chaserainbows · 4 years
Valentines cards (that I’m posting early because I’m impatient)
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@hoennhunk @controlledflame​ @unovasrose​
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Yep... he hoped it wasn’t the case, but he called it. Oof. Thankfully an ego doesn’t stay down forever.
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luckynatured · 4 years
🥘 : Is your character any good at making Poffins?
Pokemon HC Meme // Accepting
also asked by @hatsudenki
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Hilbert trying to make poffins can go one of two ways; he has other people help him out and it turns out decent, or he does it by himself and it becomes an absolute mess. There is no inbetween.
The answer is no.
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truthaspired · 4 years
"Wow, so that's a Reshiram? If only Rayquaza qas here. They have bonded and be dragon buddies! Oh well. Mind if my team challenges your friends to battle? My Breloom is in top form today and we promise to give a captivating and dazzling display!"
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“Rayquaza? You act like you’ve befriended the guardian of the skies... well, if that’s the case, then prove it to the both of us. Show us the truth of your bonds! Verify to me that your strength earned the favor of the one who can quell both land and sea!”
Winner: Brendan!
The unique dazzling display from all of Brendan’s team was on display first and foremost, and there was no doubt either N or Reshiram’s mind that the man in front of him had the qualities of the other heroes he crossed paths with in Unova. Breloom especially seemed to show his love for the trainer, stating directly to Reshiram that he would not fall so easily as long as Brendan is by his side!
Unknown to the crowd, a Frosmoth was watching eagerly. Appearing from seemingly out of nowhere, Kubu, N’s brother and zoroark companion, nudged the frosmoth on, giving the icy bug a nod to approach Brendan. It was very obvious that this one wanted to dazzle and shine just as bright and the rest of Brendan’s squad!
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Gender: Male
Ability: Ice Scales
Nature: Timid
Background: This pokemon was bred specifically for a rather wealthy client, but was then rejected as the customer changed his mind entirely. After not being able to find a client, N showed up, offering to take the pokemon off their hands. However, they asked for money (cause they still wanted a profit), and N begrudgingly paid. Still, Frosmoth was happy he had found a place that was away from those snobby, greedy breeders.
Notes: Cares about it’s scales a lot, so make sure they’re taken care of. Also he dislikes snobs and greedy people.
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@hoennhunk​ { Here }
Ah, yes. That familiar sting. The unwillingness to show that something was bothering the trainer- but, the fact is that it’s painfully seen upon the mere expression of how the other came off. Steven was quite good at it, picking out how a simple gesture meant something unconsciously to another person. 
He wondered to himself, a hand on his hip as his mind silently churned. 
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“It’s not the loss that is sticking hard on you, Brendan. It’s HOW you lost that is. Any loss, whether it would be battle or not, only means that it gives you something to use to your advantage later on. I assume your father would have mentioned a few of his own misdoings during his own presentation as a league member, and myself too as a trainer, but those will always be stepping stones. Yes, even the many times I had frustratingly battled and lost from miscalculations are still recalled by me and my judgement. Something that was painful- but yet, I pridefully bear with my own pokemon as well.” 
Many battles alongside Beldum had taught him that. 
“Growth is something you experience whether you feel like you are achieving it or not. It comes in many forms, of course, but you never truthfully see it until you take a step back and look at those around you. Whether good or bad battles, or experiences, you will still come out stronger than you have been. That’s just how we, as people, evolve in our own way.” 
He notes the suggestion to battle, which he had nodded for a moment.  
“I’ll see what I can do- it HAS been a while since I have surfaced back into battling. My focus had been shifted elsewhere, so I had no choice but to put it on the backburner until I arrived back. Even then... i’m sure my pokemon and I will still shine, despite how rusty our commands are to each other.” 
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pinktransceiver · 4 years
"I AM SO PROUD OF YOUUUU!!!!!" He just ran over and scooped her up and spun her around in his arms. His smile and laugh a sign of his pride in his battle kohai over here. "Let me treat you and your team to smoothies and parfaits after an amazing match like that!"
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“Haha~! I didn’t really know what I was doing- my pokemon sort of led the battle instead of me... but still-! I’m very proud of my dear Macy. Who knew that she would turn out to be a little rambunctious?” 
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A familiar friend had come around and butted their head against the Hoenn Trainer’s leg. A feisty baby Jangmo-o! Still so very young, not yet ready for battle... but there was indeed fire in its eyes, and with a firm huff, it shuttered its tiny scales and propped its head up. 
Soon, they too will show what they can do in the future. For the honor of its fallen father the other trainer possessed. 
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nimbasah · 4 years
"What's fear to someone courageous? Not an issue~!" The brave man is here for a smooch!
Kiss Kiss~
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“Some would actually argue it’s natural, even to the most courageous a person.” she replies, a smile playing on her lips. She turned back to the camera, offering another smile to it. She had agreed to join on of his workout charity streams, after all who was she to say no to hot shirtless men and helping out charity? 
“What’s next hm? I thought you said this was supposed to be a challenge.” she teased, turning back to him and offering a cheeky smile. “Oh, actually I do have an idea. You said we’d be working out all our muscles, but I do think you’re missing one.” she taunted, moving in close for a moment. 
She had to move to her tip toes to close the distance between the two as she pressed her lips to his, deepening it enough that she was able to meet her tongue with his. It wasn’t a long kiss but it lasted enough that she knew it would pull in numbers and hopefully donations. She pulled away after a moment offering him a wink. 
“The tongue is a muscles too that is highly overlooked you know.” she spoke, offering an innocent shrug to the camera, but her smile was cheeky. Anything for charity right? 
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artificialcrown · 4 years
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◖ @hoennhunk​ ◗ said:
"It's alright. If they get emotional and try to set all the rich people on fire, I'll protect you! You're too stylish to die like that. Plus I still need to learn where you got your killer shades because I need pair of green ones in my wardrobe."
    THE PRINCE’S ARMS cross on instinct, and his expression twists in irritation.
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❝I don’t need anyone’s protection. I can take care of myself just fine.❞
    At mention of his shades, Lear moves a single gloved hand up to adjust them somewhat defensively, as if he expected the other man to try and snatch them off of his face ( which he wouldn’t be surprised about, seeing as others have tried before ).
❝I don’t remember where exactly I got them. You would have to ask Rachel or Sawyer about it; getting them was their idea.❞
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rockinroars · 4 years
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anon(?) sent in some fanmail:  
"I workout to your music and post thirst trap videos and pics of my sweat soaked bod on the social media. Thank you kindly for the perfect sound track for getting people feral and pawing at the closed DMs, hoping they'll open up so they can get me to make an onlyfans I also think you're cool and if you bite me, I'd thank you~!."
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❝ Th-that’s--! ❞
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He has no room to talk here, not with how exposed his own chest is in his signature outfit. Ryuki knows what some fans want, and it appears the fans know what people want, too. 
(He can’t help the way his the tip of his tongue flicked over one of his fangs in a flustered fit.)
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melemeleguardian · 4 years
🌼 for my muse to compliment your muse
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“Fishing for compliments huh? Heh, well your bravado is something to be admired. You are so confident and self-assured. I’m not sure if it something to do to overcompensate for your father, but it certainly is the sexiest thing about you.”
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timebranded · 4 years
Winks at! "Are you that super strong trainer from the Sinnoh region? If so, our eyes will meet and by the laws of trainerdom, we must engage in battle~! Care to show me the strength that conquered the Sinnoh League?"
Blinks. Why did he wink? Was there some kind of joke that Lucas didn’t get, or...?
Ah, it probably didn’t matter. That was most definitely a challenge if he heard one, and Lucas was always up for a good battle! He’d been needing a break from writing, anyway.
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“Alright, I accept."
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The Deoxys Incident
“You want me to do what?” That one meeting reverberated throughout his mind as Nate couldn’t really shake the discomfort he was feeling over this whole situation. “Obtain and confiscate Deoxys, by any means necessary. Understood?” -- He didn’t have any other choice than accept, really. -- “The man’s profile is in the document. Oh, and do be careful about this. We don’t want an international incident on our hands, kid. Dismissed.” 
He didn’t expect the director himself to actually assign him a mission; he thought kids weren’t supposed to even be here, much less get assignment from the man himself. Of course, he got too excited once he heard that he was requested, hoping he had been fully recognized. Hell, he practically swaggered into the man’s office, interrupting the man and his surprisingly cute daughter (though he could tell she didn’t like the interruption as soon as she left). Yet now he was seriously regretting ever being this excited. 
Yes, he was a world class trainer now after showing off how good he was at the PWT, but still he was essentially assigned to steal a pokemon from the Champion. Hoenn’s champion. Arceus, what had he gotten himself into? For the grater good his ass; if this guy had even bonded a little bit with that alien pokemon, it’d be impossible to get it without causing a scene. Especially from a dude with such a dope Gram...
Whatever, he was about to do his first photoshoot in a good while, and despite interpol’s bullshit Nate was looking forward to meeting the dynamic dude. Maybe if he got lucky, he could befriend him enough to the point where he could at least try convincing him to give the pokemon up, right?
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He took one deep breath to get rid of all the TS running around in his head, then sauntered in to the place, big smile on his face as he announced his presence! “YOOOO! Sorry I’m late, but I’m ready to get this party STARTED! Where’s the other man of the hour? I’ve been itchin to meet him in the flesh.”
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time-is-clockwork · 4 years
@hoennhunk​ said: "Your haircut looks cool my dude!" Gotta hide the fact that he was already wanted to make out with Dimitri on sight as soon as he saw him. "Are you heading toward Slateport City? Heard they're going to be holding a Pokemon Contest there soon."
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He pulled down his glasses to look at the dashing man before him. Wonder why he would ask that? Maybe he is a Pokémon Coordinator? Either way he might as well give him some of his time with a talk or two. “Why thank you kindly. You’re quite stylish yourself. And to answer your question I am, but to see the market. I want to see if they got anything new there. It’s been years since I’ve been there, and I think it would do me and my pokemon good to look around the town.“
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twinleafroyalty · 4 years
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@hoennhunk murmured tanga berry —— does your muse prefer spending time in nature and on routes? or do they prefer being in towns or cities?  POKÉMON BERRY HEADCANONS // ACCEPTING
tanga berry.
Palmer much prefers spending time in the wilderness! He’s always been one for adventure and enjoys being able to spend time on forested trails as opposed to being holed up in a busy city. He loves the hustle and bustle of cities, but he spent most of his childhood playing around and exploring the forests near his home, and he doesn’t want to leave that childhood enjoyment behind. He doesn’t have any responsibilities whenever he’s somewhere in the wilderness or on a quiet route, he doesn’t have meetings to go to or people he has to talk to, he can just... be. Nature is somewhere that he can exist without expectations placed upon him, and that is something he craves.
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A metallic tap of an iron foot took note of the utter silence that filled the otherwise murmuring of gathering trainers. Many of which KNEW what day it was, but many were clueless as to anticipate what was about to happen here under the supreme skies of Hoenn. 
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Ever so watchful, the Skarmory stood atop Devon Corporation. Posture almost reminiscent of a gargoyle, the steel-type foresaw the opportunity to give rise to the ‘special surprise’ that laid hidden atop the roof of the company. Its wings fanning outward, the avian suddenly pushes itself up into the sky. Glowing a silvery hue, it flicked its feathers to give its cue to the others! 
The sky was suddenly ALIVE with many other pokemon. 
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The great wings of Aerodactyl stretch upward so immensely that its shadow casts below it. Using the Tailwind summoned forth by Skarmory’s clicking, the prehistoric creature soon began to conjure a monolith of stone and rock that circled around it. 
It’s raw power withholding pure rock around its body, the next flier would dart forward with a ruffle of feathers. A blue energy cascading forth from its maw as it suddenly SPEWED Dragon Rage!  
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Turning tail once more, the Archeops shot another line of Dragon Rage up along the rock and stone Aerodactyl held together, igniting into a wondrous display of clear blues. Like diamonds, they began to float upwards in a massive circle. Faint trails of blues and cyans tailing as they circled above, which would draw forth a sudden firework-like CRASH of gems powered by a zooming blue ball-like pokemon. 
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A Minior-! Its body already cracked due to colliding with the floating charged stone, it soon rotated in a frisbee-like motion before shattering more and more of the blazing blue rock. The sound, instead of it being entirely rock-like, gave off such a unique noise. Almost glass-like. 
Then, the floating monoliths were suddenly encased within a line of electricity. Drawn together in a perfect circle as their continuous rotation suddenly began to mold them together into a fine sphere. 
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Magnum, of course. The electric-type using its magnetic field in combination of its lightning to magnify the massive growing orb until it was a safe distance above- but still viewable as a pure form of clear blue for those below to see. 
In a way, it almost looked like a moon, except wondrously illuminate. 
Then, came a familiar brush of gale rippling through the ozone.  
A call of a roar that suddenly had grown louder. A presence that suddenly had grown bigger as it shot through towards the blue orb-like monolith like a moth to a flame. 
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With the parting of its jagged maw, the dragon-type suddenly bursts into its mega form. Streamers of golden light glimmering behind it in contrast of the blue hues as it draws forth its head. 
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A snake-like behavior that soon shot forth with its mouth pouring out a golden light. Basking in the magnificence of its glory before being shot forward, BLISTERING the newly made sphere into many sharp pieces of blues and electricity. 
Thankfully, Magnezone was not done yet. It used its electricity to maintain the pieces, despite how powerful Rayquaza’s Hyper Beam was, and rotates the pieces in order to arrange it so that way the glowing shattered rock would form familiar letters to a few notable words: 
Happy Brendan Day! 
Huh, wonder who had planned the math and utilization for a show such as this one?
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pastsideals · 4 years
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hoennhunk said: “I don’t need a fortune teller to know that. Some woman is ALWAYS causing me trouble!” @hoennhunk​ 
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“D-Do women cause you that much trouble all the time? Is it like a womanizer kind of deal or is it just ONE specific women causing you such grief?” He has never had much issues with women, not that he has ever felt anything for someone like that before to have anyone close like that. Though maybe in the past he did....
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