#Daniel has opinions
limey-boy · 7 years
Overwatch Thoughts: Orisa
I like how she plays, but dislike everything else about her.
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Thats it in a nutshell.
Further explained below the break! May contain opinions, swears and nuts.
Orisa is the newest addition to the overwatch roster, an african Omnic created by a child genius from the bits and pieces left over from a deadly assault by the villain Doomfist. Rather than simply being a defense drone, Orisa was created to be a hero from the get-go by her creator. She defends Numbani from threats to man and omnic alike, helps old ladies cross the street, prevents littering, stay in milk and drink school. all that jazz.
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(Its like Superman, Bastion and Chiron had a baby, and the baby was delivered by Jimmy Neutron) 
Lets first cover the good stuff, and arguably most important in a competitive multiplayer game; how she plays!
She plays like a middle-gameplay-ground Tank, she’s got a little deployable shield like Reinhart/Symmetra, a self-supporting utility ability like roadhog/D.va, with a gun halfway between 76′s rifle and bastions minigun, her ult is an AOE version of mercys alt-healing damage boost and a alt-attack of a mini graviton surge that's a scaled down version of Zaryas Ultimate. Her lack of mobility is her greatest weakness, as firing her main gun slows her down, and her support ability only reduces damage and prevents being knocked around.
I think she’s pretty well balanced at the moment, roughly. I think her gun needs fine tuning with a lack of headshots like the current bastion, and less ammo; alongside plenty of other tweaks that will inevitably happen. I’ve only played her a few times and I feel like the initial stats are okay at least. maybe a little too good for now. time will tell, playtesting is good. 
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(“Beep boop, look both ways before crossing. you have ten seconds to comply”)
Now, lets cover the bad stuff, which is all just my own opinions here. feel free to disagree and discuss them with me.
Personally, I think centaurs are one of the goofiest looking fantasy creatures out there. half a man and a horse, requiring mind bending acts of hand-waving to make their biology not horrifying, incapable of entering most human sized houses and vehicles, and generally looking and acting quite silly. They just don’t look particularly good to me, and I feel like if they weren’t a part of popular greek mythology they’d of been laughed out of the fictional creature bestiary long ago. Heck, their personal lives aren’t much better. They’re either drunk frat boys trying to out-party the Satyr’s or downright terrifying creeps who aren’t above kidnapping to get their jollies.
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(He’s got like, at least 8 sets of abs there. also does he have two sets of internal organs? science, get on this.)
But hey, that's just my personal bias there. I don’t like centaurs. they look silly and they act creepy.
Orisa, is a robot centaur. Strike 1 for me I’m afraid. I do however like the sheer brave weirdness of her design, I mean shit, she’s a robot! she can be any shape you want and they fucking went with it. nobody can claim the designers were being dull with female shapes in this case. I can respect that whole creative bag.
point 2, is that personality-wise, there’s not much at all, at least for now. You’ve got a nice policewoman centaur ED-209 here. thats it. the girl who made her would of been WAY more interesting a character, but having an 11 year old african child fighting physically in a global defense force would be a little too hardcore for blizzard.
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(+100% personality, -100% combat ability. -2 ears.)
I like to think with Orisa being just released we’ll get more character out of her soon, but with the base concept, I can’t see much you can go with her that’s that interesting. 
I much prefer the original concept me and the husband came up with before we looked into the whole thing; that Efi here was using the Orisa robot as a kind of long-ranged proxy to fight for overwatch. Kind of like D.va with Wifi. It makes sense to me, genius level 11 year old wants to help make the world a better and safer place, but is smart enough to realise that a teenager with bright ideals and a sharp wit isn’t going to stop the bad guys alone. Cue the super-drone! heck, why not drones? the challenge of playing more than one character at once might be interesting to explore.
Of course you then have the unfortunate fact that an 11 year old is playing the most realistic game of CoD with robots ever, but she’s already made a robot that can straight up murder people, with a fusion machine gun and gravity bombs. the bloods already on her tiny hands.
So, what do you guys think? I like the way the hero plays, but much like mei I feel like its a undercooked character but with the pretty good excuse of literally just being released. everything about Orisa is subject to change, and I’m looking forward to what blizzard's next move with her is.
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lockeblogs · 11 years
the whole "fandom ruining posts" thing is annoying  it's like when you're trying to argue with a two year old and they don't understand that it's not funny everytime they scream the same dumb joke
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