#Delivery driver and also he manages cargo and stuff as well
master-k0hga · 6 months
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[ Category: The Promised Land ]
| Another.
Old. Sport
... Anyways- This is Hector, and he's a flirty old fool. Despite that and kinda being annoying about it sometimes, he is in fact engaged and trying so hard and well to be a good father figure for his fiancé's son... Who hates him to fucking bits- (It's Mickey btw, Mickey, spoilt little toddler baby man; with an extreme jealousy towards anyone who gets his mother's attention other than him).. And you should feel bad for Hector cuz he really is a nice sweet, and flirty old fool...
Ok so like-
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
Name: Hector Species: Ice Elf General Personality: Flirty, jokester, laid back, supportive, somewhat two-faced, perverted, easy going Height: 7ft "2" Relationship Status: Engaged
Extra Info:
His job occupation for the organisation is actually on delivery goods and such either via in town or overall out of town; Where he and his unit use specific kinds of goods trucks that are suitable for travelling with in harsh cold and hot environments, as well as good for driving on bumpy, rocky or hill-like surfaces as well. In general, one delivery time took him almost half a year; Luckily they have proper storage to keep their stock/food deliveries in fairly good conditions still. As it's also the Frostclaw Traders Ltd to prep, manage and deliver goods along with keeping tabs on stock and whatnot while also being a services system, it is their top priority to put out stuff that's in great condition and to please their dealers/ buyers. Or make arrangements if needed
He's never been a father before as he's never had any in the past, nor had a set relationship with anyone before other than just those merely one nights with others, so this is all new to him. Luckily the women he's with now is as easy going as he is and that I believe gives them a level if understanding for each other; However when it comes to him and mickey, he won't be a step father or alive for long if that boy gets a knife. Hector better watch out
Was born with a weak bladder, not sure if he managed to get it from his mother's side or if his father had the same thing; Either way, cold weather, scaring him, making him laugh too hard, or even just squeezing his sides makes the water works; He's teased by it often and to be honest that's not fun
Despite having his own job, he is also a defender/soldier of this town too; A sword that was passed from his grandmother over to him after she had passed and he's kept hold of it ever since. He does train quite a lot, so he's not unfamiliar with using the cobalt blue blade. He also has a gun too but he and the other people in this tribe tend to try avoiding with using guns as the sound actually startles everyone in this strange realm. It's not recommended as their survival kicks in and they all skitter around and hide like frightened cats
Flirts with the well known chef too often so people think there's a thing going on there too, to which people should know by now that he's just a major flirt with everyone
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
... Belive that's all I have for him too, now moving onto others at some point to give the ref treatment to or to just re-draw them in general!... Which I have done and am trying so fucking hard to do, to which sucks cuz my motivation is balls...
Anyways- Enjoy the flirty man, and cuz I'm stupid I have a quick fan art doodle to post along with this one... (Although I'll be posting this shortly after the other one but who cares-)
... Whatever.
. Hector, Art © Me . DON’T RE-POST .
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millenniumfae · 5 years
Reyes Vidal Theories And Headcanons
To start off, we’ll begin with all the canon facts we know about our favorite Kadara King, almost all thanks to his writer’s twitter;
He’s in his late twenties
He’s from Chile (born and raised?)
His first language is Spanish, but speaks English (fluently?)
After arriving to Andromeda but before the Nexus Uprising, he was a shuttle pilot assigned to Initiative callsign ‘Anubis’
He’s a dog person
Fan of alcohol??
And that’s it. Everything else about him is all speculation and random headcanons. ME:A has no further single-player DLC upcoming. No new comics, either. It’s really sad to say, but it seems likely that the canon story of Reyes Vidal ended with Mass Effect: Andromeda.
But not if I have anything to say about it! Below are my various Reyes Vidal headcanons and theories. And more to come, along with other Mass Effect characters!
1) Reyes as a ‘Shuttle Pilot’
People in the game sometimes describe flying vehicles as a ‘shuttle’, but technically, a ‘shuttle’ isn’t a type of vehicle, it’s the name for a delivery service - short routes, higher frequency, simple fare. You can shuttle passengers or objects place to place. If Reyes was a ‘shuttle pilot’, that meant he was flying things to-and-fro the Nexus on the Initiative’s orders, delivering people and goods by standardized rates.
We’ve already known a shuttle pilot in the franchise before; Steve Cortez of Mass Effect 3 was the Normandy’s shuttle pilot, because he had to deliver the ground team to-and-fro the ship regularly. Those fugly box-like skycars you see in the ME franchise seem to be Alliance/Initiative standard vehicles, described as ‘UT-47′s by Steven in 3, or a ‘Kodiak’ for similar models. Steve also takes Shepard on a skycar ride in the Citadel DLC, and talks about his piloting passion as if they were indeed on a plane and not a car (”There’s a lot about this bird you don’t know/Pilots would wear G-suits”).
Plus, Steve also trained by flying fighter jets, not ‘cars’. So when we say a character is a shuttle pilot, we really do mean pilot and not ‘flying car driver’. Reyes is a pilot in all sense of the word. Even though those boxy cars can indeed use FTL drive to fly between systems and planets, Reyes worked under the call-sign ‘Anubis’ so we can assume he flew a plane specifically. Aviation call-signs are for aircrafts and not cars. The dock manager would ask for the pilot’s verification, and the pilot would respond with the aircraft’s verification name and number - N-503 call-sign ‘Anubis’.
We never see him flying in-game. On the mission we meet Reyes’ ex Zia, we do see his plane outside the house where the supposed cargo was to be. It’s a poopy-brown, double-turbine-winged helicopter thing, and it’s also the plane he escapes onto if you save Sloane. He’s never flying it, though, it’s always him hopping in/off.
I’ve seen some fics where that’s actually where he sleeps, which I don’t think would be realistic - that plane sees a modest amount of action, not just during fights but also during ambient Kadara Port skydrops - you see it flying by sometimes. Inside isn’t big, you see like three seats and nothing else, good for five people maximum. Reyes would have to have this plane flight-ready at a moment’s notice. He’s still smuggling, after all.
It’s a very different plane from all the others you see. It’s not a boring basic Initiative box car, it’s not a bubbly green Angaran car, it’s not a green mess like the Kett’s. The only time you see a plane like that is during the Meridian final battle, where there’s two-three of those same planes, no matter if it’s Sloane or Reyes. I think it’s a plane that was created after the Nexus Uprising, crafted specifically by exiles. You find guns unique to exiles, after all, why not planes? Kadara exiles have wind turbine engineers, doctors, and not to mention the Angara who must be involved. They gotta have some people who can design and produce good planes. It’d be poetic if Reyes’ plane was a hybrid of Angaran and Milky Way engineering.
2) Reyes being Chilean, Brown, and Bi
I’ve said this before, but I was never happy with how Reyes was handled as a Latino man. I’m not Latinx myself, I’m Asian, so I speak from a different perspective of color. Reyes is a token Latinx person in the game, and he (along with his ex Zia) have thick accents and a sexualized history/personality. His accent in particular is super grating, since it’s faked by a white British actor and you can definitely hear it. As an Asian person, I am NOT a fan of seeing faked accents pasted onto a stereotyped love interest.
So when we see a character like Reyes, we make the best of it. We make him ours, and not Bioware’s very spotty writing. Canonically, Reyes is a flirty spicy Latino bi man, but he’s more than that. Romanced or not, you get to see the man behind that mask. He’s silly, insecure, and very intelligent. He’s good with guns, explosives, and planes. He can play politics to the point where he can become the driving force behind an entire planet.
But all that canon stuff still doesn’t erase the spots on Bioware’s record when it comes to making Reyes. They wanted to create a shady morally grey love interest, and Reyes is the direction they took.
Us fans, on the other hand, can actually give Reyes as a bi Chilean man some weight. We can write his Spanish as actually being specific to Chile, we can explore his sexuality the way bi people do. The Mass Effect universe takes place about 160+ years from now. It’s been more than a century. We all know that progress isn’t linear, but for the sake of our liberation, we’ll say that humanity’s ideals of sexual/racial politics have improved.
So unlike us, maybe Reyes didn’t grow up in a world that attacks brown/queer people. Today, being brown means you’re ashamed of your skin color before kindergarten, and being bi means your sexual journey is hindered by marginalization. Reyes, on the other hand, might have not faced these things at all. Humans of the Mass Effect world might see queerphobia/racism as something incredibly archaic, like oppressing redheads.
Not like Bioware’s good at portraying this type of progress. Sure, we never see anti-lgbt rhetoric in-game, nor marginalization of brown humans, but we don’t see any true evidence that the Mass Effect world has gotten rid of these things. I don’t for a second believe that there would be so many straight humans 160+ years from now. Or so many aliens that fall squarely into the human gender binary.
Headcanon; Reyes, being raised on Earth, sees himself as brown and knows the bloody history behind it. His skin color matters to him much the same way my browness matters to me - its a connection to your family, your people, and the way you look at yourself in the mirror. And he doesn’t identify as bisexual as loudly as many of us do, but not because he doesn’t like lgbt culture. He’ll checkmark the ‘bi’ box if you asked him to write out a census survey, I just think he’s one of those people who’s kinda casual about it. Especially if he doesn’t face the marginalization we do.
But being a queer man means he’s got that flamboyant side a lot of us do. He’s romantically cheesy, he likes red wine over candlelit dinners, he finds flower arrangements beautiful, he’ll go to great lengths to make sure he looks and smells nice (even on Kadara’s nasty sulfer atmosphere), he think he looks amazing in a fitted suitdress. And if he could, he’d repaint his plane to be a nicer color other than that fugly brown, like a sweet duochrome blue-purple, but unfortunately its a color that blends in well with Kadara’s landscape.
3) Reyes as the Charlatan
What’s canon about the Collective? They work from the shadows, cultivate poison, steal supplies, have torture rooms where they keep captured Outlaws, and information between them can get muddled or compromised. They’re not a pretty bunch, and the Charlatan isn’t a pretty business.
Compared to the Outcasts, they’re definitely the more gentle organization. And perhaps with the Outcasts out of the picture, they drop a lot of the shadier stuff they do, what with no one left to torture and assassinate. But their business still runs on crime, opposing the Initiative and the Angara directly at times - such as stealing supplies, illegal mining and producing of resources, and drugs. And Reyes oversees all of that.
You can also compare Reyes’ crimes to Vetra, who’s also a smuggler, but a lot less shady. Vetra does a lot of things without bloodshed or violence, and doesn’t even seem to steal things. Instead, she makes business deals that slip underneath the red tape and break regulations. Reyes, however, had to work under Sloane’s violence for many a month, and adopted immoral methods to work around her.
I truly believe Reyes isn’t supposed to be a violent man who likes bloodshed and murder. He sees it as necessary, and his goals are worth getting his hands dirty. Reyes wasn’t just scared about Ryder finding out he lied, he’s worried about the whole, you know, Collectives being a violent mob gang thing. As Kadara improves, he lets up.
When he’s not hanging out in Tatarus, out smuggling, or doing various other shady things, I headcanon Reyes as actually having multiple places to sleep and hie away. Not the Collective Base, though. No one there has ever met the Charlatan, and even the leader, Crux, only gets orders as messages. Before the big reveal, Reyes doesn’t confess any connection to the Collective. He wouldn’t show up at the base. His living spaces are probably within Kadara Port’s various shitty apartments, and also hideouts in the badlands.
Always he’ll be on call for Charlatan business. Even at the Meridian party, he’s clicking away at his omni-tool while talking to Ryder. He keeps odd hours, probably only managing minimal sleep schedules. And when he’s not available, his most trustworthy representatives take up his mantle. And if Sloane’s killed, he only gets more busy.
With an outpost settled, there’s legitimate money to make and Reyes gets right on that. I assume that, at first, establishing the outpost costs a lot more money than it makes, but having an initiative settlement eventually draws in a lot of resources and commerce. Reyes isn’t just the leader of Kadara Port, he’s the King of Kadara the planet and the outpost is part of his jurisdiction. Ditaeon may have been Ryder’s doing, but it’s Reyes’ town now.
4) Reyes and Ryder - Love And Trust
“He already lied to you once. Guys like that don’t stop lying,” - Vetra.
A romanced Ryder is obviously a big deal to Reyes. He even confesses to his right-hand woman Keema that he worried about what Ryder might think about him, and that’s something pretty personal to exclaim. He’s in deep and his self-esteem is heavily affected by what Ryder says to him. If you don’t decide to kiss him on the rooftop, you can instead say that he’s more genuine than you thought, which actually seems to hurt him.
There’s an animation difference between Scott and Sara - Reyes will slide right up against Scott’s personal space during their first meeting at Kralla’s Song, while he’ll stay a modest distance away from Sara. To our eyes, seeing an unknown, shifty man being so close to a woman at a bar is pretty creepy and scary. You, as a man, do not touch a woman you don’t know. To us, being in a place like Kadara Port and alone at a pirate bar means violence against women is a fear at the forefront of our minds.
He’s so uncomfortably close to Scott, though, probably in an effort to intimidate him slightly. But he’s not gonna pull that shit on Sara, because that would mean something completely different.
Reyes makes a big deal about being the perfect gentleman, which is something of a rhetoric joke. Because he’s not a gentleman when it comes to honesty and honor; he steals, cheats, and lies, he brought a sniper to the duel. But he is a gentleman when it comes to compassion and sympathy. He set up a soup kitchen for the slums. He donates money to the clinic. He prioritizes the Angara native to Kadara. He lifts the ‘protection fee’ nonsense and doesn’t exile people to the badlands.
He said he came to Andromeda to ‘be someone’. I think that’s supposed to be a double-meaning. He wants to be important to people, but why rule from the shadows if that’s the case? Because he wants to make a difference. He actually does want to help people and set up an Initiative outpost and dispense justice. That’s the ‘someone’ Reyes wanted to be all his life, and it grew into a passion when he finally upped and abandoned the Nexus.
Being a ‘gentleman’ is kinda old-fashioned, but Reyes seems to have a special interest in old-fashioned stuff, playing Soft Jazz while dancing quietly with Ryder. I think it’s just something he enjoys, like having actual full-blown romantic dates. Too bad he rarely has the opportunity to explore them.
About Zia; his alleged ‘ex’ is a mystery. Umi, a bartender, pinpoints her as an ex-girlfriend, but Reyes will say they merely had a few drinks and things apparently never went far. And when Zia shows up, there’s no love lost between the two of them, even though Zia apparently knows Reyes well enough. Relationships with a tail-end like that were probably never serious, but still had enough time invested to become actual, significant history.
I don’t know why Bioware wanted to write, direct, code, and implant this mission, as if it adds something to Reyes’ characterization. Zia in particular is a unique character model, which is weird because very few characters have a special face and texture. What does Zia mean to Reyes? To us?
I think Zia was an old smuggling/piloting partner of Reyes, and the two of them might have struck a connection during the first hopeless months of the Andromeda Initiative. Zia grew to know Reyes as a selfish man with no friends, split off from him and ran a competitive smuggling shtick, and even says a romanced Ryder will soon know how wrong they were to place faith in him. Its a side of Reyes we don’t hear from anyone else, and I think it’s meant to shake our confidence in Reyes as the future leader of Kadara - or as Ryder’s love interest.
After all, why would Reyes ask the Pathfinder for help in finding some random lost cargo? Because it was probably something super important. Worth not just money, but morality too. Reyes wouldn’t tell someone as unsubtle as Ryder that they were about to look for some misplaced escaped ark survivors (or whatever’s also super important, I dunno), or everyone and their mother would know they were up to something big.
Zia lured Reyes with the promise of something very big, and tried to take him down because she wanted to make more money. Reyes, on the other hand, isn’t completely money-driven. Zia represents the Charlatan we were told to fear, while Reyes is the true face behind the shadows. And after all that business rivalry, Reyes still buries her.
But Zia still says Reyes is a selfish man, and she knows him much better than Ryder does. Why would a fellow amoral smuggler care if someone was selfish or not? Was Reyes selfish to her specifically? Like, in a bad lover way? That’d suck, but he probably didn’t feel that much affection towards Zia in the first place. Or did Zia have ulterior motives that Reyes didn’t agree with, and cut off contact because Zia wanted to cross lines Reyes didn’t feel comfortable with? That’d be a nicer way of looking at it. Reyes was ‘selfish’ because Zia wanted to, I dunno, hit civilians for extra cash and Reyes said no.
My headcanon; with Ryder, Reyes definitely doesn’t take things super casual like he probably did with Zia. He eventually dedicates himself to them, and invests a lot of his emotions into their relationship. It might even be something he never did before, but a hero’s love is worth so much to him. He can’t leave Kadara, and Ryder can’t stay with him (at least at first). And secrets will continue to bloom between them. But Reyes will continue to improve himself, ‘becoming someone’ to not just Kadara, but to Ryder.
5) Random and MISC
Being an exile-in-an-outlaw-town-during-a-cluster-wide-war-against-the-Kett-and-the-Scourge means shitty food. Which Reyes hates and he does his best to avoid the Jim Bakker bucket-esque MREs that the Initiative hands out. And Angaran nutrient paste doesn’t sit right with Milky Way species, so he doesn’t eat that either. Life on the frontier means adopting to local flora and fauna, which means old fashioned Angaran dishes like Adhi roast, Kaerkyn shell soup, Taurg flank steak, and Drall bits. But no, he doesn’t cook if he can help it - he’s not terrible, just not good, and he’ll instead buy food from vendors on Kadara Port, or order it from the bar. And he’ll get dessert when he can, too.
And he loves Kadara Port. It’s his own little cyberpunk neon noir city, even if it does smell vaguely of sulfur. He loves looking out the window and seeing the bright glowing signs overlapping each other, hearing the shady bustle of exiles 24/7, the patter of acidic rain. When he begins to get involved with Ryder, he begins to take extra time to gaze at the city’s horizon and be sentimental. That’s what falling in love does to a person.
He’s canonically a dog person, and by dog we do include Mass Effect’s alien dogs such as adhi. The Collective is trying to domesticate wild Adhi, which is a project Reyes started to make them into guards and weapons, but a side of him just loves the idea of having an adhi as a pet. If he could, he’d have five rescue pups of varying breeds (and species), posting those Sexy Dog Instagram Photos of all of them at the beach, or something.
Time as the Charlatan means less time to work out. So his muscles aren’t big, and he’s got enough fat to cover them, too. If he undressed, you’d see that he’s smaller than his clothing would imply, no Ripped Taint or Tight Glutes. Lotsa hair, though, all down his chest and pelvis and legs. He actually doesn’t really like it, but he only has resources to shave his jaw.
All his outfits are the typical humanwear that all colonists to Andromeda have access too, but with extra touches because he Cares about his appearance. Fancy gloves, a nifty belt with a shiny buckle. He uses the slighest amount of product to slick his hair up, gotta stretch it out until he can find an Andromeda replacement. Uses a nice deodorant, and will get expensive cologne when he has the chance.
He hates the cold, and Kadara has modest winters that won’t freeze the water but will spread a frost everywhere. That’s already too much for him, and throughout the whole season he’s more tired, grumpy, and seasonally depressed. When spring breaks through again, he gets a burst of energy and happiness from the relief.
If Ryder ever lives with him for an extended period, they’ll quickly learn the difference between a 22-year-old’s living space, and an almost-30′s living space. Perhaps with Sloane out of the picture, Reyes gets a legit place to live and invests in real furniture and interior decor, while Ryder’s still stuck in that college student trash stage. Reyes forbids scratches on the table, or bath towels crumbled up, or windows left open during the rain, etc. Ryder think its cute that Reyes is so domestic, Reyes is just trying to save his expensive couch from shoes on the cushions.
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winterinpanem · 7 years
Christmas Angels - Chapter 1
AN – My dad didn’t grow up with very much. About 10 years ago, he decided he didn’t want my husband and me to pay the money to ship a gift halfway across Canada to his door. Instead, he wanted us to donate what would have spent on his gift to a children’s charity. He does the same for us. Thus began our annual tradition of choosing gifts for needy kids off the angel tree at our local mall. This story is inspired by our tradition. And by my Peeta, who has become so invested in the project that he motivates his students at the business college where he works to purchase gifts as well. Over the last three years about 300 kids have benefitted from their work.
December 16
The incessant beeping of the back alarm is making my skin crawl, but I still manage to get the cargo van aligned with the receiving doors at the back of the little bakery in Panem’s downtown. When they finally disappear from sight in my side mirror, I shift the van into neutral and set the parking brake.
Normally, I’m busy packing hampers during my Saturday volunteer shift at the Seam Street Food Bank, but Mags, the manager, had been frantic this morning. Haymitch, her usual truck driver had called in sick, which really meant drunk. Without him, Mags had no one to pick up the Saturday donations. So, I’ve been spending my time, backing up to door after door as Panem’s local restaurants and grocery stores pass on perfectly good food that they’d just be tossing in the trash because it’s not quite as fresh as their customers demand.
Had it not been for the food bank a few years ago, I’d have been digging through the dumpsters of every one of these establishments, trying to put enough food on the table to keep my little sister and I fed. My mother was a lost cause, too busy spending our meagre welfare cheque on booze to make sure we got something to eat. I guess I was just lucky Mags didn’t ask questions the first time I went into the old warehouse on Seam Street and signed up for a hamper. Or she’d seen it so many times that she knew reporting my situation to the authorities was likely to make my life worse instead of better. Either way, she and her food bank saved me and my sister. Every Saturday since I got a job and got out on my own, I’ve spent a little time packing hampers, trying to pay her back for what she did for me.
The holidays are the busiest time of year at the food bank. Not because there are suddenly more poor people. It’s just that all of the sudden, the not-so-poor people decide they need to give more to charity to make up for the ridiculous amounts they’re spending on stuff they don’t need. Mags makes sure to stow away the canned goods and frozen foods for the lean months in February and March when everybody’s credit card bills have rolled in and they’re too pinched for cash to remember that human beings need to eat every day and not just at Christmas.
I take a quick glance at the list on the clipboard Mags gave me. Mellark’s Bakery. Well, it looks like I’m in the right place. I guess the baker must have made too many cookies this week. Or some bread is about to go stale that can’t be sold to paying customers. Our clients won’t complain. Slightly stale bread toasts just fine. Throw on some peanut butter for protein and you’ve got a happy, reasonably well-fed kid. I snatch up the receipt book, just in case the baker wants one for his unsalable goods, and do a quick check in the rearview mirror. Can’t represent the food bank with something stuck in my teeth. I stare back at my reflection. My grey eyes look clear. My braid is neat. Nothing stuck between my teeth. Since I don’t look like I’ve been hit by the ugly stick, I jump down from the cab, my breath swirling in the crisp, winter air.
The sound of my hiking boots crunching on the packed snow echoes through the alleyway as I make my way to open the van before banging on the bakery’s back door. I only have to give a few swift knocks before I hear someone snapping open the locks on the other side of the door. The door swings wide and I’m face to face with the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen, set in one hell of a handsome face topped by wavy blonde hair. That face is the picture of surprise at the moment. I guess the baker was expecting Haymitch.
“I’m from the food bank?”
The eyes blink twice and then he manages to flash me a blinding smile full of straight white teeth. “Oh! Great! I’m Peeta Mellark.” He sticks out his hand. “I’m glad you’re here.” I wait for him to open the door to let me in, but instead he steps outside. He’s still in his shirt sleeves, but he doesn’t seem cold. “They’re up in the apartment,” he says, as though that explains something I should already know. He starts climbing a wooden staircase that runs between the bakery door and a second door. He stops about halfway up. “Aren’t you coming?”
“Into your apartment?” I wait for him to figure out why that’s not on.
He reddens a bit and rubs his hand over his hair, making it stand up in spots. “I’m not a creep, I swear. I mean, I was expecting a guy. She said Haystack, or something, was coming to pick them up.”
I guess he’s got a point, but I’m stubborn. “Not today. Can’t you just bring whatever it is down?”
He sort of laughs. “Why don’t you just come and see for yourself?”
I can’t help it. I’m not exactly a shrinking violet and he’s piqued my curiosity as to what this is all about, so I huff and start stomping up the steps behind behind him. He leads the way, which gives me a close up view of his very fine ass, nicely rounded underneath his shapeless white pants. I don’t have long to admire the view, however. In less than a minute, we’re standing at the top of the stairs and he’s opening the door to the apartment. We step inside and I immediately understand the problem. Every surface of the apartment is covered in brightly wrapped packages topped with shiny bows. Each package also sports an angel-shaped tag, bearing the a child’s first name and their Christmas wish.
Every year, the food bank encourages its clients to make a wish for each of their children on one of those tags and they’re hung on a Christmas tree in the mall. Shoppers pick them up off the tree, and then return the gift to the food bank. I can’t say for sure, but by my estimation, this guy has single-handedly fulfilled the wishes of at least 100 kids who wouldn’t be getting anything for Christmas otherwise. I should know, I wrote my little sister’s name on those tags every year and then crossed my fingers for the kindness of strangers.
“How many?” I blurt out. The real question is why he did it, but that question seems a little too personal to be asking someone I just met.
“One hundred and forty-two,” he tells me, and if there’s a trace of pride in his voice, I don’t hear it..
I’m not sure why this stop was last on my list. The old cube van is already about half full with my other pick-ups. Mags must have known what I was picking up here. There’s no way she wouldn’t have noticed one person had committed to granting so many angel tree wishes. “I can get about half of them in the van now,” I tell him. “I’ll have to come back for the rest.”
The guy, I think he said his name was Peeta, nods quickly and sweeps a pile from the table top into his arms. I grab another pile off a nearby couch and we start back down the stairs. He holds the door and I lead the way down the stairs, finally stopping in front of the open van to load in the presents.
I realize then, that in order to load the van properly, one of us is going to have to wait inside the van to stack the gifts while the other brings them downstairs; otherwise, we’ll be climbing in and out of the van all afternoon.
Peeta recognizes the problem at the same moment. He puts down his load of gifts and gives me a bright smile. “I’ll go for the next load, while you pack these. Deal?”
“Sure.” I climb into the van and begin sorting the presents into piles. I decide to use the larger ones to form a base layer and set the small ones off to the side where they won’t get damaged.
Before long, Peeta returns with another armload. “Here are some more, um-” I can feel the corners of my mouth turning up I as gather the stack into my own arms, but a little wrinkle forms between his brows. “I don’t think I actually got your name.”
“Katniss,” I tell him, going back to playing Tetris with the gifts. I suppose it’s rude not to introduce myself properly. “Katniss Everdeen.”
“Katniss?” He sounds surprised and I tense, waiting for him to react to the unusual name my father chose for me. “Like the plant? Nice.”
I give him a quick look and he’s sporting a little smile with just the right touch of shyness, that makes it impossible to look away. “You know what a Katniss plant is?”
He shrugs. “Sure, I’m a baker. I have a book of all different sorts of plants. I sculpt flowers for wedding cakes all the time.”
I think of the simple blossom on my namesake plant. “Can’t be much call for Katniss cakes.”
His hand rubs against the back of his neck and I wonder if he’s getting cold. He’s still not wearing a coat. “No, but I flip by it all the time on my way to the lilies.” I nod in understanding and his hand falls to his side. “I’ll just, ah, get some more presents.” He shuffles away and I crawl out of the van to make more room. After a couple more loads, it’s as full I as I feel is safe. I slam the van’s rear doors closed.
“I’ll be back,” I tell him, and he’s just goofy enough to reply with a Terminator impression. I can’t help but laugh. “Give me an hour and we’ll get the rest of them loaded up.”
A few minutes later, I’m driving back through the city, once again grinding my way through the gears of this old van and hoping it holds together long enough for me to finish the gift delivery.
Mags meets me in the loading bay of the food bank. She gives me a cheery wave when I jump down from the van. I don’t know how the older woman manages to maintain such a positive attitude when she spends day after day in this place with all she has to deal with.
“You should have warned me about what was at the bakery,” I complain as I open the van doors.
Mags rolls her eyes and waves me off. She had a stroke last year and while she gets around just fine with the help of a cane, she lost her ability to speak.
“I’m serious, Mags, I would have done things differently had I known.”
The old woman holds up two fingers.
“I know I would have had to make two trips anyway, that’s not my point.”
Mags crooks her finger at me, indicating I should follow and heads for the doors. Her long grey hair is tied up today and trailing over her back. She stops on the threshold and points at two teenagers lounging against the building, cigarettes smouldering between their fingers, their expensive brand name jackets hanging open. They’re not clients. Mags never says, but we often have this type around the food bank. Working off their court appointed community service, I presume. She snaps her fingers at them and then points at the van. Marvel and Cato, at least I think that’s their names, put out their cigarettes and slouch off to do her bidding.
The warehouse is a hive of activity. Effie Trinket’s shrill voice carries from the back right corner. Effie’s been a food bank volunteer for as long as I’ve been coming here. With brassy gold hair that can’t possibly be real and sporting more makeup than any woman ought to wear, Effie is a force to be reckoned with. She’s managing the angel tree program this year, and from the looks of things, she’s got everything organized to the enth. Mags waves to Effie on her way to her office and gets a cheerful greeting in return. We pass rack after rack of shelving units. The macaroni and cheese section looks particularly loaded down right now. The tables where volunteers pack the hampers that go home with the clients are nearby. On the left, near the front doors, Chaff and Seeder are in the soup kitchen prepping for today’s hot meal, like they do every Saturday.
Mags’ office is in a closet-sized space near the front doors. I think it was where the factory workers used to punch in before heading out onto the floor to work. She snatches a small whiteboard off her desk.
So you met Peeta?
“Yes, Mags, I met him.”
She can say that again. “Yeah, I guess.”
Mags’ eyes are dancing as she erases her board. My second favourite volunteer, she scrawls.
Seriously? If cheerful, kind – and okay, yes, gorgeous – Peeta Mellark, with his sky blue eyes and sexy jaw is her second favourite volunteer, who would qualify as her favourite?
“He volunteers here? How come I’ve never seen him around?”
Mags shakes her head and picks up her marker again. He’s here on Thursdays. Soup kitchen. She holds the board up so I can read it. When I nod in understanding, she erases it and starts over. Always a long line for his cooking.
I snort. “Figures.”
Mags chuckles and erases her board again. Lots of women here on Thursdays.
This conversation is annoying. “Well, I should go see if those two slackers have got the van unloaded. I told your favourite volunteer I’d be right back.”
Mags shakes two fingers in my direction. “Right,” I recall. “Second favourite. Be back soon, Mags.”
She waves me off. When I come back into the main room, I find Effie practically having an orgasm over Peeta’s wrapping job.
“Oh Katniss,” she enthuses. “So few people appreciate that it’s the little things that make the difference. A child in need has as much need to be recognized as someone special as anyone else, to know that someone cares enough to make things nice for them. Oh!” She wipes a tear from her eye and holds up a brightly wrapped package topped in a hand-tied scarlet bow. “Look at this! It’s a work of art.”
Clearly, Effie Trinket has no idea what a ‘child in need’ actually needs, but I decide to let it slide since her heart is in the right place.
“Pretty,” I agree. “Well, I better go get the rest of them.”
“There’s more?” Effie is truly beside herself now. “Oh Katniss, think of the children!”
I shoot Effie a grimace wrapped in a smile, shake the keys to the van at her and head for the back door. The layabouts seem to have found a new hiding spot, at least but the van is empty. I fire it up and head back across town.   
I’ve barely backed up to the bakery and Peeta is throwing open the door, a delighted smile on his face. As I approach, I see that his blue eyes are twinkling.
“You’ve got perfect timing,” he calls as I open the back door of the van. “I’ve just flipped over the closed sign for the day.”
Now that I know this guy has Mags’ seal of approval, I’m more than ready to help him carry the gifts down from the apartment.
I start for the stairs, but Peeta appears in the bakery doorway, his arms full of gifts. I notice a blue and silver bow and envision Effie’s reaction. I don’t realize I’m scowling until he does a double take and shrugs good-naturedly. “I brought them down already. I thought it would save time.”
I hold out my arms and he passes the load off to me to stow in the van. The process goes much more smoothly with an empty van and we are soon moving swiftly past each other to pack the parcels inside. Well, I’m moving swiftly. Peeta seems to be limping.
“Hold up,” My hand closes around his rock-hard biceps. Who would have thought a baker would have arms like that? “Are you okay?”
His brow furrows. “Sure. Why?”
I give his leg a pointed look.
“Oh, he says. “Old injury. It gets aggravated when I overdo it.” He turns his back and shuffles back into the bakery kitchen.
I want to kick myself. Of course that’s why he asked for our van and needed help bringing them down the stairs. Thanks to me, this poor guy has made about 50 trips up and down the stairs today that he didn’t need to make.
“You should have told me,” I grumble as we sweep the last of the gifts into our arms and head back outside.
He stops and gives me an odd look as he stands at the van doors. “Crawling on my knees in the van wouldn’t have been any better for it Katniss. And I’m the one who decided to bring the rest down. You didn’t ask me to do that.”
I put my load down. “Because I balked at going upstairs.”
Peeta stows his pile. “Well, that was a little of it. Mostly, I was hoping to save a little time.”
I’m still frowning when I slam the van doors closed, but Peeta has his hands in his pockets and a slight smile on his lips. His wavy blonde locks have fallen into his eyes and he reminds me of little boy trying to charm himself out of trouble.   
“Have you got a few minutes? I make the best hot chocolate in town.”
I check my watch, but it’s not like I have to hurry back. The food bank will be open for hours yet, and it might be Saturday, but I don’t have any plans this evening. So, I shrug and agree.
Peeta’s smile transforms into a toothy grin and he leads the way back into the bakery. The kitchen is spotlessly clean. Every stainless steel surface is sparkling and while the ovens are clearly off. The heat in here is a startling difference from being outside for the last half hour. No wonder Peeta was loading gifts in his shirt sleeves.
He leads the way out into the cheerful storefront and moves toward an espresso machine where he heats the milk. Before long, two piping hot chocolates are steaming away in colourful mugs on the counter.
“The secret,” he confides, “is in the quality of the chocolate and real whipped cream.” He pulls a little container from the fridge. “Chocolate I grated this morning,” he explains as he sprinkles it on top.  He passes me a mug and waves me toward a couple of cafe tables set up under a colourful painting not far from the cash. Once we’ve settled in, he smiles at me and holds up his mug, “to a job well done.”
With a hear, hear, I clink my mug against his. I take a sip of the hot chocolate and don’t quite manage to stifle a groan. “You’re right,” I tell him. “This is the best hot chocolate I’ve ever had.”
Peeta smiles brightly at me and then chuckles. He leans across the table. “You have a little…” He flicks my nose and holds up his finger. A little blob of whipped cream sits on the pad. He pops it in his mouth and grins.
I don’t know whether to laugh or scowl, but I feel a blush stealing across my cheeks so choose the latter.
He laughs. “I can’t help but tease you, Katniss. Your reactions are priceless.”
“And here I was thinking you might be one of the good guys.”
He puts his mug on the table and watches as it spins it between his fingers. “I try to be. My dad always said being a good man was the most important thing I could do with my life.”
I recognize the tone. “When did you lose him?”
“This past summer,” he sighs and rubs his hands on his thighs before sitting back in his chair. “Cancer.”
“The first Christmas is rough,” I tell him, sipping my hot chocolate and taking care to wipe my nose. “It’s never easy, but it gets a little less hard every year.”
He leans forward. “Did you lose your dad?”
I nod. “Hunting accident.” It hurts even now to think of what happened, but I’ve had years of practice at disguising my feelings about it. My father was a hunting guide part-time to make extra money for our family. He was leading a group of guys from the Capitol out on a deer hunt. One of the idiots forgot to turn the safety on his gun. He got over-excited, mishandled the weapon and it went off. My dad got shot in the chest and he bled out before they could get him out of the woods. Our family was never the same after that.
“I’m sorry,” Peeta offers, and for once, I know that it isn’t a platitude. He understands exactly what it feels like to lose a parent.
“Thanks,” I tell him. “I’m sorry for your loss too.”
“This whole gift thing was about him,” he confesses. “He was a big supporter of the food bank and the angel tree was really important to him. Each year he would take my older brothers and me to the mall. We each picked an angel off the tree and then Dad would take us shopping to fulfill the wish. He said it was our gift to him.”
“Too bad there weren’t more people like your dad,” I remark. Peeta and I are about the same age. I wonder if he or his brothers ever took Prim’s angel off the tree.
“He was special,” Peeta agrees, and takes a sip of chocolate, watching me over the rim of the mug. “Once I grew up, we stopped buying gifts for each other and just did the angel tree. My brothers live out west and they do the same thing.” I don’t know what to say to that. I volunteer every week at the food bank, but this level of generosity is beyond what we usually see, even there, so I just nod and sip the rich nectar in my hand. “This year, it just seemed so incredibly sad that we wouldn’t do it together, I decided I needed to do something to honour him.”
“Well, you definitely did that. I’m sure he’d be very proud of you.” The words burst from me, and I cringe inside at my unusual burst of sentimentality, but Peeta accepts my words graciously, his cheeks a little pinker than they were minutes before. “Seriously, Peeta, you’ve made a huge donation. I’ve never seen anything like it from a single person.”
He shrugs. “I didn’t pay it all out of pocket. I held a silent auction here in the bakery. Told people what I was doing in memory of Dad. It was just way more successful than I imagined.”
I can just imagine the long list of bids on the auction items. There’s no doubt of my mind that Peeta could charm people into parting with their hard-earned money.  
I raise my mug to my lips only to find it empty and the corners of my mouth turn down in disappointment.
“I guess I should get going,” I sigh as I rise from the table, pushing away the urge to linger.  “Thank you for the hot chocolate.” He waves that off as though it were nothing. “And on behalf of the food bank, thank you for your donation.”
“My pleasure,” he replies, “on both counts.”
He collects the mugs and once we make our way into the kitchen, I head for the delivery door zipping up my jacket and adjusting my scarf. It’s really going to suck to have to climb into that frigid truck after the warmth of bakery.
“Hey Katniss?”
I whip around to find Peeta massaging his neck, a shy smile on his rugged features. “Do you want to, uh, exchange numbers?” I’m so distracted by the butterflies winging around in my chest that I forget to answer. He begins to backpedal. “I mean, don’t feel obligated or anything. But I feel like we made friends today. But I won’t be hurt if you don’t want-”
Friends. Of course he just wants to be friends. Why would a guy like him be interested in me? The butterflies come back to Earth and I pull my phone out of my pocket. “What’s your number?” The smile returns to his face and he rattles it off while I punch it in. I type a quick ‘It’s Katniss’ and press send.
When his phone chimes a second later, he pulls it from his pocket. “There you are,” he says with a smile and with some quick flicks, adds me to his contacts. “You’ll be sick of me in no time.”
Thank you @burkygirl!!!
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blyanten · 7 years
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In the Duckburgian night, thievery is afoot. A trailer, transporting something with the nuclear symbol on it is attacked by several masked men, doing surprisingly well at teamwork and effiency.  There even a clear plan in action!
Unfortunately, it’s all a memory. One is reliving old memories of his time with the Avenger, almost two centuries after PKNA takes place.
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In other words, everyone is dead.
On the bright side, One has created both police bots and rescue bots through his company Robolab, that, according to himself, are functioning brilliantly.
It’s just not the same.
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In Dhasam-Bul, it turns out that Everett is still alive. Somehow. 200 years after PKNA. 
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He’s moved up in that little world, having become high priest of  Bhasam-Bul, but as with every other time we see him at the monastery, someone back home in his old life needs him, so he gotta go.
And somewhere towards the end of XX century (which is really the PKNA era, or the 1990s), a pair of maintenance workers find what appears to be a crashed… something suggestions are "it’s alien" and "it’s some experiment from the private sector". Never has two so different ideas been so correct.
As the workers decide to move it, they realize it’s connected to the box of wires they came to fix. Luckily, nothing is damaged, otherwise the network would be down for half the nation.
And we cut to Donald trying to check his bank account. The ATM is not working, but one is happy to appear and pretty shoot Donald’s debit card at him from the ATM slot. He walks off in annoyance, while an incredibly obvious robot spies on him.
Incredibly obvious robot isn’t a problem for long as he hooks up to the ATM and says there’s an anomaly before going from the top picture to… well, recognise those colours? This ought to be fun.
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Much discretion, very secret.
Obvious robot is thrown back from the shock, and worried bystanders appears, somehow failing to notice the "robot" part. At first he appears to have lost his memory, when his expression changes and he says that no, he’s recovered it. Dun-dun-duuun.
In the future, there is apparently a discussion about whether Ducklair Tower should be torn down or left standing as a historical monument. The discussion seems rather pointless though, as nobody has been doing proper maintenance, and it might just collapse on its own, which would be bad considering its size. One guy thinks it doesn’t even have an owner, but it does. It’s owned by Robolab.
Just as this is said, a delivery truck with «Robolab» written on it appears. As far as the driver knows, the Tower is used for storage. Driver also picked up a hitchhiker, who is thrilled to be there and vanishes the second no one is looking.
Driver shrugs, and deliver the cargo. He’s told to leave it in the lobby, as the elevator is broken. I think One might be a bit depressed, to allow the Tower to fall into disrepair.
Actually, there are probably limits to what he can manage as long as he wants to stay secret, but even so.
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Y-yeah, at 200-something, I have no doubt that stairs are rough.
Everett floated up to the secret floor, and One is glad to see him. After 184 years, he kinda thought Everett was, well… dead. But, no, Everett says, they live such healthy lives at Dhasam-Bul that they can totally double the human life span… and, okay, there’s some things he’s never told One, which is putting it mildly (and also wrong, assuming we’re talking about the same thing, but that’s the fun thing about canons with timetravel, you can retcon anything).
But of course, none of that is important right now! We can talk about the other thing some other time.
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You did? Huh. Does this make future events better or worse? Also, now seeing the future has always been part of your skillset? It’s starting to remind me of Vulcans in Star Trek. They’re telepaths! They’re super strong! They’re... whatever we need this week.
Everett is there to help One reach what he desires.
In the past Donald has some friendly banter with Angus before visiting Lyla, who’s noticed some issues with the timeline.
This is when incredibly obvious robot reappears, greeting the pair as «agent» and «Avenger». Lyla seems to recognise him, and he’s about to introduce himself when this happens.
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Lyla’s face here is amazing considering what is happening. 
Everyone is confused, but especially Two (you know it’s him, I know it’s him, let’s just stop pretending) who has ended up in the future, just in time to listen to One and Everett talking.
Everett explains that he was always aware that One would one day want to be more than a part of the Tower, that upon reaching full maturity he’d want an actual body.
So reaching maturity for an AI = 200 years, and a great part of those years spent alone in an empty building that falling apart. Dude, depression is not a necessary part of maturity.
I swear, it’s like listening to an alien, nothing makes sense if you stop and think for two seconds and there are more questions. But sure, let’s roll with that.
One admits that he does want a body, he could do so much more if he had options beyond being stuck in a crumbling skyscraper. But he doesn’t want Everett to think he’s ungrateful.
Everett doesn’t, but finally seems to have figured out that letting One think he was the only one until after his brother Two went crazy was a bad idea.
I’m tempted to hand out a «you tried» star, but I feel like that’s not quite right? A «congrats, you figured it out eventually» star, maybe.
Back on topic, One explains that in the absence of anyone like him, he’s learned to appreciate people. Like the Avenger, yes, but also everyone else. He wants to be where the people are, he wants to see them strolling along down a, what do you call it? Street.
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Jokes aside, this is genuinly heartbreaking and sweet. Just look at what he actually says.
Depressed, lonely and trapped seems like the best words to describe One now.
So he wants to create a droid capable of containing him, Everett says, and One finally lets a bit of rage show. If Everett knows everything maybe he can figure out why it isn’t working?!
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Also, why didn’t you come sooner? No, really, One’s been working for a while here.
One questions if it’s the tech that’s not advanced enough, and Everett says it might not be. Luckily, Everett’s not been idle at the monastery and he’s also learned things that go beyond science.
… At least it seems doubtful that the old High Priest would let him near that position without getting his mad science tendencies under control. The world still being there is proof of that.
In Time Ø, Lyla has called about Two’s droid body, and it turns out that it’s an infiltrator, meant to keep an eye on the Avenger. Lyla is annoyed, because from the sound of it, infiltrator droids sometimes go nuts and tries to kill the person they’re supposed to spy on.
In the future, Everett finally tells One to stop calling him "master", and that together they’ll create a droid body so fine it’ll be the ultimate form of the concept of AIs.
Two, still hiding and listening in, agrees, and decides to steal it. Unfortunately, he timetravels again, this time ending up sometime before Colombus arrived, I guess.
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Wow, you’re slow this time around.
In the present, One is annoyed that Two’s droid body is completely hidden from his sensors. This might be because he’s not there at all, but who knows. The Avenger complains about the Time Police creating unecessary messes because they just can’t trust him.
You stop one city from blowing up and you never hear the end of it.
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He goes to pick up Lyla in the Duckmobile, and Lyladressed in battle armor, because of course the infiltrator spy droid is also made for battle. However, Lyla implies this is because he was made specifically to deal with the Avenger AND Lyla at the same time.
Which is why Lyla has brought along a weapon she made after the droid revolt.
In the future, Everett and One is building the droid, with Everett cheating a bit by convincing the parts to assemble themselves. At the end of the scene, One is ready to transfer himself into the droid.
In the past, Two has worked out that his droid body has the ability to time travel and a bunch of other stuff. Being the bad guy, he then goes and enslaves some Native Americans for funsies, before moving on.
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EVIL. You know, in case you failed to notice.
In the future, Everett is panicking a bit as One has transferred himself to the new body, but is not responding in any way. In the end, he has to reverse the transfer. One reappears in his old hardware, and explains that he was just blocked from doing anything. Which makes no sense, the droid body has plenty of space for him, even to expland further.
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You deserve to panic.
But something is missing.
In the past, Lyla and the Avenger has located the infiltrator, but they, not expecting Two, walk right into a trap. This time, he’s red all over and The Avenger recognises him.
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Look at that bad boy walk. I’m serious, Two is just doing so many “bad boy” poses in this issue.
Two declares that he’s finally worked out where One is hiding, but the Avenger is unimpressed with his babbling, and has the Duckmobile open fire on him. It doesn’t work at all, but Lyla, having hid behind the Duckmobile, waiting for an opening steps in and shoots him.
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Robocop gone bad.
This gives the brief impression of having worked, but then Two breaks out the big guns… before putting them away and punching Lyla in the face.
He then turns down the Avenger’s offer of a fight, because at the end of the day, the Avenger is not the person he’s interested in. As the Avenger is now in a position where he can’t interfere, Two timejumps away to get to One.
Lyla, having picked up on the fact that something is off wants to know how the infitrator droid could resist her weapon.
In the future One is sad and Everett decides that not being the High Priest anymore he’s allowed to lose his temper. Yeah, the droid is still not working. One thinks it’s his fault, but Everett points out that the droid is designed for One.  
In the present, the Avenger has given Lyla an explanation and calls One to tell him to activate all defenses available. Seems like the kind of thing that should come before long explanations, but now that they’re actually doing it, the Avenger is pretty efficient, telling One to not waste time with discussion and just do it.
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As usual, very discreet.
In a few seconds, the secret floor becomes the safest place on the planet.
Lyla jumps in to ask One what the total value of his software is, and gets a bit of flirting and whole lot of nonsense in return. It makes enough sense for her to make some adjustments to her gun.
While she does that, the Avenger tries to explain that Two is back, but not even the safest place on the planet is safe from someone who can just travel back in time to before it was the safest place on the planet.
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Bad boy leaning on things.
Two having a one-track mind quickly gets to the fighting part, while One tries to get him to stop and talk. Unfortunately, Two isn’t much for talking, but the Avenger and Lyla arrives.
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Translation: Neer-neer-neer.
So they fight, trying to destroy each other, and have you worked out the flaw here yet? Two certainly hasn’t.
The sides are fairly evenly matched, between the armed to the teeth droid body and familiarity with Ducklair tech that Two has and the equally heavily armed One, the Avenger and Lyla, plus Lyla’s familiarity with Time Police tech.
Two is still the first one to really take a hit thanks to the Avenger messing with one of the canons. Lyla takes advantage of his distraction and uses her gun.
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Critical hit.
This time Two collapses, and Lyla explains it’s a deprogramming gun, one that basically erases the droid that gets hit. It didn’t work the first time because it was designed for a much less complex program than something like Two, bu tafter getting the necessary info from One, she made some adjusments.
The Avenger says that this was god enough, but Two wakes up to prove him wrong. He takes out both the Avenger and Lyla, and goes to attack One again.
One once again tries to convince Two to stop, because One is not a quitter, but Two says no, and brags about how he’ll steal One’s droid body in the future. One, being the sane one, immediately points out that that’s not how it works. If Two is going to steal One’s body in the future, then One needs to have a future.
Two is baffled as to how he could have missed that crucial detail, but as One said, he still has time to let it go, and timejumps to the future.
In the past, One examines Lyla’s weapon.
In the future, One and Everett are discussing the droid. Their only conclusion so far is that is’s like the parts aren’t enough to create a functioning whole.
Two appears, being very cocky, and Everett tries to use the erase code. Unfortunately, Two has done something to auditory receptors so it autmatically excludes the code. Clever. He then brings out a gun, tries to shoot Everett and misses.
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The other brilliant expression in this issue.
This triggers the realization that he needs to hurry before he loses control completely. So One hits him with a wrecking ball. An actual wrecking ball. I feel like I should say something about that, but I’m kinda stuck at "Really? A wrecking ball? Why do you even have that?"
Two starts in on a "you can never stop me" dialogue, but suddenly starts reciting some kind of science fact. Everett is confused, but One says he’ll explain later, and that for now they just has to keep Two occupied.
Two tries to shoot Everett again, butt his time Everett uses magic to block, before going on the offensive, trapping Two in a magic bubble.
Two complains that Everett used to be a wizard, and breaks free. But before he can do anything, he has another attack, this time talking about math. Both One and Everett attacks, and this time Two seems to be injured.
He collapses, crawling towards to the droid body, while telling them how it’s his only chance to be real, how he waited and waited to be useful. 
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Another “you figured it out eventually” star for Everett.
This is his only chance to be something more than the second choice and they can’t stop him from…
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I am constantly torn between “this is dumb” and “this is tragic”. That said, tragedy might work best if it’s more dignified, but it doesn’t have to be.
ETA:  Also most likely a reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey
And then it’s too late for Two. One, having had over a century to plan for this, springs into action, and absorbs what little was left of Two into himself. As he explains to Everett, Two was his only equal, he never wanted to lose that, and he didn’t want Two to completely vanish.
Oh, One. How incredibly lonely you must have been. I also think this shows how incredibly kind One can be. He planned for this, and waited and waited. It’s also a very nice and effective way of humanizing Two, by first breaking his defences and using that to show the damage done to him.
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Everett says no explanation is necessary, and then glances at the droid body, finally figuring it out. He tells One to transfer to the body right now, and it works.
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Easy to say after he’s explained.
As One sits up in his new body, Everett explains that One wanted to be a real person, and that means having a lot of the things Two were as part of himself. Evil, crazy, petty viciousness… all the things that make up a real person and that was never a real part of One until now.
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While I take issue with One not being a real person until now (I will fight you), I have to admit I like the idea that adding something so off the wall as Two to him helps to expand his programming beyond… programming, I guess.
One, being reassured that he’s a real person, decides that he needs an external coating. As it happens, he’s been working on one for decades.
While One is talking, Everett is surrounded by a bright light, telling One goodbye.
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At least he bothered dealing with his problems before ascending. That more than some does.
He tells  One that he never knew what responsibility he’d assume when he programmed One, but now his part is over and One will have to manage on his own. He then vanishes, leaving his robe behind.
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Old monks, always so dramatic.
On one hand, yeah, building an AI like One, especially if you know he’s going to become what One does here is one hell of a responsiblity and probably terrifying. On the other, you walked out and left him all alone for years at a time. And again now. Did you not pay attention to Two? Your grasp on emotional needs are terrible.
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This image serves no purpose other than “aww.”
In the past, One gives Lyla back her weapon, having determined how long it will take to reduce an AI to zero. The Avenger thinks Two will find a way to counter the effect, but One thinks it will be different.
The Avenger is doubtful, but agrees that Two usually was more trouble, while Lyla doesn’t understand why Two just quit. One gives a vague answer about Two realizing the consequences of his actions, and the Avenger suggests Two realized he’d be bored without them. He also doesn’t think there’s any point in worrying about it as Two is crazy and his actions might never make sense to any of them.
In the future, Robolab is getting a very important visit. For the first time ever, the owner and founder of Robolab is making an appearance.
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Behold, the arrival of the sexiest duck in the world and One finally, finally getting everything he deserves.
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Om Trans Logistics Packers and movers in gurgaon sohna road
Welcome to Om Trans Logistics Packers and Movers gurgaon! we’ve been in Packers and Movers business in unit keeping all the troubles, associated with Packers and Movers , at bay, by amalgamating 3 elements: top-grade services, timely execution and shifting it all terribly safely. We tend to stand high on trust, commitment and client satisfaction. We’ve incised our niche in gurgaon and supply our moving services in unison with the individual desires and demands of our customers.
Om Trans Logistics Packers and Movers Services
Our well-trained team of execs, World Health Organization executes end-to-end shifting method, understands that they touch upon emotions of the individuals and not simply with the products. Packers and Movers We attempt to perform higher and higher once managing any client, focusing a lot of on enhancing client satisfaction. Hence, our customer-centric approach lets North American nation secure an area because the best Packers and Movers in gurgaon.
We have well-tried capability in providing knowledgeable services, like:
– Packers and Movers your stuffs victimisation bubble wraps, cloth sheets, bowed stringed instrument tapes and shrink wrapping, whereas guaranteeing that every item is treated otherwise, as per the character of the item – Loading them safely and firmly on the specially-designed home Carriers or bespoken trucks just in case if it’s intra-country movement, say, from gurgaon to Noida, or moving your merchandise to a distinct country by air or ship, say, from gurgaon to Dubai, because the demand is also
Omtranslogistics gurgaon Haryana is the highest quality professional packing and exchange transportation services at reasonable prices. Filling and professional engine in gurgaon provides comprehensive solutions for all elements of home, automobile, office goods, industrial goods etc. We also provide services where our customers are home. Which we offer housing services in gurgaon and Delhi NCR. We can keep your home and safe items in auto shop. Looking for reliable and professional Packers and Movers in gurgaon, you have landed in the right place. Securing the lowest household appliances, office furniture, local companies and glassware easily change the best Packers and Movers for online reservations. Packers and Movers Service in gurgaon.
Packers and Movers in gurgaon
Mobilizing and injectors at gurgaon best engine and filling in gurgaon main branch. We also provided a lot of information about home appliances, office and moving, business and bank change, transfer of stores, trade centers, trade, transport vehicles, packaging at home and transfer the best quality gurgaon reliable service providers all over India at very reasonable prices. Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers Limited also offers in Haryana gurgaon Packers and Movers . We can change their goods all over India to your destination. Search for our best quality como services – Domestic Packers and Movers goods and transport transportation services, logistics and storage etc. Our computerized system helps us deliver fast and timely delivery. Packers and Movers in gurgaon ensure timely shift of all preventive measures.
Packers and Movers
Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers Group Packing is a world-renowned trusted class name packer and promoter in Haryana gurgaon. We are the first to provide local cargo services in all major cities of India. Change household goods, luxury cars and all kinds of heavy vehicles safely to every door door transportation services India Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers gurgaon. Moving from home with the best and comfortable Professional services change easy and safe It offers reasonable business exchange services High quality local exchange service prices We use the best quality Packers and Movers material Are you planning to change your home, office or car? From gurgaon to any city in India. Then you’re in the right place. Contact us and relax! Past Packers and Movers to your home or office or moving business, local travel, cars and any moving vehicle services anytime anywhere in gurgaon. If you are looking for the best filling engines in gurgaon then Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers Limited in gurgaon is insufficient to meet all your Packers and Movers to transport local goods and transportation needs of vehicles and vehicles instead. We offer the best services for your door step at an affordable price. Local Packers and Movers in gurgaon Our goal is to provide our valued customers with safe, fast, cost-effective and packaging transport. We always try our best to satisfy our customers. These services include the best.
Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers Services
Packing and moving Home Appliances / Auto Moving Relocation offices and businesses Change the location of luxury cars and bicycles Storage / Storage Top and Best Reliable Packer & Movers in gurgaon Make professional packing and transportation services and assures you to transport your household goods without problems. We have experienced staff who know how to handle their goods. Mobilizing and mobilizing in the Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers gurgaon Filling Group is a complete solution to all kinds of home exchange services and car carrier services place to other door-to-door transportation. Our professional mission is to mobilize customers and move from the best quality services with full responsibility and reliability. – Transporting them with none delay and taking correct measures for all the products in transit – Unloading – Unpacking them and eventually handing them to you within the same state and condition. Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers has worked hard to provide these services at regulated prices, everything works well to study various factors such as size of property, etc. In addition, Our services are effective and, as a result, are still used regularly. We are what we are for our customers.
Services – Packers and Movers
We have a group of well-trained experts, who have the final conversion process, I understand that experience human feelings and not only merchandise. We strive to do better and better if we are any customer, we focus on improving customer satisfaction. Therefore, our customer focus allows us to protect the njenge Packers and Movers and the unit at gurgaon.
All these steps of the appropriate signal and other compatible, stressing that there is nothing to stop the urgent need of our services anytime, anywhere. We continue to develop our services through extensive research and presentations. We have developed ourselves to provide services that include the processing of emerging switch enterprises, freight cars, international traffic, etc.
Packers and Movers in Delhi
To insert material using bubbles, sheets, cloth tracks on the cello and add shrinking facilities, ensure that each element is treated as a separate element and deceived
You can safely and securely in your car to organize a specially wired or personal emalokweni if ​​you happen to walk the world, say, gurgaon Noida, or deliver their material in a particular country by air or ship, he says, for a Dubai Crimes, as may be necessary Move without delay and take appropriate measures for all goods loader
Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers gurgaon Drivers! Located in the mobilization, mobilization and maintenance of all relevant business concerns, hiking area, through three factors: high quality service and editing and conversion all safely. We are on top of sincerity and commitment to customer satisfaction. Our position at gurgaon is to provide our mobile services in harmony with the needs and requirements of our customers.
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Welcome to Om Trans Logistics Packers and Movers Gurgaon! we’ve been in Packers and Movers business in unit keeping all the troubles, associated with Packers and Movers , at bay, by amalgamating 3 elements: top-grade services, timely execution and shifting it all terribly safely. We tend to stand high on trust, commitment and client satisfaction. We’ve incised our niche in Gurgaon and supply our moving services in unison with the individual desires and demands of our customers.
Om Trans Logistics Packers and Movers Services
Our well-trained team of execs, World Health Organization executes end-to-end shifting method, understands that they touch upon emotions of the individuals and not simply with the products. Packers and Movers We attempt to perform higher and higher once managing any client, focusing a lot of on enhancing client satisfaction. Hence, our customer-centric approach lets North American nation secure an area because the best Packers and Movers in Gurgaon.
We have well-tried capability in providing knowledgeable services, like:
– Packers and Movers your stuffs victimisation bubble wraps, cloth sheets, bowed stringed instrument tapes and shrink wrapping, whereas guaranteeing that every item is treated otherwise, as per the character of the item – Loading them safely and firmly on the specially-designed home Carriers or bespoken trucks just in case if it’s intra-country movement, say, from Gurgaon to Noida, or moving your merchandise to a distinct country by air or ship, say, from Gurgaon to Dubai, because the demand is also
Omtranslogistics Gurgaon Haryana is the highest quality professional packing and exchange transportation services at reasonable prices. Filling and professional engine in Gurgaon provides comprehensive solutions for all elements of home, automobile, office goods, industrial goods etc. We also provide services where our customers are home. Which we offer housing services in Gurgaon and Delhi NCR. We can keep your home and safe items in auto shop. Looking for reliable and professional Packers and Movers in Gurgaon, you have landed in the right place. Securing the lowest household appliances, office furniture, local companies and glassware easily change the best Packers and Movers for online reservations. Packers and Movers Limited in Gurgaon.
Packers and Movers in GURGAON
Mobilizing and injectors at Gurgaon best engine and filling in Gurgaon main branch. We also provided a lot of information about home appliances, office and moving, business and bank change, transfer of stores, trade centers, trade, transport vehicles, packaging at home and transfer the best quality Gurgaon reliable service providers all over India at very reasonable prices. Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers Limited also offers in Haryana Gurgaon Packers and Movers . We can change their goods all over India to your destination. Search for our best quality como services – Domestic Packers and Movers goods and transport transportation services, logistics and storage etc. Our computerized system helps us deliver fast and timely delivery. Packers and Movers in Gurgaon ensure timely shift of all preventive measures.
Packers and Movers
Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers Group Packing is a world-renowned trusted class name packer and promoter in Haryana Gurgaon. We are the first to provide local cargo services in all major cities of India. Change household goods, luxury cars and all kinds of heavy vehicles safely to every door door transportation services India Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers Gurgaon. Moving from home with the best and comfortable Professional services change easy and safe It offers reasonable business exchange services High quality local exchange service prices We use the best quality Packers and Movers material Are you planning to change your home, office or car? From Gurgaon to any city in India. Then you’re in the right place. Contact us and relax! Past Packers and Movers to your home or office or moving business, local travel, cars and any moving vehicle services anytime anywhere in Gurgaon. If you are looking for the best filling engines in Gurgaon then Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers Limited in Gurgaon is insufficient to meet all your Packers and Movers to transport local goods and transportation needs of vehicles and vehicles instead. We offer the best services for your door step at an affordable price. Local Packers and Movers in Gurgaon Our goal is to provide our valued customers with safe, fast, cost-effective and packaging transport. We always try our best to satisfy our customers. These services include the best.
Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers Services
Packing and moving Home Appliances / Auto Moving Relocation offices and businesses Change the location of luxury cars and bicycles Storage / Storage Top and Best Reliable Packer & Movers in Gurgaon Make professional packing and transportation services and assures you to transport your household goods without problems. We have experienced staff who know how to handle their goods. Mobilizing and mobilizing in the Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers Gurgaon Filling Group is a complete solution to all kinds of home exchange services and car carrier services place to other door-to-door transportation. Our professional mission is to mobilize customers and move from the best quality services with full responsibility and reliability. – Transporting them with none delay and taking correct measures for all the products in transit – Unloading – Unpacking them and eventually handing them to you within the same state and condition. Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers has worked hard to provide these services at regulated prices, everything works well to study various factors such as size of property, etc. In addition, Our services are effective and, as a result, are still used regularly. We are what we are for our customers.
Services – Packers and Movers
We have a group of well-trained experts, who have the final conversion process, I understand that experience human feelings and not only merchandise. We strive to do better and better if we are any customer, we focus on improving customer satisfaction. Therefore, our customer focus allows us to protect the njenge Packers and Movers and the unit at Gurgaon.
All these steps of the appropriate signal and other compatible, stressing that there is nothing to stop the urgent need of our services anytime, anywhere. We continue to develop our services through extensive research and presentations. We have developed ourselves to provide services that include the processing of emerging switch enterprises, freight cars, international traffic, etc.
Packers and Movers in Delhi
To insert material using bubbles, sheets, cloth tracks on the cello and add shrinking facilities, ensure that each element is treated as a separate element and deceived
You can safely and securely in your car to organize a specially wired or personal emalokweni if ​​you happen to walk the world, say, Gurgaon Noida, or deliver their material in a particular country by air or ship, he says, for a Dubai Crimes, as may be necessary Move without delay and take appropriate measures for all goods loader
Omtranslogistics Packers and Movers Gurgaon Drivers! Located in the mobilization, mobilization and maintenance of all relevant business concerns, hiking area, through three factors: high quality service and editing and conversion all safely. We are on top of sincerity and commitment to customer satisfaction. Our position at Gurgaon is to provide our mobile services in harmony with the needs and requirements of our customers.
Omtranslogistics Packers and movers
If you move or relocate to another place, to hire a professional Packers and Movers at Gurgaon, Delhi certified engine and filling in Gurgaon, Delhi Packers is the most important engine for you. To get the best of local money exchangers the quest for Gurgaon Packs and Delhi is easy today. There are a large number of packer and engine in Gurgaon, difficultlyicultDelhi companies around the world professional cultits get the right cost-bearing home services effective and safe fluctuations
Shifting Services
The Packers and Movers visit your company Gurgaon unit, certified and reliable, offers a particular change of home office relocation. The spelling is called “Gurgaon Developer Packaging” in many countries. Top 5 or better company. Summary “abapakethe” or “delegates” to “Gurgaon”. Gurgaon is a North Indian business as many companies have done to open their offices and use the facilities provided byPackers and Movers the engine in Gurgaon, Delhi. The goods will be sent in a variety of laws and will change the required space.
Relocating Services
Packages of Gurgaon delegates have been found especially cater to all the needs of people who want abapakethe head of immigration and company in Gurgaon. Gurgaon rename njenge Gurugram Many people search the web, njengabapaki with the best e Gurugram. If you want to get rid of stress and hire local parks and developer Gurgaon, Delhi, then in the right place
Packers and movers in Delhi / NCR
We are to pack and own Gurgaon, Delhi. Filling Movers in Gururam, Mobilizing and Movers in Delhi, Filling in Gurgaon, Movers in Gurgaon, Providing Packaging Services such as Mobilizing Domestic Movers Gurgaon Moving, Automotive, Carrier Carriers in Gurgaon, Engine and Filling Services in Gurgaon, Movers and Filling in Delhi, All India . Logistics in any kind of domestic transportation, Packers Movers Delhi Gurgaon, Packers Local Movers in Gurgaon, another place for the likes of DLF and urban sectors, mobilizing international certifeid and hospitality specializes in high quality packing and transporting moving furniture, antiques and other valuables. Packer Certification and Engine Fillers To ensure the mobilizers are mobilized in Gurgaon cases, the best packers are movers in Gurgaon, and close as Packer and the movers in Faridabad, Mobil and Noida Movers, Packers Movers and Haryana, Movers and Filling Haryana, are the best provider and top Gurgaon.
Top quality services in packers and movers
I-Certified Packers and movers Our sincere and loyal company offers the best services. We have professional and competent. There are groups with many providers who provide services to Gurgaon, Delhi. You can specify a list of delegates and a filling company on the Internet and have full knowledge of them such as address, phone number, reviews and ratings. If you have seen all of the company’s CV, you will be able to choose the right abapakethe moves can help your need and come within your budget and estimates. We help you get the best service, do not need to do more, you can reach your needs to us, provide the highest. Our services are of vital importance if usendaGurugram. You can order free mobile phone quote easily and get the best price and sales fee. We plan on goo
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