#Dance studio Perth
diceriadelluntore · 17 days
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Storia Di Musica #340 - INXS, Kick, 1987
La band di oggi, a metà anni '80, era tra le più famose del mondo. Ma credo che anche all'epoca pochissima sapessero che il nucleo centrale di questo gruppo australiano fosse formato da tre fratelli. tutto inizia a Perth, nel 1979: i fratelli Farris, Tim, Andrew e Jon che avevano già un gruppo dal nome, inequivocabile, di The Farris Brothers, aggiungono al nucleo fondativo Kirk Pengilly, Garry Beers e un cantante, amico di liceo di Tim, Michael Hutchens. Si spostano a Sydney, dove cambiano nome in INXS ( da leggere come "In Excess") dove ottengono un contratto con una piccola etichetta indipendente, la Deluxe, con cui pubblicano il primo singolo, Simple Simon. Erano gli anni della pulizia dal rumore del punk, dell'arrivo della elettronica "dolce" e della new wave. È in questo solco che la band si muove, ma si apre in maniera piuttosto originale al funk e a piccoli innesti dance. All'inizio concentrano le energie nella nativa Australia, dove ottengono un buon successo con il loro primo disco, del 1980, intitolato INXS, che si ripete nel 1981 con Underneath The Colours, con la prima hit, una cover di un classico della musica australiana coverizzato, The Loved One, successo del 1966 dei The Loved Ones. Nel 1982 tentano il grande salto. Vanno in Inghilterra, dove li scrittura la WEA e la Atlantic li distribuisce negli Stati Uniti. Shabooh Shoobah del 1982 ha il primo singolo di successo mondiale, Don't Change, e il seguente tour internazionale al seguito di The Kinks e Adam And the Ants li fa conoscere in mezzo mondo. Nel 1984 ancora maggiore successo ottiene The Swing, trascinato dal singolo Original Sin, prodotto da Nile Rodgers. Il successo è sempre crescente: nel 1985 partecipano da Sydney al Live Aid, nel 1986 suonano con i Queen alla Royal Albert Hall, Hutchens addirittura esordisce come attore protagonista in Dogs In Space, film che lo vede interpretare Sam, il frontman avvezzo alla sostanze di una band post punk nel 1978 a Melbourne.
Dopo un tour lunghissimo, e con il management che ne programma uno nuovo in Europa, la band torna in studio. Guidati dal produttore Chris Thomas, uno dei grandi produttori inglesi (a lavoro con The Beatles, Pink Floyd, Procol Harum, Roxy Music, Badfinger, Elton John, Paul McCartney, Pete Townshend, Pulp, The Pretenders) le prime prove avvengono addirittura nella spettacolare Sydney Opera House. Il suono è più maturo, gli innesti da altri generi eclettici, i riff invidiabili e la voce di Hutchens è ormai una garanzia. Thomas però vorrebbe più canzoni, anche in previsione dell'atteso e imminente tour europeo, quindi manda Hutchens e Andrew Farris a Honk Kong, dove i due acquistarono un appartamento. Un giorno, mentre è in attesa di un taxi, a Andrew viene in mente una melodia, proprio mentre il taxi è arrivato. Chiede al tassista di aspettarlo cinque minuti, ma lui sale nel suo appartamento, scrive e registra i demo di una canzone, la riporta sulla cassetta e 45 minuti dopo, nonostante la furiosa cazziata del tassista, la porta a Hutchens che lo aspettava in un bar, e in dieci minuti ne scrive il testo, per quello che sarà il singolo di apertura, e hit mondiale, del nuovo disco.
Kick esce il 19 ottobre del 1987, un mese prima, il 21 Settembre, fu preceduto da quella canzone: Need You Tonight, dal ritmo funky, la voce sensuale di Hutchens e un bellissimo video musicale (che vinse nel 1988 5 MTV Video Music Awards) trascinano il brano in cima alle classifiche (primo negli Stati Uniti e secondo in Gran Bretagna) e proietta il disco e la band in una nuova dimensione. Tutte le canzone sono scritte dal duo Hutchens - Andrew Farris, che mediano tra il suono molto funk dei primi dischi a quello mainstream rock dei primi dischi a distribuzione internazionale. Più che altro, hanno il tocco magico di scrivere canzoni che diventano famose per come rimangono in testa: New Sensation, Devil Inside, Mystify, la toccante Never Tear Us Apart, la ripresa di The Loved One ne fanno un disco di grande qualità e di grande successo, con una serie di ganci musicali memorabile. Il disco venderà milioni di copie e li fa diventare rockstar.
Arriveranno anche al Festival di Sanremo del 1988, però perdono il tocco magico: nonostante tour seguitissimi, in studio perdono la magia e X (1990) e Welcome To Wherever You Are (1992) sono accolti con freddezza e non regalano grandi canzoni. Parallelamente, Hutchens diventa molto più famoso dell'intera band, complice anche la relazione con Paula Yates, giornalista musicale famosa per le sue interviste particolari fatte in programmi come The Tube o The Big Breakfast, dove intervistava gli artisti in un letto e dal 1986 al 1996 moglie di Bob Geldof. Hutchens pensa ad una carriera solista, ma il 22 novembre del 1997 viene trovato morto impiccato in una camera di Hotel in Australia. In un primo momento si scatenano le voci incontrollate di un tragico gioco erotico, in seguito un'inchiesta medico legale, contestata da Yates, accerta che la morte del cantante è suicidio, cosa che non interrompe minimamente il gossip sulla vicenda.
La band, scossa dall'accaduto, sostituirà per un tour celebrativo Hutchens con Terence Trent D'Arby (che fu amante di Paula Yates quando era ancora sposata con Bob Geldof), inaugurando il nuovo stadio Olimpico di Sydney, e nel 2000 alla chiusura dei Giochi Olimpici nella città australiana del 2000. La band continuerà in maniera discontinua anche a suonare dal vivo fino al 2012, ma senza mai arrivare alla qualità di questo disco. Ci sono da raccontare ancora due aneddoti: Hutchens era probabilmente molto simpatico, perchè era amico di tantissimi musicisti. Simon Le Bon dei Duran Duran, scrisse per lui prima della sua morte, Michael, You've Got A Lot To Answer For dall'album Medazzaland del 1997, canzone che Le Bon non è mai riuscita a cantare dal vivo per l'emozione. E Bono dedicò all'amicizia con Hutchens un brano molto famoso, Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of, da All That You Can't Leave Behind del 2000, che immagina un impossibile dialogo tra i due con Bono che cerca di convincere Hutchens a non farlo:
I never thought you were a fool
But darling, look at you
You gotta stand up straight, carry your own weight
These tears are going nowhere, baby
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intensivefidelity · 1 year
𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒃𝒊𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝒇𝒂𝒏 ; here's to your success!
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Katie Bradshaw was a dance prodigy. However, at the age of 11, she started to notice how painful dance had become. Her teachers ignored her pain until she collapsed on stage at the age of 12. After this, it was discovered that Katie had Perthes disease and had to undergo surgery to fix the issue. Through doing this, her parents set up a GoFundMe where @elegantvibrancy started to donate.
Mackenzie was a dancer at the time and had heard of Katie's story and decided to donate a large sum of money. Katie got the surgery she needed and from then, the two stayed in touch. Katie then moved from Florida to Seattle at the age of 16 - almost 17 - in order to be closer to Mackenzie who had stayed in touch with her through the entire recovery. They became best friends and shortly after Katie opened her own dance studio, the two began dating.
They had only been together for a few months now, but Katie was cray about Mackenzie. Recently, Mackenzie had signed a contract to begin releasing her own music and Katie was so proud of her. She decided to surprise her, so she had spent the entire day decorating her house with party streamers, banners, balloons and other decorations. Her parents helped and then Katie drove over to Mackenzie's house to pick her up. Mackenzie had no idea what Katie had been up to and thought they were just meeting to spend time together. Katie had bigger plans. She wanted to celebrate her girlfriend's success.
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naz-ulusoy · 2 years
New World AU timeline: Naz Ulusoy
2030: The Hack was a big detriment to Naz's business, a lot of details about the cases she had been involved in and protected was leaked to the public. She worked hard to contain the information but eventually, they decided a treaty would be better for everyone. During this time, Naz noticed that her spirit powers were getting more erratic. This slowly becomes worse over the next few years.
2032: Some news came to light about a case that Naz covered and an angry husband came looking for Naz, first at her work and then her home in Chissob Hills. After a few altercations, Naz came home to find her home on fire and the husband laughing at her misfortunate. In a fit of rage, the spirit lashed out and killed him. Watching as her home went up in flames, Naz spent a few hours transferring her money and funds to Judas Samara. She visits the vampire before she takes the final step, wanting to say goodbye to him. Judas was her oldest friend and someone she loved dearly so setting them up for the rest of their life was important to her.  
2033: Tuzi Kanin is born in Perth, Australia. The young boy loves to dance, something he told his parents he used to do before but when he was a ghost rabbit. They laugh it off as part of a story he must have heard on TV.
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2053: Despite knowing about the supernatural going ons, Tuzi accepts a scholarship and moves to Vievecor to study ballet and theatre. He meets Judas Samara by chance and can't help but think he knows them from somewhere.
2058: In the current year, Tuzi continues to study and perform but he is not clueless to what is going on. He grew up seeing discrimination to his family and those around him and he never tolerated it but he knows there's little he can do to help them. When given a chance, he'll help hide or assist any supernatural who gets caught out in his apartment or dance studio before they can move to safety but he wishes he could do more. Running into Judas again, he agrees to assist with hiding outcast supernaturals before they can be relocated to a safer location. 
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djfloops · 15 days
2024 SOURCE MUSIC GLOBAL AUDITION 🤍 We are looking for 👀 Female born after 2006⠀ 🤍 Pre-registration period 2024. 9. 9 – 9. 22 📌 Check your city, and save the date 😉 10/5 Auckland, New Zealand 📍 En Beat Dance Academy 10/6 Brisbane, Australia 📍 3L Dance (3Lines) 10/9 Melbourne, Australia 📍 X-Dance Station 10/9 Perth, Australia 📍 Diversity Dance Studio 10/13 Sydney, Australia 📍 IMI DANCE 10/19, 20…
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chutneymusic · 15 days
2024 SOURCE MUSIC GLOBAL AUDITION 🤍 We are looking for 👀 Female born after 2006⠀ 🤍 Pre-registration period 2024. 9. 9 – 9. 22 📌 Check your city, and save the date 😉 10/5 Auckland, New Zealand 📍 En Beat Dance Academy 10/6 Brisbane, Australia 📍 3L Dance (3Lines) 10/9 Melbourne, Australia 📍 X-Dance Station 10/9 Perth, Australia 📍 Diversity Dance Studio 10/13 Sydney, Australia 📍 IMI DANCE 10/19, 20…
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moochilatv · 1 month
Cam Blake presents: RED TAPE (MYTHOS REMIX)
Featuring Mythos. The genre of this music it's some very distinct
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Cam Blake has collaborated with Mythos on other songs such as his acclaimed track "Gravity". This time, the artists took it to another level with a Mythos remix of "Red Tape" from Cam Blake's recent album Satisfaction of Sameness.
From an ethereal intro, the remix builds to a full-on track driving dance track.
Listen the remix in Spotify:
Cam’s dynamic music influences have given him the ability to fuse a wide range of genres including R&B and indie, alternative and psychedelic rock, into his music. Cam has spent his entire life around music, starting to write and perform as early as 8 years old. For the past 5 years he's logged countless hours in the studio writing and recording. 
In July of 2018, Cam Blake released his first official project with Adagio Music/The Orchard entitled 'Abyss' including a full production music video for the single 'Meditate' (over 13K views on YouTube). In early 2019, Cam Blake released the single 'Falling'. He then released the Indie Rock EP 'Fast Love' in the summer of 2019. ‘Fast Love’ includes five new songs accompanied by three live videos recorded at Blue Frog Studios. 
While Cam Blake has been honing his studio chops working on his and other artist projects, he has also been performing live. Cam Blake was a semi-finalist in the Elevate Music Project and Top 30 in the Best of Vancouver competition. His stagecraft and performing ability have exploded after playing numerous shows all across the lower mainland of Vancouver and the Fraser Valley. 
Cam Blake continues to grow as a producer, musician and performer and has completed a full-length debut indie rock album co-produced by Cam Blake and Sam Cutri of Perth, Australia. “Bad Vacation” drops January 15, 2021 (Adagio Music/The Orchard). The three singles from the record “Losing My Mind”, “Conversation #3” and “Self Worth” were featured on commercial and campus radio in Canada and the USA.
Listen also the album SATISFACTION OF SAMENESS (2024):
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musicpromotionclub · 4 months
O'Neill Fernandes Brings His 47th Studio Album ‘Dance Into The Light’, Offering Blast From The Past
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yogabilitymind · 7 months
Yoga Studios in South Melbourne
Taking inspiration from spin studios, Bodhi & Ride offers yoga and spin classes under one roof. Expect a calming studio with white bamboo floors and soothing smoky incense to greet you as you enter.
This South Yarra hot yoga studio is a sanctuary in suburbia. The studio is kept at a balmy 27 degrees Celsius and classes include sweaty Power Flow and slow-paced Yin yoga studios south Melbourne.
Clifton Hill Yoga Studio
A hidden gem just off Bourke Street, this studio is a zen haven from the bustling CBD. A small entrance area leads you to two large yoga rooms where wood and earthy colours blend with clean white, resonating the welcoming studio vibe.
Students love the 'great range of classes at all levels and the warm, friendly staff'. The studio also hosts a range of workshops and activities including archetypal dance and voice.
Practicing Iyengar yoga, this studio focuses on correct alignment and precise bodywork. Its intimate space comfortably fits 15 people and has natural light thanks to 12 skylights. Classes are guided by a passionate instructor who 'provides great hands-on adjustments, especially for beginners'.
Kaya Yoga
Kaya isn’t your typical yoga centres studio; it’s a members-only health club, and a fun one at that. Expect sunflower yellow Country Road duffle bags, O&M Detox shampoo in the changing rooms and enough GHDs for everyone. Embrace the vibe and expect classes set to reggae and folk tunes or a calming yin session, plus two uplifting hip hop sessions every week.
Newbies are welcome at this Elsternwick spot, which aims to be a ‘nirvana of calm’. Besides offering Vinyasa Flow and Slow Flow, Hatha is also on offer, with movements transitioning from static to fluid.
Grass Roots Yoga
Grass Roots Yoga is more than just a fitness studio. They offer Pilates, Yoga, Barre and Meditation in their beautiful spaces. Their mission is to create longer, leaner muscles and provide a community that inspires and supports one another.
Walk into this South Yarra hot yoga studio and you'll be feeling lighter as soon as you step inside the light-filled studios. Take a power flow class in the balmy 37degree Celsius room or slow your practice with yin and restore classes.
Australian Yoga Academy
Yoga Australia offers a well-respected accreditation framework for training yoga therapists. Having your course registered with us will give students confidence that your program is based on established industry standards. Registration also supports the professional development of yoga therapists and contributes to the integration of yoga therapy within healthcare practices.
Bikram Yoga South Melbourne is quite literally dedicated to Bikram yoga, a style of practice wherein the room is heated to around 40 degrees. This heat will make you sweat, but it also allows your body to warm up more quickly, which makes pushing yourself a little harder easier.
MOVE Yoga has been serving up classes to Melburnians since 2014. Their Flinders Lane venue is a hybrid studio that conducts sessions at their physical studio and over live stream for members to practise at home.
Power Living Yoga
For those yogis who prefer their flows with a hum, this Thornbury studio is the spot. It's a light-filled space above High Street that has built a little community with its 15 well-practiced teachers.
Power yoga centres in perth classes can be 60 to 90 minutes long, which may make them a good choice for those who are used to intense fitness classes and workouts that require a similar time commitment. They're also a great way to increase strength, flexibility, and endurance.
Take your yoga practice with you anywhere, anytime with YOGAHOLICS. Get 24/7 access to online classes, meditations, and inspiration from Australia's best yoga teachers — all at your fingertips.
Sum of Us
Brigid is passionate about the human body and movement form. She loves to educate her clients about their amazing bodies and give them all the tools to live in abundance.
She believes clinical rehabilitation has a place for everyone and every body. She is committed to being people orientated and contributing at a high level back into the community.
Life Ready Studio is a boutique mat and reformer Pilates studio, on a mission to move you to your best! They believe that if you can achieve optimal Wellbeing through a curated space, Hustle and a bit of Humour then the world is your oyster.
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djfloops · 15 days
2024 SOURCE MUSIC GLOBAL AUDITION 🤍 We are looking for 👀 Female born after 2006⠀ 🤍 Pre-registration period 2024. 9. 9 – 9. 22 📌 Check your city, and save the date 😉 10/5 Auckland, New Zealand 📍 En Beat Dance Academy 10/6 Brisbane, Australia 📍 3L Dance (3Lines) 10/9 Melbourne, Australia 📍 X-Dance Station 10/9 Perth, Australia 📍 Diversity Dance Studio 10/13 Sydney, Australia 📍 IMI DANCE 10/19, 20…
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chutneymusic · 15 days
2024 SOURCE MUSIC GLOBAL AUDITION 🤍 We are looking for 👀 Female born after 2006⠀ 🤍 Pre-registration period 2024. 9. 9 – 9. 22 📌 Check your city, and save the date 😉 10/5 Auckland, New Zealand 📍 En Beat Dance Academy 10/6 Brisbane, Australia 📍 3L Dance (3Lines) 10/9 Melbourne, Australia 📍 X-Dance Station 10/9 Perth, Australia 📍 Diversity Dance Studio 10/13 Sydney, Australia 📍 IMI DANCE 10/19, 20…
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whatsonmedia · 1 year
Music Monday: Latest Tracks of This Week!
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Are you ready to let the music take control? Adam Humphries is a musical force to be reckoned with, and his selection of electrifying tracks will have you moving and grooving all night long. With his catchy melodies and driving beats, Humphries knows how to get the party started. So put on your dancing shoes and get ready to let the rhythm take over! Vancouver's Americana group of the year The Matinee to release new album - 'Change Of Scene'! If there was ever a way to make that country/indie/acoustic rock song which is uplifting and occasionally made you want to get up, this is one of them. Bad Addiction is simply filled with that classic signature American rock which is designed to elevate the mood. The video is just as enjoyable to watch and doesn't look like your typical big budget ones  Video taster - Bad Addiction https://youtu.be/7OcPviGHsRg?si=-EH52XH34Bco0l6x JESSICA WILDE invites you to - 'Freak Out' and move your body with infectious new single, out today! And freak out you most certainly can. London rapper Jessica just gets straight to it and invites you to let lose and be rid of any inhibitions. The clever thing about Freak Out is that it's not about anything really but mainly about embracing your own pleasure with zero worries  (Unofficial) video  https://youtu.be/sdmDKV-KaC8?si=lZy-gx-SEXcWugCA https://open.spotify.com/track/0xRtL0zxyq3cZGdfoo3RTE?si=2126dbc419e74931 Upcoming Live Dates: - 10th Sep - Soul Kitchen Live (Run by DJ Spoony, BBC Radio 2) - 21st September - Hootananny Brixton - PxSSY PWR Presents the 'Freak out' Party (SINGLE LAUNCH SHOW) Ewan Macfarlane encourages us to confront mental illness and - 'Fade Out The Fear' with new epic rock stomper! Brilliant song, can barely fault it. Every so often you get the odd song which gets you to stop, pause, listen and think. Ewan doesn't mince his words in his song and talks about mental health directly but does so in a way that offers tea and sympathy. What's enjoyable about the video is just the way Ewan's put it together as it's a mash-up of him walking around local areas mixed with footage from live shows  Watch the video here https://youtu.be/NmX8u-hS7WU?si=AH04r9AcCZDtQh1I Listen here https://open.spotify.com/track/1lHgjuCCCWDJ3tDhY7itqS?si=4a3c1d0c01a44eb5 Ewan MacFarlane releases ‘Fade Out The Fear’ on 8th September 2023 and Ewan Macfarlane has the following upcoming tour dates: 6th October – Strathaven Hotel, Strathaven - Support to Richard Jobson & Martin Metcalf Headline Full band tour: 10th November Aberdeen – Drummonds 11th November – Muckhart Hall, Muckhart 16th November Edinburgh – Voodoo Rooms 18th November Glasgow – Drygate 24th November – Joan Knight Studio, Perth Theatre. 25th November – Inverness – The Tooth & Claw. 8th December Georgian Hotel, Coatbridge (Sold Out) THE VELVET HANDS - Announce November UK Tour + Expanded Album and "Meet Me In The City" Video  British indie rockers, The Velvet Hands, have got three treats for; a UK tour, a bigger album and a glimpse for the music video for their track, Meet Me In The City. The tour tour starts in London and finishes in Plymouth. The video is shot in a similar to 'a day in the Life', so it's basically diary-style and you can see scenes from live performances to backstage antics. Definitely worth a look if you're interested in behind the scenes stuff STREAM ON SPOTIFY HERE https://open.spotify.com/track/7FNt6Qxh5gSBq0ObeOdnYC?si=6f039605c7864800 WATCH THE VIDEO HERE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY49wNZaAA0&ab_channel=TheVelvetHands Tour Dates and tickets below  01 LONDON Colours 02 CARDIFF Moon Club 03 BRISTOL Golden Lion 04 LIVERPOOL Jacaranda 16 MANCHESTER 33 Oldham St 17 LEEDS Oporto 18 BIRMINGHAM Dead Wax 23 FALMOUTH The Cornish Bank 25 PLYMOUTH Underground Tickets available here: https://www.thevelvethands.co.uk Read the full article
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superiorservicee · 1 year
NDIS Service Providers in Perth
NDIS provides personalised support services for people with disabilities. It also allows them to choose a service provider that fits their needs. Its goal is to improve their quality of life.
The NDIS changes the way participants access disability supports in Australia. It has natural safeguards, such as NDIA officers checking participant welfare and NDIS Commission officers visiting providers to monitor compliance. To know more about NDIS Service Providers Brisbane, visit the Superior Service Care website or call 61421440657.
The NDIS is a new way of funding disability services that allows individuals to choose the supports they need. The NDIS is available to Australians with permanent and significant disability who need help with daily living and achieving their goals. It’s important to find the right provider for you, which is why NDIS has a Provider Finder that can help.
Superior Service Care is a registered NDIS provider that offers personalised disability support in Perth. Their team of professionals is committed to enhancing the livelihoods of people across Western Australia. They use a client-centred approach and work within NDIS practice standards to achieve an improved quality of life.
NDIS participants use their funding to purchase supports and services that help them achieve their goals. They control how, when and who provides those supports, based on their own preferences.
NDIS providers like Lifeplan offer everything from daily living support to recreational and leisure disability activities. Their team members are trained and qualified to encourage independence for their clients.
The recovery coaches at Aastha have knowledge of mental health resources and can connect participants with the right service providers. They also have lived experience with mental illness, making them better able to understand the challenges of those who are affected.
Superior Service Care offers specialised dance classes for people with Parkinson’s and their carers. The classes are led by qualified dance artists, using the Dance for Parkinson’s Australia program and best practice methodologies. The service operates a studio class schedule in northern Perth and Peel, and also provides outreach services in aged care facilities and residences throughout WA.
Western Australia has a sophisticated economy and a comfortable lifestyle, with world-class beaches, food and wine, a dynamic cultural heritage, leading tourist attractions, and a multicultural population. It has one of the highest average male and female life expectancies in the world.
Disability services officers help people with disabilities live more independently and participate in their communities. They may also work as social trainers, organizing activities for disabled people and teaching them basic skills. They also have the power to negotiate with their clients and make a difference in their lives.
The NDIA has a new Quality Framework for Disability Employment Services (DES). It will ensure that providers offer high-quality services and a positive experience for job seekers with disability.
To work in the disability sector, you need a valid Working With Children Check and a police clearance. You can obtain both of these by completing a disability support worker course.
The NDIS is a new way of providing disability support services. It allocates funding to people with disabilities based on their goals and allows them to control how, when, and who provides their supports.
Superior Service Care are an NDIS registered provider who offer a range of disability support services. Their team of dedicated and qualified staff work closely with their clients to help them unpack their NDIS plans and select local supports to achieve their goals.
They also work with participants to assist with booking in-home attendant care and community based activities. Their prices are in line with the NDIA Price Guide and Support Catalogue.
Superior Service Care is a registered NDIS service provider that offers a variety of disability support services to participants. Their team is highly experienced in the field and offers a holistic approach to their clients. They also offer a range of social and recreational activities to help their clients grow their skills.
Lifespan is a not-for-profit organisation that works collaboratively with local NDIS planners, co-ordinators, carers and accommodation providers. Its team of experienced staff encourage independence for their clients and work within NDIS practice standards to improve their quality of life.
Superior Service Care is a registered NDIS provider that offers personalised support services. They work with you to develop a support plan that will help you achieve your goals. Their services include entry-level support through the Commonwealth Home Support Program and higher levels of care and support through NDIS home care packages.
Their trained and qualified team encourage independence for people with disability. Their areas of expertise include Daily Living Support, Recreation & Leisure Disability Activities, and Independent Living Support.
If you want to become an at-home support worker, consider studying one of the aged care, home and community, or allied health courses available from ALTI. These qualifications are free for people on low incomes. To know more about NDIS Service Providers Brisbane, visit the Superior Service Care website or call 61421440657.
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brookston · 1 year
Holidays 7.29
Armed Forces Day (Peru)
Americans For Prosperity National Day of Action
Army Chaplin Corps Day
Chincoteague Pony Round Up (Chincoteague & Assateague Islands, Virginia)
Constitution Day (Moldova)
Don’t Be A Dick Day
Emancipation Day (Bermuda)
Festival of the Polymorphously Perverse
Fiery Night Festival (Elder Scrolls)
Four Tops Day (Michigan)
International Butler Day
International Tiger Day (UN)
Life Stories Day (UK)
Mary Prince Day (Bermuda; 2nd Day of Cup Match)
Mohun Bagan Day (India)
National Anthem Day (Romania)
National Challenged Champions and Heroes Awareness Day
National Harold Day
National Lipstick Day
National Thai Language Day
Ólavsøkudagur (a.k.a. Ólavsøka; Faroe Islands)
Oslok (a.k.a. St. Olaf's Day; Norway)
Pardon of the Birds Day (Quimperle, Brittany, France)
Photograph Your Children When They’re Not Looking Day
Rain Day (Waynesburg, Pennsylvania)
Special Operations Forces Day (Ukraine)
Territory Day (Wallis and Fortuna)
Switchgrass Day (French Republic)
World Oral Rehydration Salts Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day
Chicken Wings Day (Buffalo, NY)
Gnocchi Day (Argentina)
National Chicken Wing Day
National Lasagna Day
5th & Last Saturday in July
Day of Lament [Last Saturday]
International Decora Day [Last Saturday]
Kulmbach Beer Week begins (Germany) [Last Saturday]
National Dance Day [Last Saturday]
National Drowning Prevention Day (Canada) [Last Saturday]
National Self Storage Day [Last Saturday]
National Water Gun Fight Day [Last Saturday]
Paddle for Perthes Disease Awareness Day [Last Saturday]
Pierce County Trails Day [Last Saturday]
Procession of the Witches (Beselare, Belgium) [Last Sunday, Every Other Year; Uneven]
Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Day (Manitoba) [Last Saturday]
Independence Days
Peru (from Spain, 1821) [observed]
Wendatia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Ashura (Islamic) [Began at Sundown Last Night; 10th Day of Muharram] (a.k.a. ... 
Achoura (Algeria)
Ashorra (Parts of India)
Ashoura (Lebanon)
Ashura Holiday (Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia)
Muharram (Parts of India)
Remembrance of Muharram
Tamkharit (Senegal)
Tamxarit (Gambia)
Tasoua Hosseini (Iran)
Yaum-e-Ashur (Pakistan)
Yawmul Ashura (Gambia)
Birthday of Set (Ancient Egypt)
The Bookworms (Muppetism)
Brigham Young Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Dave Stevens Day (Humanism)
Eastman Johnson (Artology)
International Beer Day (Pastafarian)
Lazarus of Bethany (Christian; Saint)
Lupus of Troyes (Christian; Saint)
Martha of Bethany (Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran Church) [Innkeepers]
Mary of Bethany (Christian; Saint)
Olaus, King of Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Olaf II, King of Norway (Christian; Saint)
Raphael (Positivist; Saint)
Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrix (Christian; Sibling Martyrs)
Stikklestad (Honoring Asatru Martyrs)
Susanoo’s Day (Pagan)
Thor’s Day (Norse)
William of Brittany (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Aristocrats (Documentary Film; 2005)
Attack the Block (Film; 2011)
(The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1977)
Bad Moms (Film; 2016)
Barcelona (Film; 1994)
Bosko’s Mechanical Man (WB LT Cartoon; 1933)
Cocktail (Film; 1988)
Compressed Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1961)
Cowboys & Aliens (Film; 2011)
DC League of Super-Pets (Animated Film; 2022)
Enter Sandman, by Metallica (Song; 1991)
The Fellowship of the Ring, by J.R.R. Tolkien (Novel; 1954) [Book 1 of The Lord of the Rings trilogy]
The Fox Hunt (Disney Cartoon; 1938)
Help! (Film; 1965)
Jason Bourne (Film; 2016)
Kiki’s Delivery Service (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 1989)
Krull (Film; 1983)
Little Red Riding Hood (Disney Cartoon; 1922) [1st Disney Short]
Lt. Robinson Crusoe USN (Film; 1966)
The Mask (Film; 1994)
Must Love Dogs (Film; 2005)
National Lampoon’s Vacation (Film; 1983)
The Negotiator (Film; 1998)
Old King Cole (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
Private School (Film; 1983)
Renaissance, by Beyoncé (Album; 2022)
The Shindig (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
The Smurfs (Animated Film; 2011)
Snowman’s Land (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Stardust (Film; 2007)
The Trumpet Artistry of Chet Baker, by Chet Baker (Album; 1954)
Whenever I Call You Friend, by Kenny Loggins and Stevie Nicks (Song; 1978)
Today’s Name Days
Landislaus, Martha, Lucilla, Olaf (Austria)
Kalin (Bulgaria)
Flora, Lazar, Marta, Urban, Vilim (Croatia)
Marta (Czech Republic)
Oluf (Denmark)
Olaf, Olav, Olavi, Olev (Estonia)
Olavi, Olli, Oula, Uolevi, Uoti (Finland)
Beatrix, Loup, Marthe (France)
Olaf (Germany)
Kallinikos (Greece)
Flóra, Márta (Hungary)
Marta (Italy)
Dzilis, Edmunds, Edzus, Vidmants (Latvia)
Beatričė, Mantvydas, Mantvydė, Morta (Lithuania)
Ola, Olav, Ole (Norway)
Beatrice, Beatrycze, Beatryks, Cierpisław, Faustyn, Konstantyn, Lucylla, Maria, Marta, Olaf, Serafina, Urban (Poland)
Alevtina, Valentina (Russia)
Marta (Slovakia)
Beatriz, Marta (Spain)
Olof (Sweden)
Seraphim, Seraphina (Ukraine)
Bea, Beatrice, Beatriz, Beattie, Marta, Martha, Olaf, Olav, Serafina, Trixie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 210 of 2024; 155 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 30 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Ji-Wei), Day 12 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 11 Av 5783
Islamic: 11 Muharram 1445
J Cal: 30 Lux; Ninthday [30 of 30]
Julian: 16 July 2023
Moon: 87%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 14 Dante (8th Month) [Raphael]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 39 of 94)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 8 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Thorn (Defense) [Half-Month 14 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 8.10)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Holidays 7.29
Armed Forces Day (Peru)
Americans For Prosperity National Day of Action
Army Chaplin Corps Day
Chincoteague Pony Round Up (Chincoteague & Assateague Islands, Virginia)
Constitution Day (Moldova)
Don’t Be A Dick Day
Emancipation Day (Bermuda)
Festival of the Polymorphously Perverse
Fiery Night Festival (Elder Scrolls)
Four Tops Day (Michigan)
International Butler Day
International Tiger Day (UN)
Kaljakellunta 2023 (Beer Floating Festival, near Helsinki, Finland) [Weekend varies]
Life Stories Day (UK)
Mary Prince Day (Bermuda; 2nd Day of Cup Match)
Mohun Bagan Day (India)
National Anthem Day (Romania)
National Challenged Champions and Heroes Awareness Day
National Harold Day
National Lipstick Day
National Thai Language Day
Ólavsøkudagur (a.k.a. Ólavsøka; Faroe Islands)
Oslok (a.k.a. St. Olaf's Day; Norway)
Pardon of the Birds Day (Quimperle, Brittany, France)
Photograph Your Children When They’re Not Looking Day
Rain Day (Waynesburg, Pennsylvania)
Special Operations Forces Day (Ukraine)
Territory Day (Wallis and Fortuna)
Switchgrass Day (French Republic)
World Oral Rehydration Salts Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cheese Sacrifice Purchase Day
Chicken Wings Day (Buffalo, NY)
Gnocchi Day (Argentina)
National Chicken Wing Day
National Lasagna Day
5th & Last Saturday in July
Day of Lament [Last Saturday]
International Decora Day [Last Saturday]
Kulmbach Beer Week begins (Germany) [Last Saturday]
National Dance Day [Last Saturday]
National Drowning Prevention Day (Canada) [Last Saturday]
National Self Storage Day [Last Saturday]
National Water Gun Fight Day [Last Saturday]
Paddle for Perthes Disease Awareness Day [Last Saturday]
Pierce County Trails Day [Last Saturday]
Procession of the Witches (Beselare, Belgium) [Last Sunday, Every Other Year; Uneven]
Ukrainian Canadian Heritage Day (Manitoba) [Last Saturday]
Independence Days
Peru (from Spain, 1821) [observed]
Wendatia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Ashura (Islamic) [Began at Sundown Last Night; 10th Day of Muharram] (a.k.a. ... 
Achoura (Algeria)
Ashorra (Parts of India)
Ashoura (Lebanon)
Ashura Holiday (Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia)
Muharram (Parts of India)
Remembrance of Muharram
Tamkharit (Senegal)
Tamxarit (Gambia)
Tasoua Hosseini (Iran)
Yaum-e-Ashur (Pakistan)
Yawmul Ashura (Gambia)
Birthday of Set (Ancient Egypt)
The Bookworms (Muppetism)
Brigham Young Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Dave Stevens Day (Humanism)
Eastman Johnson (Artology)
International Beer Day (Pastafarian)
Lazarus of Bethany (Christian; Saint)
Lupus of Troyes (Christian; Saint)
Martha of Bethany (Catholic, Anglican, and Lutheran Church) [Innkeepers]
Mary of Bethany (Christian; Saint)
Olaus, King of Sweden (Christian; Saint)
Olaf II, King of Norway (Christian; Saint)
Raphael (Positivist; Saint)
Simplicius, Faustinus and Beatrix (Christian; Sibling Martyrs)
Stikklestad (Honoring Asatru Martyrs)
Susanoo’s Day (Pagan)
Thor’s Day (Norse)
William of Brittany (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Aristocrats (Documentary Film; 2005)
Attack the Block (Film; 2011)
(The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes, by Elvis Costello (Song; 1977)
Bad Moms (Film; 2016)
Barcelona (Film; 1994)
Bosko’s Mechanical Man (WB LT Cartoon; 1933)
Cocktail (Film; 1988)
Compressed Hare (WB MM Cartoon; 1961)
Cowboys & Aliens (Film; 2011)
DC League of Super-Pets (Animated Film; 2022)
Enter Sandman, by Metallica (Song; 1991)
The Fellowship of the Ring, by J.R.R. Tolkien (Novel; 1954) [Book 1 of The Lord of the Rings trilogy]
The Fox Hunt (Disney Cartoon; 1938)
Help! (Film; 1965)
Jason Bourne (Film; 2016)
Kiki’s Delivery Service (Studio Ghibli Animated Film; 1989)
Krull (Film; 1983)
Little Red Riding Hood (Disney Cartoon; 1922) [1st Disney Short]
Lt. Robinson Crusoe USN (Film; 1966)
The Mask (Film; 1994)
Must Love Dogs (Film; 2005)
National Lampoon’s Vacation (Film; 1983)
The Negotiator (Film; 1998)
Old King Cole (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
Private School (Film; 1983)
Renaissance, by Beyoncé (Album; 2022)
The Shindig (Disney Cartoon; 1930)
The Smurfs (Animated Film; 2011)
Snowman’s Land (WB MM Cartoon; 1939)
Stardust (Film; 2007)
The Trumpet Artistry of Chet Baker, by Chet Baker (Album; 1954)
Whenever I Call You Friend, by Kenny Loggins and Stevie Nicks (Song; 1978)
Today’s Name Days
Landislaus, Martha, Lucilla, Olaf (Austria)
Kalin (Bulgaria)
Flora, Lazar, Marta, Urban, Vilim (Croatia)
Marta (Czech Republic)
Oluf (Denmark)
Olaf, Olav, Olavi, Olev (Estonia)
Olavi, Olli, Oula, Uolevi, Uoti (Finland)
Beatrix, Loup, Marthe (France)
Olaf (Germany)
Kallinikos (Greece)
Flóra, Márta (Hungary)
Marta (Italy)
Dzilis, Edmunds, Edzus, Vidmants (Latvia)
Beatričė, Mantvydas, Mantvydė, Morta (Lithuania)
Ola, Olav, Ole (Norway)
Beatrice, Beatrycze, Beatryks, Cierpisław, Faustyn, Konstantyn, Lucylla, Maria, Marta, Olaf, Serafina, Urban (Poland)
Alevtina, Valentina (Russia)
Marta (Slovakia)
Beatriz, Marta (Spain)
Olof (Sweden)
Seraphim, Seraphina (Ukraine)
Bea, Beatrice, Beatriz, Beattie, Marta, Martha, Olaf, Olav, Serafina, Trixie (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 210 of 2024; 155 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 30 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 20 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Ji-Wei), Day 12 (Wu-Zi)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 11 Av 5783
Islamic: 11 Muharram 1445
J Cal: 30 Lux; Ninthday [30 of 30]
Julian: 16 July 2023
Moon: 87%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 14 Dante (8th Month) [Raphael]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 1 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 39 of 94)
Zodiac: Leo (Day 8 of 31)
Calendar Changes
Thorn (Defense) [Half-Month 14 of 24; Runic Half-Months] (thru 8.10)
1 note · View note
djfloops · 15 days
2024 SOURCE MUSIC GLOBAL AUDITION 🤍 We are looking for 👀 Female born after 2006⠀ 🤍 Pre-registration period 2024. 9. 9 – 9. 22 📌 Check your city, and save the date 😉 10/5 Auckland, New Zealand 📍 En Beat Dance Academy 10/6 Brisbane, Australia 📍 3L Dance (3Lines) 10/9 Melbourne, Australia 📍 X-Dance Station 10/9 Perth, Australia 📍 Diversity Dance Studio 10/13 Sydney, Australia 📍 IMI DANCE 10/19, 20…
0 notes
chutneymusic · 15 days
2024 SOURCE MUSIC GLOBAL AUDITION 🤍 We are looking for 👀 Female born after 2006⠀ 🤍 Pre-registration period 2024. 9. 9 – 9. 22 📌 Check your city, and save the date 😉 10/5 Auckland, New Zealand 📍 En Beat Dance Academy 10/6 Brisbane, Australia 📍 3L Dance (3Lines) 10/9 Melbourne, Australia 📍 X-Dance Station 10/9 Perth, Australia 📍 Diversity Dance Studio 10/13 Sydney, Australia 📍 IMI DANCE 10/19, 20…
0 notes