laivinduroriginal · 9 months
Ion Bura, românul care a stat cinci ani prizonier în iadul din Siberia
Un manuscris aflat în colecția Muzeului din Cugir descrie amintirile unui locuitor al satului Vinerea, Ion Bura, fost soldat timp de zece luni în armata austro-ungară, iar apoi, pentru o perioadă de cinci ani, prizonier în Rusia. Autorul povestește despre cele zece luni de război, dar insistă pe perioada de viață  îngrozitoare, de prizonierat în mai multe lagăre de pe teritorul Rusiei. Născut…
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kudsir · 11 months
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tanadrin · 5 months
Romanian placenames classified according to completely arbitrary criteria by me
Category 1: Sound like science fiction places from Edgar Rice Burroughs
Craiova (obviously home of the craven, awkwardly racialized bad guys)
Arad (obviously home of the noble, awkwardly caucasian good guys)
Azuga (land protagonist has to venture to where the macguffin is hidden)
Category 2: Inexplicably Irish?
Gherla (obviously the lenited form of "Gerla")
Băile Tușnad (it even has "Baile" in the name! come ON!)
Category 3: Not remotely plausible in an alleged Romance language
Brezoi (CLEARLY a Breton placename that wandered east)
Category 4: Brad
Brad (Brad)
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cid5 · 3 months
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Romanian self-loading Cugir AES-10 with a 590 mm barrel and a magazine for 40 rounds of 7.62x39 mm
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gepetordi1 · 6 months
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Romanian AKM - made by Cugir
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cardio-help-team · 9 months
#pulsoximetrie nocturna #gratuit #Cardio Help Team #apnee de somn #oprirea respiratiei in somn #scaderea oxigenului in somn #scaderea oxigenului #oxigen scazut #lipsa aer in somn #lipsa aer noaptea #Alba Iulia #Aiud #Teius #Sebes #Cugir #Zlatna #Campeni #Blaj #Abrud
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gunzlotzofgunz · 11 months
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27 5/8'' barrel, Romanian military training rifle, dated 1956. Single shot bolt action.
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lucianbarbu · 1 year
August Log
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I'm moving backwards just for archiving's sake (but maybe planning on going only as far back as June), so here's what kept me caffeinated in August.
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Starting the month, I was visiting my hometown to gather info on the project I'm doing for Simultan's exhibition, a short comic anthology about factories dealing with employees' work accidents in Cugir and Timișoara. Thanks to my family I had a full on tour of the Weapon Factory in Cugir (from the outside, of course) and was bombarded with stories and the factory's past.
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While back at home, I finalised the end-of-Balamuc-residency zine, Make a Wish. Fifty eight pages of pure madness and documentary texts about the workshops, lectures and performances that happened during our (Gavril Pop and I) three months at Balamuc. The zine is in Romanian and English, and will be launched at this year's Sit+Read.
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Took advantage of the editing spree caused by working on Make a Wish to also prepare the zine Meci (Melinda Ureczki-Lazar) and I made for print. Titled No words, No words, the zine is a dialogue between us that lasted for a year, in which we chose to only use drawing to communicate and develop a somewhat narrative work.
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In between editing, I discovered the wonders of multiplying layers and had some fun colouring some of my contributions to our last open event from the Balamuc Residency, The Cadaver of Sefl-exploitation. Some of them are at the top of this long post, as headers
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At some point in August, the printed version of the kid's book I have been working on since last October reached my home. Unde-i Păcală? (eng. Where's Păcală?) is a Romanian spin on Where's Wally?, the excruciatingly detailed British children's books. The book I illustrated, at the initiative and text of Diana Baltag, follows the folk tales of the Romanian prankster Păcală, challenging its readers to find said prankster. I tried to include as many details as possible in this 18-pager while also thinking how I want to approach kids. I thought of the book as something that doesn't take their intelligence and creativity for granted and that is a mirror of current times, in which they get to grow up with.
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Made some more Transformers studies in the pink sketchbook. Getting them ready for an exhibition in Sibiu at Artă NonStop that will happen next month.
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Lastly, I made some Zine Maker drawings that will be printed on ceramic pins at Gruni, for Sit+Read.
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ias14-gr03 · 1 year
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”Nicoleta” sewing machine manufactured by ”Cugir” in Alba County
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leontiucmarius · 2 years
Spătaru: România va avea capacitatea să producă muniţie care să acopere atât necesarul sectorului de apărare cât şi în regiune
Spătaru: România va avea capacitatea să producă muniţie care să acopere atât necesarul sectorului de apărare cât şi în regiune
„Avem în cursul anului 2022 peste 400 milioane de lei bani pentru investiţii în linii de producţie, pentru muniţie în special, şi pentru capabilităţi pentru transportoarele mobile, iar în cursul anului 2023 vom continua investiţiile la Uzina Mecanică Plopeni, la Uzina Mecanică cu Cugir şi o investiţie pe care o vizăm în parteneriat cu un investitor străini la Electromecanica Ploieşti. Prin aceste…
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Gun acquired.
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fuckyeahguns-ig · 4 years
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♦️Ratchet Romanian...she already looks nothing like this... - - - - - - - - Via ~ @archangel7.62 - - - - - #minidraco #cugir #kalash #kalashnikov #kalashlife #калаш #оружие #gun #guns #weaponsdaily #калашников #wethepeople #762x39 #m43 #dailybadass #gunsdaily #dailyguns #firearms #gunsofinstagram #ak47 #akm #draco #saviorequipment #gunfreaks #dailygundose #blackrifle #romanian #romy https://www.instagram.com/p/CBRwgNdl9pM/?igshid=kmswazlgqsln
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kudsir · 5 years
Summer days
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valy8851 · 2 years
From Cugir Valley
Ciobani la cabana Șureanu Nedeia este un prilej de întâlnire mult aşteptată. In prezent nedeia se face la cabana Şureanu, la Sfântu Ilie, 20 iulie. Vin ciobani din toate părţile la nedee. In special cei de la stânilor din jur Puru, Prisaca, Fetiţa, etc. Se întâlnesc cei din munţii Cugirului, cu cei din munţii Pianului şi Sebeşului şi în special vin şi cei din partea Petroşanilor. Vin turişti din…
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cardio-help-team · 9 months
#apnee de somn #nervozitate #depresie #diabet zharat #fibrilatie #palpitatii #accident de masina #cardiopatie ischemica #hipertensiune #AVC #palpitatii #infarct miocardic #cardiopatie ischemica #hipertensiune pulmonara #cord pulmonar cronic #ateroscleroza #saturatii mici #agravare astm bronsic #colesterol #obezitate #pierderi de memorie #scadere libidou #oboseala cronica #reflux gastroesofagian #nu mai pot face efort #durere de cap #somnolenta diurna #somnoros #accident de munca #nervozitate #hipertensiune rezistenta la tratament #apneea #oprirea respiratiei in somn #rinita cronica #faringita cronica #Cardio Help Team #Alba Iulia #Aiud #Teius #Sebes #Cugir #Zlatna #Campeni #Blaj #Abrud
Vezi si https://pin.it/7bHoIvo pe Pinterest
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Dai cu pumnul, îți iei cătușe. Tânăr reținut
Dai cu pumnul, îți iei cătușe. Tânăr reținut
Poliţiştii din Cugir au reţinut un tânăr din oraș. Acesta este cercetat pentru lovire sau alte violențe și tulburarea ordinii şi liniştii publice. Potrivit celor de la IPJ Alba, cel reținut l-ar fi lovit pe un alt tânăr din localitatea Vinerea, în timp ce se aflau pe o stradă din Cugir. La data de 13 mai, poliţiştii din Cugir au luat măsura reţinerii, pentru 24 de ore, faţă de un tânăr de 17 de…
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