rita · 6 months
dryworld is not for me anymore
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rehkloo6 · 1 year
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newsheadlinesnow · 1 year
Ronaldinho and DRYWORLD Extend Partnership to 2033
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hopetribune · 1 year
Ronaldinho and DRYWORLD Extend Partnership to 2033
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tonykaku · 2 years
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Splish-splash puppo meets big dryworld koi boi.
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no-gorms · 4 years
Does Iron-merman save Steve from the Arctic Ocean? He’s all suited up for a cold water exploration outside of his usual territory and BAM. capsicle. And well yes his suit is fully capable of leaving water entirely and flying, what no that wasn’t it original purpose but he’s got to save this guy where do I put him oh no I’ve been captured by SHIELD, saved by Capsicle and am now a dryworld superhero oops. Anyway I was missing for months hey Rhodey and Pepper I’m back!
That is pretty cool as an origin story! I mean I’m all for interspecies connections to begin with, and the suit being the means of communication and allowing Tony to interact with this brave new outside-water world (and also befriend and work alongside Steve!) and yet it also a physical barrier that is a constant reminder him of his supposed limitations and that he doesn’t really “belong”.... that’s all great stuff. (Steve thinks the suit is very cool and the person inside it even cooler.)
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gcdesigning · 6 years
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I love it. #fish #fishes #blaine #marine #usa #washingtoncity #blainemarinepark #metal #dryworld #thirsty #help #instagram #uscanadaborder #220marinedrive (at Blaine Marine Park)
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lajugadafinanciera · 8 years
El Fluminense rompe con Dryworld y firma con Under Armour
El Fluminense rompe con Dryworld y firma con Under Armour
El fabricante de material deportivo norteamericano busca expandir su marca en el mundo del fútbol
El Fluminense, equipo de la liga de fútbol brasileña, cambia de patrocinador técnico. Tras apenas un año con Dryworld, decide poner punto y final a su relación de manera anticipada. Y lo hace firmando con Under Armour por tres años.
El contrato del Fluminense con su nuevo patrocinador entrará en…
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chris629keith · 3 years
Flamengo x Fluminense: Palpite da final do Campeonato Carioca (22/05)
O jogo flamengo e fluminense - Flamengo x Fluminense ao vivo: onde assistir à transmissão e horário | Futebol | Esportes O POVO
Muito bonito: aparecia uma bandeira imensa do Fluminense de balões de borracha - conta o autor. Em aconteceu um dos campeonatos cariocas mais emocionantes da História, pois 4 clubes America, Botafogo, Flamengo e Fluminense terminaram empatados com 26 pontos, mostrando o equilíbrio que houve entre estes clubes durante o campeonato regular. No primeiro turno, vitória do Fluminense por 3 a 2 perante torcedores pagantesno segundo, vitória rubro-negra por o jogo flamengo e fluminense a 1 perante expectadores pagantes e no terceiro o Flamengo repetiu o placar do segundo turno perante 96 torcedores 84 pagantes.
A realidade contudo, o jogo flamengo e fluminense muito maior. Uma o jogo flamengo e fluminense aconteceu emquando o Fluminense venceu o Flamengo por 1 a 0 com gol do meia Assis no fim do jogo, ficando dependendo de um tropeço do Bangu - com quem o Fluminense no primeiro jogo do triangular empatou por 1 a 1.
No dia 2 de dezembro deZico se despediu do Flamengo justamente em um Fla-Flu, disputado na cidade olhe aqui agora Juiz de Foracom o Flamengo vindo a o jogo flamengo e fluminense por 5 a 0 e Zico tendo feito um gol em sua despedida. O primeiro jogo, com mando do Fluminense, terminou 0 a 0, [ 65 ] e o segundo confronto também acabou empatado, desta vez em 1 a 1, gols de Ronipara o Fluminense e Dênis Marquespara o Flamengo.
Em extensa reportagem sobre o futebol brasileiro publicada em 12 de abril deo prestigiado jornal norte-americano The New York Times começou a reportagem destacando o Fla-Flu. O jogo flamengo e fluminense Diario Clarínjornal impresso mais vendido na Argentinapublicou detalhada reportagem sobre a história do Fla-Flu em 11 de setembro dedestacando também o jogador argentino Narciso Doval consulte Mais informação, ídolo das duas torcidas.
Assim como acontecera de forma semelhante a favor do Fluminense emna vitória do Flamengo por 3 a 1 pelo Campeonato Brasileiro deperante O Fla-Flu decidiu ainda o Torneio Aberto emcom 1 a 1 na primeira partida e vitória do Fla por 1 a 0 na segunda, [ ] e os Torneios Início de ecom vitória tricolor por 1 a 0 nos dois jogos e também emnos pênaltis. Taça disputada em dez jogos do Campeonato Carioca pela dupla Fla-Flu, entre 11 de outubro de e 20 de novembro deoferecida pela fabricante de chocolates Gardanoconstituída de bronze, com 2,10 m de altura e cerca de kg.
Os dois clubes ganhariam todos os títulos cariocas entre em havia duas ligas e A taça foi feita de partes em metal e acrílico, possui 50 cm de altura e pesa 8 kg. Em 30 de dezembro de o Fluminense rompeu com a Adidas, que era sua fornecedora desdeao anunciar oficialmente a marca esportiva canadense Dryworld como a sua nova fornecedora de uniformes. Vistas Ler Ver código-fonte Ver histórico. Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.
Flamengo x Fluminense: como assistir AO VIVO à final do Campeonato Carioca nos Estados Unidos
Nota: Se procura informações sobre o jogo "fla-flu", também conhecido como "totó", "pebolim" ou "matraquilhos", veja Futebol de mesa. Torcidas de Flamengo e Fluminense. Fla E V. Fluminense pen. Davies flyminense pênalti para o Flamengo. Rienner desperdiçou, mas logo depois R. Davies marcou novo pênalti para o Flamengo. Sidney cobrou, e Marcos de Mendonça defendeu, mas R. Davies mandou voltar.
Sidney bateu novamente, Marcos de Mendonça o jogo flamengo e fluminense novamente, mas R. Davies mandou voltar novamente.
Revoltada, a torcida tricolor invadiu o campo, e o jogo teve que ser cancelado.
Ouça ao vivo: Flamengo e Fluminense jogam pelo título do Cariocão 2021
No duelo remarcado, o Fluminense venceu por 3—1. É o jogo que entrou para as estatísticas. Jornal O Globo. Site Globoesporte. Site Trivela. Site do jornal O DIA. Site Cabangu. Consultado em 13 de maio de Blog do Paulinho. Site oficial do Fluminense. Em um belo Fla-Flu, claro». Site R7. Site Rica Perrone. Site Ludopédio. Site Sempreflu. Site Resumos e Trabalhos. O Globo.
Site Pó de Arroz. Fluminense Football Club: História, conquistas e glórias no futebol 1 ed. Fla-Flu, o jogo do século 2 ed. Torcida organizada. La Doce: A explosiva história flluminense torcida organizada mais temida do mundo. Site oficial do Internacional. Site medium. Consultado em 28 de novembro de ! Site Flunews. Consultado em 16 de janeiro de Site Flamengo em foco.
Consultado em 10 o jogo flamengo e fluminense julho o jogo flamengo e fluminense Ser Flamengo. Consultado em 10 de julho de ! Consultado em fluminnese de setembro de Consultado em 22 de março de Equipe do site 18 de abril de Consultado em 9 de outubro de Paulo 2 de março de Consultado em 26 de março de ! Site Campeões do Futebol. Site oficial do Flamengo. Site Futpédia. Futebol do Rio de Janeiro. Carioca Feminino Carioca Feminino Sub Clube de Regatas do Flamengo.
Publicações sobre o Flamengo Hino. Fluminense Football Club. Estaduais: vs. America vs. Fred diminuiu, e a voltagem do jogo aumentou. O Fluminense se animou mais, dificultou a saída de bola rubro-negra, mas o gol de empate jamais veio.
Nas laterais, eles passaram a Leitura recomendada posicionar na risca do meio de o jogo flamengo e fluminense, em movimento sincronizado.
Do flamejgo do Fla, todos posicionados normalmente. Goleiro reserva tricolor, Muriel chegou a buscar bolas fora de campo para agilizar o reinício do jogo. Nas arquibancadas, as delegações rivais trocavam insultos e o jogo flamengo e fluminense também a arbitragem, lado a lado.
Técnico: Mais Informações Ceni. Técnico: Roger Machado. Ao vivo. Ver mais jogos. Carioca - Ao encontrar, é só clicar em "entrar" ou "join". As mais lidas agora. Palmeirenses criam site com contagem regressiva para saída de Lucas Lima.
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listing-to-port · 8 years
Sunday chain #25
1. There is a future, maybe not too far from now, a future in which language had been tied in such tangled knots that the words themselves became weary. One by one, they began to flake from the pages of books. We would go to a library and open some forgotten tome only to have a pile of dense wordash fall out on our feet. And we would tell the librarian and the librarian would sigh the sort of sigh that comes from being in a doomed profession, and put the newly blank pages in the anti-contagion bucket near the door for later disposal. Words did not flake from screens, but gradually they began to melt and deform. Old words on websites became a kind of grey sludge, sloshing around the bottom of the smartphone screen.
2. There is a future in which the words became the sea. They dropped one by one from the books, as if the books were crying. Libraries installed drains, and public authorities evacuated citizens from the flood plain during intense periods of information degradation. There were a lot of words in that world. Scientists recalculated their estimates of sea level rise. The oceans became murky with fact and counterfact, with the arguments of fish after fish after fish having suddenly inhaled the dryworld's knowledge. Words dropped wetly from the mouths of conversationalists. We were all told to shut up, and by and large we did. But there were those who took the side of the waters, having viewed from above the dreamlike ebb and flow of ideas through London-under-sea.
3. There is a future, instead, where the words grew febrile in their desperation. We learned to place a hand on a book to take its temperature before opening it. Those whose ideas had been subjected to particularly vicious twists were prone to catching fire. Librarians patrolled the shelves with infrared cameras. Vulnerable documents were packed in ice. This future has an ending that some have called happy; words became energy, and we were able to power our cities with them. Local authorities employed ranks of professional liars to generate and twist concept after concept beyond endurance, to whip up an information feverdream whose heat could push pistons and light lamps. We were awash with electricity for evermore, but nobody ever quite knew what was true.
4. Here is another future: the words became hot air. Many of them had been hot air all along, but somehow we had not realised it until they began puffing free of their moorings. In this future, it was felt to be bad luck to breathe them in, and people who had to deal with information wore masks. Telescopes recorded the steady loss of ideas into space. The sunsets in this future were amazing. We did not have much else to do besides watch them.
5. Or one last future: after being shat upon, the words began to grow. It turns out they were like plants. Who knew? They pushed their way out of books and screens, trailing tendrils across the floor. Truths entangled us at every step. Libraries became jungles. Explorers after new ideas would pack a case and sensible shoes before entering their dense and rustling aisles, and come out inksmeared and giddy with information. The hungry ate wordsalad and broke out in fantastical maps. And we wandered our new world, trailing black thickets in our wake until the albedo of the planet was quite changed and we had to learn to plant our ideas in ink of other colours.
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fotbaloveobleceniab · 5 years
liverpool shirt kind  onderhandelingen tussen
liverpool shirt kind  onderhandelingen tussen de partijen worden voortgezet. Robinho heeft een contract tot eind 2017 bij Atlético Mineiro, die zich heeft gekwalificeerd voor de Copa Libertadores van volgend seizoen. Dryworld, een Canadees bedrijf dat sportartikelen levert voor Atlético Mineiro, en dat een van hun partners was bij de ondertekening van Robinho, had ermee ingestemd het grootste deel van het loon van de aanvaller te betalen, maar ze hebben hun contract met de club beëindigd. Robinho, momenteel op vakantie, ging naar Santos, maar nam niet deel aan de vriendschappelijke wedstrijd van ex-middenvelder Narciso in Vila Belmiro, hoewel zijn aanwezigheid eerder was bevestigd. Robinho wilde boosheid van de fans vermijden die zich verraden zouden hebben gevoeld door zijn voetbalkleding kind met naam  transfer naar
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radioopiniao · 5 years
Under Armour divulga novo uniforme do Fluminense
Under Armour divulga novo uniforme do Fluminense
A Under Armour, fornecedora de material esportivo do Fluminense, iniciou a campanha de divulgação da nova camisa branca do Tricolor. O lançamento está previsto para a primeira quinzena de agosto, porém, ainda não há data confirmada para a estreia.
O contrato entre o Fluminense e a empresa foi assinado em 16 de fevereiro de 2017, após o Flu rescindir com a Dryworld. A primeira coleção foi lançada…
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Mínimo alívio: Parcerias seladas em agosto renderão grana vital ao Fluminense
Flu Notícias - https://flunoticias.com.br/09/2018/minimo-alivio-parcerias-seladas-em-agosto-renderao-grana-vital-ao-fluminense/
Mínimo alívio: Parcerias seladas em agosto renderão grana vital ao Fluminense
​Vivendo temporada turbulenta em seus bastidores, o Fluminense não tem tido sorte com seus acordos de patrocínio. ​Nos últimos anos, empresas como Vitton, Dryworld e, mais recentemente, a Valle Express, tiveram seus contratos rescindidos de forma prematura, todos (sem exceção) marcados por desacordos, acusações e litígio entre as partes.
Já segue a gente no Instagram? Clique aqui e venha para a Casa dos Torcedores!
​​Asfixiado e vivendo problemas graves para quitar salários de funcionários, o Fluminense terá um “pequeno alívio” através das parcerias seladas em agosto. Como destaca o ​Globoesporte, os acordos de patrocínio fechados com a Zoom (site de comparação de preços) e Yes! (curso de idiomas) renderão quase R$ 1 milhão aos cofres tricolores.
Com a saída da Unimed, única coisa que o Fluminense tinha q fazer, era renegociar o contrato com a adidas, procurar um bom patrocínio master e montar um time competitivo pra ganhar algo. Mas não. Fizeram SÓ C A G A D A.
— Leonardo Moreira (@leomoreiraaa) 6 de setembro de 2018
Os respectivos contratos tem validade até o dia 31 de dezembro de 2018, e serão honrados da seguinte maneira: enquanto a Zoom pagará cinco parcelas de R$ 140 mil – totalizando R$ 700 mil -, o Yes! fechou pagamento em parcela única, no valor de R$ 280 mil. 
Além das duas novas parceiras, o uniforme tricolor ainda conta com outras cinco patrocinadoras: a Under Armour (fornecedora de material esportivo do clube), Lafe (laboratório), Tim (telefonia), STX (mercado imobiliário) e Frescatto (setor alimentício).
Fluminense em 2017 Meio de tabela Salários atrasados Sem patrocínio master
Fluminense em 2018 Meio de tabela Salários atrasados (sem previsão de acerto) Sem patrocínio master
— Insta: @osardenberg (@o_Sardenberg) 26 de agosto de 2018
Link da notícia original: Mínimo alívio: Parcerias seladas em agosto renderão grana vital ao Fluminense
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flauntpage · 7 years
Our verdict on every new home kit in the Premier League
Look smart, play smart, as the old adage goes.
Fashion is a more prevalent aspect of Premier League football than ever before in 2017 and with kit manufacturers and sponsors (including sleeve sponsors now, remember) involved in what has developed into a multi-million pound industry, every team produces a new strip for every season.
The summer is usually when fans get the chance to cast their eye over their side’s fresh strip – unless they’re one of those that commits the heinous crime of sporting their swanky new threads on the final day of the previous season – and ahead of the 2017-18 campaign, we’ve given our verdict on every home kit that will be worn when the top flight gets back under way.
REUTERS/Hannah McKay
It’s always nice to start on a high note.
Now onto their fourth kit manufactured by Puma, the Gunners will be wearing arguably the slickest effort the German brand have served up yet.
This jersey just looks unmistakably Arsenal, doesn’t have any unnecessary flourishes and that two-toned collar is majestic.
Action Images via Reuters/Alan Walter
The Cherries have seemingly moved up in the kit world by snaffling themselves a solid, if unspectacular Umbro design.
There isn’t too much to displease the eye here, although you’d need a magnifying glass to notice the Umbro branding running down the sleeves.
Brighton & Hove Albion
Action Images via Reuters/Matthew Childs
Ah, our first stinker.
Brighton & Hove Albion are back in the big time for the first time in 34 years and have been handed their own take on Nike’s 2017-18 vapor template but why, oh why, are the sleeves and upper back a different tone to the traditional royal blue of the stripes?
It’s enough to get Seagulls fans in a flap.
Reuters/Clodagh Kilcoyne
The Clarets’ 2017-18 strip is a take on the most widely distributed Puma template for the new season (the blur-like pattern down the sleeves is the biggest giveaway).
In truth, this one looks pretty snazzy, which is in no small way thanks to the decision of the manufacturers to include a lot more sky blue than in previous Burnley efforts.
REUTERS/Yong Tech Lim
Less isn’t always more but in the case of Chelsea’s new strip, that cliché rings deafeningly true.
After taking the reins from Adidas, Nike have wheeled out their 2017-18 template almost entirely in royal blue, and boy, does it work.
If you look closely, there are some feint patterns on the chest but this kit is a triumph for minimalism – Antonio Conte’s boys will certainly look the part as they attempt to defend the Premier League title.
Crystal Palace
Action Images via Reuters/Ed Sykes
The Eagles’ new home kit features the names of the five boroughs at the heart of south London that converge at Crystal Palace – Bromley, Croydon, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark – subtly printed on the back of the jersey.
That might please patriotic south-Londoners but aside from that, there isn’t a huge deal to get excited about, barring a return to a traditional multitude of horizontal stripes.
Action Images via Reuters/Carl Recine
The Toffees have invested heavily in their squad this summer and will be hoping that their football catches the eye – because their new kit probably won’t.
Umbro have appeared to try and create a signature look for their shirts this year with branding running down sleeves but the dull navy blue used almost gives this strip an unfinished feel.
Meanwhile, the dark blue undersides of the sleeves also appears a bit clunky – this one won’t go down as a classic.
Huddersfield Town
Action Images via Reuters/Lee Smith
Fair play to the designers behind Huddersfield’s latest strip for showing some flair when they whipped up this effort.
Blurring the blue stripes on the Terriers new shirt might have worked in principle but on the pitch, it looks something of an eyesore.
Inter Milan 2010-11 it ain’t.
Leicester City
Action Images via Reuters/Craig Brough
You have to look closely but the Foxes’ latest strip is another variant of the same template used for Burnley’s 2017-18 strip.
As they have done for a fair few years now, Puma have cultivated gold into Leicester City’s secondary colour.
There isn’t too much difference to Foxes kits of the past few years but it’s also not likely to dilate the pupils at any real velocity.
Action Images via Reuters/Craig Brough
Paying homage to a historical kit is something that designers will repeat forevermore.
For Liverpool’s 125th anniversary year, manufacturers New Balance have knocked this one out of the park, creating a kit that blows their previous efforts out of the water.
This is without doubt the Reds’ classiest strip for many a year and one that will likely stand the test of time, ironically too, given its retro leanings.
Manchester City
REUTERS/Harrison McClary
Nike’s 2017-18 template is in play once again at the Etihad Stadium but, like with Chelsea’s kit, simplicity has heralded something rather slick.
The navy blue sleeves on City’s last kit looked a bit awkward but this newest iteration is vibrant and decidedly modern.
Manchester United
REUTERS/Richard Carson
Week in, week out, you know what you’re going to get.
United’s new kit is a fuss-free reliable midfield runner with very few frills attached.
It’s nowhere near as striking as the Red Devils’ two-tone 2016-17 strip but there’s also little wrong with this conservative effort from Adidas.
Newcastle United
Action Images via Reuters/Lee Smith
For their return to the Premier League, Newcastle have been handed a very classy-looking Puma strip, which is all the better for being predominantly black and white.
It doesn’t necessarily lose any style points for the bright blue sponsor but it might for the red names and numbers that will adorn the backs of Jonjo Shelvey and co.
One likely to polarise opinions, American suppliers Under Armour have boldly dispensed with Southampton’s traditional stripes for one huge white insert down a predominantly red shirt.
However, the offbeat quirks of Saints’ new threads create something that stands out and, as the sum of its parts, looks pretty smart.
Stoke City
Action Images via Reuters/Carl Recine
The Potters will be sporting a kit designed by Macron for the second season in a row and unfortunately, there’s very little to shout about with their latest strip.
It’s not one likely to get Stoke fans rushing to the club shop – somehow, it just doesn’t look like it belongs in the Premier League.
Swansea City
Action Images via Reuters/Adam Holt
Less is sometimes more, except when it’s not.
Joma have produced a new kit for Swansea that tries its best to be stripped back but a slightly awkward-looking sponsor makes for something that suffers from the same problem as Stoke’s 2017-18 effort – it screams EFL.
Tottenham Hotspur
REUTERS/Kevin Kolczynski
Spurs may be a little miffed that their kit is basically identical in design to Chelsea and Manchester City’s but they’re probably too busy basking in the same breed of coolness.
Harry Kane and his Tottenham team-mates are set to look the part at Wembley Stadium next season and the traditional shield shape put around the badge is a nice touch from Nike.
Action Images via Reuters/Andrew Boyers
Watford have ditched manufacturers Dryworld for Adidas.
There’s nothing hugely out-of-place with the Hornets’ new kit but it’s something of a shoulder-shrugger, suffering from the same problem as Stoke’s and Swansea’s.
West Bromwich Albion
Action Images via Reuters/Paul Childs
The Baggies’ latest offering is a bit of a mess.
With the thin Adidas stripes running down the sides clashing with the traditional blue stripes down the front, which in turn are dissected by the kit sponsor, West Brom’s new kit is awfully jumbled.
West Ham United
Action Images via Reuters/Peter Cziborra
This is more like it.
Umbro have served up a strip for the Hammers that is slick and modern but still has accents that hark back to kits of days gone by – look closely and you’ll notice the upper chest detailing that resembles West Ham’s famous Pony strip of the early nineties.
The post Our verdict on every new home kit in the Premier League appeared first on Life Style Sports Blog.
Our verdict on every new home kit in the Premier League published first on http://ift.tt/2pLTmlv
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thedryworld · 3 years
SLT Online Shop Drops!
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The DRYWORLD SLT online shop is Live!!
Shop here our lifestyle capsule range for the everyday athlete in all of us. 
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lajugadafinanciera · 8 years
Queens Park Rangers rompe con Dryworld y firma con Errea
Queens Park Rangers rompe con Dryworld y firma con Errea
El equipo de fútbol inglés de la Championship pone fin a su relación con su actual patrocinador técnico
A pesar de haber firmado un contrato de diez años en 2016 con Dryworld, el Queens Park Rangers, el conjunto británico ha decidido romper su asociación. Debido a un presunto incumplimiento del contrato. Como ya hiciera hace menos de un mes Atlético Mineiro.
Su sustituto es Errea. Que será…
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