#Darren has been SLIPPIN!
cinamun · 2 years
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I can pay for it myself | Next
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wayneimagine · 5 years
The Riddle of the model
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Anon asked: idk if i sent you my request when they were open but i was wondering if you could do one where reader is friends with orlando but she’s in the popular group ( like the girls in dels ep) and she secretly hates them. something happens between her and the girls and she snaps cus she has bad anger issues like wayne and starts hanging out with orlando and her and wayne meet and you can decide the ending!!
i’m so in love with your blog!!!! could you maybe write an imagine where reader is in the popular group in school but secretly hates all of them and because she’s friends with orlando she hangs out with him for abit and starts talking to wayne (he thought she was like the other popular people before) you can make up the ending <3333
Yes, I named this imagine after my favorite song from Sing Street, sue me
You were late for school. It wasn’t really your fault, your friends had made you the designated driver for a party you all went yesterday and you had to drive every one of them to six different houses. So, when you came home you climbed to bed and fell asleep immediately, not noticing that you had school in five hours later.
And now here you were. Scrambling through your bag to find your phone (you were sure you had left it at home this morning though) when you got to the Biology class. You knocked and opened the door.
“Sorry I’m late.” You said straightening your top.
You caught the gaze from all the students in the classroom, but you were used to it. After all, you were one of the popular girls, thanks to your “friends”.
You used to like them a little bit more two years ago. But now they were forcing you to do their homework, go to parties with them because they needed a designated driver and they made you wear tops, short skirts and a lot of makeup . Sometimes it felt as if you were in Mean Girls.
But you did what you had to survive highschool.
The teacher only nodded at you, after all, no one gave a shit at this school, so you didn’t have to worry about anything.
The board indicated that you had to dissect a frog in pairs and with one look around the room you saw that almost everyone had started doing it with their respective pair. Your friends were chuckling at you for being late, so you did a bold thing.
You sat next to Orlando.
Orlando was one of the few people (a lie, the only one) that you hanged out with sometimes who wasn’t popular. You and him went way back, you two had been friends when you were younger and when you changed schools you still hadn’t lost that friendship. Then you came back to your current highschool and well, you still were friends, even though your current ones would disapprove of that.
“‘Sup Orlando. We gonna cut this or what?” You said picking up the tiny knife while he looked at you with his eyebrows raised.
You understood why he acted surprised that you wanted to do something related to school. On the other side of the classroom, Willow was painting her nails, Betty was doing her best not to throw up and the rest of them were on their phones.
“Damn, you really want a good grade don’t you?” Orlando said once you made a cut on the frog’s chest.
You frowned and looked at him “This’ disgusting.”
“Yeah well, try seeing a guy who has been hit in the face by a gnome.” He said more to himself than you.
You only sent him a confused look and sighed.
You two began talking about some girl he had a crush on when the door opened again. Everyone stared at the pale boy who couldn’t care less about being late. Wayne went to where you and Orlando were sitting and sat down next to him.
It was a known rule all over the school that Wayne was the type of person you didn’t wanna mess with (I mean, the guy stabbed someone with a carrot once).
But you weren’t the type of person to back away from conflict, god knows that.
“This is (Y/N), she’s pretty cool for hangin’ out with a bunch of assholes.” Orlando told him and you elbowed him.
Wayne only gave him a look with raised eyebrows as in a way of saying “what is she doing here?” but then he stared at the board.
“Heard you went on a date with that Darren guy.” Orlando whispered to you once everybody started copying what the teacher was saying.
You rolled your eyes “He was nice, at the beginning. Don’t think he’s my type, besides, his dad is an asshole. He kept staring at my boobs once we arrived at his house. I’m sure Darren has daddy issues.” You said and pointed at the boy with your head, who had a black eye.
You began scribbling in your notebook when something caught your attention. In the corner of your eye, you could see Wayne grabbing one of the dead frogs and placing it in his pocket. You pursued your lips because god who would want to keep a dead frog in their jacket.
The bell rang and you picked up your things as slow as you could. Your friends were already out of the door when you turned to say bye to Orlando.
“See ya later.” You said and grabbed your bag before going to Maths class, where Betty was waiting for you, ready to talk about this new nail polish she loved.
“This is gonna be a long day.” You thought to yourself.
“Eric’s been asking ‘bout ya.” You said to her once it was lunch time.
She turned red and shrugged. “You know how he is. But what ‘bout ya? When you gonna get a boyfriend?” She asked you with a smirk.
You were about to make a remark at her (something about her lying about being a virgin with wasn’t a bad thing though) when two girls came to your table.
All the girls turned to them slowly, annoyed that someone was interrupting their so important conversation.
“Hi, I’m Del. This is Natalie.” The smallest one of the two said.
“This a gay-straight alliance thing? Or...?” Willow said and you did your best not to roll your eyes.
“I hate the people.” Natalie mumbled to the other girl.
“Well, we’re holdin’ a blood drive next week. It’s for our hockey team. You know, our goalie got hurt pretty bad.” Del said but the girls weren’t really interested in that, so you jumped in.
“Count me in.” You said with a smile ignoring the dazzled stares from both your friends and the two girls.
“S-sure! We’ll write you in. Anybody else wants?” Del trailed off.
The girls remained in silent. You wanted to said something to them but knew it wouldn’t change anything in the end.
“Dude took a blade to the jugular.” Natalie began. “Vein just ripped open, and blood was spurtin’ everywhere like a fuckin’ faucet. He almost bled to death right on the ice, and then, when the paramedics finally came, they were slippin’ and slidin’ in all this blood and one of ‘em actually threw up.”
Willow gave you an amused look and you only shrugged.
“Could be fun. It just pain for one second.”
“Yeah, exactly. One second a you help a lot of people. They were able to save him thanks to people chipping in and donating their blood, much like you guys” Del said and you two exchanged smiles. “So, what do you think?”
“What’s in it for me?” Willow asked with a boring look on her face.
“Uh, the sattisfaction of helpin’ others?” Natalie remarked.
Willow scoffed “Do we get out of class?”
Del rolled her eyes in a dissapointed way “Yes.”
“Should’ve just opened with that”
“Hey, uh, while I’m here, I’m also running for Class President, so, you know, maybe if you like, you could vote for me.” Del said and you felt sorry for the girl because the looks your friends gave to each other said everything.
“I’ll let you copy my English homework.” Del said and Betty snickered.
“We already have her for that.” She said and pointed at you. “Hey, uh, didn’t you and your dumpster-fire of a mom get thrown out the Courtyard Park Hotel the other day? It’s Oxy, right? Not crack. Or is it both?” She finished with a smirk.
“Hey, Ugly Betty, eat a dick.” Natalie said and you bit down a smile.
Betty only scoffed “You know what?” She said turning to you. “I’m thinking’ I’ll run for Class President. Maybe my campaign platform could be “Crack is Whack.”” She finished and Del left.
“Yeah, I heard Eric Powers liked your crack. By the way, just because you take it in the ass doesn’t mean you’re still a virgin. So, yeah. Fuck you!” Natalie said and lifted her two middle fingers before leaving.
Betty only scoffed. “Can’t believe we’re doing this because of you (Y/N).” She said mispronouncing your name.
“Seeing as you like helping others so much, why don’t you donate your hair? We could cut it today, after school.” Madison said and the girls laughed.
Why did you have to be born with such a bad temper?
“It’s (Y/N).” You said closing your hands into fists.
“What?” Betty asked furrowing her eyebrows.
“I said it’s fuckin’ (Y/N). We’ve known each other for two years and you’re unbelievable...You know what? I’m ditchin’ all of you.” You said picking up your bag.
“What? You don’t have anybody else. We made you.” Willow said rolling her eyes.
You smirked before grabbing your can of soda. “Guess I’m gonna be a nobody now, amiright?” You said and poured it down onto Betty. “Fuck you.” You said before leaving.
“You bitch!” Betty shouted while people whistled at you. No one would have expected that, you were a popular girl, just like them.
Seems like that changed now.
You walked through the hallways before finding the person you were looking for.
“Del!” You shouted and she turned around, Natalie by her side ready to punch you if you said anything hurtful. “I uh, I wanted to help you with y’know, becoming Class President.”
“Really?” She asked confused
“Why the hell should we believe ya?” Natalie said.
You took a deep breath holding your bag tighter “Well, Betty doesn’t give a shit ‘bout changing things ‘round here and I don’t want school turn into hell. You seem like you want to make school better and the people around here too, don’t cha?” You said and she smiled softly.
“Hell yeah. It could be fun, it’s time we make new friends, y’know.” She said to Natalie who only looked at you.
“...Fine, if she ain’t like those bitches then I’ll guess.” She said and you smiled.
“Great, I can’t wait to change from these things, I can’t even breath.” You said and finally Natalie smiled.
A few days passed and you got closer to the two girls. You had met Del’s family one time you went to her house to help her with her speech and some decorations for her campaign. They were different from your old friends’ families, but hella better. Del’s mum was thrilled that her daughter had a new friend and you liked her, even though they were all those rumors about her being an addict.
Del’s dad was a bit confused as he had never seen you with Del before, but he got used to it. And Del’s brothers were funny even though she said they were annoying as hell.
And now here you were, sitting in your couch watching TV as your mom made the final touches to the table. It was Thanksgiving Day and after spending the morning with Del and Natalie in your pool, the two had to leave to celebrate with their families.
“(Y/N), someone knocked on the door, can you get that?” Your mum asked you while stiring something in a pot.
“Sure ma.” You said standing up and straightening your dress.
You made your way towards the door and you were shocked when you opened the door and found Wayne.
“Hey.” He said looking directly at you.
“Uh, hi, what you doing ‘ere?” You asked trying your best to be polite.
“Orlando told me to give you this. From Biology.” He said handing you some papers.
You recognized Orlando’s messy handwriting and smiled slightly. “Thanks, he coulda come here though.” You said but Wayne only nodded and that was when you noticed it.
The poor boy had a bruise on his cheek and a cut above his eyebrow.
“Oh shit, what happened to your face?” You said touching the cut where blood was.
He didn’t seem to mind the lack of distance between you two so he only shuggred. You sighed and decided you couldn’t leave the boy alone on Thanksgiving Day, he had brought these notes that you needed because you didn’t bothered to write.
“C’mon, I’ve some bandaids.” You said grabbing his arm taking him inside your house.
“Who is it (Y/N)?” Your mother asked from her place on the kitchen.
“Uh, just a friend ma. We’ll be back in a second.” You said before going to your room.
When you came back from the bathroom with bandaids, alcohol and cotton, Wayne was sitting in your bed looking at some old photos you had.
“Oh gosh, don’t look at that. I look awful.” You said sitting next to him.
“Didn’t know you used to wear glasses.” He said but you only shrugged.
“I used them in my old school. I changed when I was twelve.” You said crossing your legs.
After a few seconds of you dabbing alcohol on his cut, he spoke up again. “Why did ya do it?”
You furrowed your brows. “Uh, kids were fuckin’ mean there?” You said though it sounded more like a question
“No, I mean, why did you pour that soda on Betty?” He asked confused.
You rolled your eyes. “They are all a bunch of bitches, couldn’t stan ‘em anymore.”
“Why did you hang out with ‘em?” He asked and you almost told him to fuck off but he was asking it in a curious way, not in a incriminating one.
“Well, when I changed schools I knew that in order to survive, I had to have a trustworthy group. Now, Orlando is my boy but he gets his ass kicked almost every month. So, I had to hang out with these girls and, nobody bothered me. You gotta do what you gotta do.” You said standing up and saving the bandaids that were left.
“You aren’t like ‘em.” Wayne said with a faint smile. “You’re better.”
You smiled at him in return and decided that maybe this boy wasn’t as bad as everyone said, he was better than the boy everyone described.
“Thanks.” You said and heard the sound of people coming in. Feeling confident, you decided to throw a shot in becoming Wayne’s friend. “You gotta a place to be? Celebrating at your house or somethin’? “
“Not really.” He said and you remembered that his dad had cancer. Shit, now you felt bad for the boy.
“Wanna stay ‘ere and eat somethin’? Heard you ate a frog the other day.” You said chuckling.
“Yes.” He said and smiled at you and boy did you grow a crush on him having dinner with your relatives and him.
You looked at Del who had just entered the gym where the blood drive was taking place. After her speech you two and Natalie had gone out for pizza and then, at night, you had received the news that Del’s mom had died.
Everybody at at school knew that, and you were worried about Del not being her usual self. But you had to let her grieve. Supporting her was the only thing you could do.
You got up from your place and went over to some tables where boxes of cookies where. You grabbed a peanut butter one and were going over to the hockey team when Wayne approached.
“Hey.” He said taking one of the coconut ones.
“Hiya.” You smiled at him. “You gonna donate too?”
He lifted his arm showing the bandaid that was on the place where he had donated blood.
“Cool.” You said chewing your cookie. “Nice shirt, like the color.” You said pointing his yellow shirt.
He gave you a smile and wow, he’s so cute when he smiles. “Thanks. Uh...you wanna go out sometime? ” He asked scratching his neck.
You almost dropped the box of cookies you had on one hand but forced yourself not to. “Like, y’know, in a date?”
He cleared his troath. “Yeah, like a date.”
Wow. Who would have thought that a crazy kid like Wayne was such a nervous guy with dates? You opened your mouth to answer that hell yeah, you’d like to go out with him when screams caught your attention.
Del was ripping open all of the blood bags and throwing them all over the floor. It looked like something out of Carrie.
She left the gym and you grabbed your things following. Before you went after her, you turned to Wayne.
“Sure, let’s do it.”
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Abby-ism #11: Blackmail 101
As time keeps on slippin’ slippin’ slippin’..... into the fuuuutttuuuree it is obvious even to Abby that THE Contract is no longer a viable excuse for why Darren is not yet gay and why he is hiding his “world-changing love” from us. So Abby us flailing to come up with something else from which to hang her cc hopes and dreams. She has been hinting at something “really big” since the wedding-which makes sense since she spend 6 months definitely still her readers that THEY CANNOT MAKE HIM GET MARRIED until she did get married.  
Today we see signs that She is now working on refining that generality of “something big” otherwise known as “THE Contract 2.0″. 
Anonymous asked:
If this isn't about D's sexuality what is it about? I thought this whole mess Was The PTB protecting their sins closeting D and denying C and D a relationship while being hypocritical portraying a gay couple on gl/ee and the producer /writer being gay himself. Also the way they were treated on set. What other Bigger person or group can be involved? I'm really confused. I feel everything career wise is on hold per D and everything is about thePBB. See part 2
When I say it’s not about his sexuality, what I mean is they aren’t closeting him for roles. I firmly believe closeting him is what gives them power over him. How they keep him and c quiet. They need this. Is a huge crime. Add m is a danger to his well being and they e forced him to remain with her knowing how toxic she is. So yes that’s how they hide their sins. And ofc he has to be straight to sell the relationshit. So closeting him is required to accomplish their goals but I don’t think it’s because they are doing it for career related reasons. There is no career.
I do agree. He knew this was happening. And he does seem much healthier emotionally this year than last. That’s gives me hope there’s a plan.
But I still think there’s something bigger they used as leverage to force this
If this isn't about D's sexuality what is it about? Excellent question, nonnie,  because the very existence of Crisscolfer is because TPTB wanted to market Darren as a teenage heartthrob-in fact it was so important that they slammed the closet door closed, locked it up and forced him to marry a woman against his will. Darren is NOT allowed to be gay-i mean that is the entire reason we are here right? At least that is what I have been told for 9+ years but now we are exploring the idea that “closeting him is what gives them power over him. How they keep him and c quiet.”? Hmmm? So let me clarify this, 
Darren is gay 
TPTB wanted to market him as a teenage heartthrob so they had a contract drawn up that closeted him and Darren signed it 
First day on Glee set- we have Love at First Sight as both men fell in love instantly on the first day
But Darren had just signed THE Contract effectively closeting him. He had agreed to stay in the closest, to have a beard, to date only women- in fact one woman, he agreed to stay away from Chris, to not interact on social media   
She claims “I firmly believe closeting him is what gives them power over him. How they keep him and c quiet. They need this. Is a huge crime.” Yes, that would be a huge crime but this concept makes no sense.  What she is trying to describe is blackmail-but she doesn’t seem to understand the power dynamics involved.  
Blackmail is an act of coercion using the threat of revealing or publicizing either substantially true or false information about a person or people unless certain demands are met. It is often damaging information, and may be revealed to family members or associates rather than to the general public. It may involve using threats of physical, mental or emotional harm, or of criminal prosecution, against the victim or someone close to the victim. It is normally carried out for personal gain, most commonly of position, money, or property.
In Abby’s scenario, THE Contract which forced Darren into the closet and forcing him to marry ‘a woman he detests” is what needs to be kept quiet. TPTB committed the “big crime” therefore Darren holds all the power.  TPTB are at Darren’s mercy or he will tell their big secret. The only way for TPTB to be in a position of power in this scenario is if Darren is in the closest on his volition and he doesn’t want the world to know, giving TPTB the power over him if they threaten to tell HIS secret.
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