#DANCHOS ORDERS(Answered Asks)
granstand · 4 years
@granpinkfantasy​ glomped:  Here comes Djeeta givin out big fat hugs.
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                 “Missed me? I missed you too! Welcome back!”
 He held his sister close as he greeted her with a warm smile as he returned her hug! Was it all because he loved his sister? Well that was the bulk of it, though it would be a lie to say the fact they only had each other played into it as well. With mom a fading memory and dad away, they were the only family they had left. 
...he wasn’t going to let her go willingly or easily. 
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millicent231-watt · 5 years
(AoT) You Dummy - Jean X Reader
Anime / Crossover: Attack on Titan
Songs: None
Request: None
Modern AU: No
NSFW/R-18: No
Your POV
My horse, Nephthys (who was named after the Egyptian goddess), rubs her snout against my hand as I reached up and patted her. She licked my hand and I grab her a carrot. Us Scouts had just come back from surveying the area and were waiting for the new recruits arrive at HQ. "I hate people." I say to myself without caring if anyone had heard me. "Y/N!" I hear Corporal Levi yell at me and I turn to him, saluting. "Yes, Sir?" I ask and he waves off my salute. "Don't say things like that around the rest of the cadets. They already have enough mental problems going on with all their comrades dying, they don't need you against them." I nod my head and lower it. "I'm sorry Sir. Thank you for letting me know. I'll try my best to improve my mood." I say before bowing and he walks away.
Captain's right, I need to be more positive around others. I think to myself before I hear a horses whinny and we all turn our heads to the carts carrying all new faces that were probably gonna be dead within the next 2 weeks. I watch as Eren smiles after waving to them. He must know them. I snarl at some two-tone haired fucker who was staring at me. I feel someone nudge my side and I turn back to see who it was. "What did I say?" Captain Levi asks me and I turn back to the horse I was scowling at and smile at him.
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Jean's POV
I sat in the back of an old, wooden cart along with Sasha, Connie and the rest of the cadets who decided to join the scouts. I see Eren smiling and running over to Mikasa's cart as it pulls up to a stop. Damn you, you titan bastard. I think before turning my head to get out and landing my eyes on the most perfect girl I've ever seen. More perfect than Mikasa, which I thought was impossible. She was short with long black hair, actually, she was shorter than Humanities shortest- I mean strongest. She turns around and she scowls at me, even so, she was beautiful. It wasn't long before Captain Levi nudged her and she sighed, turned to me and smiled. An angel? I hear Connie laughing at me and I turn to him angrily. "What?!' I yell at him, but he just laughs harder. "Your face!" He says before Sasha walks over and starts laughing as well. "It's so red!" I storm off while telling them to shut up.
Your POV
I shrug off his angry exit before patting my horse again. "Go help the cadets Eren." I hear corporal say before a 'Yes, Sir!' was heard. "Y/N." He says and I turn to him. "You may go back to your room and finish off those reports on your ODM gear." I nod my head, salute him and begin walking off. "Actually, I want you to go around to each of the new rooms and make sure that the new recruits are getting on well. I'll give you an extension on the paperwork. The new recruits are nervous, fix that." I nod my head and salute him again before walking off to the area of the building that held all the rooms for the cadets. I sigh as I hear crying and murmuring, but it was nothing new in the scouts. I open the door to the Cadet room hallway and everyone turns to face me, girls on one side and boys on the other.
"How is everyone?" I ask and they all turn their heads with a look of guilt and sadness. "Everyone getting on alright?" I ask, but yet again, no answer. I sigh and cross my arms. "Everyone put your things down." I order and they all obey. "Outside, come on." I say as I gesture them outside to a small garden that was mainly used for us cats to recollect our selves if we were freaking out after or before an expedition, and it proved helpful. Everyone slumps outside and I follow behind them, making sure they don't go anywhere else. Once everyone is outside I hear a few gasps as they look around. "This is where you can come and calm down if you are feeling stressed. Before or after an expedition expect a lot of people in here." I say and they all begin walking around the garden.
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"We can't be out here too long, you're supposed to be getting settled in." I say and they all turn to me. "Sorry for making you take us out here, we'll go back in now." Two-tone says before I push him back into the group. "You can go back soon, but not yet." I say and they all look at me, confused about what I was doing. "It's obvious that you're all nervous and scared to be here, I could tell just by looking at you when you arrived. Corporal Levi noticed it too." I say before sighing. "Listen, I know you think you've made the wrong choice, and you probably think that joining one of the other regiments would have been better, but you're wrong." I say as they look at me in disbelief. "You're all brave soldiers for offering up your hearts and lives for humanity and your lost friends."
"You-" I say as I point to baldy. "You were in the top 10 and aiming to join the Military Police, am I right?" I ask and he nods. "I...I want people to respect me and I want to be safe from the Titan's." He admits and I sigh. "No one respects the Military Police. They just care about themselves, they don't even care about their comrades. They'd gladly sacrifice you so they could live, without a second thought." I say, and by his expression, I see he was reconsidering what he said. "What about you?" I ask as I point to the next person. Each one of them explains why they didn't want to be here and wanted to join another regiment, except one, two-tone.
"Why did you join the Scouts instead of one of the other regiments?" I ask him and he squeezes his right hand. "I...I have to avenge someone." I see everyone else about to cry. He must have been someone important. "Who?" I ask, trying to get a real answer. "A friend...we were going to join the Military Police together but a Titan ripped him in half..." He trails off before looking down in shame. "Marco Bott." I say and their heads flick up to me. "H..how-" "I was friends with his family, so when the military informed them I got informed as well." I say with a sympathetic smile. They all look down uncomfortably. "He didn't die pointlessly. His death brought you all here, didn't it?" They all nod. "Then don't make his death meaningless and help humanity." I say and some of them begin breaking down. "As long as you don't give up, living isn't as hard as people make it out to be." I say as I kneel down onto the ground to help one of them up. "Our friends did not die in vain, we won't let them." I say as the little blonde stands up with my help. "No, we won't." Says two-tone and I smile at him. "Good. Now go get unpacked and come here in exactly 2 hours. Commander Erwin is going to talk to you all." I say and they nod, salute and walk away.
2 hours later
"And lastly, this is Y/N. Some of you may know her as Humanities Second Strongest, only being outdone by Captain Levi. She will be here to help you through any problems and will also be dealing with personal training. If we think you could improve any of your Titan-fighting skills we will send you to her." I hear Dancho explain as I stand in between Captain Levi and Section Commander Hange. I see two-tone staring at me again, so I decide to confront him about this after. As the cadets are walking back to their dorm I catch up horse face and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around to me and I ask him to come to the garden later. I see his face redden slightly before nodding and walking off. He's kinda cute actually... I think to myself with a smirk.I turn around and begin talking to Hange.
Later that night
I send up from my paperwork and walk out to the garden, where I promised to meet horseface. "Still awake Y/N?" I hear corporal ask. "You should know by now that I have trouble sleeping at night, Captain." I say and he just nods. "I understand. I go through the same thing as well. It's alright, just try not to wake the new recruits." He says before I nod and he walks off. I chuckle as I see two-tone struggling to stay awake as he sat on the edge of the small fountain. "You're early." I say to him before his head snaps up to me. "Yeah, I...couldn't sleep." He says as he looks to the ground. "How funny, you seemed pretty tired to me." I joke, causing him to blush slightly. "Is it because of Marco?" I ask as I sit next to him. He nods sadly and I sigh. "I'm sorry for bringing him up." I say as I put my hand not his knee.
"What did you want to talk to me about?" He asks as he looks away from me. "I noticed that you've been staring at me almost all day, is there something you need to tell me?" I ask and he blushes harder. "N...no." He says and I chuckle. "What's your name?" I ask as I pull his chin to face me. "J...Jean. Jean Kirschtein." He stutters as I remove my hand from his chin. "It's nice to meet you, Jean, now is there anything you need or want to tell or ask me?" I ask again and he just shakes his head. "I know you're lying Jean, maybe it's because you don't know me well enough yet." I say and he just shyly nods his head a little. I giggle and ask what he wants to know about me. I answer all his random questions about my favourite colour or season until the full moon circles right into the middle of the sky.
"Ah, it's so pretty." I sigh happily as I look up at the glowing sphere. "Yeah." Jean says as he looks up as well. "Sometimes I'm glad that I suffer from insomnia. It’s things like this that you miss when you sleep." I say. "You suffer from insomnia?" I hear Jean ask and I look at him. "Yeah, it's nothing too serious, I can fall asleep some nights but most nights I can't. It started when everyone I loved was killed, be it by Titans or Bandits." I reply before he wraps his arm around my shoulder gently. "I'm sure they're happy where they are now." He says with a sad smile before I break down. As tears flooded from my eyes he hugs me tighter. I bawl and bawl and bawl my heart out, letting go of all the emotions I had held in for all these years. "It's alright." Jean whisper and he hugs me tightly.
Once I finish crying I stay in his arms. "Jean?" I ask and he hums. "IF you were gonna ask me out, now would be a good time..." I say as I look up at his blushing, surprised face. "Y...you know what I'm gonna ask..." He mumbles as he looks away. I grab his chin and pull his face towards me before kissing him gently. I feel him tense up extremely before relaxing and kissing me back. I pull away and smile at him. "Is...is that a yes then?" He asks and I playfully hit his head.
Of course, you dummy!
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granstand · 4 years
Tag Set
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Another Adventure for the Journal (RP)
Gadgets and Arts (Interests and Desires)
Bathtub Napper (Headcanon)
Ungloved Handholder (About Muse)
GranBlues Time (Crack RP)
Belial Approved (NSFW)
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granstand · 4 years
@devilishdelight​ offered:  "Just take a nibble. It won't hurt." You can trust him and the nice apple in his hand, right Gran?
...you know when you’re warned about strangers as a little kid? This was the stranger everyone warned you about! Sure Gran knew what his name was and what he was, sorta, but could he really say he knew this man? Did he WANT anyone to know he knows this man? 
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                   “Isn’t there a saying that there is no such thing as a free meal? Thanks for the offer, but I have a big dinner waiting for me back on my ship, so I can’t risk ruining my appetite by eating snacks on the side.”   Did he really care about that? No but he did have dinner waiting for him, so this was a half-truth instead of a full on lie. Though that apple did look tasty...NO. Do not a pull a Vryn, no eating tasty round thick and delicious looking-
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