#Daliah you ok my dear?
rosehearts-forest · 4 months
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@heropartnerweek for the prompt New teammate
Daliah has the most biggest crush on Rosie. And she would have died for her.
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omgmicheal01me · 6 years
Year 2 student wins battle to get girls on Nutri-Grain cereal boxes
By Lara Lauth Posted November 06, 2018 15:25:06
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Photo: Canberra's Daliah Lee wants to be prime minister when she is an adult. (Supplied: Annabelle Lee) A few months ago, eight-year-old Daliah Lee noticed something she did not like at all something was missing from the back of her Nutri-Grain cereal box: girls. Key points:Kellogg's said in a statement it would include female figures on Nutri-Grain boxes in 2019The company's initial written reply made no mention of changeDaliah said she would wait to see what happened Now, after setting out on a multi-pronged campaign, she has managed to eke out a promise of change from the cereal's parent company, Kellogg's, itself. First, the Canberra Year 2 student wrote them a letter. "Dear Kellogg's This morning I noticed that on the back of the Nutri Grain [sic] box there are only pictures of boys doing something awesome. Why can't girls be on the back?" she wrote. "Can this please stop it's not fair."
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Photo: Daliah Lee says she will not support Nutri-Grain until a changed box appears on shelves. (Supplied: Annabelle Lee) She explained the reasoning behind her passionate stance to RN Drive. "[I was] very disappointed! Because they used to be my favourite cereal brand and now they've backfired," Daliah said. "It matters to me because I want girls and men and boys and women to believe they can do it because they see their kind can do it." Her classmates agreed. "I just told them and someone named Simon was like, 'Go Daliah! Change it! Change it! Change it!'" Daliah said. "I was like, 'OK! OK! You can calm down now'." With help from mum, Annabelle Lee, she also started a petition which has since garnered more than 370 signatures. 'We appreciate your feedback': Kellogg's replies The cereal company's first response to the letter was less than ideal in Daliah's eyes. She said it was "boring" and did not include a plan for change. "We very much appreciate your feedback, and your comments will be forwarded to our product development team," Kellogg's said in the letter.
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Photo: The reply from Kellogg's was not quite what Daliah Lee hoped for. (Supplied: Annabelle Lee) On Friday, Kellogg's said in a statement its Nutri-Grain boxes would feature females next year. "As a company that values diversity and inclusion and, hearing Daliah's passion, we're dedicated to ensuring that the back of pack is regularly updated with imagery of both females and males," the statement said. "The updated packaging will hit shelves again in 2019 and beyond, so that we can continue to inspire all Aussies, no matter their gender." A spokesperson said Kellogg's had featured women on Nutri-Grain packaging in the past and was dedicated to supporting men and women equally. "Like Daliah, we too think girls are more than capable of awesome things, which is why we have been supporting both the Iron Men and Iron Women Series for almost 40 years, a competition that we're proud to say awards women equal prize money to men," the spokesperson said. The spokesperson said Kellogg's was a "proud supporter" of the AFLW and had an Australian leadership team made up of 50 per cent women. Daliah said she would not support the cereal until she could see women on the Nutri-Grain box with her own eyes. She also has some long-term plans for her future: "I'm going to be prime minister!" Topics:food-and-cooking,food-and-beverage,advertising,canberra-2600,act,australia http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-11-06/nutri-grain-box-to-feature-women-after-daliah-lee-protests/10467508
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