#DCMK x Supernatural? HELL YES
trouvelle · 4 years
Highway to Hell
Fandom: DCMK Characters: Hattori Heiji, Kudo Shinichi, Kuroba Kaito Rating: PG-13  Genre/Tags: Supernatural!AU, brothers Summary: Shinichi and Heiji are two brothers who hunt supernatural beings, more often than not with the aid of an angel named Kaito.
A deafening gunshot pierces through the usually silent forest, followed by muffled cursing and hurried footsteps.
Heiji’s heart thuds painfully loud against his chest as he bursts into the clearing. His senses are on high alert, and every little sound has him snapping his head backwards and raising his revolver more.
Where ya at?
Heiji considers sending an SOS to Kaito, but decides against it because the angel hasn’t been around enough lately to warrant any sort of human-to-angel vibe contact. He’s not sure if Kaito is ignoring them on purpose or simply busy with his angel duties right now.
He steps around one of the trees, being careful not to let his body parts near any of the grey goo on the floor (he learned the hard way a few minutes ago when his forearm got singed off). He’s not really sure what they are dealing with this time; there are no records on their father’s journal, and it isn’t really like any of the kinds of ghosts or demons they’ve ever fought before. The only thing Heiji learned is that, that thing that looks like human is anything but. The thing is similar to shapeshifters, and Heiji knows how to handle shapeshifters pretty well now, but that creature is way stronger and is resilient to bullets.
As he creeps towards the old house he last sees his brother at, he catches a brief shadow dart past inside the house. And there’s another figure, crouching no further than twenty feet away, hidden from plain sight behind a bush. He lets out a sigh of relief.
“There ya are.”
“Jesus fucking Christ. Don’t scare me like that.” Shinichi jumps as Heiji slides to position himself next to him, his voice a harsh whisper.
“Sorry.” Heiji grunts, his voice equally an octave lower.
“So, what have you got on this thing?” asks Shinichi.
“Well… It bleeds black goo, spits grey that’s capable of burning things off,” he pauses to point at his right arm, seeing a small burn mark on the jacket he is wearing, “It either takes on human form or found a poor human to possess, and… it’s alone.”
“Not very helpful.”
“Shut up!”
Shinichi shoots Heiji an annoyed look and immediately scans their surroundings once more. “Lower your voice. Unless you're that eager to give away our location.”
There is no harm in being cautious, but as far as this creature goes, Heiji is pretty sure it's quite lacking in the hearing department. He complies anyway. “We need to come up with a plan.”
After five more minutes of ragged whispers and soft arguments, they come to a conclusion. Shinichi is going to barge in from the front door, grab the creature’s attention while Heiji comes in quietly from the back and gut him. It sounds fool-proof enough.
Heiji moves slowly towards the back of the house, and waits for Shinichi’s signal to enter. As soon as he hears him shouting, he will know it’s his cue. He holds on tightly to the axe he finds in the shed before, hoping it won’t be too much of a mess, even though there are high chances that he’ll probably be splattered with black goo.
Well.. at least it’s not blood. It’s hard to explain to the police who have been prone to stop cars in the middle of the highway lately. He lets himself into the house, trying to muffle his footsteps.
Any second now.
“So, having fun possessing people lately?”
That sounds like Heiji’s cue. He moves in as stealthily as he can, trying to ensure that he won’t be discovered. Shinichi is still taunting the creature, who has taken control over a human’s body. The lights on in the dilapidated house bounces off the creature’s host face, revealing his human features. Heiji feels sorry for the man. He must have had a family, maybe with beautiful children, but he’d never be able to see them again. Even if he did, he most certainly won’t be the same man; he’d be left vacant, as if his soul has already left his body. This is what possession did to people; the pain was to the extent that their mind automatically shuts down to prevent any more damage.
But there is no time for sympathy. It’s not enough to go around, and he has a hunt to complete.
Heiji creeps up behind the creature, and raises his axe, about to swing it downwards when the creature turns and shoves him backwards with lightning fast reflexes. It snarls as Shinichi lifts his gun and shoots at him. That barely has any effect on it, its skin merely absorbed the bullets. The creature spits at Shinichi, narrowly missing him as he jumps out of the way, the wall scorched where he was just a moment ago. Heiji cursed as he got up, trying to catch Shinichi’s eyes.
Fuck, what do we do now?
We have to make a run for it.
It’s gon’ chase us!
Or we can just retreat into the kitchen, the backside of the house, let it think that it’s got us cornered, and just when it’s moving we can—
Their mental conversation is abruptly stopped as the creature suddenly speaks.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the famed Hunter brothers. I’ve heard a lot about you guys, you’ve certainly made a lot of enemies back in Hell.”
“What is it to you?” Shinichi answers, as he slowly inches closer to Heiji. The creature’s eyes follow him, but it’s not making any move to stop him.
“Mm, Gin has got a price tag on your heads. Eternal freedom for your souls.”
“Skip the bullshit, will ya?! What are you and why are you here? Are you under Gin’s command?” Heiji scoffs, swinging the axe to a thud on the wooden floor.
“Impatient aren’t you? Hmm… Then you must be Heiji.” taunts the creature, its eyes glinting under the dim light in a way that looks so wrong in human eyes.
“Yeah yeah, we’re pretty popular. Everyone wants a piece of us.” Heiji smirks, and continues, “If ya tell us, we can try ta work somethin’ out. Unless ya want us to kill ya right away.”
“Let me decide whether I should answer your question or not. What do I get if I tell you anything?”
“We won’t kill you.” Shinichi is next to Heiji now, both of them looking frighteningly tall and formidable against a stooped figure. The contrast is almost comical.
“Do you honestly think that humans of your calibre would be able to kill me?” The creature snorts. “But I shall just answer your questions anyway, since you won’t be living long enough to tell anyone else. Mmm, I’m older than any vampires you’ve come across, any demons or any of those disgusting leeches you find in hell, and I’m here because well, why can’t I be here? And Gin, no, I’m not really a fan of demons. No—”
Its words are prematurely cut off as Shinichi charges forward at him, the element of surprise on his side as he catches the creature’s face with a knife. The wound is deep, and would have killed any normal being, but it only served to annoy the creature as its skin began rapidly patching itself up, leaving an unblemished face just a few seconds later. The creature backhands Shinichi with enough force to send him flying into a cabinet. It grins as it turns to block Heiji’s blow, backing him into the wall and keeping a strong hand on his neck.
Heiji knows he can’t reach for his revolver with the grip that it was holding him, so he extends his hands out blindly for a weapon, something, anything that can be used to defend himself. Black dots are swimming in his vision now, and his fingers forms around something that felt like a large detergent bottle, he angles it upwards and swings it down to hit the—
“How’s your little problem doing, Heiji?” The creature smiles wickedly. “You’re not even in a good shape to help your older brother. And I heard you’ve been hallucinating about Lucifer~”
“Let go of him!” Shinichi angles the axe that Heiji previously dropped at the creature, narrowly missing its head by a hair’s breadth. “And don’t ask about our personal issues.” The creature snarls and lunges for Shinichi, while Heiji aims the bottle at it, hoping to distract it while Shinichi finishes the job.
For some strange reason, or as luck would have it, the creature’s skin started sizzling where Heiji throws the bottle. It burns a hole on its neck and shoulder, and the creature screams as the burn becomes deeper and gruesome.
“What the fuck was that? Get more and pour on him!” Shinichi shouts over the creature’s scream, his face a mask of wonder and incredulity.
“Don’t need ta tell me twice.” Heiji looks over at the bottle and almost laughs. Borax. Fucking Borax can hurt the thing. He grabs a few more from the cabinet and quickly splashes it over the creature, as Shinichi moves to behead it before its accelerated healing abilities starts to heal the wounds.
They finally heaves a big sigh of relief as the creature’s head rolls away from its body, sliding down against the wall. An exhausted cacophony of fucks and what the fuck was all that abouts soon follows.
“You two better burn the head or keep it far from the body.”
Shinichi and Heiji nearly jumps as Kaito suddenly appears, the angel has an extremely amused look on his face.
“You know that it’s going to reattach itself if the head’s close enough. And I don’t think you’d want an angry leviathan after you.”
Heiji gives him a blank look.
“Is he joking or..?” Kaito narrows his eyes and turns to the older of the duo. “Don’t tell me that this is your first Leviathan?”
Shinichi merely gives him a shrug. Yep, another achievement— their first Leviathan kill.
Kaito looks no less entertained. Oh well, no harm in explaining before things turn ugly. Although by the looks of it, the fact that a Leviathan was roaming on Earth indicates that something wrong has happened. Something must’ve started to take a turn for the nasty.
“Leviathans are the creatures locked inside Purgatory. They are way older than any vampires, shapeshifters, ghouls, ghosts, and demons. Even older than us angels. They used to call the shots back then before God decided to lock them up. Therefore, them being on Earth is bad news. For all of us.”
“Well damn,” Shinichi mutters. He runs his fingers through his hair in exhaustion. They’ve already got their hands full on picking up after their father’s job without much guidance, also while hellbent on looking for the man. Now this?
“You didn’t even get to see the best part. They usually dislocate their vessel’s jaw and show you their one giant mouth with a forked tongue,” Kaito comments, and seeing the other two staying silent, he adds: “And they have gigantic piranha teeth.”
“So, ya got any idea what they’re planning ta d—” Heiji stops and rolls his eyes as Kaito suddenly zaps himself out of sight again, “Fucking angels.”
Shinichi turns to Heiji, wanting to remind him that Kaito is not one of the bad angels. Although.. Kaito does get on his nerves. The angel likes to zap in and out of thin air as he pleases.
Shinichi settles with a sigh, motioning Heiji to help with the clean-up. Best to take Kaito’s advice before the Leviathan wakes up crying blood.
“Ya mind if I drive tonight?”
“I won’t drive us off the main route.”
“Dammit, Heiji, no.”
“I promise, no more detours this time, no matter how hungry I am.”
Shinichi spares him a glance of disbelief. Did Heiji seriously think he’ll fall for that? “We’ve talked about this. When there’s a motorbike, you take the wheel. But when we’re with this car, I take the wheel.”
Heiji opens his mouth, as if he is on the brink of retorting something else, but he changes his mind about what he’s going to say next. “How about some dinner? I’m starving.���
Shinichi snorts. Of course. The last food they had was around 6 o’clock last night, before they began tailing the Leviathan. He can see the sky gradually getting brighter now, the dark blue of the night giving way to the a soft yellow. “It’s literally sunrise now. We might as well be getting breakfast.”
“How about omelettes?”
“Make that omelettes and orange juice.”
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