#Daly plaza
Sean Astin talks about how SAG-AFTRA came up with their list of proposals for the AMPTP contract at  a combined union rally in Daly Plaza, Chicago. 
Via Chicago Federation of Labor.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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National Take a Walk in the Park Day
When cities are being designed one of the primary things they ensure  to make space for is city parks. From small parks the size of just a  couple of blocks to large ones that cover acres of land, city planners  know the importance of providing green areas for people to go.
National Take a Walk in the Park Day celebrates these small  excursions and the differences they can make to our mental, physical,  and emotional health.
History of National Take a Walk in the Park Day
This day was founded to help people reconnect with the wilder spaces  within our civilized world. Thousands of people all over the country  walk in local parks, exploring the wildlife and beauty of the natural  world around them.
During these walks many opt to bring cameras so they can take  pictures of the beauty they find, others opt to bring a book and enjoy  the peace of the natural space. Jogging, playing games, drawing pictures  from nature, all of these are things people do when they go out and  enjoy time in the park.
Getting out into nature has been proven to have a number of  therapeutic effects on those who take the time to do it. Their stress  levels go down, their heart and mind feel refreshed, their creativity  gets inspired, and they become more productive at work. All of this  doesn’t even include the physical health benefits they get from walking  in the park.
Keeping our bodies in motion and remaining active are important parts  of our long term health. Daily walks help keep joints healthy, our  muscles limber, and our hearts beating steadily. Every day you walk  walking gets to be just a little bit easier and you’ll find yourself  less tired than the day before. National Take a Walk in the Park Day  encourages you to get out and do that, every day of the year.
How To Celebrate National Take a Walk in the Park Day
Celebrating this holiday is as simple as doing what it says on the  tin, go take a walk in the park! Everyday people take walks as an easy  way to get exercise and reconnect with nature, and that’s been proven to  have a positive effect on our sense of well-being.
Taking a walk can relieve stress, ease worries, and otherwise make  every day just a little bit better. If you’re lucky enough to have  multiple parks in your area, why not try a new one every day! While  you’re at it, bring a friend!
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Article from Mail about Andrew Wincott in Colombia (scroll down to read the article)
Coming soon to The Archers...Adam Macy's cocoa farm in Colombia!
written by Andrew Wincott for Mail on Sunday Travel (31 March 2014)
Radio star Andrew Wincott is bewitched and bedazzled by a historic and colorful corner of South America
Oh dear! Really? Are you quite sure?' Such were the reactions of various acquaintances to my announcement that I was planning a trip to Colombia.
The fact that I have friends in Bogota didn't assuage their anxieties. And now even I started to imagine scenarios in which, having been kidnapped by some paramilitary renegades, I could possibly negotiate some sort of communication line down which I could record scenes for The Archers from my cell in Bogota. Perhaps Adam could have been on a trip researching cocoa farming, I reflected, and found himself deludedly diverted towards coca instead.
Such is the curious blurring between fiction and reality in The Archers that stranger things have happened.
Bogota is a dynamic city with a chaotic character all its own. At 8,500ft above sea level you would think the head-rush would be mandatory. The rush is all in the traffic: buses veer, bikes swerve, taxis vie for fares across choked lanes.
But in the tranquil historic neighbourhood of La Candelaria you escape to the city's Spanish colonial past. Amid the teeming hordes of students, travellers and local Bogotanos, the gold exhibits of the Museo D'Oro, such as the pre-Colombian gold raft sculpture from the Muisca era, are dazzling.
Alternatively one can enjoy the whimsical wit of Colombia's most famous artist, Botero. His porcine figures are found in a museum named after him and built around a charming 18th Century courtyard. Also housed here is part of Botero's personal art collection, including works by Monet, Renoir, Chagall, Miro, and Dali.
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Taking in the view: Andrew at the Iglesia de Monserrate overlooking Bogota.
In the nearby Plaza de Bolivar I saw a llama sauntering by - they are used to give rides to giggling tourists. On one corner stands the Museo de la Independencia, housing artefacts and exhibits that fascinatingly illustrate the story of the 1810 Revolution: how the fight for independence began and how, some might contend, it is still being fought today.
Looking up from the plaza - high in the mountains to the east - you see the Iglesia de Monserrate, which is accessible within minutes by cable car. Here you find a sanctuary of tranquillity and spirituality, as though one has risen above the city while its secular urban unreality sprawls magnificently but chaotically across the plateau below.
If the tumult of Bogota becomes too much, a mere hour away lies Zipaquira and its cathedral, one of the most startling buildings in the world. With ingenuity, vision and audacity, a cavernous expanse 600ft below ground has been carved from a salt mine to form a space for worship.
Such is the combination of iconography, natural forms, colours, and carvings that you feel you're in a sodium-chloride art installation.
It's extraordinary to imagine that on Sundays and holy days 3,000 people come here to worship.
At Guatavita, the legend of El Dorado resonates from the pre-Colombian past. Cradled by crater walls is the lake on to which the Muisca tribe rowed their new cacique (king) on a raft before ritually immersing him, naked and covered in gold dust. In further homage, thousands of gold offerings were thrown into the lake by members of the tribe surrounding the shores.
Across the mountains, through the valleys, past polytunnels (Adam would have been pleased to note) the poncho - or ruana - wearing farmers tend the fields, ride horseback or stroll as though time has stopped. Being on the road is an experience in itself. Away from Bogota, down from the plateau and the temperate high ground, the temperature rises.
Roadside grills offer chorizos, chicken and cold beers to slake the thirst. Dogs slumber, sheltering in doorways to escape the heat while cats watch from the shadows.
If it's history you crave, about 90 miles from Bogota, in the Andes near Tunja, there is a tiny bridge over the Teatinos River, marking the site where the Battle of Boyaca was fought.
Here in August 1819 a decisive victory was won against the Spanish in the war for independence - with the help of the British - an event marked by imposing monuments to the generals Bolívar and Santander.
Soon you reach the white-washed walls, red-tiled roofs and cobblestone streets of Villa de Leyva, a preserved colonial town which, since 1954, has been a national monument.
The 17th Century architecture, featuring cool arcaded courtyards, fountains, and flower-festooned columns, is unspoilt. Dancing in the square and drinking aguardiente in the bars around here seem like timeless nocturnal pursuits.
Further afield, an hour's flight from Bogota on the shores of the Caribbean, lies the Unesco World Heritage site of Cartagena, a beautifully restored jewel of a walled Spanish city with perhaps the most impressive fortifications in Latin America, the Castillo de San Felipe de Barajas.
The stature of the walls and the tunnels beneath help the visitor understand why it was virtually impossible to defeat the Spanish here, and why they stayed until the 19th Century.
At night the sun-drenched Plaza de la Santisima Trinidad is transformed into a natural theatre. All life is here. Children race, dogs strut like horses, folk reflect and ruminate.
Locals and travellers mix over a beer bought from the shop across the square and a hot dog from a stand.
If you fancy a cocktail, perhaps a cuba libre, you can try to wake the old girl slumbering behind her stall to mix one.
Colombia is a country that defies expectations. It will bewitch and bedazzle you. The countryside is timeless and you'll find pure pleasure in the tranquillity and variety of the landscape and the charm of its people. If you're looking to escape from the greyness of the commonplace, the warmth, colour and natural beauty of Colombia elevate it to the dimension of another world. I shall certainly be going back.
Maybe that cocoa farm of Adam's wasn't such a bad idea after all.
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apureniallsource · 1 year
todayshow: With @NiallOfficial on the plaza this morning creating a little ‘The Voice’ reunion with Carson Daly, it was only right to have @BlakeShelton send a sweet message for his fellow coach. 🥹🧡
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simplekyle · 1 year
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🚩大里藝術廣場Dali Art Plaza🚩 陽光下的天空 我喜歡擁抱著你 感受著你的溫度與氣息 摩艾🗿 據說有祈求好運風調雨順 祝福生命生生不息的意思 這裡很適合簡單的親子行程 有很多裝置藝術🎨可以拍 摩艾是在大樓的樓頂 我們再找廁所的時候 誤打誤撞找到的 這裡總是能轉角遇到驚喜 地下室還有美食街和付費遊樂園 大家也一起玩玩吧!🥰🥰🥰 #大里藝術廣場DaliArtPlaza #裝置藝術 #摩艾 #台中景點 (在 大里藝術廣場 Dali Art Plaza) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqaVWEoLuiT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thecorsetcollection · 2 years
dvd collection j-z
Jabberwocky dir. Terry Gilliam Jackass the Movie dir. Jeff Tremaine Jackass Number Two dir. Jeff Tremaine Jack Ketchum’s The Girl Next Door dir. Gregory M. Wilson Jenifer dir. Dario Argento Jennifer’s Body dir. Karyn Kusama Joe Dirt dir. Dennie Gordon Joshua dir. Travis Betz Ju-On dir. Takashi Shimizu Ju-On 2 dir. Takashi Shimizu Kids dir. Larry Clark The Killer dir. John Woo Labyrinth dir. Jim Henson Lady Vengeance dir. Park Chan-Wook La La Land dir. Damien Chazelle Lake Mungo dir. Joel Anderson The Last House on the Left dir. Wes Craven Let the Right One In dir. Tomas Alfredson Lost Highway dir. David Lynch Lovely Molly dir. Eduardo Sanchez Machine Girl dir. Noboru Iguchi Magnolia dir. Paul Thomas Anderson Man With a Movie Camera dir. Dziga Vertov Martyrs dir. Pascal Laugier Melancholia dir. Lars Von Trier Metropolis dir. Rintaro Mirrormask dir. Dave McKean Mister Lonely dir. Harmony Korine Muppets From Space dir. Tim Hill The Muppets Take Manhattan dir. Frank Oz Moonrise Kingdom dir. Wes Anderson Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind dir. Hayao Miyazaki The Neon Demon dir. Nicolas Winding Refn Oddsac dir. Danny Perez Oedipus Rex dir. Pier Paolo Pasolini One Hour Photo dir. Mark Romanek Otis dir. Tony Krantz Pan's Labyrinth dir. Guillermo del Toro Paprika dir. Satoshi Kon Pi dir. Darren Aranofsky The Place Beyond the Pines dir. Derek Cianfrance Pulse dir. Kiyoshi Kurosawa Ran dir. Akira Kurosawa Rec dir. Jaume Balaguero & Paco Plaza Rec 2 dir. Jaume Balaguero & Paco Plaza Rec 3 dir. Paco Plaza Rushmore dir. Wes Anderson Saw dir. James Wan Shin Godzilla dir. Hideaki Anno Silk dir. Chao-Pin Su Slashers dir. Maurice Devereaux Sophie’s Choice dir. Alan J. Pakula Spirited Away dir. Hayao Miyazaki Spun dir. Jonas Akerlund The Straight Movie dir. David Lynch Suicide Club dir. Sion Sono Sunset Boulevard dir. Billy Wilder Suspiria dir. Dario Argento Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance dir. Park Chan-Wook Synecdoche, New York dir. Charlie Kaufman A Tale of Two Sisters dir. Kim Jee-Woon The Texas Chain Saw Massacre dir. Tobe Hooper Threads dir. Mick Jackson Time Bandits dir. Terry Gilliam Timecrimes dir. Nacho Vigalondo Tokyo Gore Police dir. Yoshihiro Nishimura Tourist Trap dir. David Schmoeller The Tree of Life dir. Terrence Malick Umbilical World dir. David Firth Unborn but Forgotten dir. Im Chang-Jae Un Chien Andalou dir. Luis Bunuel & Salvador Dali The Untold Story dir. Herman Yau Urotsukidoji: Legend of the Overfiend dir. Hideki Takayama Versus dir. Ryuhei Kitamura Videodrome dir. David Cronenberg The VVitch dir. Robert Eggers Wassup Rockers dir. Larry Clark Where the Dead Go to Die dir. Jimmy Screamerclauz Whiplash dir. Damien Chazelle The White Ribbon dir. Michael Haneke The Wind Rises dir. Hayao Miyazaki Wolf Children dir. Mamoru Hosoda The Work of Director Chris Cunningham The Wrestler dir. Darren Aranofsky Y Tu Mama Tambien dir. Alfonso Cuaron A Zed and Two Noughts dir. Peter Greenway
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danielpoussart · 2 years
The best amenities at which Disney parks
Around Disney World, some other resorts and hotels offer extras comparable to those found at Disney hotels. These include the Coronado Springs Resort and the Swan Reserve. Some of these, however, are not Disney-owned and might not provide the facilities found at Disney resorts.
The Old Key West resort is a sizable, spacious resort with easy access to all necessary amenities. The Hospitality House is nearest to all the amenities. Therefore, it is ideal to stay close by. The bus, which makes a 20-minute loop around the resort, is another option for visitors.
The hotel has four swimming pools: the main pool, the kids' pool, the sauna, and the hot tub. The main pool is the only pool with lifeguards on duty and a slide. In addition, turtle Pond Road features a second pool, playground, and snack bar. Between buildings 19 and 20, there are also two recreational swimming pools. Open from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm, the pools are.
The northern Mexican and Spanish traditions are the basis for Disney World's Coronado Springs Resort. There are plazas, courtyards, and residences in the pueblo style throughout the resort. The Gran Destino Tower, Moorish lamps, Spanish tiles, and Salvador Dali-inspired design elements are all present.
The resort contains a spa, a salon, and a gift shop where you can buy Disney-related goods and food. The resort also offers daycare options and a meeting centre. You can use the dry cleaning and washing services if you change your clothes. Additionally, the resort offers self-parking for $20 per night.
Coronado Springs has excellent landscaping. The Gran Destino Tower, a new tower hotel, has recently been added as part of a recent renovation. However, the tower is the only budget hotel with inside rooms. The additional lodging options at Coronado Springs are scattered throughout the lake's communities. These are less expensive than the accommodations in Coronado Springs.
The hotel offers a range of room sizes, including villas with one, two, and three bedrooms. These rooms come with balconies and kitchenettes in them. Some of the rooms have several conveniences for families and queen-sized sofabeds. Old Key West is a favourite choice for Disney holidays, and you can count on a good night's sleep there.
The Pop Century Resort offers something for everyone, whether you are a frequent visitor to Disney parks or a first-timer. The wacky motif of the hotel extends to the pools and entertaining features. For instance, the Hippy Dippy Pool, which features water jets in the shape of daisies, is influenced by 1960s flower power. Another feature is a foosball court that is life-size. At the Pop Century resort, there are three themed swimming pools.
Pop Century was built in 2003 and just underwent a significant renovation. While some rooms feature one king bed, some offer two queen beds. Some of the rooms even have a coffee maker. In addition, some rooms have a refrigerator and a hair dryer, while others don't.
The resort's on-site pool is also open to guests, and it comes with lounge chairs and a fire pit. The pool is a tranquil retreat from the Magic Kingdom, next to a restaurant and pool bar. The Swan and Dolphin, which also has a beach and cave, is only a five-minute stroll from the hotel. There is a ton of entertainment and party music available at the Swan and Dolphin.
The Kilimanjaro Club and luxury rooms are only a few abundant lodging options available at the Animal Kingdom in Disney park. The latter provides more amenities and more individualized care. Seventy rooms make up the concierge-level club known as The Kilimanjaro Club. Kilimanjaro Club rooms provide more bedrooms, space, and separate check-in areas than regular Animal Kingdom Jambo hotel rooms.
There are numerous amenities in the Swan Reserve at Disney parks that are unmatched. Departing at the Transportation and Ticket Center, travellers can enjoy complimentary theme park parking and transportation aboard Disney buses. The Swan's visitors can enter theme parks first. Additionally, theme park tickets are available at the Swan for its guests.
Many of the animals that wander the Savanna throughout the day can be seen by guests staying at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. Additionally, many of these rooms include many trees and lovely vegetation.
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cewritten23 · 4 months
- This art movement began in 1910 and ended in 1920
-Movement was pioneered by Giorgio de Chirico when he was inspired by the experiences we have when we feel that we have moved away from time and our awareness of our surroundings becomes blurred, (daydreaming?).
-co-pioneered also by Carlo Carra as they worked together on this new style of painting.
-These painting aimed to depicted realistic imagery of contemporary settings with unusual juxtaposed iconography.
-These paintings allow the viewer to feel as though they are entering a dream.
- Metaphysical was not widespread to begin with due to Europe recovering from the horrors of World War I.
-These styles of works conveyed feelings of isolation and haunting mysteries.
-Fantasy world like paintings created by the imaginations of artists.
- Avant-garde movement in the early 20th century opposed the metaphysical art movement.
- subject matters consisted mainly of statues, mannequins, fish, mirrors, as well as geometrical shapes.
-a sense of ambiguity was created due to the feeling of escaping from reality and allowing yourself to see objects in ways absent of preconceived meaning.
- “paintings that which could not be seen”- Chirico.
-allusion that rests below the surface of the conscious mind.
-The metaphysical art movement influenced the Interwar Classicism movement.
Key Artists:
-Giorgio de Chirico
-Carlo Carra
-Giorgio Morandi
Concepts and Styles:
-De Chirico used many everyday objects such as; fish, statues, mannequins, mirrors, and architectural elements through juxtaposition in order to evoke feelings of ambiguity and uncertainty.
-many took inspiration from De Chirico’s iconography and began juxtaposing similar geometric forms within their paintings.
-Guillaume Apollinaire created metaphysical portraiture that was made up of juxtaposed objects that had psychological aspects as well as strange associations.
-metaphysical landscape paintings drew attention to Italian plazas and architecture. Many of these works depicted; modern elements, trains, factory smoke, high rise buildings seen through a window.
- the landscape works created an airy modern atmosphere, surrealist appearance and a sense of ambiguity.
After Metaphysical works:
-early 1920s in Italy Morandi, Carra and Sironi no longer made metaphysical artwork due to the popularity of the realism within the Novecento Italiano movement. Chirico moved to Paris and was influenced by classical masters and focused on realism to influence his work.
- De Chirico influenced surrealist artists Andre Breton, Max Ernst, Yves Tanguy, Rene Magritte, and Salvador Dali.
-Breton tried to encourage artists to continue or return to metaphysical work, as a result De Chirico at times returned to include elements of the metaphysical style within his works.
-De Chirico also influenced artist, George Grosz of the New Objectivity and Oskar Schlemmer of the Bauhaus. The were heavily influenced by Chirico’s mannequin imagery.
-metaphysical paintings influenced Italian architecture during the time between two world wars.
-Metaphysical influenced other art movements such as; Lettrism, Situationism, and Pop Art.
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1917, Great Metaphysical Interior by Giorgio de Chirico.
How does this relate to my work?:
When painting my sinister characters I use my imagination or images I have seen when sleeping in order to create the faces of my sinister characters. It is as though I am entering my own pitch black world where I can see these face formulate in front of me. Once they have formulated enough in my head I automatically convey their imagery onto the canvas, not thinking too much about what they will look like. I almost allow the medium and my hand to do their own thing. My works have been more refined and soft in shape much like some of the shapes within surrealist and metaphysical paintings, however, I have been experimenting with a new technique that allows automatism to surface allowing my to have less control on the overall outcome of my paintings. There is a certain feelings of haunting, and discomforting ambiguity within my paintings much like many works seen within the metaphysical art movement. These images in my head are other worldly, I do not see them in my everyday life unless I force it in order to create my paintings. They are not images that the people around my can see unless the engage with my art.
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modamugenipl · 4 months
W jakich sandałkach na szpilce kobieta będzie wyglądać stylowo?
Słońce płonęło na brukowanych trasach Kartageny, rzucając złoty odcień na tętniące życiem miasto. Alta Hernandez, uderzająco piękna Hiszpanka o rozwianych blond włosach, szła ze swoim mężem, Javierem.
Jako jeden z najbardziej znanych piłkarzy młodego pokolenia, Javier zwracał uwagę na siebie gdziekolwiek się pojawilł. Cy to sam, czy z Altą Hernandez. Oboje mieli tydzień wolnego, on od treningów, dlatego że nabawił się drobnego urazu żeber przy starciu z bramkarzem. Ona miała wolne od sesji zdjęciowych, pokazów mody i innych zajęć. Postanowili się wybrać na wycieczkę swoim nowym sportowym Ferrari. Zaparkowali samochód w jednym z garaży podziemnych i poszli na spacer.
Szli swobodnie po mieście nikt jeszcze ich nie rozponał byli z tego bardzo zadowolenie. Jeśli taki sam spacer zrobiliby sobie po Madrycie. Kibice i papracji nie dali by im tak łatwo przejść. Calle Jabonerías była wąską klasycznie wyglądającą ulicą hiszpańską nie wyróniającą się niczym od innych ulic. Było gorąco ponad trzydzieści stopni w cieniu, żar lał się z nieba. Kierowali sie do Plaza de España, aby ostatecznie gdzieś usiąść i wypić sok wyciskany z cytryny z lodem. Alta Hernandez już zapowiedziała, że dziś zapomina od diecie i zje największy puchar owocowych lodów.
Ich ubrania wyglądały na bardzo drogie mieli na sobie kilkanaście tysięcy euro. Jej czarną mini, chodź wyglądała bardzo skromnie prawdopodobnie jakbyś spojżeli na metkę mogli byś dowiedzieć się ,zę ten kawałek materiały kostował od dwóch do czterech tysięcy euro. Sukienka odkrywała jej plecy, ramiona od połowy jak rękawy zakrywały jej ręce, aż do nadgarstków. Była to bardzo finezyjne alegancka i awanfardowa stylizacja. Wybrała taką kreację dlatego, że dzień wcześniej zbyt mocno się opaliła na plaży w niedaleko Valencji. Kiedy skęcili w Calle Santa Florentina usłyszeli, bardzo dziwny dźwięk dzwoniącego telefonu.
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ehauto · 7 months
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crristinaa-level6 · 8 months
Specialist practice: Research
Not all Spaniards are native speakers of (Castilian) “Spanish” There are 4 official languages in Spain Castilian, catalan, basque and Galician. There are 3 unofficial  regional languages like Asturian, Arogonese, and Aranese and several more dialects 
The Spanish people have a completely different life rhythm from other Europeans. They typically have lunch 1and 3 pm and dinner around 10 pm
Spanish culture greatly influenced modern art from the late 1800s with artists like Antoni Gaudi (Art Nouveau) Pablo Picasso ( expressionism, cubism, surrealism) Joan Miro (Surrealism) and Salvador Dali (Surrealism)
Flamenco is not actually a dance; it is a musical style, which sometimes has dancing in it 
58 million tourists go to Spain every year, making it the fourth most visited country in the world 
Spain is renowned for its lively festivals, including San Fermin (running of the bulls) in Pamplona and the Tomatina (tomato battle) in Bruñol
More than 150,000 tomatoes  are usually thrown at La Tommatina 
The official name of the Spain is the Kingdom of Spain 
The national anthem of Spain has no words 
There are no laws about public nudity in Spain
43% of the world’s olive oil production is done in Spain 
From 2008 to 2013 sSpainnation football team was named FIFA Team of the Year 
Spain is one of the only eight national teams to be crowned FIFA World Cup champions (2010)
The tooth fairy is amere rodent in Spain referred to as Ratoncito Perez 
Breaks, free time and siestas are a huge part of everyday Spanish culture 
Spain was the world’s third most popular tourist destination in 2013 
Don Quixote, the famous book written by Spanish author Miguel De Cervantes in 1605, was voted the “most meaningful book of all the time” in 2002 by a panel of 100 top authors 
Traditionally, you have 2 surnames in Spain - the first surname from your father and the second from your mum
Spaniards celebrated the New Year by eating one grape with their family for each bell strike of the clock 
The quill pen is thought to have originated in Spain  about 1400 years ago
The Spanish often use gestures with, or to substitute for words. Flicking the teeth with the thumbnail, wiggling fingers from the nose and grabbing the left arm with the right while making a left-handed fist are all thought to be offensive 
There are fewer marriages in Spain than in any other EU country except Sweden
The divorce rate in Spain is 17% 
Madrid is in the physical centre of the country and the Plaza Puerta Del Sol is the exact centre of the country 
Spain has the social highest number of bars per inhabitants 
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travelingjoe · 1 year
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Gijon to Aviles Spain, May 2023 — Day 39. With Elizabeth and I still feeling a bit tender, we opted for the bus and Chris hoofed it alone again today. At times like this the GPS locator is so cool as I could see him making progress . Yes it’s a little stalkerish, but as his wife, it’s allowed. Meanwhile Elizabeth and I explored the town. Bob Dylan was giving a free concert in the plaza believe it or not (not). But the guy sounded got as we sipped our cava. It’s a really pretty down and much bigger than we expected. Chris arrived just in time for Menu El Dai which stuffed us to the gills. Took in a Dali exhibit at the very groovy cultural center. Total miles hiked for the trail today — 16 miles (Chris only)
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ivanreycristo · 1 year
..VIRGINIA MAESTRO..si a esto de INXS conmigo en sala DIVINO AQUALUNG el 14_6_93 con JUAN PABLO II en EL ROCIO y el día siguiente CONSAGRANDO la CATEDRAL DE LA ALMUDENA en MADRID, le sumamos q el día 16_6_93 vi a HEROES DEL SILENCIO en el incendiado y reconstruido pabellón de plaza SALVADOR DALI en MADRID [el último en actuar fue MANOLO GARCIA de EL ULTIMO DE LA FILA q presentaba cd NUNCA EL TIEMPO ES PERDIDO con una asiática en portada y que luego lanzó cd SALDREMOS A LA LLUVIA] ..en su gira EL CAMINO DEL EXCESO q alterno Fechas en ESPAÑA Y ALEMANIA [donde empezó en BERLIN con una rueda de prensa donde BUNBURY=1er grupo APOCALIPSIS.. atacó a la MONARQUIA y la DEMOCRACIA para un mes después en medio de la gira ser llamado a rendir PLEITESIA al entonces Príncipe FELIPE en el Palacio de la ZARZUELA=género musical madrileño..]..q fue grabado en video como EL RUIDO Y LA FURIA [=novela americana] y relanzado en DVD junto al concierto DE DESPEDIDA o gira PARA_SIEMPRE a la ribera del río MANZANA+eRES o sala LA RIVIERA q empezo con IBERIA SUMERGIDA y RUEDA FORTUNA [cuya versión alternativa se titula MEDICINA HUMEDA]..creo q es para TENER Papel HIGIENICO DOBLE CAPA A MANO jaja
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1skullmonkey · 1 year
My Chemical Romance - New Years Eve With Carson Daly Rockefeller Plaza 0...
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htca1 · 2 years
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El estudio BIG, fundado por Bjarke Ingels en 2005, es uno de los más vanguardistas en la definición de escenarios y horizontes urbanos. Involucrado en numerosos proyectos en todo el mundo, los trabajos de BIG están unidos por una mirada visionaria y la búsqueda de teorías innovadoras sobre la sociedad contemporánea y sus formas de vida. En sus dos oficinas de Copenhague y Nueva York, reúne a profesionales de todo el mundo con el objetivo de fomentar el intercambio cultural como fuente de enriquecimiento del diseño.
Las competencias del grupo abarcan desde la arquitectura hasta el diseño, pasando por el desarrollo de conceptos y la ingeniería. El estudio apuesta por la exploración de nuevos campos limítrofes con la arquitectura, para estimular la investigación y construir diferentes perspectivas sobre las ciudades que viviremos en los próximos años. Las tecnologías de representación digital no son el objetivo, sino un medio para representar estas perspectivas. La sociedad, la economía y la ecología son los temas más cercanos al corazón de Bjarke Ingels y su equipo y que abordan cada uno de sus proyectos.
Su carrera comenzó trabajando en el estudio OMA de Rem Koolhaas, y en 2001 cofundó PLOT (Julien De Smedt y Bjarke Ingels). Desde el punto de vista académico, fue profesor visitante en la Escuela de Arquitectura y la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Rice y profesor visitante en la Universidad de Harvard. En 2004 recibió el León de Oro de la Bienal de Venecia por la Casa de Conciertos de Stavanger y al año siguiente ganó el premio Forum AID por las Casas VM. El complejo residencial The Mountain, que dio fama mundial a Bjarke Ingels, ha recibido numerosos galardones, entre ellos el Premio a la Vivienda del Festival Mundial de Arquitectura.
Diseñado por BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group y el arquitecto ejecutivo LEO A DALY, el edificio The Heights se abre como una cascada de terrazas verdes que se ramifican a partir de un eje central, satisfaciendo las necesidades académicas de los dos programas escolares del condado de Arlington y formando al mismo tiempo una comunidad vertical dentro de su denso contexto urbano, en Virginia, Estados Unidos. Situado en un emplazamiento urbano compacto delimitado por carreteras en tres lados y una parte del parque Rosslyn Highlands, The Heights está concebido como una pila rectangular de cinco plantas que gira en torno a un punto de giro fijo, manteniendo el sentido de comunidad y la eficiencia espacial de una escuela de una sola planta.
Los arquitectos propusieron un esquema que consiste en cinco filas rectilíneas de aulas de doble carga, cuatro de las cuales se abren en abanico acrobáticamente desde la esquina noreste sobre una base alargada que alberga aulas y espacios comunes como el atrio y la cafetería, así como oficinas administrativas. Utilizado como sistema de cubierta, el delgado ladrillo blanco cubre con nitidez las paredes y los plafones, que terminan en esquinas salientes. El uso de esta técnica también reduce el peso del material y minimiza el acero necesario para los espacios en voladizo y las paredes de cristal.
En la entrada principal del bulevar Wilson, los estudiantes entran en este llamativo complejo y encuentran un gran atrio de tres plantas. En el interior, los escalones y las escaleras ascienden hasta la biblioteca en la segunda planta, en la esquina suroeste; si se camina hacia el norte, en la parte posterior del atrio, se ve otro triángulo de escalones y escaleras que descienden hasta el gimnasio en una planta inferior que está en su mayor parte por debajo del nivel del suelo.
Si uno se sitúa en un punto de este espacio público principal, puede ver a los estudiantes caminando, sentados o incluso jugando al baloncesto en el gimnasio. También puede ver la biblioteca revestida de madera contrachapada. En la planta baja, junto al gimnasio, hay un auditorio de 400 plazas con diversos espacios de apoyo a las artes escénicas. En las proximidades hay salas de fisioterapia. En los niveles superiores, cada una de las cuatro aulas se separa de la de arriba, lo que permite a los arquitectos convertir los tejados en terrazas ajardinadas para reuniones al aire libre. Las dos escaleras principales, una que serpentea desde las terrazas exteriores hacia el interior, y la otra con una fuerte pendiente hacia las aulas, son de hormigón prefabricado, cada una de ellas soportada por una estructura de acero. Cada pasillo de las aulas es memorable, gracias a la vibrante combinación de colores (amarillo, naranja, rojo, morado y azul). Las aulas, con capacidad para entre 18 y 24 alumnos cada una, son sencillas, aunque muchas se abren a terrazas en la azotea.
La parte volumétrica parece sencilla, pero las barras en voladizo de las aulas y el peso del suelo para las plantas de las terrazas requerían una estructura compleja. Las estructuras de acero soportan losas de hormigón sobre cubiertas metálicas; las cerchas de acero situadas detrás del parapeto exterior de ladrillo transfieren las cargas a través de columnas verticales y miembros diagonales desde cada barra del aula a la de abajo.
La colaboración entre BIG y Leo A Daly dio como resultado un edificio de 180.000 metros cuadrados por algo más de 100 millones de dólares (incluyendo la planta, los acabados y el equipamiento), es decir, algo más de 550 dólares por metro cuadrado. El edificio, bautizado como Heights Building por su verticalidad, sensación de apertura y permeabilidad, abarca el barrio, el aire libre y una variedad de programas.
https://archello.com/project/the-heights-building, 25 octubre 2022
https://www.archdaily.com/927336/the-heights-building-big/5db73e2b3312fd7c7e000011-the-heights-building-big-diagram?ad_medium=widget&ad_name=navigation-prev, 25 octubre 2022
https://www.metalocus.es/en/news/landscapes-learn-heights-heights-building-big, 25 octubre 2022
https://big.dk/#projects, 25 octubre 2022
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sanjosenewshq · 2 years
John Madden Soccer Heart works for Cal Poly Soccer
Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo soccer program revealed plans Saturday evening for the John Madden Soccer Heart, named after its most well-known alumni who grew to become an expert soccer corridor of fame coach with Raiders and Emmy-winning broadcaster. Saying the $30 million, 30,000-square-foot challenge on the first half of Cal Poly’s Saturday evening sport towards Sacramento State have been Madden’s spouse Virginia, their sons Mike and Joe and grandson Jack, a Cal Polly nutritionist. Previous to his passing final December on the age of 85, Madden labored extensively with Cal Poly president Jeff Armstrong and soccer coach Beau Baldwin to color the staff’s new headquarters, which will probably be constructed exterior the South Finish District at Alex J Spanos Stadium. Madden, who grew up in Daly Metropolis, performed soccer and baseball at Cal Poly within the late Nineteen Fifties. John Madden performed each offense and protection for Cal Poly at San Luis Obispo. “We’re sure John Madden Soccer Heart will probably be a transformative facility that raises the bar for each facet of Mustang soccer,” Mike Madden stated in an announcement through Cal Poly. “Will probably be a central residence for the whole soccer group – a state-of-the-art facility for present and future Mustangs, designed to develop their bodily and psychological expertise and supply a spot to assemble with teammates to check or loosen up. Moreover, it is going to present coaches with common interplay with present Mustangs, whereas additionally being an attraction to assist in recruiting the perfect gamers of the longer term. It’s going to embrace a locker room, power and conditioning amenities, a feeding heart, lounge, places of work, coaching rooms, a champions corridor and a 125-player staff assembly theater. “Cal Poly Athletics, and particularly the soccer program, is Cal Poly’s entrance porch. Investing in a program the place alumni and the local people will be happy with their accomplishments will result in deeper engagement and gas delight that gives alumni with extra causes to return to Cal Poly,” Armstrong stated. Our plans for the power, Coach Madden centered at the start on the well being, well-being and total expertise of soccer gamers. This will probably be a facility for our student-athletes, designed and deliberate by the perfect coaches.” Broadcaster and former Oakland Raiders coach John Madden poses together with his bust after being honored on the Skilled Soccer Corridor of Fame on Saturday, August 5, 2006, in Canton, Ohio. (AP Picture/Mark Duncan) The Madden Heart will face the Mustang Memorial Plaza, which honors 16 members of the 1960 staff who died in a aircraft crash in Ohio, lots of whom have been Madden’s mates. Whereas the Madden household has led the middle’s donation efforts, Cal Poly remains to be looking for to boost an extra $6 million. The Madden household additionally funds a number of Cal Poly Youth Scholarships for East Bay youth. “This unbelievable dedication from the Madden household will assist lead the whole Cal Poly group’s accountability to assist this challenge, and assist the soccer championship right here on the Central Coast,” stated Don Oberhelmann, Director of Athletics for the Mustang. Originally published at San Jose News HQ Originally published at San Jose News HQ
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