#Dale Volker
spockvarietyhour · 2 months
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Stargate Universe "Pathogen"
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aggsh-shs · 2 months
i cannot be the only one who thinks Dale Volker and Adam Brody are fucking
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sassycordy · 1 year
the sgu science trio aka the best trio in the franchise!
audio credits: reveuraudios
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aspergelius · 8 months
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SGU Week Day 5: wildcard
I'm just posting some of my most ridiculous memes here for your enjoyment~
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Mr. Sandman, send me a meme. Make it the dumbest shit I've ever seen.
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Eli gets Rush a Garfield shirt. He refuses to take it off.
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Lisa and Dale watched Terminator last week.
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Pour one out for the Neopets that got abandoned because their owners got stranded on a spaceship.
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"All right, Brody, you can put adding those knife blades to the sides of the shuttlecraft on the back burner. This week, we're making a blender. But like, a cool blender. A blender that could blend a guy."
"A brick."
"Yeah, well, if it can blend a brick, it can blend a guy."
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"Water? You mean like in the toilet?"
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Extra Dip
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I think if they could move past their differences, with their combined imagination and familiarity with the ship's systems, they could generate something truly ludicrous.
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This actually has context but I am not going to give it to you
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judgeverse · 1 year
The Destiny came home five years ago today, but Rush can't bring himself to post on the survivors' Facebook group. Instead, he watches and thinks and regrets. Some musings on the nature of loneliness and letting yourself be left behind. (For SGU Week 2023) - - - Throughout the day, the anniversary messages trickle in, slowly at first, then piling on as more and more people cave to peer pressure. Rush grudgingly turns his laptop back on and leaves the page open in a tab, flitting between different documents and projects, pulled back to the Destiny group every time the browser alert pings in his ears.
Hope you’re all doing well, writes Young. No less, no more. Simple and direct. Rush respects that. There’s no need to call attention to the occasion.
I miss you guys so much! gushes Eli, along with a paragraph updating them all about his new job at a game company, and another year’s worth of empty invitations to get together at the next comics convention. Rush wants to be happy for his success, but there’s a bitter taste in his mouth.
Brody sends a meme about going to outer space. 
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autisticslp · 2 years
I don’t know why this bit cracks me up so much, but it does. Probably because it’s so relatable. 
Brody: We are down to one last everything. There’s practically no redundancy.
Volker: “Practically no redundancy.”
Brody: Wasn’t funny the first three times!
Volker: Well, I’m very tired.
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dailystargatebooty · 8 months
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bagheerita · 1 year
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Adam Brody. Dale Volker. We work here too.
Stargate Universe: "Alliances"
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spockvarietyhour · 3 months
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Stargate Universe "Awakening"
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woodelf68 · 1 year
I can't believe Jouer ses cartes by laurie_ky is finally over. Nine years in the making. 344,039 words. This fic was so hard to read at first (it was written in response to another one where Rush is gang raped by the Lucian Alliance), but the author delivered on her intent to make things better. And the ending nailed it, with a surprise that I did not see coming and all the fluff anyone could wish for.
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anomalousrobot · 1 year
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Whelp.... Adding this nifty little fella to my blorbfolio of sad scientists.
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sassycordy · 2 years
“stargate universe isn’t fun-🔫” i made this edit Just to prove how “stargate” this show is lol
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aspergelius · 8 months
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SGU Week Day 4 (oh are we still doing this): Favorite shi
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Eli and Ginn were precious, and it's criminal that we didn't get more of them. C r i m i n a l . To say nothing of that double-fridging (that they did twice... ffs).
I like to think that Ginn would be all in for going to earth, and she eventually gets her wish after her file is removed from quarantine (with a sweet clone body grown from DNA harvested from her old clothes, which were initially saved to be backup clothing for some of the ladies on board Destiny, but later saved for cloning purposes [yes I'm aware this means her body would have been buried in some state of undress, but it was off camera anyway so it's fiiiiiiiine]).
Y'all say what y'all like about Family Guy, but the cutaways have tons of cultural references (I am frequently "Peter Griffin Explains the Joke when I watch with my husband). My thought is that Eli shows Ginn episodes of Family Guy to teach her about earth, which you can imagine leads to some pretty ridiculous misunderstandings.
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Please do not enjoy this excerpt from The Eli Wallace Guide to Getting a Cute and Smart 3D Girlfriend
A while back, whilst hunting for meme fodder, I found a mean article written back around when SGU was airing. The gist of it was basically that Ginn was too "pretty" for Eli, and that a "schlubby" guy like him didn't deserve to be with someone conventionally attractive. Idk, maybe I'm old, but I think they're around the same level of cuteness. Also, bear in mind that in the past, having some extra weight was considered a sign of wealth and a positive trait. Eli's body type could easily be a selling point for Ginn, who is apparently interested enough in leaving the Space Cartel that she's willing to risk her life for it. To her, Eli is sweet, smart, cute, and her ticket to a life so cushy that luxuries she can't even imagine are considered commonplace. He's the entire package. 🧡
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Look, I'm not creative. This is verbatim from Family Guy, but it's funny as hell, so it's going in the post.
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This is Vital Information, mainly because Eli is definitely dragging her to a comic con at the first opportunity. God, imagine being an alien and going to a con, and it looks no different from that trading post you used to go to every month
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Gotta learn about Halloween, AKA the best holiday! I do wonder what kind of holiday celebrations they might try to have on the Destiny in some hypothetical future where they can get supplies from earth, especially with all those Lucian Alliance members from various other planets. Obviously not something worth showing in a show that was mainly focused on survival, but it's a fun idea for fics.
And yes, at this point, Family Guy is the only TV show Ginn knows, except for the ones they mention on the show.
Please enjoy the references to Mean Girls and Parks & Rec.
Apparently raisins are a universal constant, too, which is good because I love them and will tolerate no raisin-slander on my page
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"Shut up, Eli, you don't have a band." Fr tho "Spaceship Full of Bees" is an awesome band name
This is actually one of the shorter "episodes" I've done, in which Dale gets the bright idea to keep bees on a spaceship. I looked it up, and you can't keep honeybees inside, not even in a greenhouse, because they need more space than that to roam around. Maybe they could genetically engineer some that are suitable for pollinating weird space plants on a starship. No way will that hilariously backfire. Ginn is clearly familiar with the steroid bees, so she will probably think they're normal.
Dale's other idea is to get chickens. Maybe they can get some domestic space quail instead. They're smaller.
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"So after we finished Family Guy, we watched some of The Cleveland Show. Then, when I took her to the zoo, she threw a beer into the bear enclosure, and that's how we both got lifetime bans from The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo."
But yeah imagine learning all this random pop culture info from some raunchy cartoon so you can fit in on an alien planet, but no one bothers telling you that the second-most common pet on that planet can't talk. Good luck to everyone when Ginn meets a parrot...
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hetaczechia · 2 years
Cory: Who took my handcuffs?
Dale: Oh, Volker and I—
Tommy: [elbows him]
Dale: — wouldn’t know
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