#DND CAMPAIGN: the wildcats.
pterostar · 1 month
Sending another bc I got curious !!! Also I figured leaving an ask would be nice to see during/after your shift :)
Still pertaining to the cat ask game !! Kitten, ik abt your past relationships so I suppose my question is more- did you consider them your darling? or what makes someone your darling? as in what puts them into that status?
Stray cat, Wildcat, Purring, Sunbathing, Biting, Scratching, Meowing, & Pouncing.
I'd ask the last 4 but as far as I'm aware you are without a darling (loser moment) ((ignore my hypocrisy))
Kitten- who was your first darling? are you still in touch?
My first girlfriend, not partner but first girl I dated, yes she is the dm for the dnd campaign I’m in. Being obsessed with them needing them around me and needing to know what they’re doing, makes someone my darling. Just the all consuming obsession I have.
Stray Cat- how do you feel when your darling interacts with others? do you try to isolate them?
Really mad and jealous. I don’t actively try, but I would be happy with them talking to very little people. Though as long as I feel comfortable with them I don’t really mind them interacting with others.
Wildcat- what are some fantasies you have about your darling? what about the darkest ones?
Just keeping them locked up entirely reliant on me for everything. The darkest one is just literally dissecting them tearing them apart and knowing them. Would I actually be able to do anything like that, no. I always feel to bad to cause pain but it’s a nice fantasy.
Purring- what are your top love languages?
Acts of service, gifts, and physical affection! I live spending hours on a gift, like they mention something they want/need, and I want to make it for them. I like giving gifts of things I made, and I like just clinging to them whenever I’m around them.
Sunbathing- what would be your ideal date or hangout with your darling?
Going to an aquarium and wandering around just chatting and enjoying the exhibits, spending hours around them.
Biting- does your obsession make you violent or aggressive? if so, in what way?
Yes very, I want to leave my mark on my darling, I want to get rid of any person in my way.
Scratching- how do you cope with any toxic urges you have related to your darling?
I generally just imagine doing it or write it out to get it out of my head.
Meowing- how do you express your love to your darling, if at all?
Hanging out with them, making them things, giving them all my attention. Like if they need me I’d drop everything for them.
Pouncing- do you stalk your darling? if so, how?
Yes I like watching what they post, for my first darling watching for her car around town. And just generally keeping an eye on them in any way I have access to.
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thefaepr1nce · 7 years
references: fleur is the super cynical and super reluctant-to-be-here sorcerer, red is the fighter who can’t make a friend to save his life (literally), and astrid is the cleric mom friend who is in over her head with these two
highlights of the session:
“fleur builds a fucking house, i guess?” (rolled a nat 20 on survival)
astrid eats a “good fuckin shroom” and is high for the rest of the session (rolled... a 3 i think on survival)
astrid failed to see the huge ass windmill from a super good vantage point but saw everything else, somehow 
fleur’s allergies act up and he can’t see a damn thing around the windmill (rolled a nat 1 on investigation)
fleur (briefly) makes the windmill his bitch (rolled a 15 on charisma to get into the windmill)
the entire group (captain holly, lyra(?), leys and the three of them) get fucking vored by the windmill because the door became the wall
red tries to throw leys through the window and Shit Gets Whack(TM)
the windmill’s “artificial light” goes completely black and fleur tries to light a torch
ALARM! ALARM! ALARM! ALARM! no more oxygen for you
“you all did breath holding contests before this adventure began and you sit through this with ease as the oxygen returns to the windmill and the ‘fire alarm’ stops” (we all rolled 19+ on constitution)
leys disappears while still unconscious, fleur goes dead quiet, and red becomes one thousand more times aware of his own mortality
“do you,,,,,, the windmill,,,,,,,,,,, have a name,,,,,”  “CAN WE CALL YOU WINDY???????”  ........................................................ two creaks for yes  “okay. well. windy,, then,,”
fleur gives red the death glare of the century (19 on intimidation because he’s Fucking Pissed)
fleur gets whiny because he wants his best friend back
these..........three absolute fucking morons made friends with a windmill that wasn’t even supposed to be this important
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
South Asian Seer / Fortune teller
Anonymous asked:
I'm not sure if a dnd campaign qualifies as the type of writing you're interesting in helping with, but I feel I should disclose that that's what this is for. I'm wanting to include more diversity in my settings; would it be inappropriate to have a seer/fortune teller with a South Asian appearance? I'm not sure if this would end up being a "magical South Asian" stereotype as you've described before.
Hello! Speaking from the perspective of an Indian Hindu, here are my queries:
Does this campaign include other characters of colour, South Asians in particular? If yes, then that balances out the possibility of the Exotic Brown Woman trope.
Do the characters of other ethnicities also practise magic or exhibit fantastic/otherworldly abilities (I would assume so, seeing as it’s DnD)? Doesn’t necessarily have to be the gift of prophecy but if the story is peopled with magical creatures then the fortune teller wouldn’t stick out like a sore thumb.
Is she sexualised or made into the “temptress” in comparison with other characters? Is she likened to an animal frequently to describe her attractiveness or described in dehumanising terms to denote sex appeal (snake and wildcat imagery come to mind for South Asians.) If not, then the dangers of playing into such a trope are immediately reduced because what makes it harmful in the first place is not magic but the objectification of brown women.
Fortune telling is not permitted in several religions, so make sure you do your research before designing the character. While Jyotishya or Vedic astrology features prominently in the lives of practising Hindus (it is actually considered an essential tenement to Hindu rituals), fortune telling/astrology is forbidden in Islam and other religions. Also remember, that as with most other other things, Vedic astrology is interwoven with ideas of caste and the caste system. Ask yourself if you feel comfortable to undertake in-depth research about these topics while you are designing the character.
Is her magic depicted as a sort of primitive backwardness contrasted against progressive characters? (once again, not likely, but still an essential check) Is she a Guru Pathik from ATLA-esque prototype: the eccentric seer providing comic relief? That is the only case where her using magic can pose a problem. Refer to Parvati excelling at Divination in Harry Potter, a subject dismissed by most of the main characters as frivolous. Be respectful when portraying an ethnicity and a belief system that’s not yours. 
Aside this, I don’t see an inherent problem with the usage of fortune telling by a South Asian; It’s a pretty booming business here in India, and my own feelings about it notwithstanding, divination and cosmology definitely forms a part of South Asian Hindu society.
-Mod Mimi
Ask published Oct 2021
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bronanlynch · 6 years
highlights of last night’s dnd session aka let’s not lara croft this shit
two (2) years into this campaign and I’m still forgetting I get a second attack, which I have had this whole entire time
mics always cutting off half of someone’s answer to what their roll was, especially when it was in the teens, leading to the phrase “teen damage” and the dm singing teenagers by mcr, and also “what teen?” “wildcats!” which no one appreciated at the time but I still think I’m very funny
dm, describing a door our ranger just found: “it’s slightly ajar” me: “I thought it was a door”
our ranger tried to push a pull door and our druid kept failing to open doors and eventually decided that they were broken or not actually doors
and yet she’s the one who told nef he doesn’t know how to open doors
none of us can open doors tbh that’s the main takeaway from this session
the archaeology part of me is crying bc we didn’t document anything and we keep breaking down doors
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daydreamtlife · 6 years
Omg D&D Nights with the Squads
Saw a post and now this is in my head. My paras form little families because they’re in different stories\realities—other madders get it I’m sure. If they played dnd...
JS, JG, ES, WT, HB, and Me:
JS would be a swashbuckler, JG would be a drunken monk, ES would be a fighter, WT would be a rogue, HB would be some homebrew shit to eff you up, I would be the DM. HB and JS would roast each other constantly, as they do out of game. WT would try to flirt with ES in character but she just wants to fight monsters and doesn’t even notice. JS would constantly try to do the craziest bs possible like disguising himself as a cleric to break into cults and trying to seduce literally everything to get out of problems. Including inanimate objects. Would also lowkey be trying to seduce the DM irl, which HB would call him out on as “cheating”, ES would be like “no let him finish” because she wants to win things, and JG would be irl drinking at the table making quiet snide comments. They’d probably end up as criminals, if they didn’t already start the game that way.
RT, ET, WD, PP, and Me:
RT would be some whimsical magic class, ET would actually want to play the game, WD would be a paladin or cleric, PP would be a Bard. If him and RT were both Bards they would bounce from hating that the other person is a Bard to teaming up and saying “it’s a bards only thing” “Bard Brothers Only” all the time. I would be DM. WD is only playing because PP is there and I wanted another girl in the group. PP tries to be less annoying because he knows I could attack his character—he doesn’t know I wouldn’t because I’d joke about doing so all the time. The group doesn’t like fighting very much, they prefer to rp more. They would cling to the first weird creature they found that wasn’t hostile and make it their mascot. Probably a green flying pig or something. RT would keep trying to use oneliners on NPCs but would never roll high enough to seduce, meanwhile ET wouldn’t even try and somehow succeed. WD would be super nice and kind to everyone, act as the moral compass. But if PP’s character is threatened, WD gon cut a bitch
GL, LF, and Me:
GL actually suggested the game at first, but once they’d played a couple oneshots he decided to run a campaign. It’s pretty monster-of-the-week but the banter between them makes it fun, and the unlimited alcohol they get for having it at GL’s tavern makes it even better. GL likes describing the fights so everything is really detailed and gorey, but that also makes it feel more badass when you kill something. LF is a Bard, I’m a Rogue, we have issues healing ourselves but I steal potions as easy as breathing. Sometimes GL will surprise them with cool magic items. Honestly OP, but just a fun hang out game and an excuse to get together.
DW, SW, CF, GA, CA, and Me:
DW acts too cool for it when it’s first suggested but then he is the DM and geeks out every game. I’m completely invested and love each game night. It’s less fighting than expected, a lot of mysteries, and a lot of hijinks caused by GA who picked Chaotic Neutral Trickster Cleric. SW loves his Wizard character and has the longest backstory. CA didn’t know a thing about the game at first but becomes a walking Rulebook after two sessions. Nobody is really sure how I convinced CF to play, he never seems truly happy to be there, but he also never misses a game. He goes out of his way to annoy the DM. He hasn’t told anyone anything about his backstory or alignment but multiple players are convinced he picked Lawful Evil. They’re right. He’s currently planning to tpk the party and I’m the only one who’s noticed. Instead of saving the others I have created an escape plan, ready to run at any moment. CF knows and is planning to kill me first as a result, but he’s waiting for the right moment to spring the plan. GA has a way for his character to come back to life so he doesn’t care. He spends the game trying to flirt with SW because it makes SW uncomfortable, although sometimes GA does genuinely flirt with me instead. DW ruins the moment. One time with a mind flayer. GA laid off the flirting for a session after that.
G&D Unit:
SM would be so good at the game that everyone thinks his dice are rigged, likely rolled more nat 20s than anyone has ever rolled ever. NJ is a tired DM boi in the end. SP also has incredible luck, but also tries to pull the stupidest stunts. Drinking games in-game are popular for the squad.
The group is DMed by me, and it’s Pirate Themed. YN is the most excited to learn. YD has played before. YG tries to seduce every male NPC and ends up with a jealous harem in-game that becomes a plot point, much to his regret. YS is the sassy one-liner guy. All of them like to make fun of the pirate theme and joke about bringing in JD to voice the characters and embarrass me. It would never happen so it doesn’t annoy me enough to actually get me angry. They have a bout of bad luck and summon a kraken that ends up chasing them. YS ends up left behind in a rowboat to save themselves and has to roll a new character. He makes a pirate who wants revenge for a mutiny his crew committed, and stares specifically at YD (who first suggested leaving his character in a rowboat) every time his backstory comes up.
FB Unit:
JK DMs the game! NS chose a Ranger and took a small wildcat as his animal companion. It took TG a while to get used to how magic works, she took Wizard. QG took Cleric, I took Sorcerer. QG is the classic Lawful Good Cleric and is the moral compass usually, although none of us really want to do evil things. As a Neutral Good character sometimes I suggest stealing something to make stuff easier for us, but it’s 60/40 whether it actually happens. Everything is a debate. We like rp-ing, and JK does THE BEST voices. I’m honestly always laughing at his jokes even when the others don’t get it. QG tries not to meta game even though she can always tell what JK is planning. NS tries to adopt every single monster we encounter regardless of its alignment or if it has already begun to attack us. He succeeds nearly always, so we’re a lot lower level than we probably should be. But we have a pet dragon so goals.
DR, JPT, CO, and Me:
DR DMs the games and is always geeking out about it. Has extremely indepth world-building and a lot of intrigue plots. Not a lot of fighting at all, although JPT can get gung ho about it sometimes. CO is the healer and has the highest charisma so she deals with that. I’m the Rogue so I do a lot of recon. JPT flirts with everyone as shamelessly as he does in real life. Used to lay it on thick with CO and I but he realized that DR gets extremely flustered when he flirts with him, and that always makes me crack tf up, so he does that even more. He seems to live for making us break character. CO brings us back to the game. There’s one NPC that DR made have a crush on me and JPT always gets annoyed when he pops up again, and I’m suspicious that DR did this as revenge but he always looks so innocent about it I will never be sure. Despite the excitement, dnd night is probably the calmest part of our days.
SB, JP, RL, and Me:
I DM the game. RL comes up with the best strategies that almost always work. SB is the one—there’s always one—that tries to charm his way out of everything. He wasn’t sure he’d like rp but he’s a natural. JP plays an idiot and it’s hilarious. SB and him have formed a duo within their trio and they play off of each other beautifully. The entire game has become a classic comedy with RL as the straightfaced man to play jokes off of. They once went shopping for half the game and yet it was the funniest fucking thing that had happened so far. Although a highlight was SB and JP making a convoluted break-in plan where they almost both fell off a roof and RL just walking in and stealing the item they all wanted and walking out. It’s all very true to life.
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