Can I Have This Dance? (Steve Rogers x Reader)
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Rating: PG - Fluffy 
Word Count: 2,689
Synopsis: 4 times the reader asked Steve to dance with her and one time Steve her.
Info: Written for @cockslut-padalecki​’s Not My Ninth Challenge in celebration of 9k followers! Also Happy Belated birthday, I hope you had a great one. I choose, How Do I Live by LeAnn Rimes and Wedding Ceremony. The dividers are by @firefly-graphics​ 💘 I’m posting this on my barley working laptop, so forgive me. Also all mistakes are mine as this is not beta read.
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1st Time:
Honestly what possessed her to wear her favorite white denim overall shorts to Sam’s barbecue? They were now stained with all all kinds of food and handprints from the children of the Avengers children asking to be held by her. Admittedly seeing everyone so happy and spending the afternoon with her fiancé made it worth it. Also Natasha would probably be able to show her how to get the stains out.
“Want to queue up the next song?” Sam nudged her handing over his phone that was connected to speakers. Giddily Y/N took the phone and went through the approved barbecue playlist as Killer Queen started to play, she continued to scroll as her head bopped to the song. Finding the perfect one she handed the phone over to Sam’s significant other Lou who kissed her on the cheek. 
Bucky and Steve were sharing a phone screen laughing at whatever video it was they were watching, probably one of Alpine that Bucky had taken. Getting up from her chair Y/N stood beside Steve’s and brushed her right hand across his broad shoulders, goosebumps started to rise on his skin as she leaned in to brush her lips beside his ear. 
“Come dance with me, Stevie please?" the blonde's face blushed as his fiance turned away from him making her way back towards the dancing couples. “Punk if you don't I sure as hell will.” Steve turned to give his best friend a glare just as the baritone voice sang out, jumping to his feet.
“I had a thought, dear, however scary, about that night, the bugs and the dirt. Why were you digging? What did you bury? Before those hands pulled me from the earth.” Steve rushed to Y/N’s side, a small smile on her face her fiance placed his face at her time taking in the scent of lavender and mint, while his hands rested at her hips. Y/N’s arms circled his neck interlocking her hands, eyes closing she placed her heads against his chest over his heart. As Hozier sang the couple just swayed from side to side, loving each other.
“I could not ask you where you came from. I could not ask and neither could you. Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips, we could just kiss like real people do.” As the song came to an end Steve and Y/N’s eyes met, she was biting her lip, a look of worry was in her eyes. 
“What?” Looking placed his hands on Y/N’s face doing everything he could to ease the worry in his fiancés face. 
“Just, how would I live without you?” Steve scoffed and pulled Y/N into his arms, hugging her close, “You’ll never have to live without me, I’m going anywhere. I love you.”
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2nd Time:
“Well son her mother would have loved you and I’m so proud to have you joining our family.” Andy clapped his daughters fiancé on the shoulder, before looking out on the dance floor to see all four of his children dancing together to the Macarena having a good time. 
“I’m lucky to have her Andy and I love both her and this family.” Steve assured Y/N’s father how much he loved her as the song came to an end. The DJ for the reception started to walk towards Y/N’s  sister and her husband. 
Y/N stood between her brothers playfully nudging each other like they used to do as kids. Suddenly it was quiet in the reception hall, both her and Steve were looking at Y/N’s sister and her husband who smiled at everyone, but they were staring at Y/N. 
“I need my sister Y/N and her fiancé Steve to come up here for a second.” Y/N’s brothers pushed her forward, suddenly glad she had exchanged her heels for converse 4 or 5 songs back. Steve and she met halfway there, hands grasping at each other as their fingers intertwined. The blonde leaned over and kissed the crown of his fiancé's face making her blush as they reached Legacie and Michael. 
“This weekend was actually supposed to be the weekend that Y/N and Steve got married, but 6 months ago I came to my sister and told her I was pregnant. Y/N knew Michael and I would want to move our wedding up, Y/N and Steve immediately asked if I would like to take their wedding and for that we are so thankful. The thing about my sister is she is just like our mom, always giving and so loving, it makes so much sense why Steve fell in love with my little sister. I got to thinking a way to thank you and that is dedicating a song to you, your favorite song as a kid.” Legacie passed the microphone back to the DJ, before she reached over kissing her little on the cheek. Y/N looked at her sister before her jaw dropped and her cheeks turned pink as the keyboard of the popular ’90s Australian pop singer hit started to play. 
“I'll be your dream, I'll be your wish. I'll be your fantasy, I'll be your hope, I'll be your love. Be everything that you need.” Y/N still holding onto Steve’s hand turned to stand in front of him and looked up at him. 
“Will you dance with my love?” with a smile on his face, Steve didn't even verbalize his answer, he just gave a tug of her hand pulling her body closer to his, as other couples joined them on the dance floor.
“I wanna stand with you on a mountain. I wanna bathe with you in the sea. I wanna lay like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me. I wanna stand with you on a mountain. I wanna bathe with you in the sea.I want to live like this forever. Until the sky falls down on me.” As they continued to dance among Legacie and Michale's family and friends, he tried to imagine how he would live without her in his life. He had an answer before the song was even over he knew a life without Y/N was no life at all. 
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3rd Time:
She was trying really hard not to cry but it felt but it was 3:12 in the morning, it was raining, it looked like Bucky had finished off the rest of her Ben and Jerry Star Spangled Berry Swirl, and Friday was playing her I got the blues playlist. Boy did she have the blues, she shouldn’t though, it was November, the holiday season was in full swing, but it was as if her heart wasn’t in it. 
Then the piano kicked in and the tears really started. 
“Look into my eyes, you will see what you mean to me.”
Steve down the hall in bed they shared hearing sniffles of his fiancé, got out of bed, grabbing her cardigan from ottoman at the foot of the bed. Y/N stood at the kitchen island sipping a cup of hot tea as Bryan Adams sang. 
“Darling?” Steve came up behind her and placed the over side article of clothing over shoulder, kissing her temple. Setting the steaming cup of lavender and blueberries down, Y/N turned around to look him in the eyes, with tears still coming down. 
“Dance with me Stevie, please?” with a little lift of the right side of his lips. Steve pulled Y/N to him, placing her head over his heartbeat, he encased her his arms and started to sway them. 
“Don't tell me, it’s not worth fightin' for. I can't help it, there’s  nothin' I want more. You know it's true, everything I do, I do it for you.”
“I can’t live without you Stevie.” Y/N whispered into the night as she looked out at the rain coming down in the night. 
“And you won't have to," Steve promised. 
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4th Time:
It was finally the New Year, 12:01 on January 1st to be exact and everyone was partying at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, thanks to Pepper and Tony. Peter Quill and his friends had made it, Thor with Jane, Carol Danver, Monica Rambeau with her friends Jimmy Woo and Darcy, Fantastic Four, Peter Parker had brought his best friend Ned and girl friend MJ, all the Avengers were there, even the Wakanda gang was accounted for, the place was packed. It seemed as if the bad guys were in need of a day off. 
Steve stood a few feet away from Y/N who was dancing with Natasha, Clint, Shuri, Peter, MJ, Wanda, Scott, Johnny, Groot, Darcy, Sam, Lou, and Jimmy Woo, they were all dancing to thank u, next, laughing and having a good time. Lou was currently on Sam's shoulders making the Bucky who was beside Steve, hoot’d, as he took a shot from the Asgardian mead. It was great for Steve to see all his friends and family to be letting loose. 
Y/N walked over as the song came to a closure and pulled Steve in for a kiss earning a cheer from the group they had surrounded themselves with. Blushing they pulled apart as the familiar violin started to play across the room, making the room erupt cheers yet again. Tonight’s crowd was easily pleased, who knew all it took was alcohol, food, friends, and good music? 
As the drum kicked in, Y/N’s head started to bop her foot tapping along, grabbing Steve’s hand she started to pull him towards the group, grabbing Bucky’s hand along the way. 
“Steve can I have this dance?” Looking over her shoulder as she got ready to start jumping up and down, Steve looked at her as if he had to think on it, but stopped when Bucky hit him in the bicep. “Not with the metal arm, and yes!”
“Come on Eileen! Oh, I swear, what he means. At this moment you mean everything, you in that dress. My thoughts I confess, verge on dirty. Oh, come on Eileen.” The group's form of dancing was jumping up and dancing, moving their heads side to side, throwing in mixed moves, like the sprinkler or epaule here and there. It was just about letting go. Steve and Y/N danced together with the fingers of their left-right hands interlaced jumping up and down, throwing their heads back and forth like they were at a rock concert. 
As Bucky danced with his best friend and the girl that had become like a sister to him, he couldn't picture their lives without one another. There was no Steve without Y/N in it, no Y/N without Steve. They were so madly, deeply in love, that to lose the other it would be close to losing themselves. He vowed at that moment to do whatever it took to always bring Steve home and to always protect Y/N for him. 
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The 1 Time Steve Asked Y/N to Dance:
“This is the best birthday gift I could ever ask for!” Bucky raised his glass of bourbon to the crowded room, before he leaned down to place a kiss on Y/N’s cheek. He had just given his best man speech congratulating his best friend on finding his soulmate who made him happy, and on his retirement. Lou leaned forward putting their arms around Y/N’s shoulders swaying, making the bride laugh as the best friends hugged. 
Steve took the microphone from Sam and pulled Y/N away from her best friend, confused she looked up at him. The room was silent with all eyes on them, as it had been since the moment she stepped out onto the wooden boardwalk Pepper’s people had built leading to the dock, everyone’s eyes had been on them. 
“Through this whole wedding process my wife has been so incredibly patient with me. Originally I just said whatever you want Y/N it’s your day, but she would scrunch her face up, for her family they know what I’m talking about, the one where she doesn’t like something or doesn’t understand, anyways. Lou, Y/N’s best friend and the perfect person for Sam came to me said,
“Rogers for a superhero, you are pretty dense, the wedding day is both your big day. This is a day you both are going to look back on, tell your children about and share with your family and friends. Don’t make her plan it and make all the choices on her own.” Steve looked down at Y/N and smiled, as his wife laughed and gave her best friends hand a tight squeeze before letting it go. 
“So I did what I could, your napkins I chose, thank you very much, your centerpieces though, you are going to have to take that up with the my beautiful wife’s cousin, Willow, she handmaid these beautiful pieces for us, so we could reuse them in our winery and barn.” Willow blew the couple a kiss making the crowd laugh as Y/N caught it and stumbled back, before throwing one back just as extravagantly. 
“Anyways the reason I’m up here is because I really didn’t do that much, but I made a promise to my wife that I, the man out of time, could pick the song we dance to as a married couple.” Turning his body so now the newlyweds were now facing each other, Sam took the microphone holding it up to Steve's mouth, as Steve held both Y/N’s hands in his.
“Steve we’ve talked about this you’re right where you need to be.” Steve just nodded his head and kissed her on the lips getting a few people in the crowd cheering. Bucky, Sam, Lou, and Y/N’s siblings are motioned for the crowd to quiet down. 
“I admit I waited till last night to e-mail our DJ Ned and tell him our song. But to be fair if it hadn’t been for a talk I had while sleeping at Sam’s and him playing this song we probably would just have some random song. Thank you Sam for saving the day.” Sam pulled the microphone telling the couple it was no problem really. 
“With that all said and done, Mrs. Rogers can I have this dance?” Laughing Y/N nodded as they made their way around the tables holding hands waving to their family and friends. Ned Leeds, was the nights DJ, thanks to coming recommended by his friend Peter Parker, this was his hobby by a means to pay for college and his growing obsession of Star Wars Legos. As soon as the couple had made it to the center of the faux hardwood dance floor, he hit play.
“How do I get through one night without you? If I had to live without you, what kind of life would that be?”
Y/N let a gasp slip past her lips as the familiar country song played. Her arms held onto Steve’s shoulders, while he held onto her hips, they did their usual sway, there was no need for fancy footing or putting on a show. This was just them being them, in love, sharing that love with a room full of their closest family friends. 
“I promised you, you wouldn’t have to know what it was like to live without me, and you won’t either of you.” Y/N looked up at him placing a kiss on his soft lips, letting a few tears of happiness slip. This is what contentment felt like, to feel whole, be loved, and find that perfect person. 
“How do I live without you? How do I live without you, baby? How do I live?”
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bastardsonofday · 5 years
Guess it didnt post so posting again
Did you ask for a barista/coffee-shop guitarist au? No. No, you did not. Am I going to give it to you anyway? Yes. Yes, I am.
Because Gwyn wanted more Rhycien fluff in her life and I live to serve.
Not betaed or edited.
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There were many things that Lucien didn't like about his job. He didn't like the opening shift because really did people have to start work so early and require coffee to do it? He didn't like his boss Tamlin and how his micromanaging suffocated Lucien almost to the point of quitting (Lucien was a good employee and Tam knew that so he didn't need to keep breathing down Lucien's neck damnit). He didn't like the rude customers or the shitty wage or toilet cleaning duty-
But the thing that annoyed Lucien the most about his job, had to be the music stand.
Since Prythian Joe was in the middle of a gentrified community with indie bookstores and clothing outlets, they had to keep up with the times to compete with Hybern Coffee across the way. So Tamlin had set up a free music area. Piano and drums were provided, but any other instruments had to be brought by the musician themselves.
It wasn't that Lucien didn't like music. He liked it well enough (okay so perhaps he was a bit of a snob when it came to music, being raised in a rich family with plenty of music lessons of his own). It was more of the fact that this meant any aspiring indie rock solo artist could take this as their next big break--which meant that Lucien, snob as he was, petitioned Tamlin to start wearing earplugs to work because usually these musicians were just plain bad.
Tamlin said no.
So Lucien had to suffer.
Today the musician was a dude without the classic beanie and plaid (thank the Cauldron, Lucien thought his eyes would start bleeding if he saw another flannel in 70° weather), but rather a plain jeans and band T. Which was the second most favored outfit after the Hipster Classic for these musicians. He ordered a coffee and then tuned his guitar while he waited.
Lucien handed him his coffee and he smiled and thanked Lucien in a way that made his insides wobble. Lucien ignored it. "Wow." The guy said (he'd given his name at the register as Rhys). "You're hot."
Oh great, one of those musicians: full of himself. "Thanks. Woke up like this." Lucien said sarcastically.
Rhys whistled appreciatively. "Your partner must love that." Then he went back to tuning his guitar.
"Had I one, probably." Lucien replied and then went back to making coffees, barely realizing he'd said it before he was halfway through the queue.
But when Lucien looked up again at Rhys the guy winked at him but didn't stop singing.
Hours passed and Rhys ordered more coffee. He was almost through the entirety of Hozier's back catalouge when he took a break to rest his voice.
It wasn't that Lucien didn't like Hozier's work but really, there was only so many times that you could listen to slightly different acoustic covers of 'Be', you know?
Rhys took a seat at one of the tables and ordered a mineral water (the only kind they had) to rest while someone else took over for a while. Lucien brought it to him.
"What'd you think?" Rhys asked when he walked over.
"About my singing."
"Ah, sorry. I tend to tune out the music in here," Generally true but Rhys was actually a good singer, so he had actually enjoyed it.
"I mean really, it's like some people only know Hozier and Imagine Dragons, you know? I mean I get that this is an indie clientele and all but," Lucien shrugged, "not really my scene."
"Never met a man before who didn't like Hozier." Rhys' eyebrows raised.
"Never said that I didn't like him, just that I'd rather some variety."
Rhys grinned. "Got an idea for a set list then?" He asked taking a napkin from the table and pushing it Lucien's way.
"What?" Lucien hadn't meant to- "No! I mean- why-?"
"Come on," Rhys leaned closer, "don't you want me to sing a song for you?"
"No." Lucien said. He did, but he wasn't going to admit that.
"How 'bout a date for me to change the station?" Rhys cocked an eyebrow.
"In your dreams." Lucien replied and headed back to the cash register before Rhys could see his flushing face.
Rhys went back up after he'd finished his water. Lucien almost didn't notice the shuft change until he heard it. "This one's for Lucien." Rhys said into the mike, followed by some mild clapping.
He almost expected another Hozier song, sung just to annoy him, but what he got.... wasn't that.
The opening riff wasn't just recognizable but famous. When Rhys started singing Lucien was shocked when his went from deep and melodic and Hozier and to... well... AC/DC.
Rhys met his eyes as he began singing the first verse and winked. Lucien took a napkin from the dispenser next to him and a pen from the register and bedrudgingly wrote down his number. He stuffed it in his pocket for later and turned to the next person in the queue.
The reception was amazing. Lucien and Rhys finally had a moment to sit down and eat while the band played. Lucien, starving from being too busy to eat all day, stuffed his mouth as soon as he sat down. Rhys' eyes dragged to the band. Finding one that Rhys approved of for their wedding had been a freaking nightmare. Rhys had always complained: one was pitchy, one was off key, one was holding his guitar right, why did that one even have a clarinet in the mix? Lucien had almost gone with a DJ, but Rhys ahd complained about that too. Wedding DJs had no soul, he'd claimed.
Ugh, the struggles of marrying an artist.
But they were finally sitting (Mother, Lucien's feet hurt) and eating (Mother, he was hungry).
Rhys glanced at him ad the band started the final chorus to the song they were singing. "Hey," he said a wicked smile on his face. "Want me to sing a song for you?"
"No." Lucien grumbled through a mouthful of food. That was what they paid the band for, so Lucien could spend the whole night arm in arm with Rhys.
"I'm gonna sing a song for you." Rhys said, and started to get up.
"Rhys-! We agreed that you wouldn't work tonight!"
But Rhys just winked at him. He walked up to the band, whispered something to one of them. They finished up their song and Rhys climbed onto the stage while the lead singer introduced him. "And here's Rhys with a song of his own for his fairer half." The singer joked, handing him their guitar.
Lucien rolled his eyes and flushed slightly as his friends whooped and cheered. Rhys took the guitar and without any introduction began playing AC/DC.
Lucien groaned as Rhys winked at him. "Why did I ever marry you?"
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behirahbee · 6 years
for the music ask every # w a 2!
ooooh okay here we go!!!!! im putting them under a cut :’) 
2- best song to fall asleep to? oblivion by bastille hands down. to be entirely honest, every time i’m on a long flight or car ride and i want to sleep, i just pop on that whole album and drift off. 
12- top 5 albums of all time? this is tough.....i don’t really listen to albums, just to individual songs or playlists, but i’ll try. in no particular order: cool patrol/ninja sex party, mania/fall out boy, the rise of hobo johnson/hobo johnson, every kingdom/ben howard, and electra heart/marina and the diamonds!!
20- song with best bass riff? i honestly don’t know skdskldfj i don’t listen to a whole lot of bass-y stuff? 
21- song with the best chord progression? LA devotee by panic! at the disco has this one part near the end where i DIE listening to it it’s so good
22- song with the best solo? mansion party by ninja sex party. it’s got two
23- song with best vocals? god this is so hard because music is so subjective, and i like different artists because of their (sometimes wildly) different vocal qualities, yknow? i will have to say however that marina diamandis’s range is fuckin incredible, and i really like how she sounds on idle teen, so maybe that one? 
24- what song holds personal significance to you? so fucking many, but danny don’t you know by ninja sex party (specifically the line “you’re just going through an awkward phase/from twelve to twenty-nine”) makes me feel a little less hopeless about myself :’) 
25- what song(s) were ruined by a breakup? oh god. uh......it’s not ruined, per se, but i don’t listen to work song by hozier as much anymore. 
26- what song(s) make you want to fall in love? fire escape - andrew mcmahon in the wildernessdeath of a bachelor - panic! at the disco marry me - train in the name of love - bebe rexha/martin garrix make me feel - janelle monae
27- your friend is driving somewhere and made you the dj, what five songs do you put in the queue? the mother we share/chvrches, fever/two door cinema club, africa/toto, shimmer/fuel, aaaaaaand breakfast at tiffany’s/deep blue something. 
28- what song is your theme song? up the wolves/the mountain goats!
29- hottest band member/artist? brendon urie sure is nice to look at. 
32- top 5 concerts you’ve been to? 1. lionel richie 2. panic! at the disco (2018) 3. the unlikely candidates 4. andrew mcmahon in the wilderness 5. panic! at the disco (2016)
42- describe your future life partner with a song. drops of jupiter/train!
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