literaphobe · 4 years
im literally so confused abt what even is linguistics bc im a rare breed of gay who can do math and LIKE it but good luck with ur little trees and Hz's of sounds <3 i hate making trees can't imagine how u must be feeling
also can i ask how info systems was in general? bc i was kinda thinking taking that program but it sounds stressful
hhhhh my suggestion is don’t take it up if you don’t have experience in coding.... because if you’ve never done it before there’s no guarantee that you’ll be good because it’s a Whole other skillset. plus information systems involves like. business stuff. so you’ll be doing projects where u pretend to make an app or you’re leading a fake company and just. lots of dumb business stuff but it’s IT which. ew HAHAHAHA like u gotta give presentations and stuff and tbh i could like. somewhat do p ok at the non coding stuff but it was still like. whatever. it was kinda cool sometimes tho because i once gave a presentation about p much nothing for two minutes and my teacher was crazy impressed with me. he was like everyone else was either ok or sucked but Michelle was excellent.... “THAT is how you give a speech” he said. it was so funny because the content of my speech was nothing. it was my group mates that were saying the real stuff. anyway unless ur neurotypical and really good at math and also really eloquent and good at speaking i don’t suggest u take it up like if ur super good at math and interested in coding just be a computing major NFJDJDJDJD
like. i’m also really good at math but there’s a difference between solving a math question where the time u actually take to write down the solution is short whereas coding... ok let me say it like this. math. u solve the question. coding. u solve the question, then you TEACH the computer to solve the question and u gotta do it by typing very specific things in a very specific way. which is like memorization. and i don’t like having to memorize things. it’s not that i can’t it’s that i don’t want to and not wanting to do something is like. game over for me fjdjjdjdjd so. uh. i’m better at application. math is applying formulas, English is applying grammar rules, put simply, so yeah. i’m an English and math gay and that’s why people were scared of me in school fjdjdjdjdj but also for a lot of it i had untreated adhd. when my adhd was untreated i was like a wild card. maybe i’ll do something academically impressive. maybe i’ll get the worst grades in the whole class. when i was on concerta i still didn’t really study but i had the advantage of actually being able to process the things i hear and see on a daily basis. which. is a normal thing neurotypicals have apparently. sometimes i would accidentally forget to take my pill (v rare those days but it happened) and i would be like. it was like someone had crippled me. in the lecture. nothing. everyone making background noise. cannot filter anything. it was a nightmare. adhd is. a nightmare
anyway linguistics also. u have to remember things but uh. it’s WAY WAY WAY better than fucking CODING like. so yeah. i badly want to restart my degree because i wasn’t on my meds properly for most of it and i haven’t taken my meds in like a year. my grades are like. all over the place. it’s embarrassing and i just wanna. start afresh. i’ve applied to change my degree like twice but this time i wanna explain my adhd and going off my meds properly. and SPECIFICALLY ask to get a clean slate. meaning i’ll have to retake several classes and choose not to take several classes and do new ones instead but. it is what it is. it also probably maybe might not work but..... the least i can do is try
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