phantomrose96 · 11 months
Pikmin 4 is good but the 4th area is twisted and evil and fucked up and bad, actually, cuz they make you have to hurt a dog every time you go there.
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starlightswordfight · 27 days
headcanon posting for the million trillionth time while I wait for student aid stuff to finalize over the weekend
also not fully hc some of it is me either rambling a little or crying for help. do not even worry about it
this one is CASTAWAY focused omg !!!! (not all of them) (not even close) (oh my god I would die)
– dalmo does not feel fear and you cannot kill him in a way that matters
– no I'm being serious. his experience of more intense emotions, especially fear, is more muted, with the exception of his love for creatures!! he went to pnf-404 no hesitation after seeing a distress call for a REASON and that reason was he DID NOT CARE
– the delayed or nonexistent fear response is joined by slowed reaction time to pain, or an occasional lack of it altogether!! uh oh!! he VERY commonly discovers bruises and the like with absolutely zero recollection of what could possibly have done that. is he autistic
– he has eczema in my heart. I also picture him to wear animal handling gloves a lot!! this both Hides and Irritates it!! I also gave this trait to an oc but listen listen if I have to have it everybody else does too
– patch also does not get scared that easy but he isn't ND in any way he's just patch
– do you think he might be a criminal in some places on technicality because of the gambling. definitely not his HOME planet if it's on his ID BADGE but that's just one place. I think he's gotten into trouble before w this and was absolutely flabbergasted about it. he had no idea this would even be an issue. what the hell
– sorry I'm keeping that in it was a placeholder and I thought it was funny. anyway her eyesight is GOD awful. she has farsightedness and needs glasses for that specifically, head hurts so bad all the time, someone save her
– TO CLARIFY i did not initially come up with this and I'm not sure who did but the transfem santi headcanon is so perfect to me
– have you guys heard "and if I did you deserved it" because that song REALLY reminds me of santi in very specific ways and I'm including it here because it's how I picture some of her inner monologue. (“if looks could kill, I'd be staring in the mirror” / “and god, i wish they could, 'cause man, i'm looking good!”)
I'm actually writing something right now or Trying To inspired by that song for her. Uh. Anyway
– chet has a LOT of siblings, and is the oldest out of all of them. he has a big family! whom he cherishes dearly!! and as such is already very good at looking after others and being The Glue of a given group
– mika's experiences in school were ... not the greatest!! her motivation to become a teacher was to provide a more welcoming space for whichever students got her, a space that she wasn't provided. we NEED more positivity in this world
– really really really bad impostor syndrome. I'm talking god awful. this woman has an anxiety disorder. please help her get out
– not a headcanon but I adore mika with everything I have
– transmasculine sammy. does not transition medically because he does not feel the need to, people believe him and that is enough (start sfuckfign bawling hysterically)
– not a headcanon but if anything happened to sammy I'd start mauling people
– pitunia is autistic. pitunia in particular. look me in my eyes and tell me that she isn't
– her and sammy, both being on the research task force, have a sibling relationship!! the task force reads to me as found family just in general but I am specifically looking at these two right now. they dye their hair to match each other
– speaking of pitunia. her and sy have a fundamentally different way each of looking at the onion, and probably also everything else!! so they're constantly debating each other, if only to further understand the other viewpoint and make their own resolutions stronger. it's very respectful always but you will NEVER hear one of them talk without the other teleporting in and going "I ALSO think that maybe the --"
– sy ALSO uses they/them because I fucking SAID SO
– i think komo and twyla have something
– claustrophobic boris trust me on this
– comes up with all of his ideas for writing either in the shower or when he's fucking asleep so he scrambles to get it down on paper or in a notes app or something and when he wakes up the next morning he's met with literary gems like “he Roled he's eye” and “whu do yhey call itlven when you of in The cold.food and out of hot eat th . e”
– get that man some noise cancelling headphones NOW. the idea machine is running out of FUEL and he needs PEACE so he can WORK
– or even just any headphones, he might be the kind of writer that visualizes really intricate animatics to whatever songs come on until the roadblock works itself out
– he drinks coffee flavored energy drinks. the amount of caffeine that man needs to keep going would kill his editor
– jin neopronoun user. they/xe actually
– was absolutely NOT always that level headed, OR that good with planning and visualization and the like. that shit took YEARS of active practice, and they were far less patient before
– inattentive/combined adhd haver maybe. this is why xe puts such an emphasis on how you are allowed to fail at dandori challenges, more than once, and how it is OKAY to. even now, it does not come fully naturally, but they're doing their best and that's all you really can sometimes and that's okay
– do ANY OF YOU know what the fuck is going on with grace because I DON'T I TRIED this is a CRY FOR HELP
– it might be because of the shared name but I could easily picture her sometimes talking like the grace in npmd does. (this wasn't murder!! and it wasn't an accident!!! it was An Act Of God)
– What The Hell Did She Do For Her Badge To Discuss The Space Police On It. I imagine it is a long list. gambling is on the list. her and patch go WAY back (lie) (they interacted once) (probably to get away from the space police that one time) ("i thought gambling was LEGAL on sozor HONEST" "I didn't")
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transgender-louie · 7 months
hey all !! if anyone recognizes the blog title @searing-alphidshock or happens to know dingo-posting, dalmo-posting, labby-posting, cotton-posting, or prince-peasley-posting, please refollow them !! the blogs were accidentally wiped off the face of the earth and my friend is now tryna fix it !! if you reblogged any posts, etc. that would help a lot too !!
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you are a very cool bug! i enjoy. i do not know what bread is but you! you have a good look! a good feeling to you! i will pat you. *pat pat* hello!
breadbug! do you want to meet Dalmo he is my friend he is very green he loves creatures!
Hollly fuckkkk ohhhhh godddd you're shiny hollllyyyy shiiitt pet me more I DEMAND it also is dalmo shiny and buriable can i bury it alive oh please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please I NEED to bury I NEED to dig
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iz-an-avacado-thanks · 11 months
About that last Dalmo post, I lied. I'm adding more actualy. Both sfw and nsfw
Call him a good boy, do it, he will fucking melt I swear to you. He is a sucker for praise
Same thing with soft little affectionate things, like holding his hand, ruffling his hair, giving him little kisses on his cheek. Mans a mess and I will not be swayed otherwise
During sex, he is def the type to go nonverbal save for little whimpers and gasps, and of course, screaming your name to the high heavens when you make him cum
Please do not overstimulat, he is precious and pathetic, he cannot take it.
Hes gonna sing your praises night and day, everyone is going to know how good you are to him, whether they like it or not.
He will use you as a way to see the little darlings he admires so much. Whether it be begging until you take him out on am excursion with you and the pikmin, or sneaking aboard the s.s. beagle while you arent looking
Dont worry though, he'll compensate you for the trouble of him tagging along, and you wont even have to put any more into it. He'll ride you, suck you off, hand job, whatever it is you want.
Would def wear a collar with tags on it, one with his name or a pet name you call him, and the other directing anyone who finds him to return him to you
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wraithposting · 9 months
what will you do when dalmo wants to go home?
... we already answered this, didn't I.... Silver? Is something...
...... Don't ask these kinds of questions again, please. You're making us sad.
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phonesep · 4 years
Toilet Seat, Dalmo Round Toilet Seat with Soft Close and Non-Slip Seat Bumpers
Toilet Seat, Dalmo Round Toilet Seat with Soft Close and Non-Slip Seat Bumpers
Toilet Seat, Dalmo DBTS02S Round Toilet Seat with Soft Close & Non-Slip Seat Bumpers, Round Front Quiet-close White Toilet Seat with 4 Stainless Steel Washers for Easy Installation, White.
♠ Spherical Bathroom Seat Measurement – Dalmo bathroom seat is appropriate for most traditional spherical bathroom seats (Size 41.8cm – 42.8cm, Width 36.3cm, Top 5.8cm) Please measure your bathroom bowl…
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iz-an-avacado-thanks · 11 months
I want to fuck Dalmo from pikmin 4
Explicits and what can also be considered pikmin 4 spoilers under the cut
Quick note, hed totally refer to you like he refers to all the creatures in the piklopidia. Youd be his little darling, sweet bean, lil sweetie, his cutie (if you're the scary type, youd also be a snarly snuggler). He just, hes so sweet and kind towards animals. He called them all "little darlings" and it just, hes the type of guy to be a complete submissive bottom. He is a homosexual, and a soft bottom, you cannot convince me otherwise. Like, hes gonna look up at you with the soft lil eyes and be like "please be gentle with me" and it just AAAISUSHSJSHSKSJSJSJAKSB. He'd take far more than he knows he can handle, simply because he wants to please you. He totally has a breeding kink too, something about that combo just feels right. Youd see the tears pricking at the edges of his eyes as you throat fucked him, but hed let you go as long as he could. After words it would be soft cuddles, loving embraces, little apologizes if you accidentally hurt him, a warm shower together even. He is the sweetest of beans, and I will defend him with my and my 600+ pikmins lives. Auuuuuurg, I am not normal about this man I am so sorry.
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phonesep · 4 years
Elongated Toilet Seat, Dalmo Toilet Seat with Non-Slip Seat Bumpers
Elongated Toilet Seat, Dalmo Toilet Seat with Non-Slip Seat Bumpers
Elongated Toilet Seat, Dalmo DBTS01S Toilet Seat with Non-Slip Seat Bumpers, Slow-Close Elongated White Toilet Seat with Metal Screw Bolts Easy to Install & Clean, No Slam Toilet Seat, White.
♣ Elongated Bathroom Seat Measurement – Dalmo rest room seat is appropriate for most traditional elongated rest room seats (Size 46.8-47.6 cm, Width 36.1cm, Top: 5.6cm) Please measure your rest room bowl…
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