours at dying people’s bedsides, watching as the life trickled out of them, heard their heartbeats slow and slow until everything grew silent. He thought he might grow mad–so many deaths in so little time, people he had joked and played cards with in the fall, whose homes he had been invited into with the promise of a hot meal and stimulating conversation, were now cold and dead, gone to a place he could not follow. 
And then, just when he thought he had enough of it all–humans die so quickly; why did he think it was worth it? this pain? this bone-deep ache when they inevitably took their last shuddering breath? his penance was never abstaining from blood; it was this wellspring of grief he felt at every severed connection, every life cut short in a world that damn well seemed devoted to inflicting as much agony as it could before finally pulling them into a shallow grave–he met Geralt and his company. 
He knew he shouldn’t get close. He could taste their deaths in the air–knew that they would likely be gruesome, drawn-out events. Deaths that would never leave him, not entirely. He knew that if he lingered, allowed himself and his damnable curiosity to take hold, he would never be able to leave. A logical vampire, one that traipsed through society in the shadows, who only formed bonds with other vampires, would have let Geralt and his company get drunk on mandrake moonshine and leave them there in his home amongst the ruins of the elven graveyard. He had thought about doing that. Saw their pink, dozing faces, saw how easy it would be to lull Geralt into a deep, dreamless sleep. 
(He also saw how easy it was to love them. Geralt and the brilliant mind he hid underneath a facade of indifference and stoicism. Milva and her golden heart–so strong, so lovely, so dedicated to living life as free as a red kite, a bird of prey. Dandelion’s passion for art, for music, for all the beautiful things that humans could make–a scholar, a romantic, and a loyal friend, this much was obvious to Regis.) 
That was why he left Dillingen, wasn’t it? Not because of the encroaching war (though the thick scent of blood nowadays only made his spine curl in revulsion as he associated the scent with loss, his days of playing the demon long behind him). But because he was tired. He wanted solitude. Peace. A time to heal. A time to devote to his studies. A silence not gifted by death. 
But if Regis had what would eventually be called a fatal flaw, it was this: from the beginning he had been drawn to humans in a way most vampires were not. He hadn’t known it in his youth, so blood-drunk and warm, so far gone out of his faculties, that he would have been just as satisfied with a night-long conversation with any of the charming humans he encountered then a goblet of their blood, or their body sprawled in his lap, drinking his fill and more. 
He hadn’t really ever seen humans as beneath him–even when he killed them. Their deaths were just an unfortunate price to pay for their sweet, addicting blood. Something he had not been able to stop drinking until his head was severed from his neck. 
Now, knowing that he would likely lose his new company much too soon, Regis joined in their journey to rescue Geralt’s daughter. He wanted to do something good. He wanted to make friends, to have people to share stories with, to eat with, to doze with in front of a small campfire. A sense of belonging, even if brief, was better than centuries of living in the dark, cold and alone. He’d brave anything for that warmth. 
Or so he thought.
He had survived the hansa’s death at Stygga–it had taken blood and time and the hope that, at the very least, Geralt and Yennefer had survived, had saved Cirilla, and made a home for themselves somewhere. And for once, fate was kind to him. He reunited happily with Geralt and Yennefer, and Cirilla, now a young witcheress, no longer bound by the destiny in her blood. He had even gotten to see Dandelion and Zoltan again, his visits to the Chameleon his favorite holidays away from Beauclair. 
In fact, the years after the events in Beauclair, after tempering Dettlaff’s fragile state into something that could, one day, trust humanity again, were the most peaceful years of Regis’ life. Beauclair was a warm, wine-drunk place, almost as if out of a fairytale. It made him complacent. Lax. Lulled into a sweet daydream.
Regis had forgotten that he wasn’t living in a fairytale. It was what made the tragedy all the more painful. 
He was here now, in front of a single gravestone. 
There were a string of lilacs surrounding the grave, as well as a wooden sword, the size a small child might wield. Regis placed his own offering: the last bottle of moonshine they had shared together. 
The vampire surveyed the graveyard, looked at the cloud of ravens that had flocked to him in his grief, their dark, questioning eyes boring into his prone figure as they perched in the pines above. Regis waved them away with a hand. He did not want the company. Not now. Perhaps never again. 
He felt his bones creak as he moved to sit behind the gravestone, leaning his back against it. If he focused hard enough, he could almost pretend that it was him, not a cold slab of rock. 
“Hello, Geralt,” Regis says, knees curled up against his chest, fingers toying with the strap of his satchel. 
He was met with silence–not that he expected anything else. 
“I’m… I’m not sure if I believe in an afterlife,” he starts, because what else was there to say? Geralt was dead–it would always be a one-sided conversation now. For eternity. “But I hope there is one. Wouldn’t that be grand? You could see everyone again. Milva, Cahir… even dear Angouleme.” 
The last name drove another achingly sharp stake into his heart. “So young, they were all so young. I failed you all then. At Stygga. I couldn’t keep them safe. I’m immortal and I can’t even keep one human safe.” A weak chuckle escapes him. 
What was the point of power if you couldn’t use it to protect those you cared for? It was a sad thought–how they should have all been at their safest with him beside them; but they had died as he flew across the battlefield, their deaths part of what sent him into a whirlwind of rage when he spotted Vilgefortz. Why he had gone for the mage’s eyes instead of his throat–he had wanted Vilgefortz to suffer. To feel even a passing inkling of the pain Regis had felt as he flew to protect Geralt and Yennefer from the mage’s wrath. 
The memory only increased the pain. “Wherever you are–or aren’t–know this, my dearest friend: you are so deeply loved. You thought yourself a monster, well, here is the truth. You had a monster weep for you. I miss you, already. It’s only been a few days, but time moves so slowly. I sometimes think of coming to Corvo Bianco, to sit out on the porch with you and Yennefer like before. She’d be pretending to read a book, you would be sharpening a blade–or perhaps attempting to write a letter to Cirilla. I would be regaling you both with some tale or another. You’d sigh that familiar sort of fond sigh that means ‘Regis, I wish you’d shut up already,’ while Yennefer would try to hide her smile behind the pages of her book. And then, just as it started to grow dark, the sun making its slow descent below the horizon, Marlene would call us all inside for dinner. I wish I hadn’t taken those days for granted. If only I had known just how little time we’d get. Years, yes, may seem long to some–but for me, it was like the blink of an eye.” 
He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t hear the approaching hooves. Didn’t hear as the rider swung off their horse, their footfalls growing louder and louder as they drew closer to him.
“Regis…” a voice called to him sweetly, their tone achingly gentle. It reminded him of how he spoke to patients on their deathbed, when they had but only a few moments and he comforted them as best as he could. 
(”It’s safe now. You can rest. That’s it, I’ll be right beside you. Close your eyes, my dear. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”) 
“I didn’t get to say goodbye,” Regis replies, hollow. He would cry, if he had the strength to. If it were possible to cry anymore than he did after seeing Geralt’s lifeless body at his crypt door. Still, it was almost a selfish thing to say; no one important to Geralt got to say goodbye. He regretted saying the words immediately. 
“I know.” Cirilla crouches down beside him, their knees knocking together as she mimics his position. If she is offended, she doesn’t show it. Her green eyes are lidded with grief, their usual bright spark dulled by a death none of them expected. But when was death every expected, really? Even the old expected to wake the next morning from their sleep. 
“I wish I had. If I could go back in time–if I could have stopped him from taking that contract…” he trails, biting at his lip. 
Ciri shakes her head sadly. “There’s no point in thinking like that, Regis. You couldn’t have known what would happen. You can’t blame yourself.��� 
“But I can. Did you know that when I woke up that morning, I had the oddest sense of dread? I couldn’t shake it at all. And then the sun was setting and I was feeling relieved because nothing bad had happened. Then, just as I smiled to myself, I heard the thud outside. The sound of Geralt falling in front of my door.” 
“That still doesn’t change the truth. You are not to blame. No one is,” she paused, voice going soft again. “Regis, I know what you did. I saw his body before it was burned.” 
The vampire’s gaze fell to the ground. “Then you know that I failed him–both as a friend and as a barber-surgeon. He could have survived if I had been just a few moments earlier. He was still warm. If I had gotten a raven to alert Yennefer faster, if I hadn’t spent precious moments in a state of panic over the sight of him, then… then perhaps… perhaps he’d be here. Sitting with us. Not laying in the dirt below us.” 
(Ciri had seen it–the extent at which Regis had tried to bring Geralt back to life. The way he had performed chest compressions again and again, creating a series of post-mortem bruises across the man’s otherwise pale skin. How he had then tried to massage the heart into beating, to coax out a rhythm as he reached into the exposed chest cavity. How he had no human blood on hand to replace the blood Geralt had lost so he ripped open his own veins, pouring his own blood into the witcher’s mouth from his wrist.) 
Regis startles at her touch, at the gentle hand covering his own. This was the first time he could ever recall being comforted. His occupation as barber-surgeon usually had him taking on the role–but here Cirilla was, mourning her father, and she had chosen to carve out her time into comforting a centuries-old vampire. 
“Regis, it’s alright. We know you did all you could. We’re not upset with you. And I know Geralt isn’t upset with you either. Although, he’d probably be upset to see you moping by his grave so much.” 
Regis laughs and it almost sounds happy. “You are certainly right about that.” 
They are silent, for awhile. Regis listens to the sound of the leaves skirting over the ground, he listens to Cirilla’s heartbeat, its steady rhythm a balm of sorts. Geralt was gone. He wasn’t going to come back. But he still lived on, in a way. In the bonds he forged. The family he chose. In the way Cirilla stood up abruptly, dusting off dirt from her trousers, sporting a familiar grin, one hand offered to him.
“Now, come on. I came to invite you to dinner at Corvo Bianco. Yennefer will be upset if I come back empty-handed. And, Regis… you’re allowed to grieve with us. We’re a family. It wouldn’t be right for you to grieve alone. Not when we’re all still here.”
Regis, smiling, takes her hand and lets himself be lead back home. The ache in his heart is dulled, somewhat, and for now, it is enough. It has to be. 
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Create an Easy Meal with Barber Foods
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uzumaki-rebellion · 6 years
Black Boys Bloom Thorns First: Volume 2, Chapter 6
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"Loving you has taken time, taken time But I always knew you could be mine I recognize the butterflies, inside me Since it's gonna be made tonight, tonight All you gotta do is say yes…"
Floetry – "Say Yes"
N'Jobu waited for Califia outside of his apartment complex.
The fifteen-story off-white building was full of working-class families, but it also had some sketchy characters who hung around the basketball court adjacent to the property. There was only off-street parking available. N'Jobu wanted to escort Califia inside so that folks hanging around outside could see who she was with. Residents gave him a lot of space and were happy to have him living in the building. When the block got hot or some young knuckleheads popped off, N'Jobu tended to be the peacekeeper and the ass kicker. He had a scuffle with a few ruffians his first week in the building, and once he reached for his waistband most folks thought he was packing and let him be. Word got around not to fuck with the barber on the fourteenth floor. Especially since he really was strapped now.
He saw Califia pull up in her teal hatchback and he hopped into the passenger seat to guide her to a parking spot. Walking back with her he wanted to hold her hand, but he strolled close to her, making eye contact with a few men loitering near the entrance.
They were quiet on the elevator together, so he gave side-long glances to her outfit. She had changed from teacher gear to hanging-out-for-happy-hour fits: a simple long sleeve black maxi dress with black ankle boots.
She followed him to his two-bedroom bachelor pad. His neighbors across the hall, two attractive women who worked retail, were stepping out of their apartment when N'Jobu was opening his door.
"Hey Joseph," one of them cooed as they let their eyes flit across Califia on their way out.
"'sup," N'Jobu said.
He peeped Califia checking out the women as they sauntered over to the elevator. When she turned back to look at him, he had his door open.
"Heyyyyy, Jo-seph," she teased.
"Stop," he said smiling.
"The ladies in 1402 seem very friendly."
"They are."
He held the door open and let her walk in first. Califia looked around. His furnishings were simple: a second-hand couch he bought from a thrift store that had a hideous striped pattern that he found charming. Two old bookcases and a brass and glass shelving unit that belonged to the previous tenants that he found useful and sturdy. A small coffee table with matching end tables that he bought from a cheap furniture store. A tv stand and an old tv set rounded out his humble abode. His bedroom and kitchen furniture he ordered online, along with a full cookware set and dishes. The carpet was a forgettable bland beige.
"Kick off your shoes and get comfortable," he said reaching for her purse.
She gave him her handbag and he hung it up on a wall shelf near the front door.
"You want anything to drink?"
"Sure. What do you have?"
"Juice, water…"
"No wine?"
"Unfortunately, no."
"Water then."
She sat down on his couch and he went into his kitchen to retrieve a glass for her. The batch of jasmine rice he made was ready. All he needed to do was fry up the vegetables and shrimp he had prepped. An old favorite he knew she liked when he made it in the past. Spicy plantains with onions, peppers, and mango relish. Easy to make quickly.
He brought her a cold glass of water and returned to the kitchen to cook. She wandered in to watch him.
"Should I at least set the table?" she asked observing him cook.
"No. You just let me cook. I'll do everything. Relax."
She sat at his dinette table and watched him fix their late dinner. He prepared the table for them and plated their food. She still had a healthy appetite and when she was smacking her lips and humming as she ate, he knew he'd made a good choice for their meal.
"Damn, I missed eating this," she said. She gulped down some water and dipped her finger in the mango relish still on her plate and nibbled it down, cooling her tongue from the peppers.
He cleared up their dishes and stuck the leftovers in his fridge. She followed him back into his living room and sat next to him on his couch.
"Thanks for dinner," she said.
They stared at one another for a moment, and then her eyes fell away from his. A quiet shyness came over them both. She turned her body to face him.
"We're married?" she asked.
As always, she was straight to the point.
"In a manner of speaking—"
"No, you said I was your wife. You were quite adamant about that."
"In my culture, the acceptance of the ring signifies a bond, a marriage bond. There would have to be a ceremony to formalize it, but getting the ring and seed…pretty much a wrap."
"You should've told me that."
"Would you have gotten the piercing if you knew? In this country, it doesn't mean anything, but back home…it's a sign of commitment."
"Yeah, I probably would've still done it. I was committed to you."
"Zinzi broke off the engagement."
Califia's face grew softer in her expression.
"It became a really big deal."
"Why did she break up with you?"
"She eloped with her lover and my family wanted to do damage control by keeping me hidden away in the military. We uh, we had a bit of a reckoning between us when we returned from D.C. that last time I saw you. She was with her lover, and I was with you…when we returned home…"
He wrestled to find words to explain the turmoil. It was an emotionally draining experience. On the flight home, Zinzi cried and there was no comforting her. Back in the palace, they both struggled to come to terms with not being with who they loved. In essence, they couldn't fake the funk anymore. N'Jobi approached his brother privately and tried to break down what was happening between them. T'Chaka was upset, but he held Zinzi in high esteem. She was already a part of his inner circle on national projects. She was even being considered as a future replacement for Kholiwe on the Council of Elders.
The look on T'Chaka's face when N'Jobu told him that Zinzi was in love with Gcuma was an accusatory one.
"Did you force her into his arms?" T'Chaka asked.
"What does that mean?" he asked.
"I know about your indiscretions, Baby Brother. I also know you have never wanted to get married so soon. I would have thought that you of all people could be a little more careful with her heart."
"She has been in love with that man a long time. Even before she was approached for marriage by me. We have been friends maintaining a lie that can no longer be kept hidden. Her desire is to marry him. I want her to."
T'Chaka wanted to contain Zinzi, convince her to disregard the general and honor her duty to the Udaku family, but she ran off with Gcuma and married him in another city and the family was in an uproar. Their father was outraged that Gcuma could betray the family, and of course, tongues were wagging about the trip to D.C. and Gcuma being around Zinzi. N'Jobu didn't have to worry about Yejide or Ometeko revealing his liaison with Califia. They were loyal to him.
Their mother was concerned with rumors and the truth getting out. T'Chaka was more concerned with N'Jobu being able to save face and being viewed as a weak cuckold. N'Jobu decided to play into that scenario by acting the part of a hurt but understanding ex-fiance who didn't want Zinzi or her family punished. The War Dog expansion came right on time, and N'Jobu campaigned to get an assignment out of the country. Lagos. Marrakesh. Joburg. His parents wanted him closer to the family and tried to compromise by suggesting he take an assignment in Niganda as Special Ops, but N'Jobu played up the fact that he needed distance to get over his loss of Zinzi.
Leaving far away from Wakanda was his only option, and it would help cover the marriage of Zinzi when it did come out. They could spin the story that his sterling military career put a strain on their engagement and they broke it off mutually. And Zinzi could still be a part of the council with no stain on her name in the public. Marrying a high-ranking general in charge of training and stationed in Birnin Zana would be seen as an acceptable consolation. Zinzi's family would have to get over Gcuma's age and previous divorce.
He was sent to Marrakesh first. Then a short stint in Accra before being shipped to Joburg.
For a year he toiled in the muck and mire of military politics and subversion in South Africa. Every War Dog had to come back to Wakanda each year for a month-long psyche evaluation and debriefing before returning to their work. During his annual check-in, N'Jobu learned of the Oakland assignment. He went hard for it. His superiors agreed he was the right person for the job. By that time Zinzi already had her first child. A boy. All he could remember was how much she wanted to make babies with Gcuma. She was doing it.
N'Jobu sat on the Delta plane to America thinking about having a child of his own. He remembered that Califia said she liked the name Erika or Erik if she had a baby. So be it. He would give their child, (the one that only lived in his mind as he flew across the ocean), a middle name. N'Jadaka. A gender-neutral name that would fit any child that came from Califia's womb placed there by him. N'Jadaka- One who brings down thunder. What did Califia say the name Erik/Erika meant? Ruler?
He mulled the name over on the plane. This child who had yet to be created by them. A ruler who brings down thunder. He was going to speak this child into existence with her. They had lost one already. But not this next one. No, this next one would make it all the way into the world. He would see to it.
"Zinzi has the family and person she always wanted. I want the same, Califia. This job I have is covert and I will have to return to Wakanda every year to check in with my people. No one but you and I can know the true details. We have this one chance to be together…"
"But what?"
"C'mon now. There's always some caveat. Something that could change at the last minute."
"As long as I toe the line, keep up with my reports, and never interfere overtly with the goings on in my sector, I can be here for…years."
He saw her eyes widen a bit and she scooted a little closer to him.
"How would this work? I mean really work, N'Jobu? You just live like a regular random barber and we get together whenever?"
"We are expanding our global observations-"
"Global observations? Is that code for spying?"
"Yes. We have been expanding our observations in major cities. The only thing I do is live here, watch, and report—"
"What are you trying to find out?"
"The less you know the better—"
"No. That's not how this is going down. You have been secretive with me since the first day you met me. I don't want secrets or omitted facts. You tell me what your people want to know or else I'm walking—"
"My country has natural resources that we have protected—" "Oil?"
He didn't want to give away too much. White lies had to be given.
"Yes. Oil, cobalt, gold, tantalum, diamonds. Many countries want to get their hands on it. Exploit us. Our only protection has been to stay low key. To extract these items would destroy our environment. We are poor in the Western sense but there are forces gathering to use us and our land. Some of those forces are connected here."
His face felt hot. He had to walk a fine line. He had to live with this woman in plain sight but also keep her safe. They were just white lies…no really just an omission. The true resource was vibranium. She would never know about that. Never know how far ahead his people were compared to her own.
"We also want to know about some disappearances happening here—"
Her face appeared anxious.
"In parts of East Africa, there have been people going missing. Not like regular missing persons…and not just East Africa. Europe. Southeast Asia—"
"One of my students was taken away under mysterious circumstances. Him and his whole family."
Her lip curled up a bit.
"I was questioned two weeks ago by men who were not the Feds. I'm sure of that. They were evasive and wanted to know if Terrell….that was my student's name…they wanted to know if there was anything unusual about him."
"Was there?"
"What could he do?"
"Heal people. He could heal people. Moods. Physical ailments. I told him and his parents that they had to be careful. What is going on, N'Jobu?"
"I don't know. I'm here to find out."
"This won't be dangerous, will it? You won't have to do anything that will get you hurt, right?"
Stress marred her facial expression.
"I just watch, listen, and report."
"Didn't your people think you'd be recognized once you came back?"
"No. When I lived here, I was only in places tied to the university. I've blended in completely."
"But there are people around who may remember you when you were with me. If we go out together—"
"It's why I chose the name, Joseph. People would think I Americanized my name. Most didn't know my last name, and you never gave any real details about me. We'll work out something to tell your family. And Bakari."
"And Rolita, Soliel, and Serah."
She took a deep breath.
"Is this really happening? I'm not going to wake up and you'll be gone again, right?"
"I'm here. There will have to be layers to how we live. I have to keep this apartment. Stay in it at least two to three times a week. It has to look like I'm the only one who lives here."
"My townhouse…I was only able to get it because of you. The money you left me. I used most of it for a down payment. That makes it your home too."
He smiled.
"You'll stay with me there for most of your time?"
"If you will allow it."
She scooted in and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"I will allow it."
She pressed her lips into his. He closed his eyes and swept his tongue inside her mouth. So close. They were so close to realizing their life together. He pulled her onto his lap, one hand supporting her neck and the other draped around her waist. Her kisses were wet like fresh morning dew and he couldn't stop himself from lifting her so that she straddled him. She pulled up her dress so that her warm thighs could spread across him untangled. They were all full lips and open-mouthed exploration. He couldn't get enough of her. Had to hold onto her for dear life. She was his life. His whole life right now.
He broke away from her first and nuzzled his forehead into her cheek and then her forehead.
"My people can never know about you."
"But if we have a baby…don't you want your family to know?"
"They would drag me back."
"You're willing to do that? Live with that?"
"I want to be here. With you. That's all I want."
"God, N'Jobu, baby, that's a huge sacrifice-"
His mouth overpowered hers. He had to make her know that she was worth the sacrifice.
They were hard at first.
The first thing Califia had to do was bring N'Jobu back into the fold of her family and hope they believed the story of him being disowned from his family after leaving the military. It took her father months to be comfortable with N'Jobu being with her, especially when he learned of her going through her surgery without N'Jobu being by her side.
Nana Jean was easier to win over, especially when she saw them together. Bakari flew out to see them during a weekend break and it was good to see the two men patch up their friendship. It was obvious they missed one another. Soliel, Rolita, and Serah supported the reunion too.
Casual friends and associates just absorbed him as part of her life. At the barbershop, he was JoJo or Joseph. Same at his apartment. Around her family, he was Dayclean or D.C. In their townhouse he was N'Jobu. In bed he was Jobu. It was only in their house where he would drop his American accent and allow the lilt of his Wakandan native tongue to return.
When he went to his apartment without her, she sometimes worried about the women across the hall from him. He was playing a role. What if part of that role-playing involved being involved with people because he needed information from him? The two women, Dionne and Alma, were single and too familiar with N'Jobu for her liking. Califia didn't feel jealous per se, just concerned with their overly flirty behavior. And N'Jobu's insistence that Califia not come to his apartment that often weighed on her mind. He wanted to keep work and home life separate. Her stomach would feel queasy when he was not in bed with her and sleeping in his apartment.
Their work schedules took time to adjust.
N'Jobu worked long hours and Nate was giving him more responsibility, grooming him to be a manager out of fear that N'Jobu would leave to work for another shop or open his own. His reputation had grown and his skills grooming and making men look like new money were in greater demand. It caused some friction among the other barbers with seniority, but Nate didn't want to lose N'Jobu's clients. Some were Pro athletes from the Giants and 49ers. Coins were flowing in.
Because of this, Califia often came home from teaching and wouldn't see N'Jobu until much later in the evening after he was exhausted. Their sex life went into a natural transition. It was still satisfying when they did have it, but it wasn't as often. A lot of it had to do with his having to be in the apartment to keep up appearances. It was beginning to put stress on her. She didn't want to complain. She was happy to have him back and they were building on their relationship, but if they were going to have a baby, it appeared that she would be doing the bulk of the parenting.
They agreed not to start trying for the baby until the following month, and she was already off of her birth control. They found a doctor they liked that understood her medical history and appeared to have a good reputation. If they timed it right, she could hopefully carry her baby and have it during her spring break. She could get maternity leave and have the free summer months to be with the baby before heading back to work again. But there was no guarantee her body would just do what she wanted it to do. The research they both did showed that it could take a year to conceive for some people who were actively trying.
She knew that because she was high-risk she would be tenser trying to conceive. She started looking around for a doula to help her navigate a full-term pregnancy. She had heard and read horror stories of Black women dying recently from childbirth in local hospitals. Maternal deaths of Black women were high. N'Jobu's sister-in-law was still on her mind. Her death still gave Califia chills. She wanted an advocate to walk her through the entire journey in case doctors tried to talk over her or dismiss her fears. She remembered the case of a famous athlete who had the best doctors in the world, and she still almost died because her medical team didn't trust that she knew her own body and that she knew something was wrong after pushing out her child.
Califia was ready. She wanted a baby. She planned the timing for a baby. She wanted to have their baby set up right.
But she needed her man at home with her and between her legs to make that happen.
Walking around their house she found herself bored and checking the phone every twenty minutes. He said he was coming home early tonight. He was nowhere to be found. She sat down on the recliner that she bought him for his birthday. She could smell remnants of his cologne in the headrest. Perturbed, she grabbed her keys and her motorcycle jacket.
It felt good to ride her bike. She was tempted to ride to his apartment, but what would she say to him if he was there? I'm checking up on you? I don't trust people around you? I have some doubts about us?
She rode out to Lake Chalet restaurant for a glass of wine. It was a venue that stayed open late and had a nice water view. She ordered herself a carafe of Sauvignon Blanc and sat outside. She had to enjoy alcoholic beverages as much as she could before she got pregnant. She had tenure now for teaching, and still smoked an occasional joint during holidays and the summer, but now she was slowly eradicating all her vices to prepare her body. This would probably be her last glass of wine for a long time.
She checked her cell, but there were no messages from him, and it was already eleven at night. A fog was rolling in. The restaurant was shutting down, so she gulped down the last good swallow of wine and headed back home.
Pulling closer to her neighborhood she noticed street lights and house lights were out all over. The darkness mixed with the fog was eerie and she had to ride slow to maneuver her way home. She parked her bike and used her cell phone to light her way to the townhouse.
Inside the house, her cell light revealed N'Jobu sound asleep on his recliner with his jacket and shoes still on. Light snoring greeted her. She reached down and gently shook him. His eyes reacted to her cell light.
"Why is it dark in here?" he asked.
"Power outage. It's dark all up and down the street. What time did you get back?'
"Been here for about an hour. Had to do some things at the apartment."
He sat up to kiss her. "You've been drinking?"
"I was waiting for you and got bored. Went to the Chalet."
He stood up and pulled out his cell. She followed him into their kitchen where he pulled out some mini flashlights.
"Where did you stash the candles?" he asked digging around a cupboard near the fridge.
"They broke when the box fell. There are some tea candles upstairs under the bathroom sink."
They went upstairs and he helped her light several tea candles sitting inside of small round candle holders. They spread them onto both of their bedside nightstands and the glow from the orange holders gave the room an ethereal ambiance.
She changed into a short nightgown as he took one of the flashlights into the bathroom so he could see as he showered himself.
She crawled under the covers of their bed and waited for him.
He walked into the room nude and still drying off, placing the flashlight on his side of the bed. She watched him towel himself down, her breath still catching in her throat while looking at him. His nudity was still so beautiful to her. He laid the towel across a small stool.
"What?" he said when he caught her eyeing him.
"I like watching you dry off."
He slipped into their bed next to her and pulled her into his arms.
"I got caught up with some things I needed to take care of—"
"You didn't call me all day."
"I'm sorry. A lot was going on and I had to get reports completed and sent before I leave," his eyes closed and she felt his body settling down the way it did when he was ready to go to sleep.
She didn't like the sound of him saying "leave". He was due for his annual check-in back in Wakanda. His first one since they were back together. He was flying out in a week.
"I wish you would've called me. I thought maybe you had left without saying goodbye…"
He kissed her cheek.
"I'd never do that to you again."
She rubbed her hand on his chest.
"You will come back, right?"
She felt her body clench up, the anxious tension making her feel rigid and cold. He rubbed her shoulders and lifted up her chin.
"Is that what has you so worried these last few days?"
"It's routine. I've done it before. Thirty days there, and then I'm back on the plane."
"What will they do with you?"
"Evaluations. Debriefings. After that, I'll spend some time with my family and then I'm back here with you."
She hated appearing helpless or weak in front of him. He always stirred up such intense emotions within her. She didn't like acting like a crybaby, but she really felt afraid. Their love had always been topsy-turvy and uncertain, and she couldn't help feeling that same way even though he tried to reassure her that things would be fine. She worked hard not to press out any tears between her eyelids.
"Hey, don't worry. I promise. I'm coming back."
She released a small shudder and he shifted his weight, lowering her head onto her pillow. She could see the flickering glow of the candles licking across the ceiling of their bedroom and tracing the shapes of their shadows.
"I'm coming back. And when I do, we'll make our baby. Okay?"
She nodded her head. His index and ring finger stroked her from her temple to her chin. He lowered his face toward her and kissed her. Just their lips touching. He pulled back and studied her face.
"I love you," he said.
She started cheesing so hard that her face felt tight. "I love you too," she said.
"Show me," he said with a teasing quality in his voice.
She kissed him again, lips only, and then she opened her mouth when his tongue prodded her with insistent licks. Tender and slow, they took their time for a long time until she started nipping at his lips, her signal to him that she was damp between her legs and needed more from him. He pulled back from her face.
"Kissing is never just kissing with you, girl," he said. She could hear the strain in his voice. It had been some time since they had kissed like this. He stared into her eyes and she could tell that he was ready for something more. It had been over a week since they had been intimate.
She unlaced the top of her gown and his eyes watched her hands free her breasts for him. His hands reached for her hardened nipples first and then he was clasping each breast, massaging them.
"I wonder how big these are going to get," he said and she giggled until his mouth latched onto a nipple and he suckled her. Fingers from his other hand stroked and teased her other nipple. He took turns catering to each breast and her clit thumped like a bass drum keeping time with his ministrations. When a nipple popped out of his mouth with his lips wet with saliva, his eyes had changed from soft to determined.
"I can't wait for you to feed my baby with these tits," he said plying her legs wide open. He pushed up her nightie from her hips up to her waist. He propped up on his knees and when her eyes dragged down to his waist, he had his full erection already in his hand stroking himself. He ran his thick fingers around the head of his dick and stared at her tits. She reached up and pushed her breasts together for him.
"Ah, yes…feed my baby, huh, girl. You'll do that, right?"
She nodded and he pressed his tip against her clit and rubbed it. She felt her legs quake and pulled them up.
"I'll put a baby right in this pussy…right in this good pussy…let me put this in you…okay?"
She nodded and he pushed forward, filling up her insides. He watched her play with her nipples for him and his first hard thrust took her breath away.
"Jobu," she whimpered pointing her toes up to the ceiling where the candlelight continued to dance for them.
He took his time with her, his eyes still watching her face and darting down to watch her chest move.
"I need to enjoy these big tits before I have to share them, huh?"
They both started to laugh even in the midst of his long strokes.
"I can't wait baby," he said.
Her breath became uneven as he hit a spot inside her pussy that caught her off guard and caused her toes to curl. His eyes closed when he hit that spot again.
"Oh shit, you feel good. Got my balls tight already, baby."
When he hit another angle that surprised them both with how good it felt, they both groaned.
"Get you some, baby," she encouraged, still tweaking her nipples.
He sank down deeper then pulled all the way out.
"Shit," he gasped. He pushed her legs wider and moved his head down to her folds and lapped up her juices with delicate swipes from his lips and tongue. She was nearly crawling the walls when he sucked on her clit and plied her clit ring with an eager tip of his tongue. He lifted up when she began squirming and sank his thicker erection back down into her walls.
"You'll let me put this baby in you?" he asked.
She was lost in the rhythm of his strokes and murmured yes. A rough hand from him gripped her left breast and squeezed it. His eyes sought out hers.
"Tell me you want to have my baby," he said.
His eyes were glassy from the candlelight and his face looked so vibrant and alive. The passion in his voice was unmistakable. She wound her hips and pushed back on his dick. She felt his balls smashing into her ass as he rotated his hips. He matched her thrust for thrust and her mouth flew open when he slowed down and pressed deeper into her. She arched her back. Their eyes were still locked together.
"Califia, tell me…please…" he gasped.
"I want to have our baby…Jobu…oh…Jobu…"
"I'm not pulling out…"
She rested on her elbows keeping her eyes on his. His dick felt so good. More than good. Perfect. She kept her legs up as he claimed her body over and over, the hunger in his penetration stripping away any preconceived notions that they were going to make a baby when he returned to her. N'Jobu was ravishing her with the intent to put their child inside of her now. He was buried deep within her and he wasn't leaving until his cum was swimming in her womb.
Her fingers sought out her clit and she plucked at her clit ring. She felt like she was going to cum, but he pulled out yet again and feasted on her pussy. She let her legs fall back onto the bed, but his hands pushed her thighs back up as he tasted every part of her down there. When she felt the prick of tears springing forth and cascading down her cheeks, he fell upon her again, the heat from his cock plunging back into her depths. The grip of her arms around his neck anchored her to him. His lips were in her ear and his pants were tormenting her. He was keeping her on the edge of her orgasm.
"I'm going to make you cum so hard on my dick," he choked out. Her eyes were back on the ceiling. Their animated shadows made her smile. God, she loved this man so much. She sought out his lips and kissed him within an inch of her life. When his mouth went to her neck and he sucked on her spot, more hot tears flowed from her eyes. She couldn't take much more. And since he wasn't changing positions, she knew he was on a mission. A tickling sensation spread from her clit to her anus. The time had arrived. Her body was going to spiral out of control. He must've felt it. He smothered her lips with his mouth, and when she clawed at his back, his body jerked.
"I'm about to cum, girl," he gasped and slowed his hips to crawl.
"Cum baby," she coaxed.
"I want you to cum first…please…I'm 'bout to bust…fuck."
He pressed into her all the way.
"Cum for Daddy…Califia…shit…cum for me so I can give you this baby."
Califia ground her hips into him so that the swollen nub that thumped in glorious pleasure pressed down on his cock.
She said no more as her walls spasmed around him. He gripped his hands around her ass and pumped into her, his voice growling out expletives.
"Here it comes….here it comes….here it comes….here it comes…fuck…oh fuck…!"
She squeezed her thighs around his waist and let her feet strike his ass as he spilled everything he had into her. His hips pounded into her as his heavy dick drained all his passion deep into her womb. It took him several pumps to finish and when he was through, he collapsed and couldn't move for a long time. Only his haggard breathing let her know he was still alive. She chuckled and stroked his scalp.
When he was able to drag himself off of her, his dick was still hard.
"I can tell you right now, my ancestors felt that nut," he said, and Califia howled.
"That is a terrible thing to say!" She rolled her eyes at him.
"No, it isn't. Shit. I almost passed out. I can tell you right now, your ass is pregnant."
She giggled and he kissed her.
"Look at this shit. My dick is still hard."
They both stared at his length.
"That pussy has my shit bewitched, goddamn, girl."
When he recovered, he made her sit on his face. His tongue fucked her good and she came all over his mouth. Lifting her up, he sat her on his dick again, making her face him.
"Ride me," he demanded.
She clung to his shoulders as he lifted her ass up and down. "Bounce for, Daddy."
He watched her dominate him, her tits jiggling the way she knew he liked. She threw back her shoulders so they could bounce more for him and the groan that came from within his throat made her cum fast and hard on him again.
"Oh fuck…Jobu…oh fuck—"
"Yes, baby. It's all for you-!"
She saw his mouth fly open as his eyes hypnotized her.
"I'm about to make your pussy sloppy," he growled. His hips snapped up into her and his release made her clit throb again.
By the time the candles had burned down and out, N'Jobu had flooded her pussy to the point that her opening looked like Niagara Falls with cum spilling out in a great deluge. They were hot, sweaty, and very content with one another.
With his head on her chest, she felt him stroke her stomach, his fingers warm on her tattoo of his name.
Three weeks after N'Jobu left for Wakanda, Califia stood in their kitchen and made herself a big pot of chicken tortilla soup. As she cut up fresh cilantro, she felt the membranes in her nose sting something awful. She stopped cutting the cilantro and went to a separate cutting board to prepare the chicken. Pulling back the plastic on the pre-cut chicken strips and rinsing the meat, she switched out knives and then stopped. The odors were getting to her.
She stared down at the food she was prepping and put down the knife. Everything smelled pungent and her nose crinkled. She remembered this feeling. She remembered this reaction.
She didn't need to pee on a stick to know.
Taking a step back from the cutting board, she palmed her stomach and took a deep breath.
There was no doubt in her mind.
She was pregnant.
Chapter 7 HERE.
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teampart25-blog · 5 years
eight Dangerous And Shocking Components Hidden In Your Foods
As a knowledgeable personal instructor together with well being coach I've assessed a lot of diets and dish plans in the past. My partner and i always ask "So what is definitely your diet like? inches And the most typical response is definitely... "Oh our diet's excellent actually. very well It's not really until all of us delve deeper into what exactly people are taking in upon a daily basis wherever we learn to realize of which their diet had not been that healthful after all. Must be food product is resting over a supermarket shelf isn't going to signify it's OK to try to eat. Think about it... Little ones can eat colors nonetheless we avoid call up crayons food. Consequently , precisely why are we putting thus a lot of lifeless and nutritional devoid foods as properly as many identified waste into our bodies all these nights? The food firms absolutely don't make it easy. A lot of the meals brands don't make much sense due to all the requirements and unpronounceable companies. But did you know of which there are authorized methods where companies can add specific materials and substances in order to the product, but condition on the label that will the item doesn't incorporate those ingredients at all of? Absurd isn't the idea! While you read on likely to come to realize why additional and more people start to eat fresh and even wholesome unprocessed meals to help avoid all these disgraceful ingredients. Below We have outlined 6 dangerous and even shocking ingredients hidden in your own meals that you should become aware of. one Anti-Freeze Yes you read correct... Anti-freeze is what proceeds into the rad connected with your car so it refuses to over heat but will not freeze up in colder weather. It's called propylene glycol, also known while propane-1, 2-diol or E1520. It's a chemical that will has many industrial works by using for instance Corexit, which is an oil dispersant utilized for oil leaks throughout the ocean. It's furthermore used in pharmaceutical prescription drugs plus cosmetics, right via to many snow treatments. Luckily for the people in the European Partnership, they have not really cleaned propylene glycol while a new food additive or meals grade product. My tips, make your own ice cream and forestall consuming products that contain this kind of substance. 2. Human Curly hair Healthy proteins are the building prevents associated with life and are made up of proteins. Although they are excellent for your health, I'm certain you'd agree that there needs to be a better technique to extend the space life of some goods other than using human hair or duck feathers. This amino-acid L-Cysteine is usually used to prolong this shelf life connected with numerous products such as industrial breads. The L-Cysteine utilized to extend these food items frequently comes from shift and rooster feathers as well as horns via cows that have been slaughtered. However the many commonly used version emanates from human hair. Yes, you read that correctly. Reports have shown that the particular frizzy hair employed to derive L-Cysteine mostly originates from China and taiwan, exactly where it's collected from locks salons and even barber stores, then refined. Most rapid food chains add this particular form of L-Cysteine for their burger buns and comes. To avoid consuming human being hair as well as duck down in your foods, try out acquiring home baked breads out of your local baker as L-Cysteine isn't in the particular flour, but added to the mix during manufacturing of breads and typically the like. Best of all, make your own own. 3. Strychnine Curare is a known carcinogen, which means that that causes cancers in dwelling tissue. Typically the unfortunate factor about this harmful factor is that it appears to be to hold showing up inside our food materials. It can in everything from breakfast cereals and rice, to fruit fruit juice and your current drinking water. Sometimes at amounts about 2 - three or more times what on earth is considered risk-free. It's also been revealed to be in many protein powder-based products. Indeed, foodsdaily.com read that accurately seeing that well... those high-priced health proteins powders that quite a few guys and women waste their funds in have been revealed for you to contain this toxic factor amongst others. Quite a few wine beverages together with beers have likewise been shown to consist of arsenic, mostly the sharper ones. To filter these beverages they use diatomaceous earth, which is a natural product however this contains iron and other factors, such as arsenic. So to stay away from this toxin, get a new good quality water filter for the house and drink vino or beverage that is usually unfiltered. The unfiltered wine beverage in addition to ale also include more nutrients. 4. Fecal Boucles This one sounds nice does not it... Fecal glands any person? No thank you! Most people don't know the fact that some of the tastes utilised in your favorite glaciers creams among other items, comes from typically the castor sacs of beavers, which often is located at their rear end of the animal. That secretion is usually called castoreum and it is utilized to mark the beaver's territory. Due to typically the close easy access of the castor sacs into the beaver's anal boucle, castoreum may be the combination of pee, secretions from typically the castor boucles as properly as secretions from the fecal boucle. Castoreum will be used to be able to flavor vanilla, raspberry plus strawberry snow cream and is a new Food plus Drug Administration (FDA) accredited food chemical in quite a few popular glaciers cream brands. It's in addition accustomed to flavor many refreshments for example protein and food substitute drinks. You will generally still find it labeled since "Natural Flavoring". Isn't very the fact that great, so for everyone a person know, several of these apparent "natural" ingredients may be perineal secretion by other animals. My personal guidance... again, make your very own ice creams so a person no longer take beaver waste. five. Borax Borax offers been prohibited as a new food additive in Europe as well as the U. S. although is allowed in the particular European Union, even though they listed it as a good substance of very high worry. It's commonly used to make cosmetics, detergents, teeth enamel glazes, fiberglass, to be a flux in metallurgy and is particularly made use of in fire retardants. From the food industry it's known by it's E quantity: E285. Borax is utilized regarding acidity control, toning broker and preservative. The idea can be obtained from some caviars, noodles in addition to depending on location can be included a good wide variety of dishes to be able to add a firm texture. Borax has been taking into account the revised classification while dangerous for replica : category 1B. half a dozen. Coal Tar Doesn't this method smart appetizing? No way! You may be thinking what on earth would likely coal tar be performing in food? Nicely the great old processed food industry reaches it once again. So many of the processed food items of which grace the store racks these days contain a new long list of foods inorganic dyes. Most of all those food chemical dyes are made from coal tar and even it is listed because a regarded carcinogen (causes cancer inside of living tissue). It's used in such factors as road manufacturing, road and pavement sealing layers, cosmetics, shampoos and prescription drugs. In foods and even beverages it's known since E102, Tartrazine or perhaps Green #5 and can end up being found in soft drinks, flavored chips, pickles, cheese distinctive flavored products as well since many other food items in addition to beverage items. It is just another reason to keep highly processed meals away through your body in addition to these of your loved kinds. 7. Rodent Hair Would certainly you like some rodent hair with that? Now i'm sure it is something the fact that you usually sprinkle more than your freshly made healthy meals... Not. Well according to the Food and Drug Management (FDA) it's fine to get some rodent hair in the food. Due to many food manufacturing being manufactured through large industrial features, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has an permitting for rodent hair around many solutions, about what they will term "unavoidable defects". They make it possible for 1 rodent hair per 100g regarding chocolates, 5 rodent hair is for every 18oz peanut garnir vessel and 22 rodent hairs per 100g cinnamon. That will sure keep me personally away from processed food for a while. 9. Boiled Beetles This only keeps getting better doesn't it? Now so why do you need chunks of beetles in your food an individual may ask? Known while carmine, natural red-colored #4, crimson pond or perhaps E120, it's some sort of foodstuff color made by way of cooking meals cochineal insects in a salt carbonate or maybe ammonia option. It's used to create plastic-type flowers, inks, inorganic dyes, chemicals and cosmetics. Found in food and beverages is actually accustomed to color ice cream, candy, natural yoghurts and particular fruit juices. Ways to revealed to cause anaphylactic shock and severe sensitized reactions in some people. Different dyes used instead associated with organic #4 are artificial options such as: green #40 plus red #2. These are derived from oil production. My guidance, continue to keep this garbage away through the body as much while you can. We often wonder why that even while we are more computer advanced than any some other time in historical past, humans will also be more ill and unhealthy than virtually any other time in record. To me it's because simple as day. This will be items that I've truly mentioned and the thousands of other food ingredients, flavors, colors and preservatives that our leaders enable manufacturers to add to the particular foods people feed on that is helping to bring about health issues world wide. Thus it really is for you to decide. As Hippocrates said centuries ago: "Let foods be thy medicine and treatments be thy food" Thus be smart and select your food sensibly.
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zerowasteinitiative · 3 years
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14 Days to Zero Food Waste No doubt you’ve heard some of the shocking food waste statistics and if you have not, well, rest assured we will move on to some solutions for this problem right after we get the bad news out of the way. - Up to 40 percent of the food we produce in the US goes uneaten. - Fifty percent of food waste in the United States occurs in homes. - If food waste were a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases, just behind the US and China. Day 1: Cook a clear-out-the-pantry dish To kick things off, you’ll cook yourself a dish without buying any new ingredients. You could make something as simple as oatmeal for breakfast with dried fruit and seeds you may have hidden away in the pantry; a vegetable salad with leftover protein tossed in and dressed with lemon juice and olive oil for lunch; or bread pudding for dessert, made from a stale loaf. Go here for use-it-up recipe ideas that you can adjust according to the food you have on hand. Day 2: Hoard glass jars for food storage and well, everything If you’ve been on the zero-waste path for even a short while, you may already have developed a jar addiction. If you’ve just begun, start hoarding glass jars now. You’ll use them for everything. Ask friends and neighbors for theirs. Restaurants, cafés and bars would rather give their jars away than recycle or toss them. Jars solve so many problems. When you store food in them, you can see at a glance what you have on hand in the cupboards and the refrigerator. Take one or two to restaurants as well when you eat out. The opaque containers restaurants hand out for leftovers conceal their contents. Day 3: Take stock of your kitchen inventory Before you shop for more food, take a quick inventory of what you already have on hand. - Vegetables - Fruit - Protein - Dairy - Grains In addition to the types of foods you find, you could also list the amounts and when you need to use them up by. Day 4: Do some simple meal planning Like all things zero-waste, a plan helps you reach your goals. You just need to create a simple plan for the next few days to a week. Keep a couple of slots blank for the unexpected—a last-minute dinner invitation, a catered lunch at the office, last-minute overtime at work and so on. With your kitchen inventory in hand, figure out what meals you can cook with ingredients you already have. Do this before shopping for more food and you’ll basically eliminate food waste at home. Make a list of missing ingredients for the dishes you want to cook. Day 5: Buy less food, the easiest way to avoid food waste With your kitchen inventory and meal plan completed, it’s time to go grocery shopping. Many of us overestimate how much of each type of food we need and how much each of our diners will actually eat. If you want to roast a side dish of potatoes for only two people, for example, do you really need five pounds of spuds? Day 6: Choose ugly fruit and vegetables The rigid requirements of many grocery stores for fruit and vegetables of a uniform size, with a perfect shape and color, result in many overlooked and uneaten “uglies” heading to the landfill. If you shop at the farmers’ market, you’ll find bins and bins overflowing with wonky looking—and utterly delicious—produce because that’s how food grows. Reject unrealistic ideals of vegetable beauty! Buy wonky if you can in your area. Some farmers at my market offer a discount for not-so-pretty apples, avocados and peaches. Day 7: Prep after you shop If you do some prep on Sunday afternoon, your week goes much smoother. On busy weeknights after a long day, with several components of a dish prepped and ready to go, you can make a meal quickly, resisting the urge to order takeout, guaranteeing you eat the food you have on hand. Day 8: Store food properly Make food last by storing it in the right place. Store tomatoes on the counter—they become mealy and tasteless stored in the refrigerator. Basil keeps well on the counter also, stored in a jar of water, as does asparagus. Potatoes and onions keep better when kept away from each other. On the other hand, if you want to speed up the ripening of an avocado, store it in a bowl of fruit. The ethylene gas from the fruit will cause the avocado to ripen quickly. Day 9: Use up every bit of produce Never shell out money for vegetable broth again! Other good choices for broth include the tails of green beans, bits of bell peppers, pea pods, parsnips, the hard ends of asparagus, corn cobs (so much flavor!), garlic and zucchini. Herbs taste delicious but add small amounts so as to not overpower the flavor of the broth. Use only small amounts of bitter greens and carrot tops as well. Day 10: Preserve something If you find you have extra food you won’t eat soon, you can try preserving it to make it last. A few methods to choose from: - Easy: Freeze it. If you won’t finish the leftover pasta sauce before it turns, put it in the freezer. Keep it there for a few days, a few weeks or longer. Read about freezing food without plastic here. - Still pretty easy: Cook it and freeze it. Have some vegetables that you won’t eat this week? - Roast them and freeze them or purée them into a soup, sauce or a dip and freeze that. - - - - More advanced but also easy: Ferment vegetables. Grate it, salt it, pack it in a jar and let it sit for a few days on the counter. You’ll have delicious probiotic sauerkraut that keeps for months in the refrigerator. Day 11: Give food away before it can become food waste Have too much food on your hands and want to avoid food waste quickly and easily? Share your food! Ask your friends and family if they’d like it. Day 12: Watch a documentary on food waste Everyone who eats should watch the documentary Wasted! The Story of Food Waste. Produced by the late great Anthony Bourdain, it features renowned chefs Dan Barber, Mario Battali, Massimo Battura and Danny Bowien. You’ll feel inspired to reduce food waste after you watch this uplifting documentary. Go here for the list of digital platforms that stream the film. Day 13: Reduce food waste when you dine out It’s the weekend! If you eat out this weekend (or any time), you can reduce food waste on the go as well. Many restaurants both here in the US and abroad offer portions that could feed a couple of people. To reduce food waste, you could split an entrée with your dining partner when you eat out, bring a glass jar or container for the leftovers—or do both. Day 14: Stealthily recruit others Your family, friends—and especially acquaintances—don’t want to hear you say, “I noticed you waste a lot of food. You should stop that. Since when do you have so much money that you can afford to essentially throw a bunch of it away? Did you win the lottery and not tell anyone? I thought you were still unemployed.” You know what does work? “I made this fruit crumble with strawberries that I noticed were getting soft. Here, try some.” Create awareness through desserts. ----- Visit our website: https://zerowasteinitiative.com/all-products/ Source: Internet 🌳 Zero Waste Initiative - Less Trash More Life ! 🌏 Let's Save The World While There's Still Time !
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wearethequeens · 5 years
8 Signs Your Pet Is Spoiled
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We love our pets. For simply a bit of time, attention, and maybe a couple of walks around the neighborhood, we tend to get unconditional love and devotion. However, some pet house owners go a bit overboard for his or her pets. to indicate their love and fondness, they indulge their pets to the purpose wherever they’re utterly spoiled and ruling the roost. does one suppose you've got a spoiled canine on your hands? Here are eight signs to appear for.
8 Signs Your Pet Is Spoiled #2 | Life360 Tips
He Goes to the Salon quite you are doing Being an accountable pet owner suggests that keeping your dog clipped, groomed, and looking out and feeling his best. However, if your dog is obtaining a lot of attention at the groomer then you get at your salon or barber, you'll have difficulty. Your pet in all probability doesn’t care if he’s got the newest linear unit vogue cut or his nails painted, however, pet house owners WHO tend to spoil their companions feel they’re not doing right by their pooch if they don’t coddle them.
He Goes to the Salon quite you are doing | eight Signs Your Pet Is Spoiled | Life360 Tips
He Doesn’t Listen Those who need to own a harmonious relationship with their pooches recognize that coaching is essential. once your pet is trained well once he’s a puppy, he acknowledges his name and responds to easy commands like “sit,” “stay,” and “fetch.” He’ll conjointly adjust once you train him to not get on the piece of furniture or provide guests an honest sniff after they come in the door. If your dog doesn’t adjust commands (or even research once you decision his name), he may be ignoring you as a result of he is aware of he will. A spoiled dog is usually one that is aware of that dangerous behavior ne'er leads to negative consequences.
He Doesn’t Listen | eight Signs Your Pet Is Spoiled | Life360 Tips
A Good Portion of Your cheque Is Spent on Him Your dog wants smart food, adequate shelter, and lots of affection and a focus from you. However, he in all probability doesn't like bow-wow frozen dessert, weekly visits to the groomer, beds in each space of the house, and each dog toy ever created. If you end up operating overtime simply to buy all the “extras” you're thinking that your pooch should have, you’ve in all probability got a spoiled dog on your hands.
A Good Portion of Your cheque Is Spent on Him | eight Signs Your Pet Is Spoiled | Life360 Tips
He’s Obese We know, it’s powerful to ignore those unhappy eyes on a pup WHO desires to convert you he’s continually starving. However, if you indulge him in an excessive amount of food, too several treats or an excessive amount of your meal slipped below the table, you’re possible to own AN overweight canine.
Though it’s a proof of being spoiled, it’s conjointly a proof of being unhealthy. rotund dogs are a lot of possibilities to own high vital signs, diabetes, disease and inflammatory disease, thus you’re not doing all your ally any favors by over-feeding him. If you would like your companion to own a protracted and healthy life, you would like to limit his food and facilitate him to maintain a healthy weight.
He’s rotund | eight Signs Your Pet Is Spoiled | Life360 Tips
He’s Got His Spot — And He’s Not Moving It’s one factor to let your pooch decide on the couch with you for an honest long Netflix-binge, however, it’s quite another if your dog has confiscated your piece of furniture and you discover yourself sitting on the ground. If your pet has staked his claim in any of the spots that antecedently wont to be yours — and if you indulge him enough to not build his move — you’ve undoubtedly got a spoiled dog within the house.
He’s Got His Spot — And He’s Not Moving | eight Signs Your Pet Is Spoiled | Life360 Tips
He Sets the Schedule Naptime, feeding time, walk time… all of this could represent a schedule that works well along with your busy modus vivendi. However, if your pet sets the schedule for you by waking you early within the morning for walks, howling and throwing a work whenever he desires to eat and regularly scratching at the door till you're taking him for a walk, you’ve got a hirsute dictator on your hands.
He Sets the Schedule | eight Signs Your Pet Is Spoiled | Life360 Tips
He’s Got Clothing—Lots of It Okay, thus it'd be cute to place your Chihuahua in a very small Christmas sweater at the vacations to impress the in-laws. however, if you’ve got a full dresser filled with garments for your pooch — as well as a variety of day costumes, dress-up garments, and a spread of vests and sweaters to decorating him in once you opt for walks — you'll have a tangle.
He’s Got Clothing—Lots of It | eight Signs Your Pet Is Spoiled | Life360 Tips
He continually Gets Your Attention 1st If it’s simply you and your dog inhabitation, it's going to not be a difficulty that you are simply instantly lavish attention on him as before long as you come in the door. However, if you’ve got a major alternative or children within the house and you’re perpetually golf stroke their wants second when your poverty-stricken hound, you’ve in all probability got a spoiled pet. individuals come back 1st and if you perpetually show your pooch that he will get your attention whenever he desires it, he’ll simply keep exacting a lot of and a lot of.
It’s fantastic to own a detailed relationship with the canine you share your life with. however, if you’re going poor, ignoring those on the brink of you, and continually bending to the schedule HE thinks is acceptable, you'll have to be compelled to re-evaluate and build some changes.
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adtwixt · 5 years
Adtwixt - News: Best 18 Chairs
  GPCT 6 Large Pocket Sofa Chair Couch Arm Rest Organizer w/ Table-Top Stores Remote Controls Eyeglasses GPCT 6 Large Pocket Sofa Chair Couch Arm Rest Organizer w/ Table-Top Stores Remote Controls Eyeglasses - 25 x 7 x 9 inches, six large pockets. Never lose that pesky remote again, with this awesome deal on a 6-pocket arm rest organizer for remotes, pens, notebooks, program guides, and more, you’ll always have everything you need with this convenient item for your living room or basement, get a great deal on a classic home organizer, that fits wherever you need it to sit down, relax, and enjoy the savings features, quickly organize and store all your favourite tv and household accessories, 6 large pockets hold remote controls, eyeglasses, program guides, and more, perfect for movie time snacks or writing notes, adjustable design fits any size arm rests on couches, sofas and chairs, flaps adjust to fit any size arm rest, adjustable design fits any size arm rests on couches and chairs, dimensions 12.   Your Chair Covers Rectangular Polyester Tablecloths, 90″ W x 156″ L, Black Your Chair Covers Rectangular Polyester Tablecloths, 90″ W x 156″ L, Black - The matte appearance of these polyester tablecloths have made them the preferred tablecloth for larger tables in wedding receptions and banquet events. Plus, the low price tags associated with these round table linens make them the most economical choice. Rectangle tables. 90 x 156 inch rectangular polyester tablecloths are designed to fully drape 8 ft.   Outdoor Wine Glass Holder by Bella D’Vine – Includes Wine Stake For Picnics, Suction Base For Boats, Bath and Hot Tubs, Strap For Lawn Chairs – Great Gift for Wine Lovers – Graphite Grey Outdoor Wine Glass Holder by Bella D’Vine – Includes Wine Stake For Picnics, Suction Base For Boats, Bath and Hot Tubs, Strap For Lawn Chairs – Great Gift for Wine Lovers – Graphite Grey - Quality guaranteed made with high quality injection molded abs materials for many years of use made in usa. Patented technology 2 unique prongs inside help gently secure your stemware like magic to prevent accidental spills and broken glasses watch the video to see it in action. 3 attachments included use the lawn stake for picnics and outdoor concerts or even at the beach the strap attachment is your concert chairs best friend and will adjust to many sizes of chairs and even deck railing the suction base is a favorite for boaters, hot tubs & rv enthusiasts fits compactly in a mesh bag that easily fits into your pocket or purse. Makes the perfect gift bella d’vine is a one of a kind wine glass holder and is the essential wine accessory for every wine lover that has everything. Versatile & unique now you can finally enjoy eating, reading, or concert viewing without the need to hold the wine glass in your lap or set on the ground lots of fun conversations about where you got it.   Flash Furniture HERCULES Series School House Back Mahogany Wood Restaurant Chair Flash Furniture HERCULES Series School House Back Mahogany Wood Restaurant Chair - 1” thick beechwood seat. Supportive leg braces. Wood chair. Mortise and tenon style construction with metal wood screw reinforcements. Solid european beech hardwood construction. Mahogany wood frame finish. Plastic floor glides. Designed for commercial use suitable for home use. 800 lb weight capacity. School house back design.   Flash Furniture HERCULES Series Black Circle Back Metal Restaurant Chair – Natural Wood Back, Black Vinyl Seat Flash Furniture HERCULES Series Black Circle Back Metal Restaurant Chair – Natural Wood Back, Black Vinyl Seat - The thick, foam padded seat will keep users comfortable. The floor glides help protect your floors and ensure smooth gliding. This chair was designed to withstand the daily rigors in the hospitality industry, but will also provide a chic look to your home. The durable frame is stabilized with welded joint assembly. This chair is easy to clean, which is an important aspect when it comes to a business. The simple and lightweight design of this chair will not disappoint, whether used for residential or commercial grade use. The metal chair is a popular choice for furnishing restaurants, cafes, pool halls, lounges, bars and other high traffic establishments. Create a first-rate dining experience by offering your patrons great food, service and attractive furnishings.   Finally, Relaxing Baby Meal Times! 50” Food Mat for Baby, Baby Splat Mat for Under High Chair, Easy Clean Up Floor Protector Keeps Dining Area Clean! Great addition to Your Baby Travel System Finally, Relaxing Baby Meal Times! 50” Food Mat for Baby, Baby Splat Mat for Under High Chair, Easy Clean Up Floor Protector Keeps Dining Area Clean! Great addition to Your Baby Travel System - Forget stained carpets, or serving food that will not stain easy peasy. Washable, splat mat makes meals a snap easily fits under highchair to protect carpet or floor. Mats are bpa, chemical free, fold easy for storage and travel, measure 50″ in diameter. Sleep well at night knowing you having everything covered. Clear mat blends into any décor and are perfect wood floor protectors.   Saloniture 5 ft. x 4 ft. Salon & Barber Shop Chair Anti-Fatigue Mat – Black Hexagon – 1 in. Thick Saloniture 5 ft. x 4 ft. Salon & Barber Shop Chair Anti-Fatigue Mat – Black Hexagon – 1 in. Thick - Puncture and tear resistant, even under high heels. Can be used with barber chairs, salon chairs, shampoo stations and more. Waterproof and easy to clean, wipe, and sweep. Non-slip textured surface and anti-trip tapered edges. Made from extremely comfortable high-density foam.   Originals Group 1st Birthday Originals Group 1st Birthday Frozen Tutu for High Chair Decoration for Party SuppliesTutu for High Chair Decoration for Party Supplies (Mint+Pink+Gold) Originals Group 1st Birthday Originals Group 1st Birthday Frozen Tutu for High Chair Decoration for Party SuppliesTutu for High Chair Decoration for Party Supplies (Mint+Pink+Gold) - Color exatly as the photo shows. The “1” is included. Glue water dot is included. Tulle high chair decoration. Adjustable from 30″ to 46″.   Flash Furniture Heavy Duty Metal Chiavari Stack Chair Dolly Flash Furniture Heavy Duty Metal Chiavari Stack Chair Dolly - Curved tubular handle bar. Chiavari chair hand truck. Heavy duty red powder coated frame finish. Two 10” dia wheels. Designed for commercial use. 16 gauge steel frame. Narrow design fits through standard doorway. Supports up to 7 chiavari chairs. Interior size 215”w.   Your Chair Covers Highboy Cocktail Round Fitted Stretch Spandex Table Cover, 30″L, Gold Your Chair Covers Highboy Cocktail Round Fitted Stretch Spandex Table Cover, 30″L, Gold - Made from high quality four-way stretch spandex material, our gold stretch spandex 30 inch round highboy cocktail table covers exemplify modern sophistication and luxurious elegance. They are designed to fit 30″ round highboy tables with 42″ height at weddings, casinos, hotels, restaurants and other special events.   Flash Furniture HERCULES Series Black Vertical Back Metal Restaurant Chair – Cherry Wood Seat Flash Furniture HERCULES Series Black Vertical Back Metal Restaurant Chair – Cherry Wood Seat - The durable frame is stabilized with welded joint assembly. The metal chair is a popular choice for furnishing restaurants, cafes, pool halls, lounges, bars and other high traffic establishments. The floor glides help protect your floors and ensure smooth gliding. This chair is easy to clean, which is an important aspect when it comes to a business. Create a first-rate dining experience by offering your patrons great food, service and attractive furnishings. This chair was designed to withstand the daily rigors in the hospitality industry, but will also provide a chic look to your home. The simple and lightweight design of this chair will not disappoint, whether used for residential or commercial grade use.   Some days, the best thing about my job is that the chair spins.11 oz Coffee Mug – Funny Inspirational and sarcasm Some days, the best thing about my job is that the chair spins.11 oz Coffee Mug – Funny Inspirational and sarcasm - Printed on both sides high quality ceramic. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Safe for microwave and dishwasher. A mug to keep is a registered trademark of fred and levine.   Flash Furniture HERCULES Series Black Coffee Back Metal Restaurant Chair – Black Vinyl Seat Flash Furniture HERCULES Series Black Coffee Back Metal Restaurant Chair – Black Vinyl Seat - This chair is easy to clean, which is an important aspect when it comes to a business. Create a first-rate dining experience by offering your patrons great food, service and attractive furnishings. The simple and lightweight design of this chair will not disappoint, whether used for residential or commercial grade use. The metal chair is a popular choice for furnishing restaurants, cafes, pool halls, lounges, bars and other high traffic establishments. The thick, foam padded seat will keep users comfortable. The floor glides help protect your floors and ensure smooth gliding. The durable frame is stabilized with welded joint assembly. This chair was designed to withstand the daily rigors in the hospitality industry, but will also provide a chic look to your home.   Flash Furniture HERCULES Series Black School House Back Metal Restaurant Chair – Black Vinyl Seat Flash Furniture HERCULES Series Black School House Back Metal Restaurant Chair – Black Vinyl Seat - Create a first-rate dining experience by offering your patrons great food, service and attractive furnishings. The simple and lightweight design of this chair will not disappoint, whether used for residential or commercial grade use. The metal chair is a popular choice for furnishing restaurants, cafes, pool halls, lounges, bars and other high traffic establishments. This chair was designed to withstand the daily rigors in the hospitality industry, but will also provide a chic look to your home. The thick, foam padded seat will keep users comfortable. The durable frame is stabilized with welded joint assembly. This chair is easy to clean, which is an important aspect when it comes to a business. The floor glides help protect your floors and ensure smooth gliding.   Winco CHH-101 Unassembled Wooden High Chair, Natural Winco CHH-101 Unassembled Wooden High Chair, Natural - Winco has been a trusted and reliable brand in professional kitchens for over 20 years. Our commercial lines of products, ranging from tabletop to kitchen utensils to food preparation supplies, are used by all foodservice and hospitality industry experts worldwide. While our products are made to meet the high demands of a restaurant kitchen, we are excited to now make them available for the serious home chef.   Flash Furniture 31.5” Square Aluminum Indoor-Outdoor Table Set with 4 Slat Back Chairs Flash Furniture 31.5” Square Aluminum Indoor-Outdoor Table Set with 4 Slat Back Chairs - Square table. Designed for commercial and residential use. Plastic floor glides. Set includes table and 4 chairs. Table size 315”w x 315”d x 275”h. Smooth stainless steel table top. Designed for indoor and outdoor use. Aluminum column and base. Lightweight design. Table and chair set.   Luxury cutwork handmade embroidery floral jacquard chair back cover cushion cover set Luxury cutwork handmade embroidery floral jacquard chair back cover cushion cover set - Use alone or with coordinating tablecloths and placemats for an elegant display. Different table sizes, use different tablecloth size. Hand wash, easy machine wash, easy care. Delicate embroidery and cutwork make a beautiful way to dress up your home. Please click “jh table cloths” to see more table runners.   4Moms High Chair, Starter Set 4Moms High Chair, Starter Set - Top rack dishwasher safe. Magnets help keep bowls and plates on 4moms high chair tray. Dishwasher safe. Non-slip bottom. Starter set includes two large bowls and lids, two small bowls and lids, one plate, and utensil (fork/spoon) set. Designed for the 4moms highchair. #TopProducts
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Adtwixt - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Adtwixt-News/~3/XD-AswSg7Q4/best-18-chairs
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healthbolt-blog · 6 years
New Post has been published on Health bolt
New Post has been published on http://www.healthbolt.net/cooking/healthy-breakfast-ideas-no-cooking/
Healthy Breakfast Ideas No Cooking
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Vegetable side dish recipes
Tasty refined soyabean
Fmcg major emami
Easy healthy breakfasts
Cake recipes. healthy home cooked
. aluminum foil
Is Vegetable Oil Healthy To Cook With Vegetable oils, or vegetable fats, are fats extracted from seeds, or less often, from other parts of fruits. Like animal fats, vegetable fats are mixtures of triglycerides. Soybean oil, rapeseed oil, and cocoa butter are examples of fats from seeds. Olive oil, palm oil, and rice bran oil are example of fats from other parts of fruits. In common usage, vegetable oil may refer exclusively to … Find healthy, delicious vegan vegetable side dish recipes, from the food and nutrition experts at EatingWell. Franks Research Labs is the first company in the nation to obtain a license to manufacture and sell a 100 percent vegetable oil-based printing ink developed … in petroleum-based inks and are potenti… If you’re wondering which is the best cooking oil for your health—and which oils are not healthy … This means that they are less likely to break down and smoke. The term “vegetable oil” is used to r… Allow it to cool slightly. 3. In a food processor, add the vegetable of choice, milk of choice, coconut oil or butter and wal… Emami Healthy And Tasty Cooking Oil Chicken breasts are a healthy dinner go-to … drizzle with olive oil and season. In no time, you have a delicious DIY meal t… ‘Emami Healthy & Tasty’ cooking oil has been developed by adopting a 7 Stage European Refining Technology to create a unique combination of purity and taste … Emami healthy and tasty cooking oil for. Emami healthy and tasty Kachi Ghani mustard oil. Emami h… ealthy and tasty refined soyabean oil. Emami healthy and tasty rice bran oil. Emami healthy and tasty refined Sunflower oil The packing of Emami healthy and tasty cooking oil 1:- Kachi Ghani mustard oil :- 1 litre bottle. 1 litre pouch. 200 ml … fmcg major emami Group has announced the expansion of its ‘Emami Healthy & Tasty’ edible oil to the northern and western parts of the country. Manufactured and marketed by Emami Agrotech Ltd, the edib… How To Cook A Healthy Turkey you can make Tofurky, which is a soy-based product. Barber said it has less calories than regular turkey. However, if you do choose to stick with meat this Thanksgiving, Barber said white turkey meat … A healthy portion of meat is 3 ounces cooked, which works out to 1/2 pound of raw, bone-in turkey per serving. Calculate what you need based on the number of guests, plus your appetite for leftovers. 2. Our mission is to help you eat and cook the healthiest way for optimal health. We recommend roasting turkey to bring out its best flavor although you will have to allot several hours for cooking. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Nearly 88 percent of Americans are expected to eat turkey Thursday. Many want to know which brands to avoid as the yearlong outbreak spreads to 35 states. Without a source or supplier of the products … This includes a certain Youth Wellness Specialist from the Attleboro YMCA who writes a Healthy
ATLANTA (FOX 5 Atlanta) – Cafe West Express owner Tammy Stokes stops by with ideas to start your day off right. Check out her …
60+ Quick and easy healthy breakfasts for Your Busiest Mornings. No need to scramble — these breakfast ideas will start things off on the right foot.
How To Eat Healthy Without Cooking Mowry offers up some invaluable tips on how to season food to perfection without using heaps of traditional salt and sugar. T… Healthy Dorm Cooking Sick of the dining hall? You can make everything you’d ever want to eat — from healthy snacks to ‘gram-worthy desserts in your dorm room. Ingredients: 1/2 cup Velveeta cheese, 1 tablespoon milk … She says this interdisciplinary academic track has provided her with the tools to help translate her zeal for healthy … and … Cooking Healthy For Your Family But no matter what your ideal solution looks like, in today’s reality, you’re likely to find that cooking healthy family meals at home is the best way to keep both your wallet and … Best Way To Cook Cauliflower Healthy “We’re going to put ourselves out there in a big way. That’s what we did.” While the meal prep service focuses on healthy … … Yep, this is a pizza crust made of vegetables. It might sound like something that your holistic-commune-dwelling, essential-oil-vaping, ultra-granola aunt came up with in a fever dream, but cauliflowe… We call this our our “best” baked oatmeal … these 31 recipes will help you go keto without sacrificing flavor. Collard Greens Make Way Better Wraps Than Lettuce Ever Could Collard Wraps make the per… The George Mateljan Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation with no commercial interests or advertising. Our mission is to help you eat and cook the healthiest way for optimal health. Healthy Ways To Cook Hamburger Meat the CDC is also urging people to wash their hands and any items that come into contact with raw ground beef with soap and water after use. Make sure to stay safe by following health officials’ recomme… Eating an Online Meat For Sale Oregon is an excellent way of being healthy and providing all the … there are various benefits attached to meat. So, purchase Ground Beef For Sale In Oregon from Orego… Chicken breasts are a healthy dinner go-to, but finding tasty new ways to make them can be difficult. This recipe from Dishin… The best and healthiest methods to cook meat are grilling, broiling or roasting without oil. Fat content is decreased because it flows out of the meat. Kebabs, meat grilled on skewers, are a great lean option. stay away from frying and boiling. These methods keep fat in. How To cook healthy Food But even the home-baked varieties can be full of fat. For healthier cooking, try substituting applesauce for oil or butter.Swapping applesauce for oil will cut fat and cut calories, but it can also change the texture of your finished product. The substitution generally works best in muffins, bars or cake recipes. healthy home cooked meals delivered join the new food revolution of fresh food delivery at Muscle Meals Direct and enjoy our freshly prepared, nutritiously balanced and healthy meals delivered to your door or nearest pick up location weekly. green chef Those looking to make a home-cooked meal but also cut down on Cooking Healthy Recipes For Family give some of these easy keto Italian recipes a try. They are delicious restaurant quality meals that can be made right in your own kitchen. Save the expense and stay at home with a healthier family me… Cook up healthy family dinners and snacks with recipe ideas from Food Network chefs. … Marshall Troy ©2012,Cooking Channel,LLC Photo By: Con Poulos … Our 50 Most-Popular Healthy Recipes … Getting the family to eat healthier … discover enough nourishing and nom-worthy recipes to take you through an entire month … Emami Healthy And Tasty Cooking Oil Chicken breasts are a healthy dinner go-to … drizzle with olive oil and season. In no time, you have a delicious DIY meal t… ‘Emami Healthy & Tasty’ cooking oil has been developed by adopting a 7 Stage European Refining Technology to create a unique combination of purity and taste … Emami healthy and tasty cooking oil for. Emami healthy and tasty Kachi Ghani mustard oil. Emami h… ealthy and tasty refined soyabean oil. Emami healthy and tasty rice bran oil. Emami healthy and tasty refined sunflower oil The packing of Emami healthy and tasty cooking oil 1:- Kachi Ghani mustard oil :- 1 litre bottle. 1 litre pouch. 200 ml … FMCG major Emami Group has announced the expansion of its ‘Emami Healthy & Tasty’ edible oil to the northern and western parts of the country. Manufactured and marketed by Emami Agrotech Ltd, the edib… How To Cook A Healthy Turkey you can make Tofurky, which is a soy-based product. Barber said it has less calories than regular turkey. However, if you do choose to stick with meat this Thanksgiving, Barber said white turkey meat … A healthy portion of meat is 3 ounces cooked, which works out to 1/2 pound of raw, bone-in turkey per serving. Calculate what you need based on the number of guests, plus your appetite for leftovers. 2. Our mission is to help you eat and cook the healthiest way for optimal health. We recommend roasting turkey to bring out its best flavor although you will have to allot several hours for cooking. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Nearly 88 percent of Americans are expected to eat turkey Thursday. Many want to know which brands to avoid as the yearlong outbreak spreads to 35 states. Without a source or supplier of the products … This includes a certain Youth Wellness Specialist from the Attleboro YMCA who writes a Healthy … turkey and fixings go for it. No need to change family tradition if you are the host of the family ga… Healthy Cooking With Hamburger Meat Healthy No Cook Camping Food Non-Cook backpacking meal plan: 3 days, 9 Meals, No Stove. Cooking is a pain… especially in the backcountry. The weight of the stove, pots and dishes always adds a couple pounds to your bag. That’s where foil packet meals come in. aluminum foil is truly an under-appreciated cooking tool—all you have to do is … Either way, you’re Cooking Rhubarb Healthy Bulletproof has a recipe for keto-friendly fudge three ways, but we think with a little elbow grease, you could probably make … When it comes to Passover feasting, everyone is always hyper-focused on the seder dinners. Your extended family most likely visits from all over and probably expects a perfectly-curated menu, like our Crowd-Pleasing Recipes for Your Family’s Seder or our 12 Main Dishes Perfect for Passover.But the holiday is an entire week long, and by day three we’re tired of cream cheese-covered matzo. How To Eat Healthy Without Cooking Mowry offers up some invaluable tips on how to season food to perfection without using heaps of traditional salt and sugar. T… Healthy Dorm Cooking Sick of the dining hall? You can make everything you’d ever want to eat — from healthy snacks to ‘gram-worthy desserts in your dorm room. Ingredients: 1/2 cup Velveeta cheese, 1 tablespoon milk … She says this interdisciplinary academic track has provided her with the tools to help translate her zeal for healthy … and … Cooking Healthy For Your Family But no matter what your ideal solution looks like, in today’s reality, you’re likely to find that cooking healthy family meals at home is the best way to keep both your wallet and … Best Way To Cook Cauliflower Healthy “We’re going to put ourselves out there in a big way. That’s what we did.” While the meal prep service focuses on healthy … … Yep, this is a pizza crust made of vegetables. It might sound like something that your holistic-commune-dwelling, essential-oil-vaping, ultra-granola aunt came up with in a fever dream, but cauliflowe… We call this our our “best” baked oatmeal … these 31 recipes will help you go keto without sacrificing flavor. Collard Greens Make Way Better Wraps Than Lettuce Ever Could Collard Wraps make the per… The George Mateljan Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation with no commercial interests or advertising. Our mission is to help you eat and cook the healthiest way for optimal health. Healthy Ways To Cook Hamburger Meat the CDC is also urging people to wash their hands and any items that come into contact with raw ground beef with soap and water after use. Make sure to stay safe by following health officials’ recomme… Eating an Online Meat For Sale Oregon is an excellent way of being healthy and providing all the … there are various benefits attached to meat. So, purchase Ground Beef For Sale In Oregon from Orego… Chicken breasts are a healthy dinner go-to, but finding tasty new ways to make them can be difficult. This recipe from Dishin… The best and healthiest methods to cook meat are grilling, broiling or roasting without oil. Fat content is decreased because it flows out of the meat. Kebabs, meat grilled on skewers, are a great lean option. stay away from frying and boiling. These methods keep fat in. How To cook healthy Food But even the home-baked varieties can be full of fat. For healthier cooking,
You’ve barely finished your overnight oats for breakfast … easy meal ideas that’ll take any fuss out of cooking—whether you …
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60+ Quick and Easy Healthy Breakfasts for Your Busiest Mornings. No need to scramble — these breakfast ideas will start things off on the right foot.
60+ Quick and Easy Healthy Breakfasts for Your Busiest Mornings. No need to scramble — these breakfast ideas will start things off on the right foot.
We’ve assembled a breakfast buffet that’ll keep you firing all day. Low Carb Ideas Even if you’re not looking to go full keto, healthy fats will keep your … author of Quick Keto. “Cook in an oven pr…
27 No-Cook Breakfasts That Are Healthy, Too! Get your morning off to a delicious (and satisfying!) start with these grab-and-go winners.
But time does not always mean quality, and with a few forward-thinking steps in the kitchen and preparedness, we can all have an excellent breakfast and an even more excellent start to the day in little to no time. Here are some timesaving breakfast ideas that are easy, fast, and require no cooking.
Insulin resistance is a condition in which your cells become unable to absorb glucose because they no … healthy and delicious breakfast options can fuel your morning without raising your blood sugar …
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From Chapati to Sticky Rice
People who have spent considerable time in India have repeated to us time and time again the same line, “India will change you.”  And to neither of our surprises, this turned out to be the case. Here are few examples:
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We learned quickly that every day would be a challenge, and that nothing can be taken for granted in India. Getting from A-B, finding a restaurant, finding a pharmacy, finding a bathroom, heck even walking next to each other in a crowd can be tough in Delhi. Travelling here forces you to maintain a calm and composed state of mind even in the most trying of situations. Given that timetables and stated schedules are meaningless, letting yourself get flustered at the first hiccup can be a trip ruiner.
True Statement: If you can travel in India, you can travel anywhere in the world.
We experienced sensory overload pretty much every day. I’ve never been in a place that had so many smells, sights and sounds ricocheting off each other at all hours. While we continuously felt overwhelmed by this, we soon learned to appreciate the vibrancy of the everyday chaotic routine of India.
Living healthy is incredibly easy to do when you put yourself in a healthy environment. For two months we didn’t eat meat, rarely drank alcohol and didn’t consume dairy. Restaurants aren’t marketed as “vegan” or “farm to table”... they just are. We found ourselves sleeping incredibly well, practicing yoga nearly every day and reading more than we ever had in our lives. There is a reason that India is the yoga and meditation capital of the world… it is the perfect cure for the everyday chaos of living in such a country. Our New Year's resolutions are to continue this healthy lifestyle as we continue our travels and re-enter the “real world” in April.
India constantly reminded us that the best way to get our questions answered was by talking to other people. Finding information online, if it exists at all, is often outdated and incorrect. The blogs we were reading tended to be 3-4 years old, and many of the restaurants/attractions we went out looking for had inaccurate pins on Google Maps. Instead of burying our heads in our iPhones, we were reminded of the old fashioned way of asking for help. Human-to-human interaction, to no surprise, was our lifeline when we were lost or confused (which was often). Locals were more than willing to point us in the right direction after we showed them a restaurant/guest house on on phone, and a few times they even walked us where we needed to go (without asking for anything in return) just to make sure we didn’t get lost.
Most important of all: trust your gut. If you don’t like a guesthouse, leave. If you don’t trust a taxi driver, look for another. If a menu looks questionable, the food is probably also questionable & you should keep searching. Letting your gut and intuition guide the way is the only way to survive long term travel in India. Decisions should be made from the heart and from the gut, not because a guidebook says something or Trip Advisor suggests it. The best way to experience India is through an open mind and flexible schedule. Things will go wrong, and your ability to roll with it will make or break your trip.
When we get asked about out two months in India we speak in incredibly fond and honest terms. We say “It’s crazy. You should go. You need to go. If you are able to slow down & let things happen how they may, travelling in India will simultaneously astonish you, startle you, and ultimately, change you.”
See you later India!
And just like that… exactly two months from the day we landed in Ft. Cochin, India, we hit the road for Chiang Mai, Thailand! Our 21 hour travel day looked something like this:
Alarm goes off at at 2:30, 2:35 & 2:40am in Delhi 3am taxi from Delhi guesthouse to Delhi airport 6am flight from Delhi to Calcutta 4 hour layover in Calcutta 2pm flight from Calcutta to Bangkok 8pm flight Bangkok to Chiang Mai 20 minute taxi from airport to guesthouse Bed at 11pm
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^^ That is a cricket :)
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From the moment we were dropped off in front of our guesthouse in Chiang Mai, we were struck by the silence that surrounded us. People weren’t honking their horns, dogs weren’t barking, construction wasn’t being done on every corner… we could even walk side by side without the fear of being run off the road. Compared to Delhi, Chiang Mai felt more like Disney World than the second biggest city in Thailand. It was refreshingly eerie.
Chiang Mai is the capital of Northern Thailand, and one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. The charming “Old City” is a one-mile by one-mile grid, surrounded by a picturesque moat dating back to 1292. Buildings don’t rise above three stories, and there are cafes on every corner with reliably fast wifi. The developed, yet chilled out vibe of the city is what makes it one of the most frequented destinations for digital nomads and expats to settle in.
We spent our days exploring the city by pedal bike, and our nights eating street food at the market and listening to live jazz at a bar down the road from our guesthouse.
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I ran a few times while in India, specifically in Goa, but gave up after being chased by dogs on more than one occasion. In Thailand I was able to run again, with the boundaries of the Old City creating a perfect four mile running path.
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One afternoon we ventured into to the beautiful countryside for a traditional Thai cooking course. We arrived at an organic farm 30 minutes from Chaing Mai, and promptly went to work pounding green curry paste, stir-frying pad thai and chopping ingredients for papaya salad. After these dishes were cooked and eaten, we escaped to a set of hammocks overlooking rice paddies to sleep off our meal. An hour later, we were awoken by the chef to begin cooking our second round of food: fresh spring rolls and mango sticky rice. It was a successfully glutenous day.
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7-Eleven's are on every corner in Thailand and are the perfect place to escape the heat (the AC is always on full blast). You can find everything from soy chocolate milk to fresh mango, and even pay for bus tickets at the checkout counter. Even the most run down 7-Eleven in Thailand is more helpful than most of our hostels were in India.
Almost equal to the number of 7-Elevens in Chiang Mai are the number of Thai massage parlors. In an effort to discern the quality establishments from the ones looking to prey on backpackers, we followed the suggestion of our guesthouse owners and went to their favorite place. A Thai massage is more in line with a 60 minute full body stretch session than a traditional western relaxation massage, which is why they get mixed reviews from travelers. The masseuse takes full advantage of their feet, legs, elbows and forearms in their attempt to stretch and contort our bodies into once thought impossible positions… and we loved  it. At $6 USD for a full hour, it is no surprise that I returned a few days later for a follow up.
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One afternoon we took out 40-year-old rented bikes and ventured to the only public park in the Old City. To our delight, the park was in pristine condition and full of westerners doing acro yoga, tai chi, and slacklining. We spent the next few hours doing yoga, reiki, reading, napping and admiring the acrobatics going on around us.
I’ve been getting beard trims throughout our time abroad, but the time had come for a proper haircut. We asked our guesthouse for a recommendation, and after showing us on the map where the nearest place is, they warned us not to go after 5pm because that’s when the barbers start drinking. It was 7pm... and we decided to give it a go anyway.  When we showed up the whole family was having a big feast outside the parlor, complete with several bottles of alcohol scattered on the tables. They greeted us with big smiles and welcoming “Sawadees” (hello in Thai), and we asked, “Haircut?” A woman who looked like she hadn’t been drinking (too much) jumped up and led us inside. She threw a towel over my shoulders, we exchanged less than 10 words about what I wanted, and she started clipping away. Twenty minutes later, I had a fresh haircut and beard trim. If she had been drinking, she hid it well.
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Once a quiet and somewhat remote town in Northern Thailand, Pai is now properly on the backpacker trail in SE Asia and can easily be accessed from Chiang Mai by a 4 hour minivan ride than includes 762 turns (they sell shirts in Pai say “I survived the 762 turns to Pai”). Once you make it through the harrowing journey, you are greeted by a delightful town full of vegan restaurants, reggae bars & backpacker bungalows. Pai tends to get a bad rap from old timers and long term travellers because of how rapidly it has changed over the last 10 years, but to us it was an oasis. The resort -- yes we stayed at a “resort” -- where we spent the week was 12 dollars a night for a private bungalow, which included a fabulous free yoga class each morning along with free breakfast.
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We hiked one afternoon with our new friends from Auckland to a waterfall just outside of town. Per a few blogs online, we learned that a dog often serves as a tour guide on this particular hike. 15-minutes into the hike, a gorgeous pup strolls out of the woods and joins our ranks. For the next three hours Winston (as we named him) guided us through two dozen river crossings and patiently waited as we took photos at the waterfall. When we were ready to turn around and head home, Winston once again took the lead and showed us the way. Thanks for everything, Winston!
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In Pai we went to the 12th Annual Pai Reggae Music Festival. Their were ads all over town highlighting the event, saying the festival was on Saturday and Sunday, started at mid-day and was located on the grounds of a specific hotel just outside of town. We popped the hotel name in Google Maps, saw it was a few mile walk from our place, and opted out of taking a taxi. After a 2.5 mile walk in the hills we made it to the festival!
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Just kidding. Google Maps was wrong. We were nowhere near the reggae fest. We headed back into town, and ended up teaming up with other lost souls who were also searching for this mystical festival.
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After another 2 miles, we finally made it! It was 4pm, and we soon learned that the festival didn’t start until 7pm. Our first question to ticket counter… “Why does your poster say mid-day?” Their response was, “Great question.”
We headed to the nearest restaurant to grab a beer, and found out that the entire restaurant was full of festival goers who also showed up too early and were now killing time playing cards, drinking beer and swapping travel tales.
We returned at 7pm with a whole crew of new friends, and boogied until midnight. Who doesn’t love Thai men singing in English with a Rasta accent? We sure did.
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Camryn found a picture on Instagram a few weeks ago of a gorgeous sunrise in an obscure corner of Northeast Thailand that we hadn’t read about in any of our guide books. We asked a few people if they had heard of this magical place called Phu Chi Fa, and no one recognized the name. Immediately, we were intrigued. After two weeks in Chiang Mai and Pai, we were craving an off-the-beaten-track adventure. We got it, no doubt.
After a quick Google search, we read a few blog posts from travellers (dating back 4-5 years) saying that this town was their favorite in all of Thailand and not be missed. Details on getting there were hard to come by, as some said they took a bus there… others said the bus was no longer running and were forced to rent a motorcycle... some hired a private taxi. We chanced it on faith, and showed up at the bus station in Chiang Rai looking wide eyed for a sign saying Phu Chi Fa. And we found it :)
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After a casual 3 hour bus ride, we were dropped off in front of a police station in a tiny village that only exists so people can visit the Phu Chi Fa mountain at sunrise. We read online that English is not spoken here, so we were all prepped and ready to use our hand signals and phone calculator to aid in bargaining. After a 15-minute walk down the only street, we found a gem of a guesthouse. We dropped our bags, ate a forgettable meal at a roadside restaurant by pointing at pictures of food on the wall, and went to bed early. Tomorrow’s adventure would come in only a few hours.
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Our phone alarms greeted us at 3:30, 3:35, 3:40 and 3:45 am. We were out the door at 4am heading back to the police station to catch a songthaew (like a pickup truck with benches in the back) to take us halfway up the mountain. We were dropped within a 30 minute hike up to the top of Phu Chi Fa mountain, which we eagerly scampered up by headlamp with all of our warm clothes on.
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 We were one of the first to the top, however within the hour nearly 300 Thai tourists joined us. Not another westerner in sight, to our delight. 
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Trying to describe the sunrise would do its beauty a disservice, so I’ll just leave you with the pictures.
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After a few hours enjoying the sunrise, we were back in front of the police station eating banana pancakes waiting for our bus to depart at 9am. Our next destination was Chiang Khong, a city on the border between Thailand and Laos. We arrived at our guesthouse in Chiang Khong and expected our $6USD a night room to be somewhat of a dump, and planned on heading into Laos the next morning. To our surprise, we were greeted by a gorgeous pool and fast wi-fi. Needless to say, we stayed two nights and spent a full day relaxing poolside. Treat yourself, right?
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You’ll hear all about Laos in our next post by Cam. Thanks for reading!
Best, JJ
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How To Create Profitable Advertisements From Scratch
Look – I don’t mean to scare you… honestly, I don’t!
But I need you to know something …
Writing ads is kinda hard.
Well … it’s kinda hard when you don’t know what you’re actually doing.
I don’t know you – but I know one scary statistic that makes my stomach cramp up worse than three cups of coffee before breakfast:
  80% Of Small Businesses Die After Their First Year Of Operations
  It might be the coffee I’m drinking  – but I feel shaky after writing that. 80% of businesses die after 12 months!
Now I know what you’re thinking – “But Andrew! That’s mostly first-time business owners who have no idea what they’re doing.”
You’re right! To a degree …
Many first-time business owners dramatically crash their businesses in spectacular fashion. But many people don’t know why this happens. And because they don’t know why their businesses crashed and burned, their next business will likely do the same.
It’s been proven since the dawn of entrepreneurship why this happens – the lack of distribution. Yet to so many people it’s still a mystery.
  Without Distribution, Your Company Will Slowly (Or Quickly) Suffocate
  Distribution is the access to your ideal target audience, fanbase, and customer list.
It’s the ability to send a message, get people to interact with it, and either advance the relationship you have with them or move them into a sales system for a product or service.
If you do not have distribution, you have no access to new customers. If you have no access to new customers you will die.
Game over.
Please restart your game and try again.
So why in 2018, where distribution is so easy to obtain, do businesses still flop like fish on the beach when it comes to obtaining distribution?
  Businesses Lack Distribution Because They Don’t Know How To Write Compelling Advertisements That Turn Strangers Into Friends And Friends Into Customers
  Distribution in 2018 is about relationship and relevancy.
When you’re starting out, your distribution is best achieved by running paid advertisements to a buying audience.
Yes that requires money. Yes it involves risk. Welcome to entrepreneurship.
  I want to let you in on an industry secret …
  The difference between a successful paid ad and a failed paid ad lies in its ability to grab the attention of a stranger, pull on an emotional heart string that’s tied to a problem they have, and capture their information with a dedicated landing page.
Let me say that again because this is a critical factor between the life and death of a business: Your ability to acquire new customers relies 100% on your ability to grab the attention of a stranger, pull on an emotional heart string that’s tied to a problem they have, and capture their information with a dedicated landing page. 
Every successful ad I’ve ever run does all those three things, and every failed ad I’ve managed didn’t do at least one of those well.
As an advertiser, it’s no use to us if someone reads our ad, says to themselves “Wow! What a fantastic ad” and tosses our ad to the side like a batch of burnt cookies. Those three elements prevent that from happening.
We have to make our audience take action!
  What Are The Three Ingredients Of A Successful Ad?
  Every successful ad I’ve ever seen or ran has three critical elements. These three parts are what TRIGGER the three factors I listed above. Get these right and you’ll be able to grab attention, pull on a heart string tied to a problem, and capture information with a landing page.
To create a successful ad, you need to have:
  1- A relevant audience.
2- A winning offer. 
3- An optimized landing page to capture their information. 
  I’m going to expand on those points, but first I want you to watch this short clip from the TV show “Parks And Recreation.” In this clip, Ron Swanson, one of the lead characters, created an advertisement for his company “Very Good Construction.”
Check it out …
    WHEW. Alright.
Well then.
I get that this is a fictional commercial for a fictional company … but the scary thing is that so many actual companies do nearly the exact same thing and wonder why they don’t get results.
Earlier this week a new barber in my town decided to run a Facebook ad targeting people my age. Very well. The problem?
It was a one sentence ad that said: “Come get your haircut.” The image was a man in the distance walking away.
Is that compelling enough to bring in a new customer who has never heard of you?
Look above at my three elements and you’ll see none of them present in the ad.
Compare that to this ad that I ran in the fall for an eCommerce brand I co-owned with a friend.
  This ad brought in 376 leads for $166 (44 cents a lead). The video in the ad simply rehashed the ad copy. It’s better than doing a static image because Facebook rewards video ads with more views at cheaper costs. I always advise you make a video of some sort for your ads.
Why did it do so well? Because I incorporated all three of my elements into this advertising campaign.
Let’s explore them together …
  Element #1: Target A Relevant Audience
  Specificity is everything in paid advertising. You’re reaching specific people with a specific message. The more specific your audience, the higher the likelihood that your ad will succeed.
Why? Because in the past era of mass marketing we were trained to filter out the “noise” in the marketing world and disregard it as spam. We are hit with hundreds of marketing messages everyday. We only pay attention to messages that:
  1- Call us out.
2- Are directly targeted and relevant to us.
  Notice in my ad how I did this.
I called out the audience TWO times.
  1 – “Would you like to learn some tips and tricks that will stop your dog from barking?”
  I called out dog owners.
“But Drew! You didn’t say ‘Hey Dog Owners!’”
That’s because I didn’t have to. Notice my words – “will stop YOUR dog from barking”
“Your” is a qualifying word. It attaches identity and ownership to the reader. If you own a dog you logically think to yourself “I own a dog – he must be talking to me.”
If you don’t own a dog you think “I don’t own a dog – he isn’t talking to me. I can ignore him now.”
See how I immediately hook the targeted reader?
  2- “Owning Corgis is a lot of fun – but they LOVE to bark.”
  I labeled myself as a Corgi owner – and I targeted Corgi owners to see this ad. When a Corgi owner scrolls through their Facebook feed and sees me saying “Owning Corgis is a lot of fun” they think to themselves “Yeah! My Corgi is a lot of fun too.”
Likewise when I say “They LOVE to bark” the reader thinks “Yes my Corgi barks far too much as well.”
This is calling out the audience by identifying something I have in common with them. This is an interest based call out.
  These Two Strategies Can Be Used In Almost Every Industry And Niche
  Let’s say you promote vegan recipes.
In your ad copy you could say “Looking for the tastiest vegan recipes of 2018?”
“As a vegan myself, I’ve found that these 7 recipes give me more energy, stamina, and endurance than any other meal I’ve tried.”
If you’re actively involved in what the audience is interested in, you can use both strategies to hone in (with copy) on your ideal target audience. This will help you get more leads, customers, and orders while reducing your ad costs.
  Element #2: Present Your Audience With A Winning Offer
  The offer is the REASON that your ad exists. It’s the thing you’re going to give to your audience in exchange for their contact information. Research needs to go into your offer in order to determine what you should promote (unless you’re a local business with a product or simple service). In the case of the local business, you can run a front-end offer like a $21 initial chiropractic exam or first month of gym membership for $10. Those types of deals work well.
My offer in this ad was a simple PDF cheatsheet called “7 Simple Steps To Stop Excessive Dog Barking.”
Why would I call it that, and why would I present it to my audience?
In his book “Ca$hvertising: How To Use More Than 100 Secrets Of Ad-Agency Psychology To Make Big Money Selling Anything To Anyone” Drew Eric Whitman says that  …
  “Human beings are biologically programmed with the following eight desires:
1- Survival, enjoyment of life, life extension.
2- Enjoyment of food and beverages.
3- Freedom from fear, pain, and danger.
4- Sexual companionship.
5- Comfortable living conditions.
6- To be superior, winning, keeping up with the Joneses.
7- Care and protection of loved ones.
8- Social approval.”
  Whitman calls these desires “The Life-Force 8.” These eight desires drive every buying decision we have ever made to some extent. They are the foundational blueprint for how to influence a human being.
  When We Run Ads We MUST Use At Least One Of  Those Eight Desires. If We Don’t, We Might As Well Give Up And Throw Our Money Into A Fire.
  I knew that my offer had to be directly tied to the enjoyment of life (#1) and comfortable living conditions (#5). Those are the two biggest desires created by owning dogs.
All I needed to do was to figure out what specifically triggered those two desires.
After my research one glaring issue stood out to me – many dog owners had extremely loud, obnoxious dogs that bark all hours of the night!
Because I did the research, I was able to create a PDF that promised to solve that issue. As we now know, the offer worked.
  How Can You Create A Winning Offer?
  Study the eight desires listed above. I highly suggest buying Whitman’s book in order to get a deeper understanding of the eight desires.
Take the time to analyze your audience. Where are their unmet desires? What can you create, offer, or do that will satisfy that desire? Your ability to implement the solution in the form of your offer will directly impact how engaging and relevant your ad is.
  Element #3 – Create An Optimized Landing Page That Captures Information And Turns Readers Into Leads
  Your landing page has one role – to capture information!
That’s it.
I see so many people trying to build complex, confusing landing pages.
I get it – you’re fancy.
But you’re probably losing a lot of money.
Why? Because people will not jump through too many hoops to get what they want. At least not without a lot of nudging.
Landing pages are not website home pages! They have a very simple, basic purpose.
Look at my landing page for the campaign we’ve been studying…
It’s simple, clean, and got the job done.
On Mobile, every single element is above the fold. I found that this increased the conversion rate (the percentage of people that signed up) by 24%.
I included the headline up top with a consistent message, showed them the front page of the PDF, gave a short description, and placed the button where they can signup.
The popup simply asked for a name and email address.
  That’s all there was too it!
  The Elements Of A Successful Landing Page (For Cold Audiences And Ads)
  When you’re building a landing page for an ad, follow these principles:
1- Keep everything above the fold on mobile. The entire page should be visible without scrolling down.
2- Keep a headline consistent with the ad itself. The goal is to make visitors feel like they clicked in the right place.
3- Include a relevant image. Don’t use video. Use video in your ad and images in the landing page.
4- Keep the opt-in incredibly simple. For my landing page it was a button that gave a popup. All we asked for was name and email.
5- SIMPLICITY SELLS! I don’t care if it’s ugly. It needs to convert. Sometimes really ugly landing pages convert the best. Surprise!
  Honestly out of all three of these elements I’ve talked about, landing pages are the easiest. All the work of research and audience development has been done. Essentially rehash the ad copy, keep colors and branding consistent, and keep the opt-in short and sweet. That’s what you need to work about. The ad will do all the heavy lifitng. The landing page collects the information from your leads and sifts out the bad visitors from the good. It’s like your own personal gatekeeper!
  Look – Writing Profitable Ads Is A Science (And An Art … I guess)
  There’s a very formulaic way to present your ads, as I’ve talked about here, to keep them winning.
Generally, if you hit the three points I’ve talked about your ad will do well. It’s science, folks. Hard. Cold. Science.
But sometimes even science royally screws things up and sends you running for help.
There are two things you need to do when this happens:
1- Go back to the drawing board and see if you can salvage what went wrong. Sometimes this is as simple as rewriting your ad copy. No kidding! The first time I ran the ad I showed you, the copy was completely different. I got 2 leads for $5 each. Yuck. I rewrote it, simplified it, and BOOM leads galore.
2- Talk with a professional who has been doing this thing for a while. Look – you’ve probably got some mental blocks you’re stuck up on. It’s okay. We all do. Despite being out biggest critics, we don’t see what’s holding us back. Every single one of us has “blind spots” that prevent us from reaching our potential.
So here’s what we’re going to do … I want you to go over to MeetWithAndrew.com right now and sign up for a free 15-minute consultation. I want you to give me your name and email address (how dare I try to collect your information!!! Right?)
… In all seriousness, if you actually thought that please don’t sign up because I don’t want to talk with you. I’m not trying to be mean, just honest.
If this is you, I found one of your problems – you have a mindset that’s holding you back. If you got upset when I asked for your information, you’re hung up on accepting that it’s okay to promote to someone if it will genuinely help them. Please read Alex Becker’s book “10 Pillars Of Wealth: Mind-Sets Of The Worlds Richest People.” It will help you get a mindset that’s geared for success. If you don’t have that, I can’t actually help you.
I love you. Please don’t take what I said the wrong way. I just want to be honest and help you see your weakness (I had that same one for the longest time. Thanks Alex!)
If you’re looking for someone to help you run ads and create the types of marketing systems you saw in the article, come check out some testimonials and case studies I’ve got. I even have the one I covered in here. Oh, and click the big shiny button at the bottom of that page. It’s a good button to click. You’ll have a great time. I promise.
It’s been fun everyone.
Let’s talk soon?
– Andrew
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If you’re looking for online business ideas, you’re in the right place.
These 71 ideas will deliver all the inspiration you need to start making money online in 2019.
The best part?
I’ve included plenty of examples of people just like you, CRUSHING it with a location-independent online business.
Let’s get started…
1. Blogging
Because so many businesses have a blog, it’s easy to forget how many businesses started as a blog. Blogging can help you establish authority in your subject while earning money in a variety of ways.
Here are some of my favorite examples from the podcast:
Steve Kamb of Nerd Fitness
Michelle Green of Business of Baking
Heather Armstrong of Dooce
With a well-read blog, you can create a business through advertising, affiliate marketing, or selling products.
2. Virtual assistant services
When it comes to internet business ideas, a virtual assistant business is easily scalable and always in demand.
Businesses always need help with administrative tasks like data entry, managing emails, and scheduling appointments. Instead of hiring in-house receptionists and executive assistants, many are choosing to hire VA services instead.
You can freelance through Upwork and Fiverr to get started. Or, you can strike out on your own and build a client base like Travinia Barber of Priority VA.
3. Job search consulting and resume writing online business
Help people find job opportunities, write resumes, and prepare for interviews.
This idea will be more successful if you focus on an area of expertise, or an industry where you have experience hiring (or being hired). In return, you’ll get plenty of referrals and happy customers while living your remote work dream.
4. Online store ideas
Crafters, makers, and inventors can make money by starting an online store. Thankfully, there are options that make it easy to set up, even if you are lacking in tech skills.
If you want to sell artisanal products, Etsy is a great platform. For everything else, there’s Shopify.
Just about anything can become a successful online store — just check out this impressive temporary tattoo business, powered by Shopify.
5. Start a monthly box subscription service
An online business focused on providing monthly subscription boxes for a particular niche can be very lucrative.
With big players like Dollar Shave Club and Bark Box, this business model has obvious potential.
Examples of just how niche you can get with this idea:
Mantry, a monthly gourmet foods subscription tailored to men
MistoBox, a curated and personalized coffee subscription
6. Copywriting and content writing
Writers can create an internet business that provides copywriting and content writing services. You can find freelance writing gigs through platforms like Upwork and Fiverr, or by networking and reaching out to potential clients.
Michael Brown started out with freelance content writing. He was so successful pitching article ideas, he had to hire writers to help.
This was the beginning of online content agency and platform, nDash.
7. Publishing
Selling your books on Amazon is a great way to monetize your blog, podcast, or social media channel. It has never been easier to self-publish a book, using Kindle Direct Publishing.
You could also help other authors get published by starting an online publishing agency, like Angela Lauria at Author Incubator.
When it comes to publishing, stick to what you know well and work on becoming the authority on your subject.
8. Editing and proofreading
Editing and proofreading is a great way of making money online. With so much content being published every day, there is plenty of demand.
You can turn it into a full online business in a few different ways:
Use platforms like Upwork and Fiverr to find clients.
Partner with a marketing or content creation agency.
Set up a website and offer a monthly service.
9. Bookkeeping and accounting online business ideas
If you’re an accountant, you’re the real superhero. Especially during tax season. Browse through platforms like People per Hour, and you’ll see just how many people could become your clients.
You don’t even need advanced software. Quickbooks works just fine in most cases, so you’re cutting your startup costs significantly.
Depending on your credentials and experience, consider these small online business ideas:
A service to help small businesses transition to cloud accounting software like Xero
Monthly bookkeeping services
Individual tax return preparation
Tax consulting for individuals or business
10. Customer support
If you’re good with people, customer support calls, or online community engagement, this is the online business idea for you.
Customer support consulting through platforms like Modsquad, you can make money with these skills while maintaining control of your own hours — and working from anywhere.
11. Teaching languages
The old saying goes: The more languages you speak, the more of a person you are. This is true even today, which is why you can start a small business online by teaching through platforms like DaDaABC.
Using Skype, you can privately tutor people who want to learn English (or another language you know) from anywhere. You can even create passive income teaching languages through online courses, like Go Natural English.
12. Translation online business
Translation can be very lucrative if you are fluent in more than one language.
You can help companies translate their content into different languages and reach a wider audience, or work with individuals.
Your first work can come from freelance sites, but once you have a few regular clients, referrals will help your business grow.
13. Fitness and nutrition services
More and more people are turning to healthy cuisine and lifestyle, which is why the fitness and nutrition industry is huge — and a solid online business idea.
Here are a few ways you can make money online while helping people get healthy:
Sell custom meal plans (paleo, weight-loss, plant-based).
Create and sell digital products, like workout plans, e-books, or online courses.
Remote personal training service.
Health coaching.
Check out this interview with Mike Matthews of Muscle for Life to get inspired.
14. Create an online business from your knowledge
If you want to start an online business from home and you’ve got skills that are in demand, why not create and teach classes?
If you’re worried about the technical side of selling online courses, don’t be. There are services that make it easy. For example, Podia enables to create, upload, and sell online courses all in one platform.
What to do you know how to do well? Anything from hobbies like baking bread, essentials like productivity, and professional skills like marketing can become a successful online course.
15. Start a YouTube channel
Starting a YouTube channel is the best online business to start when you want to build an audience.
Of course, with enough people watching your videos, you’ll make money from advertisements on your channel. Just look at Reza Izad and Studio71, the agency behind some of the top creators on YouTube.
But you can also use your channel as a launching pad for a full-scale online business. As your audience grows, you can make money through affiliate marketing, sponsorships, branded merch, or selling books and courses.
16. Start a podcast
Just like a blog or YouTube channel, a podcast can be a great way to get your voice out there and build a following. All you need is some gear and interesting topics to talk about.
Not sure where to start? Check out the free guide, Launching a Remarkable Podcast, over at Showrunner.fm.
You can make money with sponsorships, or build a business around products and services your audience needs.
17. Consulting
Help others succeed, while you start your small online business — consulting as an expert in your field.
To get started, you can charge for services like on-demand consulting calls, while you work towards recurring revenue with long-term consulting clients.
18. Start a membership site
People are always looking for fresh resources, and many are willing to pay for premium access.
If you like producing content and have the knowledge to share, a great online business model can be to start a membership site. Your site can contain a library of valuable content, and a forum for members to learn from you and each other.
You don’t need to hire developers or learn how to code. In fact, you don’t even need a website. Showrunner Community uses Mighty Networks to process memberships, share content, and host a robust members forum.
The best part of this business model is monthly recurring revenue, that grows with every new member.
19. Dropshipping online business
Dropshipping is a form of e-commerce in which you don’t have to deal with any physical products. That’s right — no manufacturing, storing inventory, packaging, or shipping.
To start a dropshipping business, partner with a manufacturer or wholesaler of products in your niche. You make sales through your online store, and pass orders on to the manufacturer for fulfillment.
All you have to do is set up an online shop, and work on attracting customers.
20. Affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is a very simple online business idea: someone needs their products advertised, and you’ll do it – for a cut of the profits.
If you already have an audience through a blog, podcast, or social media channel, affiliate marketing is an easy monetization strategy to try. Just remember only to pitch products you trust, so you can feel good about recommending them.
Amazon’s affiliate marketing program is one of the biggest for physical products, and ShareASale for digital products. Check out this guide to learn more about affiliate marketing.
21. Amazon FBA
Speaking of top online businesses, Amazon FBA lets you sell customized products without having to take care of storage or shipping.
FBA means “Fulfilled by Amazon” because Amazon handles fulfillment. But unlike a dropshipping business, you have to invest in inventory up front.
Manufacturers will customize and package a product with your private label branding. The inventory is then shipped to an Amazon warehouse for storage and order processing.
You can learn more about selling on Amazon from Greg Mercer of Jungle Scout.
22. Designing merchandise
If you’re creative, what better way to show it than by starting an online business selling your artwork on merch like t-shirts and tote bags?
If you want to keep it simple and just stick to design, there are many options. You can use Merch by Amazon, Teespring, and Society6 to name a few. They do all the printing and order processing, and you get paid when someone orders one of your designs.
23. Productize your service and start an online business
A productized service is a way to earn monthly recurring revenue, or flat-rate packages, instead of continually chasing after clients. If you can provide a service online, you can productize it.
This online business model is scalable because you can hire out some of your workload as you grow the business. It works for many services, including:
Graphic Design
WordPress support
Content writing
Consulting and Coaching
24. SEO business
SEO is the lifeblood of online marketing, so if you have the knowledge, start your online business by offering search engine optimization services.
Check out my interview with Brian Dean of Backlinko to learn his approach to SEO and how to rank in Google.
25. Online ad management business
A lot of businesses want to run Google Ads and Facebook Ads campaigns, but they don’t know how. If you’re skilled at advertising and know your way around bids and CPA, you have a business idea that’s in demand.
To get your first clients, start with local businesses who want to test the online marketing waters. You can also learn from these marketing experts who have found success helping business owners with ad campaigns and sales funnels:
Filling Your Funnel with Facebook | Tamara Baranova
Action Before Clarity | Kamila Gornia
26. Social media management
There’s no marketing without social media marketing. If you’re good at creating content and engaging with audiences in social media, you have a perfect online business idea.
Social media marketing is a perfect business for scaling. You can use CoSchedule to handle multiple social accounts for multiple clients and campaigns as you grow your online business.
27. Digital marketing services
Digital marketing is a catch-all term for everything about creating a presence and making sales online. It could include creating websites, email funnels, SEO, and copywriting.
Of course, it’s very much in demand. If you already do this type of work for your employer, you could be running your own online business.
28. Start a stock photography business
Stock photography is used all over the internet and in print, as an affordable way for publishers to find high-quality images.
If you love taking photos – you may have just found your business idea. There are a few stock photography services you can try. For example, you can submit work to Adobe Stock, and earn a commission from each sale (or get paid per picture).
Admittedly, you have to leave your computer to take photos. But this business can work from anywhere in the world, on your own schedule.
29. Writing music
If you write music and you’ve been told, “Hey, I think I heard that on the radio,” why not take it seriously and start a business?
Writing for film and tv can be a perfect online business for musicians — and it’s easier than ever to get your music out there. For example, TuneCore helps songwriters sell rights to their music for use in advertising, film, and tv.
TuneCore also helps songwriters get published and distributed without a record deal. And they take care of collecting and distributing royalties. That means you’ll get paid every time someone streams or purchases one of your songs through a digital platform like Spotify or Apple Music.
30. Online video production
Videos are marketing engagement boosters, so there is a huge demand for that aspect of content creation. Online video production is also great if you’re combining it with social media management.
Stanley Meytin, founder of True Film Productions, can tell you more about his experience producing videos for businesses and brands all over the world.
31. Sound editing and post-production online business
If you know your way around editing software, monetize it and start an online business that’ll help everyone’s music or videos shine.
You’ll find gigs for editing podcasts, audio tracks for video, mixing and mastering music, and more on freelance sites. Your first jobs will help you build up a portfolio and land regular clients.
32. Starting a graphic design online business
If you’ve got an eye for details, graphic design is always in demand. You can start your graphic design business easily with freelancer platforms like Upwork, Fiverr or PeoplePerHour by displaying an awesome portfolio.
33. Buy and flip websites
If you want to invest in an online business that’s already profitable, why not buy one? You can build it up and flip it when you’ve increased its value.
Check out this interview with Empire Flippers founder, Justin Cooke, to learn just how lucrative this can be.
34. Buy and flip domains
Similarly to buying and flipping websites, you can turn a profit and start an online business by buying and flipping domains.
It’s simple trade: acquire a domain at a lower cost, and sell it to someone who becomes interested, for a profit.
35. Cryptocurrency trading
There’s a reason why cryptocurrency is so popular as of late – there’s a lot of money to be made. If you’re a risk-taker and have a starting capital, try your hand at cryptocurrency trading.
Since it’s such a volatile market, you can make money day trading, as long as you can handle the risks.
36. Cryptocurrency mining
Starting an online business focused on cryptocurrency mining or just setting up mining rigs can be very lucrative. If you know your basic mining from cloud mining, you may just have a great online business idea!
Learn more about blockchain and cryptocurrency over at Blockgeeks.
37. Build apps
If you’re an app developer, look no further. There is an almost unlimited market for new mobile applications.
There are a few ways to approach starting an online business building apps:
Build and market your own app ideas.
Partner with people who can bring ideas and marketing skills.
Developing apps on a contract basis for other businesses.
38. Build websites
A good website goes a long way, and so do the people that create them.
If you know how to create a website from scratch and customize it clients’ requirements, you’re all set! And you have no excuse not to have your own killer website to market your services.
39. Create WordPress plugins
If you’re wondering what business business to start, take a look at WordPress plugins. They’re absolutely essential for WordPress websites, so if you know how to create them, you’ve got your business idea.
It’s a scalable business model since the software can be licensed to any number of WordPress users.
If you have an idea that would make using WordPress easier, or add a cool functionality, get to work building it or partner with a developer.
40. Create WordPress themes
WordPress uses themes to set the design and style of the website. Every WordPress site needs a theme, and it’s the most popular CMS out there. So you can see the potential in this online business idea.
If you’re a developer, you can create passive income building custom themes. For example, Thrive Themes sells themes specifically designed for conversion.
41. Website maintenance
In addition to development, website maintenance is a big factor in running an online business. Most people have no idea how to handle backups, security, server issues, or necessary updates on their websites.
For those with experience keeping websites working properly, website maintenance is a logical idea for an online business.
This service works really well as a productized service to generate recurring monthly income.
42. Build software and sell it as a service
SaaS (Software as a Service) is a very popular online business option, for good reason. It generates monthly recurring revenue as opposed to a one-time license fee.
If the market needs your software idea, get to work building it — or partner with a developer who can. Use a subscription model to turn it into a scalable online business.
Listen to these interviews with SaaS founders to get inspired:
Aytekin Tank of JotForm
Syed Balkhi, creator of List25, OptinMonster, SoliloquyWP, ThemeLab, and more
Sharon Savariego of Mobilize
43. Peer-to-peer lending
There’s a big market for peer-to-peer lending, but it requires initial capital and risk-tolerance. For example, Lending Club is a marketplace that connects borrowers with individual investors hoping to make competitive returns.
This can be a good way to earn on the interest rate if you are looking for diverse investment ideas for your online business.
44. Real estate crowdfunding
If you want to make investment your business’ main area of work, real estate can be an attractive niche. But owning real estate is not exactly a hands-off business idea.
Real estate crowdfunding enables you to invest in real estate through online platforms, without the responsibility of directly owning property.
45. Software testing
Every software, website, and tech product needs to be tested for faults or bugs. This is where your business can come in: test other’s software, find bugs, report on usability, and get paid.
There are crowd-testing platforms where you can apply to be a tester, including uTest and Testbirds. There’s also potential in creating your own platform or service business to perform quality control and testing.
46. Virtual tech support
Many customer support teams are fully virtual since it can often be done by email and chat. If you work in tech support or customer service, why not go freelance and start a tech support business?
This is a very scalable online business idea. You can add to your team as the workload increases and you get more clients.
47. Automation service business
A lot of companies want to automate their processes, but they don’t know how.
For example, if you know how to integrate CRM software like HubSpot, you can help small businesses transition their contacts online.
This business idea is perfect as a productized service model. You can create fixed price packages to migrate small businesses to cloud-based platforms for their accounting, sales, or contact management systems.
48. Build niche websites as an online business
Niche websites target a very specific topic. They’re a great way of earning revenue because the traffic they attract is so targeted. You can monetize by selling information products, e-commerce, or affiliate marketing.
You can make it your online business’ main field of work by building and selling niche sites once they are generating high monthly traffic.
49. Transcription
Transcription is an easy way to start a remote business. There are plenty of gigs on freelance sites to help you gain experience and reviews.
All you need is a computer and decent English language skills. With the rise of video to text content, you’ll have plenty of clients to get you started.
Eventually, you can scale this business by hiring other transcriptionists, so you can focus on getting clients.
50. Lead generation service
There are no sales without leads. Bringing people in the door (or into the online sales process) is essential to any business.
Any effective lead generation strategy could be turned into a successful online business. If you’ve been successful with LinkedIn, Facebook, or Google ads, you could easily find clients to work with.
51. Direct sales
Direct selling is a lost art and one that can bring companies a lot of extra revenue.
Many companies no longer employ in-house sales teams. Instead, they put interested leads in contact with commission-based salespeople to close deals.
If you’re skilled at sales, you can you can start an online business in sales. You could also take your expertise into a consulting business, like Marcus Sheridan, The Sales Lion.
52. Advertising
Advertising creatives are always in demand — everyone hopes their ads will go viral and get attention.
With a creative mind and some marketing chops, you can create a profitable digital agency. Whether your expertise is digital, print, podcast, or video a digital ad agency gives you the ability to work from anywhere.
53. Illustration
It’s easier than ever for artists to make money online. Advertisers, content creators, and all sorts of publishers look to the internet to find the original artwork they need.
To get started, you can find commissioned work on freelance sites. As you build up a portfolio, you can create a full-fledged business by showcasing your work on your own website.
54. Online recruiting
If you’ve got experience in HR, online recruiting can be the best business idea for you.
Helping businesses find and hire stellar employees is a valuable service. Specialize in industries where you have worked in the past to leverage your network.
Maybe you have ideas about how the hiring process in your industry could be improved, like Perry Oostdam. He created Recruitee as a platform to help businesses collaborate on hiring and onboarding new team members.
55. Online research
There’s never been more content online, and it takes an expert to research it successfully. Depending on your interest and knowledge, here are some online research business ideas to consider:
Market research, specializing in your industry.
Private Investigator research
Academic research for writers and publishers
Research for digital content creators
56. Travel consultancy
If you’re the kind of person whose intellectual algorithms work better than Skyscanner’s, start a travel consultancy online business.
This one works well if you specialize in a particular niche. That way, you can establish your authority as an expert in a certain region, or a specific type of travel.
For example, Boutique Japan specializes in creating personalized itineraries for those who want a unique trip.
57. Crowdfunding consulting
Crowdfunding has become a very popular means of financing projects. But with so many ideas fighting for attention on platforms like Indiegogo and Kickstarter, success is far from guaranteed.
Startups need advice on how to launch a successful crowdfunding campaign. This is where you come in.
If you’ve been instrumental in crowdfunding projects in the past, you can leverage your knowledge with a consultancy business. In fact, Indiegogo has a list of recommended advisors, so you can be sure there is a demand for this service.
58. Life coaching
Sometimes we all need just a bit more help. Who do we turn to? Life coaches.
If you can help with happiness, career fulfillment, relationships, or financial success, you will never run out of people who need your help.
Using life coaching as an online business model, you can expand your reach beyond your immediate area. Instead of working only with local clients, you can work from anywhere, help more people, and increase your earning potential.
Check out this interview with Stephynie Malik, who helps high achieving executives unlock their full potential with her coaching business, ChiqueSpeak.
59. Business coaching
Similarly to life coaching, business coaching means working with business owners to help them achieve growth and success.
This can be a very lucrative online business idea. In fact, I’ve lost count of how many entrepreneurs I’ve interviewed who are currently working with a business coach.
If you’re a good communicator with past successes in your industry, consider offering your services as a business coach.
60. Dating coaching
We all just want a chance at true love, and sometimes that means work. People who are too busy, or don’t know where to start, turn to dating coaches for help.
Dating coaches help people put their best foot forward, find a match, and work through the ups and downs of dating. You can make money online as a dating coach in a few different ways:
Coaching services
Creating effective profiles for dating sites
Writing books
Creating online courses
61. Start a gaming business
Can you really make money playing video games? If you’re a high-level player and you can put some time into marketing your business, then yes.
This article on Gamefly is a good primer on how advanced players can monetize their gaming skills through streaming, educational videos, or selling items within a gaming platform.
62. Advise on investments
With the availability of online investment tools like Wealthsimple, the personal finance industry is changing. People still need advice on saving for retirement and making big financial decisions. But financial advisors don’t need to work for big investment firms to create a financial planning business.
For a fee, qualified individuals can provide this needed advice, as independent financial advisors — and can work remotely much of the time.
Diana Dyer founded Triumph Capital to help millennials with their financial planning and investment needs.
63. Start a voiceover online business
Every video needs a voiceover, and so do ads. Between independent production companies, ad agencies, and YouTubers, you can find a huge variety of voice acting gigs on freelance sites.
If you’ve got a distinctive voice, start an online business providing voiceover services.
You don’t need a fancy recording studio. With a decent microphone and basic sound editing skills, you can produce high-quality recordings.
64. Start a virtual interior design business
Interior designers can start a fully-virtual business using photographs and simulation tools. Besides making money on interior design fees, there is an opportunity to partner with contractors, furniture and home decor stores, and artists.
Havenly is an example of a platform for designers to work remotely, creating custom designs for clients.
65. Open an online jewelry store
There are several ways to put your eye for jewelry design and style to work in an online business:
Sell your own designs and products with an e-commerce site.
Use Etsy to sell handcrafted pieces.
Source jewelry from manufacturers for a dropshipping business.
Set up an Amazon store and use FBA to sell customized jewelry.
For a unique take on an online jewelry business, listen to this interview with Jessica Honegger. She created Noonday Collection on a social enterprise model.
66. Sell artisanal products online
With the rise of online shopping, you can sell just about any physical products you can imagine with an online shop.
Natural skin care, handmade toys, fashion — what do you like to make?
67. Yoga classes business
Yoga, pilates, and other wellness activities are a big industry. If you teach classes in these disciplines, you can teach online.
Here are a few ways to scale your online yoga business:
Start a YouTube channel.
Sell your classes as an online course.
Create a blog and make money with affiliate marketing.
Teach classes on Skillshare.
68. Teach music
People who want to learn how to play an instrument but don’t have time classes prefer to learn online. This is good news for music teachers because it enables you to find students and scale your business beyond where you live.
You can sell courses or offer one-on-one coaching sessions — fully remote.
69. Plan events
Since event planning involves a ton of research and phone calls, it’s a business you could start anywhere. Depending on your experience and interest, you could consult on wedding planning, private parties, business events, and even corporate retreats.
Just organize everything and leave it to them to have fun.
70. Write speeches
A good speech is a work of art, and many people need help with it. Writers with a flair for crafting impactful presentations can start an online service business in speechwriting.
Speechwriting is not just for politics — people work with writers for all kinds of corporate events and personal occasions. Start by looking at freelance sites to see what kind of gigs are in demand.
You can extend this to press releases and other publicity writing, and have a booming online business.
71. Photo editing
Your first association may be “Instagram influencers,” but many advertisers and businesses need photo editing services.
You could even partner with event or portrait photographers — they do the in-person shoot, and you handle editing and packaging.
Start your online business today
If you’re still wondering what online business you should start, check out our list of side hustles – both remote and non-remote.
And if you’re worried you don’t have what it takes to start a business, you’re not alone. A lot of people give up before they even start.
You don’t have to.
Do something today to start thinking like an entrepreneur.
The post The Ultimate List of Online Business Ideas [2019] appeared first on Hack the Entrepreneur.
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Designed for the 4moms highchair. #TopProducts
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Adtwixt - News source https://adtwixt.com/blogs/news/best-18-chairs
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maziedclark-blog · 6 years
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healthbolt-blog · 6 years
New Post has been published on Health bolt
New Post has been published on http://www.healthbolt.net/cooking/cooking-healthy-recipes-for-family/
Cooking Healthy Recipes For Family
Healthier … discover
Refined sunflower oil
Eating healthy: start
Diet. … allrecipes
Diet. healthy home cooked
Raw ground beef
give some of these easy keto Italian recipes a try. They are delicious restaurant quality meals that can be made right in your own kitchen. Save the expense and stay at home with a healthier family me…
Cook up healthy family dinners and snacks with recipe ideas from Food Network chefs. … Marshall Troy ©2012,Cooking Channel,LLC Photo By: Con Poulos … Our 50 Most-Popular Healthy Recipes …
Getting the family to eat healthier … discover enough nourishing and nom-worthy recipes to take you through an entire month …
Emami Healthy And Tasty Cooking Oil Chicken breasts are a healthy dinner go-to … drizzle with olive oil and season. In no time, you have a delicious DIY meal t… ‘Emami Healthy & Tasty’ cooking oil has been developed by adopting a 7 Stage European Refining Technology to create a unique combination of purity and taste … Emami healthy and tasty cooking oil for. Emami healthy and tasty Kachi Ghani mustard oil. Emami h… ealthy and tasty refined soyabean oil. Emami healthy and tasty rice bran oil. Emami healthy and tasty refined sunflower oil The packing of Emami healthy and tasty cooking oil 1:- Kachi Ghani mustard oil :- 1 litre bottle. 1 litre pouch. 200 ml … FMCG major Emami Group has announced the expansion of its ‘Emami Healthy & Tasty’ edible oil to the northern and western parts of the country. Manufactured and marketed by Emami Agrotech Ltd, the edib… How To Cook A Healthy Turkey you can make Tofurky, which is a soy-based product. Barber said it has less calories than regular turkey. However, if you do choose to stick with meat this Thanksgiving, Barber said white turkey meat … A healthy portion of meat is 3 ounces cooked, which works out to 1/2 pound of raw, bone-in turkey per serving. Calculate what you need based on the number of guests, plus your appetite for leftovers. 2. Our mission is to help you eat and cook the healthiest way for optimal health. We recommend roasting turkey to bring out its best flavor although you will have to allot several hours for cooking. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Nearly 88 percent of Americans are expected to eat turkey Thursday. Many want to know which brands to avoid as the yearlong outbreak spreads to 35 states. Without a source or supplier of the products … This includes a certain Youth Wellness Specialist from the Attleboro YMCA who writes a Healthy … turkey and fixings go for it. No need to change family tradition if you are the host of the family ga… Healthy Cooking With Hamburger Meat Healthy No Cook Camping Food Non-Cook backpacking meal plan: 3 days, 9 Meals, No Stove. Cooking is a pain… especially in the backcountry. The weight of the stove, pots and dishes always adds a couple pounds to your bag. That’s where foil packet meals come in. Aluminum foil is truly an under-appreciated cooking tool—all you have to do is … Either way, you’re always in for some major flavor, and this recipe is no dif… Light Healthy Cooking When you feel like "healthy" snacks can’t possibly branch past almonds and apples, there’s a creative recipe collection waiting to show you the light. Ahead we’ve rounded up 11 curated-cooking guidebo… As written, this soup is light. As light as this prescription from your Healthy Cooking columnist: Sip it from a mug while wa… Healthy Banana Bread From Cooking Light Nov 09, 2015  · What makes this banana bread healthy? This banana bread recipe is made with 100 percent whole
Thanksgiving is coming and now is the time to share healthy recipes for family events and memories … who has competed on the Food Network’s “Sweet Genius” program. “I write cookbooks so that I can b…
Find trusted recipes for eating healthy: start the day with a wholesome breakfast, cut the carbs or calories, find the perfect main dish for your special diet. … allrecipes Magazine Recipes Dish Type Breads … Lentils are coupled with vegetables for this family-friendly lentil soup. Topped with spinach and a splash of vinegar, this is the …
Is Vegetable Oil Healthy To Cook With Vegetable oils, or vegetable fats, are fats extracted from seeds, or less often, from other parts of fruits. Like animal fats, vegetable fats are mixtures of triglycerides. Soybean oil, rapeseed oil, and cocoa butter are examples of fats from seeds. Olive oil, palm oil, and rice bran oil are example of fats from other parts of fruits. In common usage, vegetable oil may refer exclusively to … Find healthy, delicious vegan vegetable side dish recipes, from the food and nutrition experts at EatingWell. Franks Research Labs is the first company in the nation to obtain a license to manufacture and sell a 100 percent vegetable oil-based printing ink developed … in petroleum-based inks and are potenti… If you’re wondering which is the best cooking oil for your health—and which oils are not healthy … This means that they are less likely to break down and smoke. The term “vegetable oil” is used to r… Allow it to cool slightly. 3. In a food processor, add the vegetable of choice, milk of choice, coconut oil or butter and wal… Emami Healthy And Tasty Cooking Oil Chicken breasts are a healthy dinner go-to … drizzle with olive oil and season. In no time, you have a delicious DIY meal t… ‘Emami Healthy & Tasty’ cooking oil has been developed by adopting a 7 Stage European Refining Technology to create a unique combination of purity and taste … Emami healthy and tasty cooking oil for. Emami healthy and tasty Kachi Ghani mustard oil. Emami h… ealthy and tasty refined soyabean oil. Emami healthy and tasty rice bran oil. Emami healthy and tasty refined Sunflower oil The packing of Emami healthy and tasty cooking oil 1:- Kachi Ghani mustard oil :- 1 litre bottle. 1 litre pouch. 200 ml … FMCG major Emami Group has announced the expansion of its ‘Emami Healthy & Tasty’ edible oil to the northern and western parts of the country. Manufactured and marketed by Emami Agrotech Ltd, the edib… How To Cook A Healthy Turkey you can make Tofurky, which is a soy-based product. Barber said it has less calories than regular turkey. However, if you do choose to stick with meat this Thanksgiving, Barber said white turkey meat … A healthy portion of meat is 3 ounces cooked, which works out to 1/2 pound of raw, bone-in turkey per serving. Calculate what you need based on the number of guests, plus your appetite for leftovers. 2. Our mission is to help you eat and cook the healthiest way for optimal health. We recommend roasting turkey to bring out its best flavor although you will have to allot several hours for cooking. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Nearly 88 percent of Americans are expected to eat turkey Thursday. Many want to know which brands to avoid as the yearlong outbreak spreads to 35 states. Without a source or supplier of the products … This includes a certain Youth Wellness Specialist from the Attleboro YMCA who writes a Healthy How To Cook A Healthy Turkey you can make Tofurky, which is a soy-based product. Barber said it has less calories than regular turkey. However, if you do choose to stick with meat this Thanksgiving, Barber said white turkey meat … A healthy portion of meat is 3 ounces cooked, which works out to 1/2 pound of raw, bone-in turkey per serving. Calculate what you need based on the number of guests, plus your appetite for leftovers. 2. Our mission is to help you eat and cook the healthiest way for optimal health. We recommend roasting turkey to bring out its best flavor although you will have to allot several hours for cooking. Preheat the oven to 350°F (175°C). Nearly 88 percent of Americans are expected to eat turkey Thursday. Many want to know which brands to avoid as the yearlong outbreak spreads to 35 states. Without a source or supplier of the products … This includes a certain Youth Wellness Specialist from the Attleboro YMCA who writes a Healthy … turkey and fixings go for it. No need to change family tradition if you are the host of the family ga… Healthy Cooking With Hamburger Meat Healthy No Cook Camping Food Non-Cook Backpacking Meal Plan: 3 Days, 9 Meals, No Stove. Cooking is a pain… especially in the backcountry. The weight of the stove, pots and dishes always adds a couple pounds to your bag. That’s where foil packet meals come in. Aluminum foil is truly an under-appreciated cooking tool—all you have to do is … Either way, you’re always in for some major flavor, and this recipe is no dif… Light Healthy Cooking When you feel like "healthy" snacks can’t possibly branch past almonds and apples, there’s a creative recipe collection waiting to show you the light. Ahead we’ve rounded up 11 curated-cooking guidebo… As written, this soup is light. As light as this prescription from your Healthy Cooking columnist: Sip it from a mug while wa… Healthy Banana Bread From Cooking Light Nov 09, 2015  · What makes this banana bread healthy? This banana bread recipe is made with 100 percent whole wheat flour, unlike traditional banana bread recipes that call for refined flour and lots of processed sugar. This banana bread is naturally sweetened with honey or maple syrup, which offer some trace nutrients that white sugar … helpful, trusted answers from doctors: Dr. Lin on healthy banana bread recipe cooking light: Speakmto your physician and ask for a referral to a dietician who can supply you with aproper diet. healthy home cooked Meals Delivered Join the new food revolution of fresh food delivery at Muscle Meals Direct and enjoy our freshly prepared, nutritiously balanced and healthy meals delivered to your door or nearest pick up location weekly. green chef Those looking to make a home-cooked meal but also cut down on the amount of time spent running around grocery stor… In 2013, mother-and-daughter duo Didee and Jane Weare started We Are Food, selling frozen home-cooked meals from their garage in Umhlanga Rocks.
Find quick and healthy recipes, nutrition tips, entertaining menus, and fitness guides to help you make smart choices for a healthy lifestyle from Cooking Light magazine. … entertaining menus, and fitness guides to help you make smart choices for a healthy lifestyle from Cooking Light magazine. Find quick and healthy recipes, nutrition tips …
Find healthy, quick recipes for chicken dinners, seafood entrées, casseroles, sandwiches, soups and more from Cooking Light magazine.
Cooking with Fish: Healthy Family Dinners You’re off the hook for dinner tonight, thanks to these delicious (and heart-healthy) fish recipes. By Michael Tyrrell
Healthy Meal Recipes for the Whole Family to Love Making the decision to eat healthy is easy. Following through is usually the tough part. This recipe guide will help you find healthy dishes (that …
How To Eat Healthy Without Cooking Mowry offers up some invaluable tips on how to season food to perfection without using heaps of traditional salt and sugar. T… Healthy Dorm Cooking Sick of the dining hall? You can make everything you’d ever want to eat — from healthy snacks to ‘gram-worthy desserts in your dorm room. Ingredients: 1/2 cup Velveeta cheese, 1 tablespoon milk … She says this interdisciplinary academic track has provided her with the tools to help translate her zeal for healthy … and … Cooking Healthy For Your Family But no matter what your ideal solution looks like, in today’s reality, you’re likely to find that cooking healthy family meals at home is the best way to keep both your wallet and … Best Way To Cook Cauliflower Healthy “We’re going to put ourselves out there in a big way. That’s what we did.” While the meal prep service focuses on healthy … … Yep, this is a pizza crust made of vegetables. It might sound like something that your holistic-commune-dwelling, essential-oil-vaping, ultra-granola aunt came up with in a fever dream, but cauliflowe… We call this our our “best” baked oatmeal … these 31 recipes will help you go keto without sacrificing flavor. Collard Greens Make Way Better Wraps Than Lettuce Ever Could Collard Wraps make the per… The George Mateljan Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation with no commercial interests or advertising. Our mission is to help you eat and cook the healthiest way for optimal health. Healthy Ways To Cook Hamburger Meat the CDC is also urging people to wash their hands and any items that come into contact with raw ground beef with soap and water after use. Make sure to stay safe by following health officials’ recomme… Eating an Online Meat For Sale Oregon is an excellent way of being healthy and providing all the … there are various benefits attached to meat. So, purchase Ground Beef For Sale In Oregon from Orego… Chicken breasts are a healthy dinner go-to, but finding tasty new ways to make them can be difficult. This recipe from Dishin… The best and healthiest methods to cook meat are grilling, broiling or roasting without oil. Fat content is decreased because it flows out of the meat. Kebabs, meat grilled on skewers, are a great lean option. stay away from frying and boiling. These methods keep fat in. How To cook healthy Food But even the home-baked varieties can be full of fat. For healthier cooking, try substituting applesauce for oil or butter.Swapping applesauce for oil will cut fat and cut calories, but it can also change the texture of your finished product. The substitution generally works best in muffins, bars or cake recipes. Healthy Home cooked meals delivered join the new food revolution of fresh food delivery at Muscle Meals Direct and enjoy our freshly prepared, nutritiously balanced and healthy meals delivered to your door or nearest pick up location weekly. green chef Those looking to make a home-cooked meal but also cut down on
My family always cooked while I was growing up. A typical week in my house consisted of four to six home-cooked meals and one …
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New Post has been published on http://www.lifehacker.guru/9-things-you-can-get-for-free-at-the-disney-parks/
9 things you can get for free at the Disney parks
There’s a lot of things you can buy in Disney parks, but there are some you can get for free.
Flickr / Joe Penniston
When going to Disney World or Disneyland, you’re likely paying an arm and a leg for the magical vacation. From airplane rides or filling up your gas tank, to hotels, meals, and admission tickets to the parks, it all can easily add up to much more than you bargained for. Especially when you factor in the fact you may be paying for multiple people in your family.
With the universal truth that there’s a lot to buy to get to Disney, there’s also much to purchase once you’re there. And with all the money you’ll be spending, it can be helpful to cut corners and save money where you can. As someone who’s been going to Disney World since a few months old (thanks to living in South Florida as a kid, these trips were an easy three-hour drive from home), I’ve grown aware of some freebies guests can snag.
Read on to learn what you can get for free at Disney World.
1. You can create your own free salad, but please for the love of Disney, be coy about it.
In restaurants like Restaurantosaurus in Animal Kingdom and Cosmic Ray’s Starlight Café in Magic Kingdom, Disney offers a toppings bar where you can add to your presumably paid-for burgers and sandwiches. These toppings bars, though, come with enough food to actually make your own salad. Feel free to create your own dish with lettuce, tomatoes, onions, sauteed mushrooms, jalapeños, pickles, and sriracha mayo. Or, use these to add on to your meal. Whatever floats your boat. The last time I was in Magic Kingdom, I ordered one of their salads, replaced the chicken with a veggie burger (just ask for it!), and loaded on the extra toppings.
2.If you’re a Disney Vacation Club member, you have access to a special lounge in Epcot that has free drinks.
Disney Vacation Club members get access to their own set of perks while vacationing at their “home away from home.” One of these perks being a special DVC members-only lounge in the Imagination! Pavillion in Epcot, where you can snack on soft drinks or free, away from the lines and massive crowds that Disney tends to have. The lounge also includes WiFi, an area where kids can play, computers, and charging areas.
3. And if you’re not a DVC member, Club Cool in Epcot has free drinks for you, too.
Take a refreshing break from going around the world by cooling off at Club Cool in Epcot. Keeping in the park theme, the drink stop allows guests to sample Coca-Cola refreshments from around the world. Notice how the flavor preferences vary by countries. And yes, it’s free.
4. Visit during Halloween to get free candy at nighttime with a special Halloween event ticket.
For guests that go to the Mickey’s Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, a refreshingly unscary alternative to other theme park Halloween festivities, you’ll be able to trick-or-treat in the park. The candy will be free, but obviously extra points for dressed-up park guests.
5.For first-time park visitors or guests celebrating special events, you’ll receive a festive button.
If you’re celebrating your first visit, birthday, anniversary, engagement – whatever it may be, you can get a pin that says “I’m celebrating” and write whatever you’re celebrating. You’ll notice when wearing your fun decorative button that Disney crew members and fellow guests alike will be wishing you congrats or a happy birthday all vacation long.
6. Exchange pins you collect with Disney crew members and other park or hotel guests.
Disney crew members and guests can collect special pins, themed in Disney characters, movies, parks, and more. While these generally are items you purchase in stores or at on-site hotels, you definitely are encouraged to trade pins with others. Tout all your pins on a lanyard to show everyone your impressive collection.
7. You have access to a First Aid, where you can stop for medicine or see a nurse.
There’s a First Aid in every Disney World theme park, where you can get over-the-counter medicine, bandages, or consult with a nurse. On my last Disney trip, I swung by to get some band-aids and ibuprofen.
8. Ride home on Disney’s Magical Express.
If you’re staying at a Disney World hotel in Orlando, you receive a complimentary bus ride on Disney’s Magical Express to and from the Orlando airport. When making your reservation, indicate whether or not you will require the services, and when your flight times are. While aboard the bus, you’ll receive free entertainment as well. What else would you expect from Disney? Keep in mind on your way out, it’s not a “goodbye,” it’s a “see you soon.”
9. Get sprinkled – or have your kids sprinkled – with pixie dust.
As the saying goes, “All you need is a little faith, trust, and pixie dust.” This park bonus truly feels like a treat to any Disney obsessor. While I can’t guarantee that you’ll be able to fly, you will certainly be feeling the magic. This free perk is available on Main Street USA in Magic Kingdom at the Harmony Barber Shop.
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miamibeerscene · 7 years
Flossmoor Station Restaurant & Brewery: Chugging Along Inside a Historic Train Station
Flossmoor Station Restaurant & Brewery is a converted train station. (Credit: Mathew Powers)
September 13, 2017
At first, Ryan Czaja didn’t want the head brewer job at Flossmoor Station Restaurant & Brewery. The unique challenges of preserving the former train station’s rich history while operating a modern-day brewery is a big responsibility, and Ryan thought he wasn’t ready.
But Dean and Carolyn Armstrong, Flossmoor, Illinois, natives who invested in the crumbling station in 1996, thought otherwise.
(READ: 7 Offbeat Places to Drink Craft Beer)
Constructed by the Illinois Central Railroad in 1906, the Flossmoor Station was a stop for Chicago residents looking for a getaway from the bustle of urban life. There were exactly six homes in Flossmoor when the station was built, and the railroad bought 160 acres of land there with plans for a golf course for those city-weary travelers. A century later, golf courses and the railway remain, and Flossmoor is one in a vast network of Chicago suburbs. But the station is something else.
Transforming an Old Train Station into a Brewery
A photo shows the Flossmoor Station in the early 1900s. (Credit: Flossmoor Public Library)
The Armstrongs bought the building and transformed it into the Flossmoor Station Restaurant & Brewery. Beer names, dishes and the decor all remind visitors of the station’s storied past, but it is clear that the building has carved out a new route.
Today, the station’s history may bring a few people in the door, but it’s the beer — which has won nearly 80 brewing medals — and the highly regarded food that turned it into a modern-day success. And Ryan is hard at work keeping the track record.
(VISIT: Find a U.S. Brewery)
After homebrewing for some time, Ryan attended the famed Siebel Institute in Chicago and spent two years as an assistant brewer at Flossmoor Station. When the head brewer left in 2016, the Armstrongs offered Ryan the job.
He said no.
“I didn’t want it. I didn’t think I was nearly ready for that,” Ryan says.
But after several interviews with outsiders, and some prodding, the Armstrongs persuaded Ryan to take the job, which he started in April 2016. The brewery has remained on track, in fact, it’s full-steam ahead.
Brewing Beer in a Tight Space
Flossmoor head brewer Ryan Czaja with Matt Van Wyk, former head brewer who is now at Alesong Brewing in Oregon. (Credit: Flossmoor Station)
Themed restaurants are not often known for serving quality dishes, and Flossmoor certainly doesn’t shy away from its train motif — the beers have names like Zephyr Golden Lager, Pullman Brown Ale and Rail Hopper IPA. Nevertheless, one only needs to order from its Carving Board Charcuterie & Cheese menu that includes such items as Barber Cheddar English Vintage, a firm textured cheese with fruit and nut undertones, to know it’s not just a gimmick. And the plaques and medals hanging throughout the bar area serve as proof of its brewing prowess.
For Ryan, it can be a challenge working in a building listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The station wasn’t exactly intended to house fermentors or store barrels.
“Yeah, it’s pretty tight in here … but I think most brewers would love more space. I can’t complain,” Ryan laughs.
(READ: Behind the Scenes of a Cruise Ship Craft Brewery)
Ryan’s Mantra: Never Settle
While Flossmoor Station originally catered to Chicago’s elite, as a brewery, it draws a more diverse crowd.
“We definitely have our beer geek crowd. Saturdays during the summer are big for that. And we have people that come in for the history, but we also have a lot of regulars. Or, some just come here for a meal,” Ryan says. “The big thing I do is brew things I like to drink, which is something I think any good brewer does, but I also listen to what people have to say. Sometimes I’ll sit at the bar, and I won’t say who I am so that I can hear people’s reactions. I think you have to know what people love and maybe what they don’t really like.”
An eclectic menu best defines the beer selection at Flossmoor. There’s the rainbow of drinks: brown, black, red, golden lagers and ales, barleywines and easy-drinking sippers. You name it, Flossmoor makes it. Like any brewer though, fidgeting with recipes and creating something new, like a seasonal or special release, gets Ryan’s engine running.
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“I would love to do more bottle releases,” he says. “I won’t do them unless I feel the beer is bottle-worthy. I have a version of an imperial stout I want to do and put in barrels. Maybe something like that.”
Bottle worthiness is no easy achievement at Flossmoor Station, and Ryan is his own worst critic. While a red ale elicited a smile and an “ahhh,” from this writer, Ryan says, “Eh, it could be better.”
He also told a story about a double IPA that customers loved. Ryan, though, says with a smile, “It wasn’t my favorite. I like it. It wasn’t my style, I guess. But, people did love it.”
Maybe he’s a perfectionist. Maybe he looks at the multitude of awards hanging on the walls and feels pressure. Whatever the reason, it doesn’t seem to phase Ryan. He just loves beer. It just so happens he wants to make great beer.
That dedication to making great beer and food has kept Flossmoor Station — and its history — chugging along. Whether it’s offering a weekend getaway or pouring award-winning beers, perhaps Flossmoor Station will keep serving the community for another century.
Mathew Powers
After spending most of his life chasing tornadoes, Mathew decided to chase beer as writer, historian and drinker. He possesses a Master’s in Written Communication and History and he’s published regularly in print and digitally on various beer and spirits publications. When he’s not writing (or drinking beer), he’s spending time with family, watching sports, reading history books and dreaming of classic cars he can’t afford. Read more by this author
The post Flossmoor Station Restaurant & Brewery: Chugging Along Inside a Historic Train Station appeared first on Miami Beer Scene.
from Flossmoor Station Restaurant & Brewery: Chugging Along Inside a Historic Train Station
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