donutdrawsthings · 3 months
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A redesign for Doctor Who Audio Drama character, C'rizz! I really enjoy this character, but I'd be lying if I said my jaw didn't drop once I found out what he supposedly looks like dsaklfjdkslf.
Design Nerding under the cut!
I tried to put more focus on the fact that he's described as a lizard who has an exoskeleton, which I feel is such a cool combination of features that isn't utilised much in his official design.
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So I decided to give him more of an inhuman snout to lean more towards the lizard aspect, but have it blend into a helmet-like structure to also give it that exoskeleton look. He also has colourful dots all over his body, which are inspired by the dots on a squid that help it camouflage.
The wiki said he wears a light blue hoodie, but I decided to turn that into a poncho with a hood instead. It felt more appropriate a creature from another species and world wouldn't be wearing a regular hoodie. Instead I imagine the imagery on his poncho to hold cultural value to him that's been lost with his people.
I wanted to give him a tail of sorts, but giving him a lizard tail easily made him feel more EARTH LIZARD than "Alien", so I ended up giving him an abdomen inspired by a mud-dauber wasp instead!
Also, I don't usually draw legs more bend and ending straight down like that, but I thought it'd be fun give C'rizz a more interesting and alien posture. It's a feature that's inspired by @myuniverseinabox's work and how they draw legs for their non-human characters! Go give them some love!
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I know grace isn’t an audio companion, but I put her here anyway
Book companions poll
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geronimomo-spd · 1 year
me: littiraly can't wait for Luci! oh and i can't wait to get to the Stranded stuff!! oh and i heard Natural History of Fear is really good!!
brain: so finish The Creed of the Kromon
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theonekierce · 1 year
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i became slightly obsessed with the regeneration scene in the movie and specifically the whole sequence with the 8 reflections and broken mirrors everywhere so i did all this abt it
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yesokayiknow · 3 months
best part of listening to the edas after only having watched ~1.5 seasons of classic who is that sometimes a guy will turn up and eight's like there he is. my sworn nemesis. the man i battled against in several bodies. the man so horrific i will drop everything to stop. the only man i've ever been afraid of. and i'm like hell yeah fuck that guy. also who is he
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C'rizz more like cRizzing up L'da haha *glances over at my dweu mutuals hoping this is funny*
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junie-crizztalz · 4 months
Fine, here's a picture I just took
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Pff- he's so confused
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weirdoartsy · 4 months
Lol now ya gotta update ur bio
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one fun thing abt going throuh all the audios on the wiki is finding out theres like ten charley stories i didnt even know existed so thats exciting
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crazypaving · 6 months
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cant believe it... theyre setting an eighth doctor audio in me home country.
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blufruity · 18 days
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That's right! Theyre all available! Six and Evelyn, Five, Tegan and Nyssa! Seven, Harry and Naomi! Eight, Charley and CRizz! Nine and Rose! Ten and Martha! The Fugitive Doctor! Get them now! Link here: https://www.ebay.co.uk/usr/blufruity
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cee-andrea · 10 months
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Crizz' favourite Katamari Cousins as CN Toonix avatars.
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whatdoyoudoieat · 10 months
And the Doctor watched as her face blurred and changed. And he was facing Clara Oswald. Who smiled, blurred and became Amy Pond. Who blurred and became Rory Williams, then River Song, then Wilfred Mott, then Donna Noble, Martha Jones, Jack Harkness, Mickey Smith, Rose Tyler, Cinder, Molly O’Sullivan, Tamsin Drew, Lucie Miller, Crizz, Charlotte Pollard, Samson Griffin, Gemma Griffin, Mary Shelley, Grace Holloway, Ace McShane, Hex, Mel Bush, Evelyn Smythe and so many others … face after face, his past companions swam into existence and out again, getting faster and faster so he couldn't discern them all until, with a final flash, there was one face. Small, dark-haired, elfin featured, a big grin on her face. ‘You came back after all, Grandfather.’ she said.  Then she too was gone.
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geronimomo-spd · 4 months
losing it a little from The Battle of Giant's Causeway implications. fucking fascinating to me to put C'rizz to be around a life out of death cult!! because he is killing things for preserving them kind of cult!!!
the complete opposite!!
the image of C'rizz, being the first born, reincarnated, while he deals in killing for good, the first of who they think is the hope from coming back from the dead to be the one who kills for their own good... what a feeling for crizz, to be renowned as the first living dead while he himself couses it.
is he deserving of it? to be renowned of the opposite to the one thing he is the most ashamed of he was or still is?
"you can't bring people back from the dead" says C'rizz, while trying to prosses all of this in his head. and i lose it inside a little
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banannabethchase · 8 months
prompt #10 for swerve & hangman!
Dialogue 10: "I am suddenly craving whipped cream."
Adam is pushing around the last few bites of his cobb salad when he feels someone's eyes on the back of his head.
"Nick," he says quietly. "Hey, Nick. Is Swerve staring at me again?"
Nick, with all the subtlety of a monster truck, looks around Adam. "Uh, yeah. Flipped me off when I checked." He frowns. "He's eating that piece of cake really weirdly."
With his attempts at espionage wrecked by the worst spy in history, Adam turns around and decides to look at Swerve.
He really is eating the cake - tres leches, Adam thinks, he has a slice on his own tray - strangely. He locks eyes with Adam and smiles. God, that smile makes Adam want to do so many things he should never want to do.
Swerve doesn't break eye contact as he swipes his tongue along the top of the cake. He grabs the cherry by the stem with his teeth, sucks it in between his lips, and bites down.
Adam turns around quickly, feeling himself turn bright red.
"I," Nick says, and Adam can tell from the tone he's got the bitchiest grin on his face, "am suddenly craving whipped cream."
"Shut up," Adam says. "Fuck. Is he still looking at me?"
"Oh, yeah," Nick says, and the bastard does a stupid little wave over to Swerve. "I think he's craving your whizz crizz, if you know what I'm saying."
Adam groans out a laugh in spite of himself. "I wish I didn't."
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junie-crizztalz · 4 months
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