haydiroket · 2 years
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happy DOS Punks day !!
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sgt-slaughtermelon · 2 years
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When I joined DOSPUNKSDAO I made these abstract pieces to sell on OBJKT with 1/3 of the proceeds going to the DAO and 1/3 going to my collaborator Greencross.
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minecraft-askbox · 4 years
Favorite Sci-Fi genre?
I like sci-fi that has a tinge of magic to it too, like star wars sort of, or anything with lovecrafty stuff in it sorta. Horror sci-fi is good too. I also like sci-fi that’s about people pushing mechanical systems like mecha or speedracers to their absolute breaking point, like literally falling apart and sparking and they’re bleeding etc, in order to achieve superhuman feats.
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audrey-and-azimuth · 5 years
dospunk reblogged your photoset and added:
Why is Todd grown up Johnny Test
Because why not?
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scoobygangs · 5 years
Are you pro skub or anti skub
i’m sorry i literally have no idea what this means 
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replied to your
I wish people learned more about the phrase “It...
Also just a bright spot, I’ve seen tons of wonderful conversation about this with cis people on Reddit of all places! People seem really receptive to Val, it makes me so happy
Ah, nice! There’s hope for humanity yet, it seems.
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torpidgilliver · 6 years
I'm no nuclear fallout expert but from my small knowledge the stuff in the post is true except maybe the thumb thing. From what I've been able to find it's just a myth
i mean we also used to teach small children that hiding under a table would protect them from the nukes so i sort of expected most of that to be the same sort of reassuring bullshit tbh
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kindasordid · 5 years
Friendly reminder to my dude @dospunk
Shut up Yer like 12.
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rogertoaster · 3 years
Just saw the best thing ever. So you're probably already familiar with the concept of taking one specific time period and exaggerating their technology to build a fantasy world (e.g. taking the industrial revolution to make steampunk).
This is what happens when you do it with the 90s. It has been named different things by many: Cassette Futurism, CRTpunk, DOSpunk, but I've only rarely seen it in use as a fictional setting (or more likely it's just because if this rock I'm living under that I'm too lazy to remove). This one specifically is only CRTpunk because, obvious, but I digress.
Yep. Honestly been a big fan of this for a long time, but just haven't found (read: don't want to move my ass) much about it. I think I'm gonna start making my own, maybe along with LCDpunk/iPhonepunk/Almost-cyberpunk-but-a-decade-or-two-too-earlypunk that I honestly don't quite like, but I haven't seen anyone done it yet. Well maybe you have, but no-one's told me about it.
P.S. someone in the comments of the video mentioned "radiopunk", well guess that'd be my new name for the 70s (or maybe the 20s if it doesn't get mixed with dieselpunk).
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bluesxmmer · 6 years
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@dospunk here ya go!!!
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dospunksdao · 1 year
Straight outta Taipei && from the future yawl!
Way back in September, we welcomed jonCates from the future (Taipei Taiwan Standard Time) as the DOS Punks DAO Artist of the Month.
DOS Punks fam, Bayneko, summed it up nicely, saying, "jonCates is an experimental artist and glitch media master, who uses writings, digital images, films, games, and even colloquial grammar to draw the viewer into his glitch Western universe."
I first bumped into jonCates in sgt_slaughtermelon's Glitch Forge server but didn't start paying close attention until Kentucky Route Zero made a Glitch Western Wednesday appearance! Check out our conversation that follows.
The following is a total copy/pasta from a jonCates Medium post (here).
DOS Punks conversations, Part I
₿odaciouspiratΞ (DOS Punk 856) && jonCates discussion, September 2022
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(₿odaciouspiratΞ (DOS Punk 856) && jonCates (The Cowgirl) in conversation)
₿odaciouspiratΞ: howdy jon! The Cowgirl is especially impactful for me for two reasons: there is a remarkable resemblance to DOS Punk 856 that i normally have. and so The Cowgirl imagery became even more memorable because of how it was introduced to me
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jonCates: on May 11, 2022, i posted: today is the 1rst Glitch Western Wednesday yawl! ⚡⌛🔓 time to unLock sum secrets, from The Cowgirl… She dreamt of walking to the edge of the worlds again. Datamoshed, she left Kansas Territory that day… head’N Out West; towards a 鬼鎮 (Ghosttown), where she would find herself, inna Glitch Western
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(The Cowgirl glitches virtual Spirit Simulator — jonCates (2022)
You are playing the final/first Interlude of Kentucky Route Zero, The Death of the Hired Man… In game, Emily sits at the bar in The Lower Depths, watching the television, and talking to Carrington. She says: “I was in a movie recently. A western. Kind of. A glitch western.”
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(Kentucky Route Zero — Cardboard Computer (2011–2020)
₿odaciouspiratΞ: i went back afterward and did some catching up about how we arrived at the version of KRZ today. i love the haunting misery of the game’s locations and its characters.
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(Kentucky Route Zero — Cardboard Computer (2011–2020)
jonCates: they credit me with initial inspiration and influence which is very sweet of them and which i appreciate endlessly we made a game together, Jake and Tamas and i, before they made Kentucky Route Zero (KRZ), which they also credit as being how KRZ got started after they had gotten started on KRZ, i began to formalize the structures of my Glitch Western so it becomes a situation where it’s all vry interrelated rly when Emily, in KRZ, sits at the bar and says that she was in a Glitch Western she is, in a sense, or from a certain point of view, saying that she (Emily) is Emily Mercedes Rich, who starred in my film 鬼鎮 (Ghosttown). which is supersweet kinda easter egg that Jake put into the narrative of KRZ to kinda say that we had been on these paths all along that we were in the same whirlds or that we were crossing over between our whirlds as we had done in reality for so many years togethers
₿odaciouspiratΞ: hell yeah! when i came across that line in your tweet thread, “I was in a movie recently.” i kind of sat up like “okay … what have i missed here … ?”
jonCates: its buried deep at the end for true believers, like you :)
₿odaciouspiratΞ: The Cowgirl, how did this character and imagery evolve in your work?
jonCates: i could answer in different ways like sum would be rly straightforward direct answers. for instance, in my film i set out to center female characters as well as queer the genre EMR (Emily) is perfect bc she is this person. she is this cowgirl +so i knew i wanted her to be The Cowgirl, the central fictional character in the film i had alrdy been writing for the film, but then when she agreed to do it, i started rly writing specifically for her as The Cowgirl +we were spending alot of time togethers, like a couple times a week, every week. we started to rly zone in on who The Cowgirl is +i think that even tho its an experimental art film, it still has sum traditional narrative structures, where often times, you have a central fictional character. this central character is often a version of the creator of the film, the director or the writer, etc. in this way, The Cowgirl, as played by Emily, is def’ly a version of me that we created togethers. she + i mirror each other, esp when we were out shooting on locations Out West all vry intentional
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₿odaciouspiratΞ: jC and EMR on location 🖤
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jonCates: ya! ‘shoot’N’ ;) +then to bring it around to the VR +such, im mixing different technological moments. im comparing technological ‘frontiers’ + industrial revolutions bc we’re living through different industrial revolutions now. Old West era is during a previous industrial revoltion that changes everything in a way that leads to this industrial revolution that we’re living through now. in our current industrial revolution digital is a technological ‘frontier’ literally and ideologically. this is how we get to California so its like a mix of all this, all of these considerations and motivations + all vry sincere actually, vry much who i rly am
₿odaciouspiratΞ: and this mix is so good. i can feel how it’s inextricably intertwined, so i appreciate the time and effort to share some of this with me.
jonCates: theres one other piece of the puzzle that you might like i went to Austria to study Media Art Hystories + got my Masters degree there. my MediaArtHistories program was the 1rst of its kind + i was literally the 1rst person to graduate from it lol! the whole idea in the program was to compare the past, present, futures of Media Art, so i was technically trained in how to do that
₿odaciouspiratΞ: and so that’s how you ended up in Austria? to participate in that degree program? how did you find it?
jonCates: yes, Oliver Grau founded the program, he created it. + i knew his work && was alrdy in communications w/ him etc. so when he started the program i applied. this is active Catholic monastery called Stift Göttweig on top of a little mountain is literally where i went to grad school lol
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(Stift Göttweig Library — Jorge Royan 2009)
₿odaciouspiratΞ: …you lived there too? “on campus” essentially?
jonCates: sumtimes in the little village below, on the mountain so imagine being there, in that library, studying abt computers, VR, Digital Art, etc. thats what it was like. at a certain pt i also decided to do sumthin weirdy like that, in my own work, in 鬼鎮 (Ghosttown), working w/ my own experiences of haunted ‘Americana’
₿odaciouspiratΞ: i have a predisposition to want to experience haunting. and i appreciate your work on both the surface level (it looks cool!) and also for how it makes me feel.
jonCates: that’s high compliment! deeply appreciate it friend
₿odaciouspiratΞ: thank you for continuing to share.
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Gifted by jonCates to DOS Punks DAO members:
Cowpunks, cowpokes, and cowfolks can copypaste, remix, instantiate, fake, flip, rip, steal, invert, modify, distribute, decentralize, decode, recode, recompress, right-click-save, bitcrush, ASCII, ANSI, DOS, punk, phunk, demake, détourne, glitch, game, simulate, imagine, dream, appropriate, abstract, trash, pirate, imitate, flatter, and even celebrate CC0WPUNKs; all without asking permission because permissionlessness is a coreconcept of Dirty New Media digitalPunk and thereby foundational to these here CC0WPUNKs yawl!
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(Cowpunks, cowpokes, 'n cowfolks whose spirits instantiate here...)
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theplaceofmasks · 6 years
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shriekshrike · 7 years
I totally get what you mean about moments in life feeling poetic. Even just like really mundane moments that just suddenly feel beautiful
its just really lovely sometimes but them i have to figure out whether or not im disassociating. 
but most of the time it’s totally peaceful and im just happy. 
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Deer, Dude, and Funny: lingasms i say we start a meme where we take jokes that don't work in other languages and translate them without explanation maybe only tagging with the original language and confuse the heck out of everyone on tumblr who's not in on the meme like in italian we say "prince light blue" (prince azzurro) instead of "prince charming" and i just saw a joke that in english would be "if you can't find your prince charming, the solution is to take a random dude from the street and paint him commandervimes what's the difference between a stapler and a sewing machine? a stapler staples and a sewing machine doesn't asms i take it back, these are still funny in a completely different way whosaprettypolyglot #what does the king of the spiders do? he reigns#1 forget how to say it in French but it's still my favourite joke this was one of mine omg it's one of my favourite ones i've ever made ever lalexicographe What's the strongest cake in the world? Mike Cake. spanishskulduggery What do you call a fish that's a thief? A sea bass. space-transgressor What's the difference between a cow and sheet metal ? None, both of them have milk shrineart I don't even care if don't know what the joke is these are hilarious. kalmobotti Boy pig said to the girl pig: "Let's suffer." What happens when the sheep come to the grass field? Strawberry you-had-me-at-e-flat-major What do you call a cybercriminal cow? Minced meat. sapphicpunk what does leonardo dicaprio eat? leonardo eats sandwiches lunestael whats a melon you cannot eat? an idiot writingcyan One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty. What comes after twenty? Police. You can't piano a piano, but you can lean on an elephant. serethiel-is-hufflepuffed What's a pale mammoth? Helmut like-moonlight-through-the-pines Oh this is absolutely amazing!! A fallow deer to another fallow deer let's play hide and seek please, no What type of bread can't be eaten? Propane. bending-sickle What does a bee do at the gym? Zumba. gingerblivet re When is the best time to eat seafood? Wednesday What do an orange & an elehpant have in common? They both peel dospunk These all sound like those jokes 4 year olds make up before they fully grasp the concept of a joke merilerile What's the difference between a windmill and a gingerbread? The windmill can fuck up, but the gingerbread cannot windmill bass-fucker Theres a dolphin here..? jumpingjacktrash ijust want you all to know i love you very much Source: lingasms 75,431 notes It wouldn't translate.
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torpidgilliver · 6 years
dospunk replied to your post: i just found my old ds lite and harvest moon ds...
Gregory O'dingus
theres a six character limit so atm his name is set to be greggo
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dospunksdao · 2 years
There is fire where you are going
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Following my interview with Sean Luke in NYC, I spent a few days in the Ghostwood National Forest to reflect on my favorite summer month.  As the sun sets on Sean’s time as @DOS Punks DAO’s Artist of the Month for July, it seems we’re left with more questions than answers.
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DOS Punks DAO collected a few incredible artworks by Sean this month, and this is where I’ll begin to search for answers.
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'passing_time' February 13, 2022
Sean minted 'passing_time' during the halftime show on Super Bowl Sunday. It's his genesis mint on Tezos.
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'state_1' April 9, 2022
Sean created 'state_1' as the first artwork in his 'pixelated_meditations' series. It was never listed on primary but airdropped to collectors instead.
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'penultimate_refraction' March 16, 2022
This mesmerizing artwork is one of my favorites from Sean. Why? Consider the idea that Sean's battle axe is Aseprite, and I'll help you glue your brain back together.
So … have I found any answers?  Even if I have, I'm not sharing.  Check out Sean’s art, and find out for yourself.  You don’t have to visit Ghostwood National Forest to do this, but I recommend it.
In other DOS Punks news, I transferred 7.64 XTZ to the DAO wallet for royalties from secondary sales of the DOS Peaks FWWM token.  And if you can believe it, Sean Luke is the top collector of FWWM!
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'FWWM' January 22, 2022
Through the darkness of futures past, the magician longs to see, one chants out between two worlds, fire walk with me!
Sean also collected a number of artworks from @haydiroket, @shitwolfnft, @crimebreakfast + @deportedphotog, @purz, and donated them to the DOS Punks DAO Tezos vault.
Thank you for everything, Sean. I'll see you again in 25 years.
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