#Curv glucometer
beatodiabtesapp · 1 year
List Of BeatO Glucometer For Accurate Sugar Checking BeatO Curv Glucometer is designed to give you a seamless monitoring experience. It is compact and therefore, easy to carry. It is a mobile blood sugar testing machine that can be easily connected to your smartphone via the charging port. You can simply do your sugar test and get accurate results within seconds, just make sure that you use BeatO sugar testing strips.
BeatO Curv glucometer is much more than a glucometer. With this diabetes check machine, you can share your readings with your near ones when your sugar reading is high or low. You can choose your family, doctor or friends via the BeatO App and keep your dear ones updated.
Buy BeatO Glucometer for amazon - https://www.amazon.in/stores/Beato/page/E1637D31-B1B4-4338-BBD0-24F8C43D1700?ref_=ast_bln
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diabeteshelpingout · 1 year
How to Control and Manage Diabetes
Diabetes can affect anyone, and it does, in large numbers that are rapidly expanding. Diabetes is a chronic, often debilitating, and occasionally fatal disease in which the body cannot generate or properly use insulin, resulting in high blood glucose, or blood sugar levels.
Here you will find comprehensive diabetic information.
Diabetes is majorly divided into three types:
In type 1, the body does not make insulin at all.
In type 2, the body fails to produce or utilize insulin effectively. This is the most common type of diabetes.
Women can experience spikes in their blood glucose levels during pregnancy. This is known as gestational diabetes. It usually goes away after the delivery.
You've probably heard someone say they have "a hint of diabetes" or their "sugar is a little high." These words imply that diabetes is not a serious illness. That is not the case. Diabetes is a serious disease, but it is manageable.
Diabetes patients must make healthy food choices, maintain a healthy weight, exercise more frequently, and take their medication even when they feel well.
Why is it essential to manage and control diabetes?
Taking care of your blood sugar is essential for overall health and well-being, regardless of the type of diabetes you have. Controlling your blood sugar lowers your risk of complications and, in the case of gestational diabetes, avoids complications for both you and your baby.
Learn More About Diabetes
Learn how to manage your diabetes by meeting with a trained diabetes educator. They are diabetic specialists who can help with day-to-day details such as:
Keeping track of your blood sugar
What should you eat?
On sick days, how to manage your diabetes
Other diabetic self-care options
Use a Glucometer to Monitor Regularly
Learn about the latest blood glucose metres, continuous glucose monitors, insulin pumps, smartphone apps, and other diabetes-management technology. You can use BeatO Curv Smartphone Glucometer to monitor, manage and control diabetes with experts. Connect the glucometer with your phone and see your data and all your health records in one place.
Eat a Balanced and Nutritious Diet
Read labels at the grocery store and make sure your meal plan includes fruits and vegetables. Carbohydrate counting is a simple meal planning technique that allows you to have your favourite foods. When reading labels, pay attention to the Total Carbohydrate line and seek high fibre options.
Portion sizes are important to consider whether you are type 1 or type 2. It makes calculating nutritional facts for carb counting or weight management much easier. Remember that everyone's portion sizes differ, so what works for someone else may not work for you.
Exercise and Yoga
Physical activity is vital for diabetes management. Even 10 minutes of walking after each meal have been shown to improve blood sugar levels. Exercise improves insulin sensitivity and moves glucose into your muscles, where it is used for energy, which helps to reduce insulin resistance. To enhance blood sugar with activity, you don't have to "burn" or "shred," just get moving.
Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity every week. Any action that causes your heart rate to increase, your breathing to quicken, and your body temperature to rise. You should still be able to speak and only be somewhat out of breath at this point. You don't have to complete all 150 minutes at once. Break it up into 10-minute pieces throughout the week, or 30 minutes five times a week.
Monitor Regularly
Keep a blood sugar journal and monitor your blood sugar as directed by your doctor. To control blood sugar levels, people with type 1 diabetes, gestational diabetes, and type 2 diabetes who use insulin should check their blood sugar throughout the day. You can use a smartphone glucometer to monitor your blood glucose anytime, anywhere.
Keep Yourself Calm
When you're stressed, your body's hormones in response to long-term stress might cause your blood sugar to rise. Furthermore, if you're under a lot of stress, it may be more difficult to stick to your typical diabetes care practice. Hence, avoid taking stress. Stress can affect your routine and health. You can try yoga and meditation to keep yourself calm. Engaging in activities that you like might help you in keeping yourself busy and focused.
Focus on your mental well-being and spend more time with friends and family.
There are numerous ways to control your blood sugar levels naturally.
Making lifestyle changes, such as managing your weight, stress levels, sleep quality, exercising, and staying hydrated, are beneficial. However, some of the most significant improvements are related to your dietary choices. Before making any lifestyle, changes or trying new supplements, consult with your doctor, especially if you have blood sugar issues or are taking medications.
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beato001 · 2 months
Monitor & Control Diabetes with beatO: The Ultimate Guide to Sugar Testing Machines
Managing diabetes effectively requires consistent monitoring and precise control of blood sugar levels. The beatO Curv Glucometer, a cutting-edge sugar testing machine, offers a seamless and comprehensive solution for individuals aiming to keep their diabetes in check. This blog delves into the various features and benefits of the beatO Curv Glucometer, showcasing why it's the best choice for managing diabetes.
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Why Choose beatO Curv Glucometer?
1. Effortless Monitoring & Management
The beatO Curv Glucometer is more than just a mobile sugar check machine. It's designed to help you effortlessly monitor, manage, and control your sugar levels. With the support and guidance of doctors and experts, you can ensure your diabetes is under control.
2. Share Readings with Your Doctor
One of the standout features of the beatO Curv is the ability to effortlessly share your blood glucose readings directly from the beatO App with your doctor or loved ones. This feature ensures your healthcare provider can analyze these readings and recommend the most suitable diabetes medication for you.
3. Painless Testing Assurance
Testing your blood sugar levels doesn't have to be painful. beatO Glucometer Lancets are designed to ensure pain-free testing. These thin glucometer lancets minimize pain and discomfort, providing a quick and almost painless skin puncture for a more comfortable blood glucose testing experience.
4. Precision and Accuracy
Precision is crucial when it comes to blood sugar testing. Designed for use with the beatO Glucometer, these strips provide accurate results, facilitating precise measurement of glucose levels with just a small drop of blood. The accuracy of beatO Curv sugar readings has been clinically tested against lab results, ensuring you get reliable data every time.
5. Accurate & ISO Certified
beatO Curv Glucometers are made in India and ISO certified (13485:2016), issued on January 23, 2021. This certification guarantees that the device meets the highest standards of quality and accuracy in blood glucose monitoring.
6. USB Connected, Needs No Batteries
Convenience is key with the beatO Curv Glucometer. This smartphone-connected glucometer plugs directly into your USB charging port, eliminating the need for batteries or charging. Test your sugar levels with ease using beatO Curv sugar testing strips and get accurate results with insights within seconds.
How to Use beatO Curv Glucometer
Using the beatO Curv Glucometer is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Connect the Device: Plug the beatO Curv Glucometer into your smartphone's USB port.
Insert a Test Strip: Place a beatO Curv sugar testing strip into the glucometer.
Use the Lancet: Use the beatO Glucometer Lancet to prick your finger. The thin design ensures minimal discomfort.
Apply Blood Sample: Place a small drop of blood on the test strip.
Get Results: Wait for a few seconds to see your blood sugar level on your smartphone screen.
Share Readings: Use the beatO App to share your readings with your doctor or loved ones.
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Conclusion For anyone looking to monitor and control their diabetes effectively, the beatO Curv Glucometer stands out as an exceptional choice. Its combination of precision, ease of use, and advanced features make it an indispensable tool in managing diabetes. Invest in the beatO Curv Glucometer and take a proactive step towards better health today.
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thevettechstudent · 6 months
A diabetic 13-year-old MN shih tzu mix came in to do a BG curve (blood glucose curve.)
A blood glucose curve is when you take multiple measurements of blood glucose IV (intravenously) to see how the insulin being given is working throughout the day.
The goal is to see if the dose of insulin that the patient is taking is adequate.
He was given his insulin (1.5U) before being dropped off at 9 AM.
To take a blood glucose, a drop of blood from the patient is put on a glucometer.
At 9AM blood glucose was 632.
A normal blood glucose could be between 80 and 150.
His blood glucose was taken every two hours after that.
At 11 AM his blood glucose was 582.
At 2 PM it was 564 and at 4 PM.
At 4 PM it was 624.
We came up with the conclusion right away that the insulin that was being given was not adequate for this patient.
The veterinarian discussed that his dose of insulin will be increased since the one 1.5U was not adequate.
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petsdogworld · 1 year
Diabetes in dogs can be pretty challenging. Blood glucose levels might fluctuate due to food consumption, stress levels, exercise, and other daily occurrences. Additionally, it would help if you kept an eye out for any other diseases or disorders that may be affecting your dog's health. In this article we will guide you about how to test dog blood sugar At Home. However, if you choose to use a blood glucose monitoring system to provide more precise and frequent data for disease monitoring, visit your veterinarian first. How to test a dog for diabetes at home with blood glucose monitoring Home blood glucose monitoring is an effective tool for assisting you and your physician in regulating your pet's diabetes. We can use it to determine the effectiveness of the current insulin type and dose in treating diabetes. This determination is most accurate when the pet's nutrition, exercise, and stress levels are normal. One common issue with performing BG(Blood glucose) testing in the veterinarian's office is that many pets, particularly cats, become extremely frightened, refuse to eat, and are restrained for a blood test. These are not normal conditions, and the blood glucose levels collected at the veterinarian's office may not correctly reflect how the blood glucose levels behave on a typical day. If your pet's diabetes is well-controlled, home blood glucose monitoring can be used to check the blood glucose on an as-needed basis or fine-tune the control. A blood glucose test can be performed at any time, swiftly and conveniently. If your pet's diabetes is difficult to control, home blood glucose monitoring can provide the information necessary for your veterinarian to make proper insulin therapy modifications. Blood Sample Collection and Testing To measure the blood glucose levels, a glucometer and glucose test strips are required. Consult your glucometer's instructions or your veterinarian. Blood can be extracted readily from your dog's earflap (pinna). Depending on your preference and your dog's comfort level, alternate areas such as the tail, lip, callous, and footpads may be considered. There are some steps involved in how to test dog blood sugar at home. STEP 1 Ascertain that the ear of your dog is warm. If not, gently squeeze it between your palms for approximately one minute. This simplifies the process of collecting a drop of blood. STEP 2 Prick a hairless, clean area of the ear quickly with a sterile lancet or hypodermic needle. STEP 3 There will be a small drop of blood visible. Collect the blood and slide onto the glucose test strip according to the manufacturer's instructions. STEP 4 Gently but firmly press clean cotton or gauze into the ear of your pet until the bleeding stops. STEP 5 As directed, place the sample in the glucometer. Contrast the reading to a dog's usual level. STEP 6 Please keep track of the day and time the reading was taken, as well as the reading itself, to share with your veterinarian. Monitoring the results Keeping track of your dog's results is critical for optimal diabetes management. Keep track of your pet's blood glucose levels with the Pet Diabetes Tracker app or the online Blood Glucose Curve Tool. Tools & Resources for Tracking. Diabetes Tracker for Pets. Review and maintain critical diabetes management information. Tool for Calculating Blood Glucose Curves. Record blood glucose values easily to create a blood glucose curve. Beneficial downloads. Additional information to help you better understand and manage your dog's diabetes. Other Methods Ear pricks rarely work on dogs because they lack the conspicuous marginal vein found in cats. The majority of dog owners who conduct home BG testing do so by pricking the inside of the upper lip. Allow your dog to lie on its side, gently lift, and roll the upper lip outward to work on the inside surface. Frequently, the area near the canine teeth is an excellent location.
Wipe the area thoroughly with a clean cloth to eliminate any remaining saliva. Pricking around the lip's edge frequently works effectively. You'll need to determine the optimal location for your dog. Dog owners who utilize the lip prick technique claim that it is simple to perform and causes no discomfort. Some people even perform this activity while the dog is sleeping. Take cautious that your dog allows you to do this and that you are not bitten. Additionally, owners prick the paw pad, calloused area on the thigh, chin area, and a pinch of skin on the rump. Others have had their veterinarian demonstrate how to extract a tiny bit of blood from a vein in their dog's leg. An unused insulin syringe is ideal for this because it features an excellent needle. Also Read : Homemade Dog Deodorizer Precautions in General Maintain a spotless environment. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Prepare a clean work area or layout a clean cloth on which to lay items. Avoid touching the lancet's tip. Before pricking, the prick site must be clean and dry. If the prick site is filthy, thoroughly clean it with warm water. Before performing the prick, wait till the region is arid. Moisture will cause the blood drop to spread out, making the BG test more challenging to complete. Moisture will also dilute the blood sample, resulting in an incorrect blood glucose level. It's pretty challenging to obtain a drop of blood from a cold ear. Warm the ear by stroking your dog's head and ears or by wrapping it in a warm washcloth inside a plastic bag or a microwave-safe rice bag. Whatever you use, take care that it does not cause a fire to your pet. When pricking a paw pad, it helps if the paw is warm. Restrain your pet gently This process necessitates that the pet remains calm and still for several minutes. The pet should be reasonably uninhibited. If you induce excessive stress to your pet while restraining it, you may not obtain an accurate blood pressure reading. This is especially true for cats, as their blood pressure can swiftly rise due to stress. Of course, some struggling may occur, but if the pet becomes too anxious, you should would wait 15-30 minutes and attempt again—request instruction from your veterinarian on how to properly restrain your pet. NEVER USE OVERWHELMING FORCE. How to control bleeding After inserting the blood sample into the meter, please leave it to function while attending to the pet's ear (or wherever you did the prick). For approximately 30 seconds, secure a gauze squeeze firmly (but not too tightly) to the prick site. This should be more than sufficient to bring the bleeding to a halt. Continue applying mild pressure for another minute if the location continues to bleed. Do not "peek" to determine whether the bleeding has ceased. Secure the area and maintain your pet's calm. If the bleeding does not stop or if a considerable bruise develops, seek guidance from your veterinarian. Bruise Following the prick, a tiny red spot may develop. This results from a bit amount of blood leaking from a blood artery and becoming trapped underneath the skin. A minor bruise (the size of a grain of rice) is acceptable and will resolve within a day or two. Keep an eye out for any significant bruising, swelling, fluid collection, region warmth, or infection. If you suspect any of the above, contact your veterinarian for help. https://petsdogworld.com/how-to-test-dog-blood-sugar-at-home/?feed_id=451&_unique_id=64ac58eda8268 #testdogsbloodsugar
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easeadvise · 2 years
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BeatO CURV Smartphone Connected Glucometer Machine with 25 Strips & 25 Lancets (Type-C USB) | Sugar Test Machine | ISO Certified : Made in India MRP 1650/- Offer Linq 👉 https://amzn.to/3E7PIrs https://www.instagram.com/p/CorGLR3rdW6/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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valgasnewsthings · 2 years
Does it true begin with diabetes?
 As lots of my friends as with same year's old diabetes attacked, as a sugar level 9.0 MML /l, am though about a cake with a tea, but after am checked again is ten MML/l  am all sweets avoided. And probably diabetes attacked me, and risks are a lot as in my mum, dead of his complications. And how to low sugar? Does am ability fight his on early stage? A read about diabetes in internet, but these are common advices, and could you advise something?
Asking a same question are lots of patients with high sugar, where to take info, as of detailed, and sometimes doctor not doing this, and internet sometimes sharing fake information, and what is match for me? About these questions and readers also we are transferred to doctor Morgunova, and she answered to us.
1. An if you are checked sugar 2 times on an empty stomach on different days is on the morning, thus in author this letter is true diabetes, and genetically predisposition having , for a true diagnosis you need to do a blood test on glycerin  haemoglobin, cure is in diabetes not having, you can stabilize his course and regulate sugar level, thus visit endocrinologist, and he must share about diet, physical loads and remedies.
2. In therapeutist am checked blood level on sugar, and stats are 8.3, which analyses after this need to add endocrinologist, that for diagnosis  confirmation as am need to do blood test on a sugar  curve,that she is right shows ,that diabetes attacks me or not. And informative analyses am read, that is  on glycerin  haemoglobin.
As in one time rising sugar level till 8.3 mml/l a diagnosis as sugar diabetes is not put, a need here repeating test on the sugar level, and on an empty stomach, and on this haemoglobin, these are allow to confirm about diabetes. A test on fructosamine shows a level for compensation for carbohydrate metabolism within are 3 last weeks, but glycerin  haemoglobin are for 3 months. Informatively both tests are same, she's using for diagnosis for sugar diabetes and his assessment his compensation in a cure time.
3. Am having glycerin  haemoglobin in norm, but morning blood tests from finger are 6.1 mll/l, endocrinologist prescribed metformin on 500 mg for dinner, that shared am not a diabetic, as haemoglobin test in norm, am a pre-diabetic, with a raised sugar on an empty stomach, which regulating for me with this remedy.
And today are having concepts as a destroy for glycaemia on an empty stomach and destroy tolerance to glucose , where is sugar level are 5.5 till 6.1 mll/l limits as in testing capillary blood and in checking venous plasma from 6.1 till 7.0 mll/l , and importance here to know from which a blood taken.And metformin prescribing depends on not  just from glycaemia parameters, and from a body mass as insulin resistance, and on 500 mg dosage is not using today,  and in depend on from kidneys functions she is rising by medical indications.
4. And last sugar test showed 12.1,  previous are 14.1-9.8 on an empty stomach, and one year ago a most high sugar is 25.1, thus am for a first time met with diabetes. One doctor shared, that insulin need for me as injections, and other is am having second type and need are pills using. 
Am true worry for insulin use.
A level sugar is a not reason for insulin use, and depends it from a insulin secretion keeping and not effectivity combined sugar lowering therapy as their's using till 4 on the same time. And in such diabetes type insulin too using, but by a doctor s prescribing, and not worry, he is prescribing for life save and avoid hard complications.  
5.  And this a true,that sugar stat in venous blood is higher, as with glucometer at home is taking periphery from finger.
A level for sugar in venous blood is higher, than in one-piece capillary blood. Glucometer is determing  sugar level by plasma, and its depends on from the device model And define glycaemia level by capillary blood is not kept.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/jxH50LI via https://ift.tt/et9mXSg
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beatoappseo · 4 years
Buy BeatO CURV micro USB Glucometer and measure your blood sugar levels, anytime, anywhere & in no time. BeatO Curv glucometer kit comes with 50 Strips & 50 Lancets.
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lizziedoesvetpath · 3 years
I didn't know human insulin was bad for dogs. Found it surprising to see. Mine was on a human insulin for three years (vet told us to use it, we got it from the same pharmacy we got our human medications, she prescribed it) and my dog did good. And we were watching carefully, I did glucose curves and everything for her, we had it on lock. A curve every two weeks to make sure her dosage wasn't changing. She was getting brittle by the end, but she was 11 and a big dog. The issue we found with human to animal was the testing tbh. Human glucometers don't work for dog blood, species calibration was off.
So it's not the insulin itself that can be harmful to the dog, it's the person using it without the input of a veterinarian! Lots of drugs can be used in a range of species, but you need knowledge of how that species metabolizes and reacts to a drug to do so safely.
For example, paracetamol/acetominophen is *very* dangerous to pets. The dose that would help your headache will kill a cat. It's one of the most common accidental poisonings I've seen in pets because people aren't aware that their help is actually harming their pet.
If your vet has prescribed a drug for your pet and is involved in monitoring that animal, it can be perfectly fine for that drug to come from a human pharmacy. But a vet *must* be involved.
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IoT-powered Healthcare Solutions: Redefining the Medical Industry!
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IoT (Internet of Things) is one of those technological marvels of the modern era that has digitally transformed the Healthcare sector by introducing smart healthcare apps. These healthcare IoT applications have helped the medical industry to overcome the existent roadblocks and limitations in its functioning. IoT App Development Companies have empowered the practitioners, patients, and service providers to unfold new horizons.  This has resulted in simplified access to medical facilities through remote communication and reduced mortality rate on account of avant-garde treatment methodologies. Needless to say, the rate of adoption of IoT App Solutions has sky-rocketed and an upward demand curve has been observed.
Take a look at this interesting statistical data released by Statistica, indicating the estimated size of the IoT Healthcare market (in billion US $) between 2016 and 2025.
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Fortune Business Insights predicts that the IoT in Healthcare market size will soar up to USD 176.82 Billion by the end of 2026.
In this blog, I have penned down how IoT in Healthcare has revolutionized the fundamental tenets of this domain and the immense benefits of IoT Application Development
reaped by the patients, doctors, and service providers unanimously.
IoT in a nutshell
Internet of Things comprises of a network of devices and software applications, interconnected via computer networks and wireless communication channels. This ingenious eco-system is meant for collecting and sharing real-time data. Data is stored in cloud platforms and can be remotely accessed by authorized users from any part of the globe. IoT in Healthcare has worked wonders in domains like telehealth, mHealth, telemedicine, etc. Let’s dive into some of the use cases in the healthcare domain.
Popular Use cases of IoT Applications in Healthcare
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Remote patient Diagnoses and Observation
IoT empowered solutions record the necessary health parameters to facilitate remote patient diagnoses and monitoring. This is one of the important features of IoT in telemedicine apps.
Doctor-patient consultations take place through live audio and video call, and other advanced communication channels, without the need for patients to pay a visit to the hospital. IoT powered external devices such as digital stethoscopes, oximeters, etc are being used by patients during digital telemedicine consultations.
IoT activity monitoring devices such as heart rate monitoring cuffs, glucometers, pulse meters, etc. used by the patients enable the doctors to remotely observe the health of elderly patients and those with chronic conditions. The data obtained from these devices aid the physicians to identify the correct course of treatment for patients.
Mobile Health and Wellness 
IoT mobile app development has elevated wellness to a completely new level. Wearables like Apple watches, Fitbits, etc transmit patient’s vital health parameters through Bluetooth, Wifi, GPRS Networks and display the results in the smartphones. This proves immensely beneficial in keeping a track of the body vitals and other wellness parameters such as sleep patterns, body temperature, heart rate, blood sugar level, activity tracking, etc. and providing real-time data to the patient, their doctors, and caregivers. For example, a Holter monitor device is a wearable that tracks abnormalities in a patient’s heartbeat. This helps in timely preventive care. Click here to gain more insights on wearable technology.
IoT powered ingestible devices 
These ingenious ingestible sensors available in the form of pills can be swallowed and it remains inside the human body and stay at a particular spot and sends data to mobile applications. The sensors embedded inside these pills detect drug doses taken and missed by the patient. Some of these pills have an in-built camera that provides visibility of the internal organs. Thus, ingestible devices prevent life-threatening conditions.
Emergency handling 
IoT facilitates the accurate collection of patient data in case of medical emergencies and transmission of this data in real-time to the Emergency Response medical staff. This allows the ER staff to stay prepared while the patient is being brought to the hospital and no time is wasted after the patient’s arrival.
Aiding surgeries 
IoT powered tools and applications provide handy assistance during surgeries and in handling post-surgery care. The IoT sensors accumulate data, transmit it, and analyze the same, resulting in finding out even the tiniest problem, and thereby preventing surgical complications. 
Efficient Tracking of Patients, Staff, and Inventory 
Smart IoT healthcare solutions contribute in the following ways:
Wireless ID cards for staff and patients enhance security, effectively manage admissions, and simplify staff management.
RFID tags are used to track patients such as babies and elderly patients with Alzheimer's disease and even staff members in case of urgency.
IoT integrates with Real-time location systems (RTLS) to manage the assets of healthcare enterprises. It employs BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) and iBeacon to track supplies in the operating rooms and inventory.
Virtual Monitoring of medical equipment 
The contemporary healthcare services require avant-garde software and hardware equipment and their continuous monitoring, to prevent them from system failures and cyber-attacks. IoT powered solutions virtually monitor them and provide alerts to the medical staff if some anomaly is detected.
Managing Pharmacy 
Managing the drugs in a hospital and transferring the same safely to storage facilities is a herculean task with chances of errors. Pharmacies managed by IoT application enable faster delivery of medicines and takes care of drug-preservation issues while transfer.  
Handling insurance procedures 
Insurance companies leverage IoT devices to validate claims and detect fraudulent practices with the help of the data captured by these devices. Such devices also enhance the transparency between insurance providers and customers regarding processes like pricing, underwriting, handling claims, and assessing risks.
Architecting an IoT Environment in healthcare
Steps to be followed by Digital healthcare service providers for the implementation of IoT are as follows:
Deploying devices possessing sensors, monitors, actuators, camera systems, actuators, and detectors to accumulate data.
Conversion of received data to the digital format and store the same in a data center.
Managing and analyzing the medical data with the help of data analytics based on which the correct course of action is decided.
Key Advantages of IoT powered Healthcare IT services
Easy access to healthcare facilities 
Remote doctor monitoring and consultation facilities make healthcare and wellness easily accessible to patients with less mobility, the ones residing in remote areas with no hospitals nearby, and the super-busy professionals who hardly find time to visit the clinic. Moreover, the patients have a plethora of options at their disposal while choosing doctors.
Misdiagnosis of diseases 
IoT system with the help of computer vision, sensors can collect data from several IoT devices and leverages advanced analytics enabling providers to know the course of the disease and thus avoid the wrong diagnosis of diseases. Faster and error-free diagnoses of diseases, continuous patient monitoring, and proactive treatment methodologies are some of the major gains for patients opting for digital healthcare services.
Lesser negligence and better adherence to treatment plans 
Thanks to the IoT healthcare monitoring solutions encourage patients to stick to their treatment procedures and help the doctors to stay informed about the patient’s condition without much ado.
Operational Flexibility 
Online diagnoses with the help of IoT Mobile apps allows doctors to enjoy flexible schedules without having to visit the clinic in case of non-emergencies.
Lesser crowd in hospital spaces 
Digitally smart healthcare centers can do away with over-crowded waiting rooms, and as such can manage with lesser spaces and fewer administrative staff. Furthermore, the chances of healthcare staff getting infected with contagious diseases lessen.
IoT healthcare solutions enable doctors to scale up the patient count by diagnosing more patients in a day.
On account of digital real-time consultation and monitoring, patients save on the cost by avoiding unnecessary hospital visits, longer hospital stays, and readmissions.
Augments Brand value
Implementing IoT powered smart solutions and motivating the patients to adopt these technologies enhances the brand value of a company and provides them a competitive edge over others and improves overall patient satisfaction too. 
Final Verdict 
IoT in Healthcare has redefined healthcare services altogether by opening up a wide range of convenient options for patients, practitioners, and healthcare service providers. It’s high time that the healthcare operators incorporate IoT healthcare solutions in their practice operations if they would like to make a mark in today’s dynamic and competitive market. 
With this, we come to the end of this write-up.
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srebrnafh · 6 years
Losing Focus
September Sherlock Challenge is “Sleep”, and so, my take on it
He was sleepy.
The only thing he could focus on were his drooping eyelids.
Just for a minute. Just for a few seconds, blessed darkness, beautiful nothingness.
Finally, resting.
There was something, something he was supposed to do.
There was something he was not supposed to do.
Drowsiness overcame him like a warm blanket and he relaxed a bit, small shivers of his body subsiding finally, allowing him to rest.
He promised he would do that one thing.
He couldn't focus properly.
He wasn't supposed to... to do that... that one thing.
The wave of nothingness covered him.
Warm, safe.
Safe, sleep.
Sleep, rest.
Sharp noises.
Helicopter blades, cutting air.
Hands, picking him up.
Someone crying.
He wasn't supposed to do that thing.
He wasn't supposed to fall asleep.
He was supposed to stay awake.
"Cover him, now" a raspy voice said. "He is not shivering. Moderate hypothermia, he's below thirty now. Give me the glucometer and prepare the glucose IV."
"He shouldn't have been here" another voice, deeper. "Damn it, brother mine. Why did you..."
He tried to swallow. Something was stuck there, but at least he managed to smirk. Probably.
"You insufferable..." his brother grunted and stepped back, letting the medical team wrap him up in another layer of warming blankets.
"You are no better" the very, very professional voice scolded his brother. "Have you eaten in the last three days? Where are the hot water bottles?! Under his armpits, now."
Obvious. His brother was too intent on his retrieval to pay attention to the needs of his body. And John has been too intent on the same to pay attention to the Holmesian tendency to ignore said needs.
He coughed, weakly and wetly.
"You..." he croaked. "Came..."
"Obviously" his brother sniffed with derision. "Mummy would have been quite put out otherwise."
"To the chopper, now. He is secured. You too" John grabbed his brother's hand and propelled him towards the helicopter. "Get him inside, now!"
The motion made him squeeze his eyes shut and try to manage his body's response to uncontrolled lurching.
"What the hell possessed him to go out here alone?"
"Absolutely no idea" his brother leaned and put his long-fingered hand on his middle. "But if I hear 'legwork' from you one more time, I will personally strap you to your favourite chair, brother."
He allowed a small smile to curve his lips.
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beatodiabtesapp · 1 year
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BeatO Curv Glucometer is designed to give you a seamless monitoring experience. It is compact and therefore, easy to carry. It is a mobile blood sugar testing machine that can be easily connected to your smartphone via the charging port. You can simply do your sugar test and get accurate results within seconds, just make sure that you use BeatO sugar testing strips.
After checking your blood glucose level with the glucometer machine, you can also manage your sugar levels better with help of BeatO Application. The application makes it possible for you to monitor trends, analyse your sugar readings via graphs and make informed decisions. Buy BeatO CURV Smartphone Connected Glucometer Machine FREE 10 Strips & 10 Lancets from Amazon today - https://www.amazon.in/dp/B0BXFHMVZZ
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diabeteshelpingout · 1 year
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beato001 · 2 months
The Best Glucose Meter for You
Blood glucose monitoring is crucial, and it is being used day in and day out in the process of better controlling diabetes. After one is diagnosed with diabetes, it must become a matter of priority to get good glucometers, because without it, monitoring blood glucose regularly cannot be possible. If you have been recently diagnosed with the condition or want to upgrade your present device, the best way to work with your diabetes is to choose what’s best for you. Herein, we will discuss the best glucose meters available — based on factors such as accuracy, ease of operation, and price for a glucometer. We are also covering a bit of information on continuous glucose monitoring systems and the ways they can enhance one’s health.
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Understanding Glucometers
A glucometer, otherwise referred to as a glucose meter, is a device used to tell the quantity of glucose in your blood. It is an important device for people suffering from diabetes in that it helps them monitor their blood sugar levels and, thereby, manage their disease rightly. Broadly, there are two types of blood glucometers in the market: the traditional blood glucose meters and the more modern continuous glucose monitors.
Considerations to Make When Choosing a Glucometer
1. Accuracy : Basically the reason for acquiring a glucometer machine is to have the right readings. Look for those that have been validated by the competent authorities, and those with positive user reviews in this preciseness.
2. Ease of Utilization : A glucometer should be pretty easy to use, even for those who may not be so much tech-savvy. It should come with features like large displays, good navigation, that is, no use of buttons or a minimum number of buttons to enhance such utilization.
3. Sample Size and Testing Time : Current designs of glucometers require very small samples of blood and can produce test results within seconds. This ensures convenience and minimizes discomfort to the user.
4. Memory and Managing Data : The ability of the glucometer to save readings and compare them to results over some period of time is very important. Some of these can even connect to apps or cloud services to assist in management and sharing with healthcare providers.
5. Cost and Insurance: The cost of the Glucometer can vary drastically. Take into consideration the cost of the device and the cost of the strips , as well as what your insurance will cover.
6. Special Features: There are meters that offer added features such as testing for ketones, alternate site testing, or high-low reading alarms.
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Top Glucometers in the Market
1. Dr. Morepen Gluco
This is where doctor-recommended Dr. Morepen Gluco can be of great help. It is precise, easy to operate, and has a sleek design with an oversized display for easy reading. It also comes with memory functionality, which retains readings for a period in order to monitor blood sugar levels.
2. BeatO CURV Glucometer
It is peerless in design and smart connectivity. The BeatO CURV Glucometer is connected through an app on mobile phones, enabling users to collect data on readings and, when necessary, share the readings directly with healthcare providers. It provides relevant health insights.
The BeatO SMART Glucometer is compact, portable, plugs into your smartphone, and yet it provides fast and accurate readings, along with another very nice feature: data syncing to the BeatO app, which allows for health management at ease on the go.
4. RGB Sinocare Safe Accu 2
The Sinocare Safe Accu 2 is valued for its high accuracy, being very user-friendly, and requires only a small drop of blood before it delivers its results in just a few seconds. In addition to that, it has big display space and holds many readings.
5. **AccuSure Sensor Glucometer
The AccuSure Sensor Glucometer is a dependable choice for anyone in need of a basic device. This meter has the advantage of providing results quickly, plus it is easy to navigate for any age group. It further features a backlit display for perfect reading environments with low illumination.
6. Contour Plus Blood Glucose
The Contour Plus Blood Glucose meter is appreciated for its accuracy and highly advanced features. It only requires a very small sample size of blood and gives accurate results in seconds. It also has a smart feature that enables second-chance sampling if the first taken sample is insufficient
If you are looking for a more advanced feature set or would simply like the peace of mind, the Contour Plus Elite Blood Glucose meter will be a good pick. Accurate to the hilt, with an astute app for data tracking, the device further extends with advanced usability towards alarms for both high and low values, which certainly increase its safety.
 Glucometer Model, Price Range, (INR) Test Strip Price ,INR per 
Dr. Morepen Gluco 800–1,200 ,10–15 
 BeatO CURV Glucometer 1,300–1,800 ,15–20 
 BeatO SMART Glucometer 1,000–1,500 ,15–20 
 RGB Sinocare Safe Accu 2 ,800–1,200 ,8–12 
 AccuSure Sensor Glucometer 600–1,000 ,10–15 
 Contour Plus Blood Glucose 1,000–1,500 ,20–25 
 Contour Plus Elite Blood Glucose ,1,500–2,000 ,20–25 
How to Use a Glucometer
It is straightforward to use a glucometer, but there are correct steps to follow so as to get accurate readings:
1. Wash Your Hands : Dirty hands can give false results.
2. Prepare the Device : Insert your test strip in your glucometer.
3. Pierce Your Finger : Use the lancet to get a small drop of blood.
4. Apply Blood to the Strip : Touch the edge of the test strip to the drop of blood. The glucometer will draw in the sample.
5. Wait for Results to Appear : Allow the glucometer to take a second to display the count of your glucose level.
6. Note the Count: Write down the result in a log or application program that will store past test results for future reference.
The best glucometer for you would, therefore, be the one that best serves your needs, preferences, and budget. Some of the more traditional glucometers available on the market are the Dr. Morepen Gluco, BeatO CURV Glucometer, BeatO SMART Glucometer, RGB Sinocare Safe Accu 2, AccuSure Sensor Glucometer, Contour Plus Blood Glucose, and Contour Plus Elite Blood Glucose — each boasting its own degree of accuracy and user-friendliness for the price one is willing to pay. Those, though, who have an interest in overall monitoring will find a continuous flow of data in CGM systems such as the Freestyle Libre 2, with some added conveniences.
You need to take into account readability, accuracy, ease of use, sample size, memory, and price when choosing your device. Proper and consistent monitoring with a good glucometer or CGM system is the hallmark of good diabetes management, one being able to make appropriate health decisions, always under the advice of his or her doctor, in determining the best glucometer for his or her unique needs and how to use it the right way to ensure the most accurate readings.
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beatoappsblog · 3 years
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tomatodeals · 3 years
BeatO CURV Smartphone Connected Glucometer with 50 Strips & 50 Lancets (Type-C
BeatO CURV Smartphone Connected Glucometer with 50 Strips & 50 Lancets (Type-C
Price: (as of – Details) Product Description ‘Raho Unbeatable’ With BeatO BeatO makes managing your sugar levels easy and affordable. The BeatO app is like having a personal health manager always on your smartphone. Trusted by over 2,00,000+ BeatO users worldwide, BeatO empowers people with blood-glucose problems to get past their condition and live their best life. Features of BeatO Curv…
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