orangebunnit · 6 years
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DJwifi December Day 2: Snowball  Drawing on medibang paint immediately made my art 3x more anime than usual Anyway, this is based on the fact that I too would be distracted by Alya and her  immense beauty @djwifi-december ((psst by the way, if you use our prompt list be sure to tag us so we can see it!)) 
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seasonofthegeek · 5 years
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DJWifi December: Hot Chocolate for @djwifi-december <3
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djwifi-december · 6 years
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Djwifi December 2018
Hello, miraculers! This year, @orangebunnit and @megatraven have set up this event, with the help of many people from the djwifi discord server! We’re excited to officially release our calendar, and look forward to all the content we’ll be seeing.
If your work is nsfw, please put it under a cut, otherwise we will not reblog it
Please make sure to tag your work as #Djwifi2018 and mention our blog @djwifi-december to ensure we see your post!
If we still don’t see it, please message one of the mods mentioned above with a link to your piece
Have fun! This is meant to be a fun event for the fandom to appreciate what a lovely pair these two make
If you’d like to make something for this event, but don’t wish to use our prompts, then you’re more than free to tag us anyways, just make sure to let us know you’re not following a prompt!
Prompt list below the cut
Snowball fight
Hot chocolate
Snowed in
Balcony scene
Sharing jackets
Late nights
Blanket (fort)
Moving in together
Sick day
Soft glances
Coffee shop au
Childhood friends
First 'I love you's
Surprise visits
City watching
Power outage
Phone calls/texting
***We at djwifi-december would like to note that we are aware of another event like this going on, and we fully support their efforts as well as anyone wanting to follow their prompts. However, we will not reblog works made for their event so as to avoid confusion. Thank you.***
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Chapter 3: Snowed In
Nino was sure he must be going crazy.
He was used to all of the organized chaos of siblings and noisy neighbors, the general hustle and bustle of Paris. But all of this silence and the loneliness felt jarring.
There were lots of old stairs that creaked, and windows that didn’t fully seal in old houses like this one. It added to the general unease he’d felt since he arrived.
The fact that he was busy writing a horror script only helped his mind run wild, and so he channeled every errant fear into a new piece of action or suspense for his story.
It really wasn’t like he needed to worry, though. He’d diligently checked all the doors and windows each night.
And also, he reasoned, it wouldn’t be nearly as bad in a few days, once everyone arrived to help with the last of the setup ahead of the shoot.
But for now, coping meant keeping his headphones on perpetually. It was an awful drain on the batteries, such that he had to keep alternating sets to keep them charged. The sound echoed through the house when he’d tried to play anything on his computer speakers, and the acoustics just never sounded right to his ear.
He’d called Adrien -- more than a few times, really -- just to keep himself from going crazy all alone out here. But his friend just assured him that everything was in hand and that everyone would be arriving in two days.
Which was great, except for the fact that this region had just gotten one of the worst snowfalls in decades. He’d faced the cold and attempted to clear the snow from the property. Well, at least from the driveway.
As he worked, the snow kept falling. And although he had his trusty beats keeping him company and keeping him motivated, the sheer amount of time he was outside meant that his headset was once again drained of battery. He had a second set that was inside charging, but it didn’t help when he was still outside, halfway through the latest pass of digging out from under all this snow. At least he was close enough to finish this stretch.
Exhaling a breath into the chilly air fogged up his glasses, and the visceral crunch of snow beneath his feet filled his now bare ears. He paused to rest a moment as he thought about the additional hassle snow could bring.
Thankfully, he had brought enough food and dry goods to last for a few days. He didn’t want to even imagine having to leave the house in weather like this. With any luck, the roads would be clear soon, and then he’d need to hit the small grocery in town again to stock up before everyone else arrived.
He could only hope that the snow wouldn’t keep everyone away for an extra few days.
By the time he ducked back inside, another few inches had buried what little progress he had managed to make.
And there was still more of the storm yet to come.
Shivering through a sigh, Nino shed his coat and hat, still heavy from the wet snow.
It didn’t help that this house was far larger than anything he’d been in before, so the yard was just as massive. He was used to shoveling a few meters of the walkway and wasn’t entirely prepared to push through twenty times as much.
He bent down to pick up the wet clothes, his shoulders aching from the small bit of effort…
Nino sighed. He would love nothing more than to curl up and sleep for a few hours. But if he wanted to be done on time, he really needed to get back to the script and get a few solid hours of polish on it.
Snagging a cup of cocoa from the kitchen to help him warm up, he moved back upstairs.
Nino had drained the cup as soon as the warm liquid was cool enough not to scald his tongue, but the caffeine only kept him going for a little over an hour.
With a weary groan, he plopped back onto the middle of the bed, not even budging the comforter. His hat tipped off of his head, but he was a little too tired to even care at the moment.
He was stuck in the middle of rewriting everything. It had started with what seemed like minor changes to the staging, and porting the timeframe back. But even just adjusting for a few decades had proven to be far more of a challenge than he’d expected.
He’d thought to recruit help through the internet, but the snow had obliterated any hopes of that. The connection had been spotty at best, and the data connection on his phone was only good in a few sections of the house.
Nino shut his eyes, scrubbing his hands over his face. Really, he needed an editor, but the only one who had already seen the script was Adrien.
However, with his friend still in the midst of finals -- and considering how much he was already arranging -- Nino felt guilty about the prospect of asking anything more of him.
When he opened his eyes again, it was dark. Nino didn’t remember falling asleep, but he shouldn’t have been surprised after trying to clear the entire driveway on his own.
Shaking his head, he stood up to find the light switch and settled himself back behind the still-glowing screen.
Staring at the words for days on end had left them mostly ingrained in his mind.
Nino frowned, scrolling down the page. For some reason now, they were just a little different.
He dialed the phone, pulling up Facetime.
Adrien’s answer was half muffled into a yawn.
“Did you edit my script?”
“Huh?” Adrien mumbled, mussing his hair where it fell against his pillow. “Nope. I have one last final that I was studying for tomorrow afternoon. But I can check it over after I get home tomorrow.” He peered offscreen. “Well… tonight now, I guess. And probably after I take a nap, too.”
Nino’s eyes narrowed as he looked back to the screen. “I’m… not sure that I’m going to need it, dude.”
“The document is edited.” Nino shook his head, brows furrowed. "But I didn't know where these edits came from."
“You don’t?” Adrien blinked.
Navigating through the revision history, Nino frowned.
Adrien snorted, humor lighting up his eyes. "You have a ghostwriter? Well. I guess that would be a ghost-editor, wouldn’t it?”
"Not likely.” Nino sighed. “I mean... I guess it is possible that I did it earlier, and just forgot. I did have glass of wine with dinner. And a bit of cocoa after I came in from shoveling the drive… but even with all the extra exercise, I'm not usually that much of a lightweight."
Adrien shook his head. “Hmmm. Well, if you think you’re okay, I need to get back to sleep.”
Nino nodded. “Sure, man.”
“Take it easy.”
Standing up, Nino stretched his arms over his head. Even if he was drained, he should still get the dishes cleaned up.
As he reached to collect the mug, it slipped away from his fingers, hovering in mid-air.
Nino’s eyes boggled, staring at the empty space below the mug.
The space around the mug seemed to shift, and as something slowly took shape… he began to make out the slim, tan fingers laced through the white handle.
A compellingly haunting voice echoed through the room. “I’m afraid your friend is right.”
Gaping, Nino acted quickly, picking up his phone to record. “Can you do that again?”
The voice just chuckled. “Usually this is the point where everyone runs away.”
“No way, Lady.” Nino pressed his lips into a thin line, shaking his head furiously. “My friend is spending way too much money on helping me out for me to bail out now.”
“Lady, hmm?” The voice purred gleefully. “Well, at least you’re being polite about it. And you have been keeping my house clean. What is it that you wanted me to do?”
Nino tilted his head, lifting the phone into place. “Can you fade again?”
“And lift the mug up?”
The mug rose up a few inches, hovering above the desk.
Carefully, Nino circled around the desk, getting a few seconds of footage before pocketing his phone. “You’ve been here all along, haven’t you?”
The curve of her lips was one of the first things he could make out as the mug carefully settled back onto the desk. The rest of her slowly appeared-- a hazy form seated upon the desk, dark arms folded over the white cloth covering her chest. She peered back at him. “What do you think?”
Nino gulped, flattening his lips into a thin line as he paced the room. “I think so. I think you’ve been moving around some little things. I was so sure I put something down in one place, only to have it a bit further out of reach.”
Her gaze trained on him, her voice a little more substantial as her image regained form, the soft curls at her shoulders shifted slightly as she followed his path. “Mmmhmm.”
Nino bit his lip nervously, his hand dragging over the day's worth of stubble. “And I think you just made edits to the script on my computer.”
She smirked, mischief plain in her amber eyes. “Is that a problem?”
“Not at all,” Nino grumbled, his hand dropping aimlessly back to his side. “In all honesty, they’re good. Between that and your ability to go invisible, I honestly wish I could hire you.”
Her brows rose sharply at that. “Then why don’t you?”
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3laxx · 5 years
DJWifi December 2k18
Day 18: Coffee Shop AU
Ao3 / FF.net
He wasn’t addicted to coffee. No matter how much Marinette and Adrien tried convincing him that he was, because his financial situation slowly began suffering under it, he wasn’t addicted to coffee.
After all, he didn’t visit the coffee shop because of this.
Or, at least, not because of only the coffee. Admittedly, this drink had sometimes saved his day.
But no, his prime reason why he was visiting the coffee shop was to see the sweet Barista who always gave him the wonderful smile and the extra bit whipped cream.
He sighed if he only thought about her, even if he should be concentrating on his lecture. Though, he couldn’t stop remembering her. He couldn’t stop propping his head up in his hand and sighing dreamily while the musical theory prof went on and on about harmonies up front.
Nino leant back in the narrow seating rows, lifting his arms behind his head.
She was beautiful.
Her hazel-green eyes lit up everytime he saw her and her beautiful tanned skin seemed like molten chocolate when he thanked her and she smiled at him. He couldn’t bear how beautiful she was.
When she spoke, her voice was like honey, rich and wonderful and so sweet that his heart actually skipped a beat and when she smirked smugly at him when he blushed, he couldn’t help but being infatuated by her again and again.
She was an angel to him, a wonderful young goddess on earth and he totally had a crush on her. Secretly, but he did.
With another sigh he played with his pen and thought about her beautiful hair that shone like gold to him. Which shampoo did she use, he wondered?
And did she dye her hair somehow? Did she go to the barber for that or did she do it herself if she did?
For some reason he didn’t think she did. For some reason he was sure that her hair was all natural, despite the brightly glowing orange tips. He was sure she was all natural. He hair just didn’t look dyed, because he knew what dyed hair looked like.
With a slight grin he let the testosterone take over and let his imaginary gaze wander down, to her chest, admittedly, but mostly her soft looking stomach and her wide hips when he stepped close enough to the counter to see enough of her. He didn’t do that often at all but sometimes, he couldn’t help it. When he was waiting for her to finish his coffee and there was no other costumer, he stepped closer to the counter to seemingly look at the cake display.
He knew that she knew, though, that he was checking her out with shy glances and hidden blushes and even if he did his best not to let this happen too often, he couldn’t help finding her attractive and well, he couldn’t help being a boy either.
At least he didn’t stare.
He’d visit her again this afternoon, he promised. A coffee couldn’t hurt, he thought, and he’d find 2€ somewhere, he was sure. Even if he’d have to beg for Adrien to lend him that again.
But he had to see her again. He had to see her so badly that he immediately sprinted out of the lecture when his prof was done talking and ran out counting his money on the go. The coffee shop was only five minutes away and he was eager to talk to her again.
Maybe he’d even have the courage to ask her out today. Maybe.
With a cheer he found his last money and directed his steps directly to the coffee shop, glad that he wouldn’t have to beg Adrien for money again. He’d just be even more in his debt as he already was and it’d just lead to more teasing from his friends’ side.
He was out of breath as he arrived at the coffee shop in just 2 minutes instead of five, having ran over a few red lights (and risking being picked up by a car in a not so healthy way), but at least he was here, and with a glance inside he already saw her beautiful face in profile.
With clumsy movements he tried combing through his unruly short hair but he couldn’t stop it from standing up in spikes in all directions.
With a groan he entered the coffee shop anyway. Either way, however he looked, she’d recognize him and that was the most important to him.
Though, the tension inside the shop was almost so thick he had the feeling he could cut it with a knife if he tried. There weren’t that many customers and just one guy on the counter, but somehow, something was wrong. Nino at first pretended to stomp his boots free from the snow and to adjust his jacket, to hear what was going on. Because Alya wasn’t at all the cheerful girl he remembered, as of now. She seemed pissed.
Carefully, he listened to the conversation that somehow also made the other customers uneasy, and gave him a bad feeling.
“C’mon, sweetheart, just one date.”, the guy tried now as Alya tried her best ignoring him, making her coffee. She was obviously fuming on the inside, “I’ll even pay for you.”
She shot him a forced polite glance because her work rules said so, and thanked him but still declined.
“Very nice of you.”, Nino heard her voice shivering in anger, “But no, thank you.”
He could see that she was this close to snapping. If they had been on the streets and she wasn’t working, she’d probably already kicked his balls, but her uniform didn’t allow her to. He knew she needed this job and it wasn’t exactly easy to find a decent job, he knew, he had tried himself.
So she needed to be polite, no matter what he said.
“You’re playing hard to get, I like that.”, the guy gave her a toothy grin and she finally showed the first sign of real discomfort, crossing her arms and the corners of her mouth twitching.
That was it.
She wasn’t feeling safe anymore and he’d have to intervene. How?
He didn’t know that yet.
Her glance shifted towards him and her eyes immediately showed relief when he locked his gaze on hers, nodding slightly. She gave him a forced smile, then he knew what to do.
“.. ‘Afternoon, beautiful.”, he greeted and seemingly comfortably hung his jacket up, as if he’d done that a thousand times already. Alya gave him a puzzled glance but he continued.
Nino passed the guy on the counter with a natural “Sup, man.” and joined Alya behind the counter, pressing a kiss to her cheek while grabbing an apron.
“Who’s that guy?”, the man behind the counter now asked, watching Nino skeptically.
“Her boyfriend.”, Nino shot back, now done knotting the apron of some coworker, “And coworker. Hi. Did she already finish your order? Can I do anything else for you?”
The guy begrudgingly grabbed his coffee that Alya had just finished and snorted at him, shaking his head.
“That leek of a boy, are you serious? I could give you a thousand times more than him.”, he commented and Nino thanked god the customers had to pay beforehand.
“Oh, you mean like, a thousand times more body fat?”, Nino glared at him as he propped his hands up on his hips and a few customers began cheering as the man glared at him and left, huffing a last time before the door slid open to let him out.
As Nino was sure the man was gone, he awkwardly turned around to Alya and undid the apron again, the furious blush heating up his face.
“S-Sorry for that. I could tell you were uncomfortable. I’ll just uh-… Take this off now.”, he handed her the apron and was almost past her when she turned around, holding him there. Nino tilted his head at her but she didn’t even hesitate to hug him.
“… Thank you.”, she brought out, shivering, “Thank you so much.”
He chuckled as he hugged her back.
“Not a problem.”
My prompts are based on THIS calendar from @djwifi-december!
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niyes-lahiffe · 5 years
Djwifi December day 6: Balcony Scene
Er, rather, it's a WINDOW scene and even though it hasn't been confirmed nor denied that Nino has a balcony, I like the idea of a window ;)
Also, Nino doesn’t know Rena’s identity in this.
It's a few days late I'm so sorry
Yeah, Rena could admit that she was definitely in the mood to mess with someone. And who was the lucky soul? None other than her wonderful boyfriend, Nino Lahiffe, of whom she loved to tease very much.
She landed beside his window, trying her hardest to suppress a snicker as she gave the screen a hardy knock. She peeked inside and could see the boy on his computer screen, his headphones on and his head bobbing along with a beat he was obviously creating.
She smiled and shook her head. Dork.
She tried knocking again a little harder, but to no avail. He was now leaning back in his chair with his feet resting on his desk, air-guitaring as though he was suddenly a star in the eighties. His eyes were closed and he had his bottom lip between his teeth, no doubt having the time of his life at the moment.
Rena could've watched him like this all day, but she had a mission and she was determined to accomplish it.
She slipped her fingers underneath the windowsill and gave a small grunt as she pushed it open. Stepping inside, the superheroine was barely able to hold back her laughter. Nino was so into whatever he was doing that he hadn't even noticed her come in.
She maneuvered herself so she could stand directly behind him, holding a gloved hand above his head and wiggling her fingers malevolently. She really felt like doing an evil chuckle.
As quick as a fox, she snatched the headphones right off his head.
What followed was Nino jumping so high that he fell to the floor in a startled frenzy. The shrill screech that came out of his mouth was enough to make Rena clutch her belly and guffaw.
Curled in a tight ball and shaking like a madman, he looked up to see who his persecutor was. "R-Re...Rena R-Rouge..?" he gawked.
"Hey, Mr. DJ," she replied, giving him a wink. His response was a groan as he curled back up into the ball.
Voice muffled, he retorted, "You scared the ever-living snot out of me, dude!"
She crouched down and poked his head, snickering at his unamused response.
This wasn't the first time she'd been to his house as a superhero. Her visits had become more and more frequent until it was a given that she would go to his house as often as she could. As odd as it was, she and Nino had grown to be really close friends, which always felt extremely weird. She was his girlfriend in one life and his best friend in the other. Be that as it may, it was always so amusing to see Nino's reactions whenever she flirted with him in her superhero form.
He would always claim to her that he had a girlfriend, though. She couldn't help but smile at his loyalty every time.
She let the boy collect himself for a moment before holding out her hand for him to grab. He pouted at her but graciously accepted her offer to help him up.
"Never do that again," he told her as he dusted himself off.
Rena placed a finger to her chin thoughtfully. "Hmmmmm. Maybe. You looked super cute a moment ago, though."
Ah, there it was. The blush that had her smiling evilly.
"Uhhh, thanks...I guess?" he responded, red face turned towards the floor.
"You're welcome." She didn't want to make him too uncomfortable, so she took a step back. After that, they started chatting about random things as always, time soon becoming a foreign object.
That is, until Nino glanced at the clock on his wall and a gasp interrupted whatever he was going to say next.
"What?" Rena said, turning around and trying to find whatever had caught his attention so suddenly.
"It's 1:00."
Rena stared at the clock for a long moment before replying, "Shoot."
"Where does the time go?!" Nino shook his fist at his clock and grinned in satisfaction when his actions successfully caused Rena to laugh.
"Guess I better be going, then," she said, winking at him once more. "Thanks for the time, Mr. DJ." Rena gave Nino a small solute and went over to his window. Once she was out, she hopped into the nearest building and waved at the boy, who had wandered to his window to say farewell.
"Au revior, foxhead," he remarked.
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ladylynse · 5 years
Decided to participate in DJWiFi December before I ran out of days! Following the list by @djwifi-december, the prompt for Day 30 is Comfort. This little ficlet takes place sometime after the S2 finale. Enjoy!
After an akuma attack that hits a little too close to home, Nino and Alya find themselves comforting each other. [FF | AO3]
“Hey, are you okay?”
She wasn’t. Nino knew that. But he also didn’t know any other way to start a conversation like this.
Alya bit out a broken laugh and held out her hands. They were shaking. “Am I okay? Me? I’m about as good as I can be, I guess, but Nino—”
He pulled her close, looping an arm around her shoulder and leading her back into the alley where Ladybug had left them when she’d disappeared with their borrowed Miraculous. “Ladybug fixed everything,” he said. “This isn’t any worse than when Hawk Moth got to your sisters.”
Alya didn’t believe him. Clearly. She turned and buried her face in his shoulder, obviously past caring that she was going to smudge her glasses, and groaned. “Being a superhero is harder than I ever thought it would be,” she mumbled. “And, I mean, I can’t write about Rena Rouge and Carapace, not really, but I can’t not write about them because then everyone will be asking. The Ladyblog isn’t just about Ladybug and Chat Noir anymore. But when stuff like this happens—”
Nino wrapped his arms around her. “Hey. It’s okay. This is going to be okay.”
“Hawk Moth got me again.”
“Hawk Moth’s akuma got a lucky hit on Rena Rouge when Carapace wasn’t around to protect her like he’d promised,” Nino corrected quietly.
Alya looked up at him. “You don’t really believe that, do you? You were protecting your family, Nino. You were doing what you had to. What I told you to do. For once. Stop beating yourself up just because you listened to me.”
He gave her a weak smile. “Protection is my thing. I wasn’t fast enough, and you paid for it. And you might not remember the illusions you created, but I do, and…. Look, just know that you’re important to me. I don’t want to lose you.”
Alya swallowed and pulled back. “What did I do?” she whispered.
Nino hesitated, but he knew that look. She wasn’t going to let him get away with shrugging this off. If he didn’t tell her, she’d convince herself of something infinitely worse, and lying was out of the question. “You, uh, remember Sandboy?”
“When all the nightmares came to life? How could I forget it?”
“Yeah.” He licked his lips. “It was, um, kinda like that. For me at least. I mean, I shouldn’t be surprised. You know me well enough to know my weaknesses. To, uh, know that you are a major weakness….”
Alya threw her arms around him and squeezed. “I’m sorry you had to go through that,” she said.
She didn’t ask for details.
He had a feeling she didn’t need them.
And that she knew he didn’t want to give them.
Alya moved to kiss him and whispered, “Thank you for saving me.”
He couldn’t help the goofy grin that spread over his face. “How do you know I was the one who saved you?”
“Because you’re my favourite hero.” She smirked and kissed him again. It felt too soon when she pulled back and added, “I’ve got an idea. We both need to clear our heads after what happened. Your parents think you’re with me anyway, right? So give them a call, play the panicked son and reassure yourself that they’re all right, let them tell you you don’t need to rush home just to see them, and let’s go make some better memories of tonight.”
Nino raised his eyebrows. “How do you know they won’t want me to come home if I call?”
Alya laughed. “Because your parents love you and they definitely don’t hate me.”
Now he just felt confused. “That doesn’t tell me anything.”
“It tells you everything. C’mon, Nino. Adrien’s the one with the overprotective father, not you. Your folks will actually respect date night.”
“Or, better yet, since we’re here anyway, let’s just drop in and check on them. Together. It’ll prove my point. They’ll be thrilled to see us, you’ll actually believe your words about Ladybug fixing everything, and then they’ll practically shove us out the door to go enjoy ourselves.”
“Alya….” She was trying to pull him along now, and he didn’t want to drag his feet too much. He could see what she was doing now. Taking charge. Getting a handle on this situation.
Pushing away the terrifying thoughts that must still be plaguing her.
She stopped when she got to the sidewalk. “Please, Nino. You need this as much as I do. You can’t deny that.”
She was right. He couldn’t.
It would be easier to banish the memories of the haunting illusions if he could see that he hadn’t failed, that everyone was okay. Ladybug might be able to fix all the damage that had been done during an attack, but the memories remained. And the knowledge of what could happen, what had almost happened, could be a lot to bear. He wasn’t really sure what was worse, remembering every terrible detail or being met with the horrifying blankness that meant you’d been caught in Hawk Moth’s trap and used against Paris.
And yet here was Alya, facing that again. Twice as Lady WiFi, and now twice was Rena Rouge. Smiling at him despite that unknown hanging over her. Because she knew he remembered everything and that remembering hurt.
He bit back the crazy urge to laugh. When had Alya turned the tables on him? He was supposed to be the one comforting her.
“Before we go up,” he said as he drew up alongside her, “in case they don’t let us go like you think—”
“They will.”
“Yeah, but if they don’t— What would you have planned? For us to do tonight?”
Alya squeezed his hand but didn’t look at him as she answered. “Just some small things. Nice things. Hot chocolate. Splitting a pastry or two. Talking. Not talking. Walking. Not walking.” Nino snorted, and Alya winked at him. “Whatever we need.”
“Would’ve been nice.”
“Will be nice.”
“How are you so sure of that? They’re my parents.”
“Yeah, but they raised someone like you, and you wouldn’t be half so considerate if they weren’t. Not to mention everything else. I’m sure. And if I’m wrong—even though I won’t be wrong—there’s always tomorrow.”
Nino chuckled. “Yeah, there’s always tomorrow.” He sighed and leaned against her. “Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet.” She gave him a playful nudge. “I need to prove you wrong first.”
He nudged her back and then decided he was better off stealing a kiss—if it could be considered stealing when he knew it was freely given. “As you wish, milady.”
“Oh, don’t start.”
“You mean don’t stop?”
Alya rolled her eyes but didn’t correct him. “Come on. Let’s reassure ourselves that everyone’s okay before you have to field calls from the entire class wanting to know the same. Our date night’s had enough interruptions as it is, and I want to make the most of what’s left of it.”
“Making new memories.”
“Making new memories,” she agreed quietly, “for nights like this when we need them most.”
She was right, of course. Whatever they wound up doing—talking about it, not talking about it, enjoying the silence or enjoying the distractions—it would help. Slowly. To work through this. Alya would know, having been through it with her own family. Saving the people of Paris is one thing, but saving your family was something else entirely.
He was glad to have her.
She gave his hand another squeeze. “Come on,” she repeated. “They’re fine. They’re even better than you are. Let’s go so you can see that for yourself.”
And stop feeling bad for enjoying yourself now. That’s what she wasn’t saying.
And she was right.
Why was he surprised?
“Okay,” Nino whispered. Alya gave him a small smile and tugged him forward.
Ladybug and Chat Noir, Rena Rouge and Carapace—and even Queen Bee—might be tasked with saving Paris, but it was ordinary people who provided the most comfort in the aftermath. After the heroes had disappeared, after the physical damage was repaired and only the memories remained—that’s when actions like Alya’s mattered the most. That’s when they could be heroes without their masks. And those would be the times everyone would remember.
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veridienn · 6 years
day 1: heroes
AO3                                          @djwifi-december
“Cataclysm!” Chat Noir closed his hand around the pen with the akuma inside it. The akumatized journalist (who had named herself L’interrogateur) let out an enraged shriek as the writing utensil disintegrated into ashes.
“No!” Hawk Moth yelled from inside his lair.
“No!” L’interrogateur screeched at the same time, hand outstretched uselessly.
The darkly-colored butterfly tried to make its escape, but Ladybug snatched it out of the air with here yoyo before it could get far. “No more evildoing for you, little akuma. Time to deevilize!” The pigtailed superhero purified the akuma, and it fluttered off into the sky innocently. “Bye-bye, little butterfly!”
“Pound it!” she and Chat exclaimed as they executed their signature fist bump.
Meanwhile, Rena Rouge and Carapace stood awkwardly in the background, feeling a little bit out of place. They hadn’t really done much to defeat the akuma, and they didn’t know what to do now. Rena opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, Ladybug and Chat Noir leapt off over the rooftops to do...whatever it was they did after akuma attacks.
“Well, I guess our job here is done,” Carapace said, although it sounded more like a question. He turned to leave, but—
“Oh no, you don’t, Shelly,” Rena said, grabbing his hood in an orange-gloved fist.
“You’ve forgotten our secret handshake, dummy!”
“Oh yeah...that….” Dammit! Carapace rolled his eyes. He didn’t understand why Rena insisted on doing their secret handshake or whatever after every battle. At least, that’s what he tried to portray to everyone around him. Secretly, he loved it. Don’t tell anyone I told you, but he kinda has a thing for a certain foxy hero, if you catch my drift. (He’s telling me to delete that sentence right now because “[he] [doesn’t] need the world to know [his] feelings for Rena!” Yeah, well, screw you and your dignity, Shelly. I’ll write what I want.)
Sighing exasperatedly (gotta keep up those appearances), Carapace turned back towards Rena Rouge. He held his hands out and Rena took them with an excited squeal. God, she was so adorable.
They linked middle fingers (right hand with right hand, left with left) and shook their arms from side to side. (For the record, Rena had made it up. Carapace had no part in the invention of their handshake.)
They proceeded to do this until Rena decided she’d had enough, which wasn’t for another ten minutes or so.
Okay, so maybe it was more like twenty seconds. It sure felt like ten minutes, though, and Carapace’s arms were starting to get tired.
Rena let go of his fingers and stepped back. When Carapace voiced his complaints, she grinned deviously. “Here, I’ll make it better,” she said, and pulled Carapace into a tight bear hug. (Or was it a fox hug?)
The boy in green felt his face burning. He returned the hug and was sure his face closely resembled a stop sign (minus the demanding white letters, of course). As Rena pulled away, he noticed that she was blushing too. But that had to be one of her illusions, right?
...Right? He’d never seen her blush before, unless it was when she got angry.
She couldn’t really be blushing. Or…
Could she be?
While Carapace’s inner thoughts sparred, Rena Rouge couldn’t help but notice three things.
One: Carapace’s face was almost the exact same color as Ladybug’s suit (sans spots, obviously).
Two: Her turtle boy almost—almost reminded her of a certain DJ she knew. But she brushed that thought aside—it was too crazy to be true.
Thirdly and lastly, she realized that she had fallen deeply and truly in love with the boy standing in front of her.
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megasumz · 5 years
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Djwifi Day 30 Prompt: Comfort Pretty self explanatory, but there is nothing more soft than sitting down with another and enjoying the comfort of their presence! Huge thank you and shout out to @pandacapuccino for accepting my commission and creating this beautiful, and very soft piece of these two! :D <3 This person makes beautiful art, go check them out ^^  I was given the permission to post and tag the djwifi event @djwifi-december, so that was very sweet :3 It worked out well too, since this fell under one of the prompts for the event (I didn’t plan this, but here you go) XD
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orangebunnit · 5 years
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Djwifi December Day 17: Soft Glances  Life is hard when you’re best friends with the sappiest couple in Paris  @djwifi-december Twitter; orangebunnit | Insta: orange.bunnit
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orangebunnit · 5 years
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Djwifi December Day 4: Hot Chocolate
Gasp! A wild Coffeeshop au appears!
I had a ton of fun with this. I actually drew this on my phone since I was on a trip bit I think it came out ok :D
Insta: orange.bunnit | Twitter: orangebunnit
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orangebunnit · 6 years
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DJWifi December Day 3: Soulmates  A lowkey throwback to my red string of fate comic c:   @djwifi-december
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orangebunnit · 5 years
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Djwifi December Day 12: Proposal  Please accept this very messy sketch, I did this in one sitting while listening to romantic 2000′s songs on a loop.  @djwifi-december Twitter: Orangebunnit | Instagram: orange.bunnit 
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orangebunnit · 5 years
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Djwifi December Day 8: Sharing Jackets
It’s a quick doodle and I accidentally blurred out my own signature (rip) but I still like this anyway!
Insta: orange.bunnit | Twitter: orangebunnit
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3laxx · 5 years
DJWifi December 2k18
Day 12: Proposal
Ao3 / FF.net
Alya Césaire was not easily surprised.
Nino knew that, he always knew. She was a reporter and too smart to be fooled. He knew she had figured out Marinette’s secret identity only a year after Ladybug had shown up.
For Adrien it had taken her about two weeks longer but she had figured out that boy’s secret as well.
But to upkeep their secret and not to worry them that Hawkmoth would target a knowing civilian, she had kept their secret like her own, never letting them know that she knew exactly well what they were doing when suddenly vanishing during Akuma attacks.
So, he hadn’t even tried hiding from her that Marinette had chosen him as Carapace and thus, a temporary helper. Of course, he hadn’t told her right away but as he had dropped into her room at midnight, in his suit, she had already been a little suspecting. Even though she had already known to 80% that it had to be him. She wasn’t dumb, she had been picked as Rena and Carapace had definitely been too similar to her beloved boyfriend.
A few cues from him and she had thrown her arms around him, excitedly pressing a kiss to his lips and grinning from one ear to the other. She had known from the start and even though careful, she had just needed his nickname for her.
Yes, surprising Alya was not an easy task. He had known that and that’s why he naturally had to try and pick the hardest thing to surprise her with. Naturally.
When it had gotten clear they’d stay together after high school, and when they moved together and started university and growing up, Nino realized that he’d just have a single shot at this, otherwise it wouldn’t work. He realized he’d have to be so unbelievably subtle and he’d have to plan this for a long time.
He begun with trying to come up with a non-creepy way to explore the waters of the idea of marriage by bribing Marinette to talk to her best friend. They had a girl’s evening out and his spy did a god job in directing the talk towards this hot topic while Alya wasn’t exactly sober anymore but not so drunk she would say things she didn’t mean. Overall, he had just told her to wait two or three beers to make Alya’s tongue honest before asking.
At that time, it had been too early. Sure, while marriage would benefit them in a few ways, Alya had not been ready so he as her boyfriend hadn’t pushed it. It just gave him more time for planning.
So, he had created a sub account to his bank account to save up money for a ring. He had started looking for locations that meant a lot to both of them, he began on a song for her and he overall just tried keeping it cool between them, not let her notice his nervousness and his outgoing plans to propose to her.
Luckily for him, Adrien and Marinette as well as all their old and new friends supported him with that and even if it had come close to Marinette drinking and spilling everything a few times (a heartfelt kiss from Adrien had sobered her up after that. Or made her completely tipsy, who knew), his plans had stayed a secret from his girlfriend.
A year later he let Marinette test out the waters again, even tried himself, and this time around Alya seemed to be liking the idea more and more. So, his plan was a go.
He set everything in motion and finally got a ring, still acting as usual as he could around her.
And when the day came, he was as relaxed as he could be. He had a ring in his pocket that would surely be replaced with a certain yes from her. He had the perfect location, the zoo in which they had realized their love for each other, and he had made sure it had become a habit for them to visit the zoo in a date just often enough not to seem special but just seldomly enough not to make it too usual, too boring.
The ring was safely tucked away in his jeans, the plaid shirt she loved on him carefully carelessly draped over the slight bulge of the small box. The thick winter jacket hid even more but he had asked her father to open the panther cage for them and heat it up so they wouldn’t need their jackets. He hadn’t done something special to his hair, hadn’t scrubbed his shoes and had just once more than the usual two times, inconspicuously, brushed his teeth before they had been going.
Everything was perfect. He hadn’t requested a dress code for her but had subtly implied that she could wear the nice shirt she had just bought a month back.
It was nothing too fancy or too special but just special enough to completely surprise her and not let it happen in a dumpster. Or rushed. No, everything was planned years ahead.
They departed from their flat without a rush, without a reservation waiting for them. Their dates always went that way and somewhere in Paris a table was always free.
Admittedly, Nino had become a little nervous as they hadn’t found a place in their usual spots but they had found a cute little Indian restaurant as he had already been sweating a little and he was relieved Alya was so excited about this. They ate well and he remained calm and normal, not talking too little or too much before he paid and they left for a stroll along the Seine on which he planned asking her to go to the zoo.
That’s when she first got a little suspicious. Of course, they had already been in the zoo after closing time, partly because her father was still working after visiting hours, partly because she had half grown up in zoos due to her father, so she knew her way around.
He managed to bring it across as a safe idea, though, and presented the keys he had asked her father for. While doing so he carefully covered the key for the panther cage.
They had gotten her father’s key a few times by now, not too often, of course, so Alya was unsuspecting once again as they entered the zoo. He had promised her father not to drink, which wasn’t uncommon for him, so he had without any problems managed to keep his face and drink his water when she had had a glass of wine.
“You okay?”, he asked her when they slowly strolled down the paths, listening to the sleeping animals and huddling themselves deeper into their jackets.
“I’m a little cold.”, she smirked but then she squeezed his hand in her pocket. The hand that would hopefully wear a ring at the end of the night, “But I’m good. You did well, Nino.”
He grinned and shrugged, kissing her temple. “I tried.”
Just a moment later they arrived at the panther cage and leant against the railing to look through the glass. Alya’s father had reassured him a few times by now that the panther had to be taken out this evening and would have to stay at the vet for the night so they’d have the cage free for themselves.
“Wanna go inside?”, at this point, the surprise would set in. He knew the surprise started now, even if he could still keep her in the dark for a little while, “I asked your dad, his panther is at the vet.”
She seemed suspicious but the joy soon took her over and she grinned.
“You got the keys?!”
He grinned as he held them up, now revealing the hidden one.
“Just like old times?”
She giggled as he jumped over the railing and unlocked the door, pulling it open in a grunt of effort, before he helped her up and inside the warm, a little damp cage. When he had closed the door again, he took his jacket off and breathed through after switching on the light, smirking.
“How’s it feel?”
“As if I’m 14 again!”, she exclaimed, laughing.
They jumped around in the cage for a bit, feeling like they were not older than 14, until Nino got the right moment. He waited until Alya vanished in the few tropical plants that grew there and called her at the only visible exit so she wouldn’t have another choice. He waited until she came closer, then he got on his knees and got out the small box to rest it on his knee, clutched in his sweating hands.
When she broke out of the plants, she saw him and immediately, her eyes widened.
He had really managed to surprise her.
“Alya-…” “Yes.”, she interrupted him and shook her head, falling to her knees in front of him and throwing her arms around his neck, “Yes, yes, yes!”
He chuckled, relieved and happy, as he hugged her back. “Don’t wanna let me say something?”, he mocked her but she shook her head, something wet touching his neck.
“Nope. Just give me that ring, I waited for ages!”
He stopped and stared at her, now being the surprised one himself .
“… What.”
My prompts are based on THIS calendar from @djwifi-december!
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3laxx · 5 years
DJWifi December 2k18
Day 10: Late Nights
Ao3 / FF.net
Alya huffed as she saw the small “online” beneath Nino’s name as she checked on her phone.
It was 3 in the morning and she had woken up for no special reason, so she had decided to drink a bit of water, unlock her phone and scroll around a bit, only to find that her boyfriend was awake.
Without another thought, she called him, not surprised as he accepted.
“Coincidence?”, she asked drowsily, blinking a few times while sitting up, “I think not.”
Back came a very forced voice accompanied by a yawn, trying his best to act sleepy.
“Oh man… Alya… What’re you doing, calling so late… You woke me up.”
All Alya had as a comment to that was a lifted eyebrow.
“Are you kidding me, your phone is never on vibration or sound. You’re still awake, not just now.”
She literally heard his shoulders slumping, defeatedly.
“… Okay fine. You got me. Why’re you up so late?”
She groaned as she slid back against the headrest of her bed, rolling her eyes.
“I woke up. Dunno why, I think I was just thirsty. How about you?”
An awkward silence followed as he didn’t respond for a while but just before Alya was about to say something he laughed nervously and talked up before she could.
“Heh, yeah, you know that one song I talked about yesterday? Yeah, I uh, I’m currently remixing that one, I uh, that’s just what I’m doing right now!”
Alya sighed in exasperation and shook her head, half believing him but she sensed that something was wrong.
“Nino, and now honestly. What’re you doing? It’s a school night, you’re normally in bed at 1am. Which is also late but I don’t wanna by a hypocrite.”
He once again remained silent before she heard a noise coming closer to him, passing him and vanishing again. It almost sounded like a car.
“Where. Are you.”, she was now wide awake as she sat up straight, her eyes widened. A thousand possible thoughts passed her mind and she felt panic rising up inside her before Nino answered, thank god.
“… Uh… Let me in?”, he sheepishly asked, making her eyes blow wider than she had thought they could get. With one jump she was out of the bed, had hung up on him and was hurriedly sneaking down the hallway not to wake anyone. A few fast steps later she opened the front door, already hearing him sneak up the stairs to her apartment.
With a hushed whisper she yelled down, seeing his head appearing next to the railing, in the middle between the stairs. His eyes were bright golden but the dark rings under his eyes and the mussed up hair spoke for themselves that he had apparently tried to sleep but hadn’t managed.
“Nino, what are you doing here?!”
He quickly ran up the last stairs, careful not to be too loud, groaning as he finally reached her and heavily leant on her. Alya tightly locked her arms around his waist, grateful that she had woken up just at the right time. She didn’t even want to know how log he had been outside already. His ice-cold clothes and the red nose already told her of an answer that she didn’t want to hear, though.
She didn’t want to admit that she was relieved that he wasn’t in trouble, so she leant back again and gave him a light slap, furrowing her eyebrows.
“Are you crazy?! You haven’t taken any drugs, have you? Oh my god, you’re such an idiot!”
Nino pouted as he turned his head to her again, her fingers slowly appearing as red shades on his cheek.
“Hey, that wasn’t nice.”, he whined but she didn’t care as she pulled him inside as silently as she could, past her sisters’ and her parents’ bedrooms towards her own.
Only as they were in her room again, she sat him down on her bed and closed the door.
“So, what’s up?”, she asked in a stern tone, her voice leaving no room for discussions or attempts to lie.
Nino sighed and gestured for her to sit down next to him. She did, although not without some hesitance.
“I just-… I’ve been having nightmares ever since we got the Miraculous. I had nightmares of-… Uhm… I couldn’t sleeping anymore. So I went to get some fresh air.”
She couldn’t hide her concern anymore as she grabbed his arm, hugging it tightly while resting her head on his shoulder.
“Don’t you know that’s super dangerous…?”, she asked, suppressing tears as she felt him beside her, alive and well and although a little cold, still fully healthy.
He carefully shrugged to that, cupping her face and keeping her close as he kissed her forehead.
“I know… I just-… I couldn’t stay home. I had to get out.”
She shook her head while she led him to lay down on her bed, snuggling against him as his head finally rested on the pillow, with her ear pressed against his heart.
“… Nightmares of which kind…?”, she slowly asked, kissing his shirt. He groaned and shook his head but she nudged him with her nose and he let his other arm lie over his eyes as she demanded to know.
“Nightmares like losing people.”, he finally admitted, almost sounding embarrassed, “Like you. Losing you. I can’t bear losing you.”
Her breath stuttered as she felt his chest rising erratically, looking up to him shell shocked to find that he was crying. Suddenly, she realized that their position was the wrong way.
“You won’t lose me, Nino.”, she mumbled while propping herself up and getting up to him, resting her head on the pillow instead of him, and leading him to press his ear on her chest in turn.
“I won’t.”, he whispered, his voice thick and his teeth clenched.
“You won’t. Ever. I’m Rena Rouge, I can keep an eye out for myself. And if I can’t, you will. You always will.”
To that, he gave her a slow nod, remaining in silence until his breaths came more even.
“I will.”
My prompts are based on THIS calendar from @djwifi-december!
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