#Cyrielle Debreuil
milliondollarbaby87 · 9 months
Good Grief (2023) Review
When Marc’s husband dies unexpectedly his world is shattered and he must rely on his two best friends Sophie and Thomas for support, both with their own issues to try and deal with. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continue reading Untitled
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thehollowedartists · 6 years
Cyrielle Debreuil in Outlander
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Season 03
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drunklander · 7 years
Looks like we know who'll be playing Madame Jeanne now. On imdb an actress named Cyrielle Debreuil has on her bio around the end of it that she is Madame Jeanne on this season of Outlander.
Thanks for the heads up! [x]
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caitbalfes · 7 years
Saw on actress Cyrielle Debreuil imdb page only under her bio section that she's apparently Outlanders Madame Jeanne. She looks younger then I expected Jeanne to be. She is also pretty. I know Claire til she knows the real relationship with J and Jeanne she is jealous of Jeanne and I can see show Claire being jealous of her cause of how pretty the actress is. Hope they leave his relationship with Jeanne and her girls like the book. Wonder if we'll see her in ep 5 if so she'd be in 3 eps.
Darling, don’t you worry. Newly reunited, Jamie doesn’t have eyes for anyone but Claire. My quite possibly naïve response is that I am certain they will not change Jamie’s relationship with Jeanne and her girls to something more in the show.
I think we won’t see her until ep 6. I think they’ll make the Jamie-staying-at-a-brothel thing a surprise for the audience the way it’s a surprise for Claire when she finds out.
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thisisaxiommovie · 7 years
Why We Made It
This Is Axiom explores a new, bold way to engage people with the issues we face in healthcare. This fictional, modern-day commentary on our healthcare system explores different scenarios, from the value of life to breakdowns in patient/physician communication and the impact of innovative medicine on leading longer, healthier lives. Celgene created the movie to foster the collaboration and dialogue needed to make progress in the healthcare industry.
Healthcare is a truly complex issue. Innovations in medicine have led us to healthier lives, but healthcare systems are under pressure from increasing demand for new and improved treatments. When resources are scarce, innovation is often the first thing to go. No one is against medical innovation, but there are so many different viewpoints on how to achieve it. Celgene is committed to playing a role in the discussion and working with all stakeholders to finding sustainable solutions.
About The Characters
Yuriri Naka: Nozomi
Nozomi, an astronaut abandoned in space, experiences isolation and emotional turmoil as mission control tries to help her get back to Earth. Nozomi’s predicament features similar challenges to what patients face in today’s healthcare landscape. 
Nozomi’s personal journey highlights the emotional aspects that can help or hinder a healthcare experience. Despite barriers related to cost, time, or a breakdown in communication, healthcare providers, patients, and their families are all working toward a common goal—the value of life.  
Wil Johnson: Glenn
Mission control director Glenn is working tirelessly to bring Nozomi back to Earth. Glenn’s deep commitment to finding a solution drives him to keep going and push past barriers such as cost and naysayers who must consider other priorities beyond one astronaut’s life. He knows that collaboration among Nozomi, her family, and his team is key to bringing her back home safely, despite the cost and complications.
“About four years ago I had a stroke (…). The thing I was most concerned about was would I remember my lines, because I couldn’t remember anything for about a week. In that respect, feeling trapped really resonates with me, since I had to bridge the gap between what I was able to do (before) and then what I couldn’t do (…). With medical treatment and physiotherapy I was able to get there and here I am!”
David Bedella: Sam
It’s easy to dislike Sam. However, people like Sam make tough decisions everyday which normally represent trade-offs. Sam manages various missions, with other astronauts, not only Nozomi. Payors, funders, budget holders are often forced to make unpopular decisions, something that usually stems from having an overarching view on the bigger picture. Healthcare systems are complex and even Sam needs to address the questions of his management.
Cyrielle Debreuil: Mathilde
Some things happen in our lives that at first glance seem minor. When Nozomi picked up Mathilde, who was hitching in England, she didn’t realize Mathilde would become the biggest fighter to bring her home from the space mission. The role of the carer, when a patient is going through symptoms of an illness, diagnosis and even treatment, is very important, it’s the foundation of emotional and sometimes practical support.
“When you know the journey of your character, you just follow the journey of your character, you put yourself in his/her shoes. You can then have the same sensations, the same emotions they are having.”
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