limey-boy · 6 years
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Teleglitch Starter room
Anybody played Teleglitch? Its a great little sci-fi horror roguelike, wonderful art style, killer atmosphere and fun gameplay.
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limey-boy · 6 years
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Isabelle Papercraft
I dunno about you, but I'm pretty jazzed for izzy in Smash, and the new animal crossing switch game. A quick experiment in using illustrator, and trying to shade and texture stuff
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limey-boy · 7 years
Efficax-Gamma-0008-EG (part 1)
+ >Data_slate_bootup.exe - + >Machine_spirit.exe - + Thought_of_the_day.exe = "Life is directed motion" - + Awaiting keyrune input... - + >Username_=_Efficax-Gamma-0008-EG + >Passrune_=_01110000_01110011_01110011_01110111_01110010_01100100 - + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - + >Data_slate_entry_001.exe initiate - + Date_=_0_634_423_M41 - + Magos Dominus -may his reason be an inspiration to us all- in conjunction with Commissar Castor has commanded this unit to collect the data of my interactions on a daily basis with the imperial guard regiment known as “101st offworld cadian escort”; for the purposes of improved guard/mechanicus integration. Therein, the efficiency of both our battle groups will improve, with the blessing of the data collected for the purpose of greater future knowledge of guard/mechanicus social interactions. This unit hopes to serve sufficiently in the name of the Emperor and the Machine. - + Praise the Omnissiah - + >Data_slate_entry_001.exe application saved + closed - + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -
+ >Data_slate_entry_002.exe initiate - + Date_=_0_635_423_M41 - + The experiment has begun, as Enginseer Dominus proclaimed. Every skitarii ranger has been paired with a suitable guardsman for the purpose of social/physical interaction and data collection. The fleshy infantryman this unit has been paired with is known to the databank as “IG_28827-62947-2390_Cadia" but prefers to be known as "Pollux Pecan". - + This unit had come across this in the data downloaded the night cycle previously from the command ship in orbit: individual naming without the use of numerals for efficient parsing and identification. This unit voiced its concern about the lack of efficiency to unit "Pollux" due to the difficulty in locating the proper body after battle for paperwork, especially if the corpse has been defiled or destroyed in a manner that makes identification needlessly difficult visually. The lack of proper blood flow to pollux's face and erroneous vocalisation indicated sudden onset anxiety, this unit assumes the lack of sense and efficiency concerns him as much as it does this unit. Our socialisation is off to a good start, this unit predicts. - + During the half-day-cycle nutrition & hydration hour, this unit and "Pollux" shared rations (as this was stated in the mechanicum/imperium socialisation guide data-script to engage relations kinesthetically) This unit had hoped that the recycled protein cuboid would provide adequate nourishment for the high calorie intake of unit “Pollux” leading to both high energy, regular bowel movements and enhanced mental function. Pollux displayed dismay during consumption, citing reasons thereof due to “lack of flavor”, “unpleasant texture” and “what was it recycled from anyway?” - + In the spirit of the experiment, this unit shared the chemical composition, production methods and source of recycled protein. After the sharing of the last piece of information, unit “Pollux” moved at speed to the guardsman barracks prefab waste depository known colloquially as “latrines” whereupon he ejected the contents of his stomach. - + This action was most unpleasant for this unit, as the wastage of any resource is a sin unto the Omnissiah -may they bless this unit- and a perfectly good resource it was indeed. Human remains are a plentiful material, and have much better use than ritual burial. This unit assured the unit “Pollux” that the process to render the corpse into a consumable matter removes it from enough stages of identification as to not constitute as cannibalism, which is not only an abomination unto the emperor and omnissiah, but risks prion infection.   - + Regardless, after unit “Pollux” had finished his sinful waste of perfectly good nutrients, this unit in an attempt at social reconciliation consumed part of unit “Pollux’s” meal. It was disgustingly flavourful, a mixture of starches, proteins, vitamins and fats. Completely inefficient, and to make matters worse, not in a basic shape for ease of handling. Archaic culinary utensils had to be used in its consumption. However, to put unit “Pollux’s” social anxieties at ease, this unit informed unit “Pollux” that the ratio of fats to starches was acceptable, and that the heavy application of sweetened red fruit paste to the salted vegetable brown paste was considered by my data-script on social strata to be “tasty”. This unit prays to the great Omnissiah that unit “Pollux” does not wish to exchange nutrients again. - + Praise the Omnissiah - + >Data_slate_entry_002.exe application saved + closed - + /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
This was an experiment in writing for me, trying to write from a very alien first person perspective. The mind of a Skitarii, vat-grown and trained from artificial birth to en-mass deployment to consider itself a unit within a group with a number, not an individual in a squad with a name. Also, warhammer 40k needs more stories that aren't just about killing. Comments and Critique welcome!
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limey-boy · 7 years
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Jenny the Unspeakable
Jenny is the result of the unholy union between man and eldritch being, a long and happy marriage whom supported their daughter through thick, thin and non-euclidian. I wanted to do more with the clothes, but I was procrastinating too much on it and thought it wise to just upload it and update it later when ideas come around.
Go take a peek at my fiance's modern version over here: https://playthefox.deviantart.com/ -2.5 hours, Adobe Fireworks. -Font is my own handwriting, converted to type!
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limey-boy · 7 years
I’m glad you liked it!
Ooh, where did you see it? 
Yo! I stumbled upon this lovely blog with its delightful art and stories, and I thought it’d be a good idea if I shared my own priestess oc for your perusal.
Welcome to the nonsense!
Oh! I’ve come across your techpriest art before, actually! :) Very cool style.
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limey-boy · 7 years
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@limey-boy has 2 years of a Fine Art degree and is a very talented man. he drew himself, me and our friend. talent. yes. 
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limey-boy · 7 years
I done darned did a thing I did!
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So proud of this one. Fiancé illustrated a kids book! @limey-boy also draws things that aren’t teeth but are pretty awesome :)
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limey-boy · 7 years
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90′s Matrix 
Created for a client a while ago, didn't hear back from them for a while, so may as well upload it. Best viewed whilst listening to vaporwave. -Adobe Fireworks, 2 hours.
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limey-boy · 7 years
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Factorio 1.0
If you're a fan of efficiency, industry, and constantly having something to do whilst working towards an ultimate goal, Factorio may very well be for you! Buyer beware though, it will completely devour your spare time, and you'll see conveyer belts in your dreams.
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limey-boy · 8 years
Overwatch Thoughts: Orisa
I like how she plays, but dislike everything else about her.
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Thats it in a nutshell.
Further explained below the break! May contain opinions, swears and nuts.
Orisa is the newest addition to the overwatch roster, an african Omnic created by a child genius from the bits and pieces left over from a deadly assault by the villain Doomfist. Rather than simply being a defense drone, Orisa was created to be a hero from the get-go by her creator. She defends Numbani from threats to man and omnic alike, helps old ladies cross the street, prevents littering, stay in milk and drink school. all that jazz.
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(Its like Superman, Bastion and Chiron had a baby, and the baby was delivered by Jimmy Neutron) 
Lets first cover the good stuff, and arguably most important in a competitive multiplayer game; how she plays!
She plays like a middle-gameplay-ground Tank, she’s got a little deployable shield like Reinhart/Symmetra, a self-supporting utility ability like roadhog/D.va, with a gun halfway between 76′s rifle and bastions minigun, her ult is an AOE version of mercys alt-healing damage boost and a alt-attack of a mini graviton surge that's a scaled down version of Zaryas Ultimate. Her lack of mobility is her greatest weakness, as firing her main gun slows her down, and her support ability only reduces damage and prevents being knocked around.
I think she’s pretty well balanced at the moment, roughly. I think her gun needs fine tuning with a lack of headshots like the current bastion, and less ammo; alongside plenty of other tweaks that will inevitably happen. I’ve only played her a few times and I feel like the initial stats are okay at least. maybe a little too good for now. time will tell, playtesting is good. 
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(“Beep boop, look both ways before crossing. you have ten seconds to comply”)
Now, lets cover the bad stuff, which is all just my own opinions here. feel free to disagree and discuss them with me.
Personally, I think centaurs are one of the goofiest looking fantasy creatures out there. half a man and a horse, requiring mind bending acts of hand-waving to make their biology not horrifying, incapable of entering most human sized houses and vehicles, and generally looking and acting quite silly. They just don’t look particularly good to me, and I feel like if they weren’t a part of popular greek mythology they’d of been laughed out of the fictional creature bestiary long ago. Heck, their personal lives aren’t much better. They’re either drunk frat boys trying to out-party the Satyr’s or downright terrifying creeps who aren’t above kidnapping to get their jollies.
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(He’s got like, at least 8 sets of abs there. also does he have two sets of internal organs? science, get on this.)
But hey, that's just my personal bias there. I don’t like centaurs. they look silly and they act creepy.
Orisa, is a robot centaur. Strike 1 for me I’m afraid. I do however like the sheer brave weirdness of her design, I mean shit, she’s a robot! she can be any shape you want and they fucking went with it. nobody can claim the designers were being dull with female shapes in this case. I can respect that whole creative bag.
point 2, is that personality-wise, there’s not much at all, at least for now. You’ve got a nice policewoman centaur ED-209 here. thats it. the girl who made her would of been WAY more interesting a character, but having an 11 year old african child fighting physically in a global defense force would be a little too hardcore for blizzard.
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(+100% personality, -100% combat ability. -2 ears.)
I like to think with Orisa being just released we’ll get more character out of her soon, but with the base concept, I can’t see much you can go with her that’s that interesting. 
I much prefer the original concept me and the husband came up with before we looked into the whole thing; that Efi here was using the Orisa robot as a kind of long-ranged proxy to fight for overwatch. Kind of like D.va with Wifi. It makes sense to me, genius level 11 year old wants to help make the world a better and safer place, but is smart enough to realise that a teenager with bright ideals and a sharp wit isn’t going to stop the bad guys alone. Cue the super-drone! heck, why not drones? the challenge of playing more than one character at once might be interesting to explore.
Of course you then have the unfortunate fact that an 11 year old is playing the most realistic game of CoD with robots ever, but she’s already made a robot that can straight up murder people, with a fusion machine gun and gravity bombs. the bloods already on her tiny hands.
So, what do you guys think? I like the way the hero plays, but much like mei I feel like its a undercooked character but with the pretty good excuse of literally just being released. everything about Orisa is subject to change, and I’m looking forward to what blizzard's next move with her is.
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limey-boy · 8 years
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Playing card
I've always liked the idea of a playing card/biz card combo. A quick experiment playing with the idea. - Adobe Fireworks; 1 hour.
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limey-boy · 8 years
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Isometric Experiment #1
A little experiment in lighting, and isometric art. -Adobe Fireworks; 2 hours.
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limey-boy · 8 years
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Dorf Bux
Dwarf fortress has a way of drawing my imagination back to it, even after the best part of a year not playing it. Here's 3 denominations of the titular Dorf Bucks, Gold, Silver & Bronze!
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limey-boy · 8 years
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Dwarf Fortress: Goblin vacation 
An oldie but a goodie from my deviantart vaults, way back when before I had actually figured out how to play the game.
Dem dorfs man, dem dorfs.
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limey-boy · 8 years
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Fried fish, Chunky chips, Salt, pepper & malt vinegar. Delectable! -Adobe Fireworks, 1 hour.
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limey-boy · 8 years
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Buttered toast, Baked beans, Ketchup, Pepper. Delicious! -Adobe Fireworks, 1 hour.
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limey-boy · 8 years
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Edward's Portrait
Taking what I learnt from the last two portraits, I decided to have a go at doing my boyfriend one! His eyes are that sharp in real life too, Love you sweetie <3 -Adobe fireworks, 1 hour.
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