#Dan x Chris x Elise real
“I don’t know I kind of like him like this”
you like him tied up 🤨 unable to move 🤨
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emmi-kat · 6 years
Tagged by  @theunearthlyfool
....It won’t let me tag you.  Sorry. :/
Rules: choose any 3 fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to get to know better
Three fandoms: • SPG •Scooby Doo •Dan Vs
The first character you loved: •Rabbit •Scooby Doo •Dan (I was an angsty teen)
The character you never expected to love so much: •Hatchworth •Shaggy I guess?  Choosing a fandom I’ve been in since I was 2 might have been a mistake.... •Chris
The character you relate to the most: •Rabbit •Velma •Elise???  I want to be her.
The character you’d slap: •Peter Walter I •Some of the recent iterations of Velma are just so pretentious •Dan
Three favorite characters, in order of preference: •Rabbit, Commander Cosmo, Delilah Morreo •Daphne, Shaggy, Scooby •Elise, Chris, Mr. Mumbles
A character you liked at first, but don’t anymore: •Peter Walter I •Fred.  In recent iterations he’s just really dumb. •Dan
A character you didn’t like at first but do now: •Hatchworth.  He scared me and I didn’t trust Sam.  >.<  They are both the purest of cinnamon rolls though, once you get to know them. •I’m pretty sure I liked them all. •Again, I don’t think there’s any character I needed to warm up to.  It’s kind of a small cast.
Three OTPs: •Rabbit x Jenny 5ever  (cause I don’t really have any real ships for this fandom) •Shaggy x Daphne •Chris x Elise
@sigmabunny @torturedthief @madangel19 @pumpkindogart @bee-the-gatekeeper @retrocherrycoke @antiquatedentertainer @meggalathemermaid0913 @ashhollow @beezlemcbop
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