aroaceautistic · 1 year
I am the only person in this discussion group in my sociology of race and ethnicity class who has a half decent understanding of race and ethnicity
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clarkeysbog · 5 years
Protective!Losers Club x Original Female Character
Chapter 4 - Suck The Wound
"I think it's great that we're helping the new kid, but we also need to think about our own safety." Eddie started, making Brandi roll her eyes and think 'here we go again', "I mean, he's bleeding all over and you guys know that there's an AIDS epidemic happening right now as we speak, right? My mom's friend in New York City got it by touching a dirty pole on the subway. And a drop of AIDS blood got into his system through a hangnail. A hangnail! And you can amputate legs and arms, but how do you amputate- how do you amputate a waist?"
As they stopped in an alleyway, to sit Ben down, Eddie said, "You guys do know that alleys are known for dirty needles that have AIDS, right? You guys do know that?"
"Ri-Richie wait here." Bill said, Brandi taking Stan's hand and Eddie following Bill, Stan and Brandi.
As the four kids ran off, Richie turned to Ben and said, "Glad I got to meet you before you died."
Eddie collected some supplies to fix up Ben's cut, but little did they know that Beverly Marsh was there as well, she was getting some tampons two aisles away from them, it was her time of the month.
"Can we afford all that?" Bill asked Stan, the two counting the money they have.
"It's all we got.." Stan frowned, the small girl noticed this.
"You can have my piggy bank money that I have in my purse, I dip into it for emergency ice cream or candy. But this is an actual emergency..." Brandi explained, handing them her $2.50.
"Brandi...this still won't cover it, but thank you for offering.." Eddie said smiling down at the young girl.
"It's my pleasure." Brandi nodded.
"Wait, you have an account here don't you?" Bill asked Eddie.
"If my mom finds out I bought all this stuff for myself..." Eddie started, shaking his head, "I'm spending the whole rest of the weekend in the emergency room getting X-rayed."
Beverly stood at the end of the aisle the three boys and the younger girl were in, swiftly hiding the tampons behind her back.
"Y-you okay?" Bill asked the girl.
"I'm fine. What's wrong with you?" Bev asked the boys.
"None of your business." Stan quickly shut down.
"There's a kid outside, looked like someone killed him." Eddie explained swiftly, trying not to make eye contact with the girl.
"We need some s-s-s-s-supplies but we don't have enough money..." Bill said softly.
And soon enough Beverly was awkwardly flirting with Mr. Keene.
(A/N Finna skip this, it's awkward and disgusting as fuck)
When the four kids arrived back to Ben and Richie, Eddie was fixing up Ben, and if it weren't for Richie distracting him, it would've been done by now.
"Suck the wound." Richie instructed.
"I need to focus right now." Eddie exclaimed.
"You need to focus?" Richie asked, confused.
"Yeah, can you go get me something?" Eddie asked him.
"Jesus, what do you need?" Richie exclaimed.
"Go get my bifocals." Eddie instructed, "I hid 'em in my second fanny pack!"
"Why do you have two fanny packs?" Stan asked Eddie.
"I need to focus right now and it's a long story. I don't wanna get into it." Eddie stated, shutting down the topic quickly.
Bill walked away from the group, Brandi following behind him and at the sight of Bev she ran up to the older girl, hugging her.
Bill took out the $20 bill out of his pocket and said, "U-um thanks."
Bev took out a packet of cigarettes out of hers and said, "Even-steven."
Bev turned to the alley and recognised the kid that, as Eddie described 'looked like someone killed him'.
"Ben from soc?"
"You have to suck the wound before you apply the Band-Aids." Richie stated, even though that's not true at all, "This is 101."
"You don't know what you're talking about." Eddie stated, which was true.
Bev walked over to the group and said, "Are you okay, that looks like it hurt."
"No, no I'm okay, I just fell." Ben said, flustered by the fact that such a beauty was standing in front of him (A/N Me too, Ben, me too).
"Sh-sh-shut it R-Ri-RIchie." Bill glared, Brandi playfully glaring at Richie even though she had no clue what they were talking about.
"Why it's the truth." Richie stated.
"You sure they got the....right stuff to fix you up?" Bev smiled, which made Ben even more flustered.
"Y-you know, w-w-we'll take care of him." Bill smiled, "Thanks again, Beverly."
"Sure, maybe I'll see you around." Beverly smiled.
"Yeah, we were thinking about g-g-g-going to the quarry tomorrow if you wanna come." Bill offered.
"Good to know. Thanks." Bev smiled, waving at the group, and Brandi ran towards her hugging her to say 'goodbye'.
When Bev was out of earshot, Stan said, "Nice going bringing up Bowers front of her!"
"Yeah, dude, you heard what she did." Eddie scolded.
"What'd she do?" Brandi asked confused.
"More like who'd she do. From what I hear the list is longer than my wang." Richie laughed, making the six-year-old scrunch her nose up in disgust.
"That's not saying much." Stan taunted the trashmouth.
"They're j-j-just rumours.." Bill stuttered.
"Anyway, Bill had her back in third grade. They kissed in the school play, the reviews said you can't fake that sort of passion." Richie started, then did a horrible impression of a British accent, "Now, pip-pip and tally-ho my good fellows, I do believe this chap requires our utmost attention. Get in there Doctor K. c'mon fix him up."
"Why don't you just shut up, Einstein, because I know what I'm doing and I don't want you doing the British guy with me right now." Eddie stated, scolding the glasses wearing trashmouth.
"Suck the wound, get in there." Richie said in awful raspy, British accent.
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moonbokrk · 5 years
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MGA Season 5 - Episode 1 Callback Audition - Singing and Rapping Performing: RED - JMVOK ft. Yoon Heeseok and So Jihyuk (00:00 - 01:36 and 03:08 to 03:17) Outfit: x Hair and hat reference: x Mentioned: @ericxrk, @rkyoona, @yuzurk, @rkxbin​, @rkharuto​, @rkpjihyo​, @rkars
‘You have made it through to the callback auditions for this season.’
Even though he’d had confidence in his initial audition, having known that he’d improved a lot in the last year, there was still that niggling sense of doubt in the back of his mind. The thought of ‘I’m still not good enough for this’ that would plague him for the next two weeks when Moonbok was unable to get to sleep. So when the confirmation email arrives, he feels a little bit of the tension within him ease.
On the morning of the callback, he stares at himself critically in the mirror, clothes strewn around the room as though he’d ransacked his closet trying to find something to suit the occasion. (Which, to be fair, he did.) When he’d been at home for the weekend, trimming his hair and letting Chaewon color it so it looked like ‘mermaid hair’ (her words, not his) had seemed like a good idea at the time. And don’t get him wrong, he still loves how it came out, the greens and purples blending in wonderfully with his own dark hair. But Hyun Bin’s words about his looks last year make Moonbok uneasy. He doesn’t want to be giving off the impression that he was using his hair and good looks to progress through the competition again this year. He truly wanted to be remembered for his performances and the effort he’d put into them, not just for his mistakes and for being ‘that long-haired rapper.’ With a groan, he simply turned his back on the mirror and dressed himself in the outfit he’d found the best sutible; not overtly casual like what he’d worn for the preliminaries, but not so formal as to stand out even more. Plopping his favourite hat onto his head, he made a face at his reflection.
“Let’s try not to screw things up today, alright?”
Arriving at the venue, Moonbok’s eyes widen at the amount of people who made it to this round. He was sure there had only been about half as many people this time last year. Eyes roving amongst the crowd, he quickly finds Changbin and engages him in conversation, both of them laughing at how all of odd soc managed to make it to the callback. Before long, he’s caught by Yoona, his cousin almost beside herself from nerves. Though he can’t help but grin and tease her a little.
“I guess you didn’t do as badly in the interview as you thought you did, noona~” 
While they all loiter around waiting for the go-ahead to enter the set, Moonbok tryies to get Yoona to calm down a little before he spies a younger girl who’s winding her hair around her hands and generally also looking very panicky. Managing to extricate himself from Yoona’s hold for a moments, he goes over to the other girl, understanding her feelings completely. He does his best to provide some comfort; once she introduces herself, he remembers Sihyeon as someone who’d been an active twitter commentator during the last season and joking tells her that there’s no way she can do any worse than he did.
Eventually, they’re allowed onto the set to take their seats and Moonbok can’t help but laugh as he sees the layout, 50 chairs on tiers on each side of the stage, and the judge’s table in front of them all.
“Have we wandered on to the set of Produce 101 or something?” he jokes, unable to stop himself from noticing the similarities to the other popular survival program. Taking their seats, Moonbok does his best to hide a wince as Yoona’s hand clamps down on his almost painfully. At least he’s distracted from his own nerves, but he’s afraid that if his cousin grips him any tighter, she’ll actually break his hand. 
“Noonaaaa..... I still need to be able to use my hand after this, come on! It’ll be alright, if I could survive this round this last, than you can--”
Anything else Moonbok plans to say is cut off by the sound of a collective gasp causes Moonbok to tear his eyes away from his cousin and to the stage where, unsurprisingly to him at least, the five CEOs were making their way to the table. And while he was unsurprised, Moonbok could exactly say he was at ease either, swallowing hard. Even after being in this position last year and having performed in front of Tiger JK at the Triple Threat Challenge a few weeks ago, he can’t help be slightly intimidated by their presence. Luckily his attention is diverted by Yena, whose eye he manages to catch and he waves in response to her thumbs up, returning her mouthed ‘good luck!’
The first few performances are entertaining, and Moonbok can’t help but be amazed at Eric’s performance, and not just because of the younger boy’s attire. (How had he been let out of the house like that?!) He could never remember the boy having performed to a song by a boy group, knowing how much the younger was obsessed with girl groups. He’s impressed by his showing though, and is proud of the younger for trying the rap, even though he knows it’s far from being his specialty and applauds loudly when Eric returns to his seat.
He cheers loudly when Yoona delivers her performance, but yelps in shock as she trips on the way back to her seat. Luckily, she doesn’t seem hurt, but that doesn’t stop Moonbok from chiding her gently.
“Noona, be careful, please. Uncle would end me if you hurt yourself.”
She isn’t the only one to fall either. When Haruto crashes off the stage, Moonbok leaps out of his seat with an panicked “oh crap, is he ok?!” feeling like he was one of the few that wasn’t laughing at the other’s misfortune. He’s about to dash down to the stage and check for himself if the boy is injured or not when Haruto manages to get back to his feet and make his way back to his seat. Still, Moonbok’s worried expression doesn’t fade and he has to be tugged back into his seat by Yoona.
“Jang Moonbok!”
After what seems like both forever and in no time at all, Moonbok’s stomach lurches and his heart skips a beat as his name is called out by Hyun Bin. Of all people to call him to perform, it had to Hyun Bin, the man who’d eliminated him last year. Swallowing hard, he squeezes Yoona’s hand one last time before making his way to the stage, schooling his expression into what he hopes is calm and collected, even as his heart hammers in his chest.
Reaching the stage, he quickly pulls his hat off in order to bow to the judges and his fellow contestants, smiling despite his nerves as it finally kicks in that he’ll be performing for an audience once again, that he’ll soon feel that rush kick in again.
“Hello, I’m Jang Moonbok! I participated last year, but I was eliminated very early on...” He trails off, forcing himself to stare straight ahead at the camera before collecting his with again.
“I hope I’ll leave a better impression on everyone this year, though! I’ll be performing a song I wrote myself. It’s called Red and I hope you’ll like it.”
His brief piece said, he takes a step back as the music he provided begins. He closes his eyes for a moment, counting down the seconds in his head for his cue to start before throwing himself straight into his performance. No more hanging back, not now.
When I see this pitch black night As I look at the breath and words I long for I can’t just stay still today I wish I can do what I want just for today
One year later and sometime he feels like he hasn’t made much progress on his path in becoming an idol. Failed to be scouted during Halloween, never receiving a callback after TTC, sometimes he wonders if this is a sign that maybe he should just give up. But the thought galls him; he’s sacrificed too much to quit. Besides, he still has odd society to support him, his friends in various companies waiting for him. Here, once again today, he can try to make his dreams come true.
I don’t know you know me?
There is a dance to go with this song, it had been choreographed for him, Jihyuk and Heeseok. But without the other two there, Moonbok doesn’t feel confident enough to attempt it. Instead, he strides across the stage with the mic in hand, truly unable to stay still, but always making sure he can be heard.
I’m placing you in me If the world is prettier than you, that’s incomprehensible In just a few days, the mystery keeps growing Biting between day and night The sign of love is getting tainted
He can’t help but let his thoughts drift to Jihyo and he almost wishes he’d told her that he’d made it to the callback, or had even entered the competition at all. Involuntarily, a smile creeps onto his face as he raps. What they have is still something of a mystery, but at this stage, he's in no hurry to try and change anything. But at the same time he doesn’t want whatever they have to be tainted by anything, not even pity. Which is why he has to get through this round.
Fill me up with your color Without any spaces, hold me tight Just tell me, whatever you want Pour it out, don’t let anything remain Girl you got that
The rap turns more melodic now, somewhere between his own style and actual singing. Moving across the stage with the beat of the music, his previous nerves are forgotten for now. Instead, he thinks back to when he’d called to Jihyo’s house a few weeks ago. He’d been earlier than planned and had got a glimpse of the girl bare-faced. Though she’d quickly banished him to the kitchen to wait while she made herself up, Moonbok hadn’t missed the small smile she’d given him when he’d sincerely complimented how she looked. It was nice to see a softer side of Jihyo and Moonbok hoped she’d let him see more of it.
Returning to center stage after his striding in time with the beat, he replaces the microphone in its stand and Moonbok lets his gaze scan the judges’ face. Their expressions are unreadable, but he hopes that he’s making a good impression. Quickly taking a second to tuck a stray lock of hair behind his ear and without missing a beat, he continues on, this time staying put.
You’re so bright, yeah It’s burning red Tell me what you want yeah Tell me what you need girl Even if it’s in a cave I’ll go inside
He’ll do whatever it takes, not just to achieve his dream, but to make everyone around him happy. To make Youngjae laugh in a way that isn’t sarcastic for once, to give Yoona a reason to be proud of him when her father bitched about him at every turn and to show his parents that they didn’t have worry about his future anymore. That no matter what was coming, he had a plan.
You are like red Like red Right now I want to get closer to you Yeah We are like red Like red So bright, I’m amazed Whenever I see you
He’s glad they’d had an intensive week of singing classes in SNU the other month, it makes singing these high parts much easier. While he wouldn’t say he's good as Heeseok or Jihyuk, his voice isn’t cracking and stays stable. He hopes that when (if) this is aired, they’ll enjoy how this sounds with just one performer.
Or else they’ll roast him alive. One or the other.
You make me sing it La la la la la Yeah La la la la la you win it La la la la la la la la You make me sing it
This was only supposed to be a filler part while Moonbok had tried to think of better lyrics, but Heeseok had liked it so much that he’d insisted on keeping it, going so far as to force Moonbok and Jihyuk to record it with him. The lyrics were dumb and made Moonbok cringe internally, but the memories of the three of them make him grin again and he sings with gusto, thoroughly enjoying himself.
Having fun was half the battle, was it not?
Being blind with love Makes me crash into a wall of emotions Then that makes me realize How I hate you cuz I can’t live without you Like a mirror, you’re looking at me too It’s fire but just a small candle that’ll extinguish easily Your heart goes from a bright torch to a cold street light You get angry and twist your words I get burned by you and scarred It was all just playing with fire
When he’d written this part in particular, he’d thought he’d been rapping about Kyungri or Jihyo and all the things that could go wrong, his pessimistic nature rearing its head yet. But as he returns to rapping, his hands moving to the flow of his voice without an conscious input, he can’t help but wonder it’s about himself.
All those parts of himself he couldn’t stand, the cocky Moonbok who’d played with fire the year before and got so badly burned it had almost been the end of his dream. The pessimistic Moonbok who always assumed that he was worth nothing and didn’t deserve the praises he got. He was actually scared of how he could twist his own words to make them into a rod to break his own back. His emotions begin to take over again, but it just turns his rapping fierce and his expression even more determined. 
There were parts of himself that he hates and wishes he could erase, but they’re what makes him Jang Moonbok. And no matter how difficult it might be, he has to accept those parts if he wants to succeed. Not just in the MGAs, but in the competition called life too.
When I see this pitch black night As I look at the breath and words I long for I can’t just stay still today I wish I can do what I want just for today
He finishes with a repetition of the first verse, but with a slight softer and more hopeful tone, slowly coming back into himself. It wasn’t as long as he’d hoped, but quality counted as much as quantity did, after all. As the music fades, he smiles and bows once more, hand on his hat to keep it from falling to the ground. Straightening up again, he addresses the judges a final time.
“Thank you for listening to me, it was an honour to perform this song in front of you all!”
Smiling once more, he makes his way back to his seat, but nearly jumps out of his skin in fright as a sudden ‘YAAAAAS!' rings through the set. Laughter rings around the hall and after a second, Moonbok joins in as he realizes it was Eric that had called out to him. At least he had the approval of someone. Waving to the younger boy, he ducks back into his seat, face red and grinning.
He’d done the best he could. Now all he can do is wait and hope for the best in return.
[Word Count without lyrics: 2,290]
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