#Crizz is pretty sweet now though!!
geronimomo-spd · 2 years
me: littiraly can't wait for Luci! oh and i can't wait to get to the Stranded stuff!! oh and i heard Natural History of Fear is really good!!
brain: so finish The Creed of the Kromon
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changhomin-hatsukoi · 7 years
(this is not a headcanon per se.. more like~..i dunno.. a thought? Nway~ i thought it’ll make a nice fic idea~ :p. 
I am in no way ship #malec with anyone else except with each other, okay~)
Warning: Contains spoiler.
Sebastian Morgenstern been taught from small to hate all beings, Downworlders and Shadowhunters alike.. He’d been taught that there is no such thing as love.. that it is just at most, something your brain conjured up to make you feel better at giving in to your lust. Now lust on the other hand~ is a powerful tool that one could utilize to reach one’s objective.
He came to these foolish Shadowhunters with only one goal in mind: destroy them. 
And what better way than to break them apart from inside? 
Sweet sweet Clary, Beautiful feisty Izzy and even the Golden Boy Jace - It’s easy.. honestly, even he himself was surprised at how painfully easy to get these Shadowhunters to trust him implicitly (these people are supposed to be NY best team?? How on earth the Institute still standing really?). 
Alec Lightwood though.. is different. 
Oh, Sebastian could see all those chinks in the newly appointed Institute leader stoic front: all those hidden insecurities and doubts, that all too-familiar needs to prove himself to his parents and others’ watchful eyes.. 
By all means and purposes, Alec Lightwood should not be any more difficult than his parabatai to get duped by Sebastian’s good guy facade. 
But he is. 
Regardless of the fact that he lets Sebastian in in some of the plans, it was more due to the fact that he trusts Jace and Izzy judgment and not because he trusts Sebastian himself. Everyday the young Shadowhunter seems to grow more in his confidence.. more assured of his worth.. more wary of hidden motives and evil intents.. more aware of bad decisions and unfortunate consequences. 
It’s driving Sebastian crazy and he wonders what possible advantage that Alec Lightwood has going for him.. What could be the source of his endless strength..
And one day Sebastian was introduced to Magnus Bane. he finally met the High Warlock of Brooklyn face to face, famous among the Shadowhunters society first for his powerful magic and promiscuous way of living, and later for corrupting the eldest Lightwood heir to the point he ditched his beautiful fiancee at the altar to kiss a male Downworlder right in front of all The Clave members (tbh, if Sebastian wasn’t so hell bent determined to destroy the Shadowhunters, he imagined he would feel a sense of respect for Alec for his very literal ‘don’t give a fuck’ attitude).  
He watches how those beautiful eyes turned from impartial blankness on him to shining brightly when they fell on Alec.. how those pink lips splits into the softest smile when the warlock looks up to Alec.. how that lilting voice gets all gentle and sweet.. how those graceful fingers gently brushed against Alec’s arm fondly every few minutes - as if the owner couldn’t bear to be physically apart from his lover any longer than he should.
He watches how Alec Lightwood seems to blooms under Magnus’s attention: he stands taller, his stance more stable, his entire being radiates self confidence and pride.. 
He watches how Alec’s eyes seems to follow Magnus everywhere he goes, barely suppressing a fond smile each time Magnus tries to be professional and addresses him as Mr Lightwood.
And later, he caught them both having a lone private moment in one of the supposedly empty hallway... .. he watches from the shadow: how Alec gently pulls Magnus by the waist towards him, pure affection shines in his eyes, and how their lips met in a passionate kiss. 
Sebastian never imagines himself having any inclination for another male, let alone a male Downworlder.. but as he watches those pink lips parted and pants softly for breath, the warlock’s beautifully kohl-lined eyes looking up at his lover - all heavy-lidded and sultry gaze.. 
A raging desire like never before courses through him..
He wants.
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--> LOOK at him!! Magnus is just so so so pretty~!!  WHO wouldn’t want him for themselves~ seriously..
ANYway~ I don’t think (in the show) Sebastian had met Magnus officially.. and yes, i know Sebastian now looks like an extra crispy chicken that’d been left in the oven for too long.. but but BUT, maybe he will keep on his disguise among the Shadowhunters after this and be Valentine’s spy or something~.. i dunno~.. 
This idea stemmed from Sebastian’s past (if you read the book..or the wiki..lol) and how he was abused and never had anyone that loves him.. Even Jocelyn was scared and didn’t want him (she only pretends to be nice mother in front of everyone else). I think he would be fascinated at how total and true and strong Magnus’s love is for Alec.. he would want that for himself too.. 
This was just an idea.. kinda like headcanon but~ not really ^^;;; 
Please forgive my weird headspace~
- Crizz
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