#David Chiem as a snake
I feel like I should put the full picture out here instead of the full picture just being my banner- and I added some stars
Tw: Snake and David Chiem I guess
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Vietnamese Blue Beauty
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wet-cat-tournamemt · 1 year
Welcome to the wet cat tournament!
Where all of your faves can fight to the death and see who is truly the soggiest of felines
For those who don't know, a wet cat is a fiction character that's grumpy and sad, or just otherwise pathetic and just generally has the vibes of a cat that's been drenched.
Have fun and good luck !!
The character roster:
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—A Snake in Tall Grass—
“Bye sweetheart! I’m going to get groceries!” Xander announced as he gave Teruko a quick peck on the cheek.
“I’m right here, no need to be so loud.” She giggled, a trace of red creeping up on her face.
“I know I know, I just can’t help but be happy to see you every day.” He brought his hand up to the girl’s face and brushed her cheek lightly as she leaned into the palm of his hand.
“Remember, don’t use the kitchen. We don’t want a repeat of last time, do we?” He gently scolded her. As if he was snapping back into reality, he ran out the door towards the car shouting a rushed “I love you.”
Teruko was lucky to have such a caring boyfriend. She was lucky to be living the life she was anyway. A nice suburban neighborhood where kids can play safely, neighbors she could get acquainted with, and someone who cared for her safety. Especially someone as handsome as Xander. He sure as hell was a ladies’ man, but never once did he show any sign of disloyalty or harshness. After reminiscing about her life for another minute or so, she plopped on the living room couch and began scrolling through social media.
Two hours had passed and Teruko was still lying on the couch, this time watching a sappy romcom and laughing while imagining her and Xander in that situation.
“Shit.” She muttered, “where is Xander? He said he’d be home an hour ago.” She paused the TV and picked up her phone, entering the passcode and texting Xander about his location.
About another twenty minutes had passed when she heard the front door open. To her relief, it was Xander. She immediately sat up and began questioning him. Xander had an ashamed look on his face before he answered.
“Teruko I’m so sorry. I was planning on coming home but then this kind man approached me and handed me a brochure for this group counseling therapy thing. And one thing led to another and we started talking.” Teruko was a bit relieved that he hadn’t been kidnapped or anything, but still sour that he didn’t contact her beforehand. She shrugged it off though, as she enjoyed seeing Xander passionate about something.
“He told me you and I should stop by for a visit, said he thinks we would fit right in. Plus it’d be good for us to talk to someone. I know we’ve had some obstacles in our lives and I think it would be very helpful for us to get those out. For ourselves and our relationship, you know what I mean?” He inquired, tilting his head. That was true, Teruko did keep a lot of her feelings bottled up, plus she had nothing better to do.
“Sound’s like a plan, when are the sessions?” As soon as she asked, Xander opened the brochure and scanned over the details.
“Says it’s on Saturdays from 1:00 to 5:00, but you can come and go as you please.” He answered. Teruko nodded, it sounded like a pretty open schedule.
“Cool, let’s do it!” Teruko responded. “I’m kinda tired, I’m gonna head to bed if that’s cool.” She yawned as she walked away, eager to get into bed. Before she reached the hallway to their bedroom, she stopped herself and turned around.
“Hey, Xander. What was the guy’s name?” She asked curiously, if she was going to a session with this man she’d want to know his name.
“Oh, It’s David Chiem!” He smiled and continued reading the pamphlet.
(Ok guys sorry for my inactivity i’ve been rly drained but heres the start of a totally not suspicious AU to make up for it, also the title doesn’t have any symbolic meaning really i just thought it looked cool)
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