#yeah a lot of this takes some money. sorry. welcome to life. everything is expensive.
wittywallflower · 11 months
helloo~ for the cafe ask game: honey! (i think i accidentally clicked the unfollow button while looking for the ask button lmao sorry abt that!)
honey: share a valuable life lesson that you’ve learned while growing up.
bestie and i call this one "lean into the lazy"
we all have tasks and chores and responsibilities we could be better at but we just aren't. its rarely actually laziness, more likely to be executive dysfunction, or the depression, or sensory issues with the particular task. what we do is give ourselves permission to 'suck' at whatever it is, and just accommodate it where we can.
are you going to not-clean the air fryer basket until it grosses you out to use? just line the fucking thing with tin foil. as long as your food is getting sufficiently cooked, fuck it. do you constantly forget to bring certain things to certain places? fuck it, have two+ of that thing, one in each place (I have so many raincoats you wouldn't believe, and my car is swimming in reusable shopping bags... until it isn't because I've used them all and forgot to put any back in my car. I will simply not remember to grab them on my way out the door. I wont. Even when they are RIGHT NEXT TO THE DOOR. I am simply incapable of remembering to grab the god damn shopping bags). do your veggies go bad before you summon the wherewithal to chop and cook them? Buy the pre-chopped stuff. (there's a lot of overlap between this concept and the "pay the adhd tax up front" idea, admittedly...) Does cleaning the toilet make you want to curl up and die? they have various products you can just throw in the tank or clip into the bowl (yes i can hear the handy ma'am tiktok ladies tutting about this). Does your coffee table get so cluttered with drinks and dishes and anything else that you had in your hand that you wanted to not be in your hand anymore? just fyi you are not required to have a coffee table... trust me your living room will be sooooo much cleaner without one, its awesome. Buy a nice spill-proof container for your beverages and you can just set it on the floor (or, if you are like me, toss it on the couch cushion next to you so you don't have to reach as far) (i recommend the Contigo West Loop for this btw. I own like 4 and they are ideal for both hot and cold bevs) Hate bending down to tie your shoes, so you constantly mangle the heels by putting them on and taking them off without touching the laces? start wearing styles that are easily slipped on. they even have step-into styles these days that don't require hands at all. Do you procrastinate doing the dishes until there's not a clean fork left in the house? You can stock your utensil drawer with as many forks as you want. You aren't even limited to one drawer. you will have to wash those forks eventually, but that's still like a dozen more meals and snacks that wont start on a negative note because you were reminded that you 'suck' at getting your dishes cleaned in a timely manner.
is it ever the 'best' option? the cheapest or the most green or the most mature-functioning-adult option? no. but clearly we are not going to do the cheapest or smartest or most normal option, we've tried and tried and it never became a habit, and after years of making ourselves feel bad about it we said "fuck it" and started leaning into the lazy
accommodate the things you know you are going to struggle with. even the little things.
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Would I be the asshole to have a luxurious celibacy party with my (ex) future in law's money instead of a wedding ? 👰👯
Sorry for any grammar mistake, English is not my first language.
My(29F) partner(29M) of 12 years cheated on me. I caught him a few months before the wedding and called everything off.
My ask is more about my in-laws and appearing like a gold digger so I will spend some time explaining my relationship with them. I don't care about what my ex thinks. He is dead to me.
My ex's family is old money, mine is blue collar. His family has always been really nice and welcoming.
Aside from a few family vacations paid for me here and there, I never benefited financially from their wealth. For gift-giving occasions they were tactfully giving me sentimental gifts, so I could return the favor and match with them in term of budget.
His parents wanted to teach their future heir the value of money, and he didn't have access to the family funds during his studies. They were even frugal in his allowance (he obv couldn't qualify for scholarship) and we both had to take jobs during our studies to support ourselves (my scholarships didn't cover for all expenses). I got my diploma before him (shorter studies) and supported him financially during the last three years of his studies. He has had a (very) high earning job and access to family funds for a year.
When he finished his studies, we started to plan for the wedding.
His family wanted an extravagant wedding, I would have preferred a smaller event, my fiance had no opinion. I finally accepted because it made his family so happy, and like I said they have always been very good to me. I even ended up having a lot of fun with my ex MIL and SIL planning for things. I mostly referred to them as what was a "must have" for a wedding even if most of this seemed like a rich people extravagance to me.
The plan was for us (me and cheater) to pay 50% of the wedding. My parents were paying for 5% (I wouldn't dare tell them how much the whole thing was worth but they insisted to contributing). My IL were paying for the other 45%. I wanted to pay more, but my FIL told me that I let them have their way with the guest list and as such more than half of the guests were strictly theirs so it made sense that they were paying for them.
Then I caught him…
Obviously, no wedding will be happening but it's too late to cancel most stuff : venue, food, guest accommodation, dress, musicians, horses (yes. Horses. Rich people I swear).
My in-laws told me they are taking full responsibility for their son's cheating and will pay the whole wedding themselves. My ex SIL, who is also my best friend told me in confidence that they plan to make my ex reimburse them every penny.
I asked my MIL if I could keep the venue and organize a smaller event with my closest friends. She agreed.
I am calling it a celibacy party but the truth is I am devastated by what's happening. Full blown panick attack and crying myself to sleep…
I want a nice day outside with my friends and their children having fun. My family was overjoyed to finally have a joyfull family reunion for once, and I wanted to keep that. My niece (SIL's daughter whose I am the godmother of) plans to color my glorious useless white wedding dress with finger paints.
I suggested to my IL to come during the day event as our family has been blended long before we decided to make it official. My IL politely refused which yeah I understand. I didn't expected them to come, it was more to suggest them subtlety that I still want they in my life and I don't consider them responsible for their son's cheating.
Maybe the night event will be less kid friendly and I do intend to party hard in case it could make me forget the last twelve years of my life with my ex. There will be single men (close friends and family), and a lot of alcohol obviously but I don't see myself hooking up with anyone I would have previously invited TO MY OWN WEDDING. There will also be my previous ex, that I dated when we were 12 and who while celibate, is fully homosexual.
My ex learned about the plan and called me furious. He called me names (I don't care about the names a cheater calls me), but he said that it was a slap in the face of his parents and it makes me look like a gold digger. He also said that people will talk and my in-laws would look like fools among their guests when they will learn what happened in place of a wedding.
It makes me second guess myself. I asked again my in-laws and they told me that the event was mine, I could marry someone else at this venue and they couldn't blame me. I pressed again my SIL for her parents' true opinion (After all this time I struggle to understand rich people speak) : she admitted that they do think it's a bit in poor taste (That's the worst insult in rich people language) but my SIL told me it's still in better taste than putting your dick in some luxury sex-worker without condom a few months before your wedding (ex might have a love child with Another woman. It's a full shitshow but it's not mine anymore)
I am certain most people will call me NTA, as my ex SIL did, but I wonder if older people from richer backgrounds (and who are not my best friend) would agree… I do love my ex IL and I don't know how I will manage it but I want to keep them in my life and would cancel this stupid breakup party in a blink if I have to. I am not sure if tumblr has a lot of people fluent in old-fashioned old-money tradition, but it's still worth a shot. I am at still undecided about the whole thing and might change my opinion 13 times till this ask is published…
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renegadesfic · 1 year
In The Afterglow - Chapter 2
So this has actually been up on AO3 for a couple of days, but I forgot to post it here. Oops! Here it is now. NB people stay winning.
The first thing that Angel was met with when she stepped into the classroom was noise. A lot of noise. Classrooms were loud, she had expected that to a degree, but it was still a little bit of a culture shock - never having attended public school does make one more susceptible to being overwhelmed by the amount of, well, everything.
Cor must have seen her flinch at the loud chatter, because he put a hand on her back as if trying to steady her. “You okay?” He asked, seemingly unfazed. Well, he would be. He’d been in public school his whole life.
“Just… when you go to religious private schools… most classrooms aren’t this…” she paused.
“This rowdy?”
“Yeah. Rowdy’s a word for it.” She felt the pressure on her back increase just slightly and leaned into it on instinct, startling a little when she realized what she was doing. She attempted to pull away, but Cor didn’t seem to notice. Instead, he swung the backpack strap off his free arm, pulling away from her just long enough to get the other strap off and hold it in the hand that hadn’t just been pressing warm and solid against her back.
“Come sit?” He pointed to two empty desks on the opposite side of the classroom. “If you’d rather take a seat in the front, you’re welcome to, just thought I’d offer.”
There weren’t desks next to each other in the front.
“Sure,” she said, and made her way through the barely navigable mess of backpacks and extended limbs to the aforementioned seats.
“It’s not even quite eight, so we could be here a while. If you want to grab a snack or something, there’s vending machines down the hall.”
“I’m okay,” she said quickly. “I ate breakfast.”
“Well, if you want anything, I can spot you some cash.”
“Aren’t you basically homeless?”
“I told you I have a place. I just don’t live with legal guardians. Trust me, I have spare cash. Wasn’t sure if your family let you carry that stuff.”
“I have a credit card,” she shook her head, “but no cash. You’d be right on that one. It’s harder to get cash back than it is to freeze a card if something gets stolen.”
“I get the feeling your family wouldn’t miss it much, though…” he shrugged. “I guess it’s good they’re teaching you to be responsible with money?”
“Responsible is not the word I would use.”
“What would you use then?” He looked at her, meeting her eyes for a moment. She wasn’t sure if she looked away first or he did, but neither of them could quite hold the gaze. She might have hesitated a little too long before responding, because he tapped on her desk. “Earth to Angel?”
“Oh. Sorry. Um… I was…” she glanced nervously at him. He was looking at her again. And again, both of them looked away.
“Did you hear me?”
“I… did, but I forgot what you said.”
“I asked what you would call how they handle money, if not responsible.”
“Oh.” She grimaced a little. “They’re the kind of people who… flaunt wealth. Somehow they keep our house both pristinely clean - to the point of being boring - and filled to the brim with clutter. I guess they think having expensive stuff everywhere makes them look more important.”
“Lots of people think like that. Especially people like them.”
“Not everybody, though?” She tilted her head at him.
“Nah. Like I said, the people I live with have plenty. They just live well within their means. You wouldn’t have any idea they were loaded if you didn’t know them.” He looked down at the desk for a minute. “Unlike the people I lived with before.”
“You said foster parents. Not good people?”
“It’s astonishing,” he sighed, “how many people in the business of fostering are actually horrible to the kids they take in. A lot of them only do it for the social security checks.”
“So why did they let you leave, if they want the money?”
“Because part of the deal was that I let them keep cashing the checks and they leave me alone.” He scowled. “I’m not complaining, don’t get me wrong. I love living with Gwyn’s family - Gwyn’s my bandmate’s name, I don’t know if I mentioned. Just… it’s kind of a shitty thing for them to actually agree to, you know?”
There was a loud thunk as someone set a bag down on the desk in front of Cor’s. From a sitting position, Angel was craning her neck up to see the person - if Cor was almost a foot taller than her, this person had almost a foot on him, and that was kind of insane.
“Shit, do we have the same homeroom this year?” He nearly jumped out of his seat. The other figure turned - Angel caught his expression for a moment, stubble clinging to his chin in a manner far scruffier than how Cor maintained his appearance as he smirked - and immediately punched him in the shoulder. She winced instinctively - getting hit by someone that big was…
“You good, Angel?” Cor put a hand on her shoulder. “Did we scare you?”
“I… no, I’m fine. Sorry. Just startled.” She had a feeling he could tell she wasn’t being fully honest, but to his credit he didn’t pry, instead taking a step back and giving her a little pocket of open space around her desk.
“This is David,” he said, “my other bandmate. He’s kind of insanely talented.”
“‘S’up,” David looked down at her. He had to be at least six and a half feet tall.
“Um… hi?”
He looked at Cor. “You called her Angel? Is that her name or are you already hitting on her?” He grinned. Cor’s face darkened - Angel’s face went bright red.
“Not flirting. She’s new, she’s a transfer, nobody ought to flirt with her until she at least knows her way around the building.”
“So you’re saying when she knows her way around the building you’ll flirt with her.”
“I did not say that!”
“But did you think it?” David was grinning wide. Cor shook his head and sat back down.
“I’m sorry about… that.” He gestured to his friend. Angel, still trying to come back down from the cherry-red shade her face had taken on, took a moment to compute what he meant.
“It’s fine,” she finally managed. “I’m just not used to… attention. In general.”
“What, people weren’t into you at other schools you went to?” Cor looked confused. Was that genuine surprise?
… Was she seriously flattered by that?
“Not really,” she said. “Or at least they never said anything. It’s kind of… not discouraged, but… just wasn’t really a thing? Where I’ve been?”
“Well, welcome to real high school, where crushes are what like half the drama centers around. Sorry this is your introduction.”
“I’m not,” David said, sitting down at his own newly-claimed desk. “She’s cute.”
“You have a girlfriend,” Cor said, gritting his teeth a little.
“Yeah, and Brianna would also think she’s cute, I’d put money on it.”
“Just lay off, alright?” He scowled at his friend. “Give her some space.”
“Again, I have to ask - are you saying that because you care about her, or because you care about her?”
The emphasis on the second half of that was more than intentional.
“David, I will ask you one more time to shut the hell up, and if you don’t, I will fuck up every drum in your drum kit before you come over next.”
“That only hurts you, dude. I don’t mind the setup. You’re the one who gets impatient when I take too long.”
Angel caught herself just a little late, letting out a small laugh at the bickering between the two.
“What, is that funny?” David turned to her. “Cor, I’m gonna steal your girl. She already thinks I’m funny.”
“Stop it,” Cor glared.
“It’s… a little funny. But mostly… sweet? I didn’t… you don’t have to worry about me. I’ll get used to it.” She shrugged. “Plus, I think he’s only saying it to mess with you.”
“You would be right about that! As Cor so kindly pointed out, I have a girlfriend who I like very much. However, that does not under any circumstances stop me from looking at my other options.”
“You’d break up with her?” Cor looked incredulous. “I don’t believe you.”
“Dude, how many times have I told you Seung’s super cute? How many times have I told you Gwyn is super cute? It’s not about breaking up with anybody. You should know that by now.”
“Does she want you flirting though? Like, it’s one thing to call someone cute. It’s another thing to openly hit on someone you don’t even know?”
“Sorry, who are we hitting on that we don’t know?” Another bag was set down, this time on the desk in front of Angel’s - and with significantly less force. This person at least didn’t tower more than a foot over Angel if she were standing - they seemed like they’d be about the same height.
“Fuck yes, you’re in here too?” David turned. “Hey, Angel, this is Gwyn. Our third and final band member, the best bass player ever, and one of the coolest people I know.”
“Gwyn’s family are the ones spotting me a place to stay,” Cor offered the statement as a reminder.
“Yeah, he’s cool like that.” Notably, that was not a pronoun Angel would have expected either of the boys to use for Gwyn - for all intents and purposes he looked like a girl with a bit of an androgynous lean.
“It wasn’t my decision,” Gwyn said, and then, catching Angel’s confusion: “Right. Pronouns. That’s always weird for new people. You can call me literally anything you want, I don’t care.”
“We switch around lots, at her request,” David said. “It drives teachers insane - to be honest it drives most people in the school insane that we actually respect their stuff, but that’s everybody else’s problem.”
“So,” Angel tried to clarify, “I can call you she, or he, or they?”
“Well, technically there are other options,” Gwyn acknowledged, “but for now, yeah. Go with that.”
“You’ll catch on eventually,” Cor said. “And it’s patient.”
“It?” Angel looked a little taken aback. “Is that… okay?”
“Yeah, that’s what I mean by other options. You can call me it, you can call me by the weirder stuff-”
“Like Cor said, you’ll get used to it. I literally looked up as many lists of potential pronouns as possible when I was first asking people to switch it up - there’s too many to list off. Even these two couldn’t memorize all of them, to be honest I’m not sure anybody could.” Gwyn shrugged. “Seriously, don’t worry about it. Call me what you’re comfortable with.”
“I will… try my best. To call you more than one.” Angel nodded, expression serious. “I’m not used to… that.”
“Her parents are like… mega rich. Religious private school rich - you said they were what, oil execs?”
“Jesus Christ,” David said. “Yeah, that’d do it.”
Angel nodded. “My dad is, yeah. My mom’s basically a trophy wife, but honestly I’m not convinced she’s not involved in some multi-level-marketing scheme or something.”
“If it helps, basically nobody in a Texas public school is gonna care too much about this stuff, so you’re already ahead on that?” Gwyn offered. “I’m surprised you’re not more turned off by it.”
“I don’t… want to be that kind of person.”
Cor, again, put a hand gently on her back, near the left shoulder. “Then you won’t be.”
David nodded. “Honestly, it’s pretty much that simple. If you try not to be an asshole, you’re already pretty good at not being an asshole. Most people like that don’t care, or actively enjoy being that way.”
“I’ve seen what people who enjoy acting like that are like,” Angel scowled. “One of my best friends in middle school came out as bi and I was kind of convinced they were going to burn her at the stake or something. They… sent her to what I kind of assumed was some sort of conversion therapy. I didn’t talk to her after that.”
“Fuck.” David said.
“Fuck about sums it up, yeah. It honestly seemed like the disappointment was less of a focus than the satisfaction of getting to show off that kind of power. It’s almost like its own ritual. If someone you know does something ‘wrong’, you get given extra credit for having the most brutal response possible.”
“There was a kid here last year who killed himself,” David said, “in the school bathroom. Because he was getting too much shit from people.”
“Fuck,” Angel said, because that really did sum that sort of thing up.
There was silence for a moment.
“Well, that was depressing,” Gwyn said. “I’m gonna grab something from the vending machine before we start the day. Anybody want anything?”
“I will pledge my undying affection to you if you bring me a bag of Doritos and a chocolate bar,” David responded, bowing his head in a dramatic show of faux respect.
“Sure, whatever. Cor, Angel? You guys want anything?”
“I said I was fine earlier,” Cor said, “but now that you mention it, bring me a Sprite or something.”
“Angel?” Gwyn looked at her. “Seriously, I don’t mind. If you want anything let me know.”
She thought for a moment, looking down at the desk. Someone had scratched two initials with a heart around them into the corner. The ultimate display of teenage affection - defacing school property.
“I wouldn’t mind a Sprite too,” she finally offered.
“Two Sprites, a bag of Doritos, a chocolate bar - do you have a fucking preference, David?”
“I dunno, like a fucking Snickers or something.”
“You’re not you when you’re hungry,” Gwyn teased.
“I am a dangerous person when I’m hungry, Gwyn, which is why you should go get me a fucking chocolate bar.”
“On my way,” it laughed, stepping cautiously over the still-disorganized rows of backpacks. “Back in a few. Save my seat.”
Day one could have started a lot worse, that was for sure.
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tarosin · 3 years
The great adventures of y/n, Tommy, Jack and Tubbo
Pairing: Platonic jack/tommy/tubbo/reader
Summary: another day another adventure
Content warning: cursing / I didn't proof read
An: reader has bright unnatural hair I wrote a lot, I can't figure out how to add read more on mobile I'm sorry
The music you were currently listening to was interrupted by the discord group notifying you that you have a new message.
y/n: I mean I've currently got hair dye on but it’s being washed off and dried in around 20 minutes, why?
y/n: WAIT TUBBO?!?!
tubbo: oh yeah I forgot to tell you
y/n: how did you forget you know what nevermind, I’m glad you’re here :]
jack: we should be here in an hour so you have plenty of time to get ready
tubbo: what colour dye y/n
y/n: you’ll see soon enough as apparently, you’re all showing up at my house
Tommy: I suggest you wear comfortable shoes
y/n: I am terrified
Tommy: you have nothing to fear... for now
luckily it had only taken you just over 40 minutes to get ready giving you roughly 20 minutes to prepare for the adventure ahead. or so you thought, as soon as you sat down ready to check your phone the sound of Tommy and tubbo laughing could be heard from your room, jack sent a message “hey we got here extremely early I’m sorry there’s no rush the others have been distracted by dreams music :)”
grabbing a backpack from next to your bed you had quickly chucked your phone and purse into the bag unsure as to what you’re going to need today.
as soon as you opened the door you were met with an ecstatic tubbo who instantly pulled you into a hug unable to contain their excitement of seeing their friend
“I look exactly the same”
“Now I’m no genius y/n but last time we spoke you didn’t have unnatural hair”
you paused for a moment as tubbo had a point the last time you and tubbo were on face time your hair was classed as a natural colour however today as a fuck you to your school which didn’t allow unnatural hair you decided to dye it your favourite colour.
“you raise a fair point now if you don’t mind releasing me from your grasp I have to lock the door so no one gets in”
“Tommy unlock the door let tubbo and y/n in”
“Hello to you too Tommy”
“well if we weren’t going to get noticed at the shopping centre earlier y/ns bright fucking hair will definitely cause people to notice us”
“oh I’m sorry I didn’t expect to be going shopping with a bunch of Minecraft streamers today”
“don’t you stream Minecraft?”
“This isn’t about me jack”
the trip to the shops was surprisingly relaxing y/n sat at the front listening to jack sing along to songs playing on the radio, however, it was clear the boys had something they weren’t telling y/n which became evident through Tommy and tubbo bickering in the back of the car about who was going to tell them. it was a relatively short journey due to the fact you lived close to the city centre
“let’s go shopping boys” Tommy practically yelled to everyone, tubbo held his phone in your direction then looked towards you, nodding at him you grabbed his phone and began recording
“I'm vlogging”
Tommy walked over “YEAHHHHH”
walking past cex you had to put up with Tommy making sex jokes until you made it to game, you stood holding back your laugh as you filmed Tommy and tubbo fighting about who’s paying whilst jack went off to buy a Minecraft squishy and mug despite everyone’s arguments against it. soon enough fans came over asking for photos with you all once the group of fans left jack took over recording for tubbo whilst you went off to quickly buy some games that you could play on stream.
“want a wig bro? jack!”
the four of you walked into the shop, you couldn’t help but stand in awe looking at all the bright colours already questioning what colour to dye your hair next the sound of Tommy and jack being amazed pulled you out of your thoughts
“Gogy goggles, I’m actually buying them”
“i wan’t a pair”
“no, you’re getting a wig jack”
“I don’t want a wig I want George”
“y/n has bright hair and they’re not complaining”
“what do you have against people with colourful hair jack hmm?”
“I'm not happy”
“you look lovely jack”
“we’re getting so many looks”
tubbo stopped everyone to ‘fix’ jacks wig which resulted in everyone laughing once you had finally stopped laughing you noticed tubbo had walked off and you were convinced jack had randomly decided to record strangers until you saw tubbo going up and down escalators
“oh there he goes again”
“pov you’re thinking about bees”
“where to next boys?”
Tommy pointed towards the lift
“Is this a lift for us”
Tommy noticed the safety sign and automatically made comments about it
“keeping us all safe is what I would say if I wasn’t carrying a knife”
“oh same Tommy”
“look you can see me”
taking that as an invitation to join the vlog you stood behind tubbo and pointed at the sign again and looked at Tommy and jack
“keeping us all safe is what I would say if we weren’t about to do this-“
the three of you went to jump up and down
the four of you quietly left the lift however you were convinced that the public heard Tommy comment on having a knife and you threatening to jump as once the lift opened everyone was staring at you but it could also be due to the fact you had brightly coloured hair and somehow convinced jack to keep the wig on, you all spent a long time trying to convince Tommy to get a new outfit, eventually you went into another shop a certain keyboard caught your eye
“I’ve found my home, ill stay here at the gamer bunker”
you decided now was the perfect time to sneak off to buy the keyboard that had caught your eye, once tubbo noticed it was too late you stood holding the bag with your purchase leaving you stood in the middle of the shop defending your purchase to him claiming that it was a business expense and not just because you thought it looked cool.
“you told me you wanted to save your money”
“it lights up tubbo and it fits the vibe of my room”
Tommy placed his arm on your head treating you as an armrest as you were shorter than him and he knew it annoyed you
“they have a point tubbo it lights up”
once the recording ended you made your way back to the car
“say y/n you wouldn’t mind if me Tommy and jack stayed the night as tomorrow we were thinking-“
“sure thing”
the next day you were woken up at 9 am by Tommy stood at the foot of your bed
“hi y/n”
“WHAT THE FUCK- oh hi Tommy Jesus christ do you know how horrifying that was to wake up to”
“Sorry bout that but if I didn’t wake you up now you’d only wake up in the afternoon and we need to go soon I’ll leave you to get ready”
you noticed a note was next to a jumper on the floor ‘hi, thanks for letting us stay the night I really liked your hoodie so I decided to wear it today here’s mine in exchange- Tubbo :D’
normally you’d be concerned that someone stole your hoodie as you live with your parents however today was an exception once you were all ready you set off jack pulled into a McDonald's drive-through so you could all get breakfast
“nice hoodie y/n”
“Thanks, someone took mine and decided to make a trade”
“you’re welcome”
the journey was quiet again you sat next to tubbo in the back Tommy sat at the front screaming at jack and trying to distract him and people around you decided to took a picture with tubbo who now had his arm wrapped around you as it was rather cold in the car and posted it to Twitter ‘@ ranboosaysstuff wish you were here :D’ less than a minute later you received 2 notifications ‘ranboosaysstuff replied to your tweet: same’ ‘ ranboosaysstuff has tweeted: *the spongebob gif*’
soon enough you all arrived at mint golf to say you we’re excited would be an understatement
“can I get the shortest club you have”
you stood hiding your face in the jumper tubbo left you whilst you laughed a few minutes later you received a call from ranboo the others said they’d sort everything for you whilst you answered
“what’s up tall one”
“stay safe okay”
“ranboo it’s mini-golf I’m not fighting criminals”
“yes but I know how clumsy you are”
“first of all rude second of all fuck you third of all jealousy isn’t a good look on you” you managed to say through laughter
“jokes aside please come to the UK boo”
“oh sure I’ll go book a plane ticket now” *ranboo ended the call*
ranboo made jokes like that before however this time sounded a lot more serious and you had no idea why he called you so you made a mental note to call him again later. once with friends again you were met with Tommy telling the worker all about you all
“yeah we’re big on the influencing”
“What on earth did I walk in on”
“no time to explain let’s go golf”
you were handed a club and a ball and were dragged away by jack
tubbo joked about getting a hole on one as soon as it was his go, you bet £10 with jack he wouldn't
“hand over the money y/n”
you looked at Tommy who was now recording you handing jack the money “so today we have learnt to not underestimate your friends and that gambling is bad. you lose your money to a tall bald guy”
to put it politely you and Tommy found out that mini golf is not your calling in life
“ill stick to streaming“
“you’re both losing by the way”
“yeah well- why and how does tubbo have soup”
tubbo stood cradling the soup as though it was a child
“Some things I can’t explain to you”
you stood tilting your head to the side questioning where the hell he got soup from
“soups like a small child I take care of it as if it was my own”
you couldn’t contain your laughter at this point the confused faces of your friends alongside tubbos happiness of soup sent you over the edge so you decided to just sit down before you fall as your knees were already weak from laughing too much
“where did you get the soup from”
“I manifested it”
after a few solid minutes of arguing over soup you and Tommy dropping the phone you all continued with bowling.
“tubbo get out of the way of my dream ball”
you stood recording jack cheering him on tubbo had different plans and kicked the ball away resulting in jack giving up and copying what you had been doing most of the rounds, after missing the hole 3 times each go, picking up the ball and placing it in the hole however again he missed
“you can’t be serious”
“golf isn’t for everyone big man”
Tommy took the phone from you to record “pov you’re me golfing”
“how do we get across there”
“probably the bridge”
Tommy pulled to rope moving the bridge across the gap
“Why thank you, Tommy, wouldn’t have been able to do it without you”
you laughed
“you're extremely welcome y/n it was extremely easy because I’m a big muscly man”
golf was finally going well till you hit the ball a bit too hard causing it to go over the fence tubbo was able to get the ball back
“I’ve been watching a lot of doctor shows” you stood amazed at how far you made the ball go
“see the issue is its mini golf. if this was regular golf I'd have got a hole in one I'm telling you”
“I'm never being in your vlog again”
jack looked at you and tubbo who was now laughing at you pretending to worship the can of soup in the hole
“Tommy please come back”
the rest of the game was chaos, you kept missing the hole then claiming to rage quit golf tubbo and Tommy kept making jokes jack left his drink somewhere then had to go back and find it, no one had been paying attention to you which allowed you to take the score sheet and make it so you had won the game eventually he game was over you had declared yourself the champion of golf despite the fact everyone was better than you including Tommy
the journey back was chaos you called ranboo who claimed he only called you to plan a video/stream with you however it was clear that wasn’t the reason tubbo whispered to you so no one could hear
“I think he wants to be here with us I think he’s jealous”
you laughed and nodded
“of course”
eventually, you all made it back to yours, ranboo said goodbye to everyone then ended the call now it was time for you to say your goodbyes. since your love language was physical touch you hugged everyone. As you walked into your house Tommy yelled “Y/N HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT PLANES”
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yeet-me-dad-dy · 3 years
Happy Birthday Mammon, '21
Warnings: Smooches
Summary: You take Mammon to the human realm for his birthday.
Characters: Mammon x GN Reader
Fandom: Obey Me! Shall we date?
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You woke early the day of Mammon’s birthday, before anyone but Lucifer was up, and padded on bare feet to his bedroom. The door was cracked, and soft orange light spilled lazily into the hall. You pushed the door open, stepped in, and closed it silently behind you. Lucifer stood in front of his wardrobe as he got dressed.
“Morning,” you greeted with a yawn.
“Good morning,” he replied as he turned toward you with a lazy smile.
“Is everything set for today?”
He nodded and finished buttoning his shirt, then reached for his vest.
“Barbatos is expecting you before dinner tonight, and then tomorrow around noon. My D.D.D is on and charged, should you need anything or Mammon gets into trouble, and my brothers have been instructed to be nice to him… As nice as they can be, anyway.”
You smiled and released a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding. If Lucifer was confident that all was prepared, then you could relax. You just really wanted Mammon’s birthday to be perfect.
“Thanks for helping me with this, Lucifer,” you said.
“Of course. Mammon may be the scummiest of us, but I suppose he does deserve a good day now and then.”
You frowned and crossed your arms over your chest. You hated when they said things like that about him.
“Sorry,” he apologized. “That’s a habit I’m actively trying to break.”
“You’re forgiven,” you chuckled.
You didn’t need to get into another fight about how the brothers treat Mammon. You’d already thoroughly ripped into each of them more than once. Gratefully, they seemed to be trying to be nicer, at the very least.
“Mammon is very lucky to have you, you know,” Lucifer said, suddenly serious. “You’re good for him. You make him happy, and I’m very glad that he has you.”
You didn’t know what to say to that, but luckily you knew that he didn’t need an answer. You thanked him one last time before you returned to your room to make some phone calls.
You made the brothers a human world breakfast of eggs, toast, sausage, and fresh fruits. Afterward, Mammon sheepishly invited you to go out to the casinos and shops with him, which you gladly agreed to. The demon never stopped grinning, even when he lost money, and he was much handsier than normal, from linking his arm with yours, to pulling you onto his lap while he played at the tables, to hugging you when he won big. He even bought you some things. Very un-Mammon-like.
“Man, I’m feeling GOOD today!” he exclaimed as you left the casino hand in hand.
“Well, it is your birthday,” you chuckled.
He laughed and swung his arm back and forth like a child, taking your hand with it.
“Nah, I think it’s cuz you’re here. You’re like my lucky charm.”
You smiled and tried to hide the blush that dusted your cheeks. You quickly checked your watch, and your stomach twisted with both excitement and anxiety. It was time.
“C’mon, Mammon, let’s head to Diavolo’s castle. I have a surprise for you.”
His eyes went wide and his face lit up.
“Don’t tell me ya got him to give me one of those big expensive artifacts he keeps chained down so that I can’t steal it!”
You laughed and pulled him along behind you.
“Sorry, not this time. I think you’ll like what I have planned, though.”
You walked hand-in-hand through the city, beneath colorful lights and past beautiful architecture. The Devildom truly was beautiful. Finally, the castle loomed menacingly before you, but instead of fear, you felt comfort and a sense of home. After all, Diavolo was the only reason you had come to the Devildom to begin with. You pushed the heavy front door open and Mammon followed you in. Barbatos was waiting for you, just as Lucifer had said he would be. Mammon eyed him, confused.
“Is Barbatos my present..?”
The steward laughed and shook his head.
“Happy birthday, Mammon. Come with me please,” he greeted.
There was a bounce in Mammon’s step as he followed eagerly after. Barbatos walked so quickly, you nearly had to jog to keep up with him. You supposed he had to be quick if he was going to do everything he had to do in a day in a timely manner. He led you and Mammon into the Hall of Doors, stopping before a door you recognized immediately. It was big, made with crimson wood and intricately carved. Beautiful stained glass made up the majority of the upper half of the door, and an iron door handle with a classic keyhole had an old key sticking out of it. Your key.
“What are we doin’ here?” Mammon asked, now even more confused than before.
Barbatos simply gestured toward the door. Mammon looked to you for a mix of permission and comfort, which you provided with a nod of your head. He stepped up to the door, reached for the handle, and turned the key. The door swung open silently on its hinges, revealing a stunning dark wood and white marble entryway.
“Where is this?” he asked hesitantly, though his eyes were bright as they followed up the double staircase, to the balconies above, then the huge crystal chandelier, crown moulding, and gold accents. His breath caught in his chest.
“It’s my house,” you said, and he turned to look at you so quickly that you were sure he gave himself whiplash.
“You’re jokin’,” he said, expression blank.
You smiled and shook your head.
“You can go in. You’re gonna stay in my house with me tonight.”
His eyes widened once more as he gazed back through the doorway. He stepped inside. You thanked Barbatos, took your key from the door, and shut it behind you.
“Welcome to my world,” you chuckled.
You watched him fondly as he wandered around the foyer, touching everything he could.
“This would sell for so much…” you heard him whisper as he picked up a small bust of Achilles from the antique table against the left wall.
He turned to look at you, bust still in hand.
“You never told me you’re rich!” he exclaimed.
You smirked, shrugged, and strode toward him.
“I didn’t want you to like me for my money.”
He nodded and begrudgingly put the bust back in place.
“Ah, Master Y/N, you’re home.”
You both turned to acknowledge the newest presence in the room. An old man with dark skin emerged from the archway across the room. His hair was cut short, balding and white, he had white stubble on his jaw, deep laugh lines painted his face, and his silver eyes sparkled with the memories of a life filled with joy.
“Jacobi,” you greeted as you jogged forward to envelop the man in a hug.
You motioned Mammon over to introduce him.
“Mammon, this is Jacobi, my steward. He’s worked for my family since he was a young man. He raised me.”
The demon reached out to shake your steward’s gloved hand.
“Well, ya did a good job,” he told him. “Ya raised Y/N right.”
Jacobi chuckled, his eyes nearly closing with the size of his grin, revealing more deep creases in his face.
“Well thank you, sir,” he replied. “That means a lot to me, hearin’ you say that.”
His voice carried the usual crackliness that human voices tend to do as they get old, and he was soft spoken, but it was the kind of voice that demanded you stop and listen.
He turned his attention back to you.
“You’re right on time, young master, dinner is ready to be served.”
He gestured toward the archway in between the two staircases across the room. You clapped him gently on the shoulder, rested a hand on Mammon’s lower back, and led the demon into the dining room.
“Dinner?” Mammon asked as he regarded the long dining table and high-backed chairs with deep red cushions.
“Yeah. Lucifer told me you’d never had Italian food, so I had my chefs make some of my favorite dishes for you to try.”
“You have personal chefs!?”
You chuckled and nodded.
You sat at the head of the table and Mammon sat to your right. There was a black lace table runner along the length of the dark wooden surface. In the very middle of the table was a centerpiece of candles, fruits, bones, feathers, and other natural materials like moss and pinecones. He noticed one fruit that looked surprisingly similar to a human heart. He also took note of the chandelier above, the dark baseboards on white walls, and the grand stone fireplace set into the far end of the room, with wolves and ravens carved into black wood and affixed above the mantel. All in all, he was feeling equal measures of wonder and unease.
“Did you choose these decorations?” he asked as servants filed out of the door behind him with platter after platter of food.
You nodded in response to his question.
He waited for the platters to be set down and the servants to leave before he said, “It’s very… dark. Guess that’s why ya like the devildom so much, huh?”
You laughed and shook your head, then reached forward to serve yourself. Mammon followed your example and piled his plate high with a little bit of everything.
“The Devildom is my home, Mammon. And I don’t like it there because it’s dark and spooky, though that does help. I like it there because you guys are there. My favorite demons. My family.”
Your gaze caught his and he turned away to hide his blush. Then, the greedy demon that he is, he ate and ate and ate until you had to stop him.
“Easy there, Mammon. I have more planned for tonight. Don’t make yourself sick.”
He stopped with his fork in his mouth and looked at you with a brow raised.
“More?” he asked around his food.
“Mmhmm. What, you didn’t think I brought you here just for dinner, did you?”
He finally swallowed, put his fork down, and then washed it all down with some red wine.
“I didn’t know what to think. No one told me this was planned.”
You smiled, your sparkling eyes never leaving his, and he felt his heart skip a beat.
“It wouldn’t be much of a surprise if you knew about it, now would it?”
He smirked.
“I guess not.”
You checked your watch and then pushed yourself away from the table.
“It’s almost 9:30pm. C’mon, I need to go to the bathroom and then we can leave. I don’t want to be late.”
“Go?” he asked. “We’re not stayin’ here?”
He hopped up and followed after you, back into the foyer and then up the stairs and down a hallway. He waited for you to finish in the bathroom, then stuck to your side like glue as you led him out of the house and into a garage filled with expensive cars. He stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide as his brain malfunctioned from the sheer value of what was before him. He’d never seen so many fancy cars in one place, let alone all belonging to one person. He nearly sprinted over to the nearest car, a blue and black Lamborghini, and peered in the window.
“Pick one to take,” you said as you strode up to him.
He was overwhelmed. There were so many! Finally, he picked the lamborghini. He hopped into the passenger seat, vibrating with excitement. You started the engine, and Mammon beamed when you gave him control over the music. You made him buckle up before you would leave, and then pulled out into the night. It was warm out, with a sweet-smelling cool breeze. Mammon gazed out his window like a child going to DisneyLand as you drove him through the city streets toward your destination. You finally turned onto a road where Mammon could see towering structures and bright, colorful lights at the end. He turned to you, eyes wide.
“A carnival?” he asked.
You smiled and nodded, and his excitement only grew when you parked the car on the side of the street and got out. He scrambled after you, taking your hand instinctively as he saw the sea of bodies awaiting within. It was a habit he had taken up without realizing it. Whenever there was a crowd and he was afraid to lose you, he would take your hand in his. Sometimes, if it was really crowded, he would put his arm around you and pull you close to him so that you didn’t get separated.
He breathed in deeply, taking in all of the smells of the human world, from popcorn, cotton candy, and corndogs, to the sweat of the people, the hot grease from the food trucks, and the stench of the outhouses. He couldn’t be happier. You glanced at your watch again.
“We got here in good time,” you told him. “We can go on some rides and play games if you want, but at 11, I want us to go on the ferris wheel.”
He agreed with no protest, so you found the nearest token machine and fed it a few bucks.
“All yours,” you said as you handed him his half.
He grinned and enveloped you in a hug.
“You’re the best!”
You squeezed him back, then he pulled away.
“C’mon, let’s play games!”
He dragged you from game to game, ride to ride, reveling in the sights and sounds of the human world. He had been to your realm before, of course, but never for something like this. Never for something so fun.
As 11pm rolled around, the two of you made your way toward the ferris wheel, giggling like children. Mammon was holding a big stuffed dragon plushie you won for him at the water gun game in one arm, and he had your hand in the other. There was a long line for the ferris wheel, full of people hoping to be at the top when the big event starts. You led Mammon past the line, however, and to the ride operator at the front. His expression was irritated and stern when you approached, but softened when you handed him a ticket. Then, he opened the door to the bucket and you pulled Mammon inside. You sat on the same side as him, despite the tilting of the bucket, facing the water.
“What was that?” he asked as you checked your watch again and the ride began to move.
“There’s an auction for that every weekend night. The winner gets to be at the top of the ferris wheel when it starts.
“When… what starts?”
You chuckled.
“You’ll see. Give it a minute.”
Mammon waited, almost anxiously, for whatever it was that you had brought him here for. As casually as he could manage, he slipped his hand into yours. You gave it a soft squeeze and smiled over at him. The ride brought you two to the top of the ferris wheel, and then stopped, the bucket swinging gently as its momentum died out. There was a change in the music below, and while he couldn’t quite hear the lyrics, Mammon could tell that it had slowed down, morphed into a melody much softer than the alt rock from before. You moved your hand from his so that you could link arms with him, and then you wiggled closer, squishing yourself against him so that you could rest your head on his shoulder.
He looked down at you, his eyes beginning to tear up as your proximity and the reality of the current situation made his heart clench. You were so beautiful, staring up at the night sky with stars reflected in your eyes. So perfect.
This is where you are meant to be, he thought. Here, with me.
Never in his very long life did he think he would ever love a human. Hell, he never considered even liking a human. And yet, the first time you two met, his heart had skipped a beat and butterflies erupted in his stomach. Mmammon didn’t believe in soulmates, but if he did, he was sure that you were his.
He was so lost in you that he jumped in surprise when the first firework exploded over the water, illuminating your face in a brilliant shade of orange. Another firework followed, and then another, and as each went off, his heart beat just a little bit faster. He rested his cheek on top of your head as he watched the show with a smile. More tears were threatening to spill over, but for the first time in his life, he didn’t try to hide them. He didn’t need to. Not with you.
“Happy birthday, Mammon,” you whispered, and that’s what finally sent him over.
He pushed you away just long enough to free both hands so that he could cup your face, and then he dove forward to capture you in a passionate kiss. Your lips were soft, and you opened them to allow his tongue to snake into your mouth and tangle with your own. His hands tangled in your hair, and your arms rose to lock around his shoulders. You tasted like cotton candy. His tongue explored every inch of your mouth, as if trying to memorize its layout, going so far as to graze along your teeth.
You hummed and pulled away to breathe, your chest heaving with each deep breath, and as soon as you were ready, you pulled him back in. You forced your tongue into his mouth, dominating the kiss as you moved to straddle him. The bucket tipped dangerously, but neither of you cared. The sky flashed in a myriad of colors as he held you in his lap, arms wrapped around your lower back, holding you flush against him. He only pulled away when his heart ached and the tears that were threatening earlier finally spilled over. He closed his eyes tight and buried his face in your chest to choke back a happy sob.
“I love you, Y/N,” he whispered as the fireworks lulled and died down.
You carded your fingers through his hair and held him tight.
“I love you, Mammon. More than you can ever know.”
That only made his heart ache more as all the love he had suppressed over the millenia came flooding in all at once. The ride jerked and began to move, and you leaned away from Mammon so that you could take his face in your hands. You brushed his tears away gently with your thumbs, and then trailed one across his lips before giving him one last soft kiss. Finally, as you reached the bottom of the ride, you slid off of his lap and back around to sit next to him. You took his hand and he held onto you like a lifeline.
You were his human. His. You had chosen him, and he would be damned if he let you go now.
Before leaving the fairgrounds to return to the car, you led Mammon to a booth near the entrance. The person behind the window lit up when they saw you, and for a moment, Mammon thought that he might have to show the guy exactly who you belonged to. That wasn’t necessary, however, as the man slid a photograph toward you. You picked it up and handed it to Mammon with that same soft smile that you had graced him with earlier. The photograph was of the two of you at the top of the ferris wheel. The camera had captured the moment you had put your head on his shoulder and he had rested his cheek on your head. You were both looking up at the stars, smiling and holding each other close.
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aminiatureworld · 4 years
Characters: Childe, Diluc, Xiao, gn!reader
Word Count: 2,068 words
Premise: Commissions don’t always go as planned, much to your frustration. Luckily there’s someone there to make you feel better.
Author’s Note: So I’ve been thinking of writing Genshin stuff for months now but haven’t, for various reasons mainly that being how much this blog is already a bit of a disarrayed mess. But after awhile I decided another fandom won’t hurt. Besides I think it’s better to write something than nothing, even if the fandom keeps changing. So… yeah?
This particular scenario was basically my day today. The characters have been chosen out of my own personal will. I was going to do Zhongli as well but I’m exhausted so if this is well received perhaps I’ll do that another day.
Also I’m so tired I’m halfway to a headache and feel a bit floaty so sorry if there are grammar mistakes and such. Anyways, hope you like!
Character Banners in progress
Ao3 link in reblog
“I’m gonna kill someone.” You muttered, slamming your weapon down on the table, causing the ginger next to you to start.
“As long as that person’s not me I’ll be glad to help you.” You weren’t sure whether you found the comment worrying, insulting, or charming, and decided not to reply, instead throwing yourself in the chair across from Childe, usually reserved for customers or some member of the Fatui higherups, though today you could care less.
“Hey, am I not good enough?” Childe half whined half joked. You only grunted before getting up and walking over to his chair, plopping yourself on his lap and promptly picking at a stray thread on his coat which had caught your eye and was now becoming an increasing source of irritation.
Taking this as a sign Childe gently pried your nails away from the offending thread. Placing your palms in his gloved hands he smiled and placed a kiss on your forehead. “Want to tell me about it?”
“It’s this stupid ley line! You know, the one in the stone forest? I was commissioned to keep an eye on it, normal stuff, but this one seems absolutely crawling with all sorts of slimes and the like, hilichurls too and a stray bandit here or there. They keeping breaking the damn thing and the minute I fix it they’re back again. At this rate I’m not going to finish it!” You chewed on the inside of your cheek, thinking of the hours you’d spent fighting with the thing. You’d even let out a few tears of frustration in the process, and having nothing to show for it was intensely irritating, to say the least.
“Poor darling.” Childe’s smirk was timeless, but there was a softness to it that you took as confirmation that he understood. I mean if anyone was going to understand it was going to be a member of the Fatui. As much as you disliked the group on principle, you did have to admit that Childe was certainly a hard worker, and running around at the whims of the far off Tsaritsa certainly had its trials.
Slumping against his chest you allowed yourself to relax a bit, some tension brought out simply by the act of telling someone about the frustrations that were building up, like someone shaking a corked bottle. Childe kissed your hands, a welcome distraction, before giving you a peck on the nose. You smiled at that, squeezing his hands. It felt good to have someone to complain to, to have someone who understood. But that was Childe, surprisingly understanding. And always looking for a fight.
“So…” as if on cue Childe spoke up, tone becoming truer, his smile becoming more foxlike. “You have something you need help fighting I hear.”
“Don’t let this get you any ideas.” You smirked right back. “I can still whip you when it comes to sparring at you know it. Besides, won’t I get in trouble if you’re there.”
“Give me half the commission rate and we’ll call it square.”
“Such a steep rate!” You gasped in fake horror, nevertheless lifting yourself off the chair. Childe was up no sooner, giving you a mischievous grin.
“Well of course! I can’t have you fleecing me out of my money. Not when I’ve already given you my heart, which is quite expensive by the way.” Giving you a quick forehead kiss he took your hand then, giving some half assed excuse to the poor desk clerk when they asked where he was going. “I have to save someone some trouble.”
You scoffed at that, but it was true. Childe was saving you a lot of trouble, and keeping your pride in some sort of piece. That was Childe. Wild, passionate, aching for a fight, perhaps not a great person – no in fact decidedly not so. But he was also surprisingly caring, reliable, and steadfast. And that was all you could ask for in the moment.
“Do you know where in Monstadt someone is supposed to find 50 Windwheel Asters?”
Diluc whipped his head up at that one; out of all the things he expected you to say that was certainly not one of them. It was almost closing time at the Winery, and this was normally the time when you came up to see him, chatting about this and that, waiting for him to close the ledger so you two could have some time together. In the entire history of your relationship there’d never been an evening that began such as this.
“There should be some around here, and Windrise if you’re in for a bit of a hike. But 50 is an awful lot, and I’m not sure the florists would be happy if you carted off with all their flowers.”
“I know.” You raised an eyebrow, leaning against the wall, picking at your fingernails. “I know that finding 50 of anything in a day is a hard task. But I was given a short noticed commission by some wealthy tradesman who’s passing by and wanted some flowers for a gala or some such thing. It’s important for the Guild that I complete these you know, and I’m not looking forward to telling Katheryne about it tomorrow.”
You sighed, glancing out the window of the Winery. You thought of all the places in Monstadt the view was perhaps loveliest here, cozy, with a view of all that made Monstadt, the planes, the forest, even a glimpse of the waterways that ran through it. But right now all you could think about was how in such a vast swath of land you’d still failed to meet the goal, you’d still turned up empty handed.
“Would you sit next to me?” Diluc’s voice broke you out of your depressing reverie and you sat down in the chair adjacent to his – a recent addition to his office – laying your head somewhat awkwardly on his shoulder, running your hands through his soft hair. You two sat in silence like that for a bit, the steady flow of Diluc’s pen keeping your eyes occupied while your hands braided and twisted at random, gentle and absentminded.
Finally the ledger was closed and Diluc turned to you. Smiling he massaged your left shoulder slightly, eliciting a sigh from you.
“You shouldn’t blame yourself for things like this.” He began, his tone soft and low. “No reasonable person on Earth would ask you to gather so many flowers in a day. Even Flora doesn’t sell that many to a single customer without an order, and her whole job consists of selling flora. You’ve watched me work long enough, do you think I’d sell 50 kegs of wine to a tradesman on site?”
“No, of course not.” You mumbled. “But it’s my job to do the unconventional requests, how can I pick and choose at random? I can’t very well complete only half of my commissions.”
“Of course not, but nobody expects you to simultaneously catch 50 flowers out of thin air either. The Guild has its own regulations and rules you know, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a violation of one. No one doubts your prowess my dear. You’ve slain Eyes of Storms and have scaled mountains taller than most people in Monstadt might ever imagine. You done what might be considered impossible to some many times. So you should trust in the Guild and in the people of Monstadt. They aren’t well likely to turn their back on you over such a ridiculous request.”
You hummed a reply, resting your hands on Diluc’s. All he said was probably right of course, Katheryne could very well tell you how ridiculous such a request was, and no harm would come to your reputation. But your relationship with Diluc was still young, there was still so much to learn about the other, and so hearing such confident praise from him felt like a sort of gift, recompense for such a frustrating ordeal. Humming once more you leaned your head on his shoulder again. Tomorrow you would go and tell the Guild about the debacle, and let the man know the ridiculousness of his request. But tonight you just wanted to rest with the person you cherished the most. That was all you wished for.
“Something’s wrong.” Xiao’s voice was purposefully flat, and you wondered not for the first time how the adeptus in front of you had become so good at reading your mood, especially considering the fact that he admitted himself that his grasp on human emotions was a tricky one. He always seemed to know when you were upset at least, and your initial urge to attempt to hide your frustration immediately blew away.
“It’s been a rough day.” You admitted, standing next to him on the Wangshu Inn’s railing, letting the cool evening breeze cool you down. It’d been an obnoxiously hot day, and you were glad for any bit of fresh air. Xiao said nothing, but you could feel his gaze on you, waiting for your decision as to whether or not you’d let him know the reason you were upset. Not that it was really a question, at this point you couldn’t imagine a time when you didn’t tell Xiao practically everything, from the most mundane to those things that loomed largest in your life. You’d never met someone you trusted so much in your life before, and it felt rather freeing, knowing that he didn’t mind a bit, something that had scared you when you first began opening up to him.
“It’s just a commission, nothing ground shaking. Thankfully.” You added on, thinking of when Liyue had almost been swallowed whole; the moment when it seemed all would fail, before the miraculous traveler had bound the adept and the citizens of Liyue together. It was something you weren’t likely to forget, and something you never wished to relive. “That being said.” You added on. “It’s something that, well, is distressing me a lot.”
Xiao stood patiently as you explained to him that your deceptively simple commission of delivering food to someone had managed to go horribly awry after a group of Cryo slimes had left the food frozen solid, with the angry customer unwilling to pay or wait for a replacement.
“It wasn’t too expensive thankfully.” You remarked. “I mean it was just food. But it feels silly, and a bit embarrassing. I mean of course I should’ve paid, I don’t begrudge that. I just don’t understand how I managed to screw up something so fundamentally simple. It seems… somehow a bit of a slap in the fact. I mean, aren’t I any good?”
“Of course you are.” Xiao’s answer was firm, but not unkind. Instead it held in it the certainty of one who’d lived thousands of years, and whose trust in you was absolute. Drawing closer, the adeptus glanced around, making sure there was no one around, before slinging an arm around your own, drawing you close and running soft circles around your shoulder.
“You’re a great adventurer.” He remarked, voice filled with as much serious as there was fondness. “I’ve seen many warriors, many adventurers come and go in my time. Those whose feats will fill the pages of books and the staves of songs long after they themselves have been reduced to ashes. Those who will be called great heroes. All of them fell sometimes. And, if you must fall, I’d rather it be over something so simple as a botched food delivery.”
You glanced up into Xiao’s eyes. Normally he was reticent with words, even moreso with gestures. Every word let you deeper into someone’s life, into their past, their personality, their soul. No word was careless with Xiao. And as you stared at eyes filled with pride and love and worry, suddenly you felt as if what had just passed was small, oh so very small. There would be another commission, just as there would be another tomorrow. There’d be another failure most likely too. Many of them even. But they were small stones in a great big pond, quickly sinking out of sight and out of mind.
“I love you.” You breathed, and Xiao’s face seemed to open all of a sudden, shedding a thousand cares and a thousand worries. He pressed his forehead to your own.
“I love you too.”
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rosietaeyongswife · 4 years
black orphan |l.ty
genre: angst, smut mafia!taeyong, taeyonxreader, mafia au
tw: mentions of dead, murders, bad language, sex, mafia, mafia stuff
summary: being daugther of people who are hierarchy..well known around south korea isn’t very nice especially when they’re mafia and you killed them. u know what also isn’t easy? taking care of your younger sister.
authors note: pls if you have time it would be nice if you could read this it’s about lately thing with chinese idols. i explain there why some people should stop spreading hate on them and that it’s not really their fault.
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when you were child you didn’t understand what were your parents doing. you only knew you were rich. private schools. everything you want. most expensive clothes. everything. trip to hot country in middle of the winter? no problem. you and your sister minhee had everything. but your father and mother didn’t forget to teach you that you need to work for what you have.
  you were always amazed by your parents untill you were 16 years old and started to understand what they are doing for living. your parents were killers and drug sellers. you couldn’t belive it at first but with time you understood. that’s how your family is living. that’s how kim’s family is living. with time you learned about mafia life and your parents business. your father made sure that his daughter is going to take care of their business one day.. exactly - one day. one night your mother was standing in front of you with smile.
“y/n you are getting married.” she smiled wider. “he is son of rich man who can be needed.”
 they wanted you to marry some 40 years old man and sell your younger sister because they would had only benefits. it was this time when it hits you.
 you are just 24 years old, are you really going to kill your parents? answer is yes. few weeks ago you poisoned your parents and made sure that everyone would think that their heart stopped. because of this you were now the owner of kim hierarchy. now you are boss. 
  you were sitting at conference room with jackson when someone called you.
“yes honey?” you smiled. “how much do you need? okay. take my credit card. yes it’s fine.”
 you hung up. it was minhee. she needed some money so you gave it to her.
“it was minhee right?”
“how do you know?”
“you always smile this way when you are talking with minhee.”
“damn jackson. you know me too well.” jackson chuckled. “so now. how is the deal with sagurako family?”
“i think they don’t want to pay us.”
 you could only smile.
“they really don’t take me seriously.” you sighed. “kill his son.”
“ok, how and when?”
“whatever. tell jaebum that it’s job for him.”
“yes sir.”
 you really weren’t in mood to games. you just want money and nothing else. is this that hard? pay what they own you? your parets exactly but they are dead so you should take money, right? they don’t matter same as their children. they have five kids so one less isn’t big deal. 
 when you were sitting by your desk you heard someone. it was yugyeom. you sighed and walked to the coridor.
“why the fuck are you so loud?”
“because bambam is stupid idiot.”
“what? no!” he shout. “he almost kill me.”
“whatever. be quiter.”
“y/n wait!” yugyeom looked in to your eyes. “someoe was following minhee when she was at school and then with her friends.”
 hearing this made you upset. you know that you have much more enemies than friends but you had hope that minhee isn’t going to be part of their hit list. 
“bambam take me home i need to talk with her.”
“what are you going to do?” yugyeom was looking at you confused. he knows very well that you don’t play games. “are you going to kill somebody again?”
“ew no. she is going to have home school. ask youngjae or mark to hire someone ok?”
 your sister safety is your priority. she didn’t do anything wrong and she is innocnt teen. you couldn’t let someone to hurt her or even worse. of course minhee knew that yours family works in dirty business but she doesn’t know much. and it should stay like this. minhee isn’t going to take your company one day. you can’t do it. if you won’t be dead to your 60s you would give company to your child or something but at this moment it isn’t time to think about this.
 the whole house was clean. junmyeon was here for sure. you smiled softly. take off your coat and boots. first thing you did was to drink some watter. drinking watter is important especially for your brain’s work. when you were done you went to find your sister.
“minhee!” you looked around your house but you didn’t hear her back. sighing you went to check her and you could hear she was talking with someone. “minhee!”
 you walked in and first thing you saw was her with phone.
“i’m sorry. didn’t hear you.”
“yeah, it’s okay. are you fine?”
“yes. everything is fine. something happend?”
“you not gonna attend school anymore. you will have home lessons. you know teacher will be here with you.” you shrugged.
“what? no way!”
“you can’t do anything about this.”
“you can’t lock me there! the fuck y/n! i have friends there.”
“they can come to house.”
“but no..wtf. i don’t want to.”
“it’s for your safety.” you tried to hug her. “i know it’s not cool and all but i don’t have any other choice.”
 minhee was looking at you with only hate in her eyes.
“are you trying to lock me down? just like parents did to you?”
“no, of course no! it’s not it.” you took package of ciggs. “i don’t want to see that you are dead. someone is following you. if you still be arguing you’ll be dead soon.”
“w-who is following me?”
“i don’t know. jackson hire some teacher and some bodyguards so i hope you’ll be safe here if no then i have to send you to china.”
“yes to our uncle.”
“why the fuck i can’t live normal live.”
“listen. you can’t choose family but you should be grateful for us. for what you have. i work hard for everyting we achhived.”
“how? by killing people? it’s a job for you?” she smirked. “you are exactly like parents. what else do you do? drugs? murders? are you selling people?”
“done! i’m fuckin done. you can’t leave the house for next week. better accept how things are going because i’m not gonna let you talk to me like that.” you were pissed of. “you didn’t even know them well, what can you know? you acting like i don’t care about you even tho it’s not true.” 
 minhee didn’t feel bad about what she said. she was mad at you because she didn’t want to be in home. she wants to explore. you exactly know that she doesn’t want to live the way the whole your family is living. and you also don’t want her to live the same just like you. so sending her to china is the best option. uncle isn’t in mafia and all dirty stuff the rest of the family members do so minhee can be safe there.
  your sister didn’t talk with you by the whole week. you didn’t really care because you have so much work to do. kinda proud because you made japanese family to pay you the money they owned to your parents so you were satisfied. everything went fine. things are nice so are you. no worries by the whole time. only thing you are upset about is that your family want to meet. family meeting sounds nice? no. there is going to be other mafia because remember guys - if there is family meeting that means there is going to be make big deals.
 jackson with the rest of the boys were standing next to you. 
“you look pretty.” mark said looking at you with a smile. “but where is minhee?”
“told her that she has 5 minutes untill i go there.”
“yes sir.”
 you smiled. nothing can make your day worse. you are clever person so it turns out that you made a lot of big deals so now you are just swimming in the money to be honest. everything is so fine like never and nothing can upset you. not even this damn dinner with your family and others because you’ll be there with your people.
“minhee please we don’t have time. grandma will be mad.”
“i don’t care. i don’t want to.”
 you could only sighed. walking in her bedroom made you feel like teenager again. she was kind of similiar to you but at the same time she was so different. you took her hairbrush and started brushing her hair while looking in to her eyes in the mirror.
“you are so beautiful minhee. can you see it?” she nod. “everyones eyes are going to be on us. especially you because you are younger. behave there honey ok? they won’t like acting up or something. also be ready for all the compliments.” you smiled softly. “plus.. i can’t have eyes on you whole night so be careful. if someone is bothering you..” you lean to her ear “you know what to do.”
 she nodded and stand up. ready to go and show off. you are y/n and minhee kim. you are prestige family and nobody can tell otherwise. 
 the place was huge and expensive. you knew your family like things like that but not that much. without thinking your people with you at the front walked in welcomed by some people who were smilling at you.
“it’s me.”
“welcome madam. have fun.”
 slight smile goes on your lips and disaper quickly. and here you are. all eyes on you and your crew. smile and confident walk by you was really indimidiating. you knew your presence here was cherry on top. your parents died in mysterious conditions and here you are leading kim’s company. isn’t it suss? it is and you know it well but it’s only made you proud. your parents were problematic and were problem not only for you but for the family and co-workers. jelous eyes of wifes and girls were on you. to be honest, you are one of the prettiest and hottest woman there and that’s why you are just eye-catching. 
 the long table was place where you and minhee should stay. your people found place to themselfs, and when they were gone you noticed that by the table was sitting bosses of others organizations.
“good evening grandma.” you goes to hug her and asked minhee to do so. “i missed you so much.”
“is this my little y/n? sunshine i missed you. how are you?” she was worried. this woman was someone who you wish were your mother. she was the only one who cares about you. your mother or father never told you “i love you” it was your precious grandma who always was making sure to say “i love you” no matter what. “is everything fine?”
“i’m fine. everything is the best. business is going really well. you know.. zeros on bank account are only growing.” you smiled. “what about you? health?”
“i feel like i’m in my 30s.” she was only 70 years old but she felt way younger. “you know even tho your grandpa is pain in ass i’m fine. i’m so happy that now you are leading business.” she smirked. “my son and his -be sorry god- wife were failure. they have never made this much money like you do.”
“grandma thank you. it’s not such a big deal.”
“it is. i’m proud of you. i’m proud that you are leading something to be even bigger.” tear came down my cheek. “and you minhee. what about you?”
“everything is okay i guess.”
“is something bothering you?” everyone were looking at your sister and you knew what she is going to say.
“i feel kinda grounded but it’s okay.”
“y/n made me stop attend private school and have home schooling.”
“it’s against your wish?”
 you were now kinda mad at your sister. you know well that she said that because she still doesn’t agree with idea of home schooling and china.
“let me make things clear grandma. someone was following her and i love her too much to let someone hurt her. it’s the safest in our home.”
 your grandma sighed like everyone else in family.
“minhee you are still too immature and too young to understand things. let your sister work and decide. she is doing everything for your best.” your grandpa said while he was drinking his wine.
“but i have friends there. i have thing i’m interested in school and now i’m going to be grounded.”
 you couldn’t listen her anymore what notice your another uncle.
“minhee just let things happen. can we talk about something else? as you can see we have guests by these table.” he looked around.
 and that was the time when minhee must leave. you looked at her and she disaper. anothers girls and boys who were teens also disaper leaving the elders and bosses.
“okay so let’s talk.” your grandpa said. “my son is such a dumbass and made debts. also. police was suspecting you to be the one who killed your parents my dear y/n.”
 boss of nct, bts and monstax looked at you. you just smiled at them.
“there is no proof. i made sure to done work.” you took your glass of wine. “i’m more pro than my parents was, right? i don’t think someone is crying because of their loss.”
 you interested taeyong. he has never seen a person who openly talk about murder. about parents murder. you were that cofident that it makes him like you. he could see clearly that you don’t fuck with others. 
“mother will you let her get away with this? he still was your son.”
“will you talk like that if you knew that he signed documents about taking over your wealth? and everyone else?” you took a sip.”seokhyun you are so fuckin dumb. i hope you know why i don’t have respect for you right?” you smirked “you are pain in as..you remind me of some boy who was bothering minhee. you know what did i do with him?” he shook his head no “i shot him in front of his parents eyes. be careful.”
“what else you know?” grandpa took another bottle of wine.
“i know so much that i could easily take over business of everyone here.” you smiled. “father hide money in japan. i guess no one knows why there but it doesn’t matter. i have deal for mr. lee taeyong.”
 taeyong smiled over you. he was glad that he is going to make deal with big mrs. kim y/n. 
“i listen to you lady.”
“i know your handsome and eye-catching member named yuta nakamoto is japanese and he runs your business there. let’s say i need him. i want your help with finding money in japan.”
“i want 40% from this.”
“you want too much. it’s almost half of the money i would get. it’s not worth it. you are only finding money that are basically belonging to me.”
 you weren’t dumb. you knew that it’s way too much.
“what is your proposition?”
“i can give you 20%.”
“deal. i’m glad i’m going to work with you mr. kim.”
“same here mrs.lee i hope you not gonna fail.” he smiled. “i want to also say something. time is ticking mr. seo. and you know what happend.”
 lee taeyong stod up and leave to his members table. you looked confused at wife of your cousin jongdae.
“what happend?”
“it’s matter between me and him. please don’t ask questions.”
“okay so i can begin now.” namjoon said slightly annoyed. “what with our collaboration mrs.kim.” he was looking annoyed at your grandma
“i said i don’t know.”
“please.. my boys were working for you. i think we would be giant.”
 you were looking at them and thinking. what the fuck. you knew that bts are doing good but you also heard about their debts.
“no. if my lovely grandma said no then it’s no.” you didn’t look at him but at your glass full of wine.”don’t you want collaboration with my grandma and granpa just to pay off your debts and bills?”
 everyone was looking at your table because everyone heard it. whole nct were looking at you with shock same with bts and bosses of other mafies were spechless same with shownu.
“aren’t you too mean? it’s none of your business y/n. it’s thing between me and your grandparents.”
“exactly. and i’m not going to look how you want to take their whole wealth. how much money do you need? we can borrow you but you know.” you stand up like namjoon did few seconds ago just to come closer. “deadline is short period of time. and consequences are really big.” you smiled. “ask chan what happend when he was late with money.”
 namjoon was standing there embarrased and paralaized. you come at him and he didn’t like it. but you weren’t afraid. you are at too strong position to be moved by little kim namjoon.
“okay. borrow me a three milion dollars and i’m going to return them back.”
“sure. jackson!” you said. “make collab with my grandma but remember that i have eyes all around and i will notice if there is less money than it should be. you have month to pay me back.” jackson give you both piece of paper when you signed it. “sign it.”
“thank you and yes. month and you will have your money back.”
 after this everything went smooth. no fights. just paceful event. by the time it was time to dance and you were asked by your cousin jongdae to dance but soon enough you were dancing with lee taeyong.
“i didn’t know you were that mean and that strong.” he said while his hands were on your waist and yours around his neck.
“i don’t like playing games with someone who isn’t worht it.”
“and i like it.” he smirked. “you seem to be good player aren’t you?”
“maybe i am. mr.taeyong why are you even here?” he was confused. “i clearly see that you and your men don’t want to be there.”
“are you watching us?”
“shouldn’t i?”
“i guess you should. it scary talking with girl who killed own parents.”
 you could only smile. you aren’t afraid of anything and no one will make you feel regret. your parents deserved this and if you wouldn’t kill them they would ruin your life and your family lifes. and y’all don’t deserve this at all. your parents were selfish since you’ve been child. when there was no minhee your only friend was maid and chef. they were talking with you and play with you and your toys just to not feel alone. beside of them you had your grandparents. your grandma loved you like you were her daughter. she always made sure to say “i love you” and to check on you. and your grandpa? he would be proud and happy to walk you to your kindergarten and take care of you along with your grandma. and your parents? they didn’t care. they just thougth about money. more money and even more money. your mother was mean if she had to stay with you. she would just left you in your bedroom with toys and goes to her friend or to watch tv. and father? he didn’t even talk with you. he started to talk when he wanted you to be part of mafia. 
he taught you everything you need to know. and because of their lack of love and your knowledge of things you shouldn’t know about you are like this today. cold and emotionless. no one really show your love (not including your grandparents). kids at shool were afraid of you becasue they knew who you were and their parents didn’t allow them to play with you. in high school they didn’t want to be in touch with girl whose family is gangsters and who could kill anyone they want. you even hadn’t any best friend. no one. 
“it’s not scary. they deserved this.” you were closer. “sometimes you need to get rid of your enemies and i’m sure they were one.”
“am i your enemy?”
“if you will help me you’ll be my friend.”
since then you haven’t talked with family members. you didn’t need to. also minhee was more distant than usually. you even noticed that she is leaving and coming back late at night. you just had hope that she isn’t causing any problems. but when she was gone for two days and came back like nothing happend it makes you feel mad. mark and youngjae were nice enough to follow her around and found out that she is dating someone. minhee was dating and you didn’t even know. also, it seems like they know each other really well and are together since the very long time. 
 you were fine with it. she is 18. she can date anyone. you didn’t even care about this that she doesn’t tell you but it’s okay. it’s hers life after all. but when she were gone for a week and she doesn’t contact with you.. boy, you were really mad. minhee just disapear and have no signs of live. 
“y/n you need to calm down. she for sure is fine.” mark said “she is teenager, something like this happens.”
“but i do so much for her, why she is like this?” bambam was looking at you with sad eyes. he knew he shouldn’t feel this way but he hates your sister and seeing you hurt was really.. bad feeling. he knew how much effort you put to raise her well and take good care of. “i don’t understand. she just could told me that she want to go somewhere or something. i’m sick of it.”
“y/n.. we got it. i think she could leave with her boyfriend. yugyeom is checking him.” jackson hugged you tightly. “she is fine. minhee is strong.”
“and naive. she doesn’t even know how to defend herself what if he is going to hurt her?”
“maybe no? we don’t know.”
 when you were sitting in your office you didn’t know back then that person who is lover of your sister is who he is. reading his info was really surprising to you. it was unbeliveble. member of nct. 
 sound of your heels could be hear in headquarter of nct. your usually outfit on you - dark coat and black boots above your knees. people called you black orphan because of the fact that you are orphan basically and because you only dressed in black.
 members of nct who noticced you were whispering something about black orphan being here. you were walking slowly don’t even bother to look at them. you had goal - find minhee. jackson and rest of the boys were behind you and were in the line. like always.
“excuse me, what are you doing here?” man named mark was in front of you. “i don’t remember that you were invited.”
“i don’t need invitation.” you growled. “better find kim minhee and park jisung.”
 face of mark knew that is going to happen and why are you here. taeyong and rest of the members of nct couldn’t belive that jisung is letting his girlfriend stay in their place. taeyong was against and mad because he found out by accident when he was checking bathroom and minhee was going to bathroom. he almost killed her.
 when mark was about to go your sister and her s/o were near. minhee was looking at you surprised. she knew you could find her but didn’t think that you would come to nct. 
“i count to 10 and we coming home.”
“i’m not leaving.” she hissed. “i’m sick of being under your control.”
“what is this noise here?” taeyong appeard in his hallway. the crowd of his people were looking around whole argument.
“you living with my money that i worked for. i pay your bills and all. i’m doing everything for you to have amazing life. why don’t you understand that you will never be normal girl? you will never. you will always be “daughter of mafia” or “sister who hate her parents”. you should accept this.”
“that’s why i fuckin hate you!” she scream. “i don’t want your help. you think you did everything well. i want to throw up everytime i reminds to myself what you are doing. i don’t want to be part of this also i don’t want to live in china. i want to decide.”
you laughed like freak. you were looking at your little sister and couldn’t think of anything but how stupid she actually is. 
“i’m not asking you.” you hissed. “you are ungretful, spoiled brat who thinks that owns the world and is main charcater, don’t you? if you want to be that independent okay. i’m going to block all back acounts from you. from now on you will work your ass off for money. i’m starting counting and you better come here.” you looked in to her eyes. “1..2..3..”
“you aren’t my mother. my mother is dead! understand this!”
 jaehyun was about to say something but taeyong stopped him. he was enjoying the show in front of him. he really loves how crazy you actually are.
“i’m staying with jisung. i won’t come back to home.”
“you are making disrace for our surname. don’t act like fool and come to home. i’m at 7.”
minhee didn’t even flinch.
“i’m not scared of you. after all i’m your family.”
“are you sure honey?” you touched her cheek. “do you know how killed your lovely parents?” she denied. “i did. funni isn’t it? everyone know but not their own daughter. i think you should be scared of me at that point.”
 minhee couldn’t belive her ears. you killed your parents. she was living with you not knowing about everything.
“you are crazy bitch! i hate you! i hate this family! one day i’ll make sure that police or media destroy you.”
“good luck.” you winked and slapped her. “you are no longer part of kims family. i don’t need you. you were the one that needed me.” you said harshly stepping closer and touched her chest to push her. “you are no one know. there is no coming back. you are done in my eyes. dead. and if i see you in my way i’m going to kill your love and then you. and guess what? nothing will bother to help find justice.” you shrugged and smiled one last time “you are free. make sure to change surname and to make it like we have never been family.”
 minhee was holidng her cheek and crying. at this point she knew that she doesn’t really know her own family. that there is secrets that are creepy and scary just like them. and she was sure she doesn’t want to involved. but now she was feeling bad because of what she said. jisung had tried hundred times explain her who you are. that she is doing it for her safety because thousands of people wants her head and she still didn’t listen.
 taeyong was following you.
“are you going to stop going after me or you want me to beat you up?”
“don’t need to be so harsh. i just want to ask you something.” he smiled. “have you ever been in love?”
“the fuck mr. lee? i only met you few times and i talk with you for the second time.”
“just answer me y/n.” his eyes was shining and you liked this view. you liked him to be honest. he did awesome work by finding your fathers money. he was loyal to you and you liked it. also he was handsome. why don’t like him?
“no. i have never been in love. having crush in daughter of mafia doesn’t sound nice right?”
“i don’t belive. you are way too pretty and too smart to be alone the whole time.” you smiled. he was cheesy but you liked it. “i think this can change.”
“do you want to seduce me?” you asked with little smile. “make me feel like i’m special and leave next day?”
“who said i would leave?” he smirked. “you are really something y/n.”
“i think we could talk about it.”
 and here you are. taeyong brings happines to your live. you have never experinced things like the one you do with taeyong. you are no longer alone. you wake up usually in his bed with his eyse piercing in to your soul. jackson and boys were happy that someone is interested in you and you are intrested in someone. they have never seen you having crush in male. but here you are. all over heels over lee taeyong. you didn’t like the idea of him having you wrapped around his finger but who cares? you like it.
“y/n what are you thinking about?”
“taeyong would you kill for me?”
“isn’t it obvious? i know you can do it by yourself but i would always kill anyone who is messing with my girl.”
“since when i’m your girl?”
“since the first time i’ve heard of you y/n.” he kissed you. “why you asking?”
“i feel like i spend way too much time with you so i need to make sure that you are worth it.”
“are you doubting me?” he touch your cheeks. “look at us. we are in my apartment in japan with beautiful view on sea. we are here alone having the best sex of our lives. having each other and telling silly secrets.” he hugged you and you lay your head on his chest. “we don’t need to stress about business. we have each other now. it’s feels like heaven.” 
“we are in japan. we are looking at the sea.” you smiled softly. “it’s almost like dream.”
“i know you have never thing like this. i want to show you life colors you know?” he smiled. “i want you to be happy. i want to see that you enjoy your time and let someone like you more than friend.”
“you just saying that.” you sighed. “you are going to leave soon like everyone in my life. but it’s okay.”
“you will never get rid of me.” he looked deadly in to your eyes. “past six months was like arcadia with you by my side. i feel like i can love you and i know that no one ever loved you the way i do.” he smiled. “but i’m here. i love you.”
“you heard me and i’m not going to say this again.”
“lee taeyong you make me feel needed.”
 he was messing so much with your head and you didn’t even mind. he was there. he was with you and makes you forget about any problems. about stress. about work. time with him is smooth. and you love it.
“can we make love this time? not fuck? i want to feel your love even if it’s temporary.” you said with eyes closed while you kissed him
 taeyong smiled wide. he loved the idea of making love and not just fuck.
“my girl is soft.” he teased. “i want to do it. love.”
“i hate you so much sometimes.” you rolled your eyes. “i’m not going to ask anymore. it’s just this once.”
“alright. i got it.”
 you were sure that taeyong will disapear. you can’t show feeling but taeyong.. he show you love. he was there. you didn’t even know when you started to finding yourself making breakfasts for him. hugging him for every 5 minutes. telling him your dreams. listen to him and advice him. making him happy. it comes to you naturally just by watching his moves to you. it was so soft and so new to you. proudness. it what’s you feel. you could love taeyong. you didn’t even love your parents nor sister. it was more like obligation. but with taeyong? you realized your feeling when you were missing him and your mind just focus on him.
 you wanted to be best girlfriend to him. one time he even just put gun in your mouth and say to suck it if you love him just to then have you moaning “love yous”. and you did. not thinking twice. at this moment you both knew that it’s simply love between dificult people.
 taeyong was deep in you. you could feel him hitting right spots.
“how’s my kitten feeling?”
“good. good sir.” you moaned. “i feel like i’m close.” you whines
“i love view of you. you are perfect for me even your pussy is made for me.” he moeaned. “look at you under me. lovely.”
“stop talking and just make me cum.”
“marry me.”
 you were that confused. you were at edge of orgasm and he is telling you this.
“taeyong why are you saying this when we fuck?”
“why not? will you marry me?” he punted deeper and faster. “i would love to see you with my surname. lee y/n.” he smiled giving you hickeys “all by myself. my wife.”
“you got to be kidding me.” you laughed “we are having sex and you asking me about mar-”
 you couldn’t end your sentence because taeyong circled your clit and suddenly wave of pleasure hit you like ddu du and you cum. moaning his name and curling.
“answer kitten.”
“yes. i want to fuckin marry you lee dumbass taeyong.”
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remmushound · 3 years
Beyond the Bay Chapter 10: Whats up with Yoshi?
Summary: While Raphael tries to calm down with the help of Splinter, Donnie has a talk with Leonardo about Yoshi.
Tags: @selfindulgenz @digitl-art-monstr @ilo-artistry @brightlotusmoon @rottmnt-addict
Leonardo stood up just as suddenly as Raphael had, leaving his plate at the table as he stormed out of the kitchen.
“Leo!” Donatello was the next to stand, hurrying after his brother.
Michelangelo didn't react. He just as stiff and speechless as his guests were. His expression broke. His lip began quivering as he tucked into himself and started to cry. Tears came heavy and fast; Raph was the quickest out of his seat and ushered to the box turtle’s comfort, wrapping Michelangelo in arms as big as he was. Michelangelo leaned into the hug, resting his head against Raph’s neck and curling his body into a tight ball that the older shinobi could easily embrace.
“Perhaps we… overstepped our bounds…” Splinter said slowly, his eyes holding nothing but patient understanding toward the young teen. “I apologize for causing such emotional distress…”
Michelangelo wanted to respond, but the tears wouldn’t stop to let the words through. Instead, he just leaned his weight further into his friend to hide away from the world.
Raphael needed to calm down. He needed to breathe and think somewhere away from questions, even the ones left unsaid. His hands were shaking too badly for the accuracy needed to knit, and when he had tried all he succeeded in doing was clacking the needles together and making nothing more than a tangled wad of yarn. Busywork always seemed to help, so that’s what he fell to doing. He settled on making up Michelangelo’s room for the brotherly sleepover that Michelangelo was so excited for. It would be cramped quarters, but he was sure they could all fit in Michelangelo’s race car bed with a little maneuvering; Raphael even had his own rubber sleeper shell so his spikes wouldn’t hurt them in the night! The bed had been a birthday gift from Donatello the previous year, and Michelangelo himself had handled the decorations of the wooden frame. As one would expect, it was just as vibrant as Mikey was.
There came a gentle knock at the open door.
“I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” Splinter said in that soft, humble voice of his.
“Uh… n-no, just some... “ Raphael let out a long breath and motioned vaguely toward the blankets and pillows he had assembled into a comfortable nest. He couldn’t find the words, so he melted away into low mumbles.
“I see.” Splinter nodded, “It looks very comfortable. Are you sure you don’t mind sharing your rooms?”
Raphael shrugged. “Eh, it’s whatever. Mikey loves sleepovers, so…” Raphael bit his lip out of habit and rubbed his arm.
“Still, I appreciate your generosity.” He approached Raphael at a slow gait and held out his paw near Raphael, but not quite touching him, allowing Raphael to take that final reach if he so choosed; and he did. Splinter ran a finger carefully across the far-larger hand, his expression a splitting smile. “I’m sorry if my family overstepped our boundaries at supper. Leonardo is simply… eager to get back home, as we all are.”
“No no no, it’s not your fault!” Raphael quickly reassured. “I know how Leo’s can get when they’re antsy.
Splinter gave a cheerful laugh. “Yes; I suppose my son and your brother are more alike than we initially realized.”
“Yeah, especially recently...” Raphael caught himself. He growled, swiping at his face trying to clear the cloud in his mind. “Sorry. Just a lot on my mind right now.”
“Of course.” Splinter nodded, “I understand completely.”
Raphael sat down with enough force to shake the room; Splinter sat down beside him.
“Your father is… unwell?” Splinter asked cautiously.
“Erm…” Raphael pursed his lips and gave a thoughtful grunt. “Uh. Physically he’s as well as he can be— Leo and Don make sure of that.”
“But mentally?” Splinter prompted.
Raphael couldn’t answer. It was all he could do to shake his head and give a weak, gasping sob, though no tears came to match. Almost out of habit, Raphael pressed his weight into Splinter and rested his head on the old rat’s shoulders; Splinter carried the burden of Raphael with little trouble, carefully shushing the mutant's sobs while stroking his carapace.
“There there, it is alright.” Splinter soothed. “I can imagine how difficult it is to care for your father while maintaining your duties at the same time.”
“It is.” Raphael shook his broad head. “And… and I try to balance things so we can do both, but Leo’s just making it so hard! We’re yelling at each other all the time, Donnie holes up in his bedroom, and Mikey is just so sad. I don’t know what to do…”
“Hey, easy…” Splinter stroked the unscarred side of Raphael’s face, “You will figure it out. Would I be overzealous to ask about…?”
“Uh.” Raphael took a deep breath to think. “We took him to a yokai specialist that uh… said LBD or something like that. Protein deposits in the brain or nerve cells or whatever. I… kinda blanked out.”
“Of course.” Splinter nodded, “It is only natural.”
“Leo handles all of that medical stuff anyway.” Raphael waved a dismissive hand, “Doctor appointments, physical therapy, stuff like that…”
“You’re awfully lucky you have all those options.” Splinter said, “Perhaps we could get Michelangelo checked out— my son, I mean. Donatello is wonderful with him, but internet searches and medical books can only go so far.”
There was no verbal response, but Raphael grunted and nodded with eyes averted. Splinter frowned and lowered his head to meet the snapping turtle’s gaze, smile just as patient.
“Do you agree, Raphael?”
Raphael shrugged. “I dunno. I mean— it’s worked so far for us. I get that Leo wants dad to have all these specialists and these caregivers and—and I understand that dad needs the care, but it’s expensive and we can do half that stuff by ourselves! If dad really needs something then it’s not an issue, but Leo keeps wasting all this time and money to get the same exact answer! It’s stupid!”
“I see.” Splinter nodded, “I understand that pride may be a difficult thing to overcome with something so personal…”
“And it’s not just the appointments!” It was nice to have someone to talk to, an unbiased source, so Raphael just kept talking. He could feel a weight lifting off of his shoulders and chest. “Leo’s has it in his head that dad needs a full-time nurse!”
“You don’t think so?”
“I don’t know…” Raphael shook his head, “I mean, I can’t really stand the thought of some stranger coming here and… trusting someone we don’t know with taking care of dad.”
“You’re untrusting of strangers…”
“Well, yeah. We’ve been pretty sheltered most of our lives. All of this… out in the open stuff is really new to us.”
“It is a valid worry.” Splinter reassured, “Is there any alternative?”
“I don’t see why we can’t do what we’ve been doing! You know— take turns staying behind to take care of dad.”
“You would split up the team…”
“I mean… it’s for dad! And it’s what we’ve been doing for the past two months, and it’s worked out great! Leo just doesn’t want to put in the work…”
“I’m certain that’s not what it is at all!” Splinter insisted, “You said Leonardo was taking your father to all of these appointments! That doesn’t seem lazy to me!”
“It’s lazy when it gets him out of training and patrol constantly.” Raphael said bitterly.
“Ah.” Splinter understood, “Well, why not take turns accompanying Yoshi?”
“I tried that; Leo’s the only one who knows enough about this stuff to fill in the doctor's.”
“Your Donatello isn’t of help?”
“Not with medical science. He’s more of a tech nerd.”
“My Donatello is much of a… jack of all trades, if you would. Perhaps during our stay he could help out.”
“You think he would?” Raphael had a hopeful glint in his eyes.
“I don’t see why not. I will ask him about it in the morning.”
“Thanks.” Raphael breathed, his smile coming back with a more genuine emotion, “Gee, we really owe you for everything you’ve done for us.”
“We didn't help you boys just to get something owed.” Splinter stated, “It was just the right thing to do.”
“I know!” Raphael insisted, “And helping you guys is the right thing for us to do!
“You are a very kind soul, Raphael, and I am so thankful that me and my sons had this place to turn to in our hour of need. Friends to rely on.”
Raphael took Splinter’s hands in his. “You’re always welcome here! We would have visited sooner but… life happened.”
“Do not be guilty, young Raphael. Guilt does not suit those eyes well.”
Raphael rumbled a laugh. “I’ll try to remember that.”
“Hey.” Donnie opened the closet to find Leonardo sitting inside; he closed the door and joined Leonardo, having to pull his knees tight to his chest to cram all seven feet of him inside.
“Hey.” Leonardo muttered, hardly acknowledging Donnie’s presence.
“Your Donnie’s looking for you, you know.”
“How’d you find me first, then?”
Donnie shrugged. “I’m a ninja. Do you… wanna talk about what happened?”
“What’s there to talk about?” Leonardo scoffed, almost laughing, “You saw what went down. There’s nothing more to it.”
“Oh, I think there is.” Donnie said; when Leonardo looked in the box turtles eyes, he was met with the cold, cobra stare that Donnie was known for. “I’m curious. Enlighten me.”
Leonardo gulped. “Just… the past six months have been an… all-round crap fest. Just one thing after the other— it’s exhausting! And arguing with Raph doesn’t make things any better.”
“Haven’t you and your Raph always butted heads?”
“Not like this!  Not every day— and not so violent! Not over something as important as this… as important as dad.”
“Do you know what caused it?” Donnie asked vaguely, but he trusted in Leonardo to know what he was talking about.
“It’s LBD.” Leonardo shook his head, “Doc says so.”
Donnie frowned. “LBD shouldn’t have progressed so quickly. You said it’s only been six months?”
“Five months, and that’s since he was diagnosed, not since it developed.” Leonardo corrected, “He’s had it for a long time we just… didn't notice. Little things like… forgetting our names and mixing up who was who…”
“That would have been around the same time as your injury, right?” Donnie asked, “I mean, I can only estimate given how much you’ve healed.”
“Yeah, right after it.” Leonardo took a shaky breath.
“That must have been… difficult to handle?”
“Raph… struggled a lot.” Leonardo’s voice began to waver, “I… let’s just say I was MIA for a while. I… wasn’t there when… But he got through it. We’ll get through this too. Always do.”
“You have access to doctor's, don’t you?” Donnie said, “Neurologists, geriatricians, physicians?”
Leonardo nodded, “All of those. And I’ve been looking into palliative care, but it’s… hard to find all this stuff in the Hidden City. Yokai illness and human aren’t the same and… and dad’s isn’t either of those.” 
“It sounds like you’re doing everything right to me.” Donnie assured.
“Try telling that to Raph! I told him that we needed a nurse to help us stay on top of this whole thing, and he nearly blew a gasket. He’s too proud to admit that we need help.”
“Pride is a dangerous thing.” Donnie agreed, “How can I help?”
“No.” Leonardo shook his head, “This is personal business. You don’t need to get involved.”
“Leon.” Donnie’s voice dripped with venom.
“D-don’t you do it.”
“Leon.” Donnie leaned closer to Leonardo, his eyes wide and slitted  as he hissed out the words in a slow voice, “How... can I... help…?”
“You can start by not looking at me like that!” Leonardo shoved Donnie away and shivered.
Donnie blinked and his eyes were back to normal. “You’re not in this alone, Leon, and I won’t let you think that you are. Just know that.”
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jaskierswolf · 4 years
Heartbreak Hotel
Or the dating show Geraskier AU based on an idea by my wonderful friend @slythnerd (Also on my AO3) 
Geralt took a deep breath and pulled at the tie around his wrist. The cameras weren’t rolling yet and he was seriously considering jumping out of the window. He was grateful that he wasn’t one of the original contestants. He wasn’t sure whether he would have been able to cope with all the build up and hype before entering the hotel. The set to the show was essentially the top two floors of a hotel, and one of the reasons he hadn’t made a break for the nearest window. He did enjoy being alive despite how much he liked to grumble about it. Geralt was going to be the first new contestant since the season had started just over a week ago. With any luck everyone would be happily paired up and he would be allowed to go home at the soonest available opportunity.
He’d only agreed to this shit show for Yen’s sake. He was pretty sure that her and Triss just wanted to laugh at his discomfort.
“Mr Rivia?” Some attractive young brunette with a clipboard asked.
He raised an eyebrow at them. “Yeah?”
“Are you ready?”
Geralt looked back down at the wristband. It was pink, purple and blue. He gave a small smile. When he’d been filling out the application form he had hovered over the box for bisexual for over an hour. He wasn’t out to his family yet. Yennefer knew, but that was it. Well at least coming out on one of the most popular dating shows in the world would mean he’d probably only have to do it once.
He grunted and nodded, dropping his wrist to his side. “Yeah.”
Jaskier was seriously starting to doubt his life choices as he flopped dramatically across the laps of Virginia Stael and Valdo Marx who were curled up on the sofa together. Jaskier had tried to woo  the ‘Countess’ as he affectionately called her due to her love of expensive jewellery and designer clothes, but she’d reached an ‘agreement’ with Valdo. They had a game plan. Everyone in the damn hotel knew it and he hoped the viewers at home could see it too. The pair of them barely tolerated each other. They would split up as soon as the show ended. They’d only chosen each other because they’d both deemed the other to be the most attractive out of the contestants. It was shameless and it was loveless. Well, not entirely loveless, despite their personality clashes and endless drama, they did end up shagging rather loudly every night, much to Jaskier’s displeasure as he had the misfortune of having the room next to Valdo.
Valdo wasn’t even that attractive.
“What are you doing, Jaskier?” Valdo snapped.
Jaskier rolled his eyes and extended one leg as he gestured to himself. “Lying down. Obviously.” He muttered.
“There’s a free chair.” Virginia pointed out in her snooty I-am-holier-than-thou voice which made Jaskier feel incredible glad that his attempts to seduce her had failed.
Unlike most of the contestants, Jaskier wasn’t playing for the money. He’d been naive to think he’d be able to actually find love on the show. What had he been thinking? Everyone else was catty and brutal and he just wanted to be loved god damn it.
Although, the sex so far had been spectacular so who was he to complain?
“Where’s… who are you paired with at the moment?” Valdo glowered at him, with unfairly pretty green eyes.
Ok so maybe he was that attractive, but fuck Valdo. Not literally.
Bad Jaskier.
The man was an arsehole. He did not deserve to get fucked!
Jaskier sighed again and patted Valdo’s cheek. “Priscilla but she broke up with me.”
“And why did she do that?” Virginia asked.
“I made out with Aiden.” Jaskier hid his face n his hands and moaned. “but in my defence the challenge was to kiss who I thought would be best in bed! Priscilla is lovely and I really like her, but Aiden just looked like he could fuck the living daylights out of me, which incidentally he can.”
Jaskier’s attention was drawn away by a woman behind a nearby camera who was obviously trying to hide her laughter and failing. Most of the time Jaskier was able to ignore the cameras but sometimes they just really got on his nerves.
“I was being honest!” He snapped and pouted. “I thought honesty was the key to all healthy relationships.”
No one had a chance to reply as the elevator doors opened and a god of a man walked out.
“Holy shit.” Jaskier’s jaw dropped.
This was it. He was in love. The man had silver hair that looked like it had been woven out of moon beams. It was pulled back into a messy bun revealing a truly sinful undercut on both sides of the man’s head. He was wearing a loose black shirt with the top few buttons undone and the sleeves were rolled up to the elbows. He’d paired the shirt with some tight black jeans. Oh god his thighs could probably break Jaskier.
Jaskier let out a pathetic whimper.
The noise drew the hot guy’s attention and holy fucking cock balls… his eyes…
Jaskier was going to drown in those eyes. He licked his lips and he stared unabashedly at this fucking work of art, that is, until he was dumped on the floor by Valdo shoving him hard. “Oi! Fuck it, get off!” He yelped as he landed on his arse.
His eyes snapped back up to the new guy and he blushed. The man was smirking at him, clearly laughing at his misery. Jaskier gave a little wave and the scrambled to his feet so he could introduce himself. “Hi! I’m Jaskier!”
Jaskier could have melted on the spot. How was his voice that good? Fuck it was better than sex.
“Jaskier.” He replied and then swore. “I mean. I already said that. Hello.”
“You said that too.” Geralt chuckled.
“Well what else am I supposed to say? I just met you! I can hardly start asking you to bend me over that table and…” He cut himself off and clapped his hands to his lips.
“Shall we start again?” Geralt asked, still smirking although there was now a faint red blush on his cheeks, probably embarrassed by Jaskier’s outburst. He extended his hand, which, Jaskier noted with absolute delight, had a bi wristband tied neatly on it. “I’m Geralt.” Jaskier grinned and shook Geralt’s hand, making sure his own matching wristband was on display. “Jaskier Pankratz. Nice to meet you.”
“Cut the cameras!” A voice called out through the speakers. “Everyone, we have a newbie Geralt Rivia. He’ll be joining and he will be leading our next challenge. We love the drama but try and give the man a warm welcome. Jaskier! Excellent. We’ll work with that. The viewers are going to love it! Ok. Rolling!”
Jaskier groaned and gave Geralt a sheepish smile. “Urgh. I’m sorry. Looks like they’ll be pairing us together for a few challenges.”
Geralt frowned. “Can you say that with the cameras running?”
Jaskier shrugged. “Not everything makes the cut. They get a lot of footage. There’s a whole bunch of people not even here that are being filmed right now. It’ll get cut and pasted until they get what they want.”
“So why did they cut the cameras?”
“Important announcement. Make sure people are actually listening. I doubt they actually stop rolling.”
“Sooooo….” Jaskier linked his arm with Geralt’s. “Did you want the tour?”
Geralt laughed. “Will there be any tables?”
Jaskier tripped up instantly and spluttered as Geralt caught him around the waist. “Geralt!” He choked.
“Relax, Jaskier. I was joking.”
“I should hope so!”
Four days in and Geralt was more relaxed than he thought he would be. Most of the contestants gave Geralt a wide berth. He was more than a little out of place. He wasn’t really sure how he’d ended up being chosen. The rest of the contestants flirted easily and could all talk for hours about their ‘types’ and what they were looking for in a partner.
When asked Geralt had just shrugged, he’d glanced over at Jaskier who had been busy braiding Priscilla’s hair and not paying much attention. Jaskier was currently paired with Priscilla, they’d been arguing when Geralt had first joined the hotel but had since rekindled their love, if you could call it that. Geralt had ended up pairing with Kiera. She was pretty enough and had taken a shine to him during his first challenge. He wasn’t that interested in her but he’d promised Yen that he would give the show a fair shot. So he was trying.
“What about you, Buttercup?” Priscilla winked at Jaskier.
“Oh umm. Me? Fair hair, pretty eyes… a voice like a dream.” He sighed wistfully and Priscilla turned to kiss him.
Geralt averted his eyes. He didn’t enjoy it when they kissed. It made him… uncomfortable.
Yen would say jealous but Geralt scoffed at that. Jaskier was his friend. They often hung out around the hotel when they weren’t being filmed with their respective partners. Jaskier was the only one Geralt felt he could really talk to. He let Geralt talk for far too long about Roach and the other horses at the ranch. Kiera had just laughed and made a joking about riding Geralt then shut him up with a kiss.
It wasn’t a bad kiss. It was just not what he’d been expecting from a partner.
He was on the wrong show.
Geralt groaned. “I’m going to my room.” He muttered. “Headache.”
Jaskier jumped up. “Are you ok, Geralt?” The brunet put a hand on Geralt’s arm and looked at him with such open affection that it made Geralt ache.
He was falling in love with him.
Geralt pulled away sharply. “Fine.”
“Oh. Right then. I’ll just, I’ll be here if you need me then.” Jaskier mumbled and slunk back over to Priscilla, taking her hand and decidedly not looking at Geralt.
“Fine.” Geralt repeated and fled the room, glaring at the camera man on his way past. He just needed to get away and be alone for a bit.
“I just. I don’t know what to do!!” Jaskier whined as he shifted in the armchair for the third time that minute, moving so his feet were draped over the back of the chair and he was hanging upside down over the edge. “Priscilla is very pretty and we both like music. We’re thinking we could start a band after this is all over, compose music together. She’s incredibly talented, maybe even better than I am, and oh ho! Let me tell you that I don’t say that very often!”
“So what’s the problem?” The person behind the camera asked.
“I just don’t love her. I thought I did but then in walked Geralt and it was like the universe rearranged itself and Geralt was in the centre.”
“How poetic.”
“Yes, yes.” Jaskier waved his hand and then scrambled up so he could sit cross-legged on the chair. He was getting head rush from being upside down. “It all sounds like a bad rom com but I swear. God, and then he had the audacity to be kind!”
“Not many people see him that way.”
“Bollocks!” Jaskier glowered at the camera. “He’s just shy but once you get him talking I swear he’s worse than me. Oh and his sweet darling Roach, has he shown you a photograph? No? Well that is tragic. She’s gorgeous. Stupid name for a horse though. Oh and he has this collection of little horse figurines that he paints. It’s just the sweetest. I swear if he proposed tomorrow I would say yes.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah….” He sighed longingly. “I could be Mrs Geralt Rivia. Oh wait no. Fuck! He’s going to see this eventually. Shit. Can you edit that out? What do you mean no?! Fuck!”
Geralt stared at the envelope in his hands. It was the challenge of the day. It was almost the end of Geralt’s second week in the hotel and soon people were going to get eliminated. He almost hoped it would be him, except that would mean leaving Jaskier behind. He wondered whether they could exchange contact details before he left. No, that would be weird. Jaskier was still paired with Priscilla.
Kiera had thankfully moved on.
“Umm.” Geralt blushed as he reread the words. He hadn’t participated in one of the infamous kissing challenges yet. His first challenge had been more of a get to know you type, after that the worst thing he’d had to do was a strip dance to ‘Toxic’, that was bad enough. “I have to kiss the person that I’m most likely to propose to after we leave here.”
“Sweet mother of…” Jaskier groaned and Geralt turned to look at him.
His friend was already blushing although Geralt supposed it was rather warm in the hotel. It was supposed to encourage the contestants to wear skimpy outfits to lure in more viewers. Jaskier as a result seemed to never be able to do his shirt up properly. The dark chest hair that trailed down into Jaskier’s tight fitting denim shorts drove Geralt mad. How anyone could resist the urge to pin Jaskier down and kiss every inch of his chest, was beyond Geralt.
Perhaps Yen had been right. Perhaps he really did need to get laid.
“Seems a bit forward.” Geralt muttered. “I’m not even paired with anyone.”
“Oh just snog someone already. Propose!?” Valdo scoffed. “This isn’t Married at First Sight.”
Valdo was right. This was too personal. He couldn’t.
“You don’t have to do it, Geralt.” Jaskier’s hand was on his cheek. “Let’s just say you have to kiss the person you think is cutest. We’ll all agree on that.”
“I won’t.” Kiera muttered.
“Shhh!” Jaskier hissed at her. “The challenge is a dig at me, something I said in the diary room. You shouldn’t have been dragged into it.”
“Hmm.” Geralt leant into Jaskier’s hand before he knew what he was doing. Jaskier had always been generous with the casual touches and Geralt lived for every single one. He hadn’t realised how much he’d been craving that physical touch before he’d met Jaskier. “Ok.” He nodded.
“Ok?” Jaskier asked, letting out a shaky breath and pulling back slightly but Geralt gripped onto his wrist to stop him.
“I can do it. The challenge.” He nodded.
It was now or never.
He loved Jaskier. He wasn’t ashamed to admit it. It was fast but then the circumstances weren’t exactly normal. They’d been living in each other’s pockets for two weeks and Geralt loved him.
He lunged forward before he could lose his nerve and captured Jaskier’s lips in a bruising kiss, cupping Jaskier’s cheeks in his hands to hold him close. Jaskier melted against him and wrapped his arms around Geralt’s neck, returning the kiss eagerly and moaning as their lips parted. Geralt had been dreaming of kissing Jaskier ever since the brunet had licked his lips when Geralt had first laid eyes on him. Every time Jaskier chewed on his bottom lip Geralt had imagined running his thumb along the soft pink skin and gently pulling it away from his teeth. Now all Geralt wanted to do was bite it for himself, so he did. Jaskier let out a sinful moan and pushed his body up against Geralt.
Geralt’s head began to spin. God the things he wanted to do to Jaskier. The noises he could pull from him. “Jaskier.” He breathed as he reluctantly let Jaskier go, resting his forehead against Jaskier’s and running his thumb along his cheek.
“Uh huh…” Jaskier mumbled and gripped onto the fabric of Geralt’s shirt. “Winter wedding then?”
Geralt laughed. “How about dinner first?”
Jaskier scoffed and buried his head against Geralt’s neck. “Fine, a spring wedding then.”
“Hmm.” Geralt muttered and kissed Jaskier’s hair. “We’ll see.”
More witcher fun
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with-love-anu · 4 years
Over a cup of coffee
Pairing: Sirius Black x Reader
Summary: Sirius falls for you as you start coming to their coffee shop regularly 
Warnings: A fluffy one-shot! No warnings to give ;)
Word Count: 1,912
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Sirius groggily started to set up the coffee shop. As much as he loved making artisan coffee, getting up at 6am was always a nightmare. James was beside him, wiping the counter and Remus was gone to the market to get fresh whole milk, bacon and eggs.
Their college time had been amazing but they all had come to the conclusion that they liked the simpler things in life. James had the money; Sirius made the most excellent coffee, Remus baked mouth watering pastries and James had been making the best sandwiches for them since childhood. They opened up a small barista located at the peak point of the city (near colleges, offices) named the “The Marauders’ Eatery”; which had become quite famous through the years. The store opened at 8 and by 9am it bustled with life.
As the day progressed, the crowd got thinner and the boys finally got the time to breathe. Sirius sighed cleaning the mixer.
“Think Marlene will drop by today?” James asked wriggling his eyebrows and Sirius groaned. Over time, the shop had gained quite many patrons. That included some girls who would gush at one of them so very obviously. Marlene was one of the girls who constantly flirted with him. He did not know how he could ever make her understand that he was not interested in her. She couldn’t take a hint.
“Shove off James, go back to thinking how you would impress Lily because we are not giving her any more free coffee!”
“Ah-“James started but someone came to the counter.
“Hello, what can I get you?” Sirius asked with his customary smile. Shit, she was beautiful.
“Can I get a large iced-coffee. Dark. And the banana walnut muffin?”
“Of-course, your name?”
“(Y/n)” she said smiling and Sirius felt his heart flutter.
“Please have a seat, and we’ll call you when your order is up.” Sirius said, moving to do the order.
“Thank you.” She said and moved to sit down.
James raised an eyebrow at Sirius.
“You find her cute, don’t you?” he asked and Sirius rolled his eyes.
“She’s okay.” He said, pouring the iced drink in a big cup and placing it on a tray with the muffin and some napkins.
“(Y/n)!!!” he called out as she paid and took the tray from him, thanking him again.
Sirius bit his lip. He constantly sneaked glances at her as she continued to work on her I-pad. She had her headphones on and worked in utmost concentration. She would bite her lip or run a hand through her hair occasionally. Remus snickered at him and he told him off and couldn’t help but blush. (Y/n) looked utterly adorable. She would come up a few times to order something and was incredibly polite each time.
It was almost 8 and James and Remus dealt with their last customers. Sirius straightened his apron and went towards (Y/n), gently patting on her shoulder. She looked up and removed her headphones.
“Can I get you something else? We are closing soon.” Sirius asked. She looked down at her watch and gasped.
“Oh my god! It’s almost 8. No, I don’t want anything else. And thank you for being so welcoming today, your coffee’s the best!” she said and Sirius smiled widely.
“Thank you and you’re welcome here every day.”
As she left the store he heard a clap and turned around to find his best friends smirking at him.
“The girl who Sirius thinks is ‘okay’” James said as Remus grinned.
“Oh and she is ‘welcome here every day’”
“Shove off both of you! That might be the last time she came here, she was just being polite.” He said and James scoffed.
“Doesn’t answer our question.”
To Sirius’s pleasant surprise that was in fact not the last time you came to the shop. You started coming to their barista every day, sitting at a corner and working. You drank coffee and tried different bakery products and some of the weirder sandwiches too, much to James delight.
“So, what prompted you all to start this barista?” you said as James worked around.
“Basically we used to be those college students who needed coffee to survive and whatever baristas there were, were either too expensive or the coffee was just too poor. Sirius bought a coffee machine after some time and started making way too excellent coffee.”
“That’s me!” Sirius called out and you giggled.
“Yeah, and I used to make all these midnight snacks for us three, so we just got the idea and did it.” James said as he handed you his newest bacon sandwich.
“Well, I am glad you did, because this place is amazing. The sandwiches too!” You said to the three of them bowed dramatically. You laughed shaking your head at their antics and went to sit at your spot continuing to edit the cover for the new comic.
You yawned and stretched taking a break from drawing. There was a tap on your shoulder and you looked to see Sirius, who offered you some coffee. You raised your eyebrows and he shrugged gesturing towards the seat in front of you.
“Yes, of course.” You said and he sat down in front of you.
“So, I always see you on your I-pad, what do you work on?”
“I actually design comic books for the Bachpan’s convention.” You said taking a sip of the coffe. God it tasted good.
“So basically that’s an organization that researches on child’s behavior and how to help them build better personalities. The comics I make are based on the very same research.”
“Oooh. That’s cool. How do you do it?”
“Subtle references. Most children are driven by desire; they want something or the other. So, we create a very innocent character, which is seemingly just like them and starts to do things their parents warn them against. It helps with the ‘learn by making mistakes’.  And then we show them the consequences of doing that. I try not to incorporate a character speaking out the morale directly, so as for the children to figure it out themselves.”
“Can I see some?” he asked. His eyes were so bright right, you were sure you could have said yes to anything he requested.
You showed him your latest work and he laughed at how funny the characters were. Slowly, the conversation shifted and you talked about yourself and your life and Sirius told you how he had a temperament for arts before. You found yourself smiling and listening attentively as he rambled. He was charming. You couldn’t deny that. Those people whom you saw gushing over him had a reason. But there was so much more to him. He was extremely perceptive and intuitive. He was funny, in a very natural way.
“Oi Sirius!” you looked over to Remus who smiled at you. “Get your ass over here; you’ve been talking for over an hour.”
Your eyes widened. Did you really? Your cheeks flushed and you looked at Sirius, who slowly got up.
“Pretty, how time flies, right?” he said and you nodded.
“Well, I had good company.” You said as Sirius’s face erupted in a loopy grin.
Sirius and you started sitting and talking every day after that. Sometimes James and Remus joined you two, sometimes they didn’t. You got to know more and more about them. They may think they were they cool and stuff, but according to you, they were the sweetest, nerdiest group ever.
“So, like Sirius used to be the bad boy, playboy-“ James said as you all sat together on one of their breaks.
“Wait, playboy?” you said cocking an eyebrow at Sirius. Sirius flushed.
“Well, I liked sex, don’t blame me!” he said and you giggled.
And somehow, you saw yourself falling for Sirius. You couldn’t point your finger on when or how it happened, it just did. You found your heart fluttering when he flirted with you, your stomach bounced when he winked at you. You couldn’t help it.
Sirius was frustrated. He had started liking you, a lot. He had no idea how to tell you. ‘(Y/n) I love how cute you are and want to take you out on a date.’ Well, that did sound quite okay, but how was he to ask? He always became a blubbering mess whenever he came close to talk to you about liking you. You made him nervous.
There was a ring behind him and he turned enthusiastically, expecting it to be you. He couldn’t be more wrong. Marlene. She came to him with an extra sway of her hips and he winced. He forced a smile.
“Good Morning! What can I get you?”
“Oh Sirius, don’t act like we don’t know each other. Okay, what about you make me whatever you want to today? You know I like everything you do.” She cooed and Sirius stopped himself from rolling his eyes.
He went to work on an espresso and heard someone else come in.
“Hey, Sirius!” your voice came and he turned around excitedly. “Can I get my usual coffee and the cake Remus said he’ll bake today?”
“Of-course!” he said as you sighed, standing at the counter. You did not notice the woman standing beside you glaring at you.
“So did you guys watch it?” you asked referring to the movie, you lent them a day before.
“Oh yeah, it was fantastic! Thank you for recommending it.” he said placing Marlene’s order on the counter, giving her the bill. Sirius noticed how she hadn’t her eyes off you, judging your every move.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Marlene asked and you turned.
“She’s my girlfriend!” Sirius interrupted and you looked at him wide eyed. You weren’t the only one.
“What?!?” Marlene demanded. Sirius pleaded you with his eyes and you huffed. Fine, you’d play along.
“She’s my girlfriend. Marlene, (Y/n). (Y/n), Marlene.” He gestured between the two of you and you gave her a smile. She shot daggers at you in return. She paid Sirius looking at him in a sickening sweet smile and huffed out of the store. You raised an eyebrow at Sirius.
“She wouldn’t leave me alone!” he whined and you let a little smile play on your lips.
“And the only way to get out of it seemed to be calling me your girlfriend?” you mused and Sirius blushed.
“Well, I mean we two would be quite believable a couple. You are cute and funny and smart and you are someone I want to take out on a date. I mean I LOVE TO. I MEAN I WOULD. HYPOTHETICALLY. I-” he ranted and you found yourself loving the red mess he had become into.
“SIRIUS!” you said and he finally stopped.
“There’s a new restaurant open just down the street. I hear the food is mouth watering. Would you like to go with me there tonight?”
Sirius’s eyes widened and you regretted the bout of confidence you were overcome with.
“Like on a date?” he asked and you nodded, gulping. Please don’t say no.
“I would love too.” He said as he started making you a big cup of dark iced coffee. As Sirius gave you the drink and a muffin the two of you smiled at each other. And years later, when people asked you two about your love story your reply was, “Over a cup of coffee.”
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A/N: This was written for Riley’s ( @wreckofawriter ) Cliched Month Writing Challenge. Let me know what you think!
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svtshine · 4 years
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Jeonghan as your Sugardaddy
Pairing: Jeonghan x reader
genre: Sugardaddy!au
Type: scenario
extras: As always, requests are welcomed. This was really fun to write ngl.
Jeonghan had never stayed in a relationship longer than 10 days.
he only needed a shower to get over someone
which was why he wanted a relationship where, he would just need to spoil someone, and in return get his needs taken care of.
If it’s one thing Jeonghan couldn’t get rid, was his money.
Damn this man is stacked
and he’s willing to spend it
The first time the both of you met was when you were working as a bartender.
There were tons of human beings at the club since it was the most popular hour. Sweaty beings pressing against each other, lips finding each other desperately at the side.
It was a long night as always. Your shift was going to end in 30 mins and you couldn’t wait to get out of the shorts and revealing shirt you had to wear
Your bed awaits you.
You focused on making the next drink as Jeonghan walked in.
He was going to meet your boss for an upcoming business deal.
When he first walked in though, he couldn’t take his eyes of you, alike many other men at the bar.
The way you made the drinks while looking so sexy and hot. He just wanted a taste.
Jeonghan could hardly even pay attention to the person infront of him.
“Who’s that” pointing towards you. Your boss turned his head and recognised you.
“That’s Y-y/n, as i was saying sir-“
Jeonghan didn’t look away from you at all. “I’ll raise the price. But i want only her to stay”
Jeonghan was going to invest in that bar, he didn’t need the pervious employees, only you.
Your boss closed the bar early and gathered all the employees.
“Listen, i’ve sold the bar to this man, Yoon Jeonghan sir. The rest of you have to find new jobs now.”
You felt eyes on you as you face the man named ‘Yoon Jeonghan’
“except for Y/n” Everyone looked at you in confusion. Even you raised your eyebrows.
You weren’t the BEST bartender, why the hell did they want you?
The rest of the employees left and Jeonghan motioned for you to follow him to the back.
The private room had a nice couch
“Now darling, as you’ve heard, this bar is officially mine now.” The strange yet hot man spoke.
“i need you, not as a bartender but you to be my sugarbaby” Your eyes widened. You weren’t unfamiliar with the term, but you’ve just met this guy and who knows what kind of person he actually was.
He held up a finger when you opened your mouth to retaliate. “Now, your job will be easy. Keeping me company when i go to events, and fulfilling my requests for you. While you get cash every month from me and any present you want”
He moved closer to you, gently grabbing you by the chin. “You just have to be my good girl”
You moved away from him. This hot, attractive stranger was asking you to be his sugarbaby?
you didn’t know whether to be confused or disgusted
ok both kind of
i mean you didn’t know who he even was till today.
“You should know darling, i get whatever i want and i want you.” Smirking at you
“your apartment building isn’t very expensive at all to me you know. If you didn’t agree to be my sugarbaby, you could very well end up jobless and homeless in a blink of an eye” God you so badly wanted to wipe that smirk off his angelic face
How could someone look so angel-like but be so cunning
So you agreed to the deal.
Jeonghan actually spent a lot of time with you. Given he was a ceo and he needed to attend lots of events.
During which he makes fun of snobby rich people with you and asks you questions about yourself.
He may be a little cheeky but he’s also a very kind man, you’ve come to realise.
He made you move into the same apartment building as he was in.
High rise building, with the most amazing scenery of the city.
Jeonghan surprises you with a present everyday.
It could be a bouquet of flowers with a small card, a necklace, a watch, earrings, dresses, heels.
Sometimes he’d buy items worth millions to thank you for joining an event with him that lasted two hours only.
His favourite thing to do with you, is to relax in his private jacuzzi with you after a long day at work.
Jeonghan loves the feel of your smooth skin against his and you sitting on his lap in the jacuzzi, planting soft and gentle nibbles on his neck and massaging his shoulders.
Damn was he in paradise
He slowly started to realise he was falling in love with you, when he noticed how much you reminded him of home
Returning to his apartment was never returning “home”. But he’d be in his office and thinking about, “What is my Y/n doing at home” or “What did she cook for tonight’s dinner”
That one time you went home to visit your family, he stepped home announcing. “Y/n i’m home” before realising you went to visit your family after seeing the table you left on the table for him to reheat
He felt so disappointed when you didn’t greet him as usual.
his apartment just felt so empty without you. It didn’t feel like ‘home’.
After getting to know Jeonghan, you wanted to give him something in return as well.
He made you so happy everyday. You felt so alive and happy around him. His presents made you happy, but you knew he deserved some too.
You knew you were playing a risky card. You fell in love with him way before he did.
You dugged out whatever savings you had from previously
With a total of 5k you bought him a small and cheap rolex.
Yeah of course you knew it probably meant nothing to him, but you knew getting this for him was worth it even if he decided not to wear it ever.
You were extremely nervous when you were going to present it to him. He had just returned home and you were watching him reheat the food that you cooked for him.
“I’m sorry baby, i know it’s been a while since i took you out but, work really had me cooped up” He said, brushing through his hair. His spectacles still lying on his nose bridge
You knew how hard he worked for the company so you smiled at him and made sure he knew you understood.
You excused yourself to get the watch.
“Hannie” he mumbled a ‘yeah’ as he munched on to your food. You nervously hid the watch behind you and continued.
“This may not seem like much but i wanted to do something for you” You brought out the watch and presented it to him.
“i’m sorry, it’s not even that nice. I used the savings i had from my previous jobs and got you this. You deserve more than this though han”
Jeonghan placed his chopsticks down on the table top and stared at the watch. You didn’t know if he really didn’t like it or not but the anxiety was creeping up onto you as he continued staring at the watch.
“I’m sorry hannie, it’s okay if you don’t like it-“
You reached for the watch, but jeonghan grabbed your wrist and gently brough you onto his lap.
That was when you realised, he had shed a couple of tears. Your eyebrows raised in alarm as you brush away his tears.
“Sweetheart, this has got to be the best gift anyone has given me.” he whispered to you
“It’s been so hard, but having you by my side makes everything better.” He took off his current watch and replaced it with the one you bought for him.
“Thank you, thank you so much my love. i’ve never felt more lucky to have met you” Kissing you on the nose and the face. Rubbing the sides of your leg up and down.
“I love you so much, please stay with me forever Y/n. Not as my sugarbaby but my lover as well. i really can’t imagine my life without you. As corny as it sounds” And of course you agreed, giggling at the end.
a year gone by, Jeonghan’s still wearing the watch as well as the shiny ring that adorned his left ring finger.
Similar to the one you had on your ring finger.
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Wonwoo Sugardaddy!au | Mingyu Sugardaddy!au
115 notes · View notes
Rating: G
Word Count: 1.6k
Fake dating, love at first sight, and all that. The basic fluff palate.
A/N: I had no idea what the lyrics to "Hello Stranger" by Stray Kids were until after I wrote the fic, but the title and vibe made me daydream this whole idea up in the car. You're welcome. (Totally would recommend the official MV too, it just doesn't have English subs)
Another day, another heckling. And this time it had to be on a public subway, apparently.
"All I'm saying is, if you're so rich, why do you have to conveniently forget your credit card every single time we all go out for lunch?" Edward narrowed his eyes at Ling.
"Why bring it when I don't expect to be going out to eat?" Ling said airily. "And you're always so generous when it happens unexpectedly."
Edward grunted. "That's an absolute load of bull and you know it. You can't say that you 'just forgot' to bring money because you 'didn't expect it' when I text the group chat 'Who wants to go out for lunch tomorrow?' and you say 'Ooh! Ooh! Me!'" he squealed in a poor imitation of his friend.
"Your girlfriend would love you for it, you know—paying for dates," Ling continued, ignoring Ed's accusations. He gasped. "Oh, that's right! You don't have a girlfriend! Perhaps if you weren't so quarrelsome, you could manage to win the heart of a lady."
"Who are you calling so puny that he's gonna die alone and have weeds all over his grave that no one will bother to pull?" Ed screeched.
Russell finally spoke up from his seat at the end of the row. "Ed, he didn't say anything about your height. He may be a cheapskate, but he didn't make a dig at your height. For once."
"Yeah, that's right! No fair changing the subject, Ling. This discussion was about how you're a little rich boy who always makes his friends pay for his own food," Ed huffed.
"Why quibble over such a minor expense? How expensive could a burger be? Twenty dollars?" The other two boys gaped at Ling, but he only kept going. "Besides, I'm far more interested in the current topic. Edward, you know I care for you deeply—"
"Fat chance."
"—but with your disposition, I doubt you could get a girlfriend if you tried!"
"Now, you wait just a second! You don't know squat about my love life! In fact, I could—"
Out of nowhere, a blonde girl knelt on the seat next to Ed's and slipped an arm around his shoulders.
"Hello, stranger." She winked. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming this way today? I know you're shy about our relationship, but you could have just told them, you know. You don't have to give into their teasing just for me, Eddie-boo."
All three boys gawked at her—Russell and Ling because of the fact that Ed actually had a girlfriend and Ed because of the fact that he didn't. Except now he had to pretend that this strange, hot blonde girl was his girlfriend.
So he choked. Then he recovered just enough to say, "Babe, no. I was just about to tell them. These pea-brains," he glared at them, "barely let me get a word in edgewise. Please believe me, babe."
"Of course I believe you, pretty boy." Her gaze made all coherent thoughts fly from his head. "But even if they are pea-brains, I should probably introduce myself." She tapped his nose. The buzzing feeling lingered long after the tip of her finger left it. "I'm Winry." She beamed at the other two boys. Ed's stomach twisted. He wasn't jealous, was he? He probably just ate something bad at lunch. Maybe Ling slipped something in his burger…
Ling grinned wickedly. "Lovely to meet you, Winry. How did you two meet? It must have been quite a job getting this one to agree to go out with you, what with his charming personality and all."
"Hm, how did we meet, babe? It all happened very gradually—knowing each other's faces, then knowing each other's names, then small talk here and there. Then before you know it, we were having deeper conversations as close friends, and then suddenly, we were dating! He's a real softie once you get him to open up," she said, ruffling his bangs.
"Winry!" He cleared his throat. "Babe, you don't have to tell them everything."
"Oh, man!" Russell guffawed, wiping away a tear. "This girl must have you whipped, Ed."
"Something like that," Ed muttered.
Suddenly, the train lurched and threw Winry forward, her arm around Ed's shoulders directing her course straight for his lap. They stared at each other in panic for a few moments. Then Winry laughed nervously. "Looks like I fell for you, huh, babe?"
Edward slapped his forehead. "Really? Fell for me? That's so terrible, I might break up with you just for that."
"Nah, you like me too much," Winry said, planting a kiss on his forehead.
Edward's face turned a violent shade of red. Pretty girl. Flirting. At him. Dream. It was a dream. Dreams don't have lips with that much detail. Can't look at friends. They'll laugh. Different topic. Periodic table. Periodic tables are simple. Hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium…
"Like I said," Russell smirked. "Whipped."
The subway car lurched again as the intercom announced their arrival at the stop, and Ed's arms flew to keep Winry from being thrown again. Just as quickly as he had held her close, he loosened his grip. For a moment, her eyes widened and a faint blush rose on her cheeks. She shifted on his lap.
"This is my stop. Nice meeting you guys!" Winry leaned in to whisper into Ed's ear. "I probably caused you more trouble than I solved. I'm so sorry." She offered him a half smile and slid off his lap.
His legs somehow felt bare without her weight, his arms cold without her warmth. How could he just let her walk away? But how could he just stalk a stranger? Fortunately, all intelligent thought had left him long ago.
"See you guys later! Better priorities have come up than messing around with you losers!"
Edward heard silence, then laughter behind him, but he kept his eyes forward as he followed Winry out into the station. Crap, what had he gotten himself into? He was such an idiot. His idiot mouth and his idiot legs had been faster than his idiot brain and he was about to be in big, big trouble with this really beautiful, really nice stranger. The doors closed behind them.
"Look, I'm really, really sorry. I don't know what got into me. I don't know why I went along with it. I don't just do this sort of thing, it just happened. If there's—" Winry cut Ed off.
"You went along with it because I started it. What were you supposed to do? If anything, it's my fault for putting you in an awkward position. It was gutsy and presumptuous and I should have just let your conversation happen. I don't exactly go around pretending to be random people's girlfriends either. Some weird gut reaction in me just...did it. I...I don't even know what to say for myself. I made you lie to your friends and now you're going to have to tell them that and...I'm. I'm so sorry." She raked her hand into her ponytail and avoided his gaze.
"Can we consider ourselves forgiven, then?"
She met his eyes with a slight laugh. "Yeah, I guess so."
"Good, so...um…are you actually single?" He sighed and mumbled, "man, I don't normally do this," and continued, "Because I'd love to take you out for real if you are." His pulse thundered through every blood vessel in his body while she opened and closed her mouth and blushed. It would be cute if his entire being wasn't vibrating waiting for her response.
"Y–yeah," she breathed.
"Gah," Ed rubbed the back of his neck. "Of course you're not single, why would you be? I mean, look at you—"
"No! No. I'm. I'm not single. I mean! I'm not in a—I don't have a boyfriend."
"I'd...I'd love to go out with you, Edward."
"Wow," he finally managed.
"What?" Winry smiled at him in confusion.
"I really scored big today and I don't even know how." He grinned crookedly. "Was something about my complete lack of competent speech attractive or something? Nobody just agrees to going on a date with a complete stranger. Your name is actually Winry, right?"
She laughed. "Yes, my name is actually Winry. I didn't really have a lot of time to come up with a fake name or anything. As for going out with a complete stranger… I don't know. I just know I can trust you. I figure, why not go for it? And, um. I wasn't entirely joking when I called you 'pretty boy.'" She bit her lip and smiled at her shoes.
Ed's mind blanked for what seemed the billionth time that day. "You're the—you're the pretty one!" he squawked.
"Well, then...if I'm the pretty one, can I be the one to ask you for your number?"
"What?" He wasn't sure whether he'd been shaken out of his mental fog or pushed further into it. "I mean, yes! Um, here it is." He fumbled with his phone and showed her his contact information.
"Thanks." She smiled with all the light the universe could give her. "I'll...see you soon then?"
"Are you busy right now?" Ed blurted out. "Or is taking you out to dinner too soon?"
"Oh! No, not at all. I'm kind of craving Chinese takeout, actually, if that's okay."
"Yeah. Yeah, it's totally okay. Just. One thing." Winry raised her eyebrows in accession. "Never call me 'Eddie-boo' again."
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Chapter 7
Josephine Fawley or as her brother liked to call her the tomboy Princess had a striking romance with Hogwarts very own Pureblood rebel Sirius Black.
Sadly her parents deemed his Brother the so called Slytherin Prince as a better fit and arranged a marriage with the younger Black.
Tw: Arranged marriage, possible smut, swear words, lots of fluff, angst,
Part 1
Part 8
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The next morning, Joey woke up to an empty bed. Everything was folded neatly, and it looked like the bed had been untouched for the night and even though she felt hostile towards the Slytherin, she would have preferred to wake up next to a familiar face instead of a cold and empty room.
Sighing, she put on a dress, guessing that Orion and Walburga probably weren’t the breakfast in Pyjama kind of people.
In the dining room she only found Regulus eating his breakfast while reading the newspaper thoroughly.
She cleared her throat. “Morning.”
“Good Morning, Kreacher will bring you breakfast in a minute.”
She nodded, sitting down next to him, nervously playing with her hair till the house-elf brought her breakfast.
“My Parents aren’t going to be home till the evening and I have no idea where Sirius went.” Regulus informed her, not looking up from his newspaper.
She let her mind wander to Sirius; he was drunk yesterday and although she wished it was different; she doubted that Sirius Black would want to be the dirty little secret of somebody - yet alone herself. She looked at her fiancée who didn’t even spare her a look and had to blink back tears - she was in for a lonely summer and probably an even lonelier life.
She shuddered thinking about her married life with Regulus, her only source of affection being cold gazes and snippy comments.
After both teens finished their breakfast, Regulus got up, making his way to the door.
“Can we explore the house today?” The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop them.
“I live here there is nothing to explore.”
“I don’t live here.” She said, fully aware of how pleading her voice sounded.
“There is nothing interesting here, besides maybe Sirius room - if you are into half naked woman on motorcycles, but I guess you already explored that thoroughly.”
“Reggie-” the nickname slipped from her lips so easily that it surprised even herself. She expected Regulus to be angry, but he just nodded curtly.
“Alright I’ll give you a tour.”
He walked her through the hallways showing her some of the guest rooms that all had a similar eerie decor that made Joey’s hair stand up.
“Told you.” He muttered after guest room number three, but Joey was adamant about seeing every room in the enormous mansion.
The last door of the hallway looked different, less dusty, and Regulus hesitated before opening it.
The room was beautiful. Huge bookshelves decorated the walls, a comfortable-looking sofa next to a fireplace, and a huge piano in the middle of the room.
“I like this room,” Regulus informed her, his eyes slipping over the furniture as if he wanted to make sure that nothing was missing
“It’s beautiful.” she walked to the piano, gently caressing the expensive wood. “Can you play?”
“A little.”
“Play for me.”
“Is this an order?” Regulus asked and Joey felt her body tense up, although the boy didn’t seem angry, just curious.
“Just hoping you will consider my request.”
He made a smacking sound with his mouth before his long, slender fingers found their way to the piano keys. He started playing a melody that Joey didn’t know, but she liked it, and most importantly she liked how regulus looked when playing the piano. So peaceful, so emotional, so young, so very human. Joey found herself fascinated by the boy she saw, and she clapped excitedly after he finished his play and for a short second she thought she almost saw him smile a little.
But his face soon became cold again as he informed her he had some work for his parents to do and she was welcome to look around on her own.
Shocked by his sudden change in demeanor, Joey just nodded, making her way back to Regulus room, plopping herself on the bed trying to read a book.
The next few days went by in a blur, the Black parents being occupied by something they called ‘important business’, Regulus practically ignoring her and Sirius still not coming back.
It was Monday evening during dinner that Sirius decided to rejoin the Black household.
“Late as always,” Walburga sneered as the boy sat down opposite of Joey.
Sirius stayed silent, shoving food inside his mouth while Walburga went on about what a disappointment Sirius was. Joey opened her mouth to say something, but Regulus shook his head, giving her a warning glare.
“And now to you,” Walburga said, looking at Joey and regulus, “you seem so distant with each other, why don’t you hold hands or something?”
Orion snorted dismissively. “They sleep in the same room I’m sure they are far past hand holding.”Joey felt her cheeks heat up as the two adults talked about her sex life so nonchalantly and her eyes automatically looked to Sirius, her subconscious still holding on to all the years that he has been her comfort but Sirius eyes were filled with something that could only be described as pure rage as he glared at his brother who didn’t even flinch under the older Black boy’s gaze instead he swiftly slipped his hand into her’s.
Sirius looked ready to burst and Joey felt comfort in Regulus casually holding her hand as Sirius stood up abruptly, walking up the wooden stairs in his room.
Joey’s heart sank. She hated it when Sirius got angry, especially when it was because of her, but there was nothing she could do for this situation - at least till the adults were asleep.
It was past midnight as Joey slipped into Sirius’ room, half expecting him to be fast asleep but instead finding his head in his hands sitting on the floor next to a fist shaped hole in the wall.
She didn’t get an answer she slowly made her way towards him as if he was a wild animal. Joey lowered herself next to the trembling boy’s body, reaching out a hand to comfort him but stopping a few inches before his skin.
Was it okay for him if she comforted him? After all, he wasn’t hers anymore.
Did he even want to see her?
Was he sad or mad?
“I’m sorry,” she stated, not sure for what exactly she was apologizing for.
The drunk make-out session? The break up? The hand holding?
“It’s just so unfair.” he breathed. “You’re the girl who called me an asshole the first time we spoke. The girl who tried to pay for our sweets even after she learned I am a Black and have more than enough money. You’re the girl who risked falling out of the window to feed the orphaned birds, who makes my breath hitch whether you’re wearing a tight dress or oversized sweatpants. You’re- “ he paused, his grey eyes locking with her green ones “You are my girl.”
She swallowed thickly. “I’m sorry. For what it’s worth heart still belongs to you.”
“But everything else belongs to my brother, doesn’t it?” Joey shuffled away at the sudden harshness of his voice.
“He didn’t touch me, if that’s what you’re asking.”
Some emotion swirled in his grey eyes, making her bite her lip.
“Do you love him?”
“No. You’re the only one for me, you’ll always be.”
Tears started pooling in her eyes as she faced the bitter truth her words held.
“You feel nothing for him?” Sirius clarified, shifting closer to her.
“Nothing, he is just the guy I am forced to marry.”
And then Sirius’ lips crashed against hers, holding her body close as if he was scared she might disappear. She buried her head in his neck, pressing kisses there too, inhaling his familiar scent of expensive cologne and smoke.
“It’s only for our parents? You don’t like being close to him?” Sirius asked for the hundredth time, searching her eyes for any sign of a lie.
“Yes Sirius. You are the only one I want to be close to.” He nodded, letting his head fall back down on her chest. “I still need to sleep in his room though.” She said, playing with Sirius’ soft locks.
He gripped the sheet tightly, trying to control the boiling anger that came with the image of his girl sleeping next to his baby brother. “I Hate him”
“He did nothing wrong, Siri.”
He gave her a dirty look. “He touched you.”
“For your parents. Now c’mon let me leave before we both fall asleep.”
Sirius grumbled as he pushed his body off of her so she could get up.
“Wait,” he said as she went to the door. She turned around, seeing a grinning Sirius handing her one of his shirts. “wear this.”
“It’s one of the shirts my mother purchased, she could never make out which shirt belonged to Regulus and which one was mine.” He grinned mischievously, “but Regulus can.
She rolled her eyes although taking the shirt out of his hand. “You’re such a child, Black.”
With one swift motion, she pulled her shirt over her head, practically feeling Sirius’ dark eyes boring into her body before she pulled over his oversized shirt.
Sirius smirked darkly, “Perfect.”
She rolled her eyes again before sneaking out of the door into Regulus room, only stopping in her treks as she found Regulus wide awake writing something on his desk instead of finding him fast asleep as she expected.
“I thought you were asleep.” She stammered awkwardly as his gaze met hers.
“I don’t usually sleep early.”
“But you are always awake before me?”
“I don’t sleep much.”
“We always went to bed together,” she exclaimed, puzzled by the boy’s behavior.
“Figured I’d be less awkward like that.”
Joey blinked slowly. Her brain couldn’t fathom Regulus black sitting somewhere thinking how he could make things less awkward for the girl he was forced to marry.
“That’s” she paused, clearing her throat, “very kind of you.”
He didn’t answer, turning around and packing away his things. And Joey had the feeling that she was supposed to say something, but she didn’t know what.
“I suppose you made up.” He said turning around gesturing to her shirt, “assuming that’s his shirt.”
“Uh yeah.” He nodded, pulling his shirt over his head before slipping under the covers. “So you always go to sleep when I go to sleep?” She asked awkwardly.
“No. I am going to bed, sometimes I fall asleep eventually sometimes I wait till you sleep to get up and read something downstairs.” He said, turning to the side, clearly signaling that the conversation is over.
Even though Joey thought she would have a good night’s sleep, being in the clear with Sirius and all, she couldn’t help but toss and turn in bed, Regulus confession stirring up a weird feeling in her stomach. Only an arm's length away from her Regulus too couldn’t sleep. Seeing Joey in his brother’s shirt, her legs covered in dark hickeys for some reason rubbed him the wrong way.
Next part
Hope you liked it :)
What do you think about reg and Joey ?
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Sweet Pea//you’re too hard to forget
Request: Hey!! Love your writing! Are you able to write a song imagine for the song lie to me by 5sos and Julia Michaels.. for reader x sweet pea when they broke up and seeing other people but still think of each other? Thankyou!! 🧡
hey! i looooove this song and i loved writing this! also it’s very angsty so be warned i hope you enjoy! 
Red Rose Hall is everything Toni and Cheryl hyped it up to be. High ceilings, bright white walls, soft gold decor, chandeliers, candlesticks that are definitely made out of solid gold and enough room in just the entrance to fit at least half of Riverdale’s population in. 
It seems half of Riverdale’s population is here tonight, as well as at least another 100 people that Sweet Pea has never met before. But what else does he expect from Cheryl and Toni. 
The invitation he’d received for their engagement would probably fit in as decor here, and he clutches it tightly as he walks through the large wooden doors. 
An older man in a suit offers him champagne and he takes it gratefully, suddenly feeling underdressed in the only suit he owns. He fiddles with his tie, trying to hide the ketchup stain that he can’t quite get out. 
“This is amazing.” A voice says in awe and suddenly he remembers that he isn’t here alone. “And this is just their engagement party?” Cece asks, her dark hair falling straight down her back and over her pale blue dress. 
“Er-yeah.” He says, handing her a glass of champagne. “Cheryl is very...out there.”
“You’re telling me.” She laughs and takes a sip. “Holy shit, is that an ice sculpture?” Her eyes widen and Sweet Pea follows her gaze until they’re both staring at a huge sculpture of Cheryl and Toni.
“That is-”
“Wonderful!” Cheryl’s cheery voice makes both Sweet Pea and Cece jump before turning around to face her. Toni stands beside her, and her and Sweet Pea share a look. 
It’s been well over a year since they last saw each other, but they don’t even have to say anything to know what the other is thinking. 
“Yes. Thats what I was just about to say.” Sweet Pea says, glancing quickly at Toni who stifles a laugh. “How are you Cheryl?” 
“Fantastic.” She replies. “Me and my future wife to be have been enjoying engaged life.” 
“You don’t need to tell us about that.” He interrupts and Cheryl hits his arm, sending him a sharp glare. 
“Not like that...but thats been great too.” She smirks and nudges Toni. “Are you going to introduce us?” She asks, staring straight at Cece. 
Sweet Pea sighs and braces himself for the grilling he’s going to get. Toni won’t be as bad, but Cheryl was more your friend than his, and now he’s brought a new woman, he’s definitely going to have to watch his back. 
Speaking of you, he wonders if you’re here. Of course you are. You’d never miss this, but the room is so big and he feels so small compared to it. He used to always be able to find you in a room, it was a secret talent of his, or maybe it was you just drawing him to yourself constantly. Tonight however, he can’t see you anywhere and he doesn’t know if thats a good or bad thing. 
“This is Cece.” He says and gestures to the woman holding onto his arm. She waves awkwardly at Toni and Cheryl and they both smile back at her. Cheryl’s is a lot faker than Toni’s but thankfully she doesn’t notice. “Cece, this is Toni and Cheryl.” 
“It’s really nice to meet you both.” Cece replies, a sweet smile on her face. It’s no where near yours, but that’s what Sweet Pea likes about her. She’s the complete opposite of you and thats just what he needs. “And congratulations.” 
“Thank you.” Toni says sincerely. 
“Yeah. Thank you.” Cheryl adds. “It was lovely seeing you again Sweet Pea, and nice meeting you Cece. But there’s lots of people here and we need to talk to everyone. You can put your gift on that table over there.” 
“We didn’t bring anythi-” 
“Money is fine.” She cuts him off, calling over her shoulder. 
“Sorry.” Toni mumbles before following Cheryl. 
Despite Cheryl’s grating personality, it’s nice to know not everything has changed since the last time he saw everyone. Cheryl is still as rude as ever, Toni still apologizes for her and they’re both still very extra. 
“Do they really need anymore presents?” Cece asks and points to the large table in the corner of the room. Its stacked full of gift bags and huge boxes and Sweet Pea’s eye widen at the sheer amount of stuff they probably already have. 
His eyes scan the room, looking out for anyone else he knows. Hopefully Fangs is around somewhere and three of them can sit at a table near the back until it’s acceptable to go to the very expensive rooms they’ve been forced into paying for and staying in tonight.  
He does find Fangs, standing with a grin on his face and two champagne glasses in hand as he talks to a guy with curly brown hair, glasses and a suit that looks like Sweet Pea pulled his out of the trash. 
His eyebrows furrow in confusion, he doesn’t remember Fangs mentioning a new boyfriend the last time they text. But when he looks at the guy properly, he notices he’s also holding two champagne glasses and now he’s even more confused. 
That is until he see’s you, approaching the pair of them with another girl walking beside you. You both stop the conversation you’re having to greet Fangs and the mystery guy and they hand each of you a champagne glass. 
The other girl stands beside Fangs and he quickly realizes its Jade from  school, he then chuckles quietly to himself, momentarily forgetting about you and whoever he is, because can you imagine Jade and Fangs together? They are definitely not each others type. 
His smile disappears however once he see’s you reach up and press a kiss to mystery guy’s cheek. 
You brought someone else. 
Okay, so did he, but that’s beside the point. 
You look good, but different. It’s been a year since you saw each other so he’s not surprised you’ve changed, he’s just surprised by how much. 
You look like a completely new person. Like you changed over night. Your hair is longer, your makeup and style different and you look confident. A lot more confident that the last time he say you. You still capture an entire room when you walk into it, but now its like you know you’re doing it. 
He feels frozen, everything about you is so different, yet it feels so familiar to him and he can’t stop looking at you. Even when you throw your head back in laughter at something Fangs has said and when you look around, acutely aware that someone is watching you. Even when you notice him looking at you from across the room, Sweet Pea still doesn’t look away. 
You send him a polite smile before turning your attention back to your new boyfriend. Sweet Pea continues to watch, hoping that you’ll glance at him again, but you don’t. You don’t even attempt to look at him again and he feels his heart sink. 
“Sweet Pea? Are you okay?” Cece asks, pulling him from his thoughts and his heart sinks even further at Cece’s worried expressions. He doesn’t deserve her and neither did you, which is why you’re both here with other people instead of each other. 
At least you look happy. Or at least you’re trying to. Your smile reaches your eyes, but it doesn’t make them light up like it used to. He wonders if he did that to you or if its because of the new guy you’re with. He hopes it wasn’t him, but he can’t shake the gut feeling that it was. 
“Yeah.” He nods, finally dragging his eyes away from your figure. They settle on Cece and she smiles at him warmly, but he can tell she noticed. There’s just a hint of disappointment resting behind her eyes. “I’m fine. Do you want to find our table?” He asks, wanting any excuse to get away from you and him. 
“Yeah okay.” She replies and grabs his hand, weaving him through the mass of people. 
He sits down, the gold chairs with large white cushions on them help him sink further into the depression he’s already falling into, purely because he knows the chairs alone probably cost more than his rent last month. 
He tries so hard to loose himself in having a good time with Cece, but he just can’t. He looks at her but ends up looking straight through her and back at you again. As Cece takes in the the small details of the large hall, Sweet Pea takes in the smaller details of you. 
You stand a little differently that how you did a year ago. Maybe its because whoever your new boyfriend is closer to your height than he is Sweet Pea’s, or maybe its the new found confidence you seem to have since Sweet Pea left. 
This time two years ago, both of you were staying in Cheryl and Toni’s New York apartment. It was a welcomed break from the busy jobs you were both desperately trying to hold down in order to keep your flat. 
You’d only been in New York for 2 days, but it was the best 2 days of your life. Toni and Cheryl had showed you around the city, the four of you doing some sightseeing and just enjoying seeing each other again. 
But just before going to bed on the second night, Sweet Pea got a phone call from his work saying they needed him in tomorrow morning, despite the fact he’d booked the week off. 
You’d only just managed to go to sleep, finding it difficult due to the loud roads and bright lights outside. You may have also moved to a busy city, but it was no where near as busy as New York, and so Sweet Pea tried desperately to pack as quietly as possible. 
You still woke up though, either sensing the empty space beside you or hearing the large thud of Sweet Pea tripping over his suitcase in the dark. You’d asked what he was doing and he felt so bad as he told you he had to go home. 
You were of course disappointed and his heart ached at the sight of you trying to hide it. He said you could stay and spend the rest of the week with Toni and Cheryl, but by the time he finished his sentence and multiple apologies you’d already changed your flights and were starting to pack. 
“We stay together remember.” You’d whispered in his ear on the plane. You then lay your head on his shoulder and even though he was tired and pissed beyond belief at his boss, he knew he’s got it right. You were definitely the one. 
Or at least thats what he thought. 
“Holy shit! Pea. I didn’t know you were coming to this!” Fangs is more than excited to see his best friend. He practically jumps on him and it causes Sweet Pea told jolt out of his thoughts at the weight of his friend embracing him. 
He returns the hug, a little too late but Fangs doesn’t seem to notice. He’s too busy introducing himself to Cece. She smiles in surprise at the energy of the stranger stood in front of her, but she shakes his hand anyway and introduces herself. 
“Don’t mind him. He’s had far too many ‘choni’ cocktails.” A voice deadpans from beside him and he sends the girl it came from a glare. “Hi Sweet Pea.” She waves at the tall serpent and he sends her a smile in return. 
“Hey Jade. How are you?” 
“Not good. I’ve been put on Fangs babysitting duty.” She huffs and takes a seat opposite the couple. Cece looks at Sweet Pea hesitantly before looking at the purple haired girl opposite her. 
“So how long have you and Fangs been together?” She asks in a small voice, but its met with loud laughter from Fangs, Jade and even Sweet Pea. 
“Babe, they’re not a couple.” Sweet Pea forces through laughter. 
“Well how am I supposed to know that. It’s not like you tell me anything about your friends.” She replies through a gritted smile and Jade and Fangs share an uncomfortable look. 
Sweet Pea coughs and stares at the napkin on the table, his finger traces the pattern gently and the four of them wait for something to change the sudden dull mood. 
A distraction comes, but it’s not a welcome one and Sweet Pea thinks he’d much rather snide comments from his girlfriend than whatever this is. 
“Hi guys.” You smile and wave at the small group. Your boyfriend stands behind you with a hand on your hip. He pushes his glasses up his nose before quickly moving to pull your seat out for you. You smile and sit beside Jade, giving her and Fangs a warm smile. Your boyfriend, who Sweet Pea still doesn’t know the name of sits on the other side of you, and he decides he doesn’t want to know the name of him. 
“Ryan, have you had one of these?” Fangs asks, trying his hardest to break the now awful atmosphere surrounding your table. It only makes it worse, because Sweet Pea knows his name and he hates it. 
Cece stares down at the silver bracelet dangling around her wrist, she plays with the charms and tries her hardest to will away the tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Sweet Pea seethes silently, glancing between the table, you and Ryan every so often. Fangs gulps, and plays with his hands, trying desperately to help his friend but nothing comes to mind. 
Jade sits back in her seat, sipping on her drink to try and hide a smile as she watches everyone silently. You sit awkwardly, your chin resting in your hand while you think of how to get out of this situation, and Ryan sits beside you, holding your free hand under the table and glancing at Sweet Pea nervously every so often. 
“No, I-er I haven’t no.” He shakes his head, gaining the attention and eyes of the five of you. 
“Good.” Jade replies. “They suck.” 
“How dare you.” Fangs glares at the girl but she just looks at him bored. 
“I’m sorry but if you name a drink after your ‘ship’ name, it automatically sucks. It could be the best tasting thing in the world, but as soon as its got a stupid name, it sucks.” She replies making Fangs huff. You and Sweet Pea stifle laughs at her sudden outburst and the two of you make brief eye contact before the moment is gone. 
“You’re so fun at parties. Did you know that?” 
“I did. Thats why I was your plus one.” 
“You were my plus one because we both got dumped right before thi-” He stops himself mid-sentence but the damage is done. You force yourself to look at Sweet Pea and are surprised to see he’s already looking back at you. 
“Well that got awkward fast.” Jade says, taking another long sip from her drink. “I’m getting another one. Anyone want to come with?” 
“I will.” You and Sweet Pea stand at the same time. 
“Its fine you go.” You say and sit down again. 
“No, no. You go.” He replies, also sitting back down. 
“Are you sure?” You ask. 
He nods quickly before starting a conversation with Cece. Cece talks about how pretty your outfit is and he nods along, not really paying attention. 
The only thing he can think of is you. 
And how he wishes the two of you never met. 
The thought makes something twist in his gut, but it’s true. When you met, he remembers thinking how lucky he was to have been in the right place at the right time. He knew he’d never forget you from the moment you met. And he was right. You are too hard to forget, no matter how bad he wants to. 
It doesn’t help when there’s little reminders of you no matter where he goes. A certain smell reminds of of your perfume, a certain taste and he’s taken back to your first date eating Pop’s takeout in the parking lot because there wasn’t enough seats inside. 
When you left, he tried to erase every part of you. Every trace of you was taken from the apartment you’d shared. He was angry at you of course, you’d argued and shouted just as much as he did, but he was more angry at himself for letting you go. 
He’d cleaned the shattered glass from the floor, caused by you slamming the door a mere five minutes earlier, and he learnt later that you’d gone to a co-workers house for ‘support’ and ended up in his bed. 
He knows you don’t love him anymore. Why would you? He said some of the worst things anybody had ever said to you, kicked you out of your home and ignored you for a year after. But he hopes if he asked, you’d lie to him. ----
It’s 3am and you’re still awake. The last of the guests have only just gone to bed and you can hear them stumbling and giggling as they pass your room. 
The moonlight streams in through a gap in the dark curtain and it casts a soft glow over Ryan’s bare chest and face. His lips are parted and soft snores echo around the room making you feel even more alone. 
You pull your legs up to your chest and wrap your arms around yourself, resting your head on your knees. 
Ryan had pressed gentle kisses up and down your neck while the two of you slow danced, his hands had wandered along your body and he’d whispered words in your ears that made you blush and look around, making sure no one else was looking. 
Nobody was, not even Sweet Pea and you felt a familiar twang of disappointment at that. But nonetheless, you said your goodbye’s to your friends, thanked Cheryl and Toni for the invite and told them congratulations for probably the fourth night, before Ryan had you pinned against the elevator wall, kissing you like his life depended on it. 
Now you sit awake, to busy thinking about Sweet Pea holding onto somebody else the way he used to. Sweet Pea could always sense if you were awake, it was like a weird gift he had. If you couldn’t sleep, he knew. And he would pull you tight to his chest and stroke your hair gently while whispering nonsense in your ear. 
Ryan sleeps through anything, which means you’ve spent a lot of lonely nights looking up at the moon. It’s seems the two of you are friends now, but tonight she’s taunting you and you sigh deeply. 
This was supposed to be a happy occasion, a chance to see all your friends again. But you feel anything but happiness. 
Your mind wanders to last year, and the way you stared at the moon back then. Only it didn’t end with tight cuddles and sweet whispers. It ended in a fight, a break up and the biggest mistake of your life. You walking out and giving up on you and Sweet Pea forever. 
You were thinking about New York, and how you should go go back sometime when Sweet Pea stirred beside you, asking the same sleepy question of ‘are you okay?’ 
‘Yeah’ you’d replied, settling into his arms and letting your eyes flutter closed. ‘Just thinking about when we could go back to New York.’ 
You honestly hadn’t meant anything more of it. Literally just wondering if you had any weeks off. But Sweet Pea was tired and stressed and took it as an attack. You tried to tell him you didn’t mean it like that, but he wasn’t listening and so you gave up trying to reason with him. 
You fought, cried and then you stormed out, not bothering to look back. 
You ran, even though it was right. 
You have a deep need to do it again. The rooms seems to be slowly suffocating you and you need to get out asap. You grab your dressing gown and slip some shoes over your feet before slipping out the door and into the dimly lit corridor.  It’s a welcome quiet to the thoughts screaming in your head and you take a moment to take in the beauty of the place. It might only be a corridor, but it’s a damn pretty one. 
With no destination in mind, you start to wander around the large hall. Eventually settling on a window seat right in the corner of the building. It looks out into the garden and the moonlight casts it in a fairytale like glow. It looks magical and you feel yourself calm down a little. Your heart rate goes back to normal and your breathing slows. Thats until you feel a presence beside you and the cushion your sat on dips as another joins you. 
Pulling your gaze away from the window, they settle on a pajama clad Sweet Pea and your expressions softens.  
“What do you want Pea?” You ask, the easiness of the nickname surprises the both of you. 
“I woke up a while ago and couldn’t get back to sleep. I figured you were awake somewhere.” He shrugs, leaning his back against the window and you watch a shiver crawl up his spine at the cold. 
“How do you know I wouldn’t be in my room?” You ask, turning your attention back to the sky. 
“I dunno.” He shrugs. “But I remember after a while, if you couldn’t sleep you used to get up and wander.” 
“Oh.” You say quietly and look back at him. “I never did that with you.” 
“You did. Once when we first got together.” He replies. 
“I don’t remember.” 
“I do.” He shrugs. “Why do you think I used to wake up? I didn’t want you wandering the streets at night.” 
“Thank you.” You say sincerely, looking him in the eye. He clears his throat and looks away. 
“Its whatever.” 
“Its not whatever Sweet Pea.” You say making him look at you. “Its really sweet.” He looks away as soon as you make eye contact and the two of you are left to sit in silence. 
“Do you ever wish we never met?” You ask and he quickly looks at you. 
“I er-” He stutters, unsure of what to say. Because he does, but even now he doesn’t want to hurt you. 
“I do.” You reply and he feels himself shatter. The whole illusion that he’d built you up to be, what you’d be doing now that you’re no longer in his life has been broken. 
“Thanks.” He huffs and crosses his arms over his chest. A small pout makes its way to his lips and you roll your eyes at the sight of it. 
“Don’t tell me you don’t feel the same.” You argue. “I saw the way you looked at me before. There was more regret in your eyes than there was when Fangs ate all of those out of date pies.” 
“That was funny though.” Sweet Pea chuckles. 
“Yeah.” You join in. “Up until the hospital visit.” You add and the two of you frown. 
“You’re impossible to forget you know Sweet Pea.” You say out of nowhere and his eyebrows raise. 
“You too Y/n.” He replies, sadness lacing his tone and the two of you both stare out into the garden. 
“But I have to.” You stand suddenly and he looks at you confused. 
“We have to try and forget each other.” 
“Y/n, our best friends are getting married. I’m the best man and you’re maid of honour. We’re always going to be in each other’s life. It’s going to be pretty impossible to forget each other.” 
“Well, maybe if someone hadn’t have dumped me for no reason then we wouldn’t have to do all this awkward shit.” You snap, a years worth of feeling bubbling up to the surface. 
You’ve had enough. He did this, he started it and now he doesn’t want to end it. 
“Excuse me?” Sweet Pea asks, his voice raising as he also stands. “You’re the one that walked out.” 
“Because you told me to! Whatever Sweet Pea. I’ll see you around.” You huff and storm off into the dark hallway. “And so hi to Cece for me.” 
“Only if you say hi to Ryan for me.” He calls angrily after you. 
He watches you walk away and curses himself for letting you do that again. 
“Babe? Where have you been?” Ryan’s voice is groggy as he turns his head to face you. 
“Do you love me?” You ask suddenly and slip into bed beside him. The moonlight still shines in through the curtains, but the glow it casts into the room is cold. 
You know he doesn’t, he knows he doesn’t, but it doesn’t matter. You’d rather a sweet lie than a bitter reality. So he takes a deep breath, his hair falls into his face but you don’t bother moving it, not wanting to ruin the fabricated moment you’re desperately trying to believe in. 
“I do, yeah.”
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cycat4077 · 4 years
Summary: You have a little heart-to-heart with a student you're tutoring. Sonny may or may not be eavesdropping. (Set Summer 2016) Pairing: Sonny x Reader Warnings: Basically just fluff! Words: 1808 AO3: here
Part 10 of the Changes verse - but it can be read as a one-shot too.
A/N: If this is your first time seeing this series, the reader is a teacher but is in between jobs. Money is tight, you and Sonny are coming out of a big fight and now the squad officially knows about yours and Sonny's relationship. This is just a little fluff filler fic to move things along :)
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"The Lean Bean". It's the logo embroidered on the pocket of the uniform you're folding. It's also the place where you've been taking shifts as a way to offset some living costs. The new school year, and a dependable paycheck, is still well over a month away. Sonny had told you not to worry about finding extra work, but the idea of living together without paying for anything didn't sit right with you - especially in such an expensive city.
Reaching into the laundry basket, you pull out a pair of dryer-warmed socks and routinely fold them in two. A clunk at the front door makes you gaze over your shoulder from your spot on the couch. Finally, Sonny is home. You greet each other affectionately, Sonny placing a kiss to your forehead.
"How was your day?" you ask, grabbing another pair of socks to fold.
"Long," he replies but you can tell from his voice that there's something more. You look at him expectantly, offering a gentle smile.
"I, uh," he hesitates, moving around the couch to take a seat. "I spoke to the squad about us today."
Sonny's eyes are apologetic; the fight of a few nights ago is still fresh in your minds. You let him know it's all right by placing a hand atop his knee.
Reassured, he continues. "They're happy for me - for us – ‘n they've noticed that I'm happier too. Actually, before I left tonight Lieu pulled me aside. She said that I have more patience with the vics ‘n that I'm more tolerant when interrogating perps. Doll, I know that I couldn't do any of that if it wasn’t for you."
"That's excellent news, Sonny!" you express, flattered by the compliment as well. "You really are a great detective."
Sonny beams for a moment before his face falls. "Also, 'n I hope you're not mad, but I took the opportunity to talk to Lieu about what happened between us…about me keepin’ you a secret from ‘em."
You feel a twinge of panic in your gut at the thought of Olivia being privy to details of your relationship troubles. That initial feeling subsides however as Sonny elaborates.
"It's just...she knows what it's like ta try ‘n balance life ‘n this job, and - "
But you cut him off before he can finish his sentence. "You don't have to explain, Sonny," you empathize. "It's good to talk things out with someone who understands."
Sonny's warm hand finds yours and he interlace your fingers. "Yeah," he agrees. "She was really sympathetic about it, too. She told me it's normal to feel scared but that it is better to be honest." His mouth curves into a lopsided grin. "Typical Lieu," he shakes his head. "Oh, ‘n I kinda told her about our situation ‘n how you were outta work until the fall - Again, I shoulda asked ya before I went there, but she was really supportive of us. In fact, she gave me the numba of a mom at Noah's daycare who's lookin' for a tutor for her daughter. Apparently she's headed inta middle school ‘n is really strugglin'."
It's a lot to take in but you assure Sonny that you're not upset with him. You appreciate his honesty. Relieved, Sonny wraps you in a hug and tells you again how lucky he is to have you.
As for the tutoring. Well, it's hard to say no. The extra cash will certainly help pay some of the bills that have increased since you moved in.
Madison is a pretty guarded girl. On the brink of being a teenager, she wants nothing to do with being tutored and everything to do with all else. Her mother dropped her off in a hurry, needing to shuttle her other two children to various extracurricular activities. Unfortunately, this left little time for introductions or for inquiries regarding the areas she particularly needed help in.
You try to be as welcoming as possible, asking her questions about her school work and attempting to understand her learning needs. The girl, however, couldn't be bothered. So, instead of blindly waltzing into curriculum review, you decide to have a little heart-to-heart.
"Madison," you speak, leaning back in your chair. "Do you know why you're here; why your mom asked me to tutor you?"
The girl refuses to meet your gaze. "Well, yeah,” she crosses her arms on your kitchen table. “Mom wants me to be tutored and stuff." There’s definitely attitude behind that tone.
You swallow your annoyance and choose your words wisely. "In simple terms, yes. But I think you know that it’s not for your mom's benefit. It's for you, so that you can start the year off prepared."
"Yeah, whatever,” she rolls her eyes with a huff. “No matter what, it's never gonna be enough anyway."
"Hey!" you defend gently. "Don't say that! My attitude is that if you know in your heart that you tried your very best, that's all you can do."
Madison studies you through the bangs that hover over her green eyes. For a moment you swear you can see the words getting through, but then she shrugs. "If I get good grades, mom promised to buy me a new iPhone."
How do you put a positive spin on this? How do you connect with this girl? "That's awesome!" you encourage. "You know, in college I was failing calculus." The girl raises her dark brows in shock. Maybe we're getting somewhere. "Yeah, I felt really dumb in that class and I just didn’t understand anything when it came to tests. Needless to say, I was panicking big time when finals rolled around. So, my dad made me a deal. We lived upstate and he absolutely hated the thought of driving in New York City, but he said that if I could pull off a 90% in the course, he would drive me here to see a Broadway show."
Now Madison is listening intently, curiosity etched across her young face.
"Both he and I thought it would be impossible, but low and behold, I hunkered down," you exaggerate a look of concentration and tuck your arms close to your body, "and studied my butt off! I passed with a 93!"
The girl's mouth drops open. "What show did you see?"
You smile fondly at the memory. "None," Madison shoots you a bewildered look, "but we did end up doing other fun stuff. I still like to tease my dad about it though and I guess I should be the one taking him since I live here now."
Madison's features soften and she allows a small chuckle.
"The point is," you say, trying to refocus the girl, "that you'd be surprised what you can do when you put your mind to it!"
You offer her an encouraging smile but Madison's quickly fades as she glances away. "It's...it's just really hard," she admits. "Mom's always so busy with my brother and sister which…kinda sucks sometimes."
Your eyebrows pinch together sympathetically. What can you say to her to let her know that it’s okay? Then your mind flickers to Sonny. "I know it's gonna be hard for me to relate to you on this one since I have no siblings, but my boyfriend comes from a big family. He has three sisters and he tells me that they used to fight like cats and dogs growing up." You can see Madison nod knowingly. "But you know what? Those squabbles really don't matter now. They love each other and they'd do anything for one another." A doting smile spreads across your face, "I'm actually kind of jealous of that. And with you, I bet that you must feel a lot of pressure to look out for your brother and sister, huh?" Madison shrugs sheepishly.
"That's a lot of responsibility, but at the same time, your siblings will appreciate you for it. They may not show you or tell you - they'll still be the same pains in the butt, however once you're all grown up, they will understand how much you've been there for them along the way. Whether you realize it or not, they look up to you. So, the greatest thing you can do for them is be the best version of yourself. By trying your best and working hard, they will learn to do that too - from you." You smile warmly at her and she returns the gesture.
It's not long after that Madison begins opening up. She explains what classes she has trouble with and how she feels about learning it. The information is invaluable and you take notes to plan out future sessions.
Madison's mother arrives a few minutes late to pick her up, but the girl flashes you a friendly smile as she leaves. You hope that you've given her more self-confidence and a little motivation to put forth her best efforts.
After you close the door behind them, Sonny pops around the corner and places a hand on the small of your back. He whispers softly into your ear. "You're amazin’, sweetheart." His breath causes a shiver to trickle down your spine.
"What? Why?" you question as Sonny slips his arms around the front of your waist.
Resting his chin on your shoulder, he continues. "The way you were talkin’ to Madison earlier. You've got so much compassion ‘n understandin’."
The warmth of his words radiates throughout your body. You lean your head against his, reaching up to touch the apple pendant hanging around your neck.
"Sorry for eaves droppin' but I heard my name 'n everythin' you were sayin' was just too sweet to turn away. You're definitely in the right profession. Your students are lucky to have you."
You turn around in his arms, slipping yours around his middle. "Thank you, Sonny," you murmur before placing a soft kiss to his nose. "That means a lot."
Sonny's eyes crinkle affectionately at the corners. "N' for what it's worth, you're gonna make an amazin' mom someday too. Watchin' you with her, it was all I could think about."
Your stomach somersaults. You do want kids one day and you can't imagine having them with anyone other than Sonny. "Yeah?" you smirk. "I want that for us one day too. The way you are with children melts my heart."
Sonny's features brighten. "Ya think I'd make a good dad?"
"Absolutely!" You poke his chest gently, right overtop his heart, "you got a lotta love in here, Carisi and someday our children will be the luckiest wee munchkins in the world getting to experience the love that I receive everyday."
Overwhelmed with elation, Sonny lifts you off your feet and into a giant bear hug; a silent declaration that you make him the happiest man in the world.
Fun facts:
- IDK if "The Lean Bean" is a real place or not, but it's a pretty accurate description of our favorite detective ;) - The story about the reader's calculus experience is a true story! Except, I'm Canadian so the drive is a little bit further :P
I hope you enjoyed this one! Thanks for reading :3
(Feedback is loved)
Part 11 here!
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OHSHC Rewrite: Episode 1
Starting Today, You Are a Host!
Host Club x reader
Summary: Y/n meets new people and fall into a whole new world.
Warning: mentions of past trauma
Word Count: 4.4k
Episode Masterlist
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Nerve wracking. This was very nerve wracking. It was one thing to go to a school full of rich people, but it was another for it to be in a different country. Though you felt nervous, this was a giant step into a new life.
You had highlights dyed in your hair for a while now, but didn't know if the school allowed it, so you hid it up in a beanie with only your bangs peaking out. You also didn't know if they allowed crop tops, which was what you had on right now due to your unattended laundry, so you put a big sweater on to hide that as well.
Everyone stared at you. You expected nothing less, considering you weren't wearing a school uniform. You kept your head low and your mouth shut, though it was starting to bother you to have all those eyes on you for no reason. It's rude to stare.
After school you wanted to find a quiet place to study. All three of the huge libraries were noisy, for some reason, so you ventured into trying to find an empty room. There was a music room that looked uninhabited, so you opened the door.
"Welcome to the Ouran Host Club."
A gush of wind came and you stepped inside to see 6 guys standing there, greeting you.
"Oh." One of the twins said. "It's just a guy."
"Host Club?" You quietly asked. "Um, I'm sorry! I didn't know this place was occupied. Sorry."
You turned and reached for the handle, only for both twins to lean on each of your shoulders.
"You said sorry twice." The said in unison.
"I'll just leave now—"
"You must be the foreign honor student, Mr. Y/l/n."
You looked back at the boy with the glasses giving you a small smile. "I'll ignore the Mr part for now, but how did you know my name?"
The tall blonde one gasped. "You're the exceptional honor student from y/c?!"
"It's quiet interesting seeing a commoner with the audaciousness to come here." The guy with glasses said.
"Commoner?" You repeated, taking in the name.
"You should feel lucky." He continued. It did do injustice for your nerves to hear that, but you tried to not let the innocently rude words effect you.
"So lucky." You sighed.
The blonde man rushed over to you and slung his arm over your shoulder. "I think it's wonderful for a commoner such as yourself to come and study us. It'll set an example for other commoners and you'll be a hero to all of them. Long live the poor!"
"Am I supposed to not find all of this offensive?" You asked as you ducked out of his arm.
That's when a small boy jumped onto you, causing you to instinctively catch him. While in your arms he could feel your hidden breasts against his head, which made him the second person in the room to catch on.
"Wow, y/l/n huh? That's a really weird last name. I like it though, it's interesting. I hope we can be friends from now! "You were honestly confused at to why there was a little boy here, so you gently ruffled his hair and put him down.
"That'd be nice." You sweetly said. "What are you doing here?"
"Huh. Who knew the honor student would be so openly gay?" The blonde man shrugged.
"What?" You asked, though you were ignored again.
"So then, which would you prefer?" He pulled your arm to each of the boys. "Is it the strong, silent type? The loli-shota type? The mischievous devils? The cool type?" He got extremely close and grabbed your chin, whispering, "Or maybe you'd like me."
You jerked yourself back, walking backwards as the twins and the blonde were walking towards you. "Please don't get so close when I don't even know you! I'll leave you all be now—"
You bumped into a table, and a vase fell and shattered as a result. "Now you've done it commoner." Said the twin with the higher voice. "That was a Renaissance vase."
"We were gonna sell that at the auction. The bidding was going to start at 8 million yen." Explained the other.
"8 mi..." Your voice was barely a whisper as you looked at the shattered glass. You then began to internally panic, causing words to just spew out. "Oh my gosh okay okay I am so so sorry I should've expected something like this cause of my luck and it's just like me to be a screw up and–" you let out a deep breath before scrunching up your nose and turning to them. "I need to pay you back."
"With what money?" The twins said.
"Holy crap this is bad." You began shaking your leg. "Okay, what do I do then?"
"Well Tamaki, what do you think we should do?" The glasses guy asked, still giving you a small smile.
"There's an old saying that we should all live by! When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
"I'm in rich territory, does that mean I need to do as the rich people do?" You asked, being unconsciously sarcastic.
He chose to ignore you and go on. "Since you don't have any money, you will have to pay us back with your body!"
"Can you please rephrase that—"
"Starting today, you are the host club's dog boy!"
It all happened so fast, and next thing you knew you were coming back from the store with their grocery items. Was this going to be hell? When you got back, you thought about the club while walking in the halls. It was their job to make women happy. That probably meant you would have to put on a brave smile.
"Hey there, little piglet. Did you get everything on our list?" Tamaki senpai smiled at you.
Brave face. "Yup, everything you asked for sir." You smiled brightly.
His eyes widened, and he zoomed over to you to pull you into a crushing hug. "Aww, you're too adorable!"
"Please let go!"
"Why? I'm not done hugging you yet!"
"I don't..." You looked around for help. "Mori senpai! Help me please!"
He made eye contact with you before swooping in and picking you up. You clung to him out of panic. Why would anyone smother strangers like that?
Mori senpai let out an inaudible gasp. He was now the third person who figured it out. "Uh, Mori senpai," Tamaki said. "Don't you think that was a little much?"
"No." He said, putting you down.
"Thank you." You said sweetly. He nodded and went back.
"Wait, doggo," Tamaki called to you, picking up the grocery bag. "What's this?"
"Just what it looks like. Coffee." You said as you walked over to him. "And I have a name."
"I've never seen coffee like this before." He ignored you again as he sat down on a couch.
"Are those the ones where it already has the beans grounded up for you?" Kaoru asked.
"No, it's instant coffee." You said.
"It's... Instant?" Some girls asked.
"Wait a minute, I've seen this before!" Tamaki widened his eyes. "It's commoner's coffee! They don't have time to make it themselves so they use this and it magically appears."
Someone watching this quietly asked, "Commoners don't have time to ground their own coffee?"
"Why is everybody staring?" You asked before sighing. "Nevermind. If you want I'll go back and buy a more expensive brand. Sorry."
"No no, let's keep it." The whole crowd gasped. "I think I'll try it." Another gasp. "I'm going to drink this coffee!" Everybody began clapping. "Y/l/n~ this coffee won't make itself~"
"I guess that's my cue." You said to yourself.
"Wait, commoner," Hikaru said.
"What's up with that ugly outfit?" Kaoru asked. "Can you not afford a school uniform?"
You giggled. "Do I look someone who can afford a school uniform?" They giggled again. "I'm used to public schools, so I wore a random shirt. I don't know if it fits this school's standards though." The twins heard your giggle, and we're now also figured it out. "I've actually been meaning to ask, is there a rule against dyed hair?"
"Dyed hair? No." Kaoru said.
"Oh good," you sighed. "Cause I have some highlights."
"Then what about your shirt?" Hikaru asked.
"It's a crop."
"A crop?" The twins asked in unison.
"Come to think of it," Kyoya spoke up. "Nobody ever asked you what your first name is."
You took off your beanie and let your hair down. You then took off your sweater and put it on top of your bag in the corner.
"It's y/n. Y/n y/l/n." You then walked over as everybody remained silent. "Thank you Kyoya senpai. Nobody else actually cared about my name. Means a lot." You smiled.
"Of course, now it's time to go make the coffee."
"Yes sir." You made it while everybody else remained silent. Tamaki couldn't take it anymore, and exploded.
"You're a girl?!" He barked.
"Why would you hide that?!"
"I wasn't trying to, and you shouldn't treat someone different because of that either way." You then turned to everyone else. "Coffee's done. Time for me to get back to work."
"Tamaki, we still have guests to entertain." Kyoya reminded. He shook out of it and began flirting again, and you took this as an opportunity to start with your other chores. You began to clean up some plates and tea cups as everybody fussed over the coffee.
"Oh Tamaki, you've taken the joke too far. You have a delicate taste, your pallet can't stomach that crap. It's obvious you're just doing it to please her." You looked over to a very pretty girl, sipping her tea. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just talking to myself."
"Of course ma'am. Would you care for any more food or drinks?" You quietly asked.
"No, you can leave now." You smiled and nodded, walking away with a bad feeling about that girl.
You were then cleaning up the coffee cups, watching other girls become fascinated with it. As you cleaned up they stopped to look at you. "Oh, you're the commoner honor student right?" One asked.
"Yup. Did you ladies enjoy the coffee?"
"Very much so. It did not taste poorly, and it was surprising to see how quick it was to make."
"Well, us commoners are always in a hurry to keep up with our bills." They giggled, though you didn't realize you were being funny. "Anyways, I'm glad I got to share my poorness with you."
The giggled again. "You're so funny y/n."
"Thank you. It's sweet of you not to call me a dog." You said, grinning afterwards. "And wow I never thought I'd say that."
They giggled again. "Are you enjoying Ouran Academy?"
"Hell yeah, it's awesome! Who knew there can be so many buildings in a building!"
"You have an interesting way of speaking." One laughed out.
"Well I didn't think so until I got to a whole different country. I totally forgot about the whole bowing to people thing when I left y/c. We don't do that there."
"Oh my goodness, really?!"
"Yeah, you have no idea—"
"Y/n, Honey senpai spilled." Hikaru called out. "Come and clean it."
"Oh, I have to go. It was nice talking to you ladies." You then hurried over there.
They then went back to their hosts. "What were you all talking about?" Tamaki asked one girl.
"Not much, just talking." She said. "It was very fun and pleasant."
"I wish we could've talked more." Another girl said.
"She's coming by." The third girl tried to say quietly.
"Y/n, come over here." Tamaki said. As you walked over his eyes ventured down to your opening stomach. "I heard you had quiet the chat with some ladies."
"Yup, I thought it was a very nice little talk." You said, smiling at them.
He grabbed you and crushed you into a hug again. "Your smile is so cute! You need to learn how to be more girly! Now promise me you won't wear any more of those dirty poor boy clothes."
"First of all, personal space please! Second, those clothes are comfy. And crop tops aren't for dirty boys."
"That's debatable." Tamaki murmered and blushed.
"Y'know, we think it looks pretty cute." The twins said against your shoulders.
"See? Hikaru and Kaoru aren't judging me on how I look." You hugged each of them at their side. They then both blushed out of surprise, not that you noticed.
"Don't trust those shady twins! They just want to take advantage of you." He then grabbed you back, nuzzling up against your cheek. "You know what, why don't you two make yourselves useful and grab an appropriate school uniform for my little girl."
"Little girl?" You asked, pushing him back a bit.
"Of course! We're a family after all, and now you're my little girl!"
"That's weird." He then suddenly started sulking in the corner, to which you felt bad about. You went over to him and sat on the floor next to him. "I'm sorry if I made you upset. I'm actually glad that friendship is that important to you. It's not often you still see that, and I'm happy to be a part of it."
His eyes began to shine. "Do you really think so?!"
"Aww, you're so cute!" He squished your cheeks.
"Uh, boss." Kaoru said.
"The female uniforms were still in the process of being made, so all they had were male uniforms." Hikaru explained.
"Oh, that's actually better for me." You said. "I'm not much for dresses." You then took the outfit and went to the changing room to put it on. You came out without the blazer, the tie being loose, and the top button being undone. "Are you sure I can keep this?"
"Well the tailoring was messed up so they were gonna throw it away." Kaoru explained.
"Oh, perfect." You smiled.
"No, not perfect!" Tamaki popped up in front of you. "WHY WON'T YOU WEAR FEMALE CLOTHING?!"
"Are you trying to say I don't look good in these clothes?" You teased.
"Wha– noo~" His eyes began to tear up. "I never said that!"
"So you were thinking it."
"I WASN'T THINKING THAT AT ALL! Please y/n, I think you're beautiful, I swearr~"
You began giggling. "Senpai, I'm just teasing. I understand that you didn't mean that at all. It's okay."
He gave you puppy dog eyes. "Really?"
"Sure." You said lightheartedly. You wanted to ruffle his hair from how much of a puppy he was acting like.
"Then why would you tease me like that?" More puppy dog eyes.
"If I'm staying the Host Club's dog until I graduate, I might as well have fun while being here." The twins were busy laughing on the ground, while everybody else watch you two. Nobody could make Tamaki like that except for Kyoya.
"She's so funny." A girl mumbled.
You patted Tamaki's shoulders. "Straighten up senpai. You still have an audience waiting."
"She's right you know." Kyoya said. He then happily sighed. "Okay everyone, back to work."
You wheeled around the tea, hearing someone whisper, "She's coming."
You stopped and smiled, furrowing your eyebrows. "What?"
"Nothing, just that you don't react normally to Tamaki. No one has ever made him flustered like that before."
"Not only that." Another girl said. "You just seem so fun. It's like you don't give a care in the world. We're not used to people being so care free, so it's very fun."
"That's very sweet to hear. It's nice that you guys all care about whatever I ramble on about." You poured them all tea. "Maybe I should be a host too. I could tell stories and we could all hang out."
"That'd be very pleasant." One said as the other two nodded.
The red headed girl from earlier laughed. "How sweet of you three to make her feel good about herself. She seems like a person who needs to be praised."
"That was a little harsh Ayanokoji." One of them said.
They all looked at you frowning, but you didn't want them to pity you. You mustered up a smile. "More tea ma'am?"
"No, that'll be all. You can leave." She smiled as she sipped on her tea.
"Of course." You then walked away.
Kyoya heard everything. You passed by him, frowning and looking downward. "You mentioned being a host. It's an interesting notion, in it's own way."
"Don't worry Kyoya senpai, I know my place."
He didn't look back at you, only staring at his notebook. "Your place, huh."
"Would you care for anything?" You asked.
"Just some answers." He continued to write in his book. "What do you consider your 'place'?"
You chuckled. "Not here. I know how lucky I am to be here, and that I shouldn't push it. Especially after breaking something."
"I see. Well, I do like your suggestion of being a host." This gained the attention of Tamaki.
You had your back to him as you cleaned up a table. "I was joking."
"Yes, but most people seem to enjoy hearing you talk. It'll help gain money for your debt."
Tamaki flipped and landed right in front of you. "Why would you do that?! Don't tell me you're not interested in men?!"
"I didn't say I wasn't. I just think that these girls might also have fun by laughing and not just being flustered. Having someone to talk to can be refreshing."
His eyes began to sparkle again. "This could work! Having more females could get you in touch with your feminine side. Starting tomorrow, you are a host!"
The next day you were sitting on a couch with the three other girls you talked to yesterday with you. "So y/n, what was your life like before you came to Japan?"
"Oh, you guys don't really wanna hear about my boring life, do you?" You leaned back on the cushion. "I thought we could talk about you ladies."
"We're actually very intrigued by you. We all want to know more about your life."
"Yeah, it seems like you lived in a whole other world."
You grinned, looking around. "Well, this does feel like another world. It feels like a dream come true."
"Were you poor?" Someone blankly asked.
A few people turned around to listen in. You chuckled. "Yes. For a commoner, I was on the more poor side."
"You mean there's a poorer side?"
You chuckled again. "Yup. Instead of commoners, we like to call ourselves middle class. Or at least in y/c we were. There were those who had not bad jobs with not bad incomes, and there were others who actually struggled maintaining enough money to get by."
People began to stop talking and began listening in. "What were your parents then?"
You kept your smile on your face, but stared out the window. "My dad was a lazy asshole who never worked a day in his life, but I guess he didn't seem that way when my mom met him. My mom was an honest and hard working accountant. She used to say that he was nicer to her, sweeter, and not a lot of people were kind to women where she lived. She told me she thought he could make her happy."
They all listened intensely. Even Kyoya stopped writing, and watched you from his side view. You looked over the the three girls. You weren't used to having people really listening to you, but it did feel surprisingly nice. Like the weight on your chest was being lifted little by little.
"What happened?"
"It wasn't until she was pregnant with me when she realized it was all a lie. And it wasn't until after I was born when he showed her that he loved alcohol. He was angry when he drank, and he always drank. Mom got sick when I was about 6, and by that time being angry turned into being violent."
"Did he ever hurt you or your mom?" You looked her in the eyes, and she gasped, knowing the answer. You didn't answer that question.
"A few months later she passed, and I ran away the same day."
"Where did you go?"
You kept your voice steady and calm. "I was living in the streets. Stole from this liquor store to eat. The woman who owned the shop caught me, but she wasn't mad. She invited me into her apartment, fed me, bought me new clothes. She's good to me."
"Did you keep living with her?"
You nodded. "She called the cops on my dad before putting me into the foster system and becoming my new mother the right way. Took a few months before she could foster me, but she didn't hesitate to fill everything out and put down her name for a daughter."
"What happened after that?"
"I worked at her liquor store, made some friends, found out I was really good at learning things in school. Then I saw that there was an opportunity to go to a prestigious school in Japan. After seeing a lot of injustice in the neighborhood I lived in, I decided that I wanted to be a lawyer. So I studied, learned Japanese, and when I got in Maria sold the liquor store and we moved here."
"My second mother. The one who adopted me."
"I see. So you came here with her then?"
"Of course. We wouldn't abandon each other." You turned to them and smiled. "It's nice to know when you're wanted."
The three of them were in tears. "That's so sad." One said.
"Oh, no no no, don't be sad girls. It's fine, honestly! I'm happy that I found a new family, and I'm happy for being here. I don't like tears, so please don't cry for me. It makes me sad."
The three of them smothered you with a hug. "WE'LL KEEP SMILING FOR YOU Y/N!"
You giggled. "Thanks girls." You then looked around. "Has everybody been listening in?"
"No!" You heard from the twins. Everybody quickly turned away from you.
"Well that's very embarrassing. Thanks guys." You blushed and looked down. Tamaki pulled you away and gently grabbed your arms.
"Y/n, listen to me. I promise you that we will do our best to make you feel as comfortable as possible." You were going to answer, but you noticed something when you looked out the window. "What's wrong?"
"My stuff..." You frowned. "I'll be right back."
You ran outside to get your things. Your bag was thrown into a lake. As you ran you saw that princess, Ayanokoji. She gave you a side eye, and something told you to stop running.
"Oh, it's you." You didn't look back, and neither did she. "You can charm everybody with your words, but I hope you know that to Tamaki you'll always be a second class citizen."
You said nothing as you kept running. Once you got to the lake you took off your shoes and socks, rolling up your pants and going in to fish out your stuff. What you couldn't find was your wallet. That would be good money gone to waste.
"You've got some nerve running out on me." Tamaki said, watching you. "Hey, why are your items all wet?"
"Oh, it's nothing. I'm just looking for my wallet. You can go back, I'll be there in a bit." You didn't notice him take off his socks and shoes until he got in as well. "What're you doing?"
"Helping you look."
"But you'll get all wet." You felt bad for making him do this.
"A little water never hurt anybody." You stopped what you were doing you watch him. "Besides, people are always telling me I'm dripping with good looks. Oh, I think we got something here." He showed you your wallet, though you just kept staring at him. "Why are you staring at me?" He then smiled. "You're not falling for me~ are you?"
You scoffed and smiled, grabbing your wallet from his hands. "You wish."
"By the way, how did your things end up in the pond?"
"Don't worry about it, let's just go back to the club."
Later that day, to your dismay, Princess Ayanokoji requested you. You politely asked her what she wanted to talk about, and she asked about you digging through the pond.
"I see, that must be terrible. I don't know what I'd have done if my bag got thrown into there." She then chuckled. "And you even got Tamaki to dig through that dirty lake water. Impressive."
"I don't see what's so impressive about it." You shrugged. "I suppose he's just a nice person who'd do that for people."
"You know it's just a little obsession with you. You're new and exciting, but pretty soon Tamaki will lose interest. I mean really, you're just another pretty face."
You frowned, looking into your tea cup. "Jealousy can make a beautiful face very ugly, don't you think?"
She widened her eyes before pushing the table to the ground, causing tea to spill on your lap, and slapped you in the face. "How dare you?! Someone help me, the commoner tried to steal my bracelet! Somebody do something!" The twins said nothing as the dumped water on her. "W...why did you do that?"
Tamaki pulled her up and into his arms. "Ayanokoji, I'm disappointed in you. You were the one you put y/n's bag in the pond, weren't you?"
"You don't know that!" She angrily said. "Do you have any proof that I did?!"
He sighed. "You're a beautiful woman Ayanokoji, but you aren't classy enough to be our guest. If it's one thing I know, it's that y/n isn't that kind of woman."
As she ran away crying, Kyoya handed you a girl's school uniform. "Since you got tea on your uniform. I know you wouldn't prefer a dress, but it's what we have, and it's better than a wet outfit."
"Yeah, thanks senpai."
You went into the changing room, putting on the dress. You were thankful for it being long. You didn't want anybody to the scars. You stared at yourself in the mirror, wondering if you looked okay. You sucked up the doubts and went out.
All the club members turned to look at you. Tamaki stared at you. "Y/n... wearing a... dress?"
"Senpai!" You walked over to Tamaki, taking his hands. "I forgot to say thank you for helping me find my wallet. I thought you were really cool today."
Tamaki's face then began to redden as you smiled.
Author's Note: Please comment and let me know if you liked it. I really want to keep this going and make fillers of my own.
AN #2: Also just ask if you want to be tagged in future stuff.
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