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The ms paint brush is my life-blood rn
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chuckchuck228 · 7 months
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Request from VK :D
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witch-sweets · 4 months
normally I'd post about Tak from Invader ZIM but I got the Snatcher thoughts real bad rn so here's a short comic about the big bad ghoul of the woods "celebrating" Valentines day! (In his own special way)
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waterann · 2 years
I think that a really cool au idea for a hat in time would be one based on the prince lindworm fairytale. Maybe not romantic, but there’s some dadcher potential… like it’s a story about a worm monster with no back legs who is secretly a prince who becomes human through the power of love/being hit with a really big stick, so I think that would be neat to do something with. I’m nowhere near talented enough to do anything with it though lol
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amimuu · 1 year
What if HBT au variation in which Thatcher actually adopts Mark and Sarah-
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figurehater · 1 year
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this is so rediculously bad . anyway
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thatwolfnamednyla · 10 months
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merinomeri · 1 year
I wonder if Snatcher ever gets lonely and needs a hug. 3: In fact, I wonder what a Snatcher hug would feel like! Perhaps he'd feel like darkness in a warm and comforting, positive kind of way. Like a retreat to a safe dark room when the world's being too much. Maybe soft and fluffy like a terrifying shadow kitten (that's also a noodle)
I'm not huggin him! I'm too cool and annoying busy for that kind of stuff!! Get a therapist, old man!
@winttiagloam might know... 🤔
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henriiiii-1001 · 5 months
Can you draw Dadcher and Adam sadly eating burgers together pls? 🥺
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the thems :D
also i made adam look like he needs a shower on purpose. he's just probably in too much pain to, so thatcher was just like "take this random blank tshirt i have for now"
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diabollicallyangelic · 4 months
Silly dadcher being a silly dad!
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Ooh the consumption of human flesh ooh
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Thatcher casually catching himself a “ My Life as a Teenage Alternate™ ”
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chuckchuck228 · 1 year
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I missed to draw them sooooo much!!
This is my part of a trade that I needed to do a hundred years ago. Thank you @spooky-nachos​ for waiting!
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witch-sweets · 5 months
🥶 for the drabble thingy?
Don't let the Frost-Bite!
It was snowing. Snow was not normal in Subcon at least not during most of the year. However it was winter which meant the snow was in-fact normal and Snatcher hated it. Normally there was a distinct warmth that came with his existence like sitting next to an open flame but every winter the universe had to remind him how he died and take away any semblance of warmth. He couldn't even use his fire magic to warm himself up all his attempts were fruitless. And so he did the only thing he could do.Stay in The Kids ship. Space was cold as well but at least she had a heating system. Snatcher arrived in Hat Kids ship and it was FREEZING! Something was clearly wrong with her heating system because he could feel how cold it was out there in the void of space. Hat kid walked into her room after failing to fix her heater "oh well its not that cold" she thought to herself just as the door opened she saw Snatcher floating in the air and shivering like crazy. "Snatcher?" She spoke in a slightly confused voice. "H-hey k-k-kiddo! Can y-you exp-plain why its so c-c-cold?" Yep he was cold somehow he was a literal ghost and he was cold. "Uh you ok bestie?" Why was she even asking of course he wasn't ok. "K-k-kid do i look o-ok t-t-to you?" Yeah wasn't ok. "Would you like some warm blankets and hot cocoa?"  "I will n-never s-s-surrrender t-to you!" "Its not surrendering its accepting that im your friend and friends care about eachother" she could never understand his soon-dairy behavior. "You sure?" "..." silence is that a good sign? "F-f-fine. Go ahead h-humiliate me" hat kid went to work gathering all the blankets she could as well as making some hot chocolate. Once she had every blanket in the ship she returned to her room and wrapped up the freezing ghost afterwards she returned with the hot chocolate. "I hate you..." "I know" Snatcher however didn't hate her infact he appreciated her just a little bit but he'd never let her know that. Hat Kid tired after a long day snuggled up next to him and fell asleep "kiddo im not a bed" Snatcher then gave up trying to get her to move and they both fell asleep warm and cozy
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'Life' as a Ghost Drabbles: Frozen
Summary: Hat Kid is in some kind of danger. Angry Protective Dadcher.
In hindsight perhaps messing around in Vanessa’s manner had been a bad idea. But how was Hat Kid supposed to have known she’d sense her even while she’d tried to hide in the shadows? And how was she supposed to know Vanessa could freeze her in a block of ice? She was a ghost, she should be able to phrase through it but couldn’t! Though that likely had to due with the fact the ice was magical in nature. Which she’d known going in and thus could’ve perhaps predicated if she’d thought about it a bit more.
The ice was cold, almost painfully so. On one hand she hadn’t felt such intense physical sensations since her death. On the other though, the longer she stayed trapped within it, the more that ‘almost’ inched into being an actuality.
It was cloudy and warped too, making it difficult to see through. Of what little she could make out of the world around her she could only really determine that it was dark and that she was probably still inside the house. She’d been in the foyer when she’d been frozen but… was she still there or had Vanessa moved her? As a ghost and thus no need for a sense of balance, would she feel it if it got moved?
If she screamed would anyone hear her? Could she scream? She couldn’t open her mouth but as a ghost she shouldn’t need to in order to make sounds. But what if she was frozen so tight she couldn’t even…
Something moved outside of her prison of ice. What it was was impossible to tell other than that it was a big. Probably a good sign though, right? Because Snatcher was big and thus it might be him coming to save her! … Or, it was Vanessa because she was big too.
Hat Kid tried again to do something, anything; move, use magic to melt the ice or even just levitate it or something else. All to no avail. She was trapped.
A few minutes of nothing happened before the large shape outside returned. What little of the outside world she could see past it changed, going from dark interior of a house to purple. Snatcher’s pocket dimension? She was saved?
The ice cracked around her, loud enough to make her flinch. Something she could do again as its cracking had loosened enough to allow her to move again at long, long last. She wriggled and squirmed pushing at it until, finally, it fell away, freeing her.
She shot out of it as soon as she could, putting space between her and it until she felt safe. The cold was gone but, the remembrance of it was enough to have her pulling her arms in she hugged herself as she looked up at Snatcher. He had indeed pulled her into his pocket dimension.
“What the heck were you thinking, kid?” he said as as he glared down at her. “Why would you think going into Vanessa’s manor was a good idea? I’d ask if you have a death wish but you’re already dead so you were clearly just being an idiot.”
Normally when he scolded her she put up a defense. Even when it was deserved she always had proper justification that should’ve eased the scolding a bit. This time though, even if she had justification, she had to admit it hadn’t been enough. As soon as it had occurred to her, she hadn’t given the move any thought whatsoever, just blindly assuming it’d be fine. A very idiot thing to do for sure.
“I’m sorry. Thank you for saving me.”
Snatcher opened his mouth as if to reply but stopped as he squinted down at her suspiciously. “Are you seriously hurt and traumatized or are you just finally admitting I’m right about something without trying to justify yourself for once?”
“Um… the second one.” It had been a bad experience and if left in such a state for long, it would’ve quickly grown far worse, but she was all right now. “You’re right. It was a dumb thing to do and I shouldn’t have.”
“All right, good. Don’t do it again.”
“I won’t.” Not until she was powerful enough to fight back properly. How long would that take though?
“What were you even trying to do?”
“I was gonna pull a prank on her and annoy her for being so horrible. I thought because I was a ghost she wouldn’t be able to see me or do anything to me so I could mess with her as much as I wanted and she’d never be able to do anything about it.”
“Nah, kid, that’s not how these things work. It’s only physical things that can’t hurt us, magic still can.”
“That is obvious in hindsight, huh? Thanks for saving me.”
“Yeah, sure. Don’t make a habit out of getting in trouble just because I came to save you this once.” Trying to imply he wouldn’t come to save her again was futile, they both knew he would. Though, she did intend not to get in such trouble again if she could help it, she’d rather be able to save herself.
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amimuu · 1 year
Silliness won
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figurehater · 1 year
need a tag specifically for htb dadcher posts im in absolute agony /pos
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