#Danny makes the fake diploma
allteenwolf-shipits · 2 years
Peter is a big shot lawyer that needs to hire an associate after he became a senior partner. Stiles stumbled across the interview when he’s running from a shitty drug deal.
Stiles is a college dropout and gets hired to take the LSAT for people. He almost gets caught and agrees to help his friend, Scott, in a drug deal. When it goes sideways and he runs from the buyers he stumbles into a hotel interviewing room for Hale’s and Associates.
Peter finds Stiles antics refreshing compared to the Harvard clones and decides to hire him as a joke. Only the joke ends up on him once he realizes his growing feelings for a kid faking being a lawyer.
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asjjohnson · 1 year
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Part 18 of my poll adventure fic. Links: the beginning, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17.
Despite his resolve to graduate high school, Dan still had that itch for destruction.
The thrill of using his power against something and overcoming it.
Doomed, the online game, was different than real life.
The monsters were fake; the town was only disguised computer code.
But blasting everything in the level and seeing the ground littered with nothing but the same three images of splintered wood and drifting smoke, still gave him that giddy feeling of accomplishment.
And when the objects came back after fifteen minutes, he could do it all over again.
It was good enough for now. A way to lay low until he got that diploma.
While Dan was enjoying himself, he heard an unexpected voice.
Well, if 'voice' was the right word. Using ghost powers to physically enter a computer program did strange things to his perception. Everything he saw and heard were signals interpreted by his mind and imagination. Including the very human, but generic voice he imagined hearing behind him. Or, rather than 'behind' him, from outside of the section of code he was paying attention to.
When he 'turned around', he recognized his old Doomed avatar, along with Sam's and Tucker's.
Even while the three of them had a conversation about homework, Dan expected his past self to eventually fight him. If for no other reason than videogame fun or childish morals.
So he was surprised to realize the fight he was waiting for wouldn't happen.
"You're just going to leave?"
Dan had only heard his past self's side of the conversation, Sam and Tucker having whispered too quietly to make out their words, but he gathered that Sam had offered to help his past self raise his grades.
It reminded Dan of how much work he still needed to catch up on.
Too much time had passed since he'd last been in school, making him unable to pick up where he'd left off. And the current schoolwork was a few months ahead of where he'd been. Not that he'd been caught up at that point. He'd been slipping behind as the CAT approached.
"Yeah. You win. Have fun blasting everything."
So much for Doomed taking his mind off of the nearly impossible task for a few hours.
"Wait," Dan said a bit impulsively.
The three of them didn't move for a couple seconds, so he figured they were staying to see what he wanted. He imagined their expressions behind their helmets urging him to continue. He sighed and said, "Look. I have several months' worth of work I need to catch up on in class; can I join you?"
The three of them almost talked on top of each other.
"What's with the aitch-aitch-aitch-aitch-aitch? Is that supposed to be some kind of sound effect?" Tucker asked.
"We probably don't even go to the same school," his past self said.
"You're the transfer student, aren't you?" Sam asked.
"'Yes' you're the transfer student?" his past self asked. "I guess that explains the Phantom username. But you still have no idea who we even are."
"You called her 'Sam'," he pointed out. "And the name 'FRYERTUCK' isn't exactly subtle."
"Okay, I guess that makes sense."
Danny was curious about the transfer student, despite being more concerned about Vlad.
Talking to him face-to-face would probably help with figuring out more about him and maybe why he looked so much like Danny, and even had almost the same name.
After agreeing to let him study with them and deciding on the specifics, they all logged out of the game to meet.
“Alert me when there’s an update” list:
@charlietheepic7, @chrysanthemum9484, @mymadmedleyw, @dp-marvel94, @aikoiya, @whydouwantmyname, @cinturon-cadena, @freakofyournature, @satanicrutialspecialist, @danphantom80, @kaezer, @chipsyay, @mysterimax, @56thingsinaname, @derpxp, @potatoofweird
(if you want on the list, specifically ask to be alerted for updates in a tag or comment. Ask again if I forget to add you! If I can’t tag you, I’ll send a Message.)
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ecto-american · 4 years
Photo Finish
For the Phic Phight, for @axoltheaxolotlqueen
Summary: Engaged to be married, Danny and Sam sort through some old photos for the wedding slideshow. D/S TransDanny and TransSam
On FFN and AO3
Rating: T for boob mention
Inspiration: Phic Phight
Pairings: Danny/Sam
Warnings: Some mild sad
Other Notes: For Axol, who requested "Trans!Danny fluff" and also Tucker is genderfluid in this bc I said so. Also x2: this is lowkey for trans visibility day, but UhhhHH couldn't post it yesterday on the actual day since it's for phic phight lol
"God, you looked like such a dork," Sam teased him. Danny turned to see what his fiancée was referencing.
It was a photo of them, on their first official date, to homecoming their freshman year. He was still pretty lanky and scrawny then, his hair still at an odd, shaggy length but still gelled for the occasion. The suit fit him a tad awkwardly, but he still remembered the excitement of wearing one for the first time. God, he was so proud then, but now it was just embarrassing to see.
Sam on the other hand, seemed to never have that awkward phase, and she didn't have a hint of it then. In a dark purple and black dress, heels, she stood taller than him with long hair that was curled. She looked stunning, makeup already perfected.
The photo in question was picked out and set aside on the table Sam sat at in their apartment. Four boxes of photos, open and being sorted through for photos to be sent to Tucker, so he could put the powerpoint together.
"Hey, I was like, thirteen," he defended himself, and he reached over to try to take it out of the pile, but Sam slapped his hand.
"No!" she scowled. "I want that for the wedding slideshow Tucker's making."
"You can't pick anything where I look less dorky?" he complained. Sam grinned, shifting through more photos.
"Oh, is that a challenge?" she asked. Danny narrowed his eyes at her.
"Don't you dare," he threatened. Sam's grin only widened, and she looked faster before pulling a photo out. Danny leaned across the dining room table for her, only for her to lean back into the couch and holding the photo out of reach. "SAM!"
"Come on, it's funny!" she replied.
She turned to show him the photo, of Danny waving around his binder in one hand, a margarita in the other. It was the backstory that made it funny to her. Danny, drunk as a skunk, was forced to take his binder off by his girlfriend. If he didn't then, he would never do it later and risk getting hurt. He spent the remaining hour he was allowed to roam free showing it to people, saying that his tits were freed from prison but that they were scheduled to be executed soon.
"Sam, your grandma's gonna be at the wedding, you really want her to see?" he protested. Sam snorted.
"Ida's seen it, she thinks it's funny," Sam gave a wicked smile.
"Oh, Danny," Sam cooed, changing the subject. She pulled another photo from the pile out to show him. "This is one of my favorite pictures, we have to include this."
Danny glanced at it, and his heart instantly melted. He slipped into the seat across from her to take the photo, staring at it. By random chance, their surgeries were on the same day. Sam having breast implants, and Danny having his top surgery. It started a joke that Danny was giving his tits to her, or that Sam was stealing Danny's for herself, and the hospital had allowed for the two to share a room. It was against policy of course, but it hadn't stopped Sam from sneaking out of her bed to slip into Danny's. The couple were cuddled the best they could and napped from an exhausting day when Tucker had taken the photo for them.
"Mine too," he replied softly. "Tucker was the best." The techno geek, the couple could never thank their best friend enough for it, spend nearly two weeks taking care of the two and helping them out. "Okay, but if we have that, we need to also have like, the one of Tucker helping me."
Sam burst into giggles as she watched Danny look for it, eventually producing the image. Ida had taken it, finding the situation hilarious. Danny was nervous as hell about proposing to Sam. And Tucker, man they were such a bro, had volunteered to let Danny practice on them. Tucker had dramatic tears, hands on their cheeks in a fake scream of joy with Danny on one knee, trying to keep from rolling his eyes as he practiced the big question.
"Absolutely," she agreed with a sigh. "We have a lot of time we can fill, especially since we're not doing baby photos."
Ugh, absolutely not. There was no way Danny was going to show the extensive list of guests photos of him as little baby [redacted] Fenton, in a dress or skirts. Nor was Sam interested in having photos be shown of baby [redacted] Manson in a dorky sailor suit, as per rich person family tradition.
"We can do our graduation photos, like college," Danny suggested.
"Oh, absolutely. I looked so great in that, I finally had actual hips," Sam agreed immediately.
"Same, my beard was finally growing in," Danny nodded. He finally found it, and he took it out the photos for them to both look at.
Danny and Tucker had graduated together, their diplomas held in computer science, Danny, with a full beard, in mechanical engineering. Sam still stood with them, but in a dark purple dress and her famous black bat purse. Sam had graduated a year after them due to her double major in business and animal science, both of which she held proudly in her photo with Tucker and Danny in nice suits, on either side of her. By Sam's graduation, Danny had finally given in and shaved, staying clean shaven ever since. Nobody told him having a beard was going to be so much work. Who knew you still had to trim and shave certain areas lest you began looking like a crazed mountain man? Maybe one day he'll try again, but for his wedding, he was going to be facial hair free.
"Can you believe it's just two months away?" Danny asked, mostly wondering aloud to himself.
"No," Sam confessed. Her attention was on a photo she had found. Danny immediately knew based on her expression that it was a childhood photo. "...Honestly I'm still surprised sometimes that I made it this far."
He gave a nod of understanding, his throat tightening. They were the lucky ones. They had families that loved and supported them from the start. But even then there was always that horrible gnawing feeling, that loathing of the time you lost. The crippling self doubt after the mandatory therapy and evaluations of doctors. There were times he was surprised he made it this far too.
"...Yeah," was all he could think to say.
His hand moved across the table, and Sam's had immediately met him halfway. Their fingers interlaced, and they remained silent, mourning briefly the lives they could have had if things were different. Of course, they were happy now. But sometimes…
He cleared his throat with a small cough. Things were the way they were. The past didn't matter. He was here now, presenting as he wished, and he had built a life worth living. It was still more than the hundreds of thousands of people could ever imagine having.
"But I'm glad I'm here with you now," Danny told her. She looked to him with a warm smile, and he knew she had the same thoughts as him. The circumstances were not ideal, but both of them had made the best of it.
"I love you," she spoke softly before lightly tapping her thumb against his hand. "I think I'm gonna make some pasta. Want some?"
"I would love some pasta, Mrs. Fenton."
The term made her visibly brighten more, and with a quick peck, she got up to make lunch.
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sodapopscott · 4 years
There was no other way to describe his pace than mechanical. He kept moving, one step after another, trodding through the snow at the most even pace he could manage with one arm cradled to his chest. The chill in the air was enough to make his teeth chatter at the beginning of the night as he’d made his way out of the apartment to the annual tree lighting of all places, but now it kept him going. It was the only thing that stopped the pain from becoming too much to handle. All he felt, aside from the jolt of pain that shot through his arm when he jostled it the wrong way, was numb.
If it weren’t for the fact that Ace had tossed his phone carelessly over the bridge Scott would have called someone to pick him up. Someone who’s night it wouldn’t have ruined the way it was destined to if he called Tessa or Perrie. Damon, maybe. The older man might not ask as many questions as some of the other people in his life would have. Or Javi. The kid didn’t always approve of what he got up to with the gang but there was no doubt in Scott’s mind that he would be there for him if he asked. He would be there to help him clean up the current mess that was his face before inevitably forcing him to go to the hospital. But he couldn’t. The blood caked to his face made is impossible to hail a cab, though that hadn’t stopped him from trying once he’d first picked himself up off the ground and began moving. 
He should have known better. It had been months since he’d hung out with the guys. It didn’t make any sense for Ace to show up at his apartment, especially for the fucking Christmas tree lighting of all events. They weren’t the type of guys who celebrated holidays outside of passing around a bottle between their small group of friends, and even that didn’t happen until the night before when the loneliness kicked in. But Scott had been stupid enough to follow along with the boys. They were friends. Family even.
‘Or did you forget that now that you’re a bigshot boxer? Just like a Cruz to make it up then forget about the little people,” Marko taunted, earning a few chuckles from the rest of the group and a look from Ace that was enough to send a shiver down his spine. But it, the look, was enough to make Scott think maybe Cam was wrong. Maybe he wasn’t on Ace’s shit-list for whatever reason he’d ended up there in the first place. And if he wanted to make sure he stayed off it it he could start with going along to the stupid tree lighting. There weren’t many people in town who made him nervous but being at ease around the elder Claymore was a level of naivety not even Scott had reached. He didn’t need a diploma to tell him when someone was dangerous.
So he’d followed a long, finding it harder to sink back into old habits than he wanted to admit. He’s spent the majority of the past six months working towards a career his fake girlfriend had helped him start up once upon a time. That didn’t mean he’d changed. At least not in any way that actually matter. But the vibe in the air between the other boys was something different than the one they had with him. Something was off, and he wasn’t able to place it until they started across the old Rosewood bridge when Marko snagged his phone from his hand right after he’d sent off a text letting Tessa know he was almost there.
“Are we not entertaining enough for you anymore, Scotty?”
“Jesus, when did you get so needy?” Scott huffed before swiping for his phone, though Marko had tossed it along before he could get too close. It was obvious the more he reacted the more they would screw with him. It was what he would’ve done if he were in their shoes. Screw with the guy who was too whipped on his girl to pay attention to his friends anymore.
“No seriously, what is it? One minute you’re attached to Castillo’s hip fucking begging to be one of us, and then once you’re finally out of the gutter you act just like your brother.” Marko spit at the ground as if the mention of Diego was offensive, and to some of them it was.  To some of them he was the biggest traitor they knew.
“Fuck off-”
“He has a point, y’know.” Ace interrupted, shrugging one of his shoulders before catching the phone with ease. Though instead of passing it along to the next boy he tossed it in the air, eyeing it more than paying any attention to Scott. “The closest we’ve come to seeing you in the past few months is catching a shot of the back of your head when you’re leaving St.Elmo’s. You ghosted us once you found something better.”
Scott found himself shaking his head but knew better than to interrupt.  “You know it’s not like that.”
“But it is. This gang, our brotherhood doesn’t mean shit anymore. Diego we could see from a mile away. On the inside he’s as hard as a marshmallow. And Damon, it was only a matter of time before he decided to straighten up once he found a girl who believed in doing the right thing. But you… I never thought you would do us like this, man.”
“Come on, I didn’t do anything. I’m just trying to do something with my life that isn’t something I’ll get arrested for if I get caught. And that’s no shame, I just… I want more.” From the look on his face it was obvious Ace wasn’t listening to him but Scott couldn’t help trying. He wouldn’t throw Tessa under the bus by admitting she was one of the main reasons he’d stopped but it was true. Between her and Perrie he wanted to be a better person so for the first time in his life he was actually trying. “I wanna be a good guy.”
“And I want people to remember that we’re supposed to be a family. You can’t just walk away from that.” Ace had tossed his phone over his shoulder carelessly, sending it crashing into the river below. “You remember what you had to do to be one of us, man? It’s like those old mob movies we used to watch. It should’ve been like that from the beginning but Diego, Damon, everyone- they all went fucking soft, and that ends right now. No one gets to leave just because they finally got their shit together. They don’t get to leave just because they’re finished taking what they want. That’s not the way this works. Not anymore. We’re going back to the old school days; blood in blood out.”
Scott didn’t see the fist flying his way but there was no way to miss the shockwaves that went through his body as it connected with his temple hard enough to make his knees quiver. He’d taken his fair share of hits but responding to one he hadn’t expected in the first place never got any easier. He instinctively rocked back on his feet, trying to create space between himself and the boy who’d hit him as his mind started to piece the puzzle together. They couldn’t have cared less about the lights. The point had been getting him out of the house, alone, on one of the darkest bridges in town and he’d been stupid enough to think he had some idea what was going on and that there was a sliver of a chance he could get away with sliding under the radar without being caught up.
The next hit came as swiftly as the first, and those that followed after from different angles were impossible to defend. There was no way he stood a chance at holding his own against three boys who knew every move he might make and had the edge of surprise on their side. In less than two minutes he was on the ground but even that didn’t stop the hits and kicks from coming until his vision began to blur. Seeing him down did nothing to stop the beating he’d had only once before. Eventually the boys shifted, Marko’s knee digging into his back and Danny’s foot pinning the hand that wasn’t buried under his chest on the sidewalk to the asphalt a few inches below as blood flowed freely from Scott’s mouth onto the snow as Ace knelt next to him.
“I didn’t wanna do this but someone around here had to start reminding everyone else that the Greasers mean business. You might think you’re hot shit because of what we made you, but we can take it all back as soon as you forget your place. And if our leaders don’t want to act like it… maybe it’s time we find new ones.”  Ace sighed, standing back up before he took a few steps away. It was enough to make Scott think that maybe they’d had enough. He was done and everyone looking at him knew it. But in the time in took him to blink, opening his now heavy eyelids, the boy was coming back in his direction to slam his foot down on Scott’s elbow. The sickening crack that followed was only drowned out by the sound of his scream, something he hadn’t realized had been coming from him until he found himself gasping for air. “We’ll see how hot you are now that your little career is over.”
Scott had no idea how long he’d laid on the ground, or when the boys had left him in the snow with one arm mangled awkwardly. It was enough that he was sure he was on the verge of frostbite if he didn’t get his face off the ground, if it hadn’t already set in. He couldn’t count how many times he’d tried to get up but stopped halfway there once the pain flared throughout his arm, threatening to knock him unconscious. But eventually he made it up
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ghostguise-a · 5 years
so in every verse, when Danny goes from Danny Johnson to his current identity, it’s because Danny Johnson is fucking dead as far as the public is aware.   he faked his own death, perfectly staged as a suicide, after his high school sweetheart was oh so tragically killed on the high school football field after cheerleading practice.   she was found under the bleachers where Danny had seen her making out with another man a week prior.   so after the news became public, and the students figured out she had cheated on the poor star student, he skipped school for a week... and disappeared after leaving a suicide note.
that’s the night he left his hometown and everything he knew, only to head to Pennsylvania.   it wasn’t hard for him to forge his high school diploma or a new ID, and come up with some... believable story as to where he came from.   he attended college, and paid for his tuition through scholarships and journalism, as well as some odd side jobs that he drifted between.   college went smoothly, studying to be a criminal profiling major with a minor in journalism.   for quite some time, he worked right under the noses of law enforcement, and his murder spree continued after graduation.
but what happened to his parents?   aside from grieving the loss of their only son, they live comfortably in their home back in Montana.   Danny keeps tabs on them, and has hidden security cameras as well as bugs installed in their home just so he can ensure their safety.   he genuinely does love his family, and would risk exposing his identity and hobby as a murderer to protect them.   in DbD verse, he keeps tabs on them until he disappears, and checks back in post-realm... but that’s a whole other story.
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ilhankeskin · 3 years
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Community is an American television series in the absurd comedy genre that began airing on NBC in 2009. The series is directed by many directors such as Tristram Shapeero, Joe Russo, Anthony Russo at different times, and features successful actors such as Joel McHale, Gillian Jacobs, Danny Pudi.
The series takes place in a Community College named Greendale. Our characters gather in a study group and thus become friends. We have seven lead characters in the series; Jeff, Britta, Abed, Troy, Annie, Shirley and Pierce.
Jeff is the leader of the group. He has a selfish and cocky nature. He is a lawyer that tries to get a license and become a lawyer again by writing to Greendale when it becomes clear that his diploma is fake.
Britta is a boring character in the series. He laughs with boredom. She is also the beautiful girl of the group. There is a shooting between them and Jeff, and this shooting creates constant funny conflicts.
Abed is the character of the group that might be called odd. He is a film enthusiast, and because he cannot understand the world, he tries to identify the events he experiences, the people around him, with the characters of the film.
Troy is a character noted for his association with Abed. We also see sweet clashes between Abed and Troy throughout the series.
Annie is the youngest girl of the group. She stands out for her goodness and purity.
Shirley is like the mother of the group. Shirley, who is older than the group, is also distinguished by being a religious character. His only bad habit is that he's very interested in gossip.
Pierce, on the other hand, is one of the oldest characters in the group, but he acts childishly, constantly disgracing himself. Pierce's character, who has a hard time getting along with teenagers, also adds a different color to the series.
These characters are all people of different ages, of different beliefs. This makes the series even more fun, making it more confrontational.
Actually I'm not the biggest fan of Sitcom series, I had long delayed watching Community Series, but after watching a few episodes, I realized that community was much more than that. The laugh effects in classic sitcoms, the characters who made exaggerated movements to make audince laugh, seemed quite contrived to me and didn't make me laugh. But Community series is far more realistic than many sitcoms. Although the characters are absurd, they carry it quite well and keep it at a level that does not disturb the viewer.
Although the series begins somewhat arrestingly in its first episodes, in its later episodes it drags the viewer from adventure to adventure. We can see our characters going into space in one episode, while we can see them filming in another episode. So Community is not a stationary series at all, although it is mostly set at a Community College.
The series made the audience laugh with both conflicts, clever jokes, detections, exaggerations and funny situations. In addition, elements of cinematic comedy were also used. Shot, for example, in a scene where they play paintball, Shirley falls into Britta's arms. "Britta, I'm going home." Here, Shirley, who will actually go home because she was eliminated from paintball, exaggerates the situation in the eyes of the viewer by giving the message "I am going to God". As this happens, the camera moves away with an upward zoom out, just like in real death scenes. While every genre of comedy is used here, cinematography has also been used as an element of comedy. There are many scenes in the series where cinematography like this is used to make you laugh.
As a result, no series has ever managed to make me laugh as much as the Community Series. I would definitely advise those who don't watch the show to watch it.
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eenefangirlanalysis · 7 years
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Who else was jumping out of their skin when we get this cool mug shot of Bro? Tell me what your reactions were.
Literally, I never thought we were going to see Bro in the movie. I was thinking it was just going to be another fake out on like how Danny said that we were finally going to see what what under Edd’s hat. Honestly, Eddy’s Brother is more important to see. We have the possible canon deleted scene where Edd tells his friends about the scar on his head. Fans can imagine that as anything. 
We needed to see this famed, idolized person Eddy talked highly of throughout every episode.
Look at him. Already he fits the description of cool. And he’s an exact mirror image of eddy. Only older.
Okay, so let’s go into the physical description and head canons about Bro. 
1. First, why don’t we talk about voice behind Eddy’s Brother, Terry Klassen.
Terry Klassen is a Canadian voice actor and voice director. He was the voice director of Ed, Edd n Eddy. He has voiced in other shows such as My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Jonny Test, Zoids along with many other TV shows. 
This is a fact I just found out, but Klassen was over fifty at the time when he voiced Bro. Wow, you can’t even tell. 
Why did Danny Antonucci want Klassen to voice Eddy’s Brother? Klassen does an amazing job performing as Bro and I applaud him. He had the perfect tone which made made audiences swoon. 
2.  Eddy's brother's character design was done by storyboard assistant and character/prop designer Cory Toomey.
Bro has the sunglasses, a sense of fashion, a little beard, and a big chin which Eddy is always trying to mimic throughout the series. No wonder Eddy is jealous of him.
Bro wears a cap. Think about it. If he didn’t wear that hat during the scene he’d look exactly like Eddy. If you never saw this movie before I bet viewers would think this is an older version of Eddy.
He wears a red, plaid jacket.
Meaning of the Color Red -  Fire and blood, associated with energy, war, danger, violence, strength, power, anger, desire, and love. A very emotionally intense and versatile color.
Since I never analyzed the color of Eddy’s shirt I will do so to compare.contrast with Bro.
Meaning of the Color Yellow -  Yellow is associated with fire, which in turn, has always been associated with the purification process. It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy. Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscle energy. Bright, pure yellow is an attention getter, which is the reason taxicabs are painted this color.
These two colors say a lot.
Similar to Lee, Bro has a filling. A gold tooth. That’s actually something I never thought about before. Did he have an accident?
Pretty soon Eddy will have a tooth missing, due to an accident...
3. Why the number 62? Why is this a symbolic number?
Through my research I found out that Sigmund Freud had an irrational fear of the number 62. Freud was the father of psychoanalysis. Freud developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association redefined sexuality to include its infantile forms, along with analysis of dreams as wish-fulfillments provided him with models for the clinical analysis of symptom formation and the underlying mechanisms of repression.
Psychoanalysis plays quite an important role with each character in Ed, Edd n Eddy. Especially, Eddy. Eddy and Bro were the complete opposite. Bro didn’t want anybody to get inside his head. In the end Eddy can no longer keep the lies repressed and lets people in.
Eddy has also worn a possible hand me down 62 jersey in Cool Hand Ed and Hanky Panky Hullabaloo. Eddy wants to be his brother.
4. How old is Bro?
Clearly, he is much older then Eddy. It’s pointed out in the background that he has graduated from high school. Remember the diploma in his room at the beginning of the movie? His character description claims that he’s in his early 20′s.
I head canon that he’s 26.
That’s a pretty big age gap between Eddy and Bro. 13 years. 
What if Eddy’s parents were still in high school when they had Bro. They weren’t mature enough to take care of a child yet. They still gave Bro the love he deserved while trying to get their lives together. Through work and maybe attending community college they weren’t able to spend enough time with their son
Bro learned to be a sociopath all on his own. It wasn’t his parents fault. I have a headcanon that when Eddy’s parents decided to have another child they thought it would make things better. Eddy’s parents had better knowledge on how to take care of a child and made better decisions with Eddy then Bro. Bro has always been jealous of Eddy.Eddy never thought of it that way.
Eddy’s parents have made their mistakes but have never given up on trying to make things better.
5. Has anyone wondered what Bro’s real name is and why nobody has called him by his name?
Danny stated that his name is Matthew. It still has never been confirmed. I like that name. It fits Bro.
The Meaning of the name Matthew -  In Hebrew the meaning of the name Matthew is: Gift of the Lord. Matthew, also called Levi, was one of the twelve apostles. He was a tax collector, and supposedly the author of the first gospel in the New Testament. He is considered a saint in many Christian traditions.
Hmm, how ironic.
Does Eddy know his brother’s name? Eddy’s parents were very cautious about Eddy being around Bro. And perhaps it is so vile for anyone to say due to the nightmarish plots he has done in the past.
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Say, why does Bro wear a ring?
I love this screenshot of Bro silently judging the kids.
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“All for nothin’, huh?” And then he makes this death glare. Oh, his expressions are wonderful! Artists must have had a fun time working on his character in the little screen time he has. 
I love this line. Bro immediately acts like a protective older brother. He really sounds as if he is going to defend Eddy.
I can’t get over Bro’s husky voice. He is older then Eddy, but he still sounds young.
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Spying Eddy, Bro bends down to pick him up.
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Immediately, Eddy looks uncomfortable for a split second. He has no idea what is happening. He hasn’t been around his brother for years and he may still be abusive. Eddy has been denying that thinking it was his brothers way of loving him.
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“Still, the trouble making Eddy, I see.”
Ah, brotherly bonding. This gives insight to Eddy though. Even without Bro he was still a troublemaker as a child. I think he kept in very little touch with his parents and they’d tell him about Eddy.
I like to believe that maybe Bro missed Eddy over the years. He acts happy to see him. But, the sad truth is he missed hurting Eddy because for the rest of this scene he uses his little brother as an object.
Again, we all have our own interpretations about Bro. We only see him in these five minute. The rest is based off on facts/lies from Eddy and our own head canons.
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Bro gives Eddy a playful noogie.
How I wish this precious scene could have lasted forever.
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“Stop it, Bro.”
Eddy has never liked physical affection, especially coming from Bro. He must have gotten this dislike from Bro seeing what kind of history they’ve had. Eddy fears being touched. 
There are little moments in season 5 where Eddy immediately recoils when he thinks somebody is going to touch him. It’s sad when you think about it. Bro messed up Eddy’s mind. Will Eddy ever get used to physical affection. It will take some recover time. 
This screenshot warms my heart and yet is still so heart wrenching.
Is Bro truly happy to see Eddy? Or is he acting?
Eddy is obviously happy. Maybe Bro has changed.
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theghostus · 5 years
Update on my whatever it is y’all call life...
Miss Hope gave me an update of her so-call Danny-boy. I wouldn’t think as far to call what they have ‘love’ more like his head is in a mush and needed a distraction. A guy with abs like that I would think he has ‘higher’ standards. 
Now back to me...I’m not sure what I have is called a shitty life/bored or just plain old depression talkin’ but sure as hell I want something to fucking happen in my boring life. Being alone at work has it’s ups and downs...two huge ups, I can come how ever late I fucking want and there’s no one can give me a stink eye about it. Two, when there’s nothing of urgency to do I can watch a movie or write like pretty much my own goddamn office depending on what I feel like doing or have to do at the moment. 
I just watched a movie called Shriekers. I find myself travelling back in time thinking what was I doing during the time period. It was in the 90s. I don’t remember having any ambition as a child. As I grew up I try to find someone for me to look up as a role mole. Had an uncle who was in the hotel industry line. He managers a hotel overseas. So I thought, ‘hey that’s a fucking cool job’ so I researched and found out it cost alot of money. I had to forget about it. 
Later, after my O levels, I did not so great. 3 passes. My brother did better cause he worked hard for it and got some bursary from NGO, a partly run-government company to help the underprivileged to get his diploma. And he got to do what he loves. Movies or dramas as a video editor. He does mostly corporate videos too. Get to travel. Overall doing what he loves. As for me, I’m stuck doing what is the most logical path for someone whose grades are shite. Vocational School.
Meet good friends, been friends for over 10 years (except we lost contact briefly after we left school) Facebook has been my life line in more ways than one in the later years. Then social media started booming, I’ve made more friends online than I had in real life. That’s another story...
At the same time, I discovered my love for writing. Earlier why didn’t I put all my day dreams into words, I don’t know. It took a heartbreak (dishonesty and cowardice) to make me realise how much I love to create. However I’m bad at following rules. Hate the fuck out of them. I’m only in this shitty line coz I needed the money. I was young and dumb. I thought if I earned more, I would be happy. I get to go where ever I fucking what. Buy whatever I want. And with then boyfriend. The next thing was to get married. Turns out I was (still) wrong about everything. 
No, I didn’t get married. We broke up because he has no balls to say it to my face after he cleaned me out (we had a share bank account, he didn’t keep up with his end of his responsibilities. I was (then 25 yo) pretty much like a mother to a 35 year-old man with 2 young children and an ex to support). Also contributing factors, I never want kids and refuse to be a stay at home wife. Look how my mum turned out to be. Nope ain’t gonna happen. 
Right now, I would sell my soul to get me to do something I love and get paid for it. I like to be around people with a choice of being alone and not into one of those ‘kumbaya’ shite. I prefer to hang out with people my own kind (those who are not boring) The weirdos, the silly, the adventurers, the funny and the fun (my kind of fun) This reminds me of a part of my years in primary and one of my first job. Both had the same thing, a camaraderie where regardless of who you are; the young, the old, the less academically inclined, the genius, the jaded, the naive; we ALL got along and help each other. Ironically, we were put together by chance, the ones who got picked last kind. We became the Motley Crue. Perhaps a thorn in others flesh when they see we, mis-match personalities got along better than those who chose their own people. How I wish I have such togetherness now. I’m here all alone with my thoughts and trying not to put a gun to my head. 
In my vocational years, I too had such camaraderie but life got in the way and we all changed. Not sure for the better or worse. 
Ever since I started being alone, I detest people. Yet I want to be around them. People who want to be around me and not making small talk. So fake. I can see right through those asshole. Except for 1 or 2...They are the ones I should be wary of. The ones who make you feel an instant connection only not to cultivate it when the connection no longer serves their purpose. They come and go like a summer breeze. I hate them. 
Now all I want to do is have a job that serves my needs to be creative, alone yet with an option to join others and get paid. Oh and make my own rules. Fuck what kind of job is that?? One more thing, I want to be heard and worshiped at the same time. Too much?
The more I think of this, the more I think like Sherlock when he doesn’t have a case to work on. He gets high on drugs just to feel he’s alive (and categorizing the different types of ash) There’s so much can a distraction do to fill in the void. The void in my empty soul which hold my heart full of holes.  
I’m trying to leave this mountain of loneliness but at what price? Fuck. I can’t even upgrade myself without selling a kidney. I rather sell my soul for the prefect job. 
Even when I try to tell others, everyone doesn’t understand. Even I think remotely that person would, I don’t want to burden them with my shitty thoughts. In the end, it’s that numbing self-loathing loneliness spills into my pillow each restless sleepless nights. Nowadays, I also find very hard to empathize with the people around me. Fuck I’m in such a shitty place right now. My mood swings go from happy to please-fucking-kill-me in a nanosecond.  
On a unrelated note, part of my (holey) heart wished who is crazy enough to actually like/want to be around me. There’s no need to love being around me (even I don’t like sometimes be around me) To make me feel something other than this sad numbness. Sometimes, I wished I’m addicted to some sort of drugs just to feel alive. Or maybe get drunk. Then again, their side-effects are another set of problems I don’t want deal with. 
Everyone want to be swept off their feet, to dance in the rain. To sing in a duet; till dawn. To walk together on the same path; not with one own shadow. To feel the warmth of another; melting away all unhappy thoughts with just silence. 
Another part of me, wants this ^^^ guy to show up this year and take me away. The other part, if he does, hoping he be the One that I’ve been waiting for. That someone from my past; whoever the fuck you fucking are. No expectations right?
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‘Staggering’ trade in fake degrees revealed
Image copyright Google
Image caption A BBC reporter was offered a degree from the fake Nixon University for $3,600 (£2,600)
Thousands of UK nationals have bought fake degrees from a multi-million pound “diploma mill” in Pakistan, a BBC Radio 4’s File on Four programme investigation has found.
Buyers include NHS consultants, nurses and a large defence contractor.
One British buyer spent almost £500,000 on bogus documents.
The Department for Education said it was taking “decisive action to crack down on degree fraud” that “cheats genuine learners”.
Axact, which claims to be the “world’s largest IT company”, operates a network of hundreds of fake online universities run by agents from a Karachi call centre.
With names such as Brooklyn Park University and Nixon University, they feature stock images of smiling students and even fake news articles singing the institution’s praises.
According to documents seen by BBC Radio 4’s File on Four programme, more than 3,000 fake Axact qualifications were sold to UK-based buyers in 2013 and 2014, including master’s degrees, doctorates and PhDs.
Image copyright Google
Image caption Many of Axact’s online universities – such as Baychester University – share the same format and use stock photographs
A trawl through the list of Axact UK buyers, seen by the BBC, reveals various NHS clinical staff, including an ophthalmologist, nurses, a psychologist, and numerous consultants also bought fake degrees.
A consultant at a London teaching hospital bought a degree in internal medicine from the fake Belford University in 2007.
The doctor – who had previously been disciplined by the General Medical Council (GMC) for failing to report a criminal conviction – told the BBC he had not used the certificates because they “had not been authenticated”.
An anaesthetist who bought a degree in “hospital management” said he had not used the qualification in the UK.
And a consultant in paediatric emergency medicine, who bought a “master of science in health care technology”, claimed it was an “utter surprise” when the BBC told him it was fake.
There is no suggestion any of these clinicians do not hold appropriate original medical qualifications.
Large-scale problem
The General Medical Council (GMC) said it was up to employers to verify any qualifications additional to medical degrees.
But Higher Education Degree Datacheck (HEDD) chief executive Jayne Rowley said only 20% of UK employers ran proper checks on applicants’ qualifications.
And while purchasing a fake diploma was not illegal in the UK, using one to apply for employment constituted fraud by misrepresentation and could result in a 10-year prison sentence.
“[The GMC] are correct in that [doctors] are licensed to practice medicine if they have a legitimate medical degree. But [by buying a fake degree], they have still committed fraud and could still be prosecuted,” she said.
Danny Mortimer, chief executive of NHS Employers, said all NHS trusts operated rigorous primary checks.
Verification was “achieved through a variety of channels” and fraudulent activity would be reported to police, he said.
Image caption The fake degree certificate offered to a BBC reporter
In 2015, Axact sold more than 215,000 fake qualifications globally, through approximately 350 fictitious high schools and universities, making $51m (£37.5m) that year alone.
Former FBI agent Allen Ezell, who has been investigating Axact since the 1980s, said: “We live in a credential conscious society around the world.
“So as long as paper has a value, there’s going to be somebody that counterfeits it and prints it and sells it.
“Employers are not doing their due diligence in checking out the papers, so it makes it work. It’s the damnedest thing we’ve ever seen.”
‘Very serious issue’
Defence contractor FB Heliservices bought fake Axact degrees for seven employees, including two helicopter pilots, between 2013 and 2015.
One of these employees, speaking anonymously to the BBC, said soon after he had been given a contract to work on the Caribbean island of Curacao, the local government decided all those working in the territory had to have a degree.
“We looked into distance learning, and contact was made with this online university. It was just something that needed to be done to keep working in the country.
“Everyone knew they were not bona fide. But no-one had a problem with it.”
Parent-company Cobham held an internal investigation into the incident, but decided the purchase was a “historic issue” that “had no impact upon the safety of any of its operations or the training of any individuals in the UK or elsewhere”.
“Procedural and disciplinary actions have been taken to address all the issues raised,” it added.
But MP James Frith, a member of the Education Select Committee, said the decision was a “very serious issue”.
“I am amazed that a business would put itself and its very existence at risk by having fraudulent qualifications to, by the sounds of it, get into a new market.”
Image copyright Allen Ezell/ Google
Image caption Former FBI officer Allen Ezell has written a book about “fake diploma mills” such as Brooklyn Park University
Following a New York Times expose in 2015, Axact’s chief executive was arrested and an investigation launched by the Pakistani authorities.
Senior manager Umair Hamid was sentenced to 21 months in a US prison in August 2017 for his part in Axact’s fraud.
Yet the Pakistani investigation has ground to a halt amid claims of government corruption.
Allan Ezell said Axact continued to launch new online universities all the time – and had now branched out into extortion and blackmail.
“It’s a whole new game,” he said. “Normally a diploma mill is finished with you by the time you get your degree. That’s just the beginning now.
“You get a telephone call that looks like it’s coming from your embassy or local law enforcement, threatening to arrest or deport you unless you get some additional documents to help support the phony diploma you already have. We’ve never seen that before.”
Cecil Horner, a British engineer based in Saudi Arabia, was still getting threatening calls from Axact agents after paying nearly £500,000 for fake documents.
Mr Horner’s son Malcolm said he believed his father, who died in 2015, had bought the qualifications because of the fear of losing his job.
“It makes me so angry,” he said.
“It’s unfathomable these websites still exist and they can’t be shut down.”
Action Fraud, the UK’s national cybercrime reporting centre, said it did not have the power to close fake Axact websites but instead had to provide evidence to domain registries and registrars, which could take months.
Image copyright Submitted picture
Image caption A degree certificate from Axact-run Neil Wilson University
MP James Frith said he was “staggered” by the “aggressive tactics” used by Axact and would ask the Education Selection Committee to look into the issue.
The Department of Education said HEDD was taking a proactive approach.
“Degree fraud cheats both genuine learners and employers, so we’ve taken decisive action to crack down on those seeking to profit from it,” a spokesman said.
Axact did not respond to a request for an interview from the BBC.
File on 4: Degrees of Deception is on BBC Radio 4 on Tuesday 16 January at 20:00 GMT and on the iPlayer.
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