#Dad!Matty Healy
brnesblogposts · 7 months
a healy mother’s day
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pairing matty healy x reader
warnings children? if ur not into matty as a dad i guess
It surprisingly was a sunny day for March, the sun shining in through the windows as Matty slipped out of bed quietly as not to disturb you. He tiptoed out of the room and quietly shut the door before approaching the closed door opposite yours and opening it to the other two lights of his life.
He snuck over to daniel’s bed gently waking up by stroking his cheek softly “wake up darlin’ we have pancakes to make” and as he saw his son stir he only cooed before moving over to the other side of room and started to wake up maisie’s sleeping form “wake up baby” he pressed a soft kiss to her temple.
Once the kids were up, all three of them crept downstairs into the kitchen to get started on breakfast, first of all though he needed to get them to make a card.
“Mais’ and Dani’ while i get everything ready for the pancakes, can you both make your mummy a card?” They both shook their heads enthusiastically at this and got to work with the A4 piece of paper Matty had left out on the table for them with all the colouring supplies they’d need.
“Is it mummy’s birthday?” Maisie asked with all the inquisitiveness a five year old could have. “No darlin’ it’s mother’s day remember? we’re gonna give mummy breakfast in bed and that card so she feels special and knows we appreciate everything she does for us” Matty responded as he got everything set up.
Maisie’s face lit up with a smile as she got to writing something in the card, Dani at two was too young to write but did include his own abstract drawings. “DONE!” They both shouted and Matty quickly went round to where they were sat and looked at their work, “WOW!” he emphasised “Mummy is going to love this! and Mais’ you wrote this all by yourself?! So proud of you my love” and with that he kissed them both on the head and helped Maisie down and picked Dani’ up and they all headed over to the kitchen.
“Right, who wants to do what then?” Matty grinned “Can i put all the ingredients in daddy? and maybe dani’ can mix it and you can you can help him” Matty couldn’t help the adoration he had for his daughter, who seemed to be growing quicker than he’d like. But he nodded and put Daniel in his high chair with some fruit to keep him occupied.
“You ready then?” he tickled Maisie as he stood her on a stool in front of the preparation area, “Yes Chef!” Maisie giggled and with that they got to mixing.
“I can do the eggs by myself. I’m a big girl” Maisie insisted” Matty raised his hands in surrender and handed the eggs over to his daughter “I hope you’re not too big of a girl that you’re not daddy’s little girl anymore, who would i take on dates to the coffee shop?” He pouted and Maisie looked at him firmly in the eyes and replied “I’ll never be too old to go on dates with you, daddy.” and she looked at him like he had just said the most ridiculous thing. “That’s good then i’m glad to hear that.” He kissed the top of her head as she turned to crack the eggs into a smaller (he’d quickly check for shells before putting them into the mix)
“I DID IT!” she cheered as she put the second egg shell down, “YOU DID! you’ll be making these pancakes all by yourself soon” and with that she grinned before he took her over to the sink to rinse her hands, “did you use soap?” he narrows his brows at her, “yes!” and then he put her down. “Okay now it’s dani boys turn!” and he picked up his son and sat him on the counter supporting him with one hand, “you ready?” he cooed at his boy and then with Daniels help mixed the pancake mix. “a natural!” Matty exclaimed as he threw Daniel in the air and caught him unleashing the most infectious giggles from the two year old. He gave Dani a kiss before sitting him down in his high chair.
“Mais’ sweetheart daddy will have to do this part because the stove is very hot, okay? you though little miss helper can you get a tray and put a tea towel on it? then a glass with some orange juice?”
Maisie nodded and started doing her jobs as Matty started on the pancakes.
“READY!” Maisie shouted as she had got everything ready and had even gone into the garden to pick some flowers to go on the tray.
“Wow baby. Mummy is going to be so so happy!” he picked her up and twirled her around before putting her back down and putting the pancakes on the tray.
“would you like to do the honours?” Matty asked as he handed the bottle of syrup to his daughter and regretted it slightly as she drowned the pancakes, “Alright I think that’s enough syrup” he laughed a little as he took the bottle of Maisie “I’ve put too much on, oh no.” Maisie pouted but He was quick to reassure her “No they’re perfect darlin’ you’re the best pancake chef ever!” he kissed her cheek and had added some strawberries on top.
“I think we’re ready!” He announced excitedly and Maisie shrieked. He picked up Daniel and held him with one arm while balancing the tray with his other and gave the very important job of holding the orange juice to Maisie.
“Be careful alright? I don’t quite fancy cleaning ant carpets today” Matty scolded her jokingly and she giggled “I’ll try my absolute best.” she was too funny how did Matty create such a thing, definitely got the humour from you though, he thought. They started ascending up the stairs and Matty lightly kicked the door open and ushered Maisie in first, “On the count of three, okay? one.. two.. three!”
“HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!” They both shouted in unison and daniel babbled along, you jolted awake with shock but quickly settled when you saw the sight in front of you, Matty with Daniel on his hip and a tray of pancakes in his other hand, Maisie gleaming with joy as she holds the cup of juice. Mattys messy curls and Maisie’s incredible bed head she definitely got from her father.
“Oh my goodness!” You exclaimed and Maisie came bounding over and handed you the juice, “I MADE THE PANCAKE MIX AND DID THE STRUP AND I CRACKED THE EGGS WITHOUT DADDYS HELP” She was practically vibrating with excitement and you quickly set the orange juice on your dresser and pulled her up into bed with you and gave her the biggest hug and kiss “My darlings, thank you so much” Matty was in awe at this. He set the tray down at the end of the bed and came over to your side handing you Daniel and giving you a gentle kiss. “Happy mother’s day, darlin”
reblogs appreciated :)
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crushculture03 · 1 year
Heyyy, I love your writing!!
Can I request matty at the birth of baba 😆😆
Be My Baby
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Summary : You go into labor with your and mattys first child.
Pairing : Matty Healy x afab!reader
Warnings : Cursing, Pregnancy, giving birth, anxiety, pain.
Notes: Loved this idea that was requested! also since i’ve never had a child the way she gives labor may be inaccurate, im going off of just the basics lol!
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"Matty where are you" you groan into the phone as another contraction hits you."Hey baby! I'm at the studio, is everything ok?" he asks, "My water broke while i was making lunch" you yell into the phone as you brace yourself for another contraction. Mattys eyes go wide as he hears the news, "Holy shit, okay baby I'll be right there" he says and quickly grabs all his things, before rushing out the door. "Hurry" you shout before hanging up the phone.
Matty swears he's never driven faster, he was surprised no cops had pulled him over during his race home. He quickly parks the car and runs into the house, "Y/N" he shouts, "In here" you yell from the living room. He runs into the room to find you curled up, as much as possible, on the couch. "Hey baby, it's ok, lets get you up and to the hospital ok?" matty says, trying to remain calm for your sake, even though he's internally freaking out.
He helps you carefully sit up from the couch, and guides you to the car, making sure to grab your hospital bag before locking up the house. "I can't believe she's gonna be here soon" you say, as you place your hands on your swollen belly. "I know it's crazy!" matty responds, trying his best to focus on the road.
When you two finally arrive at the hospital, Matty helps you into the reception area and up to the front desk. "Hello, My wife is in labor" he says to the nurse, "Let me go get a wheel chair for her and I'll take you guys up to labor and delivery" the nurse says, quickly hurrying off to get the wheel chair. You squeeze mattys hand tight as you feel another contraction coming on, "Breathe baby its ok" he whispers, trying to soothe you. As soon as the contraction started, it ends and the nurse appears with the wheel chair. Matty helps you sit down, before taking the handles from the nurse and following her as she leads you  to your room.
"I'll give you these to change into, and then a labor and delivery nurse will be right in to set everything up!" the nurse said, as she handed you a hospital gown. "Thank you" you say as you grab the item from her, "Of course! Congratulations you two!" she says, before closing the door behind her. "Do you need any help changing?" Matty offers, "I should be fine, but thank you baby" you say.
After getting changed and being hooked up to about a million different machines, you were finally able to relax a bit, but not too much, as your contractions had been getting worse and worse. "Matty" you whimper, he quickly rushes up to you "Hey baby" he whispers, gently brushing some of your hair from your forehead. "I'm scared" you confess, the idea you were about to push another human out of your body terrified you beyond belief, you weren't sure if you would be able to do it. Mattys face fell when he heard that, "Oh baby" he says, before gently taking your shaking hand in his. "You are the strongest women I've ever met, if anyone can do this its you, and I'll be here the whole time. I can't even imagine what you're going through right now, but just know when everythings done our daughter is going to be here" he says. You tear up at his kind words "I love you matty" you say, "I love you too honey" he responds back, and places a gentle kiss to your forehead.
After about an hour of watching T.V and cuddling with Matty, the doctor told you it was time to push. Your heart sped up as you saw all the nurses walk into the room; it was quite an overwhelming amount of people to have around just for one baby you thought.
"Baby it'll be ok" matty said, trying to calm you down, "How do you know that Matthew? You're not the one pushing a child out of your body!" you snap, the nerves and hormones getting to you. "Ok Y/N you ready?" the doctor said from between your legs. You look between her and Matty, before nodding your head. "Ok on the count of three you're going to push ok?" she said, "1,2,3 PUSH" the doctor yelled. You used every ounce of strength you had in your body to push. "Good just like that, ready to do it again?" the doctor says, once again you push and push and after what feels like hours theres still no baby.
Your eyes well up with tears, utterly exhausted from pushing, you look up at matty "I-i can't do it matty I'm not strong enough " you say as you loosen the grip on his hand. "Baby don't say that, you are incredibly strong, you're so close, she's almost here, remember 5 more minutes of pain for a lifetime of happiness" he says, before placing a kiss on your now sweaty forehead.
You take a deep breathe before signalling to the doctor that you're ready to push again. "Ok Y/N two more pushes then she should be here" your doctor says, before counting down. You use your last remaining energy to push once more, "I see her head, you can do it just one last push" the doctor says. You push again and a few seconds later the loud cries of a baby fill the hospital room. "Baby you did it!" Matty says, as he looks over at you in awe. "Congratulations Mum and Dad you have a beautiful baby girl" the doctor says.
After Matty cuts the embicoal cord and the nurses clean and check the baby, you finally get to do the one thing you've wanted to do for the past 9 months, you get to hold her.
The nurse gently places your blanket wrapped daughter into your arms. You look down at the tiny baby and tears of joy begin to spill from your eyes. "Hey baby" you coo before placing a gentle kiss to her forehead. You look up at your husband, who also has tears streaming down his face, and pat the spot next to you telling him to sit down. He carefully lays next to you in the hospital bed, one arm around your shoulders while the other is around your arm that's holding the baby.
"She's perfect" you whisper, still in awe that your daughter was finally in your arms, "She is" he says. You finally break your gaze away from your daughter, and look up at your husband, "I love you" you say. Matty looks up at you and smiles "I love you too, you're amazing y/n I hope you know that" he says before placing a kiss on your temple.
The baby stirs in your arms and slowly opens her eyes, "Hey baby, its us Mommy and daddy" you coo, as you stroke her small cheek, "We love you so much little one" Matty says, and for a split second you think you see her smile before she closes her eyes once more.
"We never decided on a name" you say, of course you and matty had thought about names but never settled on one. "How about Emma?" he suggests, you look at him then to the baby in your arms, "I like that" you say. "Welcome to the world Emma Healy" you say, before looking back up at your husband. You lean your head against his as both of you silently admire the sleeping baby in your arms.
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justanamesstuff · 1 year
I'm afraid that I lost you request time but it's no rush so...
I was thinking about dad!matty telling stories like the way he invented the man who married a robot but more childish (obviously lol) and maybe he makes the children part of the story 🥺
A/N: this warms my heart so much! Thanks for sending it, I'm sorry for the delay. Hope you like it!!
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"Okay, sleep time!" Y/n announced to the three children lying on the couch downstairs.
"No!" Amelia and Arthur protested first, Ruth tried to join them as best as she could.
"Come on." she urged them, standing right to the living's room door.
"I'm not tired yet." Amelia folded her arms, still on the sofa. Her frown almost made her gave up.
"Mommy." Arthur crushed between her legs, looking up with his best puppy eyes.
She was losing, and they were noticing. "Bed, now." Y/n tried again.
"No!" A new choir of protests came from the kids' mouths.
"What's happenin' here?" Matty walked in.
"Oh..." his mouth formed an 'O' shape, Y/n rolled her eyes.
"Bummer. I was thinking about telling you guys a story." that picked their attention. "A shame, really..." Matty winked his eyes to Y/n before turning around, exciting the room.
"Daddy!" Amelia was the first one to ran after him.
Arthur followed her big sister, meanwhile Ruth whinnied for Y/n to pick her.
"Ready?" Matty asked.
Y/n laid down on Amelia's bed. Amelia took the space between her feet, because her siblings cuddled both of their mother's side. The little crowd was waiting for daddy to star with his story.
"Ready!" Y/n shouted back.
Suddenly, a cute rabbit Amelia had since she was months olds showed up, as well as half of Matty's arm. The kids laughed when their dad started telling the story.
"This one is Mat- Marty." he cleared his throat, changing his voice to make it lower. Y/n laughed at his antics. "Marty is a handsome and incredibly talented...rabbit. Our hero is in love with this beautiful lady...sorry, not a lady. A princess!"
Ruth clapped when her favourite fluffy friend showed up beside 'Marty'.
"Hello, princess." Matty continued. "Hi, Marty." the kids giggled, looking at the characters move around. "What a beautiful night, don't you think?" the rapid change of voice had Y/n trying not to hysterically laugh, ruining the entire play.
"Yes, this is a beautiful night."
"Not as gorgeous as you, my princess."
"Oh, Marty!"
"Would you like to take a walk with me?"
Matty moved the princess as if she was thinking about the proposal. He pushed the rabbit at the princess on one hand, when a new toy --it had a missing an eye and an arm-- showed up beside them.
"She's too good for you, mate." Matty came up with a third voice for the new guy. "Come with me, beautiful."
"No!" the kids shouted.
"Quiet!!" Matty faced the toy towards his children, gaining another round of protests. "What do you say, princess?"
The singer's voice dropping a few octaves again, "I don't know...what should I do guys?" the stuffed animal 'looking' at the kids.
"What do you say? Mel?"
"Go with Marty!" she exclaimed, the narrator behind the door kept quiet trying to contain his laugh.
"Yeah, Marty!"
Y/n went to ask Ruth, but she was asleep already. She kissed her forehead.
"What do you say, mother of these amazing children?" Matty asked Y/n.
Her husband was sometimes an idiot, even though she loved him.
"Mmm, I'm not sure."
Matty poked his head inside the room, staring at Y/n.
"Mommy, chose Marty!" Arthur urged her.
"Fine. I chose Marty, princess!"
"Don't be so sure." Matty mumbled loud enough for her to hear and chuckled.
Matty returned to his rabbit character, "Go away, Paul-o."
"No! The princess is mine!" the frontman pushed the toys all together as a fight. "Guys, help!!" Matty screamed.
Arthur and Amelia ran towards their dad, trying to tear them apart. Matty let them take the princess and the rabbit. They went to secure them closer to Y/n. Before they noticed, Matty threw the evil character to the hallway. He witnessed with pleasure how the kids celebrate and Y/n laughed with his silly action.
"We win, mom!" Amelia exclaimed.
"I know! Well done, babies!"
"Daddy." Arthur called him.
"Did you like it?" he asked them, taking Ruth from the bed so the excited siblings didn't crush her.
"Okay, now bed!"
"Can we do this again tomorrow?" Amelia asked.
He couldn't say no to his babies, "Of course."
"So, Paul-o?" Y/n inquired Matty when he came finally to bed.
Matty bursted into laughter, guiding Y/n's face closer to his face, kissing her sweetly.
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ignoremeimnothere · 2 years
Inspired by family's own bout of illness with our preschooler and my husband massively stepping it up 😅 could you write something with dad!matty taking care of his young daughter while the whole family is down with the flu? My entire house was sick last week and even though my husband felt like crap he took care of EVERYTHING for me and it just makes my heart flutter
Thank you Anonymous for my first ever request! Sorry it took so long and sorry its a bit shit, I'm not happy with how it turned out but wanted to get something written for you sooner rather than later. Hopefully its shit because of the funk I've been in, I'll possibly re-visit this one down the line but I hope you like it!
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A (Kind of) Perfect Morning
You’d got it first. It had spread around work like wildfire. Despite your best attempts at avoiding it, You were one of the last to get a round in. You did not enjoy being ill at all. Any attempts at avoiding your two babies were futile. You’d wake up with a tiny foot sticking in your ribs and your husband's legs entwined with yours. Needless to say by the weekend all three of you were down with the Flu. 
You felt so guilty. Your two year old was teary and clingy. Last night had been a long slog of waking up to coughing fits and arguing over medicine. 
The sun shining through the curtains made you wince. Your head throbbed and your throat burned. Another coughing fit caught your attention.
“Oh ba-” You cleared your throat but your voice was gone. You huffed, accepting the hug from your baby before attempting to get up. 
“Hey” You felt a hand guide you back down. “I’ll get it”. 
You looked at Matty, his eyes were bloodshot and his cheeks were flushed. Instinctively you put your hand to his forehead, before you could comment he put his hand to yours. Your frown was challenged by his smile. He planted a kiss on your head before repeating “I’ll get it”.  
You got more comfortable moving your daughter to the side of you, your body heat doing nothing to help each other's fever. You reached over to your bedside cabinet looking for your glass of water but it was completely empty. As if on queue, your husband reappeared with various medicines, two bottles of water and one of your daughters storybooks. 
“C’mere peanut” Your daughter got up again on the return of her dad, she stretched her arms out for him, burying her face into his neck as soon as she was in his arms. You got to work measuring out some of her medicine while Matty closed the curtains fully. He sat on the side of the bed, repositioning the curly haired girl onto his lap. Your daughter started to whine again when she saw the spoonful of Calpol. He kissed her head a few times before starting the bargaining process, he’d been the one to do it most of last night too. 
“Just until you feel better. I’ve got your squash ready and we can read however many stories your little heart desires. All you need to do it take this”
“Nooo” Tears began to pool her eyes again. 
“Yes c’mon have some for daddy and then we can snuggle up with mummy” Matty took the spoon from you, after a little more nagging he found success, swapping the spoon with her water bottle in record time. He praised her, before swapping her for the medicine bottle in your hand. You worked on getting her comfortable again, coaxing her into drinking a bit more before you were met with a spoonful of the mixture. 
“Open up baby” Matty grinned, feeding you the mixture. You playfully rolled your eyes beginning to tell him to sod off but again, your voice failed you. You washed down the medicine with some water attempting yet again to speak, ordering Matty to get back into bed.
“Babe I mean this in the nicest way but you need to shut up” You dropped your jaw in a joking way before his hand guided your chin back and his lips met yours. “I’d die if I never got to hear your voice again” 
He poured himself some medicine before disappearing into the bathroom, you heard the tap run as he blew his nose. Re-appearing with two wet flannels, he put one over your forehead before trying to rest the other over your daughter’s. 
“Story time daddy?” She turned, knocking the flannel off completely wanting to get closer to her dad again. 
“As promised, it’s no Burroughs but I guess the tiger who came to tea will have to do ehh?” 
Matty wrapped his arm around you before scooting closer, he checked the flannel making sure it was covering your head before picking up his daughters for the third time, giving up he placed it on the back of her neck as she sprawled out on his chest. 
He cleared his throat to begin the story but this caused him to have the coughing fit he had obviously been trying to conceal all morning. You tried to get up to assist him but he kept you in his arms. “I’m alright, I’m alright” He spluttered a few more times before eventually stopping.
“The Tiger Who Came To Tea” Matty put on his ‘children’s tv presenter’ voice which was surprisingly soothing. You closed your eyes, succumbing to the comfort of this moment. 
Despite wishing you were all well, it made your heart swell to have these kinds of mornings where the three of you could laze around. They did not happen as often as you wish they could, making them all the more important. You smiled, wishing you could stay in this moment forever. Eventually Matty’s voice grew softer, and your eyes grew heavier, the story lulling you into another sleep.
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toomuchracket · 2 months
summer wine (dad!matty x reader smut)
the penultimate tmr summer75 fic. first date night since baba 1. fluffy as hell but also sexy. enjoy <3
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“will you get a bloody move on? you're going to be late!”
“relax, mum,” you shout back, capping your lipstick and stomping out of the bathroom. as you catch sight of her at the bottom of the stairs, you glare at her. “stop trying to kick me out of my own house. and stop swearing in front of your granddaughter!”
you can hear matty laugh from the living room, while your mum rolls her eyes. “it's hardly a swear word, bloody. ‘specially not where we're all from.”
“well, yeah, but we're not in manchester right now, are we?”
“could be,” she makes a pouty face, the same one you inherited and the same one dylan will likely get too. “if the two of you would move back home, let me and denise see our granddaughter more often.”
matty wanders through, dylan babbling away in his arms. he nudges your mum. “that listing you sent the other day was nice.”
“wasn't it? can just see dyl running about in that garden.”
“yeah, me too. and the-”
“hang on a minute,” you hold your index finger up, pinching the bridge of your nose in exasperation with the other hand. “you've been discussing houses for sale in manchester? without me?”
they nod, and you grit your teeth at their lack of shame, before nodding at your mum. “always knew you loved him more than me.”
she rolls her eyes again, while your husband bites back a smile. “oh, here we go again, this old chestnut…”
“no, it's true,” you sigh, overexaggerated, scooping your baby from matty's arms and cuddling her into you (and doing your best not to drop the bit and smile at her happy coos). “you're the only one who cares about me, dyl.”
matty wraps his arms around your waist, kissing your cheek and looking down at the baby. “mummy's telling fibs, munchkin, we all care about her very much. and i think she looks beautiful.”
“sap,” you lean round to peck him. “thank you, though. you've scrubbed up well tonight too.”
“yeah, you both look good,” your mum smiles. “the three of you, i should say - dyl's showing you up, though, if i'm honest.”
you and matty laugh, and you lift your daughter to kiss all over her little face; the little happy noises she lets out are possibly the best thing you've ever heard. “my perfect girl. you're gonna have so much fun with gran tonight, munchkin!” hugging her properly, you do your best to keep a lid on the sudden melancholy you feel about leaving her. “be back first thing tomorrow, i promise.”
“and if you need us tonight, gran'll tell us, and we'll come home,” matty adds, taking the baby to give her his own cuddle - he holds her up so their faces are level, and speaks again. “and i love you, but please try not to do that. mummy's done so much for you and i lately, and she deserves a night off, yeah?” he kisses her little nose, smiling at the way she scrunches it up the same way you do. “see you in the morning, my darling.”
your mum beams, taking dylan from matty and kissing his cheek, then yours. “oh, we’ll be fine. now go! have a good night!”
you stroke your baby's head a final time, and squeeze your mum's hand before grabbing matty's. “love you both. bye!”
matty follows suit, bidding your family goodbye before following you out to the car; he speeds ahead to open the passenger door for you, and you giggle. “how chivalrous of you.”
“duh,” he gets into the driver's seat, leaning over to kiss you sweetly before starting the car. “first date night as mum and dad. s'a big deal, babe - tonight is going to be perfect.”
he isn't wrong, actually. and you know you and matty could have a good time together in any circumstances, but tonight's are particularly sweet - dinner in the italian small plates place you've loved since it opened a few years ago, then a drive to get some ice cream and drop the car near where you're staying tonight, and finally a wander in the evening sunshine to a new wine bar a girl at work recommended. there aren't any tables left indoors when you arrive, so you go al fresco; it's dreamy, you think, sitting in the fresh air with the love of your life, with a bottle of red and a cigarette or two each, the setting sun warming your skin and glinting off the wedding rings on you and matty's hands. 
he kisses yours, looking - as he always has, really - adoringly at you with the big brown eyes you're actually disappointed your daughter didn't inherit. “have i already told you that you're beautiful?”
“seven times and counting,” your cheeks burn, and you busy yourself with intertwining his and your fingers as a distraction. “you've got baby brain, my love.”
“no, i think you're just that beautiful that i have to keep saying it,” matty smiles. “y'having a good night?”
“the best. though it feels a bit weird without dyl, to be honest.”
“yeah,” he laughs. “i keep forgetting that it's just you and i tonight.”
you stare at him, blinking. his brow furrows. “what?”
“just waiting for you to finish the lyric, s'all.”
“oh, for fuck's sake,” your husband shakes his head, doing his best to keep the smile from his face while he takes a drink of wine. “you little groupie, clocking the lyric before i did.”
you shrug, taking a sip from your own glass. “i'm extra-sensitive to that song, babe. i remember when you wrote it, one of the nights you stayed at uni with me,” the memory makes you smile. “we were drinking red wine that night, too. wasn't as nice as this one, though.”
matty smiles, one of those slow, sweet smiles that end up taking over his whole face; your heart flutters when he kisses your hand again. “used to dream about nights like this back in those days, you know? me, you, married, on a date. dreamt up dyl back then too and all.”
“you had the baby dream?”
“yeah,” his cheeks go pink. god, you love him. “happened more often when we moved into the flat, but the first time i had it was in your room at uni. and it was dylan i dreamed of, exactly as she was born - hair like mine, face like yours, asleep in my arms while you made a cuppa and spoke to me,” matty looks up at you, eyes slightly teary. “it was always going to be you, darling. you, and me, and her. m'sorry that it took so long for us to end up there - here, i should say.”
“oh, matty,” you kiss his hand, smiling when he caresses your cheek. “i'm not sorry it took the time it did, you know - we got to a good place within ourselves and our relationship before we had our girl, and she's going to grow up in the best possible circumstances because we did, yeah? besides,” you wink. “i always knew you'd end up putting a ring on my finger. i wasn't worried about the timings.”
your husband laughs, wiping his eyes before leaning in to kiss you softly; as always, you get butterflies when he does. “i love you.”
“i love you,” you down your glass of wine as classily as you can, and smile at him. “and i would really love to show you how much, if you'd be up for that.”
“always, darling.”
“jesus christ, it's like stepping back in time,” you giggle deliriously as you cross the threshold to the old flat, tapping the guitar head key-holder before turning back to matty. “except now you've got grey hair, and i've got stretchmarks.”
he grins, pulling you close. “i love your stretchmarks.”
“and i find the grey really, really sexy,” you weave your hands into his hair, pressing your lips against his and moaning when his hands squeeze your arse. matty takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss, tongue tracing your lips before licking into your mouth, sending heat flooding through your veins and into your underwear - after a minute, you pull back to breathe, beaming at the familiar manic glint of arousal in his eyes. “fuck, i've missed this… take me to bed, please?”
“whatever my sweet girl wants,” matty wraps your legs around his waist and kisses you again, and you're briefly aware of being carried somewhere before you're gently plopped on a bed. he smiles at you, and looks around your old bedroom. “wasn't even sure where we were gonna end up, to be honest, darling - that was muscle memory, that.”
you look around the room, noting the absence of dust on the surfaces and the fresh smell of the bedding before smirking at your husband. “nah, you planned this, i know it.”
his jaw falls open. “i did not.”
“no?” you tilt your head. “you mean you didn't take the opportunity to make my old bedroom all neat for us to shag in, as soon as i suggested we go to a bar in east for date night?”
he smirks. “must be coincidence.”
“hmm,” so quickly matty can't react, you reach into the bedside drawer, laughing when you pull out exactly what you expected to find - a fresh box of condoms. “oh, you sappy little git, matthew.”
“i-” matty's face is beet red; it falls into an expression of slight defeat when you wave the box at him. “alright, fine, i admit it - i might've come in here a couple of days ago to set up.”
you hum, lying back down on the pillows and busying yourself with pulling strings of condoms from the box. matty lurks sheepishly at the bottom of the bed; when he clears his throat, you look up at him, and grin. “are you waiting for me to say the line? you are, aren't you?”
“no,” comes the response, in a voice that suggests otherwise.
“you're so weird, baby,” you sigh, before smiling knowingly at him. “but i think you should get over here, healy - i want to kiss you,” you giggle when he jumps onto the bed, kissing his cheek and whispering in his ear. “and fuck you. well… you to fuck me, but you know what i mean.”
“‘course i do,” his lips find your neck, and you sigh in bliss. “needy girl.”
bliss ruined. you glare at him. “you prepped all those condoms, and i'm the needy one?”
“i'm just keeping up with demand, sweetheart,” matty raises his hands in mock surrender, and then brings them to your tits. “i know what my wife needs.”
you beam, breathing heavily as you murmur. “say it again.”
he hums, kissing slowly up your neck to whisper in your ear. “i know what my wife needs.”
the heat in your body becomes too much to bear; your hands fly to the buttons of matty's shirt, deftly undoing them as you lean blindly up to kiss him. he reciprocates eagerly, taking your top lip between his teeth while his hands busy themselves with dragging your dress down by the straps. you work quickly, efficiently, the years of practice put in in this very room ensuring you both end up in your underwear in seconds flat, lips connected and only breaking apart when breathing becomes an absolute necessity. 
it's at this moment that matty catches sight of your new lingerie for the first time, lust-black eyes widening (and clothed dick hardening) as he drinks in your body, wrapped in a babydoll made of dark red mesh. his hands slide softly up your thighs, which part to give him a look at the matching panties; the moan he lets out is enough to soak them. “oh, baby.”
“you like it?” suddenly shy, goosebumps fluttering across your skin at the realisation that this is the first time you've been quite so exposed since having the baby, your voice goes small. “i look… alright?”
it's testament to how well matty knows you that he immediately leans forward to stroke your face reassuringly, resting his forehead against yours so tenderly you could cry. “you look perfect, my darling - so, so beautiful.”
you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. “really?”
“yes, angel,” the kiss that follows his words is sweet, but still passionate enough to dispel all worry from your mind. “d'you wanna keep your dress thing on? we'll do whatever's most comfortable.”
“no, take it off, please - just lift it, babe,” you smile as matty fumbles with the lingerie, giggling along with him as he successfully manages to pull it over your head. “hi.”
“hi,” comes the breathy reply, followed by a kiss between your boobs. when you let out a little moan, matty presses kisses all over your chest, trailing them up across your neck to your lips. “have i told you how fucking sexy i think you are?”
you giggle. “high praise, that, coming from the world's hottest dad.”
“fuck yeah,” he sits back on his heels, eyes trailing up and down your body, mouth parting slightly in the way it always does when he's really, really turned on. “christ, you've no idea how much i want you.”
“yeah, i do,” you lightly drag your nails down your husband's chest and stomach, hooking them into the waistband of his boxers. “s'been too long, baby. need you inside me again.”
“shit. take your panties off for me, darling… yeah, just like that,” matty's eyes don't leave your soaked cunt at all as he takes his own underwear off; your gaze fixates on his dick, excitement fizzing as you watch him reach for a condom and roll it on, smile splitting your face as he settles himself above you. “fuck, i'm a little bit nervous.”
“why, darling?” you take his face in your hands, thumbs gently rubbing his cheekbones. “s'just me, yeah? me and you in our bed. done it a thousand times before.”
matty smirks. there he is. “think we can do another thousand tonight?”
you smirk to match. “we can try.”
“oh, i love you,” he kisses you again, slowly running his dick along your core. “you ready, darling?”
“yeah. love you,” you smile into the kiss, moaning softly in harmony with matty as he slowly slides home. “fuck, you feel good.”
“not as good as you,” comes the mumbled reply, matty's eyes rolling back into his head as he tentatively begins thrusting into you. “missed this.”
you giggle breathily, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to pull him closer. “s'only been a couple of months, baby, we've gone longer without fucking before.”
“yeah, but - oh, fuck, do that again,” matty gasps into your neck as you dig your nails into his back, kissing across your face so he can smile at you, and blush as you wink. “you're so fucking hot.”
you roll your eyes. “shut up.”
“no, i'm serious,” he sits back on his heels, gently lifting your legs onto his shoulders so he can see you a bit better while he fucks you; you're not complaining about the new angle, either. “i have literally never found you sexier than you are right now. ever,” he kisses your calf muscle. “which is why not being allowed to fuck you until now has fucking killed me.”
there isn't even a slither of insincerity in his voice, or on that gorgeous face of his. yours burns, still unused to your husband's compliments after all this time, and your hands gently skim the outline of your chest and hips. “you've been looking delicious, lately, too.”
matty laughs. “delicious?”
“yeah,” you bite the tip of your index finger, sighing happily at the feeling of being fucked slowly. “practically on my knees every time i see you hold the baby, you know. and especially when you do it shirtless,” you let out a low whistle. “not to be crude, but… yeah, i'd take it anywhere you wanted.”
he throws his head back, cackling. “well, darling, you're doing just that,” he leans forward to kiss you, stretching your legs in the most gorgeous way. “d'you wanna try taking it a bit harder? up to you.”
“yeah,” you breathe into him. “fuck me, matty. please.”
“since you asked so nicely,” he pecks your lips, before slamming into you with a groan and repeating the motion, over and over and over. “jesus christ, baby.”
you can't speak, a mixture of pleasure haze and just sheer love for matty clouding your brain and closing your throat to everything but little moans and whines, those noises he loves so much; it's obvious from the way he smiles and speeds up when he hears them how much he loves them, and obvious from the way he kisses and the way his eyes sparkle how much he loves you. they've sparkled for you like that for the better part of fifteen years, and a sudden wave of some inexplicable emotion washes over you when you think about how long you and matty have loved each other, and now you've ended up here.
you don't realise you're crying until he slows down, face concerned, and wipes the tears from your lashline with his thumbs. “what is it, my darling?” his voice is soft, soothing, exactly the same as it is when he talks to your baby girl. “everything alright?”
nuzzling into his hand, you nod, sniffling. “i just really, really love you, matty.”
he smiles, eyes crinkling and filling up to match yours. “i love you. girl of my dreams, mother of my baby, love of my life.”
the two of you stay like that the rest of the night, matty fucking you slowly, deeply, tenderly, both of you trading sweet words and i love yous and kisses that feel like home. getting each other off isn't the priority anymore, dropped in favour of simply loving, but your orgasm is as intense as ever; maybe even more so, actually, limbs wrapping around matty and tears falling onto his skin as he gets you there and holds you through it with a “my girl, my beautiful, beautiful girl”, before burying his head in the crook of your neck as he spills into the condom with a whimper.
for the briefest of moments afterwards, there's silence in the room, the only sound your respective heavy breathing as you recover; it's broken, as always, by your husband, kissing your cheek before moving to pull out of you and pull off the condom. you giggle when he launches it with pinpoint accuracy into the bin in the corner of the room, moving to snuggle against his chest once he settles back onto the bed. “i think,” you begin, tracing the tattoo on his chest. “it's safe to say that you've still got it.”
he snorts. “d'you mean the sex, or my aim in chucking shit in that bin?”
“both,” you kiss over his heart, looking up at him adoringly. like you could look at him any other way. “that was really special, baby. thank you.”
he strokes your hair. “anything for you, my love,” his finger slides down your nose, booping the end, and he giggles when you scrunch your face up. “round two, in a minute? we still have all those condoms to get through.”
“in a minute, yeah,” you grin, climbing atop your husband and grinding down onto his lap. “but this time, i'm on top.”
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whimsicalpolitical · 12 days
Is there anyway I could get a dad Matty one shot where the little baba has a stomach bug for the first time 🥹🥹
My niece is sick for the first time and all I can think about is how sweet Matty would be with his little one
bless her, hope she’s doing alright
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You’re standing in your kitchen, Matty carrying your exhausted daughter while you lean on the counter watching them, sympathizing with your little one.
“Let’s try some water, yeah?” Matty says after a moment, shifting her slightly in his arms, but she lets out a weak groan and shakes her head, pressing her face harder against his shoulder. “C’mon, love, just a little sip.”
“Noooo,” she mumbles, her voice small and broken. “Don’t want it.”
“I know, sweetheart, I know,” he soothes, gently bouncing her in that way he always does when she’s upset. “But we gotta get a little water in, okay? Just a tiny bit, for me? You’ll feel better.”
She shakes her head again, her little hands fisting in his shirt. She’s so tired, you can tell she doesn’t have the energy to argue, but she’s still refusing, too miserable to think about anything but the discomfort in her stomach.
You stand up and grab the water bottle from the side table, unscrewing the cap. “You don’t have to drink much,” you say, holding it out gently. “Just a little sip, baby.”
But she turns her face away, clinging to Matty like he’s her anchor in the storm. You sigh, running a hand through your hair. You hate this—the helplessness, the way you can’t make her feel better, no matter what you do.
Matty looks at you for a moment, then back down at her, his expression softening.
“Hey, love,” he murmurs, leaning his head down so his cheek rests against her temple. “You know when Daddy doesn’t want to do something, and you tell him, ‘C’mon, daddy, just try it?’” His voice is gentle, coaxing. “Well, now it’s your turn, yeah? Just try it for me, for daddy.”
She doesn’t move at first, and for a second, you think she’s not going to budge. But then, slowly, she lifts her head, her tired eyes blinking up at Matty.
He smiles softly, his hand cradling the back of her head. “That’s my girl. Just a little bit, yeah?”
With a reluctant sigh, she opens her mouth, just enough for you to tip the bottle and let her take a small sip. She swallows, grimacing, but doesn’t protest.
“There you go,” Matty whispers, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “You did it.”
You watch as she leans back into him, her little body limp with exhaustion again. Matty hands the water back to you and shifts her in his arms, pulling her closer to his chest.
“Let’s get comfy, okay?” His voice is soft, like he’s talking to both of you now. “Gonna feel better soon, promise.”
He walks over to the couch, sitting down carefully with her still wrapped around him. She lets out a small sigh, her cheek pressed against his chest, and you can already see her eyes drooping again.
“She’s so tired,” you whisper, rubbing your hand over your face. The exhaustion in your voice mirrors the heaviness in your chest. “I don’t know what else to do.”
Matty lifts his head slightly, careful not to jostle her too much. “She’ll sleep soon,” he murmurs, voice soft but firm, the way it always is when he’s trying to convince both you and himself. “She just needs a minute.”
“You’re alright, darling. We’re here.” Your daughter lets out a shaky, exhausted breath at Matty’s soothing words.
You watch as her tiny fingers clutch the fabric of his t-shirt, her face scrunched in discomfort. Her stomach’s been a mess all night, every time she starts to drift off, she stirs again, unable to settle. The poor thing looks miserable, and it breaks your heart a little more with every passing hour.
You step closer to the couch, sitting on the armrest next to them. Matty shifts to make room for you, lifting one arm so you can tuck yourself in next to him, your legs curled up beside his. His fingers never stop moving through her hair, his thumb brushing her cheek softly as if his touch alone could soothe the ache in her belly.
“She’s burning up,” you say, gently pressing the back of your hand to her forehead. “Maybe we should try again with the medicine.”
“Let’s give her a bit more time. She’s so close to falling asleep now.”
You nod, but the worry still gnaws at you. You lean your head against his shoulder, closing your eyes for a moment, just trying to gather your breath. The quiet of the room, punctuated only by the soft sound of her breathing and the occasional groan of discomfort, settles over you both like a blanket.
“She’s gonna be alright, love,” Matty whispers, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, then to your temple. “We’ll get through this.”
You open your eyes, glancing at her again. Her eyelids are fluttering, as if she’s trying so hard to stay awake but just can’t anymore. You can see the exhaustion weighing her down, making her little body sink deeper into Matty’s arms.
“She’s so strong,” you murmur, running a finger down her cheek. "Takes after her dad."
Matty chuckles softly, the sound tired but warm. “Nah, that’s all you.”
You can tell she’s finally slipping into sleep, her breathing evening out, her face relaxing.
“There you go, baby girl,” Matty whispers, his voice barely audible as he rocks her gently. “There you go.”
You let out a long breath you didn’t even realize you were holding, your hand resting on her tiny back. She’s still, finally, and you can feel the tension in your own body start to ease, just a little.
“You should get some rest,” you whisper, running your fingers through his messy curls. “You’ve been up all night with her.”
“I’ll be alright. You’re here. That’s enough.”
You lean in and press a soft kiss to his lips, lingering for a moment before pulling back and resting your head against his shoulder again. For a few minutes, there’s nothing but the quiet sound of her breathing, the warmth of Matty beside you, and the stillness of the room. It’s not perfect, but it’s enough.
“You’re Perfect, Matty. Not only for me but for her as well.”
“You think so?”
You smile, “of course, babe. You’re our hero, she didn’t even once try to leave you.”
Matty looks at you with adoration, leaning forward to press a sweet kiss to your forehead.
“Love you, darling, so much.”
“Love you,” you whisper, closing your eyes, feeling tired from the unsettling night.
“You can sleep too, you know? I’d have both of my girls asleep on me, s’a dream.”
You giggle, “thank you.”
“Course,” he kisses you one more time, “anything for my girls.”
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tote-bag-chic · 3 months
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wrestletotheground · 10 months
gingerbread house - matty healy x reader
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christmas prompt courtesy of @abiiors ♡
festive dad!matty
cw: fluff, f!reader, slight nsfw at the start, pregnancy announcement, just wholesome dad matty <3
wc: 1.6k
- december 12th 2021 -
matty dips his finger in the bowl of icing, smearing a dot of it on your nose with a giggle before you can protest. 'fuck off,' you laugh, pulling away and grabbing ahold of his wrists before he can do it again. 'oh, sorry, you have someth-' he reaches towards your face again playfully, before giving up and throwing his hands up in surrender as you duck away from him, wiping the white blob off your nose. both of you are in fits of giggles again, buzzing with pure love for each other.
'don't let me distract you darling, this gingerbread house isn't gonna make itself,' he adds, turning his attention back towards the slabs of biscuit on the counter.
he then realises his finger is still coated in icing. he stands there looking down at his hand, contemplating his next move for barely a second before you reach over and take it in yours, wrapping your lips around his index finger and swirling your tongue around the sugar coated tip. his jaw hangs open as you stare at him with siren eyes the whole time, sucking on the digit that's pressing down on your tongue. he lets out a low groan, biting his lip when you release it with a pop and go back to work as if nothing happened. 'fucking christ,' he mutters to himself, smiling and shaking his head in disbelief as he tries to focus on the biscuits again. 
you can see him out of the corner of your eye busying himself with something else aside from the house; alternating between different coloured icing tubes and guarding his mini creation away from your view. he looks focused, the same concentrated expression he has when he's writing down lyrics or guitar melodies in his studio. 'what are you doing? looks like there's more dilly dallying and less construction work going on over there, healy,' you grin, never taking your eyes off the little sugary jellies that you're placing ever so carefully along the top of the slanted roof.
'oneee second.... bam'. the colourful tubes clatter onto the table and he spins around to face you holding two little decorated gingerbread men. one of them has peaks of black icing on its head for hair, along with thick stripes of white and black vaguely representing a shirt and trousers. the other is in a messy black dress, three curved stripes on either side for your hair and bright dots that match your eye colour surprisingly well.
'us!!' you exclaim, instantly forgetting the task at hand and clapping your hands together in excitement. 'us!!' he repeats, his face breaking out into a grin at your reaction. 'i'll put them right here outside the door, look! it's like they're holding hands,' he says, gesturing excitedly towards his creations.
an idea springs to mind and you put it to action before you have time to think. it's daunting, and you'd be lying if you said you weren't a little terrified of his potential reaction, but it has to be done. you pick up a red jelly tot and place it on the plate between the two figures. your heart races as you do it, knowing what's about to come of the seemingly insignificant act. you'd only been keeping this secret from him for a few days, but waiting for the perfect moment to tell him felt excruciating.
'that's our little baby,' you say in a half-joking tone, looking up at him tentatively. 'pff, yeah, some day,' he replies obliviously, wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his chin in the crook of your neck. 'matty...' your voice comes out as little more than a whisper, trailing off into nothing. he pulls away and you turn to look at him. he looks confused but grips onto your arms reassuringly nonetheless. 'what's wrong darling?' he asks, voice laced with concern. 'what if i said... that some day is coming soon...' you can nearly see the cogs turning in his head as he stares at you blankly, trying to figure out what you mean. his eyes widen as you take his hands and cautiously place them on either side of your belly. 'really!?' he whisper-shouts, leaning down to you. you shakily nod your head, biting your lip and smiling nervously.
'i'm pregnant, matty' you reply. 
- december 12th 2023 -
bing crosby's white christmas floats through the air from the radio as you sit at the kitchen table with matty and your 18 month old daughter, harper. you'd been having a bad day earlier until matty went out with harper, returning an hour later with a gingerbread house kit and a bottle of wine to cheer you up.
your heart melted at the gesture, especially at the fact he remembered and pointed out that it was two years to the day since you were sat in the same place and you'd told him the most important thing you'd ever had to tell him. from that day onwards he'd been nothing but supportive and loving, always there to help in any way he could and you were so eternally grateful.
'last time we made one of these i was only finding out harper was in mummy's belly wasn't i?' he says, bouncing her up and down on his leg. 'you were, and mummy was bricking it over what daddy was gonna say!' you reply, both of you laughing. casual conversations usually turn out like this nowadays, with you and matty talking to each other but directing every sentence at your daughter, as if she'll suddenly be able to answer. 
she reaches up and makes grabby hands at the gingerbread biscuits spread out on the table. 'you wanna get up and help?' she lets out a little happy scream and starts wiggling as you pick her up from matty's lap and put her sitting on the table in front of you, moving up against her back so she doesn't fall. she's instantly drawn to the bright colours of the sweets and icing, smacking her tiny hands on whatever she can reach.
she's fascinated, scooching around on the table and bouncing excitedly when you reach around her to open the bag of powdered icing. you pour it into the bowl of water that matty had set down earlier and she immediately grabs at the powder, making it erupt in a white cloud that covers herself and the table. 'woah, easy on the icing there baby,' you say. her big brown eyes sparkle in the reflection of the christmas lights as she falls down with laughter, making the two of you melt.
the festive playlist drones on in the background mainly unnoticed, but as soon as jingle bell rock plays you and matty's eyes light up. it's your favourite song this time of year, especially now you get to share it with harper. you take hold of her arms and dance with her, making her giggle as you move them around to the beat. matty laughs, taking his phone out to take pictures of the two of you, covered in icing sugar and having the time of your lives.
the decorated gingerbread house sits in the middle of the table like a trophy, but the three of you are exhausted after spending all evening on it. 'would you mind putting her to bed while i clean up?' you ask, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck. 'course, love' he replies, placing a chaste kiss to your lips before making his way over to where she's now sitting in her high chair.
he unclips the chair and picks her up, cooing at her softly. 'time for bed munchkin,' he says, kissing her head and getting her settled in his arms, her sleepy head lulling over his shoulder. you smile to yourself as he disappears upstairs, footsteps barely audible as he does his best not to disturb her. 
after what feels like ages, you finish up the dishes, throw the towel back over the cupboard handle and make your way upstairs to the bathroom. as you reach the top of the stairs, you hear a gentle voice coming from harper's bedroom. the door is wide open, the only light being the warm yellow of the lamp on the landing flooding through the doorway and the soft pink glow of her flower shaped night light. you peek your head into the room to see matty perched on the little stool by the open side of her cot, book in hand. '..and then, a magical cloud appeared over the snowman..'
harper is lying tucked in under her favourite blanky and surrounded by plushies as he reads to her. her eyes are gently fluttering shut, although she's clearly trying to stay awake, gazing up at her dad in awe through yawns. you tiptoe over as quietly as possible. matty's eyes flick up towards you and he smiles before returning to the story. you stand listening to him, wondering how you got so lucky.
after a few moments you lean down over her and gently place a kiss on the top of her head. 'goodnight angel' you whisper, rubbing her soft cheek with the back of your hand before stepping back and letting matty finish the book. she's fully asleep by now, so he mutters a little 'blablabla, the end. goodnight munchkin'. he leans down and places a tiny kiss on the tip of her nose, making sure she's fully tucked in and covered before making his way back to you. 'fancy a bit of that wine?' he asks, closing the door over and stepping into the landing. 'ugh, you know me too well', you reply, kissing him before moving towards the stairs.
if you could have it your way you'd exist forever in that room, where you finally feel safe and truly comfortable. you and matty's little safe haven, forever <3
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controlmyfeet · 1 year
dad!matty is everything to me. maybe something with reader having a grand reveal that she is pregnant and matty losing his mind and after the news he always keeps his hand on her belly AHHHHh!
when we are together - matty healy
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future dad!matty healy x reader
warnings: emetophobia, pregnancy, simp matty
a/n: at first i loved this, then i hated it, and now i think i like it. i hope you do too. also to everyone that sent requests, i saw them and i’m working on them but it’s going to take a while! thank you for your patience <3
2463 words
i thought the nausea was just a consequence of the migraine i had at the beginning of the week. for the past month, i’ve been trying to adapt to my new job. i’ve been working at the same place for almost a year, but recently i moved to a new department, and everything has been so stressful that i haven’t been sleeping or eating enough, but it’s been two days, and i am once again spilling whatever i had for dinner down the toilet.
it’s 3 a.m. and matty has been to go to the studio early in the morning, so i decided not to wake him up. but when i hear our bedsheets rustle a little louder and the sound of the bathroom door sliding open, i realize it was no use.
“oh baby,” he says softly and reaches towards the counter to grab a hair tie. he runs his fingers through my hair and puts it in a loose ponytail to keep it out of my face. “let go, you’re alright.”
he sits with me until after i’m done throwing up, his hands running up and down my back. i try to use the feeling of him to control my breathing.
“sorry i woke you up,” i say, still breathing heavily after a long silence, my arms propped on the toilet seat and my face still hovering over the toilet bowl, just in case.
“don’t apologize, darling” he squeezes my left shoulder and leaves a little kiss. i turn my face to look at him, eyebrows frowned, and lips pursed “i’m worried about you.”
“i probably got a stomach bug or something.”
i see his sleepy face flash with the sudden realization, “when was the last time you got you’re period?”
as soon as i hear those words, i feel a wave of panic wash over me. i was supposed to have my period almost two weeks ago. my period was mostly regular, maybe some days earlier or later, but never weeks. with all the stress and meetings at work, i must’ve forgotten about it.
“oh shit”
he tries not to laugh at my reaction, seeming too calm about this situation. we’ve talked about having children someday, but this is so sudden. we have nothing planned.
“i can run to the store and grab a few tests,” he says before i start overthinking. hands moving to cup my cheek so i can focus on him, his warm skin contrasting the cold toilet seat. “if you want that, of course.”
“okay, let me just grab a shirt then” he moves to stand up, way too excited for someone who woke up in the middle of the night to his girlfriend vomiting. but i quickly grab his arm, pulling him closer.
“matty, wait,” he shuffles closer to me and i hug his arm tighter. “and what if i really am pregnant?”
“we’ll do whatever you want,” he grabs my hand, pressing a kiss to my knuckles. “you know i’d love to have a baby with you, and i understand if now it’s not the best moment. but we could work it out, right? we’re in love, we’re settled, and we’re surrounded by people who love and care for us; we’d be alright.”
i nod and take a deep breath, feeling much happier and calmer about the situation. and also very grateful to have someone so understanding and loving by my side.
“do you want to lay for a bit, or do you want to stay here in case the nausea comes back?” he asks, still holding my hand.
“i’ll lay down, i don’t think there’s anything left”
slowly, he stands up and helps me get up. i turn to the sink and he helps me hold my balance on the counter, standing behind me while i brush my teeth and holding my waist so i can stand up straight.
“you know i love you no matter what, right?” i feel his lips moving against my hair after i spit out the toothpaste. “and having a baby would just make me love you even more.”
i turn around and wrap my arms around him, hiding my face in the crook of his neck and leaving a kiss there. “i love you too.”
matty helps me to bed and adjusts my pillow before grabbing a used shirt and his wallet. he sits with me for a while. calloused fingers stroking my hair softly and his low voice telling me i’ll be alright. we’ll be alright. he pecks my lips before telling me he’ll be right back.
before i can even hear our front door closing, my thoughts are already taken over by little feet, bouncy curls, and big brown eyes.
i realize i had fallen asleep only when i feel matty’s fingers brushing my hair away from my face and his lips pressing against my forehead. “you ready?” he whispers
we make our way to the bathroom, and i take the three tests he bought. i place them next to the sink and he sets a timer. before i can feel the anxiety creeping in once again, matty pulls me into his arms and rests his chin on the top of my head.
“i don’t know if this is more scary or exciting,” i whisper and wrap my arms around his waist tightly.
“i know, baby. but we’re in this together, okay? i’ll be here for anything you need.”
he runs his fingers through my hair, and i leave a kiss on his chest. the room is quiet for a while; the only noise i can hear are our breaths and his heartbeat. the silence makes my earlier thoughts come back. pink chubby cheeks, little hands wrapping around my finger. high-pitched giggles echoing throughout the house.
“i think we’d make pretty cool babies,” he says after a while, reading my thoughts.
“yeah,” i can feel his grin on the top of my head. “half me, half you? that’s a recipe for the coolest kid ever.”
we stand holding each other in the middle of the bathroom until the timer goes off. hiding my smile on his chest as he kisses my head. when the ringtone echoes in the cold bathroom, i feel a rush of adrenaline running through my veins, and i’m pretty sure my hands start to shake.
“i’m not sure if i can look” i let a nervous laugh out and cover my face; he lifts a hand and softly caresses my arm.
“do you want to do it together? or do you want me to look first?”
“no…no, let’s do it together.” i cup his face and give him a chaste kiss.
matty takes each of the tests out of the little cup and turns it around. and as soon as he does, i see the two little red lines, and before i can even process it, matty is already looking at me, waiting for my reaction. but i can see the twinkle in his eyes and the smile he is trying to hold back and i let out a laugh.
“i’m pregnant,” my eyes crowd with happy tears threatening to spill over “we’re having a baby!”
“yeah?” he asks, fully smiling now. i can just nod. and smile.
matty wraps his arms tightly around my waist and lifts me, peppering kisses all over my face. his laugh mixed with sobs. i hold him just as tightly.
“oh darling, i love you so much.” his voice is muffled as he rests his head on the crook of my neck, tears of joy dampening my skin.
“i love you too, matty,” i reply, nuzzling my face in his hair “i can’t wait to see you with our little baby.”
i feel his grip tighten around me, more than i thought possible. face still hidden in my neck and leaving little kisses there.
“you’re going to be the hottest mum ever.” he lifts his head to give me a heartfelt kiss when i start laughing, “best mum too.”
it’s been a few weeks since we found out i’m pregnant, so to enjoy the little free time the boys had before going back on tour, matty and i decided to host a sunday lunch at our house. we haven’t told the news to anyone besides our parents. we wanted to enjoy it by ourselves for a bit, even though i worried at first that denise’s enthusiasm would give it away.
i was chopping up some peaches for the pasta salad recipe i saw on tiktok while sitting on a stool. i usually would do this standing up, but matty has been watching over me like a hawk and insisted that i sit down, saying that i shouldn’t overwork my body. whatever that means, i guess. i haven’t even started showing yet, i can’t even imagine how he will act when my bump starts growing.
he comes into the kitchen carrying a few packs of beer and some of the extra ingredients i asked him to buy, and settles everything on the counter. he steals a small piece of the peach i’ve been cutting and comes behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing a sloppy kiss to my cheek.
“how are you feeling, my love?” he asks, moving his right hand to rest on my stomach. i stop what i am doing and turn my head to face him.
“i’m good, i think the nausea phase might be coming to an end.” he nods and i place my hand on top of his. “you’re gonna have to be more discreet, y’know?”
“what do you mean?” he frowns and i fight the urge to run my thumb over the crease between his eyebrows.
“i mean that if we’re going to keep a secret, you can’t be with your hands on my tummy all the time!” i explain while holding back a laugh. “and you also can’t treat me as if i was made of glass.”
“but i want to feel her!” he protests and his frown gets deeper as he tries to prove his point by pushing his hand more firmly on my belly. i move both of my hands to cup his face.
“baby, there is nothing to feel yet.” i try to be serious, but matty’s desolate face sends me into a fit of giggles, “and you don’t even know if it is a her, we won’t know for a few months still.”
my attempt to reason with him completely fails as his face turns into one of shock, as if the things i was saying were the most absurd he’s ever heard “oh, i know we are having a little girl, alright? i’m a hundred percent certain.”
still laughing at my boyfriend’s antics, i give up on reasoning and entirely turn around, wrapping my arms around his neck and bringing his lips to mine.
adam and carly were the first ones to arrive, with little baby hann clinging onto both of their hands. soon, ross arrived with his girlfriend, anna, and matty started grilling the burgers, knowing that george and charli would most likely be late as usual. after our talk in the kitchen, he sulked but understood that he couldn’t be on me all the time or it would look suspicious. sure, he is an affectionate person, but with how he acted, everyone would notice that there was something more to it. still, he would go out of his way to pull my chair and refill my water while not subtly caressing my belly.
i had told everyone i wouldn’t be able to drink since i would have a medical checkup the following day and had to do some routine blood tests. which wasn’t exactly a lie, but i was leaving some crucial information out, of course. so when george and charli showed up with an entire jar of clericot, i knew we’d have some problems.
she bought my excuse at first, sharing most of the drink she made with carly and anna, but after two glasses, she started getting a little persistent.
“girl, i made this whole jar of clericot just because i know you like it!” charli complained, almost pouting at this point. and it really is one of my favorite beverages for the summer, but it’s not worth it. i can see matty at the grill giving me not-so-subtle glances as if to say, ‘don’t do it’.
“i can’t, charli, it’ll mess up my tests,” i tried to reason while nibbling on a slice of seasoned peach, but george’s girlfriend is just as stubborn as my own boyfriend.
“oh c’mon, just one glass won’t hurt,” she protested. “it’s not like you’re pregnant.”
as soon as the words leave her mouth, my eyes widen and matty turns his head so quickly that it might’ve given him whiplash. so much for being discreet. we exchange looks while my brain works to come up with something to back up my excuse.
“well, uhm, i–those are some very important tests i got to do.”
“oh yeah? what are they for?” carly–who usually would just watch and laugh at our banter–joins in, not at all convinced by my excuse.
no one responds. the girls are exchanging suspicious glances with george and adam–whose little boy on his lap is too preoccupied with his toy cars to pay attention to the conversation–as i turn to matty, begging for some backup. he just looks at me nervously and shrugs.
“that is such bullshit!” ross, who had been helping matty at the grill, exclaims after almost a full minute of silence.
matty comes up behind me with a big smile and wraps his arms around my shoulder. “just tell them at this point, love,” he whispers just for me to hear and leaves an encouraging kiss on my neck.
“well?” charli asks, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. as well as everyone else’s in the room. i take a final look at matty before turning back to them.
“we’re pregnant!” i exclaim, now smiling so widely my cheeks hurt.
all i can hear is the cheer and the laughter from our friends as matty presses several kisses to my cheek before they come to congratulate us. i stand up from my chair as soon as adam pulls matty into a hug and ross is the first one to embrace me, soon followed by charli.
the day resumes with a toast and lots of smiles after the food is served. adam and carly tell us stories of their baby boy, and george reminds us of all the anecdotes of the boys in their pre-teens. and i can’t help but think how it will be when our little one meets its lovely uncles and aunties.
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sorry1975 · 7 months
Dad Ross 🥹😭❤️
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kate-inhaler-1975 · 10 months
Under The Mistletoe 💋// dad!matty x Reader
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Twelve days of Christmas - Day 3 ✨️
A/N : Finally doing a Christmas prompt 😭😭. Thank you to the incredible @abiiors for the effort you've put in creating these prompt ideas xx. (BTW, this is a part of the dad!matty universe, which I need to make a masterlist for)
C/W : none!!
*Rosie is about a year old in this*
"Just a little bit more to the left please, baby." I tried to direct Matty as he tried his best to perfectly align our stockings along the staircase.
I could hear the light sigh leave his lips and could picture the rolling of his eyes as his arms began to get tired from holding them up for so long.
Rosie, who was sat on my hip, copied her dad's dramatic sigh. Making me roll my own eyes jokingly.
"See what you've done! She's going to be as sassy as you if you aren't careful." I warned him, giving his butt a cheeky slap, making him flip up his middle finger in reply.
"Watch it." I mumbled, lingering beside him as he finally hung Rosie's stocking in the perfect spot beside his own one and mine.
"Ah Ha! Look at that. Perfection!" Matty stumbled down off the small ladder, standing back to admire his work and placing a kiss on top of Rosie's head.
"It's perfect. Thank you, my love." I smiled, leaning towards him so I could place a kiss on his lips.
"Dada" Rosie cooed in awe at Matty. Her pacifier falling out of her mouth and onto the floor, arms wide open for him to take her into his warm embrace.
"Oh, that is my favourite sound in the world! 'Ello, my darlin" Matty was quick to take her out of my arms when I passed her over, rocking her from side to side as her small hands cupped the side of his face.
"Dada! Dada!" She repeated excitedly, slapping her hands against his face.
"Ah! Don't slap, please. Gentle hands" I laughed, rubbing her back softly, her hands returning back to my face.
"You are just the best girl, aren't you! Oh, love, can you go get the camera from upstairs? I want to take pictures of you and Rosie." Matty asked sweetly. His shaking hands that held Rosie close to him catching my eyes immediately.
"Yeah, sure. But, are you alright? Your hands are shaking." I removed Rosie's hands from my face, concern washing over me.
"Huh? I'm fine! Guess it's just the adrenaline of Christmas, I suppose." He shrugged, letting out a chuckle that could only be described as nervous laughter.
"Ehhh, okay. If you say so."
I quickly turned and made my way up the stairs to get the camera from our bedroom.
I could feel Matty's eyes follow my every move until I was out of sight, making me feel slightly nervous.
All I could hear from upstairs was the noises of Rosie fussing and low mumbles coming from Matty as he tried to shush her. The two of them still clearly hanging by the stairs.
The sudden silence in the house didn't go unnoticed to me. Silence in our house was always a complete rarity, but it's especially rare now that we have a one year old.
"Matty! Is everything alright down there!?" I called down to him while rummaging through the top drawer of his bedside table for the camera.
No reply.
"Matty!? Sweetheart!? Is Rosie okay!?" I called louder this time, hoping he'd catch me calling Rosie's name and assume I was asking after her.
But the only thing I got was a loud and guttural screech from Rosie, which was an answer I suppose.
"Ah! Gotcha." I spoke to myself as I came across the retro camera.
"Took me a minute, but I found it." I announced while jogging down the stairs.
I stopped at the bottom step, confused as to where my two loves had gone, but the baby babbling noises coming from the living room reassured me they hadn't suddenly left the house.
"What are you two doing?....oh!" I spoke in surprise, looking at Rosie scooting on her bum across the floor, wearing a Christmas jumper she wasn't wearing when I'd left the room.
"Look at you, my gorgeous girl! Did Daddy put a Christmas jumper on you, huh?" I sat down immediately on the floor right in front of her, my hand gently caressing the top of her head while I stared at her in admiration.
Her big brown eyes looked up into mine, a wide smile showing her two bottom front teeth that were coming in.
I couldn't help but laugh at her gummy smile. Her smile, her eyes, her little rambles and her baby giggles totally intoxicating.
She had me and Matty wrapped around her little finger since day one. She was our special gift all year round.
"Now, should we go see where your daddy has gone off to?" I huffed as I got up off the floor, lifting her up with me and my eyes noticing the words on her jumper.
"Dada! Dada!" She screeched, pointing over my shoulder, but my eyes were fixed on her jumper. Trying to keep her as still as I possibly could so I could put the words together.
"Mummy, will you marry my daddy?" It read.
Without turning around, my brain filled with zero thoughts and words unable to leave my mouth, I put Rosie in her little play chair. Quickly strapping her in and planting a kiss on her rosy chubby cheek.
"Matty. If I turn around and you're behind me on one knee I swear to god I'll go feral." I warned, my voice quivering with emotion.
"Just turn around, darling."
So I did, slowly, not believing any of this was real, but there he was. Completely real, and human, on one knee under the mistletoe in the doorway of the double doors that led into the kitchen.
"Matty, I-"
"No, let me speak." He interrupted. Knowing I was about to go into a rant that would make zero sense in my emotional state.
I nodded yes, allowing him to go ahead and speak. My hands clasping over my mouth to shut myself up, tears already streaming down my face.
"Okay....Y/N, I've thought of multiple ways I could've done this. I could've taken you somewhere fancy on a romantic getaway, just the two of us. Or loads of lights and fireworks and candles, but I know you. All those fancy proposals aren't you. So that's why I did it here. Just me, you, and Rosie."
It was like on queue Rosie giggled, her feet kicking like crazy in her little moving seat.
"For the last six years you have given me everything. A life, a home, a beautiful baby. I know I'm not the easiest person to love, I really know that, but somehow you've managed to put up with all of my problem's and make them your own, and that to me is true love. So please, Y/N L/N, will you marry me?"
"Are you being serious? You want to marry me?" I whispered in disbelief. A part of me not being able to comprehend that someone wants to marry me.
Someone wants to be with me forever.
"Why would I joke about this. I've never been so sure of anything in my life."
Matty brought the neck of his jumper up to his face, wiping away the stray tears that streamed down his face.
The ring sat so elegantly in the opened black velvet ring box. The opal diamond, which is Rosie's birthstone, shone beautifully from a mile away.
"Matty....I....oh god." I sobbed happily into my hands. Continuously shaking my head in disbelief.
"You don't have to say yes, we can just forget about it if it isn't what you wa-"
"No! No, no, this is what I want. I want to marry you. I'd marry you tomorrow, I'd marry you next week, I'll marry you whenever. Jesus Christ, yes, yes Matty Healy I will be your wife whenever you want me to be!" I sobbed, running over to him and engulfing him in the biggest hug that I knocked him over.
The two of us crying and giggling on the floor, the ring still safely in his hand, thank god.
Matty wrapped his left arm around my waist, sitting the two of us up that I was straddling his lap.
"So....can I put the ring on you? Just to make it official?" He smiled widely. Eyes squinting and teeth showing.
"Yes. Yes. Yes." I spoke excitedly. Each yes being punctuated by a passionate kiss.
With his still shaky hands, he slipped the beautiful gold and opal ring onto my ring finger. My heart skipping a beat from a touch so soft and loving.
He brought the hand up to his lips, kissing the ring keeping his eyes on mine.
"Just the three of us future Y/N Healy."
"Just the three of us Matthew Timothy Healy."
Matty looked up above us, noticing the mistletoe that hung.
"Would you look at that. Ever thought you'd get proposed to under the mistletoe when we hung it up last night?" He smirked, his eyes watching my every move as I quickly got up to get Rosie.
"If you'd told me six years ago when I met you outside a pub in Manchester that you'd be the person I'd love for the rest of my life, I would've believed you." I smiled wholeheartedly, returning back to the floor with Rosie sitting on my lap.
"What? Really?" Matty was totally shocked by my words. Not expecting me to say that I knew he'd be the one.
"From the minute you asked me if I had a spare cigarette and I turned around to face you, there was no way I was letting go of you. Loving someone has never been easier. Falling in love with you and Rosie has been the easiest thing I've ever done in my entire life, and everyday I fall more and more in love."
"Stop it, darling. You're gonna make me cry again." Matty huffed, looking up at the ceiling to try and stop himself from crying.
"I think someone else is going to start crying if you don't give her her first kiss under the mistletoe." I chuckled, letting go of a squirming Rosie so she could go back to clinging onto her dad.
"Uh oh, we can't have little miss RoRo crying. Isn't that right, petal?" He tickled her chubby baby belly, making her roar out a laugh that had me and Matty laughing along with her.
Just the three of us. Under the mistletoe. My heart has never been so happy.
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abiiors · 1 year
sweet touches 🤍 // ross macdonald x reader
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promptober '23 - day 11
a/n: a dad!ross fic within the same dad!ross au as all my other blurbs 🧡 cw: smut adjacent but very very soft smut. mentions of body insecurity and kinda body worship basically wc: 1k
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the first ever autumn in april’s life she’s bundled up and ready to go spend the weekend at her grammy’s house. you stand at the threshold of your house, cuddling your three and half month old baby to your chest, kissing her pink cheeks and telling her how much you’re going to miss her even though all she does is babble in return. 
ross and his mum wait patiently. he’s already done this all morning—held her and cuddled her close and sang her songs till she was smiling—and his mum knows how hard it is for a new mother to be away from her baby because well… she’s a mum and she just knows. but when ross gently touches your back, you know it’s time to let her go. 
“call me if you need anything!” you tell his mum, anxiously wringing your hands. she just smiles kindly, nodding for the hundredth time after you’ve given her a million instructions. 
“and she likes—”
“two bed time stories, i know darling,” she laughs gently, “enjoy your weekend off, i promise we’ll call you tonight.”
and with that they’re off, leaving you lingering at the threshold and biting your nails until the car is well and truly out of sight, until ross finally steers you inside. 
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the rest of the day you spend in a calm, quiet house, devoid of any baby cries and nappy changes and feeding times. just you and ross like it used to be before. you put on old records and dance in the kitchen while making food, almost burn the potatoes in the process too but you laugh, you’re happy. you feel like twenty year olds in love for the first time.
as promised, his mum facetimes at 7 pm on the dot and both of you huddle around his phone to watch your freshly-out-the-bath baby being put into a new onesie. you coo at her, cheering when she recognises your voices and makes grabby hands at the phone, tries to swallow the camera once or twice too. but once the call ends, you know what’s on his mind. ross makes it very clear, in fact, when he chucks the phone away and hugs you from behind.
“maybe we should also get in a bath…” he offers, voice absolutely dreamy and tender and he’s already taking you by the hand to lead you to the bathroom which you don’t much resist to despite the tiny storm of thoughts brewing in your head. 
it’s so easy for him—to take off his t-shirt like he does every single time and to turn the tap on and gather the salts and bubble baths and everything else. it’s so easy for him to not second guess everything.
you have a feeling he’s not exactly paying attention, much more focused on setting everything up. but you need to tell him this. it’s not… there’s no way you want to stay up in your head on the one day you get with him after almost four months. 
“ross. i—” you voice cracks slightly. the absolute smallest bit but he freezes in place regardless, quickly stepping in front of you to look at your face. 
“you alright? what’s wrong?”
the concern in his voice is sweet, much more than you expected but it’s the way his hands move over your body that gets to you more—they’re no longer on your waist, no longer stroking you in a seductive, sensual way. instead, his fingers run soothing circles on your back now while ross looks at you in confusion. 
“i just… uh…” why is this so difficult to get out?! it’s just him. just ross! so you take a deep breath and muster up all your courage. 
“my body isn’t… it’s not what it used to be before. things are a bit—” your breath catches in your throat, along with an inconvenient lump of emotions. and so you avert your gaze, looking at the light blue floor instead. 
the only indication that he’s even heard you is his soft exhale. and then they way his fingers cradle your chin to tilt it up, forcing you to look at him despite how shy you feel. 
“your body is perfect.” his voice drips with so much conviction that you find yourself speechlessly staring at him. “it was before and it is now and it always will be perfect, okay?”
a deep breath and you’re closing your eyes and letting his words, his caresses surround you. letting his knuckles move up your spine and spread electric tingles all over your body. 
“you are so irresistible to me. do you have any idea?” another sentence spoken directly onto your skin—your jaw this time as his lips ghost over your face, placing phantom kisses all over. 
“but you haven’t—”
it only takes him a second to cut you off with a kiss. just a soft one. “seen you naked? since the baby was born?”
once again, you have no idea how he managed to guess exactly what was on your mind but you don’t get to much time to dwell on that. the next thing you know, ross trails his kisses down until he’s kneeling in front of you and lifting your shirt up. 
the mirror behind him reflects everything—the way your stomach still swells from the the excess baby weight and the love handles you haven’t had time to work on yet. but the caress of his fingers is enough to stave the thoughts away, to only focus on the way his lips trail across your stomach.  
“your body gave me the best thing in my life,” he speaks so softly that you barely hear him at first. “and if i have to be on my knees every single day to make you love it again then so be it.”
the lump in your throat grows, choking you with emotions until you can’t stop the tears from the gathering on your lashline or the way your voice turns wobbly. “you mean that?”
“about you being irresistible? about being on my knees every day?” a few more kisses. a few more inches of skin exposed. “yes, yes i mean all of it.” 
you smile at him, cradling his face in your hands. “okay… the bath–a bath with you sounds perfect.”
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lemme know what you think <;33
taglist: @scooby-doodoo, @partoftheairforce, @justgoatsbreakinghearts0855@beachesgetpeaches, @you-muppet, @mcabister, @alexmarie29, @at-her-very-foreign, @hfkait, @squishysoupy@sierraeslaprincesa@harrie-fic-center @alien-girl-violet@thereisaplaceintheheart @kennedy-brooke @lolidontknowanymore @theoriginalwhatsername@celestcies@sugarkane1001 @ari-turner @thewaywewereinsaigon @daphnesutton @beliefandsayingsomething @ros3chu @nothingrevealedeverythingdenied @zzzhealy @mattymybeloved
add yourself to the taglist
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justanamesstuff · 2 years
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Matty and y/n live together with their daughter Amelia. They had a thing for a while before finding out y/n was pregnant. The final decision was to continue the pregnancy, try co-parenting Amelia, living in the same house. At the same time, they stopped hooking up and stay as friends.
Everything worked better than expected until Matty had to leave for a month. Mother and daughter stayed at home. His returning came with realizations for Y/n. She started to feel the pressure of being the mother of Matty Healy's child, watching him go out with women -that aren’t her- and receiving harassment of public opinion for their life decisions. All while letting go her feelings for him, opening her heart for new love.
Blog MASTERLIST Read it on AO3
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Chapters list
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
↪ Chapter 8.5 (Matty's Version)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Epilogue (Instagram AU)
Matty builds a fort for Amelia
Matty's emo set list dedicated to Y/n
Morning of chapter 9: Matty's thoughts and worries
Picking baby names
Amelia's first day of school
Matty's pissed because Arthur's friends fancy reader, and Mel has a boyfriend
Father's Day
Movie night
Matty and reader taking Amelia to Glastonbury
Baby nº3 name
Matty telling stories to the kids before bed
Jealousy strikes Amelia + cute moment
Matty gets banned from Malaysia and calls reader part 2
Has Matty in “All I Need” wrote any more songs specifically for (Y/N)? + (Part 2)
How’s Amelia associated with BFIAFL?
Amelia, Arthur & Ruth’s favourite songs from their dad
Ruth’s friends messing with her about how hot her dad is
Arthur’s friends thirsting over the missus, Matty doesn't take it well
Arthur misses Matty
Matty entertains the kids during tour
Matty carrying all the bags at the airport
Amelia's dad meets her boyfriend
Amelia and Arthur are scared something might happen to Y/n during her 3rd pregnancy
Instagram au before Ruth arrives
They get married (blurb 4.2 k)
Part of prequel
Y/n pregnant with Amelia
How/when did Matty realized that he was in love with Y/n
How Y/n tells Matty she’s pregnant
Aesthetic bit for Chapter 5
Wedding visions
Matty's and reader's screensavers
Pinterest board
More under the # all i need
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yourtouchismidas · 10 months
Thinking about your posts where you said people at Gigi’s school don’t particularly like Matty. Could we get a blurb of maybe RG and Matty or just Matty showing up at the school to pick up Gigi and a parent or school staff member confronts him? Maybe he gets to defend himself or even Gigi does?
matty is at the school gates with his hands in his pockets. it's chilly, and matty is tired. he is always tired. work is long and there's always people wanting things, wanting him, his words, his time, his thoughts. all he wants right now, is to watch his little girl's face light up when she sees him at the school gates, is to hold her hand as they walk home to you, is to hear about her art project or her circle time or her sums she's finding hard.
there is a group of women next to him, one in yoga pants, one in a pant suit with a skirt, one with those huge nike trainers on women are wearing these days. matty, despite his bank account, gets on more with the ones who rock up in trackies, like he is wearing now, dads who spend their evenings at the pub, mum's who work two jobs trying to get by. today he is too tired to talk to anyone. anyone except gigi, anyway, and you (you've already got the kettle on ready for his return.)
the woman are looking at him, he can feel it. he's got his eyes trained on the doors, where no children have emerged yet, still five minutes to go. one of the woman laughs. they turn to him then turn back to the group. they're all turned inwards, towards each other. one of them is kayleigh's mum. kayleigh who tells gigi she can't play with her. kayleigh who told gigi her halloween costume was stupid. kayleigh who got paint all over the table and told everyone it was gigi. gigi takes it better than him. she shrugs and says kayleigh is mean, and that she doesnt want to be friends with her, and that the teacher always knows that gigi is a good girl and wouldnt do what kayleigh blames her for. gigi says that kayleigh doesnt understand her halloween costume cos she still likes baby stuff. and matty, since he can't drop kick a six year old, has learnt to just do a half smile at kayleigh's mum, breathe and let it go.
except today he is in a bad mood and they are talking about him. he can hear it. he has heard the word "band" and "tour" and he has heard someone say "missing school" which he assumes is about gigi, because she spends some time on the road with him. he has no doubts that if he didnt bring her out to tour, then these women would complain too, about leaving her behind. there is no winning. he is a bad father. because of his career. because of everything they know about his past. everyone knows about his past.
he's trying to breathe and let it go. he's trying to pretend like he can't hear. he should move. the kids will be here soon. gigi will be here. except then he hears the words, "never here," and something inside him snaps.
"i'm here now, aren't i?" he barks at them. he tries so hard. and he misses his daughter with his whole heart when he is not with her, and do they not think, if he could, he would spend more time with her? they all look round in faux surprise, as if they are completely innocent.
"oh don't do that," matty says, "i have ears."
they all look at each other and shrug, frowning, except kayleigh's mum, who stares him out.
"we're just discussing parenting styles. that's all. and yours is... different," she says, still staring at him.
"i'd rather be on tour a few times a year, than have my daughter raised to think that it's okay to talk shit about people in the playground," he shrugs.
"can you not swear please?" one of the other mums says, "we're in a school."
"the kids aren't out yet?" matty says, gesturing at the playground, where only adults stand, "or are you deluded about that too, the same way you're deluded about the fact you were definitely talking shit about me a few seconds ago."
the door opens and kids pour out, running at parents, gigi in the doorway but not quite here yet.
"they're here now," kayleigh's mum says.
"your powers of observation astound me," he says, just as gigi cries out "daddy!" and runs at his legs.
"hi baby," he says to her, putting a big hand on her head where he neat little plaits you tied for her this morning have come loose and are wild and fraying. she looks between you and the other mums, sensing something is wrong, when kayleigh appears, thrusting something glittery into her mum's arms saying "look what i made mummy."
"oh wow that's beautiful darling," her mum says, crouching down to her to zip up her coat that is open. kayleigh starts fussing. whining.
"you ready babygirl?" matty asks, and gigi nods, putting her hand in his, as kayleigh dissolves into a full on tantrum, screaming with a red face on the floor, as the whole playground turns to her.
"kayleigh's crying," gigi says, plainly, as if it isn't obvious to everyone in the playground, or in a one mile radius.
"hmm," matty says.
"she's just getting her coat done up," gigi says, staring too, stopped.
"come on, love," he says, nudging her arm, "don't stare. it's not nice to be rude, is it?"
"no," gigi agrees.
matty starts to walk away, gigi trotting along beside him, not staring, but he does throw back one look at kayleigh's mum, who catches his eye. he waves, doing his little half smile, turning away and smirking.
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toomuchracket · 1 year
autumn mornings (dad!matty x reader smut)
day 7 of promptober and it's a bit of a doozy. basically... you and matty wake up at 6:30am. your daughters are still fast asleep. you flirt a bit. you have some really good sex. bon appetit! <3
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you blink the sleep from your eyes, half-sitting up to look at the digital alarm clock on your nightstand. 6:30am. makes sense, you think, glancing towards the thin blinds shielding your bedroom from the outside world. no faint morning light is beginning to creep under them. there's little birdsong or traffic piercing them, interrupting the tranquillity of the room. it's quiet. peaceful, even.
but it's a sunday. so why the fuck are you awake?
in fairness, you're not the only one. there's a shuffling noise behind you, then a pair of warm lips press against the nape of your neck. "what time is it?" matty asks, tiredness slightly slurring his words together.
"half 6. you can go back to sleep, baby."
"mmm, no, i can't," matty murmurs against you. "been awake for a bit already."
"you should've just woken me up, babe," you say, turning to face your husband. at the sight of him, heavy-eyed and softly smiling, hair messy and shirt absolutely nowhere to be found, you can feel your heartbeat increase its tempo; it goes without saying that you fancy matty all of the time, but there's something especially alluring about him when he's just woken up, always has been.
"nah," matty smiles, languidly trailing his index finger along your bare leg. "you're cute when you sleep, far too cute for me to disturb. and you always get really grumpy when i wake you up before you actually need to be awake."
"no i don't!"
"sweetheart, not once in the almost twenty years i've known you have you ever responded well to anybody waking you up early. even me."
"you're fibbing."
"go on, then," matty challenges, smirking. "name one time you've actually been happy when i've woken you up before your alarm's gone off."
you smirk even more mischievously. "the day after we got back from our honeymoon. i woke up to you eating me out from behind, and then you fucked me so hard i couldn't walk properly for three days. d'you remember that?"
matty's jaw goes slack. he closes his eyes and inhales shakily as he nods, slightly dumbfounded, before he looks at you and speaks again. "you wore that cream silk number to bed the night before, the same one you wore on our wedding night. that, and nothing else but your ring."
"seems to have made quite the impression on both of us," you giggle, running a hand through his hair.
matty huffs out a laugh. "darling, you have no idea. i just remember thinking… that's the sexiest woman in the whole world right there, and she's my wife," he says, pulling you onto his lap for a kiss. although it's a fairly chaste liplock (for the two of you, at least), you can feel him getting hard under his boxers. "couldn't not go down on you, lying there all bare and wet like that. quite in the mood to recreate it now, if i'm honest."
the memory of the events that followed your totally-not-calculated-whatever-do-you-mean move is enough to make you wet as is, but the thought of recreating it with the matty of right now, all gravel-voiced and grey-flecked curls and gooey eyes whenever he looks at you and muscle? it takes everything in you not to start grinding on him, or the pillow, or anything you think would effectively ease the wanton desire rooted between your legs and quickly blooming to your brain.
but as much as you want to pretend you're still newlyweds… not everything is the same as it was in the literal honeymoon phase. you rub the sleep from your eyes in an effort to recalibrate your brain somewhat. "but the kids-"
"will absolutely be asleep for at least another hour and a half," matty says softly, thumbs circling over your hipbones reassuringly. "they had a late night, after all, out at their first non-daddy concert. we might be raising a pair of party girls, babe."
you smile. matty's right, you know that - despite frequent and loud proclamations throughout the paramore gig that she was "not tired, mum!", seven year old elena was asleep in the backseat before matty had even reversed out of the car park after the show, and your nine year old didn't fare much better. unlike her sister, though, dylan at least had the good grace to stay awake until the four of you were back in the house and in your respective bedrooms, well after midnight given london traffic. such a late bedtime for them, plus their maternally-inherited need to stay asleep until the last possible second… yeah, their dad's assessment about today's wake-up time is likely to be spot on.
grabbing matty's face in your hands, you pull him in for another kiss, slightly less innocent than the last. "alright," you murmur against his lips. "but at least let me go and check on them first."
"please be quick," matty whispers, desperation evident in his voice. he smiles sweetly, though, as you climb off the bed and head towards your bedroom door. "but give them a kiss from me."
you nod, quickly darting across the landing towards elena's half-open door. dodging various barbies scattered across the floor (and making a mental note to get her to clean her room later today), you tiptoe towards your daughter, cocooned in her duvet with her wild curls poking out, fast asleep. after gently placing the requisite kiss on her hair, you tread carefully back across the threshold and into dylan's room. 
the floor there is far tidier than in her sister's room, but there are books and cd's (a mix of her own growing collection and some you and matty have loaned her) piled haphazardly on every flat surface; there's even a jacqueline wilson novel in your sleeping daughter's hand, still open to the page dylan was reading when she nodded off. picking up a stray bookmark from the bedside table, you gently peel her fingers from the book - kissing her hand as you do - and quietly place it next to the alarm clock. dylan stirs slightly, and you freeze mid-backing out of the door, but she just pulls her duvet closer to her and settles back into sleep. you close the door behind you as quietly as you can, and pad back to your own bedroom and your husband.
your husband, lying with the covers bunched around his waist and his hands behind his head, looking delectable. his eyes trail up over your bare legs as you lean against the back of the closed door, over your hips, accentuated by the cut of his old brown t-shirt, over the curves of your tits, straining against the fabric, over your face, surely displaying some expression of lust towards him. matty's gaze is almost predatory as he looks at you; the intensity of it sends a burst of heat shooting through your core, so strong you can't help but cross your legs slightly. he notices, of course he does, and smirks at you.
god, he's so fucking hot. you aren't sure whether to rush to him immediately, or just continue to look at him.
matty makes the choice for you. "get over here, healy, i want to kiss you."
your heart flutters at the familiar phrasing. but you raise a brow, still lingering by the door. "isn't that my line?"
"well, see, one of the joys of marriage is the sharing, sweetheart. last names, seduction lines…"
"that's a seduction, to you?"
matty winks. "got me into bed with you, didn't it?"
"fair point, babe," you nod, peeling your t-shirt over your head - matty's breath audibly hitches, and you can practically feel your ego inflate. "and i guess it works on me, too."
matty groans when you climb onto the bed and crawl towards him. admittedly, it's overkill, because you know damn well he's more than willing to fuck you, but you also know that the more you rile him up, the harder said fucking will be; judging by the way the pupils of his eyes have almost swallowed up the beautiful brown irises at the sight of your tits swaying as you near him, you'll be surprised if you can walk later today.
you can't fucking wait.
neither can matty, apparently - before you can even register what's happening, you're on your back with your head against the pillows, your husband slotting himself between your legs as he leans down to kiss you. there's no sweetness in this kiss at all, only lips latching and teeth biting and tongues swiping the oxygen from both of your brains, hands grabbing blindly, hips grinding against each other and dragging moans from both of your throats.
a particularly enthusiastic one of yours has matty pulling away from your mouth to speak. "shhh, sweetheart," he coos, lips finding a new home on your neck. "can't wake up our babies, yeah? not until mummy and daddy have had some fun, at least."
"m'sorry, i know," you whimper, hips circling upwards, chasing matty's, chasing friction. "just… just need you. now. need you to fuck me, please, please."
"you don't want my mouth?"
"baby, you can - fuck, that feels nice - you can eat me whenever you want, later," you pant, trying as best you can to speak clearly. "tonight, tomorrow morning to wake me up, in the car after the school run…"
the whine that leaves matty's mouth at that is almost enough to trigger an orgasm for you.
"... but right now, i just need to be fucked," you plead. "hard."
your husband kisses his way back up to your lips. "well, if that's what my girl wants, that's what she'll get. flip over for me, darling, and pass me a pillow."
excitement coursing through your veins, you do as asked, giggling a bit deliriously when matty responds with a "good girl" and slides the pillow under your lower stomach. briefly, cruelly, you think of some of your older female friends, the ones who've spent many a coffee morning or night in a cocktail bar bemoaning their now-stagnant sex lives and bitching about the husbands beginning to lose interest in making them feel good; you hope you never turn out like them, never lose the giddiness you still get every time matty makes any effort to make you feel good.
given the way he whines when he pulls your panties down, though, you don't think you're at any risk of turning out like them anytime soon. "jesus christ, babe," matty whispers, almost reverently. "i can't believe how fucking wet you are."
"all for you, baby."
"yeah? that right, sweetheart?" you can hear the smirk in matty's voice, as well as the rustling of fabric, and then you suddenly feel his hands on your hips and him, bare and rock-hard, against your backside. god. "mmm, you feel so fucking perfect, and i'm not even inside you yet. wanna be, though, wanna fuck you so badly. you want that too, darling, don't you?"
your eyes roll further back into your head with every swipe of his cock through your soaking slit. "mhmm."
"words, sweetheart."
"yes," you whine, shuffling around some sort of desperate attempt to get him inside you. "want you to fuck me. please."
"always so polite, perfect girl. alright, babe, i'll fuck you."
a final swipe up - or down, rather - to your clit, and matty's pushing into you slowly. even after all these years of fucking him and nobody else, the initial feeling of him inside you leaves you breathless; you regain it by the time he's bottomed out, though, moaning in harmony with matty as you process just how fucking deep he's gotten.
yeah, you won't last long at all.
you tell matty as much, and he laughs deliriously. "haven't even properly started fucking you yet, and you're about to cum? god, baby, you really did need fucked hard, didn't you? bless."
cheeky bastard. you frown, throwing your head back and arching your spine in an attempt to look your husband in the eye; you don't quite manage, but he giggles and kisses your forehead anyway, before gently pushing your head back down so he can whisper in your ear as he fucks you slowly. "but you know what, sweetheart? i'm not going to last either; you feel too fucking good for me to be able to control myself."
"so don't," you whimper, matty's words going straight to both your ego and your cunt. "make me feel it."
"shit," matty groans, the combination of your demand and your increased wetness getting to him. "are you sure, darling?"
a kiss to your bare shoulder. "alright. you asked for it."
no sooner than the words have left matty's mouth, he pulls almost completely out of you and slams back in hard, eliciting a broken wail from your lips. you get a second of reprieve to get used to the feeling, and then it happens again, and again, until matty's established a rhythm and tempo he's happy with. and when he's hitting your sweet spot with almost every thrust, and the force of him is making your clit brush against the pillow below you every time he moves, you're happy, too. matty knows this, although he can't see your face - the way you're clenching like a vice around him and stuttering out broken moans of his name is indication enough of your ecstasy.
a particularly hard thrust makes you cry out, the sound even louder than the constant slapping of skin against skin as matty drives his hips into your own. matty winces at your noise, quickly moving one of his hands from your waist to cover your mouth and leaning forward to talk to you. "know it's difficult, sweet girl," he coos, sweet tone at total odds with the way he's fucking you. "but you need to stay a bit quieter for me. can you do that?"
you nod enthusiastically against his hand, but continue to moan against his skin; it takes matty a second to break through the sex haze clouding his brain and work out what you're saying, but he manages to discern that you're just repeatedly whining "please". well, whining is the wrong word - it's more like begging. 
"what are you asking for, sweetheart?" matty breathes, moving his hand from your mouth to tenderly brush your hair behind your ear. the gesture seems sweet enough, but it's actually very calculated of him; matty knows fine well that the combination of sweetness and roughness during sex is a shortcut to getting you off.
which, as it turns out, is exactly what you want from him. "please, please, baby," you moan - at a more appropriate volume for the time of day, just as matty had asked. "please make me cum. want to cum. want you to cum, fucking fill me up."
christ. how could he ever deny such a request, from the woman he loves? matty takes a deep breath, muttering a quiet "oh fuck" as he exhales. "whatever you want, darling. tell me when you're close, yeah?"
"mhmm. i love you."
matty smiles tiredly. "i love you too, sweetheart. put your arms behind your back for me, hold on to me."
you oblige, crossing your wrists just above your tailbone; matty holds them for leverage as he fucks you with the last of his energy. he'd keep going for you as long as you needed him to, he thinks, just out of sheer need to make you feel good, but he's admittedly glad when your legs begin to shake under his own, a telltale sign that your orgasm's approaching.
"matty, baby," you whimper. one of your hands is beginning to tremble, so he holds it instead of your wrist as he feels his own climax begin. "m'gonna cum."
"hold it just a second longer for me, sweetheart," comes the reply through gritted teeth. "and we can cum together. you'd like that, wouldn't you, getting off while i fill you up?"
"fuck, yes," you clench tighter around matty as you speak, determined to delay your release until he's ready. "i'll hold it."
"that's my good girl."
the praise nearly tips you over the edge, and you have to tighten every possible muscle in order to stay on the precipice. thankfully, though, you being so tight around matty is the thing that rips the orgasm from him; his thrusts slow and fall out of rhythm as the pleasure races through his nervous system, and he groans (incredibly sexily). "you're close, aren't you, darling? cum for me, my girl, let go."
you don't even have time to respond verbally before your body responds to your husband's instruction; it's as if your brain has shut down everything except its pleasure centre and thoughts of matty. you cum, and you cum hard, limbs convulsing and face firmly planted in a pillow to muffle your screams of ecstasy. matty follows suit immediately, groaning your name and holding his hips flush against yours as he empties probably every last drop of cum in his body inside your own.
he collapses on top of you once he's done, sweaty bodies sticking together. usually, that would ick at least one of you out, but you welcome the extra body heat on this chilly october morning. that, and it's nice to be as close as possible to matty after you've fucked, you think. matty seems to think that too, judging by the way he's contentedly stroking your hair and humming to himself.
"s'that song?" you ask.
matty huffs out a laugh. "just something i thought of just now."
"is it about me? and what we just did?"
"definitely about you, babe," matty kisses your shoulder. "about the sex? i don't know yet. but it was definitely good enough to warrant a song or two about it."
"mmm, yeah," you smile. "thank you. i love you."
"i love you too. and thank you, darling, you were so good for me. d'you fancy a bath? we've still got… roughly 45 minutes until the girls will be up."
"too tired. wanna stay like this, please."
"sweetheart, i came in you," matty says. you can hear the pride in his voice. what a boy. "it'll ruin the sheets when it drips out."
"s'fine," you absent-mindedly wave. "need to wash the girls' sheets anyway. might as well do ours, too. set a good example and all."
matty laughs, a proper chuckle. you turn around as best you can to look at him. "what?"
"i just love you a lot, that's all."
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whimsicalpolitical · 13 days
GIRL dad Ross please xxx
ross’ baby girl having a nightmare
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It’s well past two in the morning, and the house is still, save for the quiet creak of the bathroom door. Ross rubs his towel-damp hair, eyes heavy, looking forward to finally slipping into bed next to you. You’re already fast asleep, curled up in the duvet, and he smiles softly at the sight. Just as he’s about to switch off the hallway light, a faint sniffle catches his ear.
His brows furrow, and he follows the sound down the hall to where your daughter’s door is slightly ajar.
“Love?” Ross calls out gently, his voice low. Another sniffle answers him.
He steps into her room and finds her sitting up in bed, her small frame trembling under the pink covers. Her cheeks are wet with tears, her little fists rubbing at her eyes. His heart tightens at the sight.
“Hey, hey,” he whispers, crouching down beside her bed, his hand resting on her tiny shoulder. “What’s all this? What’s got my darling crying at this hour?”
“Had a bad dream, Daddy.”
Ross's face softens immediately.
“Did you now?” He scoops her up into his arms with ease, her small body curling into him as if she’s meant to be there. “C’mere, love. Let’s get you sorted, yeah?”
She clings to him, pressing her face into his chest, her little hands gripping onto his shirt. “Wanna sleep with you and Mummy,” she mumbles between soft sobs.
“’Course you do,” Ross murmurs, brushing her hair back from her damp forehead. “Can’t blame you. Let’s go see Mummy then. No more bad dreams, not while I’m around.”
He carries her down the hall, cradling her gently in his arms, her head resting against his shoulder. As he pushes open the door to your room, the soft creak of the hinges makes you stir.
“Ross?” Your voice is groggy, barely awake as you roll over to face him. “What’s going on?”
Ross crosses to the bed, your daughter still snug in his arms. “Bad dream.”
You sit up a little, your eyes adjusting to the dim light filtering through the room.
“Oh, sweetheart,” you murmur, holding your arms out for her.
She squirms out of Ross’s hold, practically diving into your lap. “Mummy!” she cries softly, burying her face in your neck.
“Shh, it’s alright, love. Mummy’s here.” You rub her back in slow, comforting circles, pressing a kiss to her temple. “What happened, hm? Did you have a bad dream?”
“Ah, monsters, eh?” Ross says as he climbs into bed next to you both, his arm sliding around your shoulders. “Well, they’re no match for us, are they? Daddy’s here, Mummy’s here... they won’t stand a chance.”
You smile softly at him, your hand still smoothing over her back as she starts to relax in your arms. “No monsters in here, baby. Just us.”
“And in my room? Are there monsters?”
Ross exchanges a quick glance with you, his lips twitching in amusement. “No monsters, sweetheart, I promise.”
She’s quiet for a second, then looks up at him with wide, imploring eyes. “Daddy… go look, please?”
“Can’t say no to that, can I?” he says, his voice soft and full of love. “Right then. I’ll go check, just to be sure.“
He gently untangles himself from the duvet, his hand brushing against your arm as he rises from the bed. You watch as he pads back down the hall, his tall frame silhouetted against the low light. Your daughter sits up slightly, her eyes glued to the door, waiting.
Ross is back within moments, though he makes a bit of a show of peeking his head around the doorway first, his face stern and serious.
“All clear, loves,” he says, stepping back into the room with a theatrical sigh of relief. “Checked every spot in the room and I even took a look under your bed. Not a monster in sight.”
Your daughter’s eyes widen in awe. “Really?”
“Really,” he says, giving her a firm nod as he climbs back into bed. “Even had a good knock ‘round, just to make sure.”
She beams up at him, her fear all but forgotten, and curls back into your arms. “Thanks, Daddy.”
“Anytime, darling. Got to keep my girls safe.”
You smile, watching as your little girl hold Ross’ hand as she settles in between the two of you. She closes her eyes and mumbles “no monsters.”
“No monsters,” you repeat, leaning down to kiss her forehead before you move to Ross’ lips.
“You’re amazing,” you whisper.
“So are you.”
Ross’ palms are endlessly gentle as they cradle your head, keeping you close while he kisses each spot on your face. His beard scrapes against your skin.
You rest your head on his shoulder as you both look down at your girl.
“This is lovely, isn’t it?” He asks, brushing the hair off the already sleepy little girl.
You hum, reaching for the table at your bedside to turn off the lamp, “it is,” you say, kissing his cheek one more time.
“Yeah,” you laugh.
“Come here then.”
You both cuddle as much as the space allows, still appreciative of your family moment this night.
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