https-wildchaos · 7 months
Jacob Custos x Male Reader play-wrestling in their cabin?
a/n;; YES YES OF COURSE!! dude i am LOVING!!! these asks
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the quarry jacob custos x camp counselor male reader
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“ Jock Wrestle ”
You and Jacob were always competing over something, wether it was over who can eat faster, who can run faster, who can punch the hardest, anything, anywhere and anytime. This time it was on the cabins since Jacob forgot to get a hoodie on what you thought could've been the coldest day on camp.
— "can you hurry up dude? i wanna go do something else." you said, already bored of waiting while the other scattered his belongings around the wooden bunk bed. "just- just give me a second m/n" he replied with a hint of annoyance. "i could've done like 10 other things while we wait here." you complained while Jacob rolled his eyes. "yeah okay, like what hmm?" he replied looking up at you with a small smile creeping up his cheeks while he tried to maintain his natural expression. "like for example, I could've played dodgeball with the campers, probably take a swim to the island and back, won like 10 fights." he chuckled "fights? ha! yeah okay bro, no need to lie." he said, teasing you in a friendly matter. "you asshole!" you would say chuckling as you decided to tackle him down to prove a point.
"get off man!" jacob would say with a smile on his face as he laid down on the floor, rolling both of you so he was ontop now. "ive got the high ground now, what are you gonna do?" the jock replied with a laugh while you punched his gut, making him get off you groaning. "ow dude! fuck!" he would say, holding his new found wound. "told you im strong" you replied giggling while you looked at the other, sharing eye contact with your friend, feeling a special type of warmth as you two were close togheter. "yeah, I get it now." jacob said, complementing you with that same smile on his face but you could resist laughing a bit, trying to cover up your incoming blush.
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meowierz · 15 days
Hi there! Your name is Custos, huh? That’s one heck of a unique name you got.
Yes that is my name, hello! My parents gave it to me to ensure my role above to be solid. It means "To Guard"....because I'm a guardian angel...and they guard....and they're angels...
Your name is Astraia, correct? It's a very pretty name and it reminds me of someone.
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letslipthehounds · 11 months
Plagiarist Alert- Star Wars fandom
Star Wars fandom, there's a plagiarist on youtube to look at. He (male voice) plagiarized at least two of my stories, and after work I will be going back to check for others. There are also stories that have titles that make me think of other stories I've read over the years, including some that are probably 20 or more years old.
Anyway, their channel is "Caseys Star Wars Fanfiction" They're located here. Find your fic, report it, and get this plagiarist banned.
For the record, the two of mine that have been plagerized so far are "You Shall Become (Me)" and "Custos"
I don't have time to look for more, but I'm going to look after work. But he's monetizing my work, and that stops now
But everyone else in the Star Wars fandom, here's the heads up, and I hope none of yours are in there.
Also- Spread this far and wide. This guy shouldn't be allowed to keep doing this- he's monetizing my work! And the work of others!
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nevertrustanoracle · 2 years
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I finally unlocked the second part of the Revolver Lore Entry in Bloodhunt, aka the entry that reveals that Beckett is Custos’ sire.
Only took me... 355 hours
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leiabomsenso · 9 months
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Um dos custos mais altos da vida, é o preço do aluguel de dinheiro. Se precisas de mais, trabalhe mais. Se está com a necessidade de dinheiro, o ideal é ser mais produtivo.
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boudebucket · 1 year
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Zippy is strong...
But Zedgar ?
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I finally got around to making Custos reference! His birthday was on like the 13th, so this is very late, but I've been busy with college and all that so I couldn't get around to drawing it until recently.
He is a french gargoyle guard that was made by Penna Hema. He delivered it to Purrinity as a gift to thank her for helping him and Bruno move into the forest. There were many back where he lived, but in the forest Custos is the only one of his kind. Made to be a guard with the sole purpose of protecting Purrinity and her home. His character is a good foil to Ibis, the two very much do not get along.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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ccounisanta · 1 year
Gestão de Custo
A gestão de custos é fundamental para a administração financeira e orçamentária de uma empresa. Busca entender e controlar as despesas relacionadas às atividades empresariais para maximizar a eficiência operacional e melhorar os resultados financeiros. No caso de um restaurante, por exemplo, é importante analisar e gerenciar os custos associados à produção de alimentos, como ingredientes, embalagens, mão de obra, energia elétrica, aluguel de espaço, entre outros.
A gestão de custos utiliza ferramentas como o custeio médio para determinar o custo médio de cada produto vendido. É necessário acompanhar e controlar os custos ao longo do tempo, comparar os custos reais com os previstos no orçamento. Em caso de desvios, é necessário investigar as causas e tomar medidas corretivas.
Também auxilia na tomada de decisões, possibilitando a identificação de alternativas mais econômicas sem comprometer a qualidade do produto. Além disso, possibilita a redução de custos em processos que consomem muitos recursos, como a energia elétrica.
É um processo contínuo e dinâmico que requer atenção às mudanças de custo, mercado e necessidades do cliente. Uma gestão eficaz ajuda a otimizar recursos, aumentar a lucratividade e garantir a sustentabilidade do negócio.
Fontes de pesquisa:
- "Gestão de Custos" - Sebrae. Disponível em: https://sebrae.com.br/sites/PortalSebrae/artigos/gestao-de-custos-como-ter-um-bom-controle-financeiro,890c9733dedbc410VgnVCM1000003b74010aRCRD
- "Gestão de Custos: Uma Abordagem Prática" - Alberto Filho, Maurício. Editora Atlas.
- "Administração Financeira" - Gitman, Lawrence J. Editora Bookman.
- "Contabilidade de Custos" - Eliseu Martins. Editora Atlas.
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mjcapacitacoes-blog · 1 month
Venha conhecer os nossos cursos, com apostilas completas e atualizadas, os melhores conteúdos você encontra aqui!
Mais informações e inscrições através do nosso site, ou em nosso WhatsApp: ✅ WhatsApp: (85) 9967-4062. 🌐 https://www.mjcapacitacoes.com.br/…/gestao-de-custos-e…/
🗓️ As inscrições são somente até esta sexta-feira, 16/08/24.
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http://@grupoandreluizdiretor_delivery https://g.page/r/CV1YUBECFI-gEBM/review
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shdsejahojediferente · 2 months
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jaconsultlog · 2 months
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Que tal literalmente "pilotar" seu negócio em um dashbord como esse diretamente na tela do seu computador? Monitore seu faturamento, custos, produtividade, lucro através do painel de instrumentos. Chama no PV e vamos conversar. #dashboard #excel #powerbi
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meowierz · 8 days
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rtrevisan · 4 months
Escritório de arquitetura e engenharia não se paga em horas [GA]
Um dos maiores avanços na gestão de empresas de serviços do campo da Arquitetura, Engenharia, Construção e Operação do ativo construído (AECO) veio entre as décadas de 1980 e 1990, quando se popularizaram alguns conceitos-chave, como custos diretos variáveis e as despesas indiretas fixas. Com a adoção destes conceitos de controle contábil da prestação dos serviços, chegou também também o conceito…
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uniorkadigital · 5 months
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radioshiga · 8 months
Empresas no Japão aumentam contratações em 2023
Tóquio, Japão, 31 de janeiro de 2024 – As empresas japonesas estão ampliando suas contratações à medida que a economia se recupera de um declínio causado pela pandemia de coronavírus. O aumento ainda não ultrapassou os níveis pré-pandêmicos para empregos, pois as empresas enfrentam custos mais elevados de materiais. Segundo o Ministério do Trabalho, a proporção de vagas em relação aos candidatos…
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