truthaspired · 4 years
Driftveil City Adoption Spree Now Open!
The quaint adoption center at the northern end of Driftvel was bustling with life, as trainers lined up to enter the premises of the abode of pokemon. It seems that the fields nearby were entirely set up for meeting and bonding with pokemon! Desks were set up in rows, with helpful attendants ready to answer questions and set up adoptions for trainers and pokemon who have bonded over a short period of time. Many other helpers roamed the premises, ready to answer questions, with them and their pokemon ever vigilant as they were the ones who were to ensure the comfort and safety of the pokemon. Occasionally, a man with a wide brimmed hat can be seen around the premises: Driftveil city’s own gym leader Clay was here to assist where he could, as well as ensure that those who formerly belonged to Team Plasma.
N, meanwhile, was holding a tympole, caressing it’s smooth skin as he positioned himself in front of a microphone for a loudspeaker. He was nervous, of course, but for some reason he felt a level of excitement he hadn’t felt in a while.
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“Attention. Some of my frie... I mean, some of the pokemon under our care wish to find a trainer through battle. If you wish to test your skills and impress one of them, please come to the allotted battle arena.”
Phew, that wasn’t that bad, was it? Though guess it was time to head over to the arena himself.
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Adoption Info:
Adoptions happen in one of two ways: Battle and Non-Battle
Battle adoptions occur via a challenge to this blog! Send in an ask or an IM to me via @truthaspired or @theamazingtrainernate and we can arrange something. 
Battles will happen over Pokemon Showdown. Once everything arranged, you can challenge the showdown ID theamazingnate to start the battle!
Non-Battle adoptions can be sent via an Ask! However, the pokemon will not be suited for battle in some way, but it can be any pokemon you want to have for your muse. 
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truthaspired · 4 years
"Pardon me- N, was it?" The man in the trench coat and fedora smirks. "Do you have time for one more battle? I have my eye on that Hydreigon, but I'll take on any Pokémon that accepts my challenge."
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“Unfortunately, that is up to the pokemon here. They wish to be won over and impressed, not picked out. Still, it seems that these accept my challenge.” Something about this man irked N, but he would not deny a challenge to a stranger just because he was off-putting. “... I can’t say that I’m not curious to see what kind of bonds you have forged with the pokemon at your side.”
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Knocked Out: Ferrothorn, Excadrill, Hydreigon
One intent glare from Hydregion to N was all that N needed to understand. After all, he had noticed that Hydreigon was intent on testing this man himself. The connection was strange, for sure, but still surprisingly strong. “Many of your pokemon, although are cold, state a strong loyalty to you.... and it seems that Hydregion wants that same kind of bond. I suggest you do not take that bond for granted.”
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Gender: Male
Ability: Levitate
Nature: Modest
Background: A unique case, this pokemon was taken in from the wild by rangers as it’s aggression was too dangerous for the local habitat. Only N was able to tame such an aggressive pokemon, having experience with Hydregion in the past as well as the assistance and power of Reshiram. Still aggressive by nature, Hydregion prefers to keep to himself when he’s not trying to get what he wants.
Notes: Has a soft spot for classical music from johto, for some reason. Also still has the habit to bite things with his side heads. Values strong opponents. Also eats a lot more than he should, so make sure to monitor his weight.
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truthaspired · 4 years
He seems to relax a little at the man's words,nodding before going to spend time with the pokemon (ooc;;Thank ou in advance!!)
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It took some time, but it was apparent that a small pokemon was following warren this entire time. A small Cubchoo, timidly walking several steps behind him, sniffling every few minutes. It was apparent that he wanted to be friends, but was unsure of how to approach.
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“I believe someone has taken a liking to you, my friend.” N pointed behind the young man, to a Cubchoo who was hiding behind a small fencepost nearby. Oddly enough, he barely had any mucus dripping from his nose, indicating that this one was not so healthy. “You wish to be his friend, right?” N turns to the small cub pokemon, giving him a reassuring smile. “Please, come here. I’m sure my friend over her will be happy to take you in.”
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Gender: Male
Nature: Timid
Ability: Snow Cloak
Background: A formerly liberated pokemon, his previous owner passed away before the Driftveil City Rescue Center could return him. Thankfully, this one has had time to grieve, and now wishes to move on with his life and befriend a new trainer.
Notes: He was born with the inability to produce large quantities of mucus, and as such needs assistance in regulating his body temperature. Cold environments are preferable, although the assistance of another ice type would help in a pinch.
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truthaspired · 4 years
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Work caught up with me, so I haven’t been able to get to asks yet. I plan on answering all of them today though! Sorry for the long wait!
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truthaspired · 4 years
Non battle Pokémon for Sakura Joy
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“Poliiiiiii-” A somewhat large toad-like pokemon can be seen struggling to carry a large pot with a growing berry bush, stumbling every which way but trying her hardest to continue to move forward. Thankfully, N was able to spot this one struggling, and with the help of his Darmanitan he was able to relieve the struggling pokemon. A short reassuring conversation later, the duo manage to understand what this Poliwhirl wishes to do:
Deliver this berry bush to the Nurse Joy, of course!
“Hello there, Nurse Joy. My friend over here wishes to give you this berry bush. She seems to have taken a liking to you, enough to want to be adopted by you. Not surprising, given that her many trips to the pokemon center for physical therapy assistance meant that her ideal new friend would be a nurse as well. Would you mind becoming her friend?”
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Gender: Female
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Swift Swim
Background: Bred as a Poliwag for a trainer who challenged the Unova League gyms. Unfortunately, she did not have the fortitude or the right mindset to succeed in battling, resulting in many lost battles. The stubborn trainer decided to retire her, which resulted in her feeling rejected and deciding to overwork herself to the point of damaging the muscles in her limbs. Eventually, the trainer released her, at which soon after N found her and brought her in for rehabilitation. 
She still tends to overexert herself as she wishes to prove useful to someone. She wished to be adopted as she wanted to find a trainer who she could impress and feel useful for. 
It is suggested you find other ways that do not involve heavy lifting, pulling, or pushing to assist her with this need, and catch her when she tries to exert her arms and legs. 
Physical Therapy is highly suggested.
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truthaspired · 4 years
"That was a really good match!" He's not even sore that he lost, he's got a pretty big grin on his face. Your typical Lucas, in the end.
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“It seems that your friends loved the thrill of battling as much as you do! I could hear the joy and passion in their voices. I believe your Lucario -- Garnet I believe she called herself -- emphasized how much far she would go for you to win.” Part of him wished things had turned out differently, but he was still satisfied with the results.
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Knocked Out: Excadrill, Hydreigon, Jellicent
It wasn’t long before Hydreigon quickly rushed over towards Lucas, seemingly just as excited about their battle as Lucas was. “She says she wants more thrilling battles like this one, and wishes to join you on your adventures, if that’s okay with you.”
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Gender: Female
Nature: Hasty
Ability: Levitate
Background: A formerly liberated pokemon, this trainer was killed by Zinzolin for getting in the way of his plans. Taken in as a Deino, this pokemon was aggressive towards many of team Plasma, to the point that N had to take her in himself. Slowly, he managed to calm her rage, but it wasn’t until Anthea and Concordia gave him love and attention that she began to soften back up again. She still hasn’t gotten over the loss of her trainer, but is now willing to move on.
Notes: She loves belly rubs, so make sure to give her plenty. Also, she still has a nasty temper on her, so it’s best to try and calm her down quickly.
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truthaspired · 4 years
Kaneda grinned with excitement. "Fondest hello, my dear fellow! I'd be delighted to engage your Pokemon in a riveting battle! I might not have any space left in my team at the moment, but I could never say no to an adorable face in need of a loving home!"
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“Your pokemon say you and them wish for a challenge... well, if that is the case, then let some of my friends test your skill!”
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Knocked out pokemon: Weavile, Rillaboom, Clefable, Volcarona
As soon as Weavile was revived, he began tugging on N’s pant leg, speaking up to him with an eager expression. “Yes, if that is what you wish, you can join him.” Smiling, Weavile thanked the former king, then rushed over to grab Kaneda’s attention. 
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Gender: Male
Nature: Jolly
Ability: Pressure
Background: A formerly liberated pokemon, this weavile was rejected by his trainer as he was deemed “too weak as if he was strong he wouldn’t be stolen.” Doesn’t like to have his weaknesses brought up as a result.
Notes: Generally jolly and supportive of others, it is suggested one still makes sure to point out when he does something well to ensure his confidence is high.
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truthaspired · 4 years
N was surprised at how much work it was taking to get everything ready, yet he was smiling -- no, grinning for the first time in a long time. There were a few times his sisters caught him literally bouncing up and down in excitement, but it was way too hard to contain his feelings for this! How could he, when all the pokemon around him were willing and excited to meet humans, that he could facilitate a better and happier bond between his friends and good-hearted people. 
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“It’s only a few days away... soon, so many new reactions will form in front of our very eyes. Isn’t it exciting?”
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“It is promising, although I will have to see how this plays out for myself. After all, we both know that not every human that shows up on our doorstep will be a good person.”
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“I suppose you are right, but all the humans here are trustworthy, and I trust them to help us sort out the negatives from the positives. Not to mention that many of our pokemon are able to spot the signs of bad trainers. I trust their judgement as much as I trust the staff’s.”
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“You make a fair point, my friend. Let’s see how this event unfolds.”
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truthaspired · 4 years
"You know I'm not one to turn my back on a pokémon in need. I'm looking for a battler, but I'd like them to decide for themselves if they'd like to join our team." She reaches for a Luxury Ball at her waist. "We'd like to challenge you!"
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Before he had a chance to speak, Garchomp roared out, exclaiming he wanted to challenge the Rosa and her partners! “Well, my friend here accepts your challenge.... as well as several other pokemon here as well. So, yes, let us battle!”
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Knocked Out: Garchomp, Clefable
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As soon as Garchomp revived, the pokemon immediately rushed over to Rosa and Elise, impressed by their power and skills! “He says he wishes to join you! Though, I’m not surprised, given that he already taken a liking to you as soon as you challenged us. I’m sure he would become a wonderful companion!
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Gender: Male
Ability: Rough Skin
Nature: Hasty
Background: A rare case of a pokemon rejecting his trainer for not being strong enough, this pokemon was given to his former trainer as a Gible by an ex girlfriend. However, he quickly evolved, faster than the trainer could keep up with, and eventually he became too strong for the trainer. It got so bad that the trainer could not get him to obey at all, and so dropped him off at the rescue center.
Notes: Very competitive and eager, this one likes to rush into battle. Actually, he just likes rushing things a lot. Best to have pokemon and other team members to slow him down just a bit, preferably not physically. 
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truthaspired · 4 years
"Wow, so that's a Reshiram? If only Rayquaza qas here. They have bonded and be dragon buddies! Oh well. Mind if my team challenges your friends to battle? My Breloom is in top form today and we promise to give a captivating and dazzling display!"
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“Rayquaza? You act like you’ve befriended the guardian of the skies... well, if that’s the case, then prove it to the both of us. Show us the truth of your bonds! Verify to me that your strength earned the favor of the one who can quell both land and sea!”
Winner: Brendan!
The unique dazzling display from all of Brendan’s team was on display first and foremost, and there was no doubt either N or Reshiram’s mind that the man in front of him had the qualities of the other heroes he crossed paths with in Unova. Breloom especially seemed to show his love for the trainer, stating directly to Reshiram that he would not fall so easily as long as Brendan is by his side!
Unknown to the crowd, a Frosmoth was watching eagerly. Appearing from seemingly out of nowhere, Kubu, N’s brother and zoroark companion, nudged the frosmoth on, giving the icy bug a nod to approach Brendan. It was very obvious that this one wanted to dazzle and shine just as bright and the rest of Brendan’s squad!
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Gender: Male
Ability: Ice Scales
Nature: Timid
Background: This pokemon was bred specifically for a rather wealthy client, but was then rejected as the customer changed his mind entirely. After not being able to find a client, N showed up, offering to take the pokemon off their hands. However, they asked for money (cause they still wanted a profit), and N begrudgingly paid. Still, Frosmoth was happy he had found a place that was away from those snobby, greedy breeders.
Notes: Cares about it’s scales a lot, so make sure they’re taken care of. Also he dislikes snobs and greedy people.
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truthaspired · 4 years
A skittish looking girl approached, a Eevee and Porygon-Z beside her. The two Pokemon were wearing Assistant Pokemon vest, and the Eevee gave the girls leg a light headbutt and she began talking. "Hi, I'm here to adopt a Pokemon. These two are my therapy Pokemon, so I need someone that will get along with them." That seemed well rehearsed!
- ocean-gray-waves, Alice
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N was taking a moment to fidget with his bracelets, with a minccino in his lap, when his eyes noticed the shine of a metal leg that was attached to an Eevee. He gave the eevee and the porygon a small smile, before turning his attention to the human in front of her, oblivious to her nervous ways. 
“One that gets along with you friends here... I see.” He didn’t seem to notice anything wrong with her physically, so it must be something related to her mental state, though he had no idea where to start with that. “Unfortunately, many of the pokemon here are rescues of some sort, and have difficulties that that might not be best for your situation.” Though he still wasn’t sure what was her situation, nor did he care to ask about it. 
It was at that moment that the minccino spoke up, her bright and eager smile releasing small squeaks. “Uh huh.... I see... so you volunteering yourself? Well... you did say you wanted to be adopted along with the others, and help others like we helped you....” Wow, he didn’t expect this, but the staff were going to miss this little one. Still, she always wanted to help people, and this could be the perfect opportunity for her to do good. “Well, you did hear what she said, right? She wants to help you out. Don’t worry, she’s very helpful and friendly, and likes to clean like many other minccino. So, if you would like, I can send you four to one of the tables over there and get the paperwork all sorted out.”
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Gender: Female
Ability: Cute Charm
Nature: Gentle
Background: A formerly liberated pokemon who decided on her own that her trainer didn’t need her anymore. An odd case for sure, but in general has gotten along with many of the staff and other pokemon at the rescue center. Always very helpful and caring, she was loved by staff and pokemon alike.
Notes: Is most satisfied when she is helping, so make sure to give her tasks to do. Chores would be best. Just make sure that she does not overstep the bounds of the therapy pokemon, as she’s not trained to help humans in need of therapy.
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truthaspired · 4 years
Non battling Pokémon for Hilda? (This event is very adorable, I had to pop in!)
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As Hilda was strolling through the designated meeting park, a Pokeball patterned Vivillon quickly darts behind her and hides behind her leg, as soon many trainers pass by the two of them. It seems that they all were searching for this one, enough to make him want to hide. Not too long after, several staff members politely escort the eager trainers somewhere else, hoping to encourage them to not go after the fancy rare pokemon.
“I’m sorry those humans scared you, my friend. Not every number is the right solution for an equation, and thankfully those people are not the right solution for you.” It was at this moment, N noticed who was standing in front of the scared butterfly pokemon. “Oh! It’s good to see you again, Hilda. I hope you’ve been enjoying the adoption spree.” He gave her a warm smile, though his ears perked up again as he heard the Vivillon speak up. “Ah, I see. Well, our little friend here says he feels safe around you. Though I’m not too surprised, given how well you treat your pokemon friends. Please, Hilda, would you be okay with adopting this one?”
Vivillon (Pokeball)
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Gender: Male
Ability: Shield Dust
Nature: Modest
Background: Rescued from a Pokémon smuggler, this one was the only one out of those that were rescued who did not wish to be released back in the wild. He seems to know that his pattern is especially rare, and only trusted N and his sisters to take care of him for a while. He doesn’t like bringing attention to his pattern.
Notes: He does not wish to do any activity that draws attention to himself, battling and contests included. It’s best to not treat him as anything special, aside from a good friend. Also he is wary of other people, especially those that look pretty shady.
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truthaspired · 4 years
"I think it's nice of you that you put this event together, N." Hilda looks on to the team settled out before her, fixing the edges of her hat into her hair. "Hopefully, these guys will like me in the end."
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“Out of all the humans here, I have the most confidence that you will be able to befriend any of the pokemon here. After all, I have you to thank for starting the center in the first place.” He wore a smile on his face as he looked at the team who had assembled around him. It had been a while since he had last battled her, but every time they battled, he could not deny that he felt a bit of excitement well up in him. This time, of course, was no different.
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Knocked out: Klang, Krokorok, Whirlipede, Herdier 
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“My friend Klang here was so excited to battle you, that they rose high above the ground! I could hear it so clearly in their voice!” N was practically giddy over this battle. “Please, if you are okay with it, allow this one to join your team as a new friend. They would really appreciate your company.”
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Gender: genderless
Ability: Clear Body
Nature: Naughty
Background: This pokemon operated a specialized plane that belonged to a travelling ranger. However, in a tragic accident, the plane crashed, and this one was the only survivor. Although it loves flying, it blames itself on the crash, and thus stays away from complex machinery out of fear of tragically ruining it.
Notes: It wishes to battle as it believes that would be a better route for it compared to what it previously had done. Make sure to oil the gears well to ensure everything moves properly.
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truthaspired · 4 years
Non-Battle adoption for Serena! {also lowkey this event is an a++ idea and you're a gem for doing it}
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Almost immediately after Serena entered the park, a small rockruff ran up to her and placed a stick in front of her feet. A few discolored streaks across the left side of her torso hinted at a previous injury some time ago. Giving her occasional yips, it’s obvious she wanted to play. However, whether or not she wanted to get to know Serena or just wanted to play was still up in the air.
Throwing the stick would result in it landing near several large and imposing pokemon, many of then with fangs and claws. The little Rockruff would continue to sit, giving Serena an occasional bark and looking at the stick, but would not go near the pokemon.
Realizing what was going on, N quickly walked over and asked one of the pokemon to hand him the stick, which out of curiosity they picked up. Stick in hand, the former king quickly walked over to the two of them, offering the stick to Serena. “She’s still afraid of many of our friends here, which saddens me. I wish I could have been able to introduce her to many others, but she does not work well with too many variables. I believe the most optimal formula is a one on one or two on one interaction, with a supportive pokemon or friend by her side.”
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“How about I escort the both of you to an isolated area? I believe that would produce the best reaction. She has been saying she wants to get to know you by playing.”
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Gender: Female
Nature: Quirky
Ability: Own Temp
Background: Born in a small illegal breeding operation, this little one is the runt of the litter. Due to the lack of funds, the breeders weren’t able to house the litter of rockruff in their own location. Instead, they were carelessly placed in the same room with a family of haxorus, and the mother was very defensive over her own eggs. The scars on this one’s torso are a result of that.
Notes: As she is scared of large pokemon with fangs, blades, and claws, she tends to stay away from them. She has made a few friends in the facility, but the interactions were supervised and only with a single pokemon at a time. It is suggested that she gets to know each member of your team individually.
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truthaspired · 4 years
"Is there some kind of- form or application for this adoption thing? I' not in the best state to battle for a new partner right now"
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Ask Answered
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“There’s no need to worry, my friend. To be honest, we have more pokemon who wish to be adopted though means other than battling. I suggest you walk around and interact with many of my friends. You could be just one reaction away from finding a lifelong friend and partner.”
((If you have a pokemon you want, just send in an ask with a pokemon you want and I’ll write something up! Otherwise, I’ll be happy to choose a pokemon for your muse.))
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truthaspired · 4 years
"You're N, right?" A sparkle goes off at the side of Curtis' head, finger gunning with a wink accompanied by it. "I'm not that great at battling, but I don't let that get me down. I just hope these guys will like me enough to join me."
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He had just finished another battle of his own, this time against a trainer who couldn’t knock out a single pokemon. All of them seemed disappointed at the display of the previous trainer, and were hoping for a more challenging match.
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“I see, well, if you don’t mind, my friends here wish to battle again, so I hope you’re fine with fighting everyone here.” Unfortunately, N didn’t realize that all these pokemon were above Curtis’ weight class until it was too late.
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Knocked Out: Volcarona
Volcarona was rather surprised, or impressed that he had such a strong pokemon as Gardevior -- who could Mega Evolve no less. A mix of pity and curiosity overcame him, and it was enough for him to ask N if he could join this man. “Well... the fact that his Gardevior can mega evolve without being overwhelmed by the presence of so many unique emotions is a testament in and of itself. So, if you see fit, then go on ahead my friend.”
Gender: Male
Ability: Flame Body
Nature: Timid
Background: Captured by a smuggling gang as a larvesta, this pokemon was then raised to fight in various illegal cage matches until he was rescued after one ring was busted by Interpol. Although his nature is timid, it only shows in the battlefield as he tends to avoid head on conflict, focusing on dodging attacks as much as possible. Outside of battle, he is more reserved and quiet.
Notes: This one thrives on battle, so Curtis better keep up or things will not go as smoothly as he would hope.
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