dragon-spaghetti · 30 days
I just sent an ask about your most recent post but now I’m having more thoughts. Imagine Angel notices that Husk is being ran ragged. That Alastor is being a complete jerk, and Husk just seems to get more and more defeated as the day goes on while his pain gets worse. And Angel can’t fight Alastor for it (because he would know how terrible of an idea that is), but what he can do is just get everything ready for when Alastor’s finally bored. Get a heating pad, arrange the pillows on Husk’s bed in the best way for him to lay with minimal pain, then getting snacks and drinks and a show on the TV to distract him with. If he needs a bath, Angel’s the expert on preparing a hot one for sore muscles, and Angel waits at the couch in the lobby for him to get back so he can help him walk all the way from the front door to his room. Then plenty of snuggles of course
Angel knowssss what it's like to have an absolute bastard own you. He knows that stepping in just makes things worse. But he also knows that having someone to come home to when it's over, who will help lessen the pain and care for you, can make such a difference rather than curling up in an empty bed with nothing but your own self loathing over being in this position
Sometimes they just sit and cuddle in silence, other times husk asks for Angel to just. Talk. It's a welcome distraction from the static in his head, resting his face on that chest fluff to block out the shadows he can see in the corners of the room. When needs be Angel will preen the feathers of husk's wings and gently massage the muscles connecting them to his back, sore from lugging the heavy bastards around all day
And if Angel finds a way to convince Charlie and vaggie into distracting alastor from bothering husk for a few days, well then no one else needs to know 💖
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pesterloglog · 6 months
Jake English, Jane Crocker
Act 6, page 4587-4593
golgothasTerror [GT] began pestering gutsyGumshoe [GG]
GT: Aloha madame.
GG: Jake!
GG: Hey there. I was actually about to message you.
GT: Yes i have heard that maybe your correspondence was forthcoming.
GG: You did?
GT: I just got off the horn with roxy.
GG: Wait...
GG: What did she tell you?
GT: Well. Not anything all that specific.
GG: Did she goad you into writing this message?
GT: Oh you know how it is. What with her ways.
GG: What ways?
GT: You know... ways!
GT: I believe they are not incongruous with those of a feisty and provocative young woman.
GG: Provocative my behind!
GG: She is skirting dangerously close to meddlesome territory.
GT: No its really not like that!
GT: Hold on...
GT: God dammit.
GG: ??
GT: Its just dirks inscrutable wrestlebot acting up over there.
GT: What the fuck is it doing now?
GG: Has one of his gadgets been causing trouble for you over there as well?
GT: If by causing trouble you mean clobbering the everfriggin tar out of me while still switched to the "novice" setting then yes.
GT: But that is not why i messaged you!!! I will not be deterred here jane.
GG: Deterred from what?
GT: Jane i think its time we had an honest to goodness dame to fella talk. Like about our...
GT: Stuff. You know?
GG: Our stuff?
GT: Our feelings.
GT: Like how we feel about each other.
GG: Um...
GG: Yes.
GG: Okay.
GT: I dont think im out of line in suggesting weve been tiptoeing around some things here do you?
GG: Have we?
GT: I think so. Its just a hunch.
GG: Is there something you want to say to me, Jake?
GG: About how you feel?
GT: Absolutely!
GT: I feel that total honesty between us will be the best policy as we begin our journey together.
GT: So i say lets put all the facts on the table where we can both see them.
GT: With that in mind i would like to ask you a question jane and i hope it doesnt strike you as being too forward.
GG: ...
GG: Go on.
GT: Maybe its just my imagination but ive picked up on certain lets say hints.
GT: So i have to just come out and ask. Hoo boy this is actually proving to be a serious challenge to my bravery now that im going through with it.
GT: Im getting a little hot under the collar here!
GG: No, it's ok...
GG: Please continue!
GT: Ok then.
GT: What id like to know is...
GT: Do you like me jane?
GG: Uh.
GG: Wait...
GG: What?
GT: I mean do you like me as more than a friend?
GT: Do you envision us as like...
GT: An item? A romantic pairing of sorts?
GG: Wow, um.
GT: Is that the direction in which you would prefer our relationship to progress?
GG: Well,
GT: Please! Be honest with me jane.
GT: Just come out and say it. Do you fancy me?
GG: No!
GT: I see.
GT: Very well then.
GT: Jeez i mustve really misread that one! I feel like kind of a bone head now.
GT: Are you sure the answers no?
GG: I guess...
GG: That...
GG: Sure was the thing I said! Ha ha.
GT: Yes fair enough.
GT: I guess i did put you on the spot there didnt i.
GT: You know it may sound cocky of me but i really was not prepared for this answer!
GT: You must think im just this epic friggin tool now. Couldnt say id disagree if you did.
GG: No!!!!!!
GG: Oh my God, what am I saying here?
GG: Jake, I didn't mean it! I didn't want to make you feel that way!
GT: Now jane lets not backpedal here.
GT: Youve spoken the truth and i greatly appreciate and respect you for that.
GT: But now that i think about it you know what?
GG: ...
GG: No? :(
GT: Please dont take this the wrong way but your answer is actually kind of a relief!
GG: It is?
GT: I consider you to be a lovely lady of the highest caliber and i really think any gent worth his salt would be a huge bozo to let the chance to go steady with you slip through his fingers.
GT: Ive even given the possibility some thought myself.
GG: You have?
GT: Sure im only human jane im going to entertain lets say certain ideas. What ifs. You know?
GT: Like what if we did meet up some day? And you asked me out or something. Im sure id say yes given all weve been through together and then well who knows?
GG: You would??
GT: Probably but im kind of babbling here. The point is those are all just silly daydreams about stuff and about your feelings for me that i was projecting on you which werent even real.
GT: And now that weve been honest with each other about this we can kind of move on and just be great friends.
GG: Friends!
GG: Oh boy!!
GT: And its a load off to be honest because that was lot to think about on top of everything else!
GG: Everything else?
GT: Things are kind of complicated for me jane. With you and roxy and dirk and his crazy responder and now...
GT: Well its a tangled web lets just put it that way.
GG: I don't think I'm following.
GT: There are a fuckload of irons in the fire jane!
GT: So many irons in the fire. Such a tangled web. It is a web full of flaming irons.
GG: And mixed metaphors, apparently?
GT: Exactly. See? You get it.
GG: I really don't, Jake.
GT: Oh son of a bitch!
GG: What?!
GT: The robot is being weird again.
GG: What's happening?
GT: Its having some sort of mental episode.
GT: See this is what im talking about jane. This is what im dealing with here.
GT: Sigh. Like i said my life is many different hells of complicated.
GG: Jake, could you just tell me what you're talking about?
GT: Youre right. I did say honesty was the best policy didnt i so i might as well not keep certain things so close to the vest anymore.
GT: Actually since youve made your feelings apparent and only see me as a friend that makes it a lot easier!
GG: Haha, yes!
GG: Friends!!!!
GT: Maybe you could help me sort out some stuff that has been weighing on me lately?
GG: Well what are friends for Jake!!!!!
GT: Jane are you alright?
GT: You seem to be exclaiming more liberally than usual.
GG: Me?
GG: I'm just
GG: Terrific!
GG: I'm feeling so...
GG: Friendly!!!
GG: I clearly just want to be a good friend and bring all my AMAZING FRIENDLINESS to bear on your problems.
GG: Friendlystyle! Ahahahah?
GG: Shit I mean
GG: Ahahahah!
GT: Thats aces. Jane youre a sweetheart.
GT: So as i was saying.
GT: I cant help but feel like all this stuff going on with dirk like his responders mind games and his brobots mysterious and brutal hazings...
GT: Are all like...
GT: Man i know this is going to sound crazy.
GG: What?
GT: Like theyre all part of a really long term and esoteric courtship process that is bizarre but somehow makes perfect sense in his mind.
GG: Courtship??
GT: Yes from dirk.
GT: To you know...
GT: Woo me.
GG: Huh!
GG: Really?
GT: I know its hard to believe but i know dirk pretty well and...
GT: Well im more than a little sure he likes me in that way if you catch my drift.
GT: And what with how he is...
GT: Just so relentless and aggressive about everything you know?
GG: Yeaaah.
GT: So i just start to wonder deep down if maybe its inevitable.
GG: What's inevitable?
GT: Him and me. As more than just best buddies.
GG: Uhhhhh...
GT: I know if he has his heart set on something he will never let up.
GT: So maybe its just going to happen and things will be easier that way and i should just try to come to terms with it?
GG: I don't think you have to do anything you don't want to, Jake.
GT: Yeah.
GT: Um.
GG: Wait.
GG: DO you not want to?
GT: Like i said jane i am inclined to entertain certain ideas and what ifs thats all.
GT: I mean we do get along really well and share a lot of interests.
GT: Im not saying im really GUNG HO TO THE MAX about the proposition but yeah ive given it some thought.
GT: I dunno.
GT: Do you think thats weird of me? For even considering it?
GG: Well...
GG: No.
GG: I don't think that makes you weird, Jake.
GT: Really?
GG: I think
GG: That
GT: What jane?
GG: I think that it's great if you are open to exploring those feelings.
GT: Thats really swell of you to say that.
GT: Have i mentioned what a top notch friend you are jane?
GG: Yes.
GG: As a matter of fact you have.
GT: Now please dont take me as saying im about to go leaping into his arms or anything.
GG: Heh.
GT: That would be a bit brash.
GT: Haha could you imagine??
GG: Whee!
GT: But my thought process sort of went like this.
GT: Hes been my best friend forever and ive always liked him a lot as a bro.
GT: And years ago i used to joke around with him that we would probably be totally into each other if he was a girl.
GT: But of course that was before i started to realize he was probably serious about those feelings for me regardless.
GT: Heheh come to think of it maybe that was unwittingly poor form on my part kind of leading him on or something?
GG: Whoops!!
GT: But then...
GT: Later i started thinking.
GT: Maybe i was being kind of unfair to him in the first place?
GT: I mean by saying we would be a good match only if he was a girl.
GT: Like is that last condition there really all THAT important?
GT: Does that make sense?
GG: Hmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GT: You are incredibly understanding jane. Thank you so much for listening.
GT: I have never told anyone all that. Its so great to have a friend as good as you.
GG: That is what I am good for, it seems!
GT: If we hadnt cleared the air just now i probably never would have had the gumption to talk about it with you.
GT: Its so cool how you were honest with me about how you felt. I think honesty is always the best policy. I cant believe how much i was overcomplicating all this in my head.
GT: Haha the situation is really pretty funny when you think about it.
GG: Yeaaaaaaaah..........
GG: Say, Jake?
GG: Not to cast doubt on your feelings, but are you quite sure all of Dirk's actions have been for the sake of courtship?
GT: Um...
GG: You did say his robot was prone to assailing you, did you not?
GG: Is that really an affectionate gesture?
GT: Well...
GT: He basically sent me that thing as kind of a sparring partner.
GT: Like to wrestle with.
GT: And i love to wrestle!
GG: Oh.
GT: And yeah i guess he programmed it to be a bit overzealous but i mean what do you expect from the guy.
GT: I think its his way of training me to become tougher.
GT: Which sometimes is annoying and sometimes when i walk through the jungle im sweating bullets wondering if its going to pounce on me outta nowhere.
GT: But theres actually something kind of exciting about that its like every day is more of an adventure.
GT: And truthfully its probably working i probably AM getting better at being in scrums.
GG: Yeah.
GG: I guess you're right.
GT: And his responder which i guess is really a part of his personality even if he doesnt like to say so...
GT: It kind of lets on a lot more than dirk ever would. Its almost like its this weird clone of himself playing passive aggressive matchmaker between me and his real self.
GG: Yeah.
GG: I can see how such a complicated relationship could keep you preoccupied.
GG: I guess I can't blame you.
GG: Maybe you should just...
GG: I don't know.
GT: What?
GG: Maybe you should just go for it.
GG: Hell, why not.
GG: Just tell him you know how he feels and that you're open to the idea?
GT: You really think so?
GG: ...
GG: Yeah sure why the hell not.
GT: Well i was kinda going to let it play out and just see what happens and go from there...
GT: But you think a more proactive approach would be better?
GG: Well,
GG: He likes you.
GG: You seem to like him well enough.
GG: Just...
GG: Yes.
GG: Why not??
GG: Sounds good to me!!!
GT: Wow.
GT: I must say this sort of advice surprises me coming from you!
GG: And why would that be?!
GG: What, are you expecting me to advocate a more conservative approach?
GG: To tell you to keep being shy and cagey and keep beating around the bush indefinitely??
GG: What would ever give you that idea about me!
GT: Hmm.
GT: Yes i guess that is a certainly a strategy to consider.
GT: Jane i must say your perspective on this is refreshingly bold.
GT: Hehehe! Sure looks that way!
GG: Screw it!
GG: Ask him out.
GG: Just kill the suspense already.
GG: Become boyfriends and such.
GG: Have some babies!!!
GT: Whoa now!
GT: Jane the decision to sire children with your best bro is not one to be taken lightly.
GG: Okay I think I have to go.
GG: I have this stupid game to play.
gutsyGumshoe [GG] ceased pestering golgothasTerror [GT]
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Part 3.
Summary. Iwazuimi thinks up an awful idea to help Kentarou get his anger out.
Warnings. Vomit, chipped tooth, blood. Sad boi Kentarou
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Kentarou walked with you still in his grip till you were off school grounds. The cold air stung your legs and all you wanted to do was lay down.. and check what that cracking noise was. Kentarou dropped his grip on you and your hand went straight to your mouth to rub at your cheek in little circles, fuck it hurt..
After a minute you decided to just reach in and see if anything was broken, your jaw ached from having to open up so wide but you ignored it. Kentarou watched you with a tilted head and twitching eyebrow. Oh please, he thought. As if you broke any..-
When he watched you pull out a chipped tooth his fingers reached out to you for a minute making the veins in his hands dance around against his skin. The wince your body did when you pulled it out sent a chill up his spine. Oh shit, oh fuck. Why. Dammit. The look you gave him was fake, he knew it. He could see it in your eyes you wanted to break down right there.
You waved your other hand around assuring him it was fine, unsure if you should talk or not. You needed to get home though, and fast.. Kentarou watched you limp for a few steps till you almost fell. He caught you and pulled your arm over his shoulders and grabbed your side with his free one helping you steady.
“Just tell me where your damn house is” was all he said too you.
You felt relieved slightly but.. everything still hurt. You guided Kentarou to your home and you had to make up some story for your parents when they saw the state you were in; swollen cheeks, ripped knee high and holding your stomach. You told them some thug tried to rob you and Kentarou saved you. They believed you and before they could thank him he already left.
Kentarou was already down the street far away from you, hurting you. God damn it this was not helping his anger. If anything it made it worse. He pulled his phone from his pocket dialing , when Iwazuimi answered he punched a brick wall. “This isint working. I chipped her god damn tooth .” He growled leaning into the cold hard building staring at his now bloody knuckles watching the blood trickle down the lines in his fingers dripping down to his wrist slithering to his elbow. “I was so angry ..seeing her in those fucking thigh highs. I know everyone was looking at her” he rolled facing the brick wall running his nails along it waiting for Iwazuimi to say something.
Iwazuimi was quiet while his friend unloaded on him. Yeah, this was a awful idea why did he come up with this Iwa-Kun you dunce. They would be in real hot water if you told anyone but you really seemed like you wouldint do that. “Kentarou, i need to tell you something about her.” There was a long pause on both ends if you dont count Kentarous endless heavy huffing and puffing. After a long thinking session Iwa-Kun spoke up .
Kentarou grabbed his side, he felt very hot all of a sudden, his head heavy and his throat felt like it had a heavy piece of food in it. He heaved a few times trying to steady his breathing but it was no use. He was down on his knees staring at the vomit on the ground in front of him , his phone on his lap. He coughed a few times and leaned forward grabbing his phone , his free arm above his head his fingers in his buzz cut. He felt like total shit and now his stomach was aching hard from rejecting his lunch. A few tears fell from his eyes down his cheeks . “She likes watching.. me play..”
Iwazuimi had to go fetch Kentarou himself because he really could not get home himself right now. Seeing his friend in such a state. The Mad Dog as Oikawa called him, was on his knees hunched over his own vomit crying into the cold cement unable to pull himself together. The fact that you enjoyed watching him play made him sick to his stomach. You enjoyed someone as mean as him, as pushy.. as abusive as him. You were not a chew toy. You were a gift . A god damn gift.
Iwazuimi pulled his friend up handing him some water that he sipped and spit back out to freshen his mouth for the time being. He leaned on the third year all the way home not saying anything at all. He wasint gonna talk and Iwazuimi was not going to force him. The whole walk home he tried to think about what to do to make this up to you .. if he even could.
Iwazuimi took the time to reflect on this whole event that he caused. You were so innocent and shy, not a bruise to be seen on your body, should he tell Kentarou that youve been wanting to approach him? Maybe. But now was not the right time, and it might mean more if you say it yourself. He got Kentarou home safe and sound and Iwazuimi went home himself. Both boys thought long and hard about this whole situation.
The next day you were in so much pain all over; your stomach was on fire and you had a bruise on your left knee and right cheek. You wanted to wear thigh highs but it was probably not a good idea.. You did though use make up to cover up your purple cheek. You fixed your hair and left for school , heart beating fast. The whole night you were awake thinking about what happened. The look he had on his face when he saw you stumble along looked pained and shocked as of he was thinking “i caused that.” Was he okay? Was he sad…
Kentarou avoided you all day; dodging you whenever he saw you or giving you an angry look whenever you locked eyes. You were limping and everytime you tried to walk towards him he just took off in the other direction blending in with the crowd of other teens. He was no where to be found at lunch either, not at his usual spot with his team eating a melon bun. He would be at practice though. And you were gonna ask him if he was okay.
After school you walked slowly towards the gym holding your stomach rubbing tbe giant bruise you had on it. You were in so much pain but you had to ignore it for now. You were almost there.
When you did arrive Oikawa was coming up behind you passing you with a smile on his face and a slightly purple nose. He dipped down to your height grinning at you. “Y/n chan! How can i help you?”
“Kawa.. is..” god you needed to sit down.. “Kentarou here..”
Oikawa tilted his head looking over his shoulder raising his voice. “Iwa-kuuuuun!!!!”
“Dont call me that!!!!!!!” He yelled from the gym.
“ is Mad Dog -Chan in there?”
“He went home sick!!!”
Oikawa looked back at you and rubbed your head. “He went home sick y/n chan.”
“O..ok..” you swayed.
“Hes a little mean though, id pick another favorite player , im available.” He smiled at you.
You fainted in his arms and Oikawa almost didint catch you. He cursed yelling into the gym and everyone ran out , Iwazuimi picked you up in his arms and the Coach told him to bring you to the infirmary.
You woke up to see Iwazuimi leaning iver the bed with his hands in his hair . You reached out touching his arm and within a second he looked up sighing with relief. He grabbed your hand with both of his apologizing over and over.
“Uhm. .. Iwa..Kun..”
“Y/n i am so..-“
“Is .. he really sick..”
“He threw up his lunch , he was eating too fast but…..”
Iwazuimi told you about last night, he left out Kentarou crying but he told you about him vomiting and needing him to help the poor guy home.
“Will.. will he be okay for the game?”
“Yeah. I think so.”
“He avoided me all day..”
“I know y/n. He mostly hung around with me today.”
“I dont.. regret any of this.”
Iwazuimi lowered his head into his arms, still holding your hand. “You think you can change him”
“I can try.”
“Hes a good person.. its just stuck under his tough exterior.”
You rubbed his hand with your thumb. “I know, ill find it”
Your parents had come to pick you up and you were given heavy medicine and ordered to lay in bed all day and tomorrow. The game was the day after tomorrow and you prayed you would be okay to go. You would not be at school tomorrow either…
Slowly you pulled your phone from the night stand opening it up to see no messages. Should you..? You opened up your contacts staring at his name for a long few minutes, you were shaking a little. It was just a text. Thats all. Its not like you would see him soon anyway. You took in a deep sigh sending out a text.
🎾i wont be at school tomorrow. But i will see you at the game, i hope your doing okay.
Kentarou was in bed staring at the celing. Watching you limp around the damn school broke his heart into tiny pieces. The fact that he caused such pain to you, someone that enjoyed watching him play. Someone who always had a smile on their face when they asked how his day was… He rolled over squeezing his pillow in disgust. He hated himself, who he was, what he put you through. His phone buzzed and it was Iwazuimi texting him telling him what happened today which broke him even more. God damn it, and Oikawa of all people . He didint reply but he did get another text, from you this time.
His body sunk down and felt very heavy, after everything he put you though, giving you stupid rules, ripping your thigh highs, shoving you into the wall, making you faint at school from kicking your stomach. And chipping your god damn tooth.. you still wanted to make sure he was okay. ..
The text he sent you made you cry instantly, why.. why.. you wanted to be near him, hear him out. Make him feel better..
😡Stay away from me.
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mcuspidey-archive · 6 years
bulletproof | t.h. — part one
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Pairing: Agent!Tom x Agent!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: You have one job. Get the evidence and get out. Should be easy enough but with your incredibly irresistible partner in your ear the whole time, it’s a little hard to stay focused.
Warning: A LOT OF DIALOGUE, crime, cursing, angst, major flirting like, did I mention dialogue !!!! 
A/N: COLLAB WITH @thelazypangolin ! This started as a blurb request but I was so inspired and excited about it that I knew it had to be BIG and I couldn’t do it alone. I’m honored to be writing with her and we honestly are having so much fun with it that I’d be shocked if it didn’t turn into an entire series. (That will depend on the feedback we get so please let us know what you think ok?) We are just so proud of this and we really hope you enjoy it ❤️
Your hands reach for the computer that sat in front of you as drops of perspiration trickle down your forehead. You were well aware that the mission would be risky, but your lazy ass hated time-bound tasks enough for you to start stressing out.
Your hand finds the mini USB drive you had stashed in your back pocket earlier and despite it being a minute device, it would be the deciding factor on whether your assignment failed or succeeded.
“Y/N, you sure you can handle this one?” Tom’s voice flows softly through the tiny earpiece.
He was always teasing you and you loved it, but of course would never admit it. Rolling your eyes at the hidden cameras surrounding you, you hear him laugh.
“I can handle anything,” you assure him, a sly smirk spreads across your face. It was true and he knew it. You had only been working together for a few months and he already knew you better than anyone else ever had. You’re strong, the strongest person he knows, and so fearless. It was the reason you were offered the position in the first place because no matter what, you never backed down.
“I know. But are you sure you can stay focused, love? You look so sexy right now.” He tests you and you know he’s busy eyeing the black, skin-tight pants and red leather jacket that were hugging you in all the right places.
“Something tells me that you are the one who's having a hard time focusing, eh Holland?” you chuckle, hiding the underlying anxiety.
“I might be more focused if you dressed more professionally, ya know,” his voice saturates your being, officially distracting you. Though it wouldn't be exactly wrong to say that you did love all the distraction he brought to the job.
“Maybe I’m just trying to show you what you’ve been missing out on,” you say, a little too confidently. You knew you needed to be completely invested in the screen in front of you, but couldn’t help yourself. You dished it right back, only you were better at it and you wished you could see his reactions.
You hear his voice hitch and he lets out a soft groan. “You sure, this is the right time and the right place to show that?”
“Better now than never.” Your fingers tap nervously on all the possible combinations of numbers to unlock the information, yet you manage to let the words glide effortlessly.
“How 'bout after we’re done here?” He says, sending a shiver up your spine as you imagine the gorgeous, uneven grin he most likely had on his face. You gasp dramatically. “Tom Holland, are you asking me out?”
“I might be,” he says and a nervous laugh escapes his lips. It had been months of continuous flirting and ensuing tension between the two of you, and he chose now to do this?
Getting too caught up in him, you enter just enough wrong combinations.
The analogue display immediately sets to 10:00.
“I’m fine, it’s just- I may have set off the intruder alert, no big deal,” you try to brush it off. The fact that you made a mistake in the first place was bad enough.
“Y/N, they’re going to be there any minute, most likely armed, do you hear me? Get out!” Panic ringing clearly through his words.
“I uh-” you glance at the illuminated numbers. “-still have nine minutes. I can do this.” You fake confidence to pacify your partner's concerns but on the inside, you knew that you were fucked, big time.
“No damn it, the moment that clock hits zero, this entire building blows up and all the evidence with be destroyed. You are not going down with it,” Tom was almost yelling through the earpiece, his shrill voice making your already pounding heart beat out of your chest.
“Tom, I have nine-” you correct yourself as your eyes find the blinking red warning once again. “-eight and a half minutes and I can and will make it.”
It would go against the image you had worked so hard to maintain so no, you were not leaving this unfinished. You were given the nearly impossible task of catching these guys. Known to be one of the most dangerous group of criminals and their specialty? Importing stolen money which you were chosen to get proof of on the tiny USB drive now plugged to the computer. It was safe to say that you were scared, a feeling you weren’t familiar with because when it came to what you did for a living, you almost never felt fear. Now with the time still ticking down, 08:00, your nerves threaten to get the best of you.
“Come on, come on,” You urge the data percentage to move faster as it feels like it stays at 43% for hours instead of mere seconds.
Tom was still frantic, his melodic tone that usually calms you down, now builds you up and not in the good way.
“Listen to me, Y/N. Get out right now or I swear I will come in after you,” he scolded seriously and there was no doubt in your mind that he would. But you couldn’t let them get away with this and he was just going to have to trust you.
“I can’t,” you shake your head, about to say exactly what he didn’t want to hear. “I-I have to see this through, otherwise it’s all for nothing.”
“If they see you, you’re dead. If you hide and that timer stops, you're dead. You might be willing to risk your life but I’m not!” Tom yells again, needing you to just listen to him for once. You could tell he was pacing back and forth and with each step that echoed through the speaker, you felt more anxious and equally annoyed.
“I’m staying, Tom. I’ll be fine. You know I always am,” your wavering tone barely convincing you as you try to ease his frantic heart.
“This is different! Your life's on the line and I refuse to just sit in this damn van and let it happen.” He was trying everything because maybe something he said would change your mind. Or at the very least, his voice. Always calm and smooth as silk somehow, even when he was pissed off. One of his many features that typically made you weak, but right now? It just wasn’t enough.
As much as the situation was testing you, Tom's words weren't making it any better and engulfed with rage, you snap. “My life is always on the line. None of our missions are without risks!”
The deafening sound of Tom's fists slamming on the tabletop fills your ears, making you flinch. “There is no mission if you're dead,” he screamed and you take a deep breath and keep watching the data that was close to 78% now. Any second now.
“Can you hear me, Y/N?” Tom heaves a sigh and you swear you could feel his warm breath calm your nerves. You shut your eyes close and muster the courage to utter at least a single word that wouldn't shatter your hopes anymore.
“Please… Listen to me, I can’t lose you,” Tom's voice is a mere whisper and your heart sinks at the possibility of the inevitable.
Nevertheless, you shake your head and put your fingers to your ear. “Tom, I'll make it. Trust me,” you assure him and swallow harshly as your eyes well up. You never were the emotional one, you had aced the impossible before, but today just happened to be the day when your heart ached and you wished to melt in someone's arms. Tom's arms.
“I love you.”
You blink your eyes and furrow your brows. “What?”
“I said I love you, Y/N.” You feel the pain in his voice despite the barriers and your brimming eyes overflow just enough to let a tear stain your cheek.
“Y-you?” Your lip quivers and breath gets caught up in your throat. You sniffle and shut your eyes, it wasn't real. “Do you-”
“I have been in love with you ever since that first fucking day,” he said, sure and steady.
You swallow harshly as your eyes watch the data percentage reach close to 98%. Your fingers tap on the table in front of you, ready to pull out the device and run for your life. To run to him.
“Y/N?” You feel heart-wrenching pain as your name rolls  off his tongue. How little a gesture, yet still left you in misery.
“Dammit, talk to me!” The voice in your ears was loud, loud and desperate. You could even hear the tapping of his foot, like the world silenced every other sound so you could savour the last moment, let his words engulf you for the last time.
“Done,” you manage to slip the word out.
“Run, Y/N!” he screams over the comms and you inhale deeply. Show time.
Your fingers wrap around the device and you pull it with a jerk and take to your heels. Your vision grows hazy and you hastily wipe your eyes with the back of your hand but it doesn't help. Your pools were clouded, but your thoughts weren't. Tom was quiet yet his voice was still playing at the back of your mind like a broken record and you loved it. Maybe it was the last time that you got to hear it and if so, at least it was filled with the love that you desperately needed.
You stumble and then regain your balance.
You had done this before.
You harshly clear your throat and part your lips to let the words out. You couldn't wait to be in his arms, to tell him that you felt exactly the same but your current situation wasn't assuring your chances of escape. You take a gust of air in through your parted lips and manage to push the words out.
“I lo-”
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Taglists:  @hollandroos @badhollandfluff @eveanne-03 @brookestreewolf @bonfirelohve @spideymood @sensitivesapphic @hollandofthefree @uglypastels @spideybitey18 @rainbow-marvel @moonkissedtom @andwhatdostarsdobest @marcymakemagic @spideychronicles @starlightfound @summertime-acoustic @notsolivelyadele @hollandfieldblurbs @itslizabitch8021
Tags: @hazsterfield @tomhollandeu @kick-namestake-ass @starksparker @curlytoms @screamholland @tomnhaz @pbnjparker @starkschurro @spiderboytotherescue @theprincesofasgard @spdys @anthonyed @hollandsbaby @petalparker @madmadmilk
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