#DO NOT try to tell me my air fryer is less efficient for it or that the toilet owned by my apt complex is not going to last as long
wittywallflower · 11 months
helloo~ for the cafe ask game: honey! (i think i accidentally clicked the unfollow button while looking for the ask button lmao sorry abt that!)
honey: share a valuable life lesson that you’ve learned while growing up.
bestie and i call this one "lean into the lazy"
we all have tasks and chores and responsibilities we could be better at but we just aren't. its rarely actually laziness, more likely to be executive dysfunction, or the depression, or sensory issues with the particular task. what we do is give ourselves permission to 'suck' at whatever it is, and just accommodate it where we can.
are you going to not-clean the air fryer basket until it grosses you out to use? just line the fucking thing with tin foil. as long as your food is getting sufficiently cooked, fuck it. do you constantly forget to bring certain things to certain places? fuck it, have two+ of that thing, one in each place (I have so many raincoats you wouldn't believe, and my car is swimming in reusable shopping bags... until it isn't because I've used them all and forgot to put any back in my car. I will simply not remember to grab them on my way out the door. I wont. Even when they are RIGHT NEXT TO THE DOOR. I am simply incapable of remembering to grab the god damn shopping bags). do your veggies go bad before you summon the wherewithal to chop and cook them? Buy the pre-chopped stuff. (there's a lot of overlap between this concept and the "pay the adhd tax up front" idea, admittedly...) Does cleaning the toilet make you want to curl up and die? they have various products you can just throw in the tank or clip into the bowl (yes i can hear the handy ma'am tiktok ladies tutting about this). Does your coffee table get so cluttered with drinks and dishes and anything else that you had in your hand that you wanted to not be in your hand anymore? just fyi you are not required to have a coffee table... trust me your living room will be sooooo much cleaner without one, its awesome. Buy a nice spill-proof container for your beverages and you can just set it on the floor (or, if you are like me, toss it on the couch cushion next to you so you don't have to reach as far) (i recommend the Contigo West Loop for this btw. I own like 4 and they are ideal for both hot and cold bevs) Hate bending down to tie your shoes, so you constantly mangle the heels by putting them on and taking them off without touching the laces? start wearing styles that are easily slipped on. they even have step-into styles these days that don't require hands at all. Do you procrastinate doing the dishes until there's not a clean fork left in the house? You can stock your utensil drawer with as many forks as you want. You aren't even limited to one drawer. you will have to wash those forks eventually, but that's still like a dozen more meals and snacks that wont start on a negative note because you were reminded that you 'suck' at getting your dishes cleaned in a timely manner.
is it ever the 'best' option? the cheapest or the most green or the most mature-functioning-adult option? no. but clearly we are not going to do the cheapest or smartest or most normal option, we've tried and tried and it never became a habit, and after years of making ourselves feel bad about it we said "fuck it" and started leaning into the lazy
accommodate the things you know you are going to struggle with. even the little things.
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