#Currently only have one active page in my main notebook - it's pretty nice!
sysig · 2 months
Your Weekly TV Guide
On Monday you can expect:
2:30 PM: Star Control II - Helix
And Tuesday:
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
2:30 PM: Sona reacts to Eclipse
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix
2:30 PM: SCII - Helix/SCII
2:30 PM: Just Desserts - Charm Myr (vent?)
Thanks for tuning in! (Patreon)
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jimmys-zeppelin · 3 years
chapter fifteen
(table of contents)
(chapter fourteen)
june 26, 1976
"We're here today with Miss Ellie Saunders, singer and writer of the newest song going up in the pop charts, Songbird! Would you like to say hello to our audience, Ellie?"
"Hi, everyone! Thank you so much, Bill for having me on."
"Pleasure's all mine. Last time we had you in the studio was...two years ago with your single, Dreamer, isn't that right?"
"Very much so! Since then lots of things have changed." Ellie chuckled, reflecting on the past for a split second.
"Yeah, you were just a wide-eyed kid who had no idea what the business was like or where you were going. Nice to see you settled down. Now, you're with Led Zeppelin's guitarist, Jimmy Page, right? How's that working out with their constant touring?"
Ellie visibly tensed. If they were there to talk about Jimmy, they should have just called him on instead, but alas she was polite and answered the question. "Yes, Jimmy and I are together," she chuckled nervously, "Well, we manage our time pretty well. He's currently away doing his stuff and I'm working on my new album, but we find time to get a phone call in before bed...middle of the night," she laughed, "we find a way."
"Adorable, you two are. So this album of yours? Got a title yet? And what kind of songs are we going to see on it?"
"Not yet," Ellie answered, but quickly saved herself, "we have a working one, but even that's under wraps for now. As for songs, they're mostly just your regular old love songs I guess. The experimental piece was actually one I plan to release soon. I really hope my fans enjoy it. It took a lot to write it."
"And the title?"
Ellie looked over to Carolyn, who sat across the room puffing on a cigarette. The brunette nodded at the blonde, allowing her to speak on the song, "Well the song is called Sign of the Times. It's about seeing a change in someone you love and having to accept it. It could be with a wife, husband, lover, friend; anyone you hold dear who you just...can't help but worry about." She explained, getting lost in her own words as she thought about Jimmy. "As you can see I'm still a bit raw about it," Ellie lightly rubbed at her watering eyes.
"Do you miss your person?" Bill asked, suddenly becoming quite sincere.
Ellie met his gaze, nodding, "I do." she said, thinking of what lie to tell people to convince them she wasn't talking about her lanky, dark-haired boyfriend.
"Well, now onto what you're here for. Tell me about Songbird, then."
"Um, well...there was a slight bit of a rough patch lately that affected me a bit. I decided to get my trusty notebook out and spew out all the words that would come. And Songbird came out of that."
"Some beautiful acoustic on there, who did it?"
"I did! Jimmy's not the only one who's well-spoken in the ways of a guitar in this relationship. Although I did want him to come play on it for me, our schedules just didn't line up." She shrugged.
"Incredible. Well, here it is, folks. The new song by Ellie Saunders: Songbird." Bill said, fiddling with some buttons and getting his turntable ready before removing his headphones, "you can take those off now." he said.
Ellie removed the bulky headphones from her hair and held them idly in her lap as her song played out to the broader Los Angeles area. She knew it wasn't the first time a station had played the song in the week or so that it'd been out, but it was different knowing that she was right there while it was playing out to thousands of people. It was daunting if anything.
"Ellie that was great. Thank you so much for coming on!" Bill said, standing to shake Ellie's hand. The singer mirrored his actions and went in for a handshake, returning the favor.
"Thank you for asking me to come on. It was a pleasure. Maybe I'll come back when Sign of the Times comes out." She said with a wink.
"Of course," Bill replied, "tell me. In confidence; off the record. Is there a title for the new record?"
Ellie contemplated her honest answer, then exhaled through her nose in a laugh before answering, "No, actually. I have no idea what it's called. I've been so focused on writing songs that...I just haven't had time to think of a title, honestly." Ellie laughed as she spewed the honest truth.
Bill laughed out loud at the comment, giving Ellie a pat on the back, "Seriously, Ellie, come back any time. New song, new album, or if you just wanna chat with me for the morning segment. It would be great."
"Thank you so much, Bill." She repeated as she started picking up her bags. Carolyn put out her cigarette in an ashtray near the microphones and gave Bill a firm handshake. The women left the building shortly after.
After they'd been settled in the car to take them back to the studio, they finally got a chance to take a breather and relax. Things had been moving at a touch and go pace since finishing the two bigger singles. The rest of the songs still needed more, Ellie thought. It often occupied her mind just what she wanted to add to each song. That and Jimmy.
Not only was she concerned about him, she found herself getting increasingly more discouraged when she spoke with him. Like she was walking on eggshells when it came to a conversation with him. If either of them said the wrong thing, the other would get set off. Ellie found herself as more of the latter. She hated arguing while they were away from each other, but she couldn't help comment about his activities. He knew her disdain of it and it seemed there wasn't much else to talk they had to talk about since their days were full of nothingness lately.
Andrew came over late that night. One more song on the album had been finalized and he deemed it enough to celebrate. Five of twelve songs completed, in case anyone was counting.
"Cheers to another amazing song by my best friend." Andrew said, raising a glass of some old whiskey Ellie had had hidden in her house since she'd moved in. The blonde could hardly remember who had given it to her. It seemed it just was a part of the house at that point.
They clinked glasses and each took a sip, both inevitably coughing and gagging at the taste and giggling at their reactions. Their conversation carried on until Ellie's eyes wandered to her stack of mail. Since getting home she hadn't had much time to give it a look so she gave each letter a once-over before focusing on Andrew again. That was the plan, at least.
However, a postcard caught her eye and she couldn't help but pick it up.
'Sunset Strip, Hollywood, California' Read the front as it was decorated with a photo of the infamous Sunset Strip at night. Ellie flipped over the postcard, her eyes quickly darting past the words that had been scrawled onto the paper.
'I recall you saying something about the Sunset Strip calling your name when we went out for dinner. How about we go out again sometime soon? You can be a Dreamer about life again. Call me when you get this. 213-xxx-xxxx
Hugs, Roger
P.S. Did you get the reference of your song that I used?
P.P.S. Ask for Simon Ferocious'
The blonde furrowed her eyebrows, but was delighted at the prospect that Roger would send her a postcard. She reached for the phone, starting to dial the numbers.
"What's up?" Andrew asked, taking another sip of the blasted whiskey, to which he exhaled sharply only seconds later. He set the cup down in disgust.
"It's Roger. He's in California. Told me to call him." Ellie replied, handing the man the postcard as his hands reached out for it. The line rang while Andrew exhaled through his nose, laughing at the corny jokes made in the letter.
"Ritz Los Angeles, my name is Angela. How can I be of service to you this evening?" The woman on the other line said. Ellie was taken aback slightly at the discovery of the Ritz's hotel having been the main point of contact for Roger.
"Uh, hi. I'm calling for a Simon Ferocious staying at your hotel." Ellie said, trying to hold back her laughter.
"And who's asking?" She asked.
"Say it's Mrs. Page. He'll know who it is."
"I'll put you through."
"Thank you."
Silence came through the phone before the Hold music shortly began. An ear-raping jazz number made Ellie put the phone down as soon as the music started.
"Simon Ferocious?" Andrew asked, having come back into the living room with a near-empty bottle of blush wine Ellie had been keeping in the fridge along with two flutes. She shrugged as he poured the rest out for the both of them as the infernal jazz finally came to an end.
"Mr. Ferocious for you, ma'am." The woman said.
"Thank you," Ellie paused waiting for the clicks before Roger's familiar rasp came through.
"Mrs. Page, hm?" Roger asked.
"I heard we weren't giving out our real names." Ellie laughed, twirling the phone cord around her finger. Her eyes followed Andrew as he walked over to her record collection beside the turntable.
"Well, I had good reason. I'm staying on the down low."
"Is that it? Who's Simon Ferocious, then?" she asked as the sounds of a song she couldn't quite place by Led Zeppelin came flooding through the speakers. The song was from a  special release pressing Jimmy had gifted her when Physical Graffiti was released the previous year. Close friends and family received them. Ellie had been honored to say the least.
Roger chuckled, "A guy looking to take you out to a show. Someone there with you?"
"Just Andrew. He's my best friend—"
"And I'm gay!" Andrew shouted across the room.
"Nothing to worry about." Ellie smiled, and though Roger couldn't see it, he could sense it.
"Right. Simon Ferocious is something Fred called Sid Vicious because he was bothering him one day in the studio," Roger laughed, "Ask him about it one day, he'll get so cross about it."
"I think I might. Feel like you're not doing the story justice." Ellie chuckled. "So is Mr. Ferocious going to take me out to a show?"  She asked as Andrew returned to his seat on the floor across from the singer, munching on a cracker that was sitting on a plate.
"I was hoping to today, actually. Then I heard you on the radio this morning and thought you might be busy."
Ellie apologized for the delay, "I got your postcard yesterday, I just didn't bother to look at my mail because it was all mixed with bills and other junk that it got lost. I'd ditch Andrew for you any night."
"Bitch!" The aforementioned man exclaimed, slapping Ellie on the shoulder with a push. A bubbly, hearty laugh left her throat as she fell back onto the floor.
Catching her breath, she confessed, "We're getting a little tipsy." she giggled. "How much longer are you in LA? I'll make it up to you."
"I leave on the 5th of July. I have to be back in London so we can start the new album."
"Well let's go to a Fourth of July celebration! I think my record label's throwing one. They're usually on top of some pretty rooftops. It'll make for a great view."
"It's a date then. Keep me posted on this...roof party."
"Didn't I give you my phone number, Rog?"
"I dropped the slip of paper in a puddle on the day I got here. God's honest truth, El. Which is why I sent you a postcard."
"I'll entertain that story for a while...." she joked, "I can give it to you again, if you'd like."
"Yes please." Roger said sheepishly; a shuffling audible in the background.
masterlist | playlist
Taglist: @diaryofafan17 @tophats-n-lespauls @witchesdust @jonesyjonesyjonesy @paginate54 @hejustsatisfiess @salixfragilis @princesspagey @reincarnated70sbaby @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @kyunisixx if you want to be added to the list lmk!
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Having a whale of a great time!
Scuba diving in the Crystal Blue Lagoon? Check. Collecting pearl oysters and whatever else lies at Sea Glass Shores. Check.  Crafting a bunch of cool floaties and braving the Shimmering Whirlpool? Check and check. Riding whales towards the sunset? Check!
Vacationing at the Sparkle Islands has been exactly what I needed! It's nice meeting up with Lenie again as well as Nico and Dewey. The Fairweathers have been taking a break from recording and performing so they've been focusing on adventuring and solo endeavors.
I can't believe that Lenie's a college senior now - where did the time go? Jimmy's busy with family stuff so that's why he's not with us. It feels like forever since I last saw him - but that's what video chats are for! Also, his kids are adorable and I'm glad to finally meet them as well as his husband. Nico's been globe trotting as usual, full of fun and exciting stories to tell us. Dewey's been taking it easy, trying to create a better work-life balance after taking on too much last year.
So far their break has been going really well. With everything going on in their personal lives, they could really take some time off. Artist's block sucks but sometimes there's nothing you can really do about it other than wait it out and focus on other things. Creativity can be finicky, especially when you've got other things on your mind like responsibilities, burnout, or a busy schedule.
I've been in a bit of a creative slump as well. From running events at the camp to personal life stuff getting in the way, I've been feeling off this past week. Like I can't relax because I have a million things running in my mind. If I'm expecting a call or email I find myself unable to focus on anything else because I'm too busy mentally preparing for having to do something that makes me nervous and often drained at the end.
Fortunately, I managed to get pretty much all the boring and stressful adulting stuff out of the way. But after spending most of last week being on edge, it's hard to fall back into my normal rhythm. I've been kinda on autopilot, just trying to get through the day. Up until a couple days ago I've been feeling pretty meh most of the time.
Usually, to de-stress, I turn to art. Doodling, journaling, knitting - whatever creative medium I'm in the mood for. But when you're in an art block, it causes more stress. As someone who's been journaling for years, there will be times when you've hardly touched your notebook in days, weeks, and even months. I have to say, though, since running the camp I've been journaling in a somewhat regular basis - especially when I started incorporating art journaling into it - but I still have times when I'm just not feeling it.
Sometimes getting your feelings out on paper doesn't help, especially when you don't have the words to explain exactly how you feel without it sounding forced or an incomprehensible mess of words. There are times when I want to write about something but the words just don't come out right, so I end up scrapping the whole thing. And of course, there are times when I want to write about something that's been on my mind, only to end up rambling about something else and going off on that tangent.
Then there are times when your mind is so fogged up that you come up completely empty. Up until today, I've been head full of fog, thoughts completely empty. Still kinda feels like that, to be completely honest, but the fog's slowly clearing up. I think the whale ride really helped with that.
As someone who believes a change of scenery and a good distraction helps when life takes a lot of out you, I find that I have a hard time following my own advice. I'm all about taking time to forget your troubles and worries for a bit, but yet I'm having difficulty doing so. I don't know why, but I always find it difficult to completely let loose - like I let myself have fun but at the same time my worries are always there in the back of my mind. It's like I'm subconsciously telling myself to have fun, but not too much fun. As much as I want to let go, there's a part of me that holds on, making me afraid to let myself fall freely.
What's the point in telling people to escape their troubles for a bit when I can't even do that without feeling like I'm doing something wrong? It's not that I don't know how to have fun - though it's taken a lot longer for me to catch on than most people - but sometimes it feels forced. I don't know, it's always something I've struggled with - at least compared to most of my peers growing up. Maybe part of it comes from being a convenient person - one who doesn't ask for much, someone who doesn't go out of their way to bring attention to themselves - the kind of person who tags along and is just there.
It's kinda like I don't know exactly how to have fun. Sort of like I'm second guessing myself by wondering, "Is this what having fun feels like? Am I doing it right? Is this enough?" and of course, that totally defeats the purpose of escaping and letting go.
I have to say, being at the camp as helped a lot in terms of teaching me how to live in the moment and enjoy the good times to the fullest. It's still a bit of a new concept for me, but at least I'm coming out of my shell - and that's what counts. Maybe I'll never be as carefree as some people - I've been told that I'm kinda low-key and serious by nature - and I'm okay with that. Sometimes I wish that I could be a bit more vocal and expressive and active, but most of the time I'm happy with being an observer and doing my own thing in the background.
It was Chai and Rhonda's idea to visit the Sparkle Islands. It was on the list for a while but for the past year the islands were undergoing a lot of reconstruction so a lot of places were closed. Leyla, who's one of the princesses of the islands, was behind a lot of the restoration and repair of various sites.
Turns out that I just missed her when we visited Maron Heights to watch our friends perform in After Hours at the Opera. Because she was so busy getting the islands back in shape, she dropped by to see the show the night before we came and went back home the next morning.
Like with Kat, Hawk, AJ, and Elara, Leyla's been going through a bunch of changes as well now that things are settling down. Aside from rebuilding the islands, Leyla's getting reacquainted with her mom Archer, who disappeared about twenty years ago in a disaster that left part of the main island in shambles for years. Having her back is still a huge adjustment for Leyla and her momma Rosie as she missed out on a lot. Leyla and Kat are pretty much on the same page when it comes to reuniting with a parent who was presumed dead for most of their lives. Despite the initial awkwardness, things are going well.
As for Leyla, a heated reunion between her moms led to an unexpected surprise - three actually. In about five months their little family of three will double in size. While her moms are terrified, Leyla's at the point where she's fully looking forward to having three new siblings. Sure, it'll be tough as her moms are out of practice with taking care of a baby (or babies). The way Leyla sees it, the 20 + age difference is more of an advantage because she can easily help take care of the babies as her moms will definitely be overwhelmed.
So along with overseeing the islands, Leyla's been helping Rosie take care of Archer, who's on strict bedrest. Archer's doing okay for the most part but the pregnancy has taken a toll on her, especially since there's a high potential for complications. Now with reconstruction almost done - about 98% according to Leyla - she has been spending a lot of time with her moms.
It was by chance that we ran into Lenie and her brothers as well as Leyla and her moms. Leyla's been dropping by to check in on us but it wasn't until today she joined us on a fun filled day of crafting floaties and riding whales. Rosie insisted that Leyla take a well deserved break and invited us for dinner when we got back.
Crafting floaties was a lot of fun and so was diving in the Shimmering Whirlpool. It does take some getting used to though, and one should be a somewhat experienced swimmer as the currents can get quite unpredictable. A bit too rough for my liking at times - not a fan of being spun around quickly because motion sickness, ugh - but overall it was an interesting experience. Definitely more into crafting floaties though.
Maybe I would be more of a thrill seeker if I didn't get so dizzy easily. I can't even look at something spinning for more than half a minute without feeling a headache coming on.
Late afternoon and evening were much more chill, thankfully. Bubble tea, sandwiches, and ice cream at the beach. Building sandcastles and breaking open coconuts. Lying on a beach towel under an umbrella and watching the waves. It's hard to believe that a couple months ago this place was left in ruins.
The biggest highlight was the whale ride. Leyla set us up with some of her friends, who were more than happy to let us hop on and show us the ocean. And I have to say, it was an amazing experience!
For a moment, I was able to let go completely. No worries, no doubts, no second guessing myself. Just bliss and exhilaration. A rare moment in which I get to be in the moment instead of being aware that I'm living a memory that I'll be looking back on fondly someday. It's strange, to lose yourself like that and not feel... weird? Guilty? Disconnected? Like you're not enjoying it enough because a part of your mind is elsewhere.
Riding a whale towards a sunset - what a way to spend an evening! I guess my takeaway from this mind blowing experience is that I need to learn that a part of having fun is letting happiness come to you instead of forcing it or telling yourself that you should be enjoying this. I need to keep that in mind.
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vinku-iikku · 6 years
Yay I finally finished 2018 inktober! If you want to just scroll through them all please go here, and if you want to see some comments on each please look under the cut.
Day 01 Flowey and Overgrown Ruins This prompt I picked as is because as far as I remember Flowey stayed behind when the monsters left. If you can’t find him, he’s near the big root on the left. All other days the second prompt got randomised by a die (except when I reached the last two).
Day 02 Grillby and Exotic Flora Grillby’s on a journey to look at all the flowers that aren’t living in a wet environment. Maybe he’ll make some wine from the non-poisonous ones.
Day 03 Chara and Cave Entrance They are still curious about morbid things and places that could be portentially dangerous, practically running at danger.
Day 04 Undyne and Astral Plains/Dreamland Welp I’d rather have had her with some other prompt, but now she has an anime showdown/faceoff with a mean monster that harasses a moldsmal.
Day 05 Asgore and Rocky Ruins Asgore had a trip down memory lane and visited the place where their castle used to be, before the war. Not much is left any more.
Day 06 Frisk and Ancient Tree They are still precariously looking for adventure. I saw this article about a 800 year-old Finnish tree, as soon as I saw that top I wanted to climb that, looks like a perfect spot to see everything around you and chill for a bit.
Day 07 Temmie and Nature Untouched I did some research in a nearby forest for this one, the sales-Temmie has made a nest in a tree that has fallen down in a storm. The soil is shallow before solid rock so trees have their roots mostly close to the surface, when they fall the roots go up as well. Temmie on the left is sitting on an ant nest lol. There are seven Temmies in total.
Day 08 Muffet and Crystal Coves Crystal Coves is either a place where crystal business is the main employer, a cove that has crystals, or a cove with crystal clear water, I think. I tried to implement them all just to make sure. Muffet has now made a business in making spider-products with glass expertise.
Day 09 Fuku Fire and Freezing Fjord Finally back to the ‘monsters travelling’ theme, Fuku is taking a longer trip and is currently on a boat by Norway.
Day 10 Gaster Blasters and Townsquare The blasters are on their own for whatever convenient reason, Pap’s one is figuring how things work by destroying them, Sans’ is... playing with local children. :D The fountain is loosely based on Havis Amanda.
Day 11 Nice Cream Guy & Shanty Town He’s travelling the world and selling nice cream! Definitely inspired by Beadle in BotW.
Day 12 Mettaton EX & Cemetery This combination took me a moment, Mettaton is a bit loud and showy for a cemetery. Then I remembered that Napstablook said they’re already dead when you try to kill them, so here Mettaton’s visiting haunted places and telling everyone about this wonderful body he got and where to get one if you’re interested in becoming physical again. I worked in a cemetery for one summer years ago, felt weird pulling those visual memories to this...
Day 13 Toriel & Hall of Deities In order to become a teacher I’d imagine she’d have to brush up her knowledge on lots of things that’ve happened on the surface, and here she’s in a secret underground place with some sacred scriptures or something, she reads them and writes down notes and then returns the scrolls.
Day 14 Annoying Dog & Volcanic Terrain Another weird combination, but eh, it’s the dog. It’s feeding bones to the vulkins and admiring danger up close.
Day 15 Monster Kid & Path Along the Water I made a huge area with different textures so I could try learn something new by scribbling around, and I’m really happy how the boulders on top of the waterfall and the water itself look like.
Day 16 Doggo & Ancient Altar Room Took a moment to come up with an idea, then I read Doggo likes squirrels. So now he’s travelling the world too, and he always has time and seeds for any squirrel population he discovers.
Day 17 Alphys & Summoning Altar I thought I’d not be drawing Mew Mew, but here was a perfect opportunity for that! Alphys isn’t travelling, but discovering new things in her home, humans have such interesting books! All of the Japanese text mean something; the bowl has the kanji for ’love’, books under it are Mew Mew manga, there’s two yury books, a reference to Free!, Digimon, Pokémon, Rose of Versailles, Natsume Book of Friends... and it’s fine if you don’t get the one that says ‘corn’.
Day 18 Photoshop Flowey & Windmills and Grasslands I think the modern wind generators look super cool. I tried to make Flowey as cute as possible so he’d be more fun to draw there, this is some dream stuff or alternate universe since Flowey did stay behind.
Day 19 Papyrus & Desserted Drylands I’m pretty sure that’s an accidental typo, but since it was Papyrus I wanted to roll with the new pun meaning. First thought was Papyrus somehow being in the drylands and dropping a huge cake, thus ’desserting’ it, but that would’ve been a bit mean. This cake is made with 100% organic sand (some of which he ground himself when grooming Rocky), the tiny cow ornaments are modified mouse skeletons. :) The chef hat would be straight but there wasn’t enough room on the page of the notebook I draw these on... I remembered he had a triangle on the battle armor, but didn’t remember what way it points so avoided it by replacing it with a heart. :D
Day 20 Sans & By the Beach Sans is getting some more sand for Papyrus with his shortcut, then he took a nap unfortunately close to the tide..? The shore felt a bit bare so I added some animals to keep him company. I h/c that animals don’t mind having monsters around unlike how they usually try to run away when a human is near.
Day 21 Shyren & Buried Statue(s) She’s doing that Disney princess thing where you sit down and start singing and all small animals within hearing range come to listen.
Day 22 Asriel & Underwater Temple Another dream thing since Flowey stayed behind, this is how he imagines the oceans look like outside.
Day 23 Lesser Dog & Market Place Some people have to learn the hard way to not trust a dog that has opposable thumbs.
Day 24 Box Mettaton & Merchant’s Store Any website run by a popular monster must get an insane amount of curious folk, which leads to ad revenue being a good way to fund the next tour. There’s some.. insider jokes there if you’re in any kind of website business.
Day 25 Rocky the pet rock & Eldritch Forest I don’t actually know what the latter means, looking at Google images it’s probably just a forest that’s very dark or something. Wanted to try a different perspective for a change. Rocky has a bowl of food there but I can’t really think of any non-sad reason for why it’s in this forest.
Day 26 Froggit & Inn in th Middle of Nowhere Had to take a break for one day, regardless I’m proud of myself on being consistent this far despite everything going on. I first only had the top Froggit and the bg in the sketch, and didn’t like how it looked. Somehow adding more Froggits made it look a lot better to me...
Day 27 Burgerpants & By the Docs Birsd with human arms and birds sitting like humans will never not be hilarious to me.
Day 28 Bratty and Catty & Deep in the Woods Tried to play with perspective with this one, it’s kind of the opposite of the Rocky drawing.
Day 29 God of Hyperdeath & Idle Portal I had a hard time coming up with anything for this, so now poor goat is somewhere in a completely white dimention and the only way out is not active, though he’s quite chill about it.
Day 30 Amalgamate & Abnormal Formations This and last one’s world I didn’t leave for the die to decide, I really wanted to do Tetris with Napstablook and out of the two still left this prompt suits Endogeny more anyway. There’s a forest in Poland where several of the trees bend to north like this.
Day 31 Napstablook & Puzzling Platforms Only one I did during morning, my hands shake more then so all the lines are more or less wobbly. Every Tetris piece has it’s own signature design except the L-shape which is just blank to keep it interesting. Napstablook is enjoying game music while inside the game, maybe ghosts can possess videogames..? This also shows the notebook I drew all of these in and the tools I used most of the time.
It’s hard to tell if I’ve improved at all when comparing these to 2017 inktober, I haven’t draw regularly through the year and the main focus point this time was on backgrounds and not so much on lines and characters. I did learn new things and that’s always exiting, I think my trees, glass and rocks look way better than before I started, and I did some progress in shading metal too. All of these took 3 hours or less to finish, some only took an hour. I didn’t need to erase pencils like last year because I used a trick where I placed the sketch under the notebook page and my tablet with 100% brightness and a white bg under them, and traced that with ink. The notebook paper is pretty thin, you can see the Amalgamate drawing’s clouds showing through in the Napstablook photo. Anyway, this was fun, and I think I’ll try do it next year too!
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ohthathurt · 7 years
omg #7 on the high school themed, for the drabble prompt please 😩
Prompt: “I accidentally tookyour notebook thinking it was mine and you have really nice handwriting andcute doodles”
I changed it a slight bit so hope you dont mind anon x
Inspired by the way Zayn doodled Liam’s name in the UAN Yearbook:
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“Look I’m just saying, it’s been what, a year, since you andDanielle broke up, maybe you should just give it a go, mate!” Louis, his bestfriend, pestered him for what felt like the umpteenth time that month since theend-of-year school dance was announced. This was something new – a very Britishversion of a school prom. Apparently, public schools all around were beginningto get into it.
Liam made a face; “I don’t know…” he trailed off skeptically,still unsure of his love life now that their studies were amped up to a full10, with Liam’s extracurricular activities leeching his free time.
They walked over the sparse grass ofthe football field, heading towards the main school building in their runningshoes, having just come back from light training that always left Liam’s energylevels unusually high. He mulled over Louis’ words. Most of what he said wastrue, though.
Only a month ago, a circular had comethrough that left most of the teens in his school tittering with excitement andapprehension – they were to have a school dance, where every person was allowedto take a date. Louis, of course, was more than happy to accompany his boyfriend,who was a year behind, to the dance. He was pretty sure Niall already hadsomeone in mind (he had a sneaking suspicion it was that Irish bloke from theirrugby team). That left him: good ol’ Payno.
Since his break-up with Danielle lastyear, he hadn’t really dated anyone. To be fair, that was because he threwhimself into raising his grades so his mum didn’t look like someone had diedevery time his report came in. He took up boxing classes as well, the youngestmember at their local gym and had managed since then to establish and start anew boxing club at their school.
All in all, he was doing pretty well.Now all he needed was a date. Yup, piece of cake. He let out a single, longbreath as if it had been agonizinglypunched out of him.
Now the truth was, there wasn’t exactly a lack of interested individuals who would be more than happy to behis date to the dance. No, he had his plenty share of people asking for weeksnow but he always turned them down, gently, of course.
No, he had eyes for someone else.
Someone who was currently stood down the hallway, near where thelockers were, merrily chatting to his mates. Now being ‘the absolute idiot thathe was’ according to Louis, he had never talked to this guy.
Zayn, was his name. Zayn Malik – the name that made President of theBoxing Club Liam Payne sigh like a Victorian lady. Of course, the boys on hisfooty team knew, and took the absolute piss out of him for it, making annoyingsmooching noises whenever Zayn passed by, not even reacting to the Vice Captainof the football team making eyes at him.
The thing was – he had never talked to him. Ever. And that is why Louis had coined him a ‘stupid bastard’. Bitharsh, but understandable. It’s just that he was so intimidated by him. Inanother universe, maybe, Liam would have had the guts and confidence toapproach Zayn, maybe chat him up or even ask him out.
But no, actual Liam Payne had zero guts when it came to Zayn. In fact,he usually gave Zayn a wide berth whenever he passed him by, scared he’d dosomething idiotic like smile dreamily at him or ask to smell his hair orsomething.
Yeah, approaching him seemed like a bad idea, especially when he wasso sure Zayn hardly knew he existed. He shared his thoughts with Louis whoscoffed loudly at him from where he stood near the main doors with Liam.
“Mate, no offence, but I’ve seen that boy check you out more timesthan I’ve given Harry a blowjob and lemme tell you, we’re wild.”
Liam stared at him with a deadpan expression for a hot minute before, “Yourealize I don’t care about your sex life, right? So will you please stoptelling me about it?” He yelled, his voice echoing rather embarrassingly in thehallway. But no matter, Louis reallyneeded to stop telling him details.
Louis, the arsehole, only smirked at him before continuing, “Have Itold you about that time – “
Liam just started walking away from him, towards the lockers, yellingback, “You need to shut up, you Yorkshire fuck!” He turned back to face thefront, when he noticed a pair of hazel eyes regarding him with shock. Oh shit.
Apparently Zayn had heard Liam shout and he wasn’t sure but –
“Did you know Zayn’s from Yorkshire?” Louis caught up to him andwhispered hotly into his ear from behind, amusement coating his words.
Liam blushed intensely with embarrassment as his mate snickeredhimself silly beside him. He really needed a new best friend.
He chanced a look up at Zayn again, only to catch him turning away intime and heading off with his friends, closing his locker door behind him.Only, just as Zayn walked away, Liam noticed a spiral notebook lying on thefloor in front of his locker.
Something spurred Liam to jump forward and he reached the notebook,picking it up with one hand, the other raised and ready to call Zayn back and –say what?
Sorry I was actually calling my mate a Yorkshire fuck and not you,also here is your notebook, I saw you drop it because I’m always staring atyou, please love me –
Yeah, that wasn’t happening, he thought as he hefted the notebook upand noticed with fondness the little ’Z’ sketched on top of the cover. It was ayellow and black swirl pattern book with blank pages and to Liam’s surprise,those pages were mostly filled with sketches.
Beautiful sketches with precise lines and animated expressions ofvarious characters. A sketch of a family in front of a Christmas tree, a dogplaying in a backyard, the skyline of London –
Liam stopped short, his entire world went on pause and he was prettysure he lost several brain cells. On the last page at the back of the notebookwere cute doodles in a black pen, like the inane ramblings of a person who wasbored in class.
In the middle of these messy scrawls and scribbles, was his name.
Written in black ink and decorated endearingly with loops and swirlsand little hearts all around was the name: Liam Payne. That’s him! That was his name on the back of a notebook of a boy he’scrushed on for an entire year!
He could scarcely believe what he was seeing but Louis’ shocked butsmug expression basically confirmed it.
Zayn liked him! In the cute I-find-you-adorable way, his crush haddoodled his name during class when hewas probably bored or hey, maybe thinking about him?
Liam’s cheeks flushed at the thought, he had never been crushed onbefore like this. Especially by a boy as lovely as Zayn, with his floppy blackhair that fell silkily on his forehead and those beautiful hazel eyes hidden behinda pair of black framed glasses that always slipped down his perfect littlenose.
Now he was giddy. He cracked a huge grin and faced Louis, “I have anidea!”
Zayn was having a pretty normal Monday – as normal as it can getactually. The classes were droning on as usual and nothing was out of theordinary. That is if you don’t count Liam Payne shouting ‘Yorkshire fuck’ inthe school hallway. Zayn’s lips twitched at the memory and at how Liam’s flushed-from-the-exerciseskin had reddened even more as his eyes had caught onto him.
But then he had turned away from him, and Zayn was forced to lower hishopeful gaze yet again and walk away as once again his crush ignored him. Everytime he thought, yes now he’s gonna talkto me, Liam always found a way to avoid him or would just completely ignorehim. Mixed signals were not his thing so maybe he should just let this one go.
He heaved out a regretful sigh and focused back on the conversation hewas having with his mates. Only they had gone suspiciously silent. When heturned to his mate, Adam, to ask what was wrong, his friend only lifted up afinger and pointed at something behind him.
Confused at his behaviour, he whirled around to look at –
Liam Payne. Looking every bit as scrumptious as he always does inthose sports’ shorts and tee. He was also smirking, wait why was he smirking?And what was he holding?
Zayn felt the colour drain from his face as he recognized Liam’s longfingers clutching onto a very familiarspiral notebook. Oh you know the one with Liam’s name sketched a thousand timesover all of it!
He gulped and reached out for it and was surprised when Liam handed itover easily. His mind was running through a million loud thoughts but they allsilenced when Liam walked over to him and right up into his personal space. Oh god, he smelled as good as he looked, nowait what?
Zayn felt all the breath in his lungs freeze as Liam tilted his headdown to hover his lips over his ear as he whispered, “You have cute doodles. Iespecially like the ones on the last page.”
Zayn could only shudder as Liam shifted impossibly closer and peckedhim gently on the cheek. In a sudden rush, he moved back and walked backwards afew steps from Zayn, pausing only to wink awkwardly, oh bless he winks with both eyes, before turning back and headingoff with his mate.
It was a good minute before he could breathe again and then heremembered what Liam whispered to him! (After which he was given the mostgentle, loving kiss on the cheek but he’ll freak out over it later, he wassure)
He scrambled to get his notebook upright before he flipped to the lastpage, where he knew he had doodledLiam’s name in the most cringe way he possibly could.
Zayn noticed a short sentence penned in underneath where he hadsketched Liam’s name.
“Will you go to the dance with me?”
And for the first time in manyweeks, Zayn felt like his face would crack open with the widest grin he couldpossibly manage.
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