16th & 17th c. Jesuit Books
A list of 16 books by Jesuits from the sixteenth and Seventeenth century. I.           776J Acquaviva, Ratio Atqve Institvtio Stvdiorvm Societatis Iesv. II. 608J Alagona, Compendivm manvalis. III. 620J Saint Augustine, Meditationes, Solioquia & Manuale. IV. 312J Balde, Urania Victrix. V.          599J. Balde, De Vanitate Mundi. VI. 508J. Bartoli, Del suono. VII.         515J.  Catholic…
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I’m at the point where I’m heavily considering conjouring a daemon so I can sell my soul.
I want to be happy. I’m past my breaking point.
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getlitaesthetic · 4 years
Headcanons for Satan with a psychopathic MC who is apart of the exchange program. An MC who lacks empathy and doesn’t mind manipulating nor lying to people for their own gain. An MC who gets excited at the thought of torturing someone. An MC who would kill someone for fun. An MC who’s more like a demon rather than a human. I just thought it’d be interesting, I also like Satan’s character. Thank you.
 I love it! My favorite kind of MC is one who isn’t afraid of the Devildom.
Psychotic!MC x Satan
He is immediately attracted to them.
After all, manipulation and torture are some of his favorite activities, they’re what he’s built his fucking career on.
But Satan gets very annoyed if MC forgets their place. Whether they revel in the chaos of the Devildom or not, they are still merely a human in a realm run by demons.
As long as they behaved, he would assign readings on different torture techniques, forms of manipulation, deamonological history, and so on.
And if they do their homework? He’ll bring home a minor demon and immobilize them with one of his many spells, before allowing MC to practice what they’ve learned.
Never get too cocky, though. The day MC thinks they know even a fraction of what Satan does, he will simply have to set them straight, and it will only be fun for him.
Believing they can get away with lying to him? He’ll just have to hang MC upside down in the middle of the courtyard so everyone can watch as he rips out their finger and toenails, slices their tongue to shreds, and blinds them. 
Once he begins sharing any of his information with MC, they belong to him. Talking to other demons will not be tolerated, and they’ll have to rely solely on him going forwards.
But hey. If that’s the kind of relationship MC can really enjoy, then Satan will be an incredible boyfriend. What lovely torture themed dates and terribly sadistic sex... Why go after a demon otherwise?
This is one of the few ways to be allowed to return to the human realm after the exchange program. MC now has a new mission in life: Aid in Satan’s work on Earth. Should they fail, they will not be long lived.
“That’s enough reading for the day. Pick up the knife, and hold it perpendicular...”
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Wizard Tip of the Day: Deamonology is allowed but keep it cool, keep it sexy, you know how it is.
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What's on this blog pt2
Vocab deamonology
Easter witches
Vetting spirit workers
Divination mindset
Mineral magick
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bloodilymerry · 10 years
Contains spoilers
*hugs Mortarion* Poor stupid stubborn thing.
What did Mortarion's adoptive father do to him? 
And really, no wonder he goes to Nurgle--with Mortarion, it seems that everything leads to giving up and being the thing he hates.
I want to say something more intelligent, but unfortunately, I'm having a moment of "I want to hug a huge smelly hypocrite".
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dee-whinchester · 11 years
I am haveing Issues with finding demonology sigils and wards. Help
I am looking for Lore,  Demonology sigils and wards. Specifically. Meanings, pictures, online sources. Book names. Any info of Sigils is very very important. For links and pictures you wish to send I just set the submit up! http://dee-whinchester.tumblr.com/submit Mostly I have been Curious about Demonology in general due to a discussion on religions and their takes and similarities. We ended up talking about Demonology. I know little about it. I have always been interested in supernatural but more on the side of historic things witches ect. So this is not my area AT ALL  I am of course also curious to see how much lore on SPN is close or waaaay of.  We started talking religion because although I was baptized, I have not done anything...church at all. My Mother and Father put no religion on all forms and stuff. I grew up withought knowing much about what god was I am curious all the religions are interesting to me. The most religious thing i did was attend passover and Hanukkah when I lived with a jewish family for a little over two years. It was fascinating. Everyone was very kind and explained things. I more then likely know more about that then any other religion. 
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beyonceisstraight · 11 years
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Pazuzu statue
Not much is known about Pazuzu -- or Zu, as he is sometimes called. According to one web site, "This little-known demon from Babylonian myth was represented as a very thin, emaciated man with the feet and wings of an eagle, and the fore-paws and head of a lion. He is nearly always shown with the right paw raised and the left held at his side.
"The demon first appeared in early Babylonian myth in the guise of the 'storm-bird' Zu, who stole the Tablets of Destiny from the dragoness Tiamat. In the later Babylonian civilization, he once again appeared, this time under the name of Pazuzu, and was said to be the child of the chief wind-demon, Hanpa. When Pazuzu is summoned by worshipers, he appears in a statuesque form, frozen into the position described above. However, he metamorphoses out of the statue form to his living form. In this form, he is fully capable of movement."
The Yezidi tribes of Kurdistan, who worship a Watcher-like god called Malek Taus, or the Peacock Angel, tell a very similar story to the one about Zu and Tiamat. In their mythology, a creature -- who is half-lion, half-eagle -- called Imdugud, or Anzu. "This monster was said to have stolen the Tablets of Destiny from the god Enlil (Ellil) in Akkadian which, in its possession, gave 'him power over the Universe as controller of the fates of all,' enough to endanger 'the stability of civilization,'" Andrew Collins writes in his book "From the Ashes of Angels."
According to wikipedia, "Although Pazuzu was a malevolent force, his image was used on amulets to ward off his enemy Lamashtu, a female demon that preyed on newborn babies and their mothers. The amulet was either placed on the mother or child or larger ones were placed above them on a wall."
In his essay, "The Demon of the South-West Wind," Stephen Sennitt writes, "In his erudite book, 'The Domain of Devils,' Eric Marple describes the wind demon as the most terrible of all demonic entities, having the power to spread loathsome diseases with his dry, fiery breath. The demo has 'for a head the almost fleshless skull of a dog,' representing death, disease, and as the fleshless death's-head of the desert scavenger, starvation. Significantly, William Woods states in his 'History of the Devil,' 'in Mesopotamia, the horned demon, Pazuzu, rode on the wind and carried malaria,' thus emphasizing the demon's destructive role as 'lord of fevers and plagues.'"
It is interesting to put Pazuzu alongside Watcher myths, and compare his protectiveness of women, as well as his ability to bring massive plagues, to the Watchers story in the Book of Enoch.
From: x
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Three early books on Lucifer, Dæmonolatreiæ and The lives of Dæmons and the Dæmonised.
Of these three books, I find the first the most frightening because it deals with the real life manifestation of human evil, the next two are more historical analysis of ideas which are the proemial forces behind evil. So here they are. 733J Remy, Nicolas (1530-1612) Daemonolatreiae libri tres Nicolai Remigij sereniss. Ducis Lotharingica congitoris publici: Ex iudicijs capitalibus DCCCC plus…
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getlitaesthetic · 4 years
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Name: Kirgrig
Position: Head of Deamonological History department, R.A.D.
Personality: Stern and well-poised at all times. He can usually be found in his office, a room of all windows at the very peak of the building. He always has at least 3 books with him, and spends ample time documenting events at R.A.D. that he deems important historically. He also has a personal journal where he details everything he does to the most minor action, as he knows how things we take for granted now often become lost to the ages and make life hard for future historians. Before he became a historian, he was a soldier, and was honorably discharged after he was injured. He walks with an ornate cane and has a limp on his left side.
Quote: “Every moment we live becomes history. Embrace it while you can.”
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Three Illustrated books of Natural history: Physical curiosities, Women with Microscopes!  Kircher’s museum in the Collegio Romano
Three Illustrated books of Natural history: Physical curiosities, Women with Microscopes!  Kircher’s museum in the Collegio Romano
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9 Books written by Jesuits from the 17th century.
9 Books written by Jesuits from the 17th century.
Due to a Bad Link, I have reblogged this one! These ten books are on quite a few subjects.. approaching being on most possible subjects. I’m not going to list them but in the descriptions that follow you will see lots of them mentioned. A list of 10 books by Jesuits from the Seventeenth century. I           599J.    Balde  II         508J      Bartoli III         515J      Catholic Church…
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10 Books written by Jesuits from the 17th century.
10 Books written by Jesuits from the 17th century.
These ten books are on quite a few subjects.. approaching being on most possible subjects. I’m not going to list them but in the descriptions that follow you will see lots of them mentioned. A list of 10 books by Jesuits from the Seventeenth century. I           599J.    Balde  II         508J      Bartoli III         515J      Catholic Church (Jesuits) IV.       576J      David    Occasio…
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Mediavilla, on Lombards sentences and demonology! 1477
Mediavilla, on Lombards sentences and demonology! 1477
A generic portrait of Richardus de media villa, woodcut from the Nuremberg Chronicle
[Middleton], d. 1302/3
Commentum super quartem Sententarium..
Venice: Christophorus Arnoldus,
[circa 1476-7] $22,000
Folio 12 1⁄4 9 1⁄4 inches. a-z10 [et]10 [cum]10 [per]10 A 10 B-D8 (D8v blank and aa1r blank) aa8 bb10 cc8 {320 leaves complete)
Second edition. This copy is rubricated throughout…
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Magic skills and magical spells. 1491
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998G Bernardus: Basinus 1445-1510 De magicis artibus et magorum maleficiis ( Tractatus exquisitissimus de magicis artibus et ma//gorum maleficiis, per sacre scientie Parisiensem doctorem ma//gistrum Bernardum Basim, canonicum Cesaraugusta//nensem, in suis vesperis compilatus. ) Paris : Antoine Caillaut,1491-1492? (Dated by  CIBN: Bibliothèque Nationale. Catalogue des incunables. T. I…
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Magic skills and magical spells. 1491
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998G Bernardus: Basinus 1445-1510 De magicis artibus et magorum maleficiis ( Tractatus exquisitissimus de magicis artibus et ma//gorum maleficiis, per sacre scientie Parisiensem doctorem ma//gistrum Bernardum Basim, canonicum Cesaraugusta//nensem, in suis vesperis compilatus. ) Paris : Antoine Caillaut,1491-1492? (Dated by  CIBN: Bibliothèque Nationale. Catalogue des incunables. T. I…
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