#Barber Foods
schwarzys-stimblog · 4 days
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Mrs. Lovett (Sweeney Todd) stimboard with stripes and other related stims!
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requested by anon!
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cevansbrat0007 · 5 months
I have a story request! So I know you’ve written a 2 party story about baby girl going to get food in the middle of the night when pregnant.. can you write something after she’s learned her lesson?She wakes up Andy and he goes and gets her food and she is basically a princess eating her fast food in bed at 3 am??? 😂 idk why this just makes me giggle and I think it’s so cute. Of course Andy would be praising her for waking him and making him do something other men would hate lmao
Hello! So I do have something very similar to this already planned for Andy and BG, courtesy of a request from another reader. Clearly great minds think alike, so I will be sure to tag you once it's up. Especially because I will be using elements from both requests to write the story.
Thank you, darling!
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irregularbillcipher · 11 months
i had been considering making one of gus’ stories be an homage to sweeney todd since it’s arguably the most well-known penny dreadful— well, string of pearls is, but tomato tomato— but i was like “i dunno how to translate todd being a barber to a flatland profession” without realizing that the real flaw in that idea is that i have purposefully avoided any discussion of animals and decided nobody in that dimension eats meat
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
Do you ever read a post online where someone complains about how "IDW never talks about this [idea/character/plot/theme]" and you just think to yourself... this person hasn't read anything besides MTMTE have they?
Really sad when you see people complaining "the story never talked about this!" and act angry about it as if it's some oppressive flaw that the writer (JRO) was evil for never talking about but it's like. Bud if you just read exRID/OP or maybe Windblade/TAAO you would have read plenty about that.
The two worst ones I can think of off the top of my head are "Optimus is always treated like a saint, I hate how he gets away with everything just because he's a Prime" (wrong, read literally anything Barber writes) and "the Decepticons never get a sympathetic perspective, they're always just villains and the narrative is totally just treating them as if being revolutionaries makes them evil" (wrong, read several side stories that Barber wrote). Like literally the moral of the story is just "read something besides MTMTE."
And I'm not complaining about people who are just curious or don't know. I'm talking specifically about people who complain, or say MTMTE is bad, or generally act as if JRO's writing/MTMTE/LL represents the entirety of IDW1 and basically act like, if JRO didn't write it it doesn't exist and clearly since he didn't write it that means no one else did. Like please I'm begging you to read the other less popular but still good series in IDW1 and you'll find multiple stories/ideas that they tell that MTMTE/LL doesn't.
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hecho-a-mano · 2 years
Long line of barbers trying to get food, call that a BarberQueue
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cosmicanamnesis · 1 year
met a guy from the UK today, which is weird bc I live in a pretty insular town and.
like I know we make fun of them. but there were some things I've read that really just seemed like they HAD to be ribbing bc like. that can't possibly be how they act.
I literally cannot understate how we'd be having a normal conversation and he would say shit that just Stunned me
bro was infected w that British NeoLib Racism-Xenophobia-Classism hat trick
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eva-knits12 · 5 months
The Hospital Stay
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Trigger Warning: pregnancy loss, angst, coma, surgery, fluff
Summary: What you and Andy thought were period cramps wound up being a loss for the both of you.
(Part One: Steamy Nights, can be read here.)
"Andy...." you wake up, feeling weak.
"Shh, you're in the hospital," says Andy.
"How," you ask.
"You passed out in our bedroom. You were bleeding very heavily. It wasn't your period, honey," says Andy, stroking your hair away from your forehead.
Andy is holding your hand. He just wants you to be okay right now. Something tells you you're not, or you wouldn't be in the hospital.
"I called 911, you were bleeding very heavily from your vagina," says Andy.
"So the cramps, weren't from my period," you say.
"It's a miscarriage, Miss (y/l/n) . You were pregnant, about 7 weeks along," says the doctor.
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You didn't even realize that you were pregnant. You had been feeling nauseous lately, but you chalked it up to the fact that your period was coming. You always got nauseous a few days before, and when it came, you gradually, felt better.
The thing was, you and Andy hadn't even talked about trying. You and Andy weren't ready to have a baby. You wanted a baby with Andy, but with the cases he's been dealing with, and your new job, and the fact that you and Andy were still in the condo, getting pregnant right now was the furthest thing from your mind.
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Well, now you found out, and you and Andy were forced to say goodbye. Andy was on his laptop, sending an e-mail to his assistant, and to the assistant district attorney. He explains the situation.
The nurses come in, and you have to sign a form. You're getting a Dilation and Curettage done. You sign the form, and your promptly taken to the OR. Andy follows, and sits in the waiting room.
Andy is sick with worry. He just wants you to be okay, and to get through this. The procedure is supposed to 15 minutes to half an hour, but it feels much longer than that. Time slowed down in a hospital for some reason.
You're given general anesthesia. You inhale the gas, and the next thing you know, you're out. The surgeon and the doctor are removing everything-the tissue, the embryo, the excess blood-and your being scraped from any excess tissue. The procedure is finished in no time, and you're taken to a hospital room, where you're hooked up to a machine that's keeping track of your vitals. You also have a catheter inside you, and a bag is attached to it. so it can collect the urine while you're still out.
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Andy realized that you conceived on the Saturday afternoon when you and him watched porn together. You both made love at such an unholy speed, and you and him were out of condoms. So, you both just proceeded to make love without one. Well, seven weeks later, here you were. You hadn't even realized you missed your period. You thought nothing of it, since you could be late sometimes. When the nausea started, that's when you realized your period was on it's way. But, now it wasn't. You thought you wouldn't have another miscarriage. Not after what you're abusive ex put you though. But here you are again.
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You hadn't even realized you were ovulating. You actually forgot to check your period tracker, so you would have known to stock up on condoms. You and Andy always made this a point from the first time you both made love. You would show him when you were scheduled to ovulate, and stock up on condoms if one of you was running out. You weren't embarrassed to buy condoms. Your boyfriend was a decade older than you and he wasn't embarrassed about buying condoms.
You're still out from the anesthesia, but you're fever isn't going down. The doctors are doing some more tests. They find sepsis, so you're still not out of the woods yet. The nurse puts an antibiotic in you, via a shot, and Andy hopes for the best.
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You wake up from the anesthesia, and are still feeling weak.
"Andy," you say, tiredness and weakness in your voice.
Andy comes over and kisses you on you forehead.
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Andy is lovingly stroking you hair away from your forehead. He's there until visiting hours are over. He's updating your parents as to what's going on.
"Try not to talk," says Andy.
"My throat," you say.
"Shh," says Andy.
Andy is feeding you ice chips because that's the only thing that the doctor and the nurses are allowing you to have right now. You're fever is still high, but it's slowly going down.
"Shh, the doctor thinks you had the miscarriage days ago, but your symptoms presented now. You had to get a D and C done, to get the embryo and the tissue and the placenta out. You developed sepsis as a result. They think you may have had uterine infection. That may have caused this," says Andy.
"As a result from both, you developed sepsis," says Andy, who is continuing to feed you ice chips.
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The doctors are still finding this out, so they're still running tests. You have to stay in the hospital for a few more days just to be on the safe side. Andy sat by your side the entire time. If this wasn't love, you don't what is.
You start to cry. Andy starts to cry with you. You had dreams. You would have gone home with your little bundle of joy, wrapped in a blanket that you knitted. You would place your little bundle of joy in the nursery with a theme you and Andy would pick out. The nursery would have elements of blue for a boy, pink for a girl. Instead, you and Andy were forced to accept a loss when you both found out minutes before.
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"I thought you got that if you had a ruptured appendix," you say.
"You can develop it from anything," says Andy.
You're still tired. You're exhausted just from talking. You fall asleep. Andy covers you with the nice, warm blanket he brought from home. He knew those hospital blankets were very thin, and didn't keep you warm.
Andy kisses you on your forehead, and lays on the uncomfortable couch in the room. He covers himself with a warm blanket. He's out like a light. A nurse comes in later to check your temperature and your vitals. Your fever has gone down a little bit. She gives you another dose of antibiotic in your banana bag.
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Andy wakes up before you do, and goes home. He showers and eats some breakfast. He brushes his teeth and changes his clothes. He then drives back to your hospital room. Your room already has flowers and balloons in it. Andy got your favorite chocolate.
When he arrives, a nurse is checking your vitals and your temperature. A doctor is recording everything in your chart, and is doing another exam.
"Hi, sweetheart. Are you feeling better?" asks Andy.
"A little," you say, with tiredness still in your voice.
"Okay, the antibiotic is working," says the doctor.
"Let's check your breathing," says the doctor.
You breathe, but your still weak.
"Can I go home?" you ask.
"You're still not out of the woods yet. I'd like to keep you for another day or so, just to be on the safe side," says the doctor..
"Mr. Barber," says the doctor.
"It was sepsis," says the doctor.
Did you just hear that right? Sepsis?
"I think it was not only caused by the miscarriage, she had a uterine infection," says the doctor.
"We took one look at the embryo, and it seems that the embryo had a penny sized hole, right in his heart," says the doctor.
"Andy, wait? We would have a boy?" you say.
"Yes, but your son would have never survived past the first trimester," says the doctor.
When you heard that, you still couldn't process this. A miscarriage would have been inevitable. A hole in a heart of a baby that size meant that the hole was bigger than the heart. It was a heart defect that caused a miscarriage. Your son's heart just stopped beating. For some reason, your son's heart defect also caused you to be sick, too. The doctor tells you that your placenta and your uterus also got infected. Your body just went into labor in order to try and get rid of your son. Your doctor explains that this is what happens during a miscarriage.
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"Did it feel more like your were about to get your period?" says the doctor.
"Yes, I thought it was. I can get really bad. I even get nauseous," you explain.
"I see," says the doctor.
"So, what I thought was my period coming was actually labor?" you say.
"If you miscarry, that's what you're body is thinking. The same hormones that cause your period are the same ones that cause a miscarriage, so you didn't even recognize that you were in labor," says the doctor.
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Andy sinks down again, and starts to cry. You start to cry, too. It didn't have to be this way. Andy was reminded of Jacob. You were picturing an animal themed nursery, with vintage toys, with elements of blue, with his name above his crib. Instead, you couldn't process this. You couldn't process the loss, either.
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Andy couldn't process all of this, either. Finding you passed out, with blood coming out of you, the ambulance ride, the sepsis, the miscarriage, and now he had to say goodbye to another son. It was just too much.
You and Andy pick out a name. You both choose Noah because it means comfort and rest. You choose a middle name, Andrew, after Andy. You choose Barber as the last name. You and Andy decide to bury Noah next to his brother. At least Noah could be buried with some dignity, instead of being disposed of. You both just felt it would be right.
The chaplain is called in. Since you were raised Catholic, and so was Andy, you both request that Noah is given last rites. The chaplain is usually a priest on his off days.
"Of course," says the chaplain.
"What's your son's name?" asks the chaplain.
"Noah. His name is Noah," says Andy.
After last rites is given, a bereavement counselor is sent into the room. You and Andy do a session, but it feels like this is too much.
You were pregnant. Just hours before. You found out when you woke up. You lost him. You lost him in a matter of hours. You didn't know how you were going to cope. Andy didn't know how he was going to cope.
You set up another session with the bereavement counselor. You go to a support group for couples who suffered from a miscarriage.
The doctor comes back with the ultrasound machine. He wanted to make sure that all of the tissue and blood had been fully removed. He sees a little tissue, and decides to schedule you for another surgery. Luckily, and OR is available, and you sign a form. You get another D and C done to remove the rest of the tissue.
Your promptly wheeled off to the OR. You are given general anesthesia. The doctor is dressed in scrubs, masked, and gloved. He performs the procedure, and is using guidance to make sure that all of the tissue is removed at this time.
You wake up, with Andy holding your hand. He's watching you sleep. You still can't believe that this was real. Your son was real. Your son was valid. Now, it seems that he just wasn't.
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You decide that when you have the next baby, you're placing a rainbow above his or her crib.
Andy strokes your hair, and kisses your forehead. He feeds you some ice chips, and you eat them. You still can't eat yet, even though you want to.
"Shh, you just had to get another D and C done," says Andy.
You actually feel better. You're sweaty, and clammy. You must have been out for the rest of the day because the doctor or nurses couldn't wake you. But that wasn't the case.
It was actually two weeks later. You were placed in the ICU because for some reason, you took a turn for the worst. You feel stinky, grimy, and you really want a shower and some solid food. A breathing tube was in your throat. A machine was breathing for you, keeping you alive. Another machine was keeping track of your vitals. Andy had to be in the office. He was only allowed to be in the ICU for ten minutes, no exceptions.
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"She's awake, she's awake. NURSE!" screamed Andy.
The nurse comes in. She tells you to take a deep breath. You do, and she removes your breathing tube. You cough, knowing that this was typical for someone who just had the breathing tube removed.
You woke up, and slowly realized you weren't in your regular hospital room. You realized that you were in the ICU. How did you get here?
"You took a turn for the worst, for some reason," says Andy.
"Try not to talk. You just had a breathing tube removed. Your fever got worse, you went into unconsciousness on the table. They tried everything they could to bring you back. You weren't responding. They tried CPR. Your heart stopped," says Andy.
"They got your heart going again, but you just couldn't wake up," says Andy.
"You were 104 again. They for sure thought were dead. Your heart stopped again," says Andy.
Andy keeps feeding you ice chips.
Andy hands you a small dry erase board.
"Can I go home?" you write.
"I'm afraid not. The doctor wants to keep you for the night. You do get a private room," says Andy.
An orderly brings on another gurney. Your lifted from the ICU bed to the gurney. Your still in your hospital gown.
"Can you help me with the shower?" you write.
"I need to shave my legs," you write. Your legs were hairy, and looked like a dude's. Plus, you were covered in grime, smelled like you hadn't showered in weeks, which you hadn't, and your hair was a matted, greasy mess
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You're lifted from the gurney to the bed. Your given ice chips. Your gown is hanging off of you because you had to be given a feeding tube to help give you some nutrients. You ask for a bedpan because you had to pee badly. The nurse is taking forever, and your trying to hold your bladder until she comes back. But, you let go before she comes back. You don't need the bedpan anymore.
"UGH! My first day out of a coma, and I pee on the bed? What am I? Five?" you scream. The nurse sees, immediately gets you off, into a wheelchair, and wheels you to the small bathroom in your room. She runs the bath, and lets you get it. Andy follows, rolls up his sleeves, and washes you, washes your hair, and shaves your legs.
"It's okay, sweetheart. You were in a coma for so long, so you won't have any control over your bladder right now," says Andy.
Andy is washing your hair. He kisses your forehead and starts to shave your legs. He washes your body, and kisses your forehead again. He then rinses your hair, and kisses your forehead. Andy helps you out, and dries you off. He puts some lotion on you. He helps get you into a clean hospital gown.
Andy stays with you for the rest of the day, even spending the night in your room. You go home the next afternoon.
You sleep on the ride home, and Andy looks over to see you in a deep sleep.
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You arrive home, and Andy carries you into the house, bridal style. He puts you in the bed, and puts the covers over you. He kisses your cheek, and brings in your hospital bag.
Andy goes into his office, and turns on his computer. He's working from home for the most part, so that way, he can help you shower and dress, and feed you meals.
He unpacks your hospital bag, and puts everything into the dirty clothes hamper. He puts in a load of laundry. He checks on you, and you're still in a deep sleep. It actually feels weird to be sleeping in a bed right now.
Andy is still working in his office, and he's hungry. He fixes himself some lunch, and he fixes you some noodles because they're easy to eat and they're easy to swallow. He'll go grocery shopping a little later.
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After lunch, you ask Andy to help you to the bathroom. You at least want to make it the toilet this time. Andy helps you with the task. You pull your pants down. Andy seats you on the toilet. You pee, and you wipe yourself. You wash your hands.
Andy picks you up, and carries you back to bed. He sits you on it. He picks up the book you were going to start reading and reads to you for a bit. You're out like a light. Andy finishes his work day.
Andy orders some Chinese for dinner. He dishes it out. He'll go grocery shopping tomorrow. It's Saturday, so that's your normal grocery shopping day. Andy goes and gets the food.
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"Andy? Andy?" you keep asking for Andy. He's not there.
"ANDY! ANDY!" you cry out.
But nothing.
Andy arrives home, and hears you crying out.
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"Shhh, it's okay, sweetheart. I'm here. I'm here, sweetheart," says Andy.
You're in tears. Andy holds you while you're crying. You had a brush with death, and came out the other side. It wasn't like you saw angels or aliens or was even in purgatory. You're actually glad this happened deep down. Andy was by your side the entire time. Now, he's helping you get better. You've already made progress just by being home. Andy helped you shower, and showered with you. You and Andy made love right in the shower. You and Andy made love again that night, but it was nothing too exciting. This was slow, amazing and beautiful lovemaking.
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Andy helps you get dressed. Andy puts on a Disney movie for you. You just rest your head on Andy's shoulder. You fall asleep again, Andy is rubbing your arm. He looks over and kisses your forehead.
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The next morning, your awake in Andy's arms. He goes grocery shopping, and you're sitting on the couch, knitting. You're dressed in Andy's sweats, and they provide you some comfort. Just the scent of him is comforting to you right now.
You're knitting while you're watching a Disney movie. Andy looks over and smiles. You look at Andy and smile back. You kiss. The whole thing just brought you and Andy closer.
Andy and you were in love, at the end of the day. Andy was there for you when you needed him. You didn't push him away.
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theinfinitedivides · 2 years
having Billu (2009) thoughts... while also having Jodhaa Akbar (2008) thoughts... i need to go lie down
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gear-n-gunge · 6 months
The Coquihalla Highway is also known as British Columbia Highway 5, a former (paid off) toll freeway between Hope and Kamloops, and a de facto replacement of the two lane (un-twinned) Trans-Canada Highway.
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beingsanket · 1 year
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justsmellsogood · 1 year
How Birds of same feathers Flock together
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nothingleftforme · 5 months
some normal people experiences i think bruce wayne should have to build character
getting the most passive aggressive middle aged woman at the DMV telling him to come back tomorrow bc he’s missing documents after waiting in line for an ungodly amount of time
barber fucks up his haircut
taking the subway while someone is dancing for their life in front of him for some change
waking up hungover in a vegas motel
being the chosen dad to take his kid to a concert while they cry screaming and he doesn’t know any of the songs
working fast food (even if it’s brief)
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theesuperbonus · 2 years
Issa Vibe
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pecandarosa · 2 years
Cooking the Books: Pierogi Love by Casey Barber
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eva-knits12 · 1 year
Grocery Shopping with Andy Barber
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Trigger warning: Grocery shopping, breastfeeding, fluff
Summary: You, Andy, and Joy go grocery shopping.
You wake up next to your husband. You have your head in his chest, and you both woke up a while ago. It seems that you two had just fallen asleep again, after you had fed Joy, then an hour later, Andy woke up because she needed a diaper change.
It was six in the morning, and you and Andy decided to get up and shower while Joy was still sleeping. She was getting better about sleeping, only waking up twice in the night, once for a feeding, and the other time was for a diaper change, which usually happened an hour later. You usually fed her, and Andy usually changed her.
"Good morning, Daddy," you say.
"Good morning, Mama," says Andy.
You and Andy brush your teeth, and you go down to turn on the coffee pot. You come back up, and wash your face while Andy gathers his clothes for the day. You get your clothes for the day, and check on Joy. She won't be awake for another two hours, so you and Andy won't have to take separate showers. You both shower together, and it feels even more romantic than it did. You and Andy just haven't had a morning to yourselves since before Joy was born.
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You and Andy enter the shower stall after Andy turns on the water. You don't have to shave your legs today, so you wash your hair, and shave your armpits. You and Andy suds each other up, and you and Andy make love in the shower, something that you and Andy haven't done in a while.
After the shower, you and Andy are wrapped in towels, and are enjoying a nice, post coital moment and start to make out again. Andy picks you up, and carries you bridal style back to the bed, and kisses you passionately. He rolls on a condom, and he enters you. You let go after a few minutes, and then Andy follows. You and Andy haven't had some adult fun time, and your doctor cleared you for sex weeks ago. You two had just been waiting for the right time to make love again, and this morning was the perfect opportunity.
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Andy hears Joy cry, and you both realize that she is now awake.
"I'll get her, sweetheart. You just sit here and drink your coffee, okay?" says Andy as he kisses you on your forehead.
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You prepare yourself a glass of decaf iced coffee with vanilla creamer and sugar, just the way you like it. You also make yourself a bagel, and pull out your favorite tub of cream cheese. You leave the pack of bagels out for Andy, so he can fix himself some breakfast.
You're busy eating your bagel, drinking your coffee, and going through the grocery list on your phone. You found that this was much easier than using pen and paper to make your list, like you used to. The grocery list app on your phone helps you organize each item by aisle, and you also organize the coupons by aisle. Luckily, the app also helps you organize your digital coupons, so it makes this task much easier.
Andy comes downstairs with Joy in his arms. Andy sets joy in her infant swing, and turns it on. Joy is happily swinging while trying to bat at the toys that were across the safety bar. Andy fixes the last bagel, and slathers it with cream cheese, and fixes his coffee.
"How is my beautiful wife?" says Andy.
"I'm good, I'm awake, and I'm just feeling wonderful", you say. "I have a wonderful and amazing husband," you say.
Andy smiles, and you mean every word of this. Andy's lips crash into yours and gives you a loving kiss.
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"I love you. You are one beautiful wife and a beautiful mother," says Andy.
"I love you, Andy. You are one wonderful, amazing, and loving husband," you say.
Andy smiles and you smile. You haven't stopped smiling since you met Andy, you haven't stopped smiling since your narcissistically abusive ex came back, and Andy helped put him in prison. You haven't stopped smiling since Joy Grace was born.
You stop the swing, and pull Joy out. You lift up your shirt, pull down your bra, and put Joy to your chest, and she latches on to your breast. You feed her, burp her, and then repeat the process.
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"Are you ready for a bath, Joy? Yes, you get to have your favorite thing in the world, a nice bath", you coo at Joy, and she is already anticipating her morning bath.
Andy comes down with some clothes for her, a diaper, and some wipes. He pulls out the little tub, then gets out her bubble bath, her baby shampoo, her baby bath gel, and some bath toys. You put in a capful of bubble bath, and fill her little tub, making sure that the water isn't too hot or too cold. When the temperature feels just right, you undress Joy, and remove her diaper. Andy comes back with a towel, and a washcloth. You put Joy in the water, and you and Andy play with her while you're both giving her a morning bath.
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Andy and you both play with Joy a little more while you wash her, then rinse her off. Andy applies some baby lotion on her, while you clean the tub out. You love the smell of Joy after she has taken her morning bath, and Joy is finally settled. Andy puts her diaper on, and puts on her little diaper cover and her little onesie and her little jean shorts. You put some socks on her.
"Andy, she's so calm," you say.
"I love this. Daddy loves you Joy. You're so calm and peaceful," says Andy, and Joy has actually fallen asleep.
"Yes, she's calm, just like mama," says Andy, who is now holding Joy, and getting her settled for the morning.
Andy is usually bathing Joy and getting her settled while you showered and then ate your breakfast. He usually left for the office after you've fed Joy, and then have eaten. You got lucky, since Joy slept through most of the night.
Andy goes and loads the infant seat into the car, and you give Joy to Andy. You pack the diaper bag, making sure to have plenty of diapers, plenty of wipes, and plenty of toys and some books.
You and Andy load Joy into her infant seat, and then you both get into the Audi, and then head off to the grocery store.
Andy parks, and Andy pulls out the stroller. You place Joy in the stroller, and you both walk into the store, with Andy placing one arm around your shoulders, He kisses you on your forehead, and you both start in the pharmacy and beauty section.
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Andy gets some Motrin, and he gets you some postpartum gummies. He also gets you the calcium tablets. You get some mascara and some concealer, and some foundation, which you will pay for yourself. You also get some bath salts, and you also pick up some moisturizer with sunscreen and some night moisturizer. You will pay for your own beauty items, and Andy likes to make sure that you pamper yourself every once in a while.
"You deserve it, honey," says Andy.
Laurie never let Andy do some of the parent duties. She wanted to do it herself, and wanted to be seen as a strong woman. It was another reason why Andy divorced Laurie shortly before her and Jacob's death. Laurie and Jacob kept pushing Andy away, it had gotten to the point where he packed his belongings and moved into a one bedroom apartment close to his office.
Andy looks at you lovingly, and still remembers the day that you met at that coffee house. You went into the coffee house to get your coffee, and your coffee maker had stopped working. You were going to get one after work, and the doctor's office wasn't too far from his office. Your office was located in a medical pavilion at the hospital, and it was where patients could go for regular checkups and regular visits. You and Andy struck up a conversation because the line was long, it was busy, and everyone seemed to be ordering a science experiment. You and Andy just ordered regular coffee with cream and sugar. You both exchanged numbers, and your first date wasn't soon after. It was nine months after your breakup with Steve, and you never even noticed.
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Next up is the cleaning aisle, and you both get the Swiffer wipes, both the wet ones and the dry ones, and you get the laundry detergent. You even get the Delft, which is the laundry detergent you use to wash Joy's clothes.
You avoid the paper goods aisle, but you get the freezer bags, the gallon bags to keep your yarn clean, and you get them to dispose of Joy's diapers.
Next up is the produce section, and you and Andy get the apples, the bananas, the fresh corn, some carrots, and some broccoli and cauliflower. Next up is the bakery section, and you get some donuts for you and Andy to snack on later.
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Next up is the bread section, and you and Andy get some whole wheat and some whole grain bread. You also get some peanut butter, jelly, and you even get some mustard, ketchup, and some steak sauce.
The meat section is next, and you and Andy get some chicken, some steak, some hamburgers, and some pork sausage. You also get some bacon and some hot dogs.
Next up is the pasta aisle, and you get some spaghetti to make some spaghetti salad. Andy planned on grilling steaks tomorrow, and you and Andy and Joy were going to have dinner on your deck.
"Andy, that steak is going to be wonderful. I can never tell you enough that you're a wonderful husband," you say.
Andy smiles. "I love you, too. I can't tell you enough that your a wonderful and amazing and beautiful wife," says Andy.
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Next up is the baking aisle, and you get a ready made pie crust. You plan on making a no bake cheesecake for dessert, so you can start on that in the morning, after you feed and burp and bathe Joy.
"Don't worry about bathing Joy. I'll give her her bath tomorrow. You just shower, eat, and get going on that cheesecake," says Andy.
"Okay, and we'll have a nice, relaxing Sunday," you say.
"I just can't remember when we had a relaxing Sunday," says Andy.
"I think it was before Joy was born. We've been in baby mode since my last trimester," you say.
You and Andy continue your conversation, while Joy was sleeping. After a while, Joy screams, and you realize that she's hungry.
"I'm going to go to the instore Starbucks, and feed Joy," you say.
Andy hands you the diaper bag, which contains burp rags. You take the car seat, put the bag on your shoulder, and go find a seat that's somewhat secluded. You put Joy under your shirt after you pull down your nursing bra and release a breast. You burp Joy, and then repeat the process. You buy a bottle of water after you're done feeding Joy. As you take a few sips, Joy cries again. You check her diaper, and she's in need of a change. You grab her car seat, put the diaper bag on your shoulder, and take her to the ladies room. You go into the handicapped stall, where the changing table is. You lay down the little pad that is in the diaper bag, then put Joy on the table, strapping her on, so she won't fall. You go ahead and change her diaper, and place the wipe and the dirty diaper in the gallon bag, and then in a plastic grocery bag, and dispose of the diaper. You wash your hands, and then rejoin Andy.
Andy has found some cute bibs for Joy, and a cute stuffed bunny for Joy. He even found cute little bucket hat for Joy. He placed them in the cart. You take one look, and love how cute the items that Andy picked out are. Andy even got black beans and tortillas.
You and Andy go to the dairy section and get some eggs, and some cheese, and some cream cheese. You get some yogurt so you can have some for a quick breakfast. You also get sour cream for the gazpacho and the burritos.
Next up is the cookie and cracker aisle, and Andy gets some Oreos and some Chips Ahoy. You also get some Cheez-Its, and you get some saltines and some oyster crackers. You and Andy were going to make gazpacho for lunch tomorrow.
You get the chips and the tortilla chips. You were going to have the tortilla chips with the gazpacho, and you would also make some black bean burritos to have with it.
"Why don't we have the gazpacho with dinner tomorrow? I'm making some black bean burritos," you say.
"That's going to be wonderful dinner,: says Andy, kissing your forehead.
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You and Andy then go to the frozen section and get the ice cream, the Cool Whip, and some TV Dinners for when Andy worked late, which is nothing unusual. He was supposed to take the trial of a murdered teenager, but he gave it to the next D.A. It hit too close to home for him, something you understood. Just spending time with you and Joy was important for him. If he took the case, he would be reliving the past, when he worked so hard to move forward after what happened to Laurie and Jacob.
You go to the checkout, and help Andy unload the cart. Andy bags the groceries, and you are stroking Joy's cheek lovingly. You are singing to her softly, and she is still sleeping. You fall asleep on the way home.
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You and Andy then load the groceries into the car, and then you drive home. You and Andy both unpack the groceries and then you put Joy in her crib. You fall asleep, and Andy goes into the bedroom, and watches you sleep after he's done unpacking the groceries.
"I love you so much, sweetheart," says Andy as he's lying next to you in bed, with you in his arms.
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After a while, Andy falls asleep. He wakes up after a while, and decides to get dinner going. He's making some grilled chicken fajitas, and has already marinated the chicken. He got the tortillas, and goes to fix the ingredients.
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After a while, you wake up and smell something good. You're mouth waters, and all you had for lunch was some yogurt. You weren't that hungry, and feeding Joy wore you out at times. If Joy wasn't sleeping or crying, she was eating. You were thankful that she was eating, and eating well, but breast feeding Joy made you tired at times. Today was one of those times.
You help Andy heat up the tortillas, and he lays out the fajitas on a plate after he has cut them into strips. You get out the cheese and the sour cream and you and Andy just talk.
You feed Joy again, and Andy grabs a burp rag, and puts her to his shoulder. He burps her while you go brush your teeth, and get into bed.
Andy tells you to get to bed, he'll clean up the kitchen. Andy cleans the kitchen, and then he joins you in bed. There's nothing on TV, so he reads his book for a while, then falls asleep next to you, with you curled up on his chest.
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alexsmithson · 2 years
Eat. Drink & Play At BOXPARK Croydon!
BOXPARK has so much to offer; from the pop-up restaurants that can be found inside and outside the venue consisting of food and drinks, and even the best barber shops that are available, you’re getting the best of what BOXPARK has to offer!
BOXPARK has so much to offer; from the pop-up restaurants that can be found inside and outside the venue consisting of food and drinks, and even the best barber shops that are available, you’re getting the best of what BOXPARK has to offer! With Bad Axe Throwing located on the side of BOXPARK opposite East Croydon Station, you have the perfect reason to relax, unwind and let the energy you have…
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