infosurbaines · 9 months
RDC/ Présidentielle 2023 : "Un peuple qui applaudit ses bourreaux est complice de son esclavage et devrait en assumer les conséquences..." (Dénis Mukwege)
Compté parmi les grands challengers du candidat n° 20 à la présidentielle du 20 décembre dernier, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, le Docteur Denis Mukwege est resté aphone depuis l’annonce des résultats provisoires de ce scrutin par la CENI-Commission Électorale Nationale Indépendante-. D’aucuns se demandent à quoi rime ce silence ? Aux dernières nouvelles, l’on apprend que ce dernier s’est…
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iweb-rdc001 · 9 months
Élections en RDC : Ensemble pour la République rejettera les résultats, même si Moïse Katumbi est proclamé vainqueur de la présidentielle (Porte-parole)
Avant même la publication des résultats provisoires prévue le dimanche 31 décembre, Félix Tshisekedi caracole en tête avec près de 80% pour les votes de 134 sur 179 circonscriptions électorales publiées par la CENI alors que son principal challenger n’en a récolté que quelque 15%.   Mais, l’opposition dit ne plus être partante. Si Martin Fayulu, Denis Mukwege et 3 autres candidats dénoncent un…
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bisonews · 1 year
Denis Mukwege fustige un accord controversé entre la RDC et Primera Gold
Le lauréat du Prix Nobel de la Paix en 2018, le Docteur Denis Mukwege, a vivement exprimé sa réprobation envers l’accord récemment conclu entre la République Démocratique du Congo (RDC) et la société Primera Gold. Lors d’une conférence captivante orchestrée par la jeunesse catholique à Bukavu, le dimanche 26 août 2023, le Dr Mukwege a abordé avec une conviction indéniable le sujet de la…
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perlella · 2 years
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lokoleyacongo · 11 months
Dr. Denis Mukwege is a Candidate for President of Congo (RDC)
A sombre Dr. Denis Mukwege faces the press following his announcement of his candidacy for President of the Congo October 3, 2023 in the Gombe District of Kinshasa. Photo Jonathan Fuanani, Radio Okapi The lone Congolese Nobel Peace Prize winner Dr. Denis Mukwege announced on October 3 his candidacy for President of Congo.  In a crowded Catholic Church in Kinshasa, the 68 year old son of a…
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tieflingkisser · 7 months
UNRWA, ICJ named in unofficial 2024 Nobel Peace Prize shortlist
Henrik Urdal, director of the Peace Research Institute Oslo, has announced his unofficial 2024 Nobel Peace Prize shortlist. He included UNRWA and the ICJ.
The UN's Palestinian refugee agency UNRWA and the International Court of Justice (ICJ) have been named in an unofficial shortlist for the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize. Henrik Urdal, director of the Norwegian-based Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO), announced his list on Wednesday – as he has each year since assuming his role in 2017. UNRWA and its chief Philippe Lazzarini were third on the list, which gives Urdal's perspective on the most deserving potential winners. The ICJ took the second spot. "UNRWA is on the list for their crucial humanitarian support in one of today's most devastating humanitarian contexts," Urdal told The New Arab in emailed comments. "The Nobel Peace Prize has a long tradition for awarding prizes for humanitarian work (including to ICRC, MSF, WFP, [gynaecologist and rights activist] Denis Mukwege), and a prize to UNRWA would sit very well in this tradition. "It will also bring important attention to the need for protecting and supporting humanitarian assistance in an increasingly polarised geopolitical situation." The shortlist's announcement comes after Norwegian MP Asmund Aukrust last week said he had put UNRWA forward for the peace prize. "We welcome this as a reaffirmation and a recognition of the work of UNRWA and its humanitarian frontline workers in Gaza and the region," an agency spokesperson told The New Arab.
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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The Countess of Wessex greets Dr Denis Mukwege at Panzi Hospital in Bukavu (Jane Barlow/PA)
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The Countess of Wessex with Dr Mukwege at the hospital (Jane Barlow/PA)
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The Countess of Wessex meeting medical staff and survivors (Jane Barlow/PA)
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The Countess of Wessex with Lord Ahmad and Dr Mukwege (Jane Barlow/PA)
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iweb-rdc001 · 9 months
Élections en RDC : Ensemble pour la République rejettera les résultats, même si Moïse Katumbi est proclamé vainqueur de la présidentielle (Porte-parole)
Avant même la publication des résultats provisoires prévue le dimanche 31 décembre, Félix Tshisekedi caracole en tête avec près de 80% pour les votes de 134 sur 179 circonscriptions électorales publiées par la CENI alors que son principal challenger n’en a récolté que quelque 15%.   Mais, l’opposition dit ne plus être partante. Si Martin Fayulu, Denis Mukwege et 3 autres candidats dénoncent un…
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bisonews · 1 year
Denis Mukwege condamne les attaques récentes contre les déplacés en Ituri
Le directeur de l’hôpital Panzi, Denis Mukwege, lauréat du Prix Nobel de la Paix, exprime son profond effroi face à l’attaque meurtrière perpétrée par les miliciens CODECO, faisant 46 victimes la nuit dernière sur le site des déplacés de Lala, dans le territoire de Djugu (Ituri). Malgré l’état de siège en vigueur depuis plus de deux ans, Mukwege déplore que des civils continuent de payer le prix…
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
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bikekokin24 · 3 months
Denis Mukwege appelle les responsables de l'État à agir face aux massacres dans l'est de la RDC
Le Prix Nobel de la paix et opposant politique congolais, Denis Mukwege, a exprimé son indignation quant à l’inaction des responsables de l’État face aux massacres répétés ciblant la population dans les territoires de Beni et Lubero, commis par les terroristes des ADF. Depuis juin, plus de 150 personnes ont perdu la vie dans ces tragiques événements. Denis Mukwege a souligné l’urgence de…
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yes-bernie-stuff · 5 months
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Depuis l’époque apostolique, avec l’évangéliste Luc, appelé le médecin bien-aimé par l’apôtre Paul, et jusqu’à nos jours, de nombreux médecins chrétiens ont laissé une empreinte déterminante et durable dans l’histoire de l’expansion de l’Église.
Il serait impossible de les citer tous, mais certainement que nous avons entendu parler de certains ?
Mentionnons : Ambroise Paré, à qui l’on doit cette citation bien connue « Je le soignai, Dieu le guérit » ; le célèbre médecin et pasteur Alsacien, Albert Schweitzer, fondateur de l’hôpital de Lambaréné au Gabon ; d’autres moins connus du public francophone comme l’Anglais Hudson Taylor, fondateur de la Mission à l’Intérieur de la Chine, ayant introduit le christianisme au cœur du peuple Chinois, et dont la survivance nous étonne malgré les terribles pressions du pouvoir en place ; plus près de nous, le célèbre docteur et pasteur pentecôtiste, Denis Mukwege, l’homme qui répare les femmes, Prix Nobel de la paix, fondateur de l’hôpital Panzi à l’Est de la RDC.
J’en ai croisé des centaines d’autres lors de mes nombreux voyages missionnaires, au Rwanda, au Burkina Faso, en Côte d’Ivoire, en Guinée, et bien d’autres pays. Anonymes, discrets, mais efficaces, ils sont des témoins de l’amour de Dieu envers ceux qui souffrent.
« Seigneur, nous te prions pour ces milliers de médecins chrétiens qui chaque jour sont auprès des malades, pour leur apporter les soins dont chacun a besoin. Nous te prions pour leur donner un bon diagnostic, et d’apporter une réponse sage aux souffrances de chacun.
Pour ceux qui dirigent des équipes, ou des hôpitaux, donne-leur d’être de bons gestionnaires des ressources humaines et financières.
Garde-les de tous les dangers qui peuvent les menacer, comme c’est le cas pour le docteur Mukwege qui a déjà été victime de plusieurs tentatives d’assassinat.
Qu’eux, et tout le personnel soignant qui est avec eux, soient des canaux de bénédiction là où tu les as placés ! Au nom de Jésus, amen ! »Avec amour, Paul
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frenchlanguageday · 6 months
Launching the "MUSIC FOR PEACE" album featuring works by renowned composers and pianists.
On Sunday, 31 March, to close out the month of French Language Day and International Women’s Day, the UN Chamber Music Society will be launching the MUSIC FOR PEACE album featuring works by renowned composer and pianist Gabriel Fauré, dedicated to helping to eliminate violence against women and girls.
On this occasion, to help combat sexual violence against women and girls, the UN Chamber Music Society will dedicate this album to the tireless efforts of Nobel Peace Prize laureate Dr. Denis Mukwege, who has bravely committed his life to helping to eliminate violence against women. Denis Mukwege grew up in the town of Bukavu in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). He trained as a doctor and became a gynecologist after studying in France. In 1999, he established the Panzi Hospital in Bukavu, where he and his staff have treated the injuries of thousands of women victims of sexual violence. Many millions of people have been killed, abused or forced to flee in the civil wars that have ravaged the DRC since the 1990s. All parties to the conflict have used the rape of women as a weapon to humiliate and weaken their opponents. Dr. Mukwege has become one of the world’s leading experts on the treatment of internal injuries suffered by women subjected to gang rape. He has carried out countless operations, working long days of up to 18 hours. Quite remarkably, and as a testament to his fundamental human spirit, he was in the operating room when he was told that he had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
MUSIC FOR PEACE is an album which serves as a catalyst for reflection, healing and renewed commitment to he ideals of the United Nations. It features the piano legend Jerome Lowenthal – a virtuoso of the fingers and the emotions, and who has served as the piano chair of the Juilliard School. Founded in 2016 by Brenda Vongova, the UN Chamber Music Society is dedicated to promoting the United Nations’ goals and values at large - through the universal language of music.
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thevoyagein · 6 months
Congo: More Vicious Than Rape
It had been no secret that nearly all sides in the Congo's complex civil war resorted to systematic rape among civilian populations, and estimates were as high as a quarter million victims of sexual assault during the four-year-long conflict. But once fighting died down, victims began coming out of the jungles and forests and their condition was worse than anyone had imagined. Thousands of women had been raped so brutally that they had fistulas. They wandered into hospitals soaked in their own urine and feces, rendered incontinent by their injuries.
Ordinary rapes, even violent ones, do not usually cause fistulas, although it's not medically impossible. Doctors in eastern Congo say they have seen cases that resulted from gang rapes where large numbers of militiamen repeatedly forced themselves on the victim. But more often the damage is caused by the deliberate introduction of objects into the victim's vagina when the rape itself is over. The objects might be sticks or pipes. Or gun barrels. In many cases the attackers shoot the victim in the vagina at point-blank range after they have finished raping her. "Often they'll do this carefully to make sure the woman does not die," says Dr. Denis Mukwege, medical director of Panzi Hospital. "The perpetrators are trying to make the damage as bad as they can, to use it as a kind of weapon of war, a kind of terrorism"
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prnanayarquah · 8 months
IGP Dr Dampare, Aps Eric Nyamekye, Mensa Otabil make 2024 100 Most Reputable Africans List
New Post has been published on https://plugzafrica.com/igp-dr-dampare-aps-eric-nyamekye-mensa-otabil-make-2024-100-most-reputable-africans-list/
IGP Dr Dampare, Aps Eric Nyamekye, Mensa Otabil make 2024 100 Most Reputable Africans List
Reputation Poll International (RPI), a leading reputation management and public relations consultancy firm has announced the 2024 list of its annual publication of 100 Most Reputable Africans which recognises individuals who have made significant contributions to their respective fields and have built a strong reputation.
The list features prominent Ghanaians such as the Inspector General of Police, Dr George Akuffo Dampare, The Church of Pentecost Chairman, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, Cardinal Peter Turkson and ICGC General Overseer Dr Mensa Otabil.
Other Ghanaians on the list are Fred Swaniker, Roberta Annan, Dr Sangu Delle, Eric Yirenkyi Danquah, Hon Sophia Karen Edem Ackuaku and HRM Drolor Bosso Adamtey.
This year’s list features a diverse group of individuals from various sectors, including politics, business, entertainment, and human rights advocacy. Some of the notable names listed in the business category include Nigeria’s Femi Otedola; Sudanese – British billionaire businessman Mo Ibrahim and Zimbabwe’s Kenneth Sharpe. Mahmood Mamdani; Chancellor at Kampala International University; Tanzanian’s biodiversity leader Elizabeth Maruma Mrema Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); Liberia’s Former president Her Excellency Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.
In addition to the individuals recognised on Reputation Poll International’s “100 Most Reputable Africans” list for their various achievements, there are also those who are celebrated for their contributions to social impact and social entrepreneurship, helping to transform businesses in Africa and positively impacting lives without causing controversy.
Beninese Singer & songwriter Angelique Kidjo and Danai Jekesai Zimbabwean-American Actress were featured in the entertainment category.
All things considered, the list of the 100 Most Reputable Africans is evidence of the tenacity and resiliency of the African continent. It draws attention to the accomplishments of people who are trying to change the world and make a better life for others. The list serves as a source of inspiration for all Africans and a reminder of the numerous gifted and accomplished people changing the globe.
Below is the list of the 100 Most Reputable Africans in 2024.
Angelique Kidjo || Singer & Songwriter and actress
Abderrahmane Sissako || Mauritanian-born Malian film director and producer
Abshir Aden Ferro|| Somalian politician
Abdul Samad Isyaku Rabiu (CFR CON) || Businessman and philanthropist
Abdulqawi Ahmed Yusuf  || Somalia Judge and Attorney
Abdulrazak Gurnah || Tanzanian-British novelist and academic
Agnes Matilda Kalibata || President of Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)
Alek Wek|| South Sudanese-British model and designer
Ann Peacock
Armstrong Ume Takakang (Dr) || CEO, Nigeria’s Ministry of Finance Incorporated (MOFI)
Berhane Asfaw || Ethiopian Palaeontologist
Bience Philomina Gawanas ||  Namibian lawyer
Catherine Uju Ifejika || Lawyer and legal expert
Claude Joséphine Rose Cardinal || Italian Actress
Constance Connie Ferguson || Filmmaker, businesswoman
Cynthia Davies CBE || CEO of the Diversifying Group
Danai Jekesai || Actress
Daniël Christiaan de Wet Swanepoel || South-African professor
David Moinina Sengeh || Sierra-Leone Politician
Debra Mallowah || Vice president for Coca-Cola’s East and Central African franchise
Diébédo Francis Kéré || Architect
Denis Mukwege || Pentecostal pastor and Congolese Gynaecologist
Drolor Bosso Adamtey (HRM) || Suapolor, Se (Shai) Traditional Area
Ebenezer Bonyah || Associate Professor
Elizabeth Maruma Mrema || Biodiversity leader and lawyer
Apostle Eric Nyamekye || Chairman of the Church of Pentecost
Ellen Johnson Sirleaf || Former president of Liberia
Emmanuel Mark Kembe || South Sudan Musician
Eric Yirenkyi Danquah|| Ghanaian Plant geneticist
Euvin Naidoo || South African Banking Executive
Femi Otedola || NigerianBusinessman and Philanthropist
Folorunsho Alakija || Nigerian Businessman
Fransisco Aupa Indongo|| Namibian Business man and politician
Fred Swaniker || Entrepreneur
Gabriel Aduda || Permanent Secretary Ministry of Petroleum Resources Nigeria
Gebisa Ejeta ||Ethiopian American plant breeder, geneticist and Professor
George Akuffo Dampare|| Inspector General of Police, Ghana
Gideon Boko Duma || Motswana Politician
Gilbert Houngbo || Togolese politician and diplomat
Ibukun Awosika || Chairperson, Board of Directors, First Bank of Nigeria Limited
Isatou Ceesay || Gambian activist and social entrepreneur
Jeanette Marais || CEO, Momentum Investment
Jahman Oladejo Anikulapo || Nigerian Journalist
Jean-Jacques Muyembe-Tamfum || Congolese Microbiologist
Jimmy Volmink || Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Stellenbosch University
Joseph Nyumah Boakai || President of Liberia
Juldeh Camara|| Musician
Julian Kyula || Co-Founder, Board Member, and Group CEO, MoDe
Jumoke Oduwole || Special Adviser to the President of Nigeria on Ease of Doing Business in the Office of the Vice President
Kandeh Kolleh Yumkellah || Sierra Leonean agricultural economist, politician
Kennedy Odede || CEO, Shining Hope for Communities (SHOFCO)
Kenneth Sharpe || Zimbabwean businessman, philanthropist
Khairy Beshara|| Egyptian film director
Ladisias Prosper Agbesi || CEO, Lash Group
Leymah Roberta Gbowee || Liberian peace activist
Mahmood Mamdani || Ugandan Scholar
Manuel Lopes Andrade (Tcheka) || Cape Verdean singer, songwriter and guitarist
Masenate Mohato Seeiso (HRM) || Queen of Lesotho
Maud Chifamba|| Academician
Mensa Otabil(Dr) || Ghanaian Pastor and Motivational Speaker
Mike Jocktane || Politician and Pastor of Gabonese Protestants
Mo Ibrahim || Founder, Mo Ibrahim Foundation
Modupe Adefeso-Olateju || Organizational Leader and Policy Expert
Mogoeng Mogoeng || South African Jurist
Mohamed Hag Ali Hag el Hassan|| Sudanese-Italian mathematician and physicist
Mohamed Osman Baloola || Sudanese scientist and inventor
Monique Nsanzabaganwa (Dr) || Deputy Chairperson, African Union Commission
Muhammed Bulama (Dr) || Deputy Director, Multi-Media of the APC Presidential Campaign for the 2023 presidential elections
Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah || Namibian politician
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala (Dr) || Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO).
Nnenna Oti (Prof) || Vice-Chancellor of Federal University of Technology Owerri.
Nuhu Ribadumni || Nigerian politician and retired police officer
Okello Oculi || Ugandan Novelist, Poet
Ory Okolloh || Blogger, Lawyer, and Activist
Pedro Verona Rodrigues Pires || Cape Verdean politician
Enenche Paul (DR) || Medical Doctor, Televangelist
Peter Turkson (His Eminence) || Ghanaian Prelate, cardinal of the catholic church
Polycarp Pengo (His Eminence) || Tanzanian Prelate, Cardinal of the catholic church
Rachid Yazami || Moroccan Scientist, engineer and Inventor
Rajae Ghanimi || Medical Doctor
Rediet Abebe || Ethiopian computer scientist
Roberta Annan || Ghanaian Business woman, Investor and Philanthropist
Rosalia Hausiku Martins || Director, Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry Board
Ronald Lamola || Politician and Attorney
Rita Oyoku || Entrepreneur
Samia Suluhu Hassan || President of Tanzania
Sangu Delle (Dr) || Pan-African entrepreneur and investor
Sherrie Silver || Choreographer
Osinachi Kalu Okoro Egbu || Singer &Song Writer
Sinari Bolade Daranijo || Entrepreneur
Siya Kolisi || South African Rugby Player
Sophia Karen Edem Ackuaku (Hon) || Managing Director, Amsos Ghana Ltd
Sven Thieme || Namibian Business Man
Tariye Gbadegesin|| CEO, ARM-Harith Infrastructure Investment
Sister Theopista Namukasa || Teacher
Trevor Noah|| Comedian
Tom Alweendo || Namibian politician
Vusi Thembekwayo || Business Man, Author, Speaker
Wanjira Mathai || Vice President and Regional Director for Africa, World Resources Institute Kenya
Zainab Hawa Bangura|| Sierra Leonean politician and social activist
Source: Prince Akpah
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