#Day 29 I've forgotten what the sun looks like
cak31ssuperi04 · 2 years
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1bitJanuary Day 28/29 - Colorswap/ Lights Something's peculiar.
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renee-writer · 4 years
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Win a Date Chapter 5 First Date
“I can’t believe you talked me into this.” Claire mutters the next day as she changes into jeans and a long sleeve shirt appropriate for hiking. She still mumbles as she pulls boots on over her think socks.
“It isn't like you are going to be tortured. You are going on a date with a lad looking for a real relationship. Could be worse.” Geillis says with a smile.
“Ugg. Fine but I promise you, if this goes bad, I will never trust you with a blind date again.”
“It will be fine. I've a good feeling.”
“Okay.” He pulls his hiking clothes on. “Murtagh, this lass better be all you promised. If she turns out to be another flighty lass, I will throttle you.” Jamie threatens as he brushes his red curls out and and pulls a ball cap on.
“You won’t be needing to be doing all that. She has been thoughly vetted. So go. Have a good time then you can thank me later.” Jamie rolls his eyes at his Godfather.
“If she is, I will.”
The Overlook at nine. Those were the instructions. She has no idea who she was looking for. He will find you, Gel had assured her. Knowing what she looks like puts him at an advantage. She isn’t sure she likes that. “One date.” She reminds herself. Just one if he is the jerk she fears. More if.. But no. Focus on today. She takes a deep breath and looks around. A beautiful spot with plenty of green grass and wildflowers. She had to admit he had picked a beautiful spot.
He watches her as she looks around. As advertised, she is lovely. He is happy to see the old jeans and shirt, the scuffed boots, the lack of make up, her curly hair hanging free. He smiles when he sees her push it out of her eyes. An opening.
“You need a ball cap lass.” She looks up. He is tall. Very tall. With piercing blue eyes and amazing hair. But his old clothes and casual attitude tell her, he probably isn't who she is waiting for.
“Thank you. I am waiting for someone. My mate Geillis suggests that leaving my hair down and free is better.” She self consciously shrugged.
“It is verra pretty Claire.” A jerk.
“You. You are my date?”
“Aye. Disappointed?”
“No just surprised. You are not who I was expecting…”
“Jamie. James Fraser.”
“Claire Beauchamp.” She offers her hand. He takes it long forgotten manners resurface and he lifts it up and gently kisses the back of it. “Oh.”
“You aren’t who I was expecting either. They told me but..”
“My sister and Godfather. They set all these up. Let me know after the fact.”
“Wait! You didn't know what they were about either?” They had started walking.
“Yes, my mate, Geillis, she entered me in your contest without telling me until after. I swore I wouldn’t come if I did win.”
“Yet you are here?” she shrugs. “They dinna tell me until after they chose you.” He grins. “They ken'd I wouldn’t be happy.”
She smiles back. “Better to ask for forgiveness then permission, eh?”
“Aye. Something like that. Were you just as frustrating with your mate?”
“Oh lord yes!” she laughs. “I told her if you turned out to be a jerk, I would never trust her again.”
“Now would you think me a jerk?”
“Actor. I guess I had an idea of exactly what type of person you would be.” She looks fown and steps over the small branch in the path.
“I see. I was guilty of the same. The reason, you see for the contest, my last few dates have been with the same ridiculous type lasses. The want to be seen with me or want other things that wouldn’t lead to a relationship.”
“I admit that I really don’t know who you are.” Ge stops and she does too when she sees he has. “I am sorry about that.”
“Oh please don't be. I am glad.”
“Me too. To meet you. Not the façade. I am meeting you, right?”
“Aye Claire, you are. Wish to rest.” She sinks gratefully into the fallen branch. He joins her.
“I thought I was in shape.” He chuckles.
“You are doing well. So, wish to tell me about yourself?”
“I am a druggist. Own my own store. An only child who lost her parents at age five. Her uncle who raised her died two years ago. Life with my best mate Geillis. She is a nurse. My last serious relationship ended when I found him in bed with one of his students. He was a professor. I spend most evenings watching trashy TV shows with Gel. I haven’t had sex in six no seven months.” She is blushing. “God sorry. I am not after… Ah, please tell me about yourself.”
“I've an older sister, Janet, called Jenny. Our parents still live and work the farm I grew up on. Jenny is married to my best friend Ian. You know my profession. I spend most evenings running lines. But I adore mind numbing trashy telly shows. I have never had a serious relationship. It is hard when the lasses all know who you are. As for sex, it has been 29 years. A virgin. So..” She looks up at him with wide eyes. “Yah. Everyone assumes. The last date I was on, the lass straight out said she wished to take me to bed. I wasn’t interested. Sex for the sake of getting off doesn’t draw me.” He looks across the valley under them.”It has to mean more. Until I find the one who I see a future in, then.. “
“Wow. You surely aren't who I was expecting. I didn’t mean, when I told you..”
“Dinna fash Claire. I know.”
“How do you, in your line of work, keep up the image you need to project?”
“Ah, smoke and mirrors. Pretty lasses on my arm at awards shows. Photographs that seem to show me as a playboy. In reality, I am a farm boy who just wishes to act. To have a lass to partner with, raise a family with, outside the spotlight.”
“Awards. I should know you.”
“Do me a favor, okay. When you Google my name, recall what I told you, eh?”
“I promise.”
“Are you hungry or thirsty Claire. I've stuff in the knapsack for a picnic.”
“Yes please.” He lays it out. They sit and talk about their families. She tells him about traveling with her uncle and all the places she went. About starting Beauchamp Drugs with his investment and many prayers. He tells her of growing up at Lallybroch. Of his wonderful bossy sister. His steady parents. Murtagh, who is his Godfather and conscious. About his families fears when he announced what he wanted to do and their support.
“So we both started our careers with trepidation and family support.” She lays back, looking up to the sky. He sits beside her looking out over the valley.
“Aye. I am sorry about your family.”
“Thank you. It isn’t easy but I am glad Uncle Lamb got to see me make a good start.”
“Aye. I must confess. I knew what you did. Even have a report from a investigator about what a good druggist you are. Good and patient. Kind.”
“You sent people to investigate me?” she turns her eyes to him.
“Not I.” he is blushing.
“Right. You didn’t know.”
“No. Don’t be angry. They were just looking after me. Had to know you were who you portrayed yourself to be.”
“I am not mad. Intrigued. If I didn’t think it would embarrass you, I would look you up now.”
“Thanks. You probably wouldn’t get a signal anyway.”
She pulls out his phone and sees he is right. A shrug. The camera works though. She snaps some pictures of the beauty that surrounds them before turning it to him. “Do you mind?”
“No. You won’t post it on SM will you?”
“No. Not my style. It is just you are very handsome with the sun reflecting off that wonderful hair.” He grins and pulls the cap off. She snaps a few shots.
“My turn.” He turns his own phone’s camera to her. She leans against the stone by where they had stopped and gives him a big smile. “You are quite beautiful Claire.”
“Thanks but I am sure I will find much beautiful lasses on your arm.”
“No. You won’t. Not in my eyes. None that matches you in inner and outer beauty.” Now she is blushing. “May I see you again Claire?”
“Yes. I didn’t think I would be having more then one date with you. But, I do want to see you again.”
“I thought the same. I am glad we were both wrong. May I give you my number? “
“”You may.” She hands him her phone. He enters it and saves it. “So more hiking?”
“No. I am thinking horse back riding. If that is okay?”
“Perfect. I haven’t in awhile but do know how.” She helps gather up the picnic supplies. “Where?”
“I’ve a mate, John. He has some great riding horses. Private, ye ken.”
“Right. I get that. I only have Sunday’s available. That alright?”
“Perfect.” They start down. He gives her John's address. “Say nine?”
“I will be there.”
“Will I hear from you between now and then?”
“You will. I will text you when I get home. Let you know I made it okay.”
“Thank you.” They are back where they meet. “I am glad you took a chance Claire.”
“I am too. Glad you did too “
He takes her hands and kisses their backs. “Until Sunday.”
“Yes. I will text you. “
“Good. Recall don't believe what Google says about me.”
“I won't.” On impulse, she stands on her toes and kisses his cheek. “Goodbye for now Jamie.”
“Good bye Claire.”
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madphantom · 4 years
Goodbye Eddie Goodbye
Chapter 29 - The Diary
"Look...Eddie, y-you're seven-seventeen. I...don't k-know whether you...want to hear th-this, but...you are a child."
"Technically I'm eighteen."
"Ph-physically you're...seventeen."
"Physically I'm dead."
Winslow groaned. "It's...impossible to a-argue with y-you, is...it?"
Eddie nodded in satisfaction.
"M-my point is...I f-feel responsible for y-you. And...how w-would you c-convince her to...do that a-anyway?"
"Oh, I have an idea." Eddie grinned. "And a very good one."
Mary Margaret Amato entered the house. One of the pros of working as Swan's personal assistant was the money. It was enough to afford the large house, the expensive clothes...the private detective she'd hired to find out what had happened to Eddie...
She missed him. Every day, every night. Twelve months without a sign of life. But she wouldn't give up. Not until she was sure. She'd wait until she was old and grey if she had to.
She took off the red high heels and put them onto the white shelf. Then she walked to the living room. Her bare feet sank into the soft beige carpet.
The red lamp of the aquarium was the only light in the room. She peeked inside and grinned at her two piranhas. "Hi." They seemed to grin back. Mary felt her mood improving. She loved her toothy boys.
She suddenly remembered the package Archie had handed her today. "Mary, I think you should have this," he'd said, giving her something small wrapped in brown paper. She'd quickly forgotten about it, but now she remembered and it triggered her curiosity.
Five minutes later she was sitting on her white leather couch, the expensive handbag on her lap, and slowly unwrapped the brown package.
It was a book. A small book, bound in yellow linen, with a small golden sunflower on the cover. It was a little dusty and there were two spots on the fabric that looked suspiciously much like blood.
Mary opened the first page and a photograph slipped out. She caught it mid-air and took a look at it.
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And then she gasped and dropped it.
Eddie. Sunflower field. The photograph only the two of them possessed. Hers was hanging on the wall. This had to be his copy. A million thoughts flashed through her mind. Was he alive? Was this a message? What was in the book?
She picked up the photograph and carefully put it on the glass table. Then she looked at the front page.
Diary of Eddie Goodbye. :)
She bit her bright red lip. It felt intrusive to read his diary, but she had to. She had to find out whether he had a message for her.
She turned the page.
Hi, my name is Eddie Goodbye!
To be honest, I don't have the slightest idea why I'm writing this diary. Maybe to preserve the good times I'm having right now. It's just... everything's working out so well!...
Three hours later she was still sitting on the sofa, hair messy, eyes bloodshot, make-up smudged, nails chewed off, and reading... reading... reading. She witnessed Swan throwing Eddie out of meetings. She learned about his friendship with the Juicy Fruits. She saw the world through his eyes. She smiled when she read what he'd written about her. And finally she felt tears welling in her eyes as she read the last words...
They beat me up and left me for dead. I've been screaming all day. They broke my jaw and snapped my legs. Possibly a few ribs too, I'm not sure. I can't speak anymore. I'm so afraid.
I don't know how much time passed. I'm surrounded by death. I lost my voice screaming. And I'm so hungry...so very hungry.
Water. I need water. Please...
Oh God, is this how I will die? Alone and forgotten? Why, oh, why, couldn't they have just shot me, if I had to die for what I knew? Why did they have to leave me here?
There is death all around me... it's so dark... I'm losing my sanity... I just wish I could see the sun once more...
God, why did this have to happen to me? I don't want to die, I don't want to die...!
Sunlight... please please please please...
I'm losing my mind.
I'm going to die here - alone and forgotten.
This is the end.
The floorboard...the floorboard was the escape...but I can't go now. Not anymore. I'm too weak.
Mary, I love you... with all my heart, forever and ever... you're the light of my life and I just want to let you know...if I never make it out of here alive, but you, somehow, find this diary and read it...Mary, you were the only one for me. Forever.
Yours in all eternity,
"Eddie," she whispered and wiped off a tear.
And suddenly words appeared on the empty page.
Hey Mary! :)
She gasped, screamed and impulsively threw away the book. "Oh my God!"
She hesitated. Then she felt bad for throwing it away. She slid off the sofa and picked the book up. Opened it. The lines were still there.
And while she was looking, new lines appeared.
Please don't be scared.
She suddenly had an idea, grabbed a pen and wrote a reply.
"Is it really you?"
She hesitated.
"Oh my God, you can't believe how happy I am to see you."
The words appeared on the page.
"Listen, Mary, I know this sounds weird and you're probably SO freaked out right now, but I need your help."
"What is it?"
"A few friends of mine want to kill Swan, and we have a plan, but we need your help..."
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Ask meme 29-76
29. What's the worst thing I've ever done?
This is a loaded question. I can't really separate how objectively bad a thing was from how bad I felt about doing it afterwards. One time I insulted my mum's job. Another time I played hide and seek so well (and thoughtlessly) that my parents thought I'd run away from home while a national holiday party was going on in the streets. Two times I've lost my temper with a really good friend - that's how I discovered I'm a sore loser playing Magic: the Gathering.
30. What's my favourite candle scent?
Green Apple. (You can buy those at IKEA).
31/2. Three favourite boy/girl names?
I don't plan on having kids, and even if I did they still probably wouldn't be called Fletcher, Algernon, James, Matilda, Sarah, or Ruth.
33/4. Favourite actor/actress?
Simon Pegg, and... Stephanie Beatriz.
35. Who is my celebrity crush?
Evanna Lynch. Also my girlfriend and I crush on Stephanie Beatriz a little bit together.
36. Favourite movie?
Hot Fuzz or Scott Pilgrim vs. The World.
37. Do I read a lot? What's my favourite book?
I read quite a bit, but not as much as I'd like. My favourite book is Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett.
38. Money or brains?
Brains, so long as the money is moderate enough to live on. If not, then... still brains but I'm suffering a lot more.
39. Do I have a nickname?
Not really, just a short form of my name.
40. How many times have I been to the hospital?
Twice. Once for croop, once for stabbing myself in the hand. Not counting the dozen or so times I went for nonemergency wisdom teeth removal and botox injections.
41. Top 10 favourite songs
Girl Panic!, Rio, and Ordinary World, by Duran Duran,
The Poet and the Pendulum, Our Decades in the Sun, and A Shudder Before the Beautiful, by Nightwish,
Midnight and Violet Hill, by Coldplay
Foil, by Weird Al Yankovic
Bette Davis Eyes, by Kim Carnes.
42. Do I take daily medications?
God no. I took fish oil once a day for years, and NEVER AGAIN.
43. What's my skin type?
Right now? Sunburnt. My girlfriend says "smooth".
44. What's my biggest fear?
Being forgotten by everyone as soon as I leave their company. I naturally assume nobody is thinking about me unless I am right there in the room with them.
45. How many kids do I want?
46. What's my go-to hairstyle?
Random - whatever my post-shower hair towelling routine throws at me.
47. What type of house do I live in?
2-bedroom apartment.
48. Who is my role model?
@poorpoorpitifulme probably.
49. What was the last compliment I received?
"You're the best boyfriend" 😊
50. What was the last text I sent?
Me making arrangements for Christmas morning with my mum. Mum thought 11am counted as "bright and early".
51. How old was I when I found out Santa wasn't real?
Maybe 9? I don't remember. I kept leaving out mince pies (for "Santa") and carrots (for "the reindeer") long after I found out, just because it was fun.
52. What's my dream car?
I don't have one. My parents used to own a lovely convertible BMW though.
53. Opinion on smoking?
Hate it. Even more so now that I have a girlfriend, who's asthmatic.
54. Do I go to college?
Yes (though in Australia we just call it "university"). Hopefully, next year is my last one!
55. What is my dream job?
Another loaded question! I would love to be a lab technician, or a researcher.
56. Would I rather live in rural areas or suburbs?
57. Do I take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
Not really, no. I almost never go to those sorts of hotels anymore.
58. Do I have freckles?
Yes! Mostly on my shoulders, actually.
59. Do I smile for pictures?
Yes, though I often look like I'm about to murder someone.
60. How many pictures do I have on my phone?
According to the internal metrics... 1755.
61. Have I ever peed in the woods?
Yes. And you would not BELIEVE what the bear next to me was doing...
62. Do I still watch cartoons?
I mean... sort of. Not new cartoons. Mostly just Avatar: The Last Airbender and so on.
63. Do I prefer McDonalds or Wendy's chicken nuggets?
McDonalds wins, by virtue of "We don't really have Wendy's in Australia".
64. Favourite dipping sauce?
Garlic aioli. (Also a good general-purpose sauce)
65. What do I wear to bed?
Nothing. Blame a bout of chicken pox I had when I was 11.
66. Have I ever won a spelling bee?
I have never participated in one.
67. What are my hobbies?
A very narrow selection of video games. I also like to write, play Magic, play D&D, read books, listen to music, listen to books, and read music.
(For real though, I should play the piano more often)
68. Can I draw?
Hahahahaha, hell no.
69. Do I play an instrument?
I am a severely out-of-practice pianist.
70. What was the last concert I saw?
Tim Minchin on the Opera House steps.
71. Tea or coffee?
Tea. I don't usually like it, but I will concede that it at least has some flavours aside from tea-flavour that I am able to tolerate.
72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
Again, Starbucks wins because Australia doesn't have Dunkin Donuts.
73. Do I want to get married?
No. I would, however, like to spend the rest of my life with someone. Is that the same thing?
74. What is my crush's first and last initial?
I have so many crushes, let me just...
75. Am I going to change my last name when I get married?
76. What colour looks best on me?
Navy blue.
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renee-writer · 4 years
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Win a Date Chapter 5 First Date
“I can’t believe you talked me into this.” Claire mutters the next day as she changes into jeans and a long sleeve shirt appropriate for hiking. She still mumbles as she pulls boots on over her think socks.
“It isn't like you are going to be tortured. You are going on a date with a lad looking for a real relationship. Could be worse.” Geillis says with a smile.
“Ugg. Fine but I promise you, if this goes bad, I will never trust you with a blind date again.”
“It will be fine. I've a good feeling.”
“Okay.” He pulls his hiking clothes on. “Murtagh, this lass better be all you promised. If she turns out to be another flighty lass, I will throttle you.” Jamie threatens as he brushes his red curls out and and pulls a ball cap on.
“You won’t be needing to be doing all that. She has been thoughly vetted. So go. Have a good time then you can thank me later.” Jamie rolls his eyes at his Godfather.
“If she is, I will.”
The Overlook at nine. Those were the instructions. She has no idea who she was looking for. He will find you, Gel had assured her. Knowing what she looks like puts him at an advantage. She isn’t sure she likes that. “One date.” She reminds herself. Just one if he is the jerk she fears. More if.. But no. Focus on today. She takes a deep breath and looks around. A beautiful spot with plenty of green grass and wildflowers. She had to admit he had picked a beautiful spot.
He watches her as she looks around. As advertised, she is lovely. He is happy to see the old jeans and shirt, the scuffed boots, the lack of make up, her curly hair hanging free. He smiles when he sees her push it out of her eyes. An opening.
“You need a ball cap lass.” She looks up. He is tall. Very tall. With piercing blue eyes and amazing hair. But his old clothes and casual attitude tell her, he probably isn't who she is waiting for.
“Thank you. I am waiting for someone. My mate Geillis suggests that leaving my hair down and free is better.” She self consciously shrugged.
“It is verra pretty Claire.” A jerk.
“You. You are my date?”
“Aye. Disappointed?”
“No just surprised. You are not who I was expecting…”
“Jamie. James Fraser.”
“Claire Beauchamp.” She offers her hand. He takes it long forgotten manners resurface and he lifts it up and gently kisses the back of it. “Oh.”
“You aren’t who I was expecting either. They told me but..”
“My sister and Godfather. They set all these up. Let me know after the fact.”
“Wait! You didn't know what they were about either?” They had started walking.
“Yes, my mate, Geillis, she entered me in your contest without telling me until after. I swore I wouldn’t come if I did win.”
“Yet you are here?” she shrugs. “They dinna tell me until after they chose you.” He grins. “They ken'd I wouldn’t be happy.”
She smiles back. “Better to ask for forgiveness then permission, eh?”
“Aye. Something like that. Were you just as frustrating with your mate?”
“Oh lord yes!” she laughs. “I told her if you turned out to be a jerk, I would never trust her again.”
“Now would you think me a jerk?”
“Actor. I guess I had an idea of exactly what type of person you would be.” She looks down and steps over the small branch in the path.
“I see. I was guilty of the same. The reason, you see for the contest, my last few dates have been with the same ridiculous type lasses. The want to be seen with me or want other things that wouldn’t lead to a relationship.”
“I admit that I really don’t know who you are.” He stops and she does too when she sees he has. “I am sorry about that.”
“Oh please don't be. I am glad.”
“Me too. To meet you. Not the façade. I am meeting you, right?”
“Aye Claire, you are. Wish to rest.” She sinks gratefully into the fallen branch. He joins her.
“I thought I was in shape.” He chuckles.
“You are doing well. So, wish to tell me about yourself?”
“I am a druggist. Own my own store. An only child who lost her parents at age five. Her uncle who raised her died two years ago. Life with my best mate Geillis. She is a nurse. My last serious relationship ended when I found him in bed with one of his students. He was a professor. I spend most evenings watching trashy TV shows with Gel. I haven’t had sex in six no seven months.” She is blushing. “God sorry. I am not after… Ah, please tell me about yourself.”
“I've an older sister, Janet, called Jenny. Our parents still live and work the farm I grew up on. Jenny is married to my best friend Ian. You know my profession. I spend most evenings running lines. But I adore mind numbing trashy telly shows. I have never had a serious relationship. It is hard when the lasses all know who you are. As for sex, it has been 29 years. A virgin. So..” She looks up at him with wide eyes. “Yah. Everyone assumes. The last date I was on, the lass straight out said she wished to take me to bed. I wasn’t interested. Sex for the sake of getting off doesn’t draw me.” He looks across the valley under them.”It has to mean more. Until I find the one who I see a future in, then.. “
“Wow. You surely aren't who I was expecting. I didn’t mean, when I told you..”
“Dinna fash Claire. I know.”
“How do you, in your line of work, keep up the image you need to project?”
“Ah, smoke and mirrors. Pretty lasses on my arm at awards shows. Photographs that seem to show me as a playboy. In reality, I am a farm boy who just wishes to act. To have a lass to partner with, raise a family with, outside the spotlight.”
“Awards. I should know you.”
“Do me a favor, okay. When you Google my name, recall what I told you, eh?”
“I promise.”
“Are you hungry or thirsty Claire. I've stuff in the knapsack for a picnic.”
“Yes please.” He lays it out. They sit and talk about their families. She tells him about traveling with her uncle and all the places she went. About starting Beauchamp Drugs with his investment and many prayers. He tells her of growing up at Lallybroch. Of his wonderful bossy sister. His steady parents. Murtagh, who is his Godfather and conscious. About his families fears when he announced what he wanted to do and their support.
“So we both started our careers with trepidation and family support.” She lays back, looking up to the sky. He sits beside her looking out over the valley.
“Aye. I am sorry about your family.”
“Thank you. It isn’t easy but I am glad Uncle Lamb got to see me make a good start.”
“Aye. I must confess. I knew what you did. Even have a report from a investigator about what a good druggist you are. Good and patient. Kind.”
“You sent people to investigate me?” she turns her eyes to him.
“Not I.” he is blushing.
“Right. You didn’t know.”
“No. Don’t be angry. They were just looking after me. Had to know you were who you portrayed yourself to be.”
“I am not mad. Intrigued. If I didn’t think it would embarrass you, I would look you up now.”
“Thanks. You probably wouldn’t get a signal anyway.”
She pulls out his phone and sees he is right. A shrug. The camera works though. She snaps some pictures of the beauty that surrounds them before turning it to him. “Do you mind?”
“No. You won’t post it on SM will you?”
“No. Not my style. It is just you are very handsome with the sun reflecting off that wonderful hair.” He grins and pulls the cap off. She snaps a few shots.
“My turn.” He turns his own phone’s camera to her. She leans against the stone by where they had stopped and gives him a big smile. “You are quite beautiful Claire.”
“Thanks but I am sure I will find much beautiful lasses on your arm.”
“No. You won’t. Not in my eyes. None that matches you in inner and outer beauty.” Now she is blushing. “May I see you again Claire?”
“Yes. I didn’t think I would be having more then one date with you. But, I do want to see you again.”
“I thought the same. I am glad we were both wrong. May I give you my number? “
“”You may.” She hands him her phone. He enters it and saves it. “So more hiking?”
“No. I am thinking horse back riding. If that is okay?”
“Perfect. I haven’t in awhile but do know how.” She helps gather up the picnic supplies. “Where?”
“I’ve a mate, John. He has some great riding horses. Private, ye ken.”
“Right. I get that. I only have Sunday’s available. That alright?”
“Perfect.” They start down. He gives her John's address. “Say nine?”
“I will be there.”
“Will I hear from you between now and then?”
“You will. I will text you when I get home. Let you know I made it okay.”
“Thank you.” They are back where they meet. “I am glad you took a chance Claire.”
“I am too. Glad you did too “
He takes her hands and kisses their backs. “Until Sunday.”
“Yes. I will text you. “
“Good. Recall don't believe what Google says about me.”
“I won't.” On impulse, she stands on her toes and kisses his cheek. “Goodbye for now Jamie.”
“Good bye Claire.”
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