#Deku would cry watching sad/dog movies too
iputthebomp · 2 years
Some BNHA boys with a S/O who talks a lot during tv time
May or may not be inspired by my inability to shut up sometimes lol
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(no pronouns mentioned for reader other than “you/your” and etc)
K. Bakugou, I. Midoriya, S. Todoroki, E. Kirishima x gn reader (separate)
Man gets annoyed
He’d probably either tell you to just watch the show
Or pause it and listen (it might not seem like he’s listening tho-)
If you guys were watching a murder mystery then he’s totally going to try and figure out who did it with you
Other than that (and calling you a wuss and warning you before jump scares in thriller/horrors and occasionally yelling at fictional characters who can’t hear him) he’s relatively quiet during your movie time
He wouldn’t be as rude or violent as he is with Deku but he’s still not the most polite
He learns to live with the rambling
He rambled and chats with you. Convince me otherwise
He’s yelling at and roasting characters with you, theorizing, talking about the story telling and animation (if there is any), this man will chat about anything
Heck this man is the S/O who talks a lot during tv time
You were pretty much made for each other
Bakugou throws popcorn at you guys and tells you to shut up during class movie nights
Iida just politely tells you to watch the movie in silence
There’s always a lot or rewinding and rewatching
Honestly I think this guy’s good at figuring out whatever he missed on the show so he can listen to you
He’d probably realize he can pause it after a while
Gives you all his attention and doesn’t get annoyed
Idk man I just think he’s a patient dude
He would answer your questions (if he can) and theorize with you sometimes
Prolly depends
Like most of the time he’s chatting with you and matching your energy
But if it’s a show he’s really into then he’s gonna silence you
“Shh, babe the governor just died”
I can also see him crying when you guys watch dog movies and sad things together ngl
He’s never gonna be rude about it (unlike a certain hedgehog)
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cocoarosalia · 6 years
All He Wants (KatsuDeku)
Katsuki was a simple man of simple needs.
All he wants is to wake up, live out his lifelong dream of being a hero, and come home to his dorky husband, cook dinner and relax. He didn’t think he was asking for the world, honestly.
So why the donkey fuck is Deku making this request so goddamn difficult.
Worst part was that it had been all day. Izuku started irritating him early by whining and complaining for him to stay in bed with him as long as possible. When he finally managed to break free and start making breakfast, Izuku insisted on making it himself, completely forgetting the fact that he was total dog shit at cooking. Three band-aids and a small kitchen fire later they’re out the door and while Katsuki is in the middle of punching a dude into the brick for taking upskirt pics, what does he get? Innocuous, goofy and cutesy selfies of Izuku parading around the city like he ain’t got shit to do! Taking pictures with fans, commenting on random all might merch, VIDEOS OF HIM PETTING DOGS WHEN HE KNOWS THAT’S KATSUKI’S FAVORITE THING TO DO, Katsuki was so irate he couldn’t see straight. After a long shit day, he trudges hisself home, battered, bruised, and completely exhausted.
And all he wanted was to walk into his house, have his husband welcome him home with a kiss and pretty much deflate on the bed until he eventually blacks out.
But Izuku is apparently feeling cuddly tonight….
Because of course he is
Which brings us all the way to now with a clingy Izuku, a pissed off but slightly too tired to really fight katsuki, and an order of take out between them.
‘Well at least he didn’t try to cook this time’ he thought, more bitter than a black coffee laced with vodka.
“Kaaacchan” Izuku cooed sweetly in his ear. He lifted up a bite of his food to katsuki’s mouth and in return he took it graciously. He was starting to think how nice the situation was until his shoulder began to ache from the strain he put on it pummeling loser villains all day.
“Deku, as disgustingly cute as you are, I’m fucking beat. I’ll play with you tomorrow, i’m going to bed”
He could feel Izuku jolt slightly in his lap “Uhhh you can’t yet!”
Katsuki quirked an eyebrow at him suspiciously “And why not?”
It was funny, if Izuku had rabbit’s ears he could clearly see them hanging low on his head “Well I mean, this is a once in blue moon occasion you know? The both of us somehow being here together, it’s nice.”
As if he had finally heard what he had said, Izuku’s ears started to flush red “A-also becaaaaauuse I wanna watch that new spy movie with you and it comes on in a few minutes!”
At first he wanted to push more on his statement from before but without missing a beat Katsuki plucked the remote off the coffee table, turned to the TV guide and hit record on the upcoming program. Izuku cursed, damn this new technology!
“Now that that’s taken care of,” Izuku was suddenly and unceremoniously dumped on the seat next to him with a chaste kiss to ease his worries “Goodnight Deku”
He made his way for the stairs but Izuku was insistent on spending time together. Or, at the very least, keep him from going upstairs.
“You can’t go into the bedroom!” He protested. Izuku was clingy sometimes, downright insufferable on occasion but this was way too pushy for a bit of attention. Something fishy was going on in his house but he couldn’t truly be too bothered to care.
“Whatever it is you broke, burned, or trashed I will be sure to yell at you in the morning”
Katsuki shoved his way past Izuku and had just made it to his weirdly closed bedroom door when he was tackled to the floor by his husband’s rock solid body.
“Kacchan!” He said a little too loudly to be natural “Let’s take a bath together!”
That completely threw him for a loop “You want to what?”
“W-well I mean you just got home from a long day of sweating out in the sun and you hadn’t taken a bath yet so I figured why wait for the invitation!”
“Ok deku this is ridiculous, what are you-”
Katsuki really hated Izuku’s quirk sometimes, especially when it allowed him to toss Katsuki over his shoulder like a limp bag of rice (even though he was pretty sure the nerd didn’t need it given how stacked he was)
So now he’s somehow managed to find himself sitting on the bathroom stool staring confusedly at the tile in front of him while Izuku diligently washed the day’s work from his body.
He just wants to sleep. WHY was that so goddamn hard!?
As he moved around to Katsuki’s front to wash his chest and his arms, Izuku’s fingers slowed to grip softly to his palms. He ran his thumbs over the burn scars that littered his skin and muttered softly to himself “It’s, not too long ago I feared these hands more than death itself.”
Katsuki’s breath hitched unconsciously. He knew of his...past transgressions but he’d hoped that they had moved beyond that to a place of trust.
Without thinking he had to ask.
“What do you think of them now?”
Izuku blinked up at him in unexpected confusion then cast his eyes down in thought. Katsuki didn’t know if he was making him sweat on purpose or not but the long stretch of silence felt like it couldn’t be anything but deliberate.
Eventually a small smile cracked along Izuku’s face as he brought his husband’s hand to his cheek. He nuzzled into it softly and spoke with joy and resolve.
“I love them more than anything in the world!”
Katsuki released a breath he didn’t even know he was holding.
“The most jacked hero in the world is a fuckin sap. The tabloids would have a field day”
Izuku laughs wholeheartedly and Katsuki quietly smiles to himself. Fuckin’ Nerd.
And that should be it right? They wash off the grime of the day, they soak and play in the tub for a while, dry each other’s hair like when they were little, a textbook example of a lovey-dovey way to end the day.
“Kaaaachaaaan, don’t go to beeeeed!!!”
But clearly Izuku wants him to be an insomniac
Katsuki lugged his feet forward as Izuku clung desperately to his ankle. He was just about to turn the knob when Izuku wailed even louder.
“Jesus Christ,” Katsuki turned to his sobbing mate and groaned in exhaustion “Deku, I’m tired, i’ve been out all day and all I ask is to lay in my bed until consciousness finally escapes me”
He bent down to take Izuku’s soft face into his hands “I have indulged you, entertained you and have given up precious sweet moments of sleep just to make you happy. So for once I am actually begging you...let me go to bed”
Katsuki left him a stuttering mess and it wasn’t until he heard the door finally begin to creak open that Izuku made one final lunge to stop him in his tracks.
But it was too late. Katsuki could finally drown himself in the sweet embrace of sleep with the help of his bed! Which is littered with sakura petals….and lit with scented candles….and has soft jazz music playing in the background….
D-did he fall asleep already, what’s happening here?
He felt a soft thud on his back as Izuku’s voice came out muffled through his shirt.
“You ruined the surprise” he said with a pouty huff
A grim thought blanketed his mind. “Deku” he said, straining to keep his building anxiety in check “What’s today?”
Izuku wrapped his arms around Katski’s waist “It’s not our wedding anniversary, don’t worry”
He puffed out a small laugh when he felt all of Katsuki’s muscles relax at once
“Although it’s not…..NOT one of our anniversaries.”
“Deku...” He was losing his patience; what little there was anyway.
“Today’s still a kind of anniversary, just not the one you’re thinking of”
Izuku fished his phone out his pocket and brought it around to Katsuki’s chest. With tired filled, bleary eyes he looked down to see a screenshot of text messages between them staring back.
Deku @ 11:30PM: Uh, Thanks again for the All Might Plush Kacchan. I never knew you were such a sharp shooter!
Kacchan @ 11:32: You better believe it nerd! All those shooting range lessons with my mom had to paid off somehow
Deku @ 11:33: Yea but to get each one on your first shot! no misses or anything! You’re really amazing!
Katsuki @ 11:34: Of course! My name isn’t fuckin Bakugou for nothin!
Deku @ 11:36: And it’s not just for the plush either...you’re amazing for other reasons too
Katsuki @ 11:37: What do you mean?
Deku @ 11:40: Kacchan you didn’t have to take me out tonight...I know how much your image means to you….and I know i’m not the toughest guy you know so just the fact that you were willing to even be seen with me is amazing you know?
Katsuki @ 11:41: No I don’t and that’s the stupidest fucking thing your pathetic ass has ever said
Deku @ 11:41: …i know I should be used to that by now but it doesn’t get any easier
Katsuki @ 11:43: Look Deku, UNLIKE you I couldn’t give less of a shit what others think of me. I’m a motherfucking badass and that means I can date whoever the hell I want. And if that means I’m dating a weakling like you then so be it, GOT IT?
Deku @ 11:44: G-GOT IT!
Katsuki @ 11:44: Good, and one more thing.
Katsuki @ 11:45: you are as soft as a melted marshmallow, you cry at the sad scene of every movie, and you let little kids climb you like a fucking monkey gym. Put simply you’re a total fucking pushover.
Katsuki @ 11:46: But I guess those things can also be like, amazing too or whatever. And it’s why I, like, love you and shit so at least be grateful for that nerd.
Deku @ 11:46:.......
Katsuki @ 11:46: Nerd?
Deku @ 11:50: you said you love me
Katsuki @ 11:55: yea what about it?
Deku @ 12:00: you SAID that you LOVE ME! LIKE ACTUALLY SAID IT! Well except that it was over text and not by voice so I don’t if this counts or if you genuinely meant it--
“I had to actually get outta bed and go to your house to verbally say it to your face 10 times in a row before you actually shut the hell up about it.”
“I didn’t sleep a wink that whole night”
Deku squeezed him a little tighter and shuffled his feet in thought “We’ve become international heroes, received countless medals and awards, have our own joint merchandise line and i’m pretty sure our fanclub is so big that it can be labeled as a religion now.” Katsuki snorted at the thought “But there is no award on this earth that can compare to hearing you say that you love weak, pushover, crybaby me”
Katsuki felt the hands that folded across his stomach, ran the tips of his fingers over the scars and ridges that littered the same palms that fed him dinner and washed his back. All he had ever wanted in life was to be recognized, to have it be known to the whole world that he was amazing and should be seen as such. But then here was Deku, the man who could rip the city to ruin but chose instead to spend his days saving cats out of trees, singing his praises since they were four. He thought he wanted the world’s attention. Turns out he really just wanted Izuku’s.
Katsuki was starting to get the itching suspicion that maybe HE was starting to turn into the pushover
“Wait a minute” Katsuki said after a moment “So you mean to tell me that after you knew that I had a shit day at work you dragged me to all corners of this house, purposefully keeping me from our bedroom and sleep, deliberately pissing me off more and more to then surprise me…..WITH OUR BEDROOM?”
“But I had to!” Izuku whined “You were just gonna ruin the surprise and go to bed anyway! Plus your present wasn’t finished drying yet so I had to stall for time!”
Suddenly Izuku became very acquainted with a knick in the wall from when they finally got their first bed that wasn’t a pair of oversized futons.
A wickedly evil grin cracked along Katsuki’s usual prickly cowl. He stalked himself just behind Izuku’s back and put his lips just behind his ear, his favorite weak spot to torture.
“How exactly did my present get so dirty Izuku?” As tired as he was nothing could top the visible shiver that ran down his husband’s spine.
“I may or may not have uhhh tried it on before you got home. I liked the way it looked and um...couldn’t help myself.”
Katsuki was a simple man of simple needs; and tonight, all he wants is to watch his favorite present squirm.
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