#if you could afford therapy you would probably still need to buy the extra forks anyway
wittywallflower · 11 months
helloo~ for the cafe ask game: honey! (i think i accidentally clicked the unfollow button while looking for the ask button lmao sorry abt that!)
honey: share a valuable life lesson that you’ve learned while growing up.
bestie and i call this one "lean into the lazy"
we all have tasks and chores and responsibilities we could be better at but we just aren't. its rarely actually laziness, more likely to be executive dysfunction, or the depression, or sensory issues with the particular task. what we do is give ourselves permission to 'suck' at whatever it is, and just accommodate it where we can.
are you going to not-clean the air fryer basket until it grosses you out to use? just line the fucking thing with tin foil. as long as your food is getting sufficiently cooked, fuck it. do you constantly forget to bring certain things to certain places? fuck it, have two+ of that thing, one in each place (I have so many raincoats you wouldn't believe, and my car is swimming in reusable shopping bags... until it isn't because I've used them all and forgot to put any back in my car. I will simply not remember to grab them on my way out the door. I wont. Even when they are RIGHT NEXT TO THE DOOR. I am simply incapable of remembering to grab the god damn shopping bags). do your veggies go bad before you summon the wherewithal to chop and cook them? Buy the pre-chopped stuff. (there's a lot of overlap between this concept and the "pay the adhd tax up front" idea, admittedly...) Does cleaning the toilet make you want to curl up and die? they have various products you can just throw in the tank or clip into the bowl (yes i can hear the handy ma'am tiktok ladies tutting about this). Does your coffee table get so cluttered with drinks and dishes and anything else that you had in your hand that you wanted to not be in your hand anymore? just fyi you are not required to have a coffee table... trust me your living room will be sooooo much cleaner without one, its awesome. Buy a nice spill-proof container for your beverages and you can just set it on the floor (or, if you are like me, toss it on the couch cushion next to you so you don't have to reach as far) (i recommend the Contigo West Loop for this btw. I own like 4 and they are ideal for both hot and cold bevs) Hate bending down to tie your shoes, so you constantly mangle the heels by putting them on and taking them off without touching the laces? start wearing styles that are easily slipped on. they even have step-into styles these days that don't require hands at all. Do you procrastinate doing the dishes until there's not a clean fork left in the house? You can stock your utensil drawer with as many forks as you want. You aren't even limited to one drawer. you will have to wash those forks eventually, but that's still like a dozen more meals and snacks that wont start on a negative note because you were reminded that you 'suck' at getting your dishes cleaned in a timely manner.
is it ever the 'best' option? the cheapest or the most green or the most mature-functioning-adult option? no. but clearly we are not going to do the cheapest or smartest or most normal option, we've tried and tried and it never became a habit, and after years of making ourselves feel bad about it we said "fuck it" and started leaning into the lazy
accommodate the things you know you are going to struggle with. even the little things.
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atakportal · 6 years
EmotionMatters | Karen Gosling
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EmotionMatters | Karen Gosling
Product Name: EmotionMatters | Karen Gosling
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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. EmotionMatters | Karen Gosling is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
If you’ve read enough and want to take the next step right now, go ahead and click the “Buy Now!” button below. Your 174 page EmotionMatters Ebook will be ready for download immediately on receiving your payment… If you want to read more, continue to scroll down…
Karen Gosling here. Want to know how to reduce your stress and achieve emotional wellness? Well, read on, because I want to tell you how it used to be for me, and share with you some of the hard work I have put in over the years to deal with my feelings of anxiety, over-sensitivity, and being fearful of the disapproval of others.
So I hope you’ll like this story… especially if you’re feeling frustrated, annoyed, maybe even angry, at the amount of time it takes up being caught in the constant struggle of negative emotions… just like I was. They used to consume my thoughts, my entire BEING!
People always saw me as confident and capable, but it’s not how I felt on the inside. I was an exchange student for a year when I was 17, qualified as a social worker when I was 21, married at 22 to Mike who had twin daughters from a former marriage making me an instant (but not a wicked) step-mother! I worked as a community and hospital social worker for 20 years in South Australia and Queensland, Australia before moving the family to Singapore when Mike took a lecturing job at one of the Polytechnics there. By this time we had our own two boys, aged 3 and 7, and I had completed my Master in Public Health at the University of Adelaide.
Whilst in Singapore, I started a counselling practice which Mike joined after his lecturing contract ended. He completed his PhD during this time on the subject of Emotional Intelligence. For the next 12 years, I counselled more that 2,634 clients from over 83 nationalities (the majority of people who sought therapy were expatriates living and working in Asia).
Together, Mike and I conducted training and workshops, teaching what we knew about managing emotions and using them to your advantage. I conducted public lectures and seminars at universities, to spread the word about the importance of reducing stress in order to live a life of ease.
You probably hate wasting time, energy and money on programs that don’t work. And they won’t, not unless you know and understand the involvement of the brain and your interpretation on the mental and physical strategies that are taught at these courses.
So, have you reached the point where you’re starting to lose hope of feeling normal anytime soon, or dealing with your anger or your anxiety?
Good news — this is no longer a problem. There is now a huge opportunity for you!
I’ve always known there had to be more to life than just eat, work, sleep, repeat.
You know what I’m talking about… 5 days of grind, 2 days of “fun” and then back to it again… year after year…
And all the while you’re struggling and feeling insecure, helpless and depressed with things like:
No thanks! I hated that. And I thought it was only natural that other people felt that way too. I figured EVERYONE would be equally motivated to feel worthy, positive and at peace. Boy was I mistaken!
I started to talk with others about my ideal of living a life without stress, a life free of those feelings of being anxious or afraid (even when I wasn’t!).
Like a broken record I was told “Pull your head in!” and “Don’t get too big for your boots!” and even “There’s no chance, so don’t even try!”
To be honest, it was pretty discouraging and for a little while I believed what they said.
But the spark inside me never stopped burning!… I just couldn’t ignore it.
I saw other people being positive and content and this inspired me to keep going with my quest… if only one other person could do it, then so could I!
So this time I decided to keep quiet and research as much as possible to find out how to reach my goal. With nothing more than a burning desire!
On the outside, I was the same old me, going to work every day… But behind closed doors I was paddling like crazy!
Devouring books, attending seminars, spending hours and hours researching online and forking out hundreds of dollars for programs and courses.
And so over time I discovered exactly the tools and resources to go about:
The best part? … Once you know how… it’s DO-ABLE! (And it only takes as long as you need to read this book!)
And guess what? You know all those people who said, “There’s no chance. Don’t even try!”?
Now they PAY me to show them how – so they too can stop feeling depressed, being angry or lacking in confidence and start feeling better about themselves, facing their fears and growing more positive!
Crazy, right? But not surprising… Because it is totally a better way to feel!
So I eventually started sharing these methods with my counselling clients… and they started getting amazing results too. That’s when I knew this would be HUGE… and help so many people!
And that brings us to today! Right now you’re just a few minutes away from discovering how you can start getting results like these really, really quickly!
So let me show you how… But first read what Peter Lloyd said about what he learned from me… (Peter was an Australian Foreign Correspondent journalist in Asia, who suffered a mental breakdown and subsequently experienced a legal crisis, at the time I was working in private practice in Singapore).
“Karen has picked up fast that I’m a visually stimulated person who learns more easily when things are drawn or demonstrated. So she’s up at the whiteboard, pen in hand, like a teacher with one eager pupil.
She’s doing a presentation on memory – how we receive information in the brain, and how the brain sorts and stores memory….I feel immediately safe with her; that she’s an Australian in Singapore practising psychology seems too good to be true.
We’ve struck up the comfortable rapport that Australians so easily do in each other’s company. The idiomatic vocabulary, the black in-jokes, the teasing, the irony and the mockery are second nature.
Sitting on the lounge watching Karen at the white board helped me understand my world. It was like grabbing a torch and heading down to the basement, to examine the foundations of the house. Everything upstairs makes perfect sense when you see what’s holding up the building. I’m at ease in her company.”
Peter Lloyd, ABC Journalist & Producer, Sydney, Australia
There’s a huge gap between what’s “out there” on the internet and what you need to bridge this gap and ensure your own personal success with emotions.
Do you feel like you just can’t find your own personal success?
How would you like to permanently remove the limits that are holding you back from achieving whatever you want in your life?
You don’t have to accept mediocrity anymore.
Isn’t it time to become the person you’ve always wanted to be, and say yes to having more?
Do you want to stop being mastered by your insecurity, your own negative thinking, and start being ‘the master’ of your own success story?
Here’s the good news…
My husband Mike and I have compiled decades of information and compared it to what ACTUALLY works RIGHT NOW. (Mike did his PhD in the study of the brain, emotions and behaving with emotional intelligence. I learned so much from proof-reading his research!)
So instead of wasting hours and hours, days and even weeks, scrolling the Internet and filtering the cream from the crap… there is an easier way…
Here’s the brief outline of the 8-step formula…
And here’s just a short snippet of what you’re about to discover…
And if that’s not enough…
I Want To Give You Every Possible Reason To Say YES Today… If You Respond Immediately, You’ll Also Receive The Following Fast Action Bonuses As My Gift To You…
Yours FREE when you purchase my EmotionMatters Ebook.
Karen Gosling is interviewed on ‘How To Give and Receive Love’.
Karen describes the 5 “Love Languages”, or the 5 ways we give and receive love, and helps you identify your primary and secondary “love languages” to help you rekindle your romance with your partner.
In your one half-hour Skype Consultation with Karen Gosling you will be able to find clarity by exploring what’s bothering you and the issues to work on first.
“So I bet you’re thinking…
Look, if you total up the hours, days, months and years of research behind EmotionMatters… and try to put a dollar amount next to it… well, it would be mind-boggling…
Tens of thousands of dollars would be a gross understatement!
But, my purpose is to make a difference and to help solve your problem the fastest, easiest and most affordable way.
To achieve this, I want to get this information into the hands of as MANY people as possible. So instead of charging hundreds of dollars like most other “so-called” solutions…
Truth is, I could have easily charged ten times (or more) for the information you’re about to receive… and I do this in my higher level programs… it still would have been a bargain in anyone’s language.
Just ONE of the bonuses by itself would be worth well over the tiny investment for “EmotionMatters”.
BUT… You get ALL the extra bonuses included.
Your question should NOT be… “Should I buy this?”… or “Can I afford this?”…
Instead you should be asking…“Am I serious about solving my problems of feeling stressed all the time or losing my temper or even my lack of self-esteem”, and so on… You get the idea…
Now think about this… How much time, money and energy have you SPENT ALREADY on trying to solve these problems?
Look if you’re serious about wanting to finally put an end to being stressed and overwhelmed… then do yourself a favor RIGHT NOW and make sure the next dollar you spend is on solving these problems once and for all.
I’d strongly recommend you take advantage of “EmotionMatters” today. Strike while the iron is HOT!
You know what? I’m sure you’d agree that if you knew you could finally start feeling normal, facing your fears and growing your confidence, then you’d be more than happy to invest twice or three times that amount!
So doesn’t it make logical sense to grab this right now while it’s at this very low price? Yep, of course it does. Most people who are now seeing great results from our system all wished they had bought this earlier. So here’s what to do…
Okay, the next step is critical. The smartest move you could make right now is to take advantage of this special low price and start your journey TODAY!
“I bought your book (EmotionMatters) last time, thank you. It’s wonderful. I’ve got my daughter reading it now. I understand myself much better now.
In fact, when my husband asked me the other day if I was having an affair, I said YES.
Because I’m realising I like who I am, and I’m starting to LOVE who I am.
Samantha, D, Gold Coast, Queensland
Dear Karen – Many thanks for all you’ve done for me this year.
It’s made the most positive difference to my life and in turn that of my family.
Katherine, Gold Coast, Queensland
(Client’s real name withheld for privacy)
You see… People like us, you and me, we are pretty impatient to wait for long and slow outcomes, right?
So it goes without saying… If there’s a fast and safe way to get to your result -without stress and hassle – then that’s the ONLY logical and obvious choice.
And that’s why I know EmotionMatters Ebook is the best solution for you right now if you’re determined to reduce your stress and achieve wellness.
Simply click the button below right now to get started…
It’s time to implement and start creating a better life for yourself, your partner and family. I’d strongly recommend you take advantage of “EmotionMatters” today. (Don’t you love our title, EmotionMatters? Emotion DOES matter!)
Here’s why you should take action right now…
It boils down to this… If you leave this page and do nothing… then you’ll be no better off.
You’ll still be insecure and helpless, feeling anxious or losing your temper… or even lacking self-esteem.
And I’m sure you’d agree… unless you find a solution soon, you’ll still be overwhelmed and confused and scared about letting others down, correct?
That’s not what you want.
You’re better than that.
You don’t want to be complaining about the same problems in 6 months, 2-years, 5-years, 10-years from now, right?
And you wouldn’t want to miss out on the chance to feel normal or face your fears, would you?
Look, thousands of peaceful people before you have succeeded to reduce their stress… and so can you. I’ve helped thousands of people worldwide from 83 nationalities to reduce their stress… I can help you!
At some point they all faced the same decision you face now.
And that is – To take action – or not. And guess what? Success goes to the action takers!
So… to join the growing family who now choose to reduce stress and achieve wellness… simply click the order button right now.
Yes, it’s a tiny investment in comparison to the mammoth benefits you’ll get.
So click the button below right now to get started….
As I mentioned, the offer you’re seeing now won’t be around forever.
Let’s make it simple for you… Here’s the way I see it…
Option 3 is the ONLY way to fast track the results and reduce your stress in 7 days so you can start feeling normal.
So if you’re ready to get results sooner rather than later… then simply click the button below RIGHT NOW while you still can…
P.S. After all this, if there is still any doubt in your mind about being able to feel more normal and way less stressed through EmotionMatters, then remember that you are covered by our 100% money back guarantee. If you apply exactly what we teach in EmotionMatters, then rest assured, you’ll get satisfactory results like so many of our happy customers.
Click here to get EmotionMatters | Karen Gosling at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. EmotionMatters | Karen Gosling is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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