isolationaroundus · 3 months
I hope they won't fuck up the WYATT SICK6... This group HAS to be dominant. Let them destroy everyone for a couple of years...
I literally got goosebumps and tears on my eyes.. One of the best debuds ever.
Bray Wyatt would have been SOOOO PROUD!
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dean23456 · 10 months
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I really like her. When I first saw her i immediately liked her. Best cluckeria debudant to me at least. I was shocked when I learned that she was prudence's mom. But it made sense. I think this will happen again.
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missmyloko · 2 years
Hi Justin I hope you are having great day. When maiko/geiko comes back kagai like mamefuji, are all already debuded maikos her neesan. Thanks
Yes, those who debuted after she left would be considered onesan to her ^^
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Between Recursion vs for loop which one is the best option and why? which is better in terms of performance, code readability, maintainability, and debudding?
When deciding between recursion and loops in programming, it’s essential to consider factors such as performance, code readability, maintainability, and ease of debugging. Let’s explore the characteristics of both recursion and for loops in these aspects: Recursion: Recursion is a programming technique where a function calls itself to solve smaller instances of the same problem. Here are some…
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redtnjalisco · 2 years
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renerox · 2 years
The Beach Breakers - Summer Trip
. Surf instrumental band from Buenos Aires, Argentina, formed in 2004. You could already hear some of their tunes on several Surfadelic comps so here’s their debud album plus bonu trax. Pretty fine surf instros, cool originals and covers of The Misfits (Angelfuck), The Astronauts (Movin’) and believe it or not, The Madness (The Return Of The Los Palmos 7). Enjoy! . . ***in comments! .
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adj444 · 2 years
JAN. 9 '23
typing on a chromebook is so weird…they dont have all the letter accents or a caps lock and i feel like a tiny little ant trying to hit individual keys
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FRENCH: more work on same shiz as last week. and electric scooters yippee
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BUSINESS: we started contract law despite having not recovered from the whiplash that was ratio analysis having began and complete (''complete'') the chapter in 1 class EEEK!!!! contract = legally binding agreement between 2+ parties, each party does something for the other, enforceable by law = compensation or court order if broken; agreement becomes a contract if ALL 8 EXIST:
offer: one person asks another to enter a deal, promises 2 be bound if accepted (termination = b4 acceptance, deadline, too much time)
acceptance: other party agrees to all terms, can't be changed
consideration: payment of objectively determinable value (money, labour) NOT for free
intention to contract: make sure everyone knows its LEGALLY BINDING (commercial agreements) and not just private or social agreements
capacity to contract: everyone has to have legal power and ability to enter (<18, drunk, DAC directors)
consent to contract: consent = validity = real honest voluntary legit permission to enter, not pressured ex. threat of violence
legality of form: certain things have to be written up ex. house purchase, hire purchase
legality of purpose: legal transactions only = no crimes (wont be upheld in court. duh)
invitation to treat = invitation to make an offer NOT an offer (price tag, ad) counter offer = other attempts to make changes @ acceptance offer + acceptance = agreement operating outside of authority of DAC = ultra vires 
termination = ending contract  performance: every1 performs their side of the agreement agreement: parties voluntarily agree, usually thru minimum notice in terms ex. contract of employment or 2 replace it with a better contract frustration: unexpected event stops a party from completing their side ex. bankruptcy or DYING breach of contract: if some1 doesnt do what they were supposed to; can be taken to court if ya dontttt = award financial damages/comp, order specific performance, rescind (return all to og positions)
AG. SCIENCE: lawttts finished ch.25 and went onto focus on animal diseases and milk
CAP = common agricultural policy (pays farmers) = statutory mgmt rqmts for calf >6mos welfare, welfare for all farm animals: NEVER muzzle, dock tail, tether, isolate w/o reason, castrate >6mos w/o local anaesthetic, dehorn or debud >14days w/o anaesthetic // MUST keep records of all medicinal treamts administered, no. of mortalities
HOUSING = adequate space, suitable bedding, sufficient light HEALTH = disinfect EVERYTHING, treat illness & injury, no isolation unless sick, suff. colostrum at birth, feed 2x day, routine inspection (2x day indoors, 1x outside) PEOPLE: sufficient labor, always wear appropriate PPE 
SDAS: best practice, traceability, sustainability
GLAS: biodiversity, water quality, climate change
EBI: flock health
ORIGIN GREEN: bord bia for agri food sector
MILK: snfs = proteins (casein & whey); lactose (main carb, dissacharide, glucose + galactose)
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farehamwinecellar · 2 years
Chateau Bonalgue 2012, Pomerol 1.5 Litre Magnum
Chateau Bonalgue 2012 bottled in a 1.5 Litre Magnum.
The vineyards of Chateau Bonalgue are planted with 95% Merlot, with 5% Cabernet Franc completing the other 10%. It consists of 7.55 hectares of gravel and sandy-clay soils, with a subsoil of gravels and alios – the rich band of iron-ore that so distinguishes the Pomerol terroir. These qualities make this a heat-retaining soil, that means grapes ripen early and evenly, reaching perfect maturity. The vines have an average of 25 years old, and the precise and meticulous attention to detail in the vineyard means they produce quality grapes year after year. Pruning, leaf thinning, debudding, green harvesting… each process is carefully though-out, right up to the picking of grapes into small-sized trays to ensure against crushing or damage.. The final stage before heading to the winery is a hand-sorting in the vines, that takes place bunch by bunch, then berry by berry, ensuring nothing gets missed.
Chateau Bonalgue is usually aged for 18 months in French oak, 50% of which his new, 50% is second fill. The generosity of Merlot on this early-ripening terroir brings an exuberant expression to the wine; ripe grapes bring a silky, velvety texture in the mouth, and a strikingly aromatic nose. Bonalgue is open and engaging when young (2-6 years); it doesn’t close down, but after a few years of ageing (7-15 years) reveals its more sophisticated side without ever losing its voluptuous nature.
“This over-achieving estate is one of the most consistent performers in Pomerol. Always a well-made, fleshy, succulent, hedonistic wine.” Robert Parker.
    The post Chateau Bonalgue 2012, Pomerol 1.5 Litre Magnum appeared first on Fareham Wine Cellar.
from You searched for wine | Fareham Wine Cellar https://ift.tt/YtGvzsK
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opmistic · 2 years
I am kinda pissed. The Mario movie would debud early in my country, March 30 insteed of april 7 but now It was deleyed to april 6, one more week...Why universal ? Why ?? JUST ONE WEEK !! WHY WOULD THIS CHANGE ANYTHING ????
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hey fun fact: when farm animals with horns start growing their horns in, most farmers stop the horns from growing by dehorning/debudding. One way of doing this is a concentrated heat source (like a branding iron) to burn away and kill the horn bud so the horn never grows (dw most of the time the animal is under an anesthetic so they dont feel it). However, if you don't kill the entire bud, the horn continues to grow but very painfully and likely a little fucked up.
Now, hypothetically, assuming Tubbo starts growing his horns in during or after Schlatt's rule, that means the horn bud would still be present and vulnerable during the festival. And a firework to the face is a lot of heat very close to his horn buds. However, it's not a very concentrated heat source, meaning that while the bud would definitely be severely damaged, it wouldn't be completely killed. Tubbo's horns growing in would be a painful process and they would likely be a little fucked up.
Now, I'm not saying that everyone who draws Tubbo with strong, healthy horns is wrong, I'm just saying they're missing out on an excellent angst opportunity. Not only does Tubbo have to walk around with a physical reminder of Schlatt literally attached to his skull but his horns are fucked up and painful and it's Schlatt's fault
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itsbenedict · 3 years
WK reviews +5 lessons
finish flower lineart
prep TFJ session
+2 arma
talk to aunt about staying with her while i check out condos
still a couple loose ends to tie up for session planning, but i do have the rules of Warball formalized in case the players take an interest in the Big Game.
and arma- man, for things that are basically throwaway flavor for an appendix to a fake walkthrough, i get really carried away doing like, armchair game design for these things. it should be balanced, i can't stop thinking, even though i'm not implementing these systems and there's no playtests to iterate based on. but also not actually balanced, i insist, because this is supposed to be authentically recreating kind of thoughtless kitchen-sink RPG mechanics design, and so there have to be some ridiculous busted OP things and totally useless gimmick things and some of them need to secretly be the other thing when you think about it.
i don't know what audience i'm making these for besides me, but it's fun
anyway i only finished one of the two i planned to get done today, in large part due to the fact that there was a jigsaw puzzle in the house and that shit is like catnip to me
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burnt-toast-life · 3 years
Y’know how Ashe killed Sirius in Noel’s Scenario yeah what would’ve happened if he did that with Wilardo
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neonponders · 2 years
Here’s your crack fic for the day ~
• • • • •
Steve buys a cow. He supposes the correct terminology is “rescuing” because he has no intentions to slaughter it.
He names the cow Billy.
The horns have been “debudded,” which is like destroying a hair follicle so the hair stops growing. Maybe it’s the lack of horns that makes this cow head-butt everything, including Steve.
The cattle vendor at the fair certainly looked dubious when Steve made it clear he had the money to pay for him. Steve knew what he looked like - the last farmer in the Harrington clan had to be three generations back, at least.
“That bull’s a headstrong one. If you’re not used to lively horses or cattle, he ain’t the one for you.”
Nothing was for Steve, apparently. Not steady relationships, or a steady job, or steady mental health since Starcourt became a skeleton standing over rubble. Steve had bad decisions and the consequences sweating out of his pores; all he knew was that a blond and caramel cow with soft curly fur avoided everyone touching him until Steve held out the back of his hand. Horses wanted to smell a person before they were touched, why not cows?
Billy licked his hand and the rest was history.
Or at least, the rest was the Harrington’s summer cabin several miles outside Hawkins. The house was not technically a cabin, but a bonafide house. It looked like it belonged in the mountains with its many windows, thick beams, and flowery window boxes. The property around it was substantial, and he needed to get one of the fields ready with a quickness.
Hiring a team to install fencing around one of the meadows was easy. Getting a pre-built carport hauled out to the property was not, but it was the best he could do until a proper barn was ready. The carport looked like a barn-style covering to a bridge and acted as the entrance to the field as well as a safe spot at night or inclement weather.
The damn cow came with a learning curve, that’s for sure. And a hefty care bill which actually succeeded in bringing Steve’s parents home to see what the hell was going on with their son’s bank account. To say they were confused would be a severe understatement.
But the Harringtons were the type of wealthy people to enjoy equestrian pursuits, so Steve’s mother was not entirely put off by the prospect of keeping a large animal on the property. She called a vet to come out and do a full checkup of the creature, and Steve watched in annoyed wonder as Billy let his mother totally ruffle the curls and ears on his giant head.
“Playing favorites, I see,” he scoffed.
His mother smirked at him. “I think he knows he’s safe.”
Steve could only take her word for it, because Billy still head-butted him all the time. As soon as the screen went over Billy’s face to protect his eyes from flies, the cow followed Steve around the property, knocking his face against Steve’s backside while he tried to weed-wack the walking trails between the fields and the house.
“Could you not?”
Billy only snorted and shook his head, making his ears flop.
Steve’s father couldn’t help but marvel, “He doesn’t even need to be tethered. That cow follows you around like you polish the sun.”
Steve tried his best to do that, he really did. He got a cylindrical “cow brush” installed in the field. Billy rubbed against it like a massive cat. He cleaned Billy’s hooves every day that he was at the cabin, which became more and more often. When the barn was finally built, he made sure Billy always had a bucket of fruit and veggies to greet him after a long day in the pasture. The damn thing loved alfalfa hay, and it made Billy smell nice after rolling around in it.
The only thing that got Billy’s energy out was a giant bouncy ball. Steve introduced it by chucking the thing over the fence. He’d never seen Billy have a fun fit, but that was the day he learned that cows are just terrifyingly large dogs.
Thing is, one Billy Hargrove has to come out of the hospital some point or another. And while he’s being discharged, he gets to overhear a bizarre conversation between his sister and Henderson.
“He’s installing the salt lick this weekend. Cows love it, apparently.”
Dustin sighed, “I don’t see why he hasn’t invited us to his new place. I miss him.”
“Probably because the cow’s a rescue, and you’d scream loud enough to set it off,” Max teased.
Billy waited for Dustin to go to the bathroom before he ventured, “It almost sounds like you’re talking about a real cow and not a girlfriend.”
Max still doesn’t like the way he talks about women, but now she tells him so. The summer of ‘85 has changed a lot of things. Max sticks to Billy like glue and tells him like it is. Steve owns a cow, apparently, and barely visits Hawkins anymore. 
Billy goes with Max when they finally get the invite to the “cabin.”
“This is not a cabin,” Billy remarks as he pulls up to the nice house in the repaired Camaro. The road there and the driveway to the house are as far as the car is allowed, otherwise his sports vehicle is super unequipped for this place. The house is nicer than the one back in Hawkins, but Billy feels as unequipped in his atrophied body as his car.
Thankfully, after an exhaustively awkward handshake with Steve, the latter sets them up in the house for the weekend. The fridge is stocked and there’s another in the garage. There’s a goddamn laundry room upstairs for guests and before long, Billy finds himself risking exhaustion by walking along the unfamiliar, grassy trails - 
A bike bell alerts him to someone coming down the trail. Steve.
Billy doesn’t wait for some clumsy hello. “You need a motorbike for this place.”
Steve laughs as he slows down and dismounts to walk beside him. The damn bike has a luggage carrier on the back with a green cube of hay stuffed with flowers like a pin cushion. “Is that for your cow I’ve heard so much about?”
Steve glanced back at it and confirmed, “Yeah. Cows love enrichment, or whatever, so I try to give him stuff. He rolls around in alfalfa, but the roses and herbs might be a nice change. Getting the honeysuckle and blackberries off the house was a nightmare. Those bushes have thorns. Big ones.”
Billy laughed softly. “I thought honeysuckle was poisonous?”
“Not the flowers. But cows have, like, four stomachs anyway.”
“What? No, they don’t.”
“Yeah, dude! They eat anything off the ground without even looking. It’s insane.”
Billy discovered that laughter came easily with Steve. And when they finally got to the carport, he watched the cow meet Steve and head-butt the block of treats out of his hands.
“Wait, wait! God, this is why we have to tie things up with twine.”
The cow won and shook the cube out of its binding. Steve snatched the twine anyway and untied the knot to wrap around the spool standing on a pegboard in the carport. Billy’s feet shuffled over the hay in the miniature barn while he relented, “He’s pretty. Still smells like shit, but...I haven’t seen a curly-haired cow before. What’s his name?”
He turned his head just in time to see Steve’s snap up and his jaw to go slack. “Uh.”
Billy snarked, “What, did you name it after your favorite porn star and your mom doesn’t know or something?”
Steve coughed and swallowed painfully. “Nope.”
Billy frowned at him. “Why are you being weird about this? It’s a name.”
“Yeah, but,” Steve began before his shoulders wilted into a slouch. He sighed, “His name’s Billy.”
Billy Hargrove has to take a long moment to process that. Then he dared, “I would ask if it’s because he’s blond, but there are plenty of those to take name inspo from.”
Steve rubbed the back of his neck, where the hair had recently been cut since he was tired of his longer hair holding sweat on his nape. “I found him after...everything happened...and he reminded me of you. That’s all.”
“That’s all,” Billy repeated flatly.
Steve shrugged and came to lean against the other side of the carport opening, mirroring him. “Yeah. Dark blond. Curly. Gets in my way and head-butts me around. Never lets me get the ball to play a proper game with him.”
Billy glanced at said ball in the grass with a soft smirk on his face. “I didn’t realize you thought of me enough to name something after me.”
Steve shyly held his gaze until Billy finished, “Even if it is a cow.”
And so what if Billy rides on the back of his bike to the house.
Or if he stays longer than a weekend because he likes the physical therapy of walking through the groves of trees and fields without an audience around him.
Or that he sleeps better with Steve’s homemade veggie pasta in his belly than he has in years.
Or that they kiss with lightning bugs around them after Billy admits that the lush greenery of late spring/early summer is kinda nice. Kissing is their business, no one else’s.
But with an extra pair of hands, Steve’s mother indulges and gets another pasture set up for a new rescue. Steve and Billy watch as a new barn gets built with waterlines and a saddle room. The truck drives up with the silver steel carrier hitched to it, and the boys watch a russet horse step out. Her fur is a beautiful clay red in the sunlight -
As she bites her handler.
Steve and Billy immediately looked at one another and said in unison, “Max.”
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hoofpeet · 2 years
Hey hoof do you have any animal documentaries/videos/sites/channels that you recommend?
I’m in the mood for some educational & fun stuff to watch and learn about animals so I was wondering if maybe you had any favorites?
It could be about any animal too ^_^
Yeah sure !! I have a lot of stuff regarding ruminants bookmarked so, here's some of my favorite resources;
For COWS the best resources usually come from farmers, quite a few of which have channels dedicated to talking about how raising cows works; doing a simple search on how to debud/dehorn cattle turns up a lot of videos demonstrating how it works [the hoof trimmer guys r also pretty good]. There's also this site, which I used to use for 1coweveryday, which is mostly just an archive of different breeds, but also usually has a small section for each breed detailing it's history and whatnot ! Similarly, looking up a specific breed on wikipedia [here] and going to the references section can turn up some interesting stuff! (most of this applies to caprinae too)
And unfortunately, for deer, I don't have a lot to offer because it's nigh impossible to find anything relating to deer that isn't mainly focused on hunting :[ I usually rely on browsing thru wikipedia for reading on deer as well. I can offer this [very long pdf about caribou] tho
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swamp-spirit · 7 years
Cool new pet. Here’s the part of it you cut off to make your life easier. I mean Because It Could Get Caught On Things.
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vegance · 2 years
Oh, i think most farmers actually do disbudding, not dehorning (at least in terms of the terms the Wikipedia page uses). And tbh it tends to be done because large herbivores are dangerous enough without spikes on their head. Even with plenty of room and amazing care. Not to mention there is fighting in the normal social behaviors of cattle and that also means more risk to the animals.
Like, its not just because the behaviors happen in close quarters. It’s because the behaviors happen at all.
I do however disagree with removing horns once they’ve actually grown in and with gouging. There’s better methods and once horns are actually growing properly they’re kinda, part of the skull.
ohhh, i should have used the right words there.
yes, i understand that it is also done to prevent danger to humans, and also to prevent them from like... hurting each others skins and making their "leather" less valuable and things like that.
but still, we don't debud wild bisons, do we? because we are not using them.
all these things are a symptom of animal agriculture. and dehorning/debudding can be intensely painful for the animals, and are often performed without anesthetic.
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