#pentagon jr fanfic
amalia-uwu-writes · 2 years
🍀Clover 🍀
Notes :
1. For reasons of privacy I'll give penta's wife and daughter fictional names. His first daughter's name will be Amanda or Ami. His wife's name will be Luna-Lola.
Disclaimer: All characters are owned by their own factions/companies. I only write for the characters. I do not write for the real actors/people/athletes.
This fanfiction is for entertainment! If there is a problem please send an ask!
Thank you and enjoy! 💕
It was a beautiful day, the sun shown bright. Birds sang on the trees and some others flew free all over the place. Some clouds decorated the sky.
The alarm clock rang. Pentagon closed it. He blinked a few times. He stretched and looked outside the window. Then he stared at the ceiling a couple of minutes before getting up. He washed his face, brushed his teeth and fixed his fluffy curly hair.
He went to the kitchen and kissed his wife (who woke up a few minutes ago) in the cheek "Buenos Dias mi amor!" he said, Luna/Lola smiled "Buenos Días  cariño". She prepared breakfast. While he poured two cups of coffee and boiled milk for his daughter.
Luna/Lola cut some cake and prepared and finished making breakfast. "Honey, Helen asked me to go for a coffee. It's a beautiful day you could do something with Ami. After all she will spent some more time with you! What do you say?" she asked.
He replied "I was thinking of going to that place a little below our home close to the lake. So yeah have fun!" he smiled. She smiled back.
Soon Amanda came  and hugged her parents. Pentagon lifted her from the ground and gave her a hug along with a kiss on her cheek.
"Ami I was thinking of going to the lake today what do you say? The two of us! " Amanda smiled and lifted her hands up "Siiiii!! Si! si! si!". She smiled big. Penta smiled as well "Eat first and then we will go!" she nodded. He put her down and happily sat down to eat her breakfast.
Later they got dressed took some snacks and went to the car. He started the car and drove for around 15-20 minutes.
Amanda was happily singing all the way to the destination while seeing the trees and landscape. When they arrived she ran towards the huge tree close to the river.
"Cuidado!" he shouted slightly. She stopped and looked at him. When he reached her, she took his hand and both walked. They sat down under a huge tree cherry tree.
They looked around. The trees stood tall, the river flowed gently, the lake was crystal clear.
Amanda played by the grass Pentagon kept his eyes on her.  Amanda's eyes fell on a small clover that was close to the flowers she was gathering. She leaned down and gently cut it. She examined it for a while and ran back to her father.
Penta saw his daughter playing in the flowers looking at the butterflies and singing happily. He also saw her coming towards him. He opened his arms and she happily hugged him.
"What you got there mi princesa?"
"Papa mira a clover! this is for you! It even matches with the drawing (tattoo) you have on your forearm ". she said cheerfully.
Penta smiled and showed her his tattoo, "could you please remind me what you told me about clovers?" she asked. He looked at her and said "They say its good luck" she put it his hand and said "Then have it for good luck papa!"
Pentagon took it carefully and put it in his pocket
"¡Gracias mi hermosa princesa!" he said. He smiled and kissed his daughter's cheek.
"You want a snack?" he asked. She nodded. He gave her some fruits. She took a piece of watermelon 🍉 and gave it to her father. He took some cherries 🍒 and gave them to her. They ate and talked about nature, animals etc.
After a while at the lake she saw a family of ducks, two adults and four ducklings.
She said "Dad look ducks!" he took her close and gave her something to feed them. Penta gently took one of the ducklings and Amanda petted it gently.
He let go of it and the little duckling went close to its family. Amanda was holding another duckling and let it go as well. As she saw the duckings going to its parents, she did the same.
The duck family saw them and in their way thanked them for the food. They looked around them and flew away. "Bye beautiful ducks!" she said waving at them from her father's arms. He hugged her close and kissed her forehead.
"would you like some water?" he asked. She nodded. He went close to the river and cupped his hands and brought them close to her face so she could drink. She drunk and wanted to do the same.
He held her from her waist so she won't fall in the water. She cupped her hands and attempted to gather some water. Even tho her hands were smaller than her father's she managed to gather some water. "Papa drink" she said cheerfully. He leaned closer and drank "Gracias" he said.
Soon they could see the sun hiding behind the enormous mountains. She smiled while she was at his arms. The sunset was beautiful.
After that he drove home, Amanda was happily sleeping in the back seat with her father's jacket all over her. When they arrived he took her gently in his arms, ascended the stairs and tenderly laid her on bed. He kissed her cheek "Buenas noches mi princesa!" he caressed her dark hair. She smiled at her sleep.
He tiptoed out of the room. He removed the clover from his pocket and looked at it and smiled softly. He walked towards the bedroom and Yolanda looked at him. "Well, how was it? You had fun?" she asked. He nodded "Yeah it was amazing! She gave me this clover for good luck!" he said smiling. She smiled back "Aaww!" he put his pyjamas and laid next to her.
From that day and on he always kept that little clover inside his wallet or pocket.
🍀The end ❤️
Thank you for reading! 💕
Tags ✨ : if you don't want to be tagged please tell me
@earl-01 @deathtriangles @ghostofviperwrites @ghostofviper @bec0m @windhamsrotunda @thedevil-of-monterrey @thebadchic @wrestlingwerido36
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crisischild92 · 5 years
My Butterfly (A Lucha Brothers Fanfic)
Relationship: Rey Fenix/Original Female Character, Pentagon Jr./Original Female Character
Age: 18+
Summary: Pentagon Jr. is sick with the flu. Fenix sends him home for his wife to take care of him but Pentagon cannot hold onto the secret that he has carried for so long
Warnings: Mentions of cheating, blow jobs and belittling women. Mild illness. Unrequited love.
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amalia-uwu-writes · 2 years
Disclaimer: All characters are owned by their own companies. I only write for the characters. I do not write for the real actors/people/athletes. The rights go to the respective owners!
Edit: for reasons of privacy I'll give penta's wife and daughter fictional names. His daughter's and wife's fictional names are Amanda and Luna-Lola(edit).
Tags: @windhamsrotunda @earl-01 @dominikmysterio619 @wrestlingwerido36 @wrestling-fangirl93
It was late at night. Penta had just arrived home. After a long day and a difficult match finally he will relax. He opened the door, let his stuff down. He looked at the couch and found folded fresh washed clothes, towels, ointments etc. He found a note from his wife as well
«Hi! Honey! Sorry felt slightly unwell and laid on bed early. I'm good no worries! Just menstrual pain. I left some clothes, ointments and painkillers for you. There is food on the fridge! You will tell me everything in the morning! 💕 Te amo mucho mi amor, mi corazón, mi alma, mi rey! 💕XoXoXo ~Yolanda💖»
He smiled softly at the note, he took the clothes and walked quietly in the bathroom. He took a nice hot shower to sooth the soreness in his body.
Once he was done he cleaned the bathroom, got dressed, exited the bathroom and moved towards the kitchen. He noticed the light was on. "Did they forgot or? What?" he thought but didn't pay much attention.
As he entered, he found his daughter asleep upon the table and a glass of milk next to her. He looked at her, confused and then at the clock (23.20 at night). He gently touched her shoulder and shook her lightly "Amanda?" he whispered.
She opened her eyes and stretched her hands while yawning cutely. She looked around the room sleepily. Once she saw her father she jumped in his arms excited "papa!! You came home!". He hugged her back and kissed her head. She rubbed her face on his chest lovingly.
"What are you doing here? Why aren't you im bed?" he asked.
"I made you milk.. you and mom said that it has calcium. I made you one too.. so your bones won't break when you go inside the ring... I made you a sandwich cause I knew you might be hungry and some cookies. Food isn't food without dessert. They got cold now.." she looked at the glass of milk.
She paused for a while and then continued "I waited for you to come cause.. I didn't want you to eat alone... I wanted to keep you company", she smiled.
Penta got moved. He looked at his girl and hugged her tightly. "Gracias mi princesa! How about I made you a glass of milk, a sandwich and we eat together, hm?" he asked. She smiled and nodded her head.
He got up, made her sandwich and poured warm milk in her favorite mug. A pink one with unicorns and rainbows.
Once he was finished. They sat by the window and saw the stars along with some lights from the street and the city. They ate together and collided their glasses of milk "Cheers" they said and drank it.
"Papa? You liked it?" she asked looking at him.
-"Yeah the best milk I had!" he hugged her closer.
-"Really? Why? What's so special?"
-"You made it with affection and care! That's what made it special! Thank you my dear! " he kissed her forehead.
She smiled. She hugged him and kissed his cheek. They stayed there on the window for some time, seeing the stars and talking quietly.
After a while she started yawning and her eyes felt heavy. She gently leaned her head on ber father's shoulder. He gently hugged her and carried her upstairs. "Let's go to bed princesa, we will talk again in the morning". He walked up stairs and tenderly laid her on bed. He kissed her cheek and smiled softly. She smiled on her sleep "Buenas noches mi princesa hermosa te amo mucho!"
He got up and quietly walked into his room. He laid on bed and hugged his wife. He closed his eyes and let sleep take over.
The end😘
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amalia-uwu-writes · 2 years
Bad idea/ Leave
Disclaimer: All characters are owned by their own companies. I only write for the characters. I do not write for the real actors/people/athletes. The rights go to the respective owners!
For reasons of privacy I'll give penta's mother and father fictional names. The names are Magdalene /Magda and Julio.
Warnings ⚠️ : light angst, angst
Tags: @windhamsrotunda @earl-01 @dominikmysterio619 @wrestlingwerido36 @wrestling-fangirl93
One more day... One more day where Fénix bothered Penta and Penta lost his patience. One more day where Fénix blamed Penta. One more day where they argued and upon the argument Fenix took Penta's toy car and threw it at him. Penta obviously ducked his head and the toy broke a vase...
Guess who got in trouble...?
Yes, yes that's right. Penta did. Penta did.
They gasped as both of them saw the vase of flowers falling down and breaking into small pieces.
Their mother entered in "What's going on in here?!" just from the tone of her voice.. They understood... that she wasn't happy. Fénix run and hugged her dress "He broke the vase mommy!"
Magdalene spoke and pointed her index finger at Penta "What did you do again? You are the oldest! You should know, how to behave! What if you get hurt! What if he gets hurt? How can you be so irresponsible!!" she kept speaking and lecturing him. Fenix was holding his mother's dress burying his face in the fabric.
Penta had his arms crossed over his chest. His face upset, annoyed. He looked down and then at her. He had enough..
"How come you always yell at me?! He always gets away with everything. You always blame me! You don't even hear my point of view! Do you love him.. More than you love me? Ever since he came you mostly pay attention to him! He is your favorite! You love him more than you love me!" he yelled fed up with the whole situation and ascended the stairs going to his room.
Fénix felt slightly bad.. He didn't pay much attention though.. «He would get over it.. He always does..» he thought. He let go of his mother's dress. Magdalene looked up and sighed.
His father Julio came some seconds later "what happened? What's all this noise? I can hear you from outside!"
Magdalene had just finished gathering the broken pieces and collecting the red roses that had scattered all over the floor.
She got up "Penta broke the vase, I talked to him and he left". Fénix was sitting quietly and drawing on the table, all the while seeing upstairs. He felt slightly bad about what had happened..
"Did you see him breaking it? Did you really had to behave like this for a vase? He has every right to be upset you know I love our kids but I am fair. If fenix is at fault, I will punish him. Im not gonna blame Penta for it and vice versa. You can't blame him for everything Magdalene..
So what? What if he is the oldest?! He is still a child. Magdalene... I don't understand what's wrong with you now lately. You know that I am here to talk about anything that bothers you .. You can't unleash your stress on our children.. ".
She lowered her head "You're right.. It's been a rough week I guess.." she looked at him guilt in her eyes.
"Everything will be okay! I'm here.." Julio put his hand on her shoulder.
She smiled softly yet sadly "I was too harsh to him.. I'll.. I'll go talk to him". She attempted to go upstairs. "Wait! Don't go! Not yet!" his voice slightly stern. She listened and nodded her head. She went to the kitchen to continue her cooking.
Back to Penta
Penta slammed the door of his room. He jumped on bed burying his face on the pillow. A few tears rolled down his soft cheeks. He turned around and saw his teddy bear 🧸, he hugged it and those tears turned into a quiet sobbing. He looked at his teddy.
«I don't understand why I am to blame for everything! These last few days Mom has been blaming me all the time... Maybe.... Im not good enough... Mom doesn't love me..» he thought.
"What do you say teddy? You understand me... Right? Oh.. What's that?" he brought the teddy bear close to his ear.
He looked at his window.. An idea showing up in his mind... A bad idea.. "We need to leave... I mean... Let's just get out of here... " he said quietly.
It pained him to think such thing.. He looked at the window and then at the door. «What's even the point of staying here...? Maybe mom won't be so angry if I leave.. » he thought.
He took a small backpack, a blue one with dragons on it. He took his teddy bear with him. In order to «fool» his mother he put some toys and pillows under the covers so it will look like his sleeping..
He took some bedsheets and curtains, tied them on bed and climbed out of the window. He quietly run off the streets. He stopped for a while and looked back at his home.
He didn't know where he was going... He just left. A few tears rolled down his cheeks.. He looked ahead and just run off.. Leaving his home and family behind.
Back to Magda, Julio and Fenix.
They had just finished eating. It was oddly quiet. She expected her son to come and eat. His food was getting cold. She looked at her husband and he looked at the clock, then at her and he nodded.
She ascended the stairs. It was quiet. A feeling of dread weighting her heart. She knocked on the door "Penta? I'm sorry... Could we please talk?".. Silence.. "You have every right to be upset. Can we just talk? Mi hijo.. Perdóname..." she said. Still silence... "Im coming in" she entered and walked towards the bed. "Oh you are sleeping?" she said.
She walked towards him "Penta darling come to eat..." still no answer "Come on!" she was getting slightly annoyed.
She removed the covers only to find out clothes, pillows and toys ... She looked around the room. "Penta?" she asked... Now she felt fear..
Silence. For parents silence was never good. "Mi hijo?!" she shouted, looking around the place, voice trembling. Penta was nowhere. She noticed the window opened, the curtains waving on the wind. She looked out of the window only then she realized what had happened.
She panicked "oh.. no.. JULIO!! OUR SON IS NOT HERE! OUR BOY IS NOT HERE!" she screamed. Julio run upstairs. He looked at the room and he swore under his breath. She took her husband, her son and went to find him. "Let's go find him! He can't go far!" she said. The three of them entered in the car and started looking for him, praying that he will be safe.
Back to Penta
Penta was walking around the streets. At some point he reached a playground. They weren't many people around. He decided to go play a little. He sat in the swing "Come on bro! Pu- (push me)" he looked behind him. Fenix was nowhere. His smile slowly disappeared "Oh...right.. They are not here..." he lowered his eyes.
He played alone for a while lost in thoughts.. No, no it wasn't the same without them. He looked at his teddy "Come on.. let's go... It's not fun.."
He walked down the beach, "Teddy look the beach". He walked by the coast and a little below he saw a family playing and having fun. He stopped and sighed. A wave of sadness covered his body. He turned around and left.
He was walking around the streets the sun setting behind the mountains. At some point his stomach rumbled.
"Oh right... I didn't eat... I don't have enough money... I guess... Oh... It's getting late... Maybe I should go home... Maybe I should have listened to mom, talk to her...it was a bad idea to come here alone...Yet with what face Am I gonna appear? What do you say teddy?
Hey don't give me this look teddy...
Ugh fine.. I'll go back... She will ground me for sure... At least I'm gonna be in my bed and eat my mom's food. Well first I'm gonna eat the chancla and then her food. Okay... I will go back.. and.. apologize...".
He decided to return home. The thing is.. He didn't know which way to go. He facepalmed "Ugh..which way did I come?.. Was it that way..? Or... Uhm.. Teddy..? Which way was it?
You don't know?! Really?! Why am I having you here?!
ugh fine I'll try find it". He kept walking..
Back to Magda, Julio and Fenix
They drove around the city for some hours and still not a trace of him. Magda decided to walked around the place for some time. She kept asking "Have you seen this boy?" most of them shook their heads no. She panicked. Fear, disappointment, dread shown on her brown eyes..
After many tries one woman walked towards her and said "Excuse me ma'am I saw this little boy by the public market, close to the park and the beach". The woman gave her directions. Magda thanked her"thank you so much!!" hope sparkled in her eyes.
Julio and Fenix looked around as well with no luck. Magda called him and said where to go. They went there. They looked around the place and saw nothing. It was late.
She found a man (Carlos) and woman (Angelica) who were cooking "Have you seen this boy?" they shook their heads no. Magda close her eyes for mere seconds, the hope she had, had just faded.
She gave them some money "If you see him, he hasn't eaten anything, please cook something for him. Here is my phone as well" they nodded their heads.
Magda's eyes teared up. Julio and Fenix hugged her "We will find him". Fenix admitted that he broke the vase and he blamed penta for it, that he began annoying him and he started it. Magda gave him a stern look but she decided that they should solve this later..
They kept searching around the place.
Back to Penta
Penta was getting tired by walking around. The temperature on the atmosphere was low. He regretted leaving home. He hugged himself. He was thirsty and hungry. He sat down on a bench. He covered his face with his hands...
He looked around, there were trees and lattices. "Wait... This place looks familiar.. Oh! Im at the public market well close enough and - what's this smell... So beautiful..." He found a woman and a man there, cooking. Whatever they were cooking smelled nice for sure!
He was at a distance and ran towards them as fast as he could. He tripped and fell down, scratching his knees and elbow. He took a deep breath and got up. He walked slowly close to them. He looked at the coins..
He didn't have enough money how is he going to pay?
He looked at them and then at the ground.. He was about to leave.. However Carlos called him
"Hey you? Come here! I'll make you something." Penta looked at Carlos "I don't have any money sir". Angélica said "It doesn't matter kid, sit there". He sat down and waited patiently.
"Why are you doing this? Why are you so nice?" Penta asked.
"We are not" Angelica spoke while cooking.
"Your parents and a younger boy were looking for you" Carlos said.
"They love you!" Angelica spoke softly.
When she finished cooking, she offered him his meal. Shrimps with rice.
"Eat so they can come pick you up and don't do something like this again!! You were lucky you weren't killed!"
"Gracias!" he began eating. Damn it tasted so good. He teared up a little bit.
Carlos called the family "We have the boy here, we cooked him something as we promised. You may come!"
Magda finished talking "Okay, yeah I know how to come there we aren't far away! Yes, thank you so much!"
Magda, Julio and Fenix hugged each other "Gracias Dios!!! Let's go take our boy back" Julio said and began driving.
After a whole adventure the family reunited.
Penta was sitting on the table. He heard his mother's voice and looked up.
"My son!" she said. He saw his family and run at his mother's arms "mom... MOM! DAD! HERMANITO!"
They hugged him "Im sorry..." he said "I'm sorry too!".
She hugged him. They thanked them and went home, the way back was silent, Fenix hugged Penta and apologized.
When he reached home he took a shower and put on fresh washed clothes. He was sure he is escaping punishment. He walked into the kitchen. Fenix was there. Soon Magda and Julio came.
"Fénix please leave the room.." her voice sternly. Fenix looked at Penta who was looking on the floor.
Fénix exited the room and Julio close the door.
Julio calmly walked closer and hugged him tightly "WHAT MADE YOU THINK THAT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?! WE LOVE YOU! WHAT WOULD WE DO IF SOMETHING BAD WAS HAPPENING TO YOU?! DAMMIT?! HUH?! DON'T YOU FREAKING DARE!! TO SCARE US AGAIN LIKE THIS! YOU UNDERSTAND?!" his voice strictly. Penta nodded he attempted to speak but Julio raised his hand "Silence! Let you mother speak!", Penta obeyed.
Magda spoke
"I am sorry.. You are still a child and you are still learning that's true. Im trying my best. I love you the same! My love for both of you is equal! Both of you are a part of me and your father. I'm sorry If I was harsh on you. I shouldn't unleash my stress on you. I love you and I.. We want the best for you and your brother! You are my babies.. Our babies! Promise me you won't do this again. That you will tell me everything!" when she was done she gave him permission to speak.
"I'm sorry mom! I'm trying to be a good son for you..... You blamed me for things that wasn't my fault. I accept your apology. I promise I won't do it again. We will talk and I'm sorry... It was a mistake I won't make again".
"You are still grounded" they said in unison. He shrugged "At least I'm here with you, dad and my brother".
He spent a few days grounded. At least he was home with his loved ones.
The End! 😘
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Too Much
Requested by @monstersmaid
Pairing:   Pentagon Jr/FC
Category:   Smut
Word Count: 1875
Warnings: overstimulation, language, smut, oral sex
18. “You might want to rethink your words. Don’t forget, you’re still being punished.”
Lately it seemed I was always in trouble.  No matter what I did I seemed to break on of Pentagon’s “rules.”  At first being with him had been exhilarating.  The thought of the things he was into excited me.  A new game to play.   Problem was the reality was a lot less exciting than the fantasy.  Turns out I really don’t like pain all that much.  Which doesn’t exactly fit with the self-proclaimed breaker of bones.  Pentagon doesn’t do anything but cause pain.   Also turns out that I do not like being denied my orgasms.  Another thing Pentagon really enjoyed.   He loved to deny my pleasure and it never failed that my mouth got me in trouble because of that.  
I’d never been with a man that I couldn’t bend to my will.  That I couldn’t convince to give me whatever I wanted.   When I begged or whined to Pentagon, all I got was a spanking.  And not one of the sexy ones that make your ass a little pink and let to some hot fucking.  Not by a longshot.  Pentagon’s spankings usually included a thick leather belt that bit and tore at my skin leaving me with lasting bruises.  
I shifted the ache in my buttocks reminding me of Penta’s most recent punishment, coupled with the orgasm denial I was in day five of as an ongoing punishment for touching myself.  Needless to say I wasn’t in the best of moods.     
Now I was stuck sitting in a smelly locker room listening to Pentagon and his brother Fenix analyze their match to death.  I huffed out a loud sigh of annoyance earning a sharp look from Pentagon before he turned back to his brother. 
Five more minutes passed and the seemed no closer to wrapping their conversation up than they were at the beginning of it.  
“Are you almost done? You’ve been talking for an hour now.”  I complained.  “This is boring.”  
Pentagon slowly turned away from Fenix, fixing you with his cold hard eyes alight with anger.  
“You might want to rethink your words. Don’t forget, you’re still being punished.”  Pentagon warned.
“How could I forget?  I’m always being punished.”  I huffed petulantly.  “You’re always an asshole so it’s impossible for me not to be in trouble.”  
I watched Fenix rise from his chair, clapping his brother on the shoulder and then make his escape leaving me alone with the seething Pentagon. 
Pentagon rose slowly from his chair, ambling towards me with a sinister air.  Swallowing nervously I tried to smile confidently as he pinned me in my seat with a hand on each arm of the chair. 
“Is there a particular reason you’re being a raging bitch or is that just your sparkling personality lately?”  Pentagon asked, his pleasant tone belied by the white knuckles on each of his fists and the fury shining in his eyes. 
“I’m being such a bitch because you won’t let me cum!”  I snapped folding my arms churlishly across my chest.   “I’m frustrated and horny and you are being a dick.”  
“You want to come so bad chica?”  Pentagon growled his hand leaving the arm rest and diving under my skirt as his feet kicked apart my legs.   “Need your orgasms to not be a total cunt?”  His knuckles rubbed along my slit in a rough motion that had me moaning immediately my legs willingly falling further open to grant him access. 
“Please,” I whimpered desperately looking up at him with wide eyes as Pentagon fingered your clit.  
“Fine.”  Pentagon spat.  “You want orgasms, you get orgasms.”
Pentagon’s fingers slid under my panties and ripped them down my legs giving him free access to my weeping sex.   I almost exploded as his thick fingers slid inside me, his calloused thumb rubbing over my clit hard enough to be painful, but still sending shocks of pleasure through me.   I panted as he pumped his fingers in and out of my pussy, curling them inside me and twisting making me arch of the chair towards his hand.  
I cried out as my climax tore through me with another twist of Pentagon’s fingers, my thighs squeezing around his forearm as I came.  Pentagon’s fingers slowed and my legs parted as I breathed heavily already feeling so much better as the tension seeped out of me.   When he began moving again I whimpered, still sensitive from my orgasm but greedy for more.   I spread wide for Pentagon giving him room to kneel between my legs as he tucked my skirt into my waistband so he had a clear view of his fingers sinking inside me.  
When he pushed in a third finger stretching me wide I came again, crying out loudly as I spasmed around his hand.   Again he slowed but didn’t remove his hand as I whimpered through my completion before once again thrusting inside of me.   I squirmed, feelings overwhelming me as Pentagon finger fucked me and teased my clit.   I sobbed as pleasure roared through my body, my hips lifting to push in time with Pentagon’s thrusts, my eyes watching the muscles of his thick forearm contract as he brought me to a third orgasm with barely an effort. 
I was completely spent, my hands grabbing at Pentagon’s wrist as he started moving again.   His free hand grabbed both my hands and held them against my chest and out of his way while his fingers twisted and curled inside me.  Tears leaked down my cheeks as my attempts to get away from his hand were proven useless. 
“No more, please Penta,” I cried, my head shaking back and forth as I felt another climax rising in my belly.   “I can’t.” 
“You wanted to cum.”  Pentagon reminded me giving a sharp thrust of his arm.  “You asked for this.”    Again I shattered around his hand as he fingered my dripping pussy, his hand glistening with my cream as he finally pulled it free from my cunt.   Releasing my hands from my chest he wiped the residue on my shirt before lowering his mouth to my sex.  My attempts to push him off were futile, a sharp pinch to my thigh the reward for my attempts.  
I cried as the satin of his mask rubbed against my belly while his tongue licked over my slit, long flat strokes that had me trembling.  My whole body shook as my fingernails dug into the bottom of my chair, hands gripping tightly to try to steady myself as I felt like I was going to explode from Pentagon’s ministrations.   I felt a sheen of sweat forming on my face as Pentagon’s tongue delved inside me, the nose of his mask scraping over my clit adding extra stimulation that was driving me insane.  
Pentagon’s hands moved my legs, gripping my thighs and lifting my legs so my knees went over his shoulders giving his mouth better access to me.   I panted and moaned as his tongue licked at my flesh and dove inside me, Pentagon passionately eating me through two more orgasms in quick succession that had me shaking and limp.  
I felt like a ragdoll when he stood, my legs still around his head his arms holding my back steady as he continued licking me as he moved over to the couch against the wall.   I was unceremoniously dumped on my stomach over the arm as Pentagon kneeled behind me and freed his cock.   He immediately breached my pussy, slamming deep inside me with a single thrust.  Relief coursed through me thinking he was nearly done.   Instead he reached around my body, his fingers once again finding my pussy as his other hand reached to play with the breast he could reach.  
I limply hung over the arm weakly moaning as Pentagon slammed into me, his talented fingers dragging along my cunt seeking another orgasm I didn’t think I could give.   I regretted complaining about a lack of orgasms, this was a thousand times worse than denial.  I felt hot and weak and oversensitive, shuddering with every movement Pentagon made.   The orgasm he dragged out of me was painful, a choked sob ripping from my chest as he forced the orgasm out of me.  
“Are you sorry for whining yet?”  Pentagon asked as he slammed into me again and again.
“I’m sorry.  I’m so sorry.”  I cried out as his cock hit me deep inside, his fingers toying with my clit and nipples as he fucked me.   “I won’t ask to cum anymore, I promise.”  It was a rash promise but I was desperate feeling light headed and weak, my words almost a slur as I lay unmoving beneath him.  
“I’m going to hold you to that.”  Pentagon said with a grunt, releasing the nipple he was pulling on to bring his hand to my throat.   I swallowed heavily as his fist tightened around my throat slowly cutting of my air making me fight against his hold giving Pentagon the movement he sought against his cock.  With a final thrust he came, his hand reflexively closing further on my throat, robbing me of my breath as Pentagon’s cock pumped inside me, coating my insides with his seed.  
Just when I thought he was going to choke me unconscious Pentagon’s hand loosened and he pulled free from my pussy.   I lay there completely spent as he casually tucked back into his pants and moved back to the table he had been sitting at with Fenix, pulling out his phone and calling his brother to return for their discussion.   I didn’t even have the strength to cover myself, weakly pulling at my skirt as Fenix entered. 
I waited for Pentagon to chastise his brother for the long appraising look he ran over my body, but it wasn’t forthcoming.  Instead Pentagon rattled something off in Spanish that made Fenix chuckle darkly and look at me one last time before seating himself across from his brother.  
Gingerly I pushed off the couch, falling to my knees on the floor as I was weak limbed, but at least I was covered from the overly familiar eyes of Fenix.   He had never looked at me like that before and it was unnerving.   Fenix was always respectful to me, given my status as his brother’s girl.  Now there was something different in the air, a shift that I recognized but couldn’t decipher the meaning of. 
“Come sit on my lap.”  Pentagon called to me without bothering to look in my direction.   I slowly climbed to my feet feeling as ungainly as a newborn colt and stumbling over to Penta’s side.  He pulled me sideways over his lap his thick forearm wrapping around my waist to hold me steady as he spoke to Fenix who was still watching me with that strange intensity that was giving me chills.  
I should have taken more stock in my feelings, but put it off my misgivings to the emotional upheaval I had just been through.  I never imagined the changes that would come after that night, or the road it would lead me down. 
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Requested by: @monstersmaid
Featuring:  Pentagon Jr./FC
Category:   Smut
Word Count: 701
Warnings: language, smut
20.          “Let go, or so help me, I’ll bite you.”
It was only natural for you to panic when the thick tattooed forearm of Pentagon Jr. wrapped around your neck and dragged you back against his body.   You had seen what he did to people in the ring.  You were well versed in his appetite for destruction and breaking bones.   Given that you were aligned with the current source of his frustrations, panic seemed a perfectly acceptable response.   What wasn’t a perfectly acceptable response?  Threatening him. 
“Let go, or so help me, I’ll bite you.”  You snapped without thinking, immediately regretting the words as the arm tightened and a dark rumbling laugh shook the chest of your captor.  
“I’m not letting you go,” Pentagon spoke, the amusement in his tone a stark reminder of how little he was concerned with you.  “Go on and bite me little girl.”  His face appeared next to yours, his breath hot on your cheek.  “I’ll probably like it. Then you’re going to have a whole different problem on your hands.” 
Pentagon’s free hand moved to your stomach, pushing back on it until you were firm against him, feeling the beginnings of a hard-on stirring in his pants. 
“A big problem.” You mumbled again without thinking, your filter apparently going MIA.  You winced hoping he hadn’t heard that little comment, but of course you had no such luck. 
“A very big problem.”  Pentagon confirmed grinding his hips into your buttocks drawing a whimper from you as you felt that big problem firming up and pressing into you.  The hand on your stomach slid down between your legs, cupping your crotch. Pentagon rubbed the heel of your palm against your pussy making desire pool in your belly.  
Releasing your neck Pentagon brushed your hair and brought surprisingly gentle lips to your neck.  You moaned as he kissed you softly, undulating your hips into his hand as he kept it firm against you.   His teeth sunk into your neck unexpectedly wrenching a cry that echoed through the empty room.  You found yourself propelled forward by a shoved in the back, Pentagon never losing contact with your pussy as he got you into position, bent over the counter along the wall. 
“I was going to have you give a message to him.” Pentagon grunted as he pulled your pants down around your knees and pulled his cock out, rubbing it along your now dripping slit.  “But I think this message will speak much louder.”  
You yelped as his cock entered you with one swift thrust, quickly seating himself inside your pussy.   Pentagon’s heavy body leaned over you, pulling you back to arch of the counter until your ear was at his mouth.  His hot tongue licked along the shell then his sharp teeth bit into your lobe. 
Moans and grunts filled the air as Pentagon rutted into you, slamming you back down on the counter and digging his nails into your shoulder as he pounded deeply into your warmth.   Pulling back on your hips to give his hand enough room to slid in-between, he pressed his fingers into your slit, sliding them over your folds and finding your clit, pinching it sharply between two fingers and tugging making you squirm and plead beneath him as fire built in your stomach.  
With his fingers teasing your pussy and his cock stretching you wide it didn’t take long for you to find your release, bucking your hips back against Pentagon as he buried his cock in me a final time with a loud grunt.  Pulling out of your pussy he wiped the tip of his cock across your ass, leaving a trail of glistening cum. 
“Tell that cabron to stay out my business,” Pentagon said with a sniff as he tucked himself away and heading to the door.  Hand on the knob he paused and looked over his shoulder at you with an indecipherable look in his eyes.
“You may want to rethink who you’ve aligned yourself with.”  He said before giving you a small nod and walking out of the storage room leaving you with more questions than answers.  
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Pairing:  Pentagon Jr./FC
Category:   Smut
Word Count: 1231
Warnings: Rough oral sex; degradation; humiliation
Despite knowing better you couldn’t stop the whimpered please from falling from your lips as Pentagon’s fingers slowly scissored inside of you.  A sob of frustration broke free as he stopped his movements, his cold blue eyes staring at you with disappointment.  Slowly his fingers were pulled free of your pussy.  Desperation, or stupidity you weren’t sure which had you grabbing his wrist and pulling it back towards your body.  The only thing you got out of it was being shoved off Penta’s lap as he rose and moved towards the door.
“No!”  You shouted desperately.  “I’m sorry Penta.  Don’t go.  Please.”  You winced as you used that word again.  He hated when you whined and begged.  The only begging he wanted from you was when he told you to.  Penta’s boots creaked on the concrete flooring as he turned back around a sneer on his painted face that didn’t bode well for you.  
Your eyes were fixated on his every movement as he took slow lumbering steps back to where you knelt on the floor.  He squatted in front of you, so close yet so far away.  You grew antsy as the silence stretched, hating how he could remain so silent for so long.  The urge to speak was rising and you had to bite your tongue to stop words from leaving your mouth.   You had made that mistake before.  It resulted in nothing but frustration for you.   So you watched him, forcing yourself to remain still and quiet as you waited for his next move.  
“I was going to make you cum.”  Pentagon finally broke the silence as he pushed himself to his feet.  “I was going to finger fuck you until you saw stars.”  He shook his head slowly.  “But not anymore.”
“Penta,” You whined before you could stop yourself, immediately cursing your stupidity once again as he glared at you.  It was his fault, dangling that damn orgasm in front of your face only to cruelly rip it away.  At least you weren’t quite careless enough to throw that thought in his face.  He might cut off your little rendezvouses entirely if you did that.  You already feared he was growing tired of you. 
His arm shot out grabbing the back of your neck and forcing your face into his groin.  It was hard and you knew he got a thrill out of controlling you.  Knowing what he did to you behind closed doors.  He could work out all his frustrations on you knowing you would sit there and take it because you were weak from him.   Though you were in a position of power over him, he held all the cards.   Your tongue darted out, licking your bottom lip as you stared at that muscular forearm.  How many times had it been wrapped around your neck as he fucked you from behind, stealing your breath as he rammed into you.   You squirmed as the thought had new pulses of arousal coursing through you.
“Stupid puta can’t remember simple fucking instructions.” Penta growled.  “What have I told you about begging?”  He pressed your cheek harshly into his erection, scratching your face on the rough stitching of his loincloth. It was going to leave a mark for sure and your mind was already concocting an excuse.  You were getting good at that after your times with Pentagon. 
“Not to.”  You replied voice muffled by the fabric of his wrestling gear. 
“I hate begging.  I hate whining.” He snapped pulling you away from him by your hair, twisting it around his fist and forcing your head back at an unnatural angle to stare up at him.  “And I hate stupid cunts who can’t understand.” 
“I’m sorry,” You whimpered. He stared down at you anger burning bright in his cold blue eyes and for a moment you were scared he was going to walk out on you.  
“Show me.” He said instead, gesturing to his groin.  You didn’t give him an opportunity to change his mind quickly getting his cock free of its confines and into your mouth.   Knowing how he liked it you didn’t bother with licks and kisses, taking him fully into your mouth on the first go.  Pentagon liked rough and sloppy head. He had no patience for teasing and he hummed his approval as you gagged yourself around his thickness when he sunk into your throat.   You could feel the weight of his stare passing judgment on you as you bobbed along his cock and you kicked up your speed hoping to entice him into a better mood.  Then maybe he would be more inclined to make you cum.  
Drool ran down your chin, pooling on the floor as saliva gathered in your mouth as you repeatedly choked around Penta.  His hands moved to your head, grabbing the back of it and forcing you down on his cock until you were pressed to his hip bone.  You fought against your urge to panic as he held you in place cock jumping in your throat as you swallowed around him.  You gasped in air as he pulled you free before jamming you right back on him, repeating the movements several times before he stepped back letting you fall to all fours as you spit up on the floor.  
Kicking out a booted foot he knocked your arms out from under you making you land face first in your saliva.  Your attempts to rise were halted by his foot on the back of your neck.  All you could do was watch from the corner of your eye as he stroked his cock, fist moving rapidly over the engorged flesh as he brought himself to completion.  You flinched as streams of hot cum landed across your cheeks and in your hair, as well as on the floor in front of you.  Removing his foot from your neck, Penta squatted next you and grabbed a handful of hair. 
“Clean up your mess.”  He demanded pushing your face in the pool of drool and cum.  You fought against his grip though you knew it was useless.  Pentagon always got what he wanted and this held true as you capitulated and stuck your tongue out shuddering as you licked the dirty concrete floor.   Only when he was satisfied did he pull you into a kneeling position in front of him. 
“You’re pathetic.”  He sneered as he tucked himself back into his pants and straightened out his gear.  “You look like a common gutter whore.  It’s time for you to go.”  He said pointing towards the door in clear dismissal of you.  You scrambled to your feet immediately issuing denials.
“I can’t go out there like this.” You gestured to your body. Clothes rumbled and torn in some spots from his manhandling of you.  You didn’t even want to think of what your makeup looked like.  Or your hair.  
“I would hurry then.  Maybe you can make it back to your office before anyone sees Ms. Vice President looking like a used up tramp.” He said with a smirk. 
That was how you had ended up slinking along the shadows and hiding your face from everyone you passed as you hurried towards your office, cursing Pentagon’s very existence with every step yet still wondering how long it would be before you got to see him again. 
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Parking Lot
Pairing:  Pentagon Jr./FC
Category:   Smut
Word Count: 1586
Warnings: Language, semi public sex, name calling, light choking
His cold stare sent shivers through you.  His presence, even from across the room, was oppressive.  The air surrounding you felt thick and you felt unable to breathe.  It made you sick that he had this effect on you without paying you the slightest bit of attention.  Aside from one brief flicker of his eyes over your body as you were introduced he hadn’t bothered with you.  
It was frustrating to say the least, given your immediate visceral reaction to him.   Pentagon Jr.  His name on its own enough to make your heart start racing.  Never had you reacted this strongly to anybody and it scared you.  Just from your brief clandestine looks at him you knew he was too much for you.  Intimidating.  Brutal.  Crude.  Vulgar.  Everything about him should have you running in the other direction. 
A loud chorus of laughter broke you out of your thoughts, a light blush rising to your cheeks as you realized you had been staring at Pentagon and he had definitely noticed.   Mumbling excuses to no one you rushed out of the crowded backstage area and straight to the women’s restroom.  Once inside you slumped against the wall cursing yourself for getting caught looking.  It took almost ten minutes for you to calm yourself and another five to convince yourself to leave that bathroom. When you felt collected you exited, walking down the hallway with head held high and portraying a confidence you were feeling. 
For the rest of your shift you didn’t so much as glance in Pentagon’s direction.  You refused to get caught looking again.  Unfortunately you were still attuned to his presence, constantly feeling as if you were going to suffocate every time you were in the same room as him.  It was a battle to keep your focus and not give in to the temptation of sneaking a peek at Pentagon.   The second your shift was done you were out the door, taking deep gulping breaths as you hurried to your car. 
Hands shaking with adrenaline you fumbled with your keys getting the door unlocked and opened only for it to be slammed back shut by a large hand.  You spun around finding yourself face to chest with Pentagon.  His face paint had been washed off, but he still wore his blue contacts and black mask, staring down at you with a slight smirk on his lips as he trapped you between the car and his body. 
Words flowed from his mouth that you didn’t understand, apart from one or two words you remembered from high school Spanish class but you were enthralled with his voice nonetheless.  It was deep and gravelly his tongue rolling over his words and sent pulses of desire through you. His body was hot pressed against you making your heart race and nipples tighten beneath your bra as you helplessly reacted to everything about him. 
“Lo siento no comprende” you stuttered over the unfamiliar words, flinching as his smirk dropped and his eyes turned cold, obviously displeased you weren’t  following his words.   You stared in wide-eyed silence as he pointed at his chest.
“Me.  You.”  His finger moved from his chest to jab yours. “Fuck now.” 
Well now that you understood clear as day breath catching in your throat as he pressed against you, his hand tangling in your hair and pulling your head back so you were staring into his eyes.
“Comprende?”  He asked with a hitch of his lip. 
“Now?” You squeaked eyes darting nervously around the parking lot, acutely aware that everyone coming out of the building was getting a good view of Pentagon pinning you to your car.   
His answering grin was full of bad intentions as he once again fell into his native language with a few fucks splattered throughout while his hand dropped to the back of your neck and dragged you to his mouth.   His breath was hot on your lips as his hovered over yours.  Your eyelids fluttered closed as you anticipated his lips meeting yours.  Instead his pushed you back against your car door and stepped away from your body making you whimper at the loss of his touch. 
“Come perra.”  He called over his shoulder as he walked towards his own car. You wordlessly followed after him, brow scrunched in confusion as you tried to remember the word he had called you, at the same pretty sure you didn’t want to know as you were rather sure it was an insult. 
He didn’t bother looking at you as you climbed into the passenger’s seat, throwing the car in reverse and darting through the dark streets.   Assuming he was taking you back to the hotel you settled into your seat casting curious glances at the man beside you.
“Suck.” His terse command broke the silence and before you could think of a response his hand left the steering wheel and grabbed the back of your neck, pulling your face to his crotch.  “Suck.”  He repeated.  Hands moving to his zipper you freed his cock and took him in your mouth.   You bobbed your head, his flesh stiffening between your lips as you sucked him, tongue pressing against him until he grew tired of your gentle approach.  Grabbing a fistful of hair Pentagon set the pace for you, pressing your nose to his groin repeatedly as he pulled you along his cock while keeping his attention firmly on the road.  You spluttered and gagged around him as he used your mouth, gasping in air when he allowed you a quick breath before pushing you right back down. 
The car pulled to a stop and you were startled when Penta pulled you off his cock. 
“Out.”  He snapped as he climbed out of the car not bothering to tuck himself back in his pants.  You scrambled out of the car, looking at your surroundings to see he had pulled into a dark corner of a Walmart parking lot.  Pentagon gestured impatiently and you hurried to his side gasping as he bent you over the trunk his hand pressed firm in your back and holding you in place.  His other hand pulled down your leggings then pushing between your thighs a dirty chuckle filling the still air as he felt how soaked your panties were. 
You moaned as his fingers slid under the satin material, rubbing along your slit making you squirm beneath his ministrations.  Pentagon plunged a finger inside you as he rubbed your clit with his thumb in rough circles.  When he added a second finger you grunted as his thick fingers stretched you sliding past his knuckles and twisting as he kept you pinned to the trunk.   Your breath was coming in quick choppy pants as Penta finger fucked you towards climax.
“Come puta.” He ordered with a growl and sharp twist of his fingers, curling them inside you making you cry out as you clenched around his hand, moaning out your completion.  Withdrawing his fingers Penta immediately pushed them past your lips to clean your juices from his hand.  Lifting his hand from your back and pulled your panties down to your knees and lined his cock up with your glistening pussy.   He groaned in satisfaction as he pushed into your waiting warmth his thick cock stretching you almost painfully as he shoved in with one thrust.  Your cry was muffled by his fingers before he pulled his hand free and wrapped his muscular forearm around your throat. 
“Sing for me perra.” Pentagon muttered as he pounded into you, his arm tightening around your neck as he pulled making your back arch off the trunk.  The heat in your stomach was quickly coiling again as he fucked you hard against the car.  You moaned as pleasure coursed through your body, the sound strangled by Penta’s hold on you.  Releasing his arm he grabbed your hips in both hands, yanking your body back to meet each trust as he slammed repeatedly into you making you moan loudly with every pass. 
Penta’s thrusts became jerky as his orgasm approached, his hand leaving your hip and grabbing onto your hair, pulling your body back flush with his.  Penta’s teeth sunk into your shoulder as he came, your body shuddering around him as the shock of pain triggered your orgasm and you fell blindly against the trunk when he released you, stepping back from your body and tucking his cock back into his pants.  
Straightening yourself out you climbed back into the car buckling as Pentagon pulled from the parking lot.
“You didn’t have to be so mean.” You said sullenly.  “I’m not a slut.” 
You glared at Penta as he scoffed audibly, shrinking back as he returned your glare with a much more intimidating one of his own.
“You fucked me in a parking lot barely knowing me.  You’re a slut.”  He said simply in halting English.  “Sluts are treated like sluts.” 
You huffed in aggravation folding your arms crossly over your chest at his utter lack of respect for you.  You sat in stony silence the remainder of the ride to your car, slamming his door behind you as he dropped you off.  He didn’t wait to make sure you got in your car safely, driving off the second the door was closed leaving you fuming once again.   You couldn’t believe what an asshole he had turned out to be and you hoped it would be a long time before you crossed paths with him again.  
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Pentagon 3
Pairing: El Desperado/Bushi/Pentagon Jr. /FC
Category:   Smut
Word Count: 2016
Warnings:  public sex, oral sex, spitting, spanking, humiliation, blood  
The walk home from the bar was relatively silent.  You were stewing in both humiliation from Pentagon’s rejection and anger at your two lovers throwing you into that situation.
“Both of you are assholes.” You yelled as you entered the room, frustration from the evening’s events reaching a head as they carried on as if they hadn’t just utterly humiliated you for their own amusement.  “You had no right to do that to me.”
“Didn’t see you complaining when it was happening.”  Desperado said throwing his wallet down on the desk in your suite.  “In fact you looked downright eager to open your mouth for Pentagon’s cock. Shame you couldn’t suck him properly.”  
“I don’t see what you’re so upset about.  We were just giving you what you wanted.”  Bushi gave his input with a smirk.  “How were we to know he’d be completely disgusted by what a slut you are?”
An exasperated scream left you and you stomped your foot, so angry with the two of them you couldn’t stand to look at them for another second.
Yanking open the door you yelled that you were going for a short walk before slamming the door and storming down the hallway.   You needed to get out into the cool night air before you really lost your cool. At this moment you hated them and you hated yourself.  You were mad at yourself for being turned on at the way they and Pentagon had treated you.  Pentagon had treated you like dirt and all you could think about was how good his cock had felt in your mouth.   Remembering how it felt to be on your knees in front of him, his thickness choking you, made you less than focused on your surroundings as you approached the elevators and crashed into what felt like a brick wall coming out of the vending room. You bounced off the man and into the doorway falling on your ass on the tiled floor in front of the ice machine.  
Wincing as pain racketed through your body from the jolt your gaze moved up to find you staring at Pentagon.   As he recognized you that sneer he had looked at you with all night reappeared.
“Don’t you ever take off your gear?”  You snapped defensively.  Your attempt to rise to your feet was halted by his hand on your shoulder, keeping you on your knees before him as he placed his filled ice bucket on top of the machine.
Pentagon stared down at you, head cocking to the side as he considered you once again.  He was planning on getting his ice, taking a nice hot shower and getting out of his gear before settling in for the night.  Problem was he was horny and honestly too lazy to go trawling for some pussy.   Pentagon figured it was fate that he happened to bump into you again.  
“Suck my dick.”  Pentagon repeated his earlier command from the bar at you, his hands once again pushing down his tights and pulling his cock out.  
“Here?” You asked nervously, the thought of saying no never crossing your mind. Public sex had never been your thing. The risk of getting caught was high, yet it kind of excited you.  
“You want to make it into my room, you do it here.” Pentagon said impatiently, dangling that carrot of more from him in front of you.  Swallowing your nerves, you reached up to him and encircled his cock with your hand, barely able to close your fingers around his thickness.  
“Thought you didn’t like the way I sucked?” You couldn’t help the smart comment as you stroked him to full erection.
“Don’t talk.” Pentagon said shortly.  “You have nothing I want to hear.”  
Rebuked you lowered your eyes focusing on the cock in your hands, tongue darting out to lick over his tip before swirling around the bulbous head. Your hands stroked the length as you opened wide to take him in.  Bobbing on his length you kept your tongue pressed to the underside of Pentagon’s cock while his hand made its way to the back of your head and pushed, urging you to take him deeper.   It was impossible not to gag as he stretched your mouth, the tip of his cock weighing heavily on your tongue as he pushed deeper into your mouth.   The ding of the elevator had you startled, wide eyed looking up at Pentagon in a panic, to which he just smiled and pushed deeper into your throat making you audibly gag as you heard the doors slide open.  Luckily the occupants went the opposite direction.
“What’s the matter zorra?  Don’t want anyone to know what a whore you are?  Sucking off a stranger in a vending room.”  Penta pulled roughly on your hair making you wince.   A slam of his hips had him in your throat and drool leaking from your mouth as you choked and struggled to breathe through your nose.
 “Fucking dirty cunt!”  Penta spat as he battered your throat.  “Look at me!”
You struggled to follow his command awkwardly tilting your head to meet his gaze which was full of derision as he stared at you before spitting heavily on your face.  You shuddered as the warm spittle trickled down your nose and to your lips.   Pentagon kept control of you, pushing your head up and down his cock rubbing your throat raw as he continually breeched it.   He spit on you several more times, your face covered with his saliva, dripping down your cheeks and forehead, as well as matting in your hair.   You thought your jaw was going to break as he continued abusing your mouth until he finally pulled from your throat and took his cock in his hands.  Stroking it quickly, tip pointed at your face, streams of hot cum splattered across your face.  
“Now you look like a proper whore.”  Pentagon said with satisfaction as he tucked himself back in his pants. “You want more, you follow me to my room on all fours.”  
Directive issued he turned his back on you and entered the hallway. Cursing your weakness you dropped to all fours and crawled after him, grateful for the empty hallway and praying that no one came out, especially Desperado and Bushi.  Your eyes lingered on their door as Pentagon passed it wondering if you should just give up and return to them.  That thought was quickly discarded and you quickened your pace to catch up with Pentagon who was waiting impatiently by his door at the end of the hallway.   He held the door open, stepping aside to allow you to crawl past before closing it behind you.  
Penta came to stand in front of you, his booted feet in your line of vision as you kept your head down.  A trail of cum and spit hanging from your chin broke and splattered on his boot earning a grunt of disapproval.
“Clean that off.”  Pentagon said watching with crossed arms as you lowered your face to his foot, tongue darting out tentatively to lick the leavings.   When he was satisfied he withdrew his foot and stepped back.
“Get up and get naked.  Let me see what has Desperado and Bushi so sprung on you.”  Pentagon said.  You felt a flash of guilt at the mention of their names.  They certainly wouldn’t understand you running off on them to fuck Pentagon.   That guilt was pushed away by another voice arguing they were quick to offer you up to him earlier.   Rising you stripped acutely aware of the mess Pentagon had already left on your face. It was starting to dry and get uncomfortable, but you had a feeling asking to clean up was not going to go over well.  
He stared at you for what felt like an uncomfortably long time, lips pursed as he perused your body and you flushed every time his eyes lingered on a mark left by your boys.  And there were plenty of them.  
“Undress me.” Penta said breaking the silence and you rushed to obey, pulling off his clothes and revealing his thick muscular body to your gaze.  When you reached for his mask he caught your wrists in his grip squeezing tightly and making you wince.  “Don’t touch my mask, you never touch my mask.”   With a mumbled sorry you fell backwards as he pushed you away.  
Moving to his suitcase Pentagon pulled out a couple of his belts pulling your arms behind your back and strapping them together by the biceps before he pushed you over the bed.   His cock was at your pussy in seconds, pushing inside with no preparation making you squeal.  
“Shut up coño.”  Pentagon spat driving hard into your pussy.  You quickly failed at following his edict when Pentagon drug his nails from your shoulders down your back and over your ass leaving angry red marks down your flesh and you screamed getting a sharp slap on your ass.   You bit your lip hard as he repeated the action but whimpered as you saw him grab the leather belt lying next to you on the bed. He wasted no time with gentle strokes, whipping the belt hard across your back and buttocks as he never lost rhythm, repeatedly slapping you as you cried into the comforter.  You begged him to stop when you felt like you couldn’t take anymore, your backside enflamed and pussy aching from his brutality. Pentagon withdrew from you, raking his hand down your back one last time before showing you the blood covered appendage as he moved into your line of sight.  
You quivered, feeling a bolt of desire through your body as you watched his tongue dart out and lick your blood from them before he wiped his hand across your cheek. Pulling you off the bed by the hair Pentagon placed you on your knees again, stroking his cock rapidly before his cum once again coated your face.   Reaching for his belt once again, Pentagon began lashing your tits, the sting of the leather biting into your nipples as he flayed you.  You were helpless against his punishment, hands still bound tightly behind you. You hated and loved it, the sting of pain sending pulses of pleasure through you, nipples tightening during the onslaught.  Your breath started coming faster as you shifted, rubbing your thighs together as your pussy pulsed.  
The belt fell to the ground and Pentagon again spat on you before covering your face with his hand squeezing it as he smeared the cum, spit and blood around your face.  He gripped your jaw and dropped to his knees, sneering in your face as his free hand pushed between your thighs feeling your soaked pussy.  Three of his fingers shoved inside you, twisting and pushing deep as you whined.  Your pussy clamped around his hand already ready to explode as he stimulated you.
“Fucking dirty cunt.”  Pentagon growled as he stared into your eyes.  “You wanna cum?  Gonna cum all over my hand?”  He wiggled his fingers inside you and twisted his hand making you groaned loudly.  “Cum whore.”  You shattered at his words, mouth falling open in a wordless cry.  Dislodging his fingers Pentagon wiped your cum over your cheeks adding to the mess as he stood.  
“What room are you in?”  Pentagon asked as he walked towards his suitcase and rummaged in it.
“716.”  You answered watching him warily.  
Pentagon returned to your side, kneeling down with a thick black sharpie in hand.  Ignoring your questions, he wrote “Cero Miedo” in all caps across your chest before hauling you to your feet and dragging you out the door.  He kept his hand clamped over your mouth to stifle your protests before making you kneel outside the door of room 716.  
Once he was satisfied with your arrangement he knocked once on the door before sauntering down the hallway towards his own room, leaving you to be discovered by Desperado and Bushi.
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Requested by: @earl-01
Featuring: Pentagon Jr.
Word Count: 469
Warnings: man on woman violence, choking
66.          “You’re going to regret this”
The stupidest thing I had ever done was side with OVE against the Lucha Brothers.  It had seemed like a safe bet at the time.  OVE had the numbers advantage, they were on a roll and they were ruthless.  At the time things had worked out peachy.   I made a choice to advance my career and I stuck with it.   Riding high on victory and my new relationship with Dave Crist I never thought twice of the threat Pentagon Jr. had levied at me.  
“You’re going to regret this.” 
Clear as day Pentagon had issued his promise, even as he was laid out in the center of the ring courtesy of a few chair shots to the back by yours truly.   Through the pain he had managed to roll over to glare at me, his intense orbs flashing fire and promises of retribution.   I had ignored it at the time, feeling confident surrounded by OVE with the Lucha Brothers at our feet.  
Months later, and OVE had moved on from me.  Once the Lucha Brothers were vanquished Dave had no use for me and left me far behind.   As I found myself in an empty hallway face-to-face with Pentagon Jr. who clearly had not forgotten my role in the whole thing I couldn’t find a shred of that confidence I had been filled with at the time. 
For every step I took backwards, Pentagon took two forward, quickly closing the distance between as he herded me further into the bowels of the arena, away from prying eyes and witnesses.   I wanted to turn and run, but I knew it was useless.  There was no escape for me.
“Look Pentagon, I’m sorry.”  I said holding a hand out beseechingly, seeking compassion I wasn’t sure he possessed.  
“Shut up!”  Pentagon hissed.   “You’re sorry now.  Were you sorry when you were using that metal chair on me and my brother?  Or are you only sorry because your little boyfriends have abandoned you and you’re all alone?”
My retreat was halted as I backed into a concrete wall, shuddering as Pentagon invaded my personal space, his chest heaving and fire burning in his eyes that was eerily reminiscent of that night in the ring. 
“You betrayed us.”  Pentagon said, the corner of his painted lips ticking up in a sneer.  Slowly his hand raised to my throat, the gloved fingers tightening as they settled into place.  Instinctually I raised my hands to his, pulling uselessly as it while he easily pinned me to the wall. Second by second the hold tightened, my air supply quickly dwindling.
“I told you that you would regret it.”  He sneered, the last words I heard as blackness consumed me. 
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Which One?
Requested by: @monstersmaid
Featuring:  Pentagon Jr./FC/Fenix
Category:   Suggestive
Word Count: 889
Warnings:  Language, alcohol, sexual discussion, implied threesome
2.            “Pick one.”
After the show most of the MLW talent had made their way to this little bar across the street. Good music, beer and food made for a lively atmosphere and we were all having a hell of time.  By this point in the evening most of them had trickled out, heading out to their hotel beds with a warm body tucked under their arms.   A few tablefuls remained, scattered throughout the bar. 
Yawning I leaned back in the chair, my eyes heavy with sleep and alcohol. It was about time to call it a night, but I was enjoying myself immensely and not in any hurry to leave the company of Fenix and Pentagon Jr. who were seated at the little round table with me.  Fenix on my left, Pentagon on my right, both of them watching me with bright eyes.  Amusement the prevalent emotion in Fenix’s eyes, while Pentagon’s held something a bit darker than that, though his lip was curled up in a smile.  
“I’ve got a question for you seniorita,” Fenix said with a blinding smile that spoke of nothing but trouble.  “Will you answer it for me?” 
I was already shaking my head.  I was well-versed in Fenix’s little games.  I wasn’t stepping into his trap.  
“Not happening Fenix.”  I said firmly.  “I’m not promising to answer any question I haven’t heard yet.”
“I told you she was afraid Fenix,” Pentagon spoke up his raspy voice drawing my attention.  I watched him take a long pull from his beer mug, his throat moving as he swallowed suddenly feeling like my mouth had gone dry. 
“I’m not afraid.”  I contested taking a drink from my own stein.  “I’m just not stupid.” 
“I think you’re afraid.”  Fenix seconded his brother’s opinion.  “I gave you the benefit of the doubt, but you’re proving my brother correct.” 
I knew I was going to regret it, but the alcohol in me wasn’t going to let the insult to my bravado pass without challenge.
“Fine, ask me your fucking question Fenix.” I said snidely.  “I’ll answer it for you.” 
Fenix grinned triumphantly rubbing his hands together with great relish as he leaned forward, laying his forearms on the table and staring at me, the amusement in his eyes fading to something akin to what lurked in his brother's.
“Who would you rather fuck,” Fenix began his tongue caressing that dirty word like a lover’s skin. “Me or Pentagon?”   His tongue darted out, licking his lips as he watched me with an intensity that had me quivering.   
That was certainly not the question I had expected, my heart pounding as I looked back and forth between the two brothers.  Before tonight we hadn’t exchanged more than cursory words, only brought together this evening by a lack of available tables, somehow the three of us ending up together.   Sure there had been light flirting among all of us, but I hadn’t expected it to lead to anything.  
“Speak up chica,” Pentagon’s dark growl had my eyes darting to his, my teeth gnawing at my bottom lip as I got lost in his eyes.   “Which one of us do you want to fuck?  Pick one.” 
The screech of a chair on the wooden floor had me tearing my eyes away from Pentagon to see Fenix inching his chair closer, his hand reaching out land on my thigh, giving it a squeeze.  
“No cheating Fenix!”  Pentagon growled sliding his chair closer and placing his own hand on my other thigh.  
“I’m not cheating!”  Fenix protested.  “There’s no rules against touching.” 
I felt like the rope in a tug of war game as the two testosterone filled men glared at each other, Pentagon’s hand moving further up my leg, almost cupping my sex. 
“Fine then, I’ll touch too.”  Pentagon snapped rubbing his hand over my inner thigh making me whimper embarrassingly.  
“She wants me to touch her more.”  Fenix argued moving his hand up even with his brother’s.  “Don’t you princesa?” 
“I…uh…”  I stuttered not knowing quite what to say.  I couldn’t say I hadn’t thought of them both that way, but I didn’t have a preference either. 
“Please, looking at her squirming under my fingers,” Pentagon retorted making me whimper as he pushed his fingers against the crotch of my jeans.  “You want me more don’t you chica?” 
“I don’t know,” I moaned as his fingers rubbed against my crotch, Fenix’s hand pushing in and making me spread my legs wider, his own hand joining Pentagon’s movements.
“Can’t decide huh princesa?”  Fenix teased.  “Maybe you should let us take you back to our room and allow us both to present our cases.” 
Again my head swiveled between the two brothers trying to make sense of Fenix’s proposition.  I found Pentagon looking at me with expectant eyes and turned to Fenix who had a matching expression. 
“All in your hands chica.”  Pentagon said. 
I nodded my consent rising unsteadily to my feet as Fenix paid our tab and Pentagon led me from the bar with an arm over my shoulder.   As Fenix caught up and slipped his arm around my waist I felt a thrill go through me, already imagining what was going to happen when they led me through that hotel door. 
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Pentagon 2
Sequel to Pentagon requested by @empress-with-the-crown ess-with-the-crown. 
Pairing:  El Desperado/FC/Bushi/Pentagon Jr.
Category:   Little bit of smut
Word Count: 2473
Warnings: Language, oral sex
There will be one more part to this because the boys aren’t quite done butting heads yet
Two months had gone by since the incident with Bushi and Desperado over your infatuation with Pentagon Jr.  Your obsession hadn’t faded, but you had learned to hide it better.  Things had been strained for a few weeks as both Bushi and Desperado were hurt by what they saw as your betrayal, but the three of you had settled back into your rhythm and things seemed to be on track.  They finally had some time off and you all had decided to take a trip to Florida for a week’s vacation.   It was much needed and many hours had been spent lying on the beach before returning to your massive hotel suite and making love on every available surface.   You were walking with a constant delicious ache between your legs that was borderline to being painful.  
Things had been going quite smoothly and then he showed up.   All the pictures and videos in the world couldn’t have prepared you for how gorgeous he was in person.   Desperado and Bushi were enjoying a beer, eyes on the baseball game on the outdoor screens at the beachside café you were having a late dinner at.  You were immediately captivated as a rowdy group of men crowded into the outdoor patio area.  They were quite obviously wrestlers, most of them still in their gear.  You surmised a local show must have just concluded.  That would have been the end of it if your eyes hadn’t landed on him.  Your breath hitched as you saw Pentagon Jr.  in full makeup taking up a chair at their table.  
You stared transfixed for quite a while, absentmindedly drinking your cocktail as Despy and Bushi remained oblivious to your distraction.   Until they weren’t.  And that’s when everything went to hell.
“Babe!”  Bushi said for the third time turning from the TV in aggravation to see why you were ignoring him.  He expected to see you staring at those photos on your phone; the ones you thought you were so clever in hiding.  Instead he saw you staring with blatant lust at someone on the patio. Following the line of your vision his fist clenched around his beer bottle as he saw Pentagon Jr. at the other end of your gaze.  Elbowing Despy in the side he caught the other man’s attention and pointed out the source of your fascination. 
“Apparently she didn’t learn her lesson.”  Desperado said with a rueful shake of his head. 
“Apparently not.”  Bushi concurred with a slow nod.   You remained oblivious until your boyfriends rose from the table and approached the wrestlers.  You heart almost stopped as you watched Bushi greet one of the men with a hug.  You hadn’t realized he knew any of them.  You squirmed in your seat as introductions were made and Desperado and Bushi joined the table at the end next to Pentagon.  You only semi-relaxed as they seemed to be immersed in conversation and not paying Pentagon any undue attention.
It was only after they had been talking for a while, leaving you to stew with your imagination on overdrive that Desperado called you over, planting you on his lap while introducing you to those at the table.   You leaned back into his chest, head on his shoulder with his hand on your upper thigh.  Of course you couldn’t help but notice that you were sitting right next to Pentagon; close enough that your knee was practically touching his thigh.   You tried to focus on Desperado and Bushi, you really did; but you couldn’t stop your mind from wandering into naughty territory, or your eyes from staring at that thick thigh that was taunting you. 
As the evening progressed, one by one the other wrestlers disbursed while Bushi and Pentagon became engrossed in a conversation about wrestling until only the four of you remained at the table. A feeling of dread began forming in your stomach and you found yourself praying desperately for Pentagon to excuse himself and leave. However he didn’t seem so inclined, conversing with your boys about their excursions in Mexico. The wait staff delivered another bucket of beers and then left your group to itself on the patio.  Desperado’s hand crept higher up your thigh and you stiffened in his hold as he cupped your crotch, heat seeping through your pants.  You glanced nervously at Pentagon hoping he wasn’t paying attention to Desperado’s actions, but of course he was. 
You were caught off guard when Desperado suddenly pushed you off his lap, making you fall to your knees at Bushi’s feet.  Humiliation burned through you as Pentagon watched with the action with a bemused expression.  Bushi laid his hand on the top of your head tapping his fingers in a condescending manner as you kept your eyes firmly on the ground.  You couldn’t believe they were doing this to you.  In front of him no less.  Scratch that, you could believe it.  You knew exactly what they were doing.  They were going to humiliate you as further punishment for your disrespect. 
Bushi’s fingers threaded through your hair and your head was pulled back, forcing you to look right up at Pentagon as his expression shifted from bemused to disgust.   He looked between Bushi and Desperado as he gained an understanding of the situation.
“She is the woman of you both?”  Pentagon asked looking between the two men with curiosity.
“She is.”  Desperado confirmed.
“Perhaps you’d like me to leave so you can get back to whatever this fucked up arrangement is.”  Pentagon began to rise, stilling as Desperado raised a hand.
“We’d actually like you to stay.  You are after all the reason we joined your table. We’re offering to share her with you.”  Bushi said.  Pentagon’s eyes widened, and he looked from Bushi to Desperado before looking down at you.
“I ain’t interested.” Pentagon said shaking his head immediately.  Whatever these three cabrons were up to he was pretty sure he wanted nothing to do with it. 
“What’s the matter Pentagon?  You aren’t into fucking hot chicks?”  Desperado challenged with a smirk.
Pentagon’s lip hitched up in a sneer and his fist clenched as he glared at Desperado. 
“I fuck hot women all the time.  I don’t need to play with one who already has two men at her side.  What’s the matter puta, two dicks not enough for you?” Pentagon asked you. 
“It’s simple.  She belongs to us.  Though she seems to have forgotten that.” Bushi stepped in seeing things about to fall off the rails.  In order for their plan to work he needed Desperado to reign in his temper.  “We want her to get you out of her system so we can move on with our lives.” 
“And it’s necessary that you two be present for that to happen?”  Pentagon asked. 
“We aren’t just letting you take her by yourself.” Bushi said firmly.  “She’s ours.”
“You’re telling us you’ve never shared a woman?” Desperado asked incredulously.
“I share whores.  I don’t share my woman.”  Pentagon said flatly.
“Well, our woman is a whore, so that’s a non-issue.  And she’s not your woman so why do you care?”  Bushi said bluntly making your face flame red as Pentagon’s attention focused on you.
“I suppose I don’t.”  He asked, his blue eyes piercing as they stared down at you. 
“We’re offering her to you on a silver platter.  Something that doesn’t happen very often.  But she can’t seem to get you off her mind so we’re driven to unconventional methods.  Tell him what you want to do to him.”  Bushi said giving you a shove on the shoulder.  You looked up at him trying to shake your head in denial but unable to do so in his grasp.  Knowing there was no way out of what he wanted you to do your shoulders slumped in defeat.  You knew exactly what he wanted you to say.  Desperado and Bushi had made you tell them in very explicit detail what you wanted Pentagon to do to you, and what you wanted to do to him.  Repeatedly.  They knew very well.  
“I want to fuck you.” You said softly already knowing they weren’t going to let you get away with that simple explanation.  
“Oh, come on babe.  You can do better than that. Did you forget what you told us?”  Desperado asked nudging you with his foot.  ‘You remember when you had the leash on?  You didn’t forget did ya?  Remember how Bushi’s belt made your ass bleed while you choked on my cock?”
 “I remember!” You shouted glaring up at him.
“Then look him in the fucking face and tell him.”  Bushi snapped yanking on your hair again to force you to look at Pentagon’s face.  Pentagon who looked entirely unamused by your entire exchange.   
“I want you.  I want to suck your cock and choke on it.  I want you to fuck me hard and deep.  I want your hand around my throat and you to pull my hair.  I want to feel you deep inside my pussy.  I want you to do anything you want to me.”  You said quietly feeling the flush of embarrassment rising through you as you held Pentagon’s gaze.
“So you want what every other ring rat wants.”  Pentagon said staring down at you with disgust evident on his face.  “Same words I hear from every other slut wanting my dick.”  He looked between Desperado and Bushi.  “She’s a whore.  Why would you make her your woman?  Just fuck her and be done with it.  Why would you keep her?” 
Shame filled you at his sharp words, eyes closing as you couldn’t bear to look at his disdain any more.  
“She has her uses.”  Desperado said after a moment that dragged entirely too long for your liking.  “But we’re getting off track here.   We’re not asking you to make her your woman.  Just this one time and you can go on your merry way.”  
“We want her to get you out of her system.  Obviously something has her hung up on you so we want you to fuck it out.”  Bushi said. 
“So what you want to watch?”  Pentagon smirked.  “Maybe teach you a thing or two on how to properly fuck her?”
“We fuck her just fine thank you.”  Desperado retorted with a sneer.
“Obviously not since she’s drooling over my dick.”  Pentagon chuckled.   “Maybe I’ll just take her.  Use her up and send her back to ya.”  
“Maybe you can go to hell.”  Desperado spat starting to rise to his feet, but stilling as Bushi raised his hand.
“Settle down Desperado.”  Bushi said with smirk.  “Remember what were trying to accomplish here.”  He looked meaningfully at Desperado.  Message received but still angry Desperado glared at Pentagon, arms folded crossly over his chest.  
“Good move coño.”  Pentagon said with a grin.  This was fun.  He was enjoying antagonizing these two men.  Though Bushi wasn’t giving him much, Desperado’s reactions were enough to entertain him for now.  He’d either end up fighting or fucking tonight.  Both wins as far as he was concerned.   He glanced down at you grin fading into a sneer.  He didn’t have much use for whores.  Sure they were fun on occasion, but if he wanted that he had plenty of rats hanging around the ring when he was done for the night.  A woman who regularly gave herself to two men was a different animal.  One who wasn’t satisfied with the two she had.  Wanted to add him to her little stable. Fuck that. He bet if he shoved his fingers up her cunt right now she’d be dripping.  She could put on all the airs she wanted.  He could tell she was enjoying every second of this. 
Pentagon took another long look at the woman being offered to him.  She was beautiful, no question about that.   He’d bet she would look real good choking on his dick.   Pentagon mused silently trying to decide if he was in the mood for a fight or a fuck.   Maybe he should take her for a test drive, see if she held his attention. 
“Suck my dick.” Penta said bluntly, hands already loosening the belt on his wrestling tights as you watched with widened eyes that darted around the empty patio.   Bushi gave you a shove in the back making you fall towards Pentagon who now had his cock in his fist, slowly pumping it as it hardened.  You swallowed nervously as you saw just how thick and long he was, much thicker than you had imagined in your fantasies.   With one last wary glance at your two lovers you reached out a hesitant hand, wrapping it around Pentagon’s cock above his own fist.  
Releasing his dick Penta grabbed the back of your head and pushed you onto his cock, immediately making you gag as he invaded your mouth with no care for your comfort. You finally got to feel those thighs you had been fantasizing about as your hands struggled for purchase, fingers digging into his flesh as he ravaged your throat.  Finally with a grunt he yanked you off and shoved you back, making you land on your ass at Bushi’s feet. 
Penta stood with a sneer and tucked himself back in his pants. 
“I’ve had better.”  He said turning on his heel and leaving through the patio gate without a backwards glance.  
“That’s certainly not how I expected that to turn out.”  Bushi said as Pentagon disappeared into the darkness.  Recovering your breath you sat down in Pentagon’s vacated seat.  The door to the patio opened and the waiter appeared placing to checks down on the table and making his retreat as Desperado cursed loudly.
“Did that son of a bitch leave us with his tab?” Desperado said in disbelief while Bushi could do little but laugh.  Pentagon had some balls on him.  Bushi would give him that much.  
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Requested by @empress-with-the-crown
Pairing:  El Desperado/FC/Bushi
Category:   Smut
Word Count: 2100
Warnings: Smut, spanking, verbal humiliation, punishment
42.          “Are you trying to get me to punish you?”
Things had been going well in your relationship.  Unconventional though it may be.   For seven months now you had been dating both Bushi and El Desperado.  It had been a bit rocky at first, but eventually the three of you had settled into a rhythm that worked for all of you.  They were both busy men, but their schedules seemed to work out perfectly so you always had attention from at least one of them.  Though you would willingly admit your favorite times were when both of them were around.  They liked to share and you liked to be shared and that led to some wild nights.   You were definitely needy and they were more than happy to shower you with the attention you craved. 
Then Battle of the Super Juniors happened.  You loved your boys and you wanted the best for them, so you were thrilled that they were both in the tournament.  What you weren’t thrilled about was the schedule.  The tour consisted of a lot of traveling and both of them being on the road for weeks, leaving you alone.   Which meant many lonely nights with nothing but video calls to sate your needs.   It had been three nights since you had talked to either one of them.  Just a text here and there.  You understood.   You really did. Their respective stables were clashing and tempers were flaring.  They were being run ragged.  Understanding didn’t stop you from getting antsy.  You were restless and bored. 
Boredom led to you mindlessly surfing on Youtube and watching wrestling clips of your two men.  Watching them in the ring always got you hot and bothered, especially when they were against each other.  The way Bushi taunted Despy with a grin, the way Despy always lost his temper and went full throttle usually with bad results.  It excited you and usually you were the beneficiary of their aggression when they came home and spent the night proving who was the best to you. 
As you were searching for videos your attention kept being drawn to one particular thumbnail in the recommended videos.  You weren’t sure what about it caught your attention but time and again it showed up and your eyes kept drifting down.  Finally your curiosity won out and you clicked on the link next to the man in the black and white mask.   From there you were lost, watching every video you could get your hands on of Pentagon Jr.   You had a thing for aggressive masked men and he fit that description to a T.   Hardcore matches, street fights, death matches you watched them all.   His voice sent shivers through you and his cold blue eyes made you feel things that made you a bit ashamed.  
You felt extremely guilty as more than once you brought yourself pleasure to thoughts of him.  He had his hooks in you good and you were crushing hard; following his social media accounts and stalking them like a junkie.  
Finally BOSJ was done with and your boys were back home and on a less hectic schedule.  Unfortunately that didn’t lessen your newfound obsession with Pentagon.  As things as things settled back to normal you were back to ingesting anything you could find on Pentagon.  You had thought Bushi was bad with the social media teasing, but he had nothing on Pentagon.   You were practically hypnotized as you watched his instastory over and over again, staring at that tongue he stuck out.
It was only a matter of time before your two lovers noticed your distraction and found out about your obsession.  What you didn’t expect was for them to take it quite so personally that you were infatuated by another masked man.  You should’ve been paying more attention, but you couldn’t drag your eyes from the screen, allowing Bushi to appear without your notice. 
“What has you so hot and bothered?”  Bushi asked coming up behind you and wrapping his arms around your shoulders, pressing a kiss into the side of your neck.  You weren’t quick enough at exiting and Bushi got a glimpse of the gym photo of Pentagon you had been drooling over.  He reached for the phone and you reluctantly handed it to him, cheeks heating as you imagined what Bushi was seeing as he flicked through your phone.   You really had meant to delete all those photos as soon as you had uploaded them. 
You could feel the anger setting into Bushi as the arm still around your shoulders tightened until it was pressed against your throat.  You followed his lead as he pulled you to your feet, moving you around the chair until you were pressed firm against his body, his hand clenching lightly on your throat but not constricting the air yet. 
“Care to explain?”  Bushi asked, his breath hot on your ear.  Your mind raced as you tried to come up with an explanation that wasn’t going to land you in hotter water than you were at the moment.  
“They’re nothing.  Just some pics.  They don’t mean anything.”  You mumbled, wincing because you knew it was a pathetic excuse and not going to help your situation.  “I was just looking.” 
“Just looking at another man.”  Bushi hissed.  “What’s the matter?  Two of us not enough?  Are we not satisfying you?” 
You kept silent. There was no answer that wasn’t going to land you in deeper trouble.  As much as you wanted to protest and assure him, you knew he was not in the frame of mind to accept that.  
“Answer me.”  He growled his fist tightening making it more difficult for you to breathe.  You shook your head in denial.  “I said answer me. Are you trying to get me to punish you?” 
“You’re going to punish me anyways.”  You gasped out before thinking twice, immediately regretting it as your air supply was completely cut off.  The front door opened and Desperado entered and immediately stopped, surveying the scene in front of him as he kicked the door shut behind him.
“Looks like somebody’s in trouble.”  Desperado said walking towards the two of you with a grin.  “What did you do beautiful?”  Bushi tossed your phone to him and Desperado took his time glancing through your gallery as Bushi released your throat and pushed you onto all fours.   “Lusting after another masked man are we sweetheart?”  Desperado asked after completing his perusal, his grin dropping as he glared at you.  “Are we not fucking you enough that you have to look elsewhere?”
“I’m still waiting for an answer to that question.” Bushi told him.  “She’s refusing to answer.”   
“That leads me to believe we’re lacking.”  Desperado said kneeling down in front of your face, hand reaching out to clench around your jaw.   “If we were satisfying her she would tell us so.” 
“You are…” You tried to tell them that you were happy and well satisfied but were cut off by Despy slapping his hand over your mouth.
“No.  You had your chance to talk.  You lost that privilege.”  Desperado said removing his hand and rising to stand.  “Crawl to the bedroom and wait for us.”   
Head hanging you slowly crawled across the marble flooring and down the hall towards your bedroom feeling the weight of their stares on you as you moved.   Once there you stripped before kneeling again with your hands behind your back and eyes lowered.   
They entered silently, startling you when Bushi spoke.
“Have you cum to him?”  He asked mincing no words.  You hung your head further, shame coursing through you, giving Bushi all the answer he needed.  Desperado’s hand grabbed your hair and twisted it around his fist, forcing you to look up at Bushi who was staring down at you with hurt and disappointment in his eyes. 
“Which one was it honey?   Which of these pictures had you squirming for Pentagon?”  Bushi asked, idly flipping through the photos.  “Or was it one of these many, many videos you have of him?”  Your eyes widened as it sunk in that they knew a lot more than you thought. 
He pressed play on one of them and held it in front of your face. 
“Touch yourself.  I want to watch you get yourself off to him.”  Bushi commanded. 
“I…don’t want to Bushi.  Please, I’m sorry.”  You entreated. 
“Isn’t that what you want?  For him to make you cum?  For him to fuck you? Wishing for your little boyfriend to give you his cock.”  Desperado taunted you. 
“He’s not my boyfriend.  I don’t even know him.”  You argued.  “It was just a stupid crush.  I was lonely while you were gone.  It doesn’t mean anything.”
Bushi lightly tapped your cheek with his palm a condescending smile on his face.
“We may be inclined to let it slide if that’s all it was.”  He said.  “Yet here we are weeks later with both Despy and I here lavishing you with attention and you’re still staring at your phone all the time. Saving more pictures and videos.” 
“Did you think we didn’t notice?”  Desperado took up as Bushi fell silent.  “You think we didn’t see all those smiles?  Were we too stupid to understand when you approached us pussy dripping down your thighs after watching him?  How do you think that makes us feel?  That we were nothing more than a means to get off after you were lusting over someone else.”  
“I wasn’t cheating on you! I told you I don’t know him.” You argued. 
“You may as well have.”  Bushi sneered.   “How many times have you wished it was him fucking you while you were with one of us?  Were you imagining him fucking you when I took you from behind?” 
“Or wishing it was his cock as you squeezed your eyes shut as I fucked you?”  Desperado asked. 
“Well here’s your chance baito.” Bushi sneered. “You can think about whatever you want while we’re fucking you.  Go ahead and call us Pentagon.  Cum all over our cocks while thinking about him.”   You were pulled to your feet by the hair, Desperado pushing you to bend over the end of the bed.  
Desperado climbed on the bed and knelt in front of you, pulling his thick cock free of his pants and pushing it against your lips.  
“Do you want this to be Pentagon’s dick?”  Desperado asked as he pushed it into your mouth. 
“Or do you want this to be?”  Bushi asked thrusting his cock inside your cunt with a brutal snap of his hips. 
“What is it slut?  Do you want to fuck him or suck him?”  Desperado asked as he rammed into your throat. 
“You’re such a fucking whore.  Do you think you would be satisfied with one man?”  Bushi asked thrusting deep into you.   “You think Pentagon would share you?  He does have a brother.  You think he would let his brother fuck your face while he takes your pussy?” 
You cast pleading eyes up at Desperado as the men mercilessly used you hoping he would take it easy on you to no avail.  
“Stupid fucking girl, lusting over what she can’t have.”  Desperado sneered down at you.   “You think Pentagon would be interested in a used up slut?  He’d be disgusted by you.”  
Shame coursed through you at his degrading words, your cunt shuddering around Bushi’s dick as you felt yourself closing in on orgasm as the two worked you to perfection, knowing as they always did exactly what to say to drive you over the edge.  
Bushi’s hand landed with a sharp thwack across your bottom as you came around him, moaning against Desperado’s cock as Bushi spanked you repeatedly.  Your ass felt like it was on fire as he didn’t let up on the slaps until his seed spilled inside you and Desperado filled your mouth.   Pulling out of you Desperado joined Bushi at the foot of the bed, the two glaring as you peeked over your shoulder at them. 
“You stay right like that.  We’re not done with you yet.”  Bushi commanded and the two left the room, leaving you bent over the bed, red ass in the air wondering what they had in store for you. 
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Requested by: @monstersmaid
Featuring:  Pentagon Jr./FC/Fenix
Category:   fluff
Word Count: 596
Warnings: none really, mentions of violence
39.          “Who hurt you?”
Fenix the voracious bouncy energetic one with a ready smile and friend to everyone.  Pentagon, the surly one with a permanent scowl with a short temper and even shorter fuse. Together they formed the Lucha Bros tag team, a formidable force against any opponent.  I knew they had many championships between them, singles and tag, and were widely regarded as two of the best luchadores in the business.  However, that was the extent of my knowledge.  Nevertheless I was fascinated by them.   I lurked in the shadows when they were near, too shy to actually speak to them, but I did my part to make sure they were well taken care of. 
They didn’t seem to have anyone other than each other, so I would make sure to put fresh waters in their locker after their matches and I had learned their favorite snacks and snuck a few into their bags.   Little things I thought would make their day a bit better and made me feel good.   I didn’t think they knew who their mysterious benefactor was, if they did there was never any indication from them.   
I didn’t even think they knew I existed.  My job didn’t require me to interact with the talent, so I kept a wide berth.   I had no doubt if I had crossed his path that Fenix would have greeted me warmly.  Pentagon I wasn’t so sure of, but I had an inkling that beneath that angry exterior there was a softer side.   I might get a grunt or nod from him.  
It wasn’t until I came into work with a broken wrist and busted eye that I learned they had known all along that it was me and were apparently now my self-appointed protectors.  Before my purse was even in my makeshift desk they were at my side startling me with their presence. 
Fenix shifted me to face him, carefully looking over my injuries with concern bright in his brown eyes. 
“Who hurt you?” Pentagon growled his face a picture of anger.  “Tell them where they are we’ll show them why it was a bad idea to put hands on you.”  
“Si Hermosa,” Fenix chimed in.  “Tell us.  We’ll make them pay.” 
The sudden interaction had me confused and it took a moment for me to realize what they assumed.  Looking from one brother to the other, each radiating anger and looking ready to murder someone on my behalf I didn’t know whether to laugh at the absurdity or cry at how sweet they were.” 
“You guys, I appreciate you rushing to my defense.”  I told them.  “I really do.  But there’s no vengeance needed.  Thank you.”
They exchanged a glance before Pentagon spoke once again.
“You don’t have to protect anyone.  We won’t let them hurt you.” 
This time I did chuckle a little making them frown.
“The only person you could beat up for hurting me is me.”  I told them giggling at the confusion that spread on their faces.  “I got in a car accident.  I rear-ended someone.  Completely my fault. No big bad guy, just a bad a driver.” 
Their shoulders deflated and they sighed and I could tell they were really upset there was no one to hurt on my behalf. 
“Lighten up guys.  I piss people off all the time.  I’m sure someone will come along that you two can set straight for me.”   I said with a laugh.  “Now if you’ll excuse me I do have work to do.” 
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Pairing:  Fenix/FC/Pentagon Jr.
Thanks to @monstersmaid for the concept.  I hope it came out alright
Category:   Smut
Word Count: 2392
Warnings: Threesome, rough sex, spanking, whipping, language
You giggled as Pentagon wrapped his arms around your waist on the outskirts of the crowded dance floor, his warm skin searing the bare flesh of your back as he pressed against you.  You had been dancing well into your cups and feeling no pain. You sighed, hands raising over your head to grasp the back of Pentagon’s as his lips attached to your neck.  When he bit into the soft skin you felt it all the way to your core, grinding your ass into his groin.
“Tonight we’re going to have some fun amante.”  Pentagon whispered into your ear as he pulled away from your neck. “You want to have some fun?” 
You nodded against his chest your eyes starting to drift closed as you tried to imagine what he could have in mind.  You had only been seeing each other for a couple of months, the time you had together seriously impacted by his insane travel schedule. Instead you found your attention focused at the bar just a few feet away, your movements slowing as you saw another masked man leaning against it, his eyes firmly on you.   It wasn’t so much the mask that caught your attention, but his face which was painted identical to Penta’s.  In the dark night club you could almost mistake him for Pentagon were it not for the different style masks the two wore.  You squinted trying to get a better look, something about the man drawing you in.
“Something catch your eye over there Cariña?” Pentagon growled noticing your lack of attention. 
“No Penta,” You denied quickly wincing as the hold around your waist tightened. 
“Are you sure about that?  Cause you’re looking at my brother as if you want to fuck him.” Penta asked, his movements slowing until you were at a standstill on the dance floor. 
“That’s your brother?”  You gasped unable to stop yourself from looking at him again trying to note similarities between the two men but finding it difficult due to the combination of the amount of alcohol you had consumed and the dark lighting in the club. 
“Sí Cariña that is my brother Fenix you are lusting after.” Pentagon affirmed.
“I’m not lusting after him.” You protested weakly knowing full well that you had been.  “He just caught my attention, that’s all.”
 “So I’ve noticed.”  Penta murmured.  “As has he.”  He shifted you in his arms turning you around to face him his hands resting on your hips.  You stared up into his cold countenance feeling a chill as you felt trapped in his cold blue eyes.  You stiffened as another pair of hands appeared on your hips, resting in the curve of your waist just above Penta’s.  Based on Penta’s lack of reaction you guessed it was Fenix touching you.
“What’s…what’s going on Penta?” You asked, voice shaking with nerves as Fenix’s fingers teased over your stomach. 
“I told you we were going to have fun tonight.” Penta said.  “At least Fenix and I are.”  The two men chuckled and Fenix pressed himself against your back trapping you between the two brothers on the dance floor.
“How well you perform will determine how much fun you get to have.”  Fenix whispered into your ear, his tongue flicking out over your lobe.  You were torn between excitement and apprehension as Penta and Fenix simultaneously stepped back from you, Penta grabbing your hand and leading you off the dance floor as Fenix followed along behind. 
No words were spoken as the three of you crossed the street to your hotel and into the elevator.  As soon as the doors slid closed Penta abruptly released your hand, pushing you into Fenix’s arms.  You found yourself staring wide-eyed into his face, dark eyes flashing with a familiar fire that reminded you of Pentagon.  You couldn’t help but wonder just how similar the two were. 
His hands were on your hips, stroking you with his thumbs as the elevator lurched slowly towards your destination. Fenix lowered his mouth to yours and you gladly surrendered, hands moving to his thick shoulders and parting your lips as his tongue entered your mouth.  You melted into the kiss, Fenix’s talented tongue making your knees week and core throb.   You whimpered when he pulled away as the elevator stopped at your floor.
This time Fenix lead as Penta followed along. As you entered the room you reached to flick on the lights but found your hand caught by Fenix.
“No lights.”  Penta said moving towards the bathroom to switch on that light, leaving the door open a crack.  “This is all we need.”  You didn’t have time to ponder what they were up to as Fenix pulled your back flush with his body, brushing your hair to the side and bringing his lips to your neck.  Penta approached his hands reaching for the neckline of your low cut dress and ripping it right down the middle. 
“Penta!” You yelled. “You can’t just rip my dress.  I just bought that.” 
“What are you going to do about it?”  Pentagon with a challenging grin that had you backing down.  Challenging Penta never ended well. Seeing your submission Penta pushed the tattered dress down your shoulders to fall on the floor followed by your panties, leaving you nude before them. 
Fenix’s hands roamed up your body cupping your breasts and pinching your nipples sharply eliciting a cry of pain from you before he shoved you away from his body making you land on your knees in front of the now nude Pentagon.  Immediately his fist wrapped around your hair pulling your face to his cock and pushing it past your lips.      
Penta’s hips bucked into your mouth, lodging in your throat repeatedly and making you gag around him, your nails digging into his muscular thighs as spit pooled in your mouth and dripped out of your lips.  Fenix knelt behind you on the floor left hand resting on your hip as he moved his right between your thighs.  He said something to Penta in their native tongue both men laughing and making you flush.  You had no clue what was said but Fenix’s tone and the derisive laughter told you it wasn’t something flattering. 
Fenix’s fingers strummed along your slit, easily gliding through your juices before two fingers were pushed into your waiting heat.  You moaned around Penta’s cock as Fenix curled his fingers inside you, twisting and thrusting his hand rapidly into your moist cunt. 
Your hips thrust back in time with Fenix’s movements while you struggled to breathe through your nose as Penta’s hips battered your face.   Your lips stung from the force of his movements and you cast pleading eyes up at him begging for relief from his barrage.   Your pleas fell on deaf ears, instead bringing more snap to his hips as he stared down at you with a smirk as he watched your struggles. 
Fenix’s fingers curled inside you once again and his thumb rubbed rough circles over your clit making you groan around Penta’s cock.   Penta’s thrusts stilled with your nose to his groin, holding you in place by the hair watching you with his dark eyes as unshed tears glittered in your eyes.  Finally he pulled free of your throat and rammed his cock quickly in and out of your mouth, grunting with a final thrust as his seed coated your tongue. 
You gasped in deep breaths as your head hung while you tried to recover from Penta’s rough use.  Penta stretched out on the bed, intense eyes focused on you and Fenix.
“Eyes on me,” Penta commanded as Fenix resumed his movements, long thick fingers twisting and curling inside your heat making you whimper as pleasure built up inside you.   A third finger was added, stretching your hole as Fenix moved his fingers inside you with harsh thrusts.   You rocked to meet his hand, soft whines leaving your lips as he pushed hard on your clit and fucked you with his fingers.   Your head dropped to the floor, wordless cries echoing through the room as you chased after your orgasm until you were yanked back onto all fours by Fenix’s fist in your hair.
“I believe my brother said eyes on him.”  Fenix growled forcing you to look back at Penta who was idly stroking his cock as he watched you fall apart for his brother.  Feeling yourself about to come undone you looked desperately at Penta.
“Can I cum?”  You ground out on a gasp as Fenix pushed deep inside you.  “Please?” 
“No.” Penta said sharply.  “You don’t get to cum tonight.” 
“Why not?” You whined, disappointment making you foolish enough to question Penta’s directive.  Your response was a solid slap to the ass as he released your hair and pulled his fingers free.  Pentagon climbed off the bed and grabbed a hold of your hair, arching your neck back at an awkward angle as Fenix pressed his glistening fingers into your mouth and leaned down to your ear.
“Because sluts who can’t tell one brother from the other don’t get to cum.”  Fenix said biting your ear hard making you whimper.  Your head darted up confusion marring your features as you looked from one man to the other. 
“Whose cock did you suck?” Pentagon asked kneeling down by your other ear.
“Yours.” You stuttered. 
“And who am I?”  He inquired.  “I’d choose carefully if I were you.”  Your eyes darted back and forth between the men not able to get a clear look due to the angle Penta had your head held at. 
Your mind raced trying to figure out what game they were playing.  He was Penta.  You were sure of it.  But what if he wasn’t? Why would he be asking if he was Penta?  You chewed on your bottom lip trying to outthink the brothers.  Maybe he was trying to get you to say he was Fenix so he could punish you. 
“You’re Penta.”  You said with more confidence than you felt. 
“Wrong.”  Fenix growled in your ear.  “Yo soy Pentagon.  And you my dear are in for a world of hurt.”  Your heart sunk in your chest at his response, knowing any chance of a good for you was now long gone.   Reluctantly you allowed the real Pentagon to pull you to your feet and bend you over the bed, ass high in the air before he walked over to his back and pulled out his leather belt. 
“I think I should be the one to punish her.”  Fenix said flashing you a naughty grin and giving you a slap on the ass.   “I am the one who played you so perfectly your own woman didn’t know it wasn’t you.” 
Penta looked from the belt in his hands to his brother before shrugging and handing it over.
“Let’s see what you’ve got.”  Penta said moving to the bed and crawling to kneel in front of your face.  He rubbed the tip of his hard cock along your swollen lips then sliding his length into your mouth.
“I’m gonna make her cry more than you ever have.” Fenix taunted stepping behind you and giving a soft slap to your ass with the belt. 
“Please.”  Penta scoffed as he pushed your head down further on his cock.  “You don’t have what it takes cabron.” 
The blow was so fast and unexpected, ripping into your flesh and making you scream around Penta’s cock.  Fenix gave Penta a cocky grin making his brother roll his eyes as he tried not to look impressed as Fenix landed four more blows that had tears streaming down your face.  Baby bro had picked up a few tricks since the last time they had played together. 
Pulling his cock out of your mouth Penta encircled it with his hand and rubbed the tip over your cheeks collecting your tears before shoving it back into your mouth.  You grimaced at the salty taste of your tears as Penta shoved into your throat, struggling to muffle your cries as Fenix continued battering your bottom. 
You cried in relief when Fenix threw the belt on the floor until his hands landed on your ass with another firm slap before he guided his cock into your pussy.   You whimpered around Penta’s cock as Fenix thrust deep inside you raking his nails over your tender flesh, his every stroke forcing Penta deeper into your throat once again making drool fall from your lips. 
“Good, but not quite good enough brother.  She does not sing for you as she does for me.”  Penta taunted giving a sharp thrust of his hips that had you gagging on his thickness once again.   As Penta pulled himself from your mouth Fenix took the opportunity to rake his nails from your shoulders to your hips leaving angry red welts on your flesh and making you scream so loudly Penta had to slap a hand over your mouth.  He glared at Fenix who shrugged unrepentantly and slammed himself deep inside you once again. 
“You mean like that?”  Fenix asked with a laugh as Penta flipped him the middle finger and focused on you rather than his pain in the ass brother. 
For the next several hours you were used like a ragdoll between the tumultuous men, each trying to outdo the other as they fucked you from both ends leaving you a worn out mess when they finally deemed themselves satisfied.  You lay panting on the bed as Fenix dressed the two brothers talking in rapid fire Spanish you had no hopes of understanding before Penta clapped him on the back with a smile and walked him to the door.   Once Fenix was gone Penta turned to you his cold glare sending chills down your spine.  How you could have ever mistaken him for Fenix, even wearing the Bird of War’s mask, you didn’t know.  Just looking in his eyes you knew exactly who he was and just how angry he was at you.
“You sang so pretty for mi hermano.” Penta said walking towards the bed, leaning down to pick up the belt discarded by Fenix.  “I guess I have to teach you a new song.” 
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ghostofviperwrites · 5 years
Time to Play
Pairing:  Fenix/FC/Pentagon
Category:   Smut
Word Count:1656
Warnings: Threesome, language
Continuation of Watching
“I don’t know about this Fenix…maybe I should go.”  Carly said unable to drag her eyes away from the hard man leaning on the bed, looking larger than life.  He scared and intimidated her.  Had all day if she was honest, yet there was something magnetic about him that wouldn’t let her look away.   As much as she wanted Fenix, there was a part deep inside her that was intrigued and aroused by the moody brother. 
“You don’t want to go, princesa” Fenix murmured against her lips, maneuvering her body around to his bed.  Carly allowed Fenix to lay her on her back, lifting her hips as he stripped off her skirt and panties leaving her bare to both of their views.  “Don’t you want my tongue buried in that pretty pussy of yours?”  Fenix kneeled between her legs, darting his tongue out to lick along her inner thigh making Carly’s breath hitch. 
“but what if I don’t want him to join?” she asked trying to make her voice audible to only Fenix, chancing a glance at Pentagon a stab of disappointment hitting her stomach as he seemed utterly focused on the TV, not paying her the slightest bit of attention.
“Then don’t beg.” Fenix said with a shrug and lazy smile, nibbling at her inner thigh as he made his way to the apex of her thighs.  His tongue licked along his lips as he approached her soaking folds.  “Probably in your best interest not to.  Penta doesn’t react well to begging.” 
Any chance of responding was lost when Fenix swiped his tongue along her folds and sucked her clit between his teeth nibbling playfully at her little nub before pressing a kiss to it.   Carly’s eyes closed and her head fell back as Fenix slowly teased her pussy with his fingers and tongue burying his face between her thighs until his chin glistened with her juices and Carly was thrashing in his grip.  Tightening his hold on her buttocks Fenix kept up the pressure on her cunt jabbing his tongue at her clit as Carly moaned loudly through the room. Sliding fingers inside her Fenix thrust and curled them inside her as he sucked on her swollen clit pressing his tongue hard on the nub making Carly climax.  Freeing his fingers Fenix stared at her as he licked her juices from each finger then lowered his tongue to her pussy and darted it inside her pulsing hole cleaning out her cream and licking his lips. 
“I think I want you on all fours chica, get on your knees.”  Fenix demanded as he pushed onto his knees giving Carly a light tap on the thigh to get her moving. 
Again Carly found herself looking over towards Pentagon feeling irrationally pleased when she found him staring at her, his dark intense eyes trailing over her body before he spat something at his brother in their native language making Fenix laugh loudly and stick the middle finger up at his brother. 
“What did he say?”  Carly couldn’t help but ask looking from one brother to the other. 
“He thinks I’m being too nice to you.  That you should be choking on cock instead of getting your pussy eaten.”  Fenix said. 
Carly stared wide eyed at Pentagon while he simply smirked and turned his attention back to the television.  She followed Fenix’s directions as he positioned her on all fours so she was staring at Pentagon while he kneeled behind her.  She gasped as the head of Fenix’s cock drug along her slit before pushing inside her, Fenix’s hand resting on the curve of her waist as he guided his dick inside her.  
“Eyes on Penta chica,” Fenix said.  “Make him want to watch you.”  Carly raised her head finding herself staring again into Penta’s intense eyes her breath catching in her throat as Fenix thrust into her.  Being watched was more exciting that she had imagined, feeling her pussy soaking Fenix as he fucked her while she stared at his brother, her eyes left his trailing down his thick body and focusing on the bulge between his thighs.  Her tongue out, licking her lips as she imagined that thick cock filling her mouth. 
She yelped when Fenix grabbed a handful of hair and pulled her back to his chest, leaving her completely exposed to Penta’s wandering gaze, her nipples tightening as he stared at her tits and grabbed his crotch roughly gripping himself through his pants. 
“You want his cock don’t you Carly?”  Fenix breathed into her ear, his breath hot as he fucked hard up into her cunt. 
“Yes.” She sputtered her eyes glued to the hand on his cock.  
“Ask him,” Fenix whispered encouragement in her ear, free hand reaching around to grab her breast, squeezing it as he told her all the dirty things the two would do to her if she only begged. 
“Please?”  She implored Pentagon. “Can I touch you?”  Carly mewled in disappointment when Pentagon sharply shook his head with a sneer.  Her breath caught as Penta slid his hand beneath his waist band, watching as he began stroking his cock.  Long sure strokes that only proved to her just how big he was, the grunts passing his lips driving her delirious. 
“Penta please?” She begged again. “Please let me taste you.  Let me suck your cock.  I promise it’ll be so much better than your hand.  Carly cried out as Fenix pushed her back down on all fours and bottomed out inside her, his hand slapping sharply on her firm ass making her rock back against him. 
“You want to suck my cock while you fuck my brother?”  Penta growled rising from the bed.  “Is that what you want puta? Need to men to satisfy you?” 
Carly reached for him, begging him to come closer so she could touch his cock, feeling him in her mouth.  
Again a rapid exchange of Spanish took place as Pentagon pushed his pants to the ground and fisted his cock in front of her. 
“You don’t touch me.”  Penta snapped as he brushed the head of his cock over her lips.  “Keep your hands to yourself.”  Carly nodded against his dick, promising to keep her hands on the bed as she opened her mouth wide. 
She was completely unprepared for Penta to simply breech her mouth with one thrust burying his cock in her throat and immediately making her gag and choking around him.  Her eyes bulged and fingers curled into the bedspread as she tried to breathe through her nose as Fenix began snapping his hips faster against her driving her forward onto Penta’s dick with each thrust.  Penta’s hands went to her hair, grabbing two handfuls and controlling her head movements with sharp tugs, burying the head of his cock in her throat and holding her against this pelvis until drool was leaking from her mouth and tears streaming down her cheeks.  Only then would he pull out enough for her to suck in air and beg him to enter her mouth again.  
With a muffled string of curses Fenix pulled out of her.
“Inercambiar” Fenix muttered and the two brothers seamlessly switched places, Fenix ramming into her throat and immediately spurting his hot seed on her tongue.  “Don’t swallow” he growled as he finished, sliding his cock out of her mouth.  “You don’t swallow until mi hermano is through with you.”  He gripped her chin and tipped her head back as Pentagon slammed his cock into her.  “Comprende?” 
Carly nodded frantically struggling not to swallow Fenix’s cum as Pentagon rammed repeatedly into her cunt stretching it almost painfully yet making a coil form in her belly that had her moaning in her throat.   Penta’s fingers dug into her hips, leaving deep red indents as he pounded away, sure to leave bruises on her pale skin.  Carly pushed back to meet his thrusts her head falling forward onto the comforter as he used her without mercy.   A garbled scream tore through her throat when Penta brought his heavy hand down on her ass, smacking it as if it was the chest of his opponents making even Fenix wince in sympathy for the poor girl.  Having been a recipient of that slap many times Fenix knew exactly how much force went into it and his brother definitely had not held back.  
Grunts and groans filled the room, sounds of flesh slapping carrying on the air as Pentagon fucked Carly hard into the mattress making her back arch painfully every time he slammed into her. 
“Mouth.”  He grunted reaching to grab her hair and dragging her face back to his cock as he pulled out, making her stumble clumsily as he manhandled her.  As soon as she opened her mouth for him Pentagon stroked his cock and shot his semen into it filling her mouth as it mingled with Fenix’s remnants.
Pushing away from her Pentagon climbed off the bed and grabbed his pants before resuming his spot in his own bed, turning the TV volume up as he settled in for the night.
“Now you may swallow,” Fenix said stroking Carly’s hair as she stared up at him looking utterly ravaged.  “You can go now chica,” he said helping her from the bed.  “Maybe we’ll see you the next time we’re in town.”  He glared at Pentagon who snorted at his words with a shake of his head. 
“Don’t mind him, he’s just a grumpy asshole after he gets off.”  Fenix reassured Carly with smile as she dressed.  “I’m sure he would fuck you again given the opportunity.  I know I wouldn’t mind burying my tongue inside you again.” 
Opening the door Fenix ushered her into the hallway and gave her a wave before slamming the door in her face and heading straight for the shower, flipping his brother off on the way. 
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