elrenphoto · 5 months
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jejuwestbrodcating · 11 months
#5일간의 탐라문화제,제주에 모습을 그려냈다#제주#62회 탐라문화제 #daejeong  #제주 #대정 #army #jejuwestbroadcast
#Five-day Tamna Cultural Festival has drawn images in Jeju#Jeju #62nd Tamna Cultural Festival #daejeong #Jeju #army #jejuwestbroadcast
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mikrokosmcs · 1 year
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-  —Solo  está,  supongo  y  creo,  un  poco  muerto  —para  asegurarse  que  no  fingía,  Daejeong  patea  el  cuerpo  que  hace  un  quejido  inconsciente.
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aettuddae · 8 months
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hold the daerina and daejeong, what if they just share daein together, like... 🧐
i enjoy the proposal of a throuple
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kingdom-creatin · 4 months
pirate boy ocs identity stuff dump, visuals via dd2:
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Haeseom - male but in that complicated way where you've never really been allowed to be a person and weapons don't need genders (he/him, prefers deferential address [Sir, Master, etc.]); aromantic; allosexual; gay
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Daejeong - male in an (only slightly) more well adjusted way (he/him); lithromantic; allosexual; gay
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Frederik - more sea creature than human atp, xenogender (he/Captain); aromantic; asexual
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Daria - the concept of a woman once removed (she/they); alloromantic; grey-ace; bisexual
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Lucian - male (he/him); alloromantic; allosexual; gay
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Mullen - no, xenogender (does not care, most use he, it rarely and more in seal form); aromantic; allosexual; omnisexual
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Tana - yes, and no, and also both, and yes actually, sorry can I just take yours for a moment, no I will not be giving it back, so sorry again it's actually gone (she/he/they); demiromantic; demisexual; queer
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Rozali - butch woman in a limited gender way (she/her); alloromantic; allosexual; lesbian
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Clemens - male (he/him); greyromantic; aegosexual; heterosexual
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Aden - male (he/him); alloromantic; allosexual; bisexual
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daejeongisland · 7 months
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just a random senti hours with daejeong, awh!!
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cinquecolonnemagazine · 9 months
La navigazione autonoma delle navi in condizioni avverse sono realtà?
La crescente diffusione dei veicoli autonomi ha portato a un crescente interesse per lo sviluppo di navi marittime autonome di superficie (MASS) o navigazione autonoma. Un requisito essenziale delle MASS è la capacità di seguire un percorso predeterminato in mare, anche in condizioni avverse. La navigazione autonoma delle navi Tuttavia, gli attuali metodi per valutare le prestazioni di navigazione delle navi autonome si basano su modelli matematici semplificati, che non sono in grado di catturare le complesse interazioni tra lo scafo, l'elica, il timone e i carichi esterni delle navi. Ciò può portare a stime imprecise delle prestazioni della nave e, di conseguenza, a un aumento dei rischi di collisioni o altri incidenti. Un team internazionale di ricercatori ha sviluppato un nuovo metodo per valutare le prestazioni di navigazione delle MASS in condizioni avverse. Il metodo si basa su un modello di fluidodinamica computazionale (CFD) a esecuzione libera, che consente di simulare in modo più accurato le interazioni tra i diversi componenti della nave. Gli esperimenti del team Il team ha condotto una serie di esperimenti simulando diverse condizioni meteorologiche avverse, come vento forte e onde alte. I risultati hanno dimostrato che il nuovo metodo è in grado di fornire stime più precise delle prestazioni della nave rispetto ai metodi tradizionali. Il professor Daejeong Kim, leader del team di ricerca, ha dichiarato: "Il modello proposto basato sulla CFD può fornire un prezioso contributo al miglioramento della sicurezza della navigazione marina autonoma. Inoltre, può anche offrire alternative a basso costo agli esperimenti a corsa libera su scala modello o alle prove in mare su vasta scala". Foto di Christo Anestev da Pixabay Read the full article
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Sviluppato un nuovo sistema di navi a guida autonoma
AGI – Analizzare e migliorare la capacità delle navi a guida autonoma di tenere le rotte prescritte anche in condizioni avverse. Questo l’obiettivo di un nuovo studio, pubblicato sulla rivista “Ocean Engineering“, e realizzato da un team internazionale guidato dal prof. Daejeong Kim della Divisione di studi sulla convergenza della navigazione presso la National Korea Maritime & Ocean…
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gpalfldcovk · 1 year
혜미리예채파 7화 다시 보기 7회 E07 (041723)
혜미리예채파 7화 다시 보기 7회 E07 (041723) <<
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혜미리예채파 7화 다시 보기 7회 E07 (041723)
혜미리예채파 7화 다시 보기 7회 E07 (041723)
혜미리예채파 7화 다시 보기 7회 E07 (041723)
혜미리예채파 7화 다시 보기 7회 E07 (041723)
혜미리예채파 7화 다시 보기 7회 E07 (041723)
At the time of August 1176, the position of Jungjungbu was that of a servant. At that time, each young soldier anonymously set up a room and said that Jeong Jung-bu, his son Jeong-gyun, and his son-in-law Song Yu-in were playing with power and doing tyrannical things. In addition, it was written that in order to attack the men, it would be possible to eliminate them, so Jeong-gyun, the son of Jeong Jung-bu, was afraid to hear this and requested dismissal and did not enter the government for several days.
In September, Yi Ui-bang's visitors, General Lee Yeong-ryeong, Villa Go Deuk-si, and Daejeong Donjang, attempted a conspiracy to assassinate Jeong Joong-bu, but he found out about it, arrested them and exiled them to a distant island. In July 1178, when Gidu Noksang reported that General Jang Bak-in, former general Jo Jon-bu, and others conspired to kill Jeong Joong-bu, they were investigated but found no guilt. Gidu reported that they conspired, but since they were innocent, they were all exiled.
Later, in 1178, Jeong Joong-bu resigned and withdrew from the front line, but Jung-gyun and Song Yu-in, who took over the power, fought for power and corrupt each other, eventually incurring dissatisfaction from the unmanned forces.
And in order to consolidate his power, Jeong Gyun tried to take the princess, the son of King Myeongjong, as his second wife. Song Yoo-in, who became a member of the Imperial Court, aroused great antipathy from the ministers by impeaching Mun-jun Han and Geuk-gyeom Mun, who were the leaders of the court at the time. Above all, it was a fatal blow that Song Yoo-in, who was in charge of relaying Jung Joong-bu and the tattoos, had a gap with Moon Geuk-gyeom and Han Moon-joon, who were representative of the tattoos, and the link with the tattoos was cut off.[18]
At this time, it can be seen that Song Yoo-in inherited more, but not less, authority from his father-in-law, Jeong Joong-bu, if it was more than Jung-gyun. Perhaps Jeong-gyun's attempt to make the princess his wife was a trick to gain more firm power than he could overthrow the brother-in-law. Or, at this time, there is an opinion that Jeong-gyun lost all her power because she was pushed by Song Yoo-in, but it seems not to be the case as she had enough power to play with her court ladies and openly demand even the princess. He had at least enough power to suppress King Myeongjong with contempt.[19]
As a result, in September 1179, the 26-year-old young general Gyeong Dae-seung, who was angry at Jeong Gyun's behavior to marry the princess, formed a death squad and attacked. (Gihae coup) Choi Mu-seon decided to develop gunpowder and gunpowder after seeing the reality that the people of Goryeo were suffering during the Great Waegu era. However, as can be seen from the fact that there was already a fireworks display using firecrackers in Songdo when Choi Mu-seon was a child, he was using gunpowder in Goryeo as well. Considering that Mongolia had already used basic gunpowder weapons during the war against the Song Dynasty, that Goryeo troops actively participated in Mongol's expedition to Japan, and that an explosion similar to gunpowder was recorded in the records of the early Goryeo Dynasty, gunpowder was already known in the time of Choi Mu-seon. It can be seen that it was familiar in Goryeo.
At that time, the main ingredients of black powder were salt vinegar (potassium nitrate), sulfur, and charcoal (charcoal), but salt vinegar was the most problematic part. Needless to say, charcoal is a natural material, and sulfur is a natural material that has been used since ancient times, so it was nothing special, but salt vinegar is not easy to obtain because it is only collected from special soil, and it requires a process of refining with potassium nitrate, so making gunpowder was a really difficult one.[7] In addition, China, which was a major manufacturing country, could not blindly supply gunpowder, the latest weapon, to neighboring countries, and sold only finished gunpowder to neighboring countries by thoroughly treating and hiding the manufacturing method as a state secret. It's a much stricter secret than Moon Ik-jeom's cotton, which was not actually a secret.[8] In the Chinese gunpowder system description, only the ingredients are introduced, but the method is described in a succinct way, saying that all ingredients are properly mixed in appropriate amounts. Moreover, Mongolia, which intentionally tried to weaken Goryeo's military power in exchange for preserving the national body of Goryeo[9], cannot allow Goryeo to develop gunpowder. For this reason, Choi Mu-seon had to thoroughly research the manufacturing method personally.
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yulaielizabeth · 2 years
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Yunho en 🪐 Viene de practicar Los días están muy fríos Dice que ya se viene el regreso Que ahora podrá mostrarnos todas las etapa que preparó Esta esperando a que llegue Espera que nos guste Dice que el 23 (año) es el año de los idol del 99 Trabajará más duro que nadie Da las gracias por estar con él Contó que mañana los chicos estarán todos en IDOL RADIO Que les mostrará lo que es un dj Que los veamos Que los miembros deberían estar un poco nervioso El también lo estará ya que serán muchos Atiny le pidió spoiler pero el dice que no hace. Mucho dio varios (🤔) Mando selfie Atiny le debe de haber preguntado por su pase de la radio Y dice que el mismo lo decoró Dice que no puede mostrar el pase correctamente Pero atiny le dice que ya subieron la foto YH: jajaja QUE!!!! Dice que esperemos las presentaciones de Daejeong por que hay varias etapas especiales. Dice que como van muchas atinys el trabajará duro Que lo esperen😘 YH: Vamos animarnos hasta finales del 2022! Dice que nos ve en sus sueños Y se fue. 🐶 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmuGuPNptp7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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solplparty · 2 years
구만 (qman) (9.10000) - Supercar MV https://youtu.be/A9jy1Nr0AIE 구만 (qman) (9.10000) - Supercar MV 디지털 세상에서 아날로그로 살아남기 구만(9.10000) EP [Analo9ue] 빠르게 흘러가는 일상 속에서 잠깐 여유를 즐기는 순간은 음악을 들으며 가사와 멜로디를 흥얼거릴 때가 아닐까. 터치 한 번에 수많은 노래가 흘러나오고 끝없는 연락에 지쳐가는 세상 속에서 가끔은 쉬어가길 바란다. 디지털로 가득 찬 세상에서 과거를 추억하게 하는 단어 ‘아날로그’. 한 치 앞을 예측할 수 없을 정도로 빠르게 변하는 현대 사회 속에서 과거에 대한 향수를 레트로 싱어송라이터 ‘구만(9.10000)’의 두 번째 EP [Analo9ue]에 담았다. 지금은 어린 시절 꿈꿨던 미래와 다른 현실에 부딪히고 사랑을 비롯해 무엇 하나 내 뜻대로 되는 게 없지만, 행복했던 과거처럼 지금 이 순간도 언젠가는 웃음과 사랑으로 가득 채워 추억하길 바라며… 01. Supercar 어린 시절, 나는 어른이 되면 모두 다 이루어 낼 수 있을 줄 알았다. 하지만 지금 내 모습은 어릴 적 상상했던 모습과는 다르지만 그래도 여전히 꿈을 쫓아가는 나는 행복하다. Let’s Dance! Written by 구만(9.10000) Composed by 구만(9.10000) Arranged by 구만(9.10000) Vocal by 구만(9.10000) Synth by 정하은 HAEUN, 구만(9.10000) Bass by 김호 Kim Ho of Lacuna Guitar by 전해정 Jeon Haejeong Keyboard by 정하은 HAEUN Drums by 문정환 Mun Jeonghwan 02. Sweetheart 사랑에 있어 아픔 없이 진실한 사랑을 할 수 있을까? 때로는 솔직하게 마음을 나누고, 가끔은 작은 일로도 다투며, 자존심을 버리고 눈물을 보이기도 하는 것이 진짜 사랑이 아닐까? 눈물 나게 아픈 거라면 그게 진짜 사랑이라고… Written by 구만(9.10000) Composed by 구만(9.10000) Arranged by 구만(9.10000) Vocal by 구만(9.10000) Synth by 정하은 HAEUN, 구만(9.10000) Bass by 구동욱 Koo Donguk Guitar by 신재환 zzang zae Keyboard by 정하은 HAEUN Drums by 문정환 Mun Jeonghwan 03. 반대로 내 말은 항상 반대로. 긍정하면 부정으로, 부정하면 긍정으로 내 마음과 다르게 흘러가는 현실이 나를 비웃는 것 같다. 나는 머피의 법칙. 너는 샐리의 법칙. Written by 구만(9.10000) Composed by 구만(9.10000) Arranged by 구만(9.10000) Vocal by 구만(9.10000) Bass by 홍비 hongbi Guitar by 신재환 zzang zae Keyboard by 정하은 HAEUN Drums by 문정환 Mun Jeonghwan 04. 충동 제주도 밤바다를 빤히 보다가 너무 예뻐서 마치 네 눈을 바라보는 듯했다. 바다는 나에게 들어오라고 손짓했고 깊이도 가늠하지 못한 채 그저 한발 두발 이끌리듯 빠지고 싶은 충동을 느꼈다. Written by 구만(9.10000) Composed by 구만(9.10000) Arranged by 구만(9.10000) Vocal by 구만(9.10000) Synth by 구만(9.10000) Bass by 구동욱 Koo Donguk Guitar by 전해정 Jeon Haejeong Keyboard by 정하은 HAEUN Drums by 문정환 Mun Jeonghwan 05. 파란만장 언젠가 무언가를 꿈꾸며 달려온 시절이 더 이상 오지 않을 거라 생각했지만, 파란만장했던 날들을 지나 세월이 흘러도 여전히 꿈을 향해 달려가며 그 꿈을 이뤄가고 있는 모두에게 이 곡을 바친다. Written by 구만(9.10000) Composed by 구만(9.10000) Arranged by 구만(9.10000) Vocal by 구만(9.10000) Synth by 구만(9.10000) Bass by 구만(9.10000) Guitar by 신재환 zzang zae Keyboard by 정하은 HAEUN Drums by 문정환 Mun Jeonghwan [ALBUM CREDIT] Produced by 구만(9.10000) All songs written and arranged by 구만(9.10000) Production Support 박태환 Park Taehwan, 박웅 Park Woong, 김호진 Kim Hojin at THE PARK Recorded by 현명은 Hyeon Myeongeun at Retro Mind Studio Mixed by 구만(9.10000) at Retro Mind Studio Mastered by 권남우 Kwon Namwoo at 821 Sound Mastering Artwork by 윤선호 Yoon Sunho Music Video Production by MPMG Creative Photography by 김청아 Kim Cheonga Hair&Make-Up by 최주연 Choi Jooyoun (Lavinu) Styling by 장재희 Jang Jaehee Team qman(9.10000) 최성민 Choi Seongmin 김나희 Kim Nahee 김경환 Kim Kyounghwan 윤선호 Yoon Sunho 조효영 Jo Hyoyoung Executive Producer MPMG MUSIC Management and Publishing by MPMG MUSIC A&R 신동준 Shin Dongjoon 황슬기 Hwang Seulgi 최성민 Choi Seongmin 남윤지 Nahm Yoonji 전한나 Jeon Hannah 유본 Yoo Bon 우서형 Woo Seohyeong 박상후 Park Sanghoo 박은영 Park Eunyeong 엘리 Yelyzaveta Shtanko이지용 Lee Jiyong 김나희 Kim Nahee 박대정 Park Daejeong 신송하 Shin Songha Promotion 서현규 Seo Hyunkyu 박태원 Park Taewon 최규재 Choi Kyujae 조형준 Cho Hyungjoon 장재희 Jang Jaehee 정주환 Jung Juhwan Creative 박태환 Park Taehwan 김경환 Kim Kyounghwan 박웅 Park Woong 최리 Choi Ri 금강산 Geum Gangsan 김호진 Kim Hojin 이연교 Lee Yeongyo 윤선호 Yoon Sunho 조효영 Jo Hyoyoung Supervisor 김상규 Kim Sangkyoo 이종현 Lee Jonghyun Instagram : https://Instagram.com/9.10000official Facebook : https://facebook.com/9.10000official Twitter : https://twitter.com/qman_official Soundcloud : http://soundcloud.com/qman_official TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@9.10000 Kakao Talk : https://open.kakao.com/o/g7ZISI9c MPMG MUSIC is a subsidiary of MPMG Co., Ltd. #구만 #qman #Supercar Stone Music Entertainment
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elrenphoto · 1 year
#벤츠의 신호위반#대형사고#교차로#여성운전자#제주#평화로 덕수1교차로#제주서부방송  #daejeong#army#벤츠
#Bentz's Signal Violation #Large Accident #Intersection #Women's Driver #Jeju #PeaceRoDeoksu1Intersection #JejuWestBroadcast #Daejeong #army #Bentz
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mikrokosmcs · 2 years
parents  &  children  MBTI  #1
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sang  jaeseong  -  istp-a
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sang  daejeong  -  estp-t
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aettuddae · 5 months
we have been fed 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
the minjeong and daein moments made me giggle and kick my feet ngl
it was an update for the daejeongers, indeed
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nextlevelhqs · 2 years
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NOME LEGAL: Lee Haebaragi.
PRONOMES: Ela/dela.
NASCIMENTO: 05/10/2000.
CIDADE NATAL: Ulsan, Coreia do Sul.
POSIÇÃO: Líder da sub-unidade, dançarina, vocalista, rapper do Glittermoon.
DEBUT: 21 de janeiro de 2018.
CONTA: curdledmiilk
FACECLAIM: Choi Yena (solista), idol.
Participação em um single da companhia: Smiley by Yena (15)
Participação em um single da companhia: Smartphone by Yena (15)
DJ em show de rádio por 4 meses: 25 pontos
MC por 6 meses em music show: 25 pontos
Momento viral: Gangsta Yena 13/09/2020 (20)
Kuromi Yena 25/01/2022 (20)
TW: Grande diferenças de idade, gaslighting, dietas extremas, gordofobia, adição a jogos de azar.
Era claro que Eunbi amava Daejeong! Poderia existir uma diferença de idade de mais de 60 anos entre eles, e uma grande distância entre suas classes sociais, mas claro que era amor verdadeiro... Por isso que Eunbi tratou de ter uma filha o mais rápido possível — francamente, era um milagre que aquele mastro ainda levantasse —, assegurando a for... Quer dizer, assegurando uma prova de amor indescritível ao velho Daejeong. 
Haebaragi, como a flor favorita de Eunbi, nasceu no verão e trouxe consigo a certeza de que a mulher não seria destituída do dinheiro do marido quando este finalmente partisse. Ela não era boba, sabia exatamente o jogo que a mãe jogava. Quando Daejeong começou a exibir suspeitos sinais de cegueira, Haebaragi sabia ser obra de sua mãe. Além disso, o fato da mulher contar à filha todos os seus planos ajudava muito nessa certeza. De sua forma torta, Eunbi de fato amava Haebaragi e queria o melhor para ela.
O melhor, na visão de Eunbi, era ter fama e dinheiro. Dessa maneira, arranjou para que a filha desde cedo participasse de concursos de beleza mirim, grupos de dança, aulas de etiqueta, sessões de fotografias, comerciais, dentre outras ações publicitárias que pudessem alavancar sua imagem de alguma forma. No início, Haebaragi até gostava, porque a mãe fazia tudo parecer uma brincadeira. Quando Daejeong começou a ficar senil e seus irmãos mais velhos decidiram interditá-lo para seu próprio bem, a mulher se tornou um pouco mais amarga, e assim a profissão já não mais encantou os olhos de Haebaragi.
No entanto, ela não possuía escolha. A mãe lhe forçava a frequentar aulas de canto e sapateado, e quando exibia uma gordurinha a mais, era forçada àquelas dietas terríveis. Foi por pouco que Haebaragi não desenvolveu nenhum transtorno alimentar ou algo do gênero, mas ela certamente chegou perto disso. Seu vício acabou residindo em outro ponto: jogos de azar.
Quanto mais audições a mãe lhe obrigava a passar por, mais dinheiro Haebaragi apostava na roleta. Em algum momento, ela teve de se mudar de Ulsan para Seul com Eunbi, visto que todos os agiotas e criminosos do local estavam atrás da menina. Foi logo depois que ela recebeu a notícia de ter passado nas audições para o Glittermoon... E quão incrível foi perceber que, no final das contas, o mundo ainda a veria como um pequeno anjo imaculado.
Ethel virou seu “nome de guerra”. Ainda não entendia a razão de terem escolhido ela como líder de uma das subunidades, algumas trainees mais velhas até mesmo se ressentiam, mas ninguém poderia negar o talento de Ethel. Sorrindo diante das câmeras, sempre com a mão de ferro da mão puxando seus cabelos para mantê-la sob controle. Eles mal sabiam quem estava vindo atrás dela...
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daejeongisland · 7 months
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bringing the old rp at daejeong!!
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