#Along with working as a soldier for this business but also humble and community feeling town
lovestruckay · 3 years
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Request: "Please make a fic where the reader (female or gn) is new to the Fire Force as an unpowered person and they become attached to Viktor"
Pairing: Viktor x Unpowered Fem!Reader
A/N: Thank you sm for the request, @thesolarflame​! I really flip-flopped on what position to give the reader considering she is unpowered. I thought about making her a member of the science team, a fighter like Obi, and even making her a sister. I think everyone will enjoy what I landed on though!
When Vulcan first joined Company 8, he had done an inspection of their matchbox and all of their fire fighting equipment. Once he had finished going through their arsenal, he had explained to Obi that there was just far too much for him to maintain on his own while simultaneously developing new technology to assist them in battle.
Just maintaining the matchbox was a task in and of itself, let alone the fleet of weapons and armor that Obi donned every time they were called to the scene of a fire. He was a talented engineer, surely, but there was only so much one man could do.
Vulcan’s solution: he knew a girl.
He had wasted no time in gathering up Lisa and Yu and going on a little “family outing” before returning with the mysterious mechanic in tow, the woman receiving a warm - if chaotic, as per Company 8’s usual demeanor - welcome.
She was an engineer just like Vulcan, a talented technician who was nearly as famous as he was in their close knit junk-rat community. While Vulcan was renowned for his skill at creating unique and nearly indestructible machines, she was famous for her ability to keep machines going far passed the point they should have fallen to pieces.
Vulcan frequently tried to pick her brain on her uncanny ability but her answers were something that befuddled him more than anything else.
“It’s love. You can spend years building the most flawless, indestructible machine the world has ever seen but, without love, she’ll break down as surely as the sun rises. Love keeps things going when they should fall apart.”
Vulcan scoffed at her sentimentality and she laughed at his stubbornness, the two always returning to their friendly rivalry despite their differences in opinions. They would rag on each other and goad each other on but, through it all, he respected her skill and she respected his ingenuity.
As for the rest of the company, she got along well with the crew of fire soldiers. Despite her easy comradery with the others, however, she always felt out of place. After all, she wasn’t a fire soldier or even a pyrokinetic so suddenly getting wrapped up in all this business with infernals and the White Clad was disarming.
She had gone from her humble machine shop to a Fire Force cathedral, surrounded by people who could control bullets, who could make swords out of plasma, and who could even fly. She was just an engineer - and unpowered at that - and, despite how fulfilling her work was, she felt like she had lost her anchor joining Company 8.
Initially, she had latched onto Vulcan and Lisa for some sense of normality but the feeling of being a third wheel quickly overcame any comfort that came from their companionship. After all, the two mostly stuck to themselves, the two very much in love. More than that, with Lisa still dealing with her trauma from her experiences with the White Clad, Vulcan was even more unavailable than ever.
Feeling lost and out of place, she was surprised to find an easy companionship with Company 8’s one and only science officer.
Viktor had been the one to initiate their first real conversation, the man as curious as he was out of the ordinary. He had approached her while she had been having a conversation with the matchbox, praising her girl for doing such a great job during their last mission.
“Do you think the matchbox understands you?” Viktor asked, peeking down into the inspection pit beneath the vehicle where she spent a fair amount of her time. Despite how bluntly he phrased his question, there was no judgement in his tone. Just simple curiosity.
“I’m not sure if she understands my words but I think she understands what I’m saying, if that makes sense,” she answered with a friendly smile, already used to conversations like this with Vulcan.
“So, it’s more of you trying to get across your message and your intentions rather than believing you are having an actual conversation with a machine?”
“You could say that, although it still is a conversation. I listen and she tells me what’s wrong, so I fix her. Then she listens to me when I praise her and ask her to keep going. We talk, just not like you and I talk,” she explained, pleasantly surprised when he simply nodded in understanding.
Their conversation continued well into the afternoon, to the point where - after she had finished her tune up - the two had perched themselves on the bumper of the matchbox to continue their chat. It wasn’t until Vulcan had come out to collect them for dinner that they realized how long they had been talking and laughing, a situation that they would find themselves repeating every day for weeks.
Sometimes their conversations took place with her down in the inspection pit under the matchbox or her in the equipment room maintaining all of Company 8’s gear.
Sometimes they talked for hours in Viktor’s admittedly messy room (he tried to clean up just for her) or even on the roof of the cathedral.
Sometimes they chatted for hours at the dining room table, the entire company coming and going for lunch and then dinner and leaving them to their conversation with knowing smiles and teasing giggles.
She found herself relieved to have someone who understood her, both as an engineer and as an unpowered person, and Viktor found himself curious about the kind-hearted mechanic who defied the laws of physics with love. The two talked not just about engineering and science but about music, anime, their hobbies, and even their dreams. 
As their conversations continued, they found themselves growing even closer than friends - casual flirts slipped into their conversations as readily as they talked about anything else. Teasing and blushing became as commonplace in their time together as mentions of physics and mechanics.
Despite how their relationship was slowly changing, she was always comfortable in Viktor’s company. He made her feel understood, safe, and anchored. He had become her port in the storm. She felt like she was at home when she was with him and, with the way he finally seemed to take a full breath when she was around, he felt the same.
One day, after being called to the scene of an infernalization, she had a close call with a first-generation pyrokinetic, the woman mad with pain and lashing out at anything that moved. It had been Viktor who had tackled her to the ground, covering her smaller body with his own and protecting her as the fireball rocketed through the space she had once occupied.
The rest of the crew had made short work of putting the woman to rest but Iris’ prayers had fallen on ringing ears as their engineer realized how close she had come to an agonizing death. It had put into perspective how truly dangerous these situations were for unpowered people like her and Viktor. They didn’t have the same fire resistance or combat training that the other members of Company 8 did and the very real peril left her shaken, even after they had returned to the cathedral.
It had been Viktor who had pulled her away from the rest of their company, guiding her into his quiet room so he could wrap his arms around her and pull her into his warm embrace. Her arms looped around his waist, the engineer settling against his solid chest and pressing her ear against his heartbeat.
It was a few minutes before they spoke but she felt no pressure from him to do so. Instead of pushing her, he quietly held her and stroked her back, her anxiety slowly settling as she was calmed by the warm embrace of the man she had fallen in love with.
“How do you do it? Go running into that every day? You’re unpowered too, doesn’t it scare you?” she finally asked, breaking the silence between them.
“Of course it does,” Viktor chuckled, his laughter vibrating in his chest as he rested his cheek against her hair, “I never know if today is going to be the last day I spend on this earth. But it’s worth it knowing that I’m actually learning something real about the world; that I’m where I should be.”
His next words were a bit quieter but no less passionate as he hummed them against her hair. “It’s worth it knowing you’re at my side.”
Pulling back, she looked up at him in surprise, and he gazed down at her with that same crooked smile. She was struck by the tenderness in his eyes and by the warmth in his expression - an affection that he only ever showed her. In that moment, she knew that she was also where she should be. That it was all worth it to her too, knowing that he was by her side.
Meeting Viktor's smile with one of her own, she stood on the tips of her toes, pressing a brief but sweet kiss to his cheek.
When she returned to her heels, gazing up at him with a gentle smile spread across her face, he stared back down at her in stunned wonder. A blush dusted his cheeks, his lips parted and his eyes rounded in surprise.
“Thank you for always being there with me, Viktor,” she thanked, feeling more at ease in his arms than she had ever felt anywhere else.
At her words, his smile returned, the corners of his lips quirking up although his blush remained. Reaching up, he cupped her cheeks in his broad hands before leaning down to press his lips to hers. Gently moving his lips against hers, they shared a tender, lingering kiss.
Just when she thought she might forget how to breathe, her heart swelling in her chest and stealing the air from her lungs, he pulled away.
“Always,” Viktor promised as he pressed his forehead to hers, gazing into her eyes with a loving expression.
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the-goddessfighter · 4 years
[Werewolf-Vampire AU -SEQUEL IX: Peace Treaty-]
by : Little1993lamb for: Temperans-sama / @the-goddessfighter Words count : 9033
Warning : GIGANTIC SEQUEL AHEAD! Bittersweet at the first half (with sprinkles of Batarou + Gaman moments) and joyful at the second half (lots of happy Batarou + Gaman appreciation, let him being adored by everyone!). Also, Batarou were PDA-ing as usual. You have been warned for tooth-rottening sweet Batarou fluffyness!
 Disclaimer: Gaman, the Batarou love child, is Original Character created by amazing @the-goddessfighter. Not mine, I just borrowed him temporarily for this story at her permission ;D
   @kaincuro @metalbatandzenko @dies-first @beautifulnightmareus @guppys-paw @ruby-ess
- IX -
Already past midnight, Garou and Badd decided to end their date night and returned to their family again in Bang's room. On the way walking back to the Imperial Palace, Garou found some of his subordinates still sitting around the bonfire at the Palace Garden. They're chatting with fellow pack members or with their vampire companions who still wanted to know more about them. The others already moved out to the Fortress building to find a better temporary place for sleeping so they wont crowding the Palace, while the ones who still not recovered enough from their injuries went back into the Imperial Palace to get more medical treatment.
 Knowing Garou and Badd were passing by, they give salutation for them and then greet their co-leaders, asking why both of them didn't join the dinner feast with the rest of the packs. Garou just chuckling while pulled Badd more closer to him by encircled his arm around Badd's waist and pecking his cheek (which got a protest from flustered Badd) and said to his pack members jokingly that they've just had "a night to remember" together in some private place. All were groaning exasperatedly hearing Garou's answer, regreting why they asked in the first place.
 Joking aside, Garou reminded them all to prepare for the important funeral ceremony in the morning. He suggested that they should get some rest by now, so there will be absolutely noone who are still sleepy once the ceremony begin. Fully understanding what Garou meant, they're compliant to his order and everyone immediately prepared to go resting. Glad his subordinate obeyed the order, Garou bid a goodnight for them all before continued walking into the Palace with Badd.
 Entering Bang's room, they found their family already sleeping despite all of them are night creatures. Maybe because of exhaustion from battling or working all day, and also stomach full of food always made you sleepy. Badd saw Gaman was sleeping beside Bang on the bed, their bodies already enveloped with warm cotton blanket, while mantled Bomb slumped on the wooden chair next to Bang's bed. Zenko already in deep slumber over the cozy velvet couch, cocooned within soft cashmere blanket. Tareo was fallen asleep during scribbling down his medical journal on the cushioned armchair across the couch, a throw blanket covered the lower part of his body.
 Garou patted Badd's shoulder then pointing at the two feather pillows and a large high quality wool blanket on the big carpet near the window. Seems like Zenko had prepared it all for them before she went to sleep, she's truly the best lil sister! Already sprawled over the carpet, Garou teasingly invited Badd to cuddling inside the blanket with him, complete with his naughty wink. That alone made Badd rolled his eyes, but also earned his amused chuckle. His husband always like this since he came to Garou's life, even back then before being Mates. Of course it's just platonic cuddling at first, but once they've become Mates...
 Oh nonono, Badd wont thinking about it right now. Garou already promised to him that no matter how tempting it is, no sexy times in a room full of family members. Badd took his black jacket and the red turtleneck off him then folded them neatly beside him, because he didn't bring some change clothes or pajamas so he'll sleep bare chested. Badd could feel Garou intensely staring at his toned muscled body from behind, admiring him in a way that made Badd thinks he's in the middle of being devored by a pair of hungry wolf eyes.
 Turned his head around to check, yes, Garou was thirstying him again. Knowing how horny his husband usually was, Badd just pointing his index finger in front of Garou then tsk-tsked him as reminder of no funny business here, and he meant it seriously. Garou made a pouting face jokingly for a second then just smiling softly, opened his arms so Badd could slot himself into his embrace. Not wasting any time, Badd put his own pillow closer to Garou's and laid beside him, shifting even more closer until their skin flushed against each other's. Garou quickly enveloped Badd in wool blanket, then encircled Badd's waist so he could snuggle inside his embrace comfortably.
 Badd sighed happily, finally he could resting his body after all the fighting the entire day. Plus, now his wish for be able to sleeping beside his husband once again after survived from the punishment is already granted. Badd nuzzled Garou's neck happily, which Garou responded with kissing his forehead tenderly then continue to peppering kisses on his eyelids and cheeks. Then Garou whispering Badd's name and asked him to open his eyes, only to find that Garou has been gazing at him adoringly.
 Even though he's not saying anything more, Badd could see what Garou meant to say just from looking at his golden eyes: "I'm so grateful to have you beside me again", "I want to appreciate you more in my life from now on", "You're half of my soul, I don't wanna lose you again". And finally, when Garou caressing his cheek with his hand, that mesmerizing golden eyes glistened with tears, as if he wanted to say: "I love you, Badd, so much. Please stay with me forever".
 Seeing how much Garou is so enamored of him, Badd really wanted to return his affection, too. He cupped Garou's cheeks then pulling him closer until their lips met and locked in a heartfelt kiss. Badd poured his heart contents out into the kiss so Garou could understand that he feel exactly same for him, that Garou meant so much to him, too. Although it's just a brief kiss compared from what they usually do, it felt thoughful and sincere. No word was needed to convey their whole feelings for each other.
 Smiling fondly, Badd whispered a "Good Night" to Garou who replied him by kissing the top of his head, while tightening their embrace. Not too long, they're finally fell asleep together in each other arms, with happy and satisfied smile still remained on their lips. At least Badd and Garou still enjoyed their happy moment together before they have to attend mournful event in the next morning.
 The sun is still not rising, but the werewolves have already awake before dawn. They prepared so early to dug up the ground that will be used for the burial of their fallen comrades in the Memorial Cemetery, which they were given permission to use it by the royal family. Garou, Bang, and Bomb also already woke up while the rest of family are still sleeping, because as Leaders they must participate on the funeral preparation. Garou, who's ready to go along with Bang and Bomb, planted a kiss on the still asleep Gaman's forehead and a kiss on the equally asleep Badd's lips. He'd already told his plan to Badd last night, so he's sure Badd will understand his absent in the room. Ruffling Badd's wild hair while giving one more kiss on his forehead, Garou leaving the room.
 The Memorial Cemetery is on the west wing of Vampire Council Fortress, where usually the important figures from royal family or anyone who were deemed as heroes in Vampire Order. Now that the werewolves tribes had just gained trust from the Vampire Order, they offered both the honoured place and the special service for the werewolves tribes as their gratitude. From a night before, Garou instructed his packs alliances to be divided into two groups: first group working on preparing the burial sites on the Cemetery, then the second group bringing the bodies of their fallen heroes to the Cemetery together. The first group must departed much more earlier to go there than the other group, so when the second group arrived the burial sites were already prepared.
 All of the Pack Leaders joined the first group, because it's the part of their responsibility as a leader to give or provide the proper funeral for their packs members after sending them into the battlefield. Garou helping the others in his group digging up the burial sites as fast as possible before the sun rising higher in the sky, as the another group still waiting for them in the Fortress until further notice. The second group duty is to place the body into the casket that already being provided by the royal family last night.
 If the first group finished their duty in cemetery, the second group could start the funeral ceremony by marching to bring all the caskets together towards the Memorial cemetery. They're also accompanied by the royal family and the vampire community who wanted to attend the funeral to honour the fallen heroes. The werewolves packs alliances requested a more humbled funeral ceremony, so the royal family didn't have to prepare the usual formal procedure requirements like carriages or the whole armed soldier forces.
 One hour later nearly at dawn, Badd and everyone else who didn't join the funeral preparation just got up from their sleep. It was Gaman who wake him up, asking where Dad Garou, Grandpa Bang, and Grandpa Bomb were going at. Badd immediately got up and checked his surrounding, and Gaman is right, they're gone already. But he remembered what Garou had said last night and sighed in relief, then saying to Gaman that they all should get ready to go on morning mourning ceremony.
 This got fast response from Zenko who's already prepared herself to go, while Tareo still in the middle of cleaning the room before they go together. She said Badd was too deep in his sleep that he didn't hear Zenko already tried to wake him up minutes ago. So she asked Gaman to wake him up instead. Badd sheepishly apologized to Zenko for being unresponsible brother. Then he quickly prepared himself to look more presentable while assisting Gaman, too. They wore a black hooded mantle robe that the royal family provided before as a funeral mourners' uniform, also to protect them from morning rays. A few minutes later, they're ready to go together first at the Vampire Council Fortress' frontyard with the rest of mourners.
 When they arrived there, the royal family with the rest of Vampire Council member who sided with royal family, also many of the vampire civilian people already gathered surounding the Fortress' frontyard. All of them wearing the same black mantle robe. On the middle of frontyard, all of the caskets that contained the body of werewolf heroes neatly lined up laying in the ruined grass field. Whereas the rest of werewolf packs alliances who's in the second group waiting solemly on the sidelines, ready to carry on their next duty as pallbearers as soon as there's instruction coming from the first group.
 Everyone was mourning, a few of them crying quietly, for they had lost their beloved family, friends, fellow warriors, or colleagues in the last battle. And this time they must letting them go as their final farewell to all the members who lost their life dedicating themself to finish the dangerous mission. All the heroes' services when they were still alive will be remembered forever in their heart.
 Also their sacrifice wont be in vain, for they brought peace. A change for both werewolves tribes and vampire race working together in harmony. To unify them into one big family as fellow supernatural beings. To end the cycle of hate that often caused wars and fights, and to end the bitter rivalry on deciding superiority between them. All is gone by now, replaced by warm welcoming to have a new life together for the better future.
 Badd feels like he wanted to cry by now, these entire grieving atmospheres reminded him about their own deceased family. But the difference was that he had no time for mourning because he must saved little Zenko at that moment, and there's no official funeral whatsoever. Not to mention they're being forgotten by all the vampire communities. It hurted Badd so much that nothing was left behind from his family, even he couldn't properly mourning in their graves because there's no graves for any of them from the beginning.
 Couldn't hold back his sadness anymore, Badd pulled his hoodie up to hide his tears streaked face. He let out quiet sobs and sniffling voices. If only his late family got the same proper funeral ceremony like this...
 Zenko immediately leaning closer to Badd and give him one armed hug from beside him. Her anguished face showed that she felt the same as what his big brother was feeling right now, because she also suffering along with Badd back then. Gaman, who sensed his father was in sorrow, hugged his father tightly, whispering to him that he will be alright because he's still have them now: Father Badd's current family and the werewolf packs family. He ensured that all of them were also loving him dearly. Tareo also joined them, patted his co-leader's back in sympathy. Even though their past history was different, Badd as orphaned kid and him as abandoned runt, he still could understand Badd's circumstance.
 It was at dawn when the first group's messenger relayed the information that the funeral ceremony can begin now, for the preparation on the Memorial cemetery has been finished. The mourners pulled their hoodies up, the pallbearers started to lift the caskets and form a line. All of them were ready to march towards the Memorial cemetery.
 Badd and his family were in the front line leading the funeral march, because it's his duty as a responsible co-leader of the packs. He was the one who sent them all into the battlefield in the first place, so this time he also should be the one who escorted them to their last resting place. As the form of gratitude from a leader, a friend, a fellow warrior, and a family member. The pallbearers who lifted the caskets were queued behind Badd's family, lined up orderly, while the rest werewolves alliance members accompanied them from both side. The mourners consists of the royal family, Vampire Council members, and the vampires communities were followed behind the pallbearers. They wanted to participate the whole funeral procession until the end to honour the heroic acts of the fallen werewolves warriors.
 They're marching together in silence, every steps reminded them of the happy memories they'd spent in the past with their departed friends, made it harder to move forward. The main funeral ceremony hasn't started yet, but the sorrowful atmosphere feels more and more unbearable. They must hold their tears at least until they're arrived on the Cemetery area. Badd wished Garou was beside him right now, so he could leaned onto him during the march to seek some comfort in the gloomy situation like this. As soon as Badd finished his duty on leading the funeral march, he will quickly searching for Garou and run into him.
 Suddenly Gaman touched his hand then grabbed his fingers, a gesture Badd knows very well that it means Gaman asked for a hand holding. Automatically, he wrapped Gaman's hand with his hand, his son's smaller hand warming up his colder one. It's very comforting to him and reduce his hidden anxiety during the procession. Same as Garou, Gaman really knows how to cheer Badd up whenever he's sad. He will giving every single affection a son could give to their father, and all of them worked excellently. Feeling happiness crept back to his cold heart, he smiled faintly. Thanks to Gaman, now he gained his strength again to carry on the procession.
 They finally arrived on the Memorial cemetery gate. Badd could see the first group already stand-by on the burial sites, Garou was one among them. As soon as the pallbearers and the mourners entered cemetery, the first group immediately assisting the pallbearers to put the caskets down into each burial sites. After all the caskets being placed in, they're back into their previous position to wait for next instruction. Besides, the werewolves alliances representative and the vampire community representative, each of them wished to deliver an eulogy for the fallen heroes.
 Garou was the chosen representative for the werewolves alliances. Whereas The Queen, who also attended the funeral ceremony along with her royal family, was the representative for both Vampire Order and vampire communities. She wanted to speak directly to the werewolves alliances herself, as the crowned head of Vampire Order and just herself as a vampire.
 Garou began his speech about the first time he got himself a pack from his former Alpha leader. Garou was confused at how to lead a pack because previously he's just a lone rogue werewolf who separated himself from his former pack for a long time. Although his pack members already accepted him fully as their leader, Garou still think he must gained some leadership skills so he could be a proper Alpha Werewolf Leader. Thanks to his vampire Mate, who he shared same position with, he got confidence and years later he successfully became a respectable and dignified Alpha Leader among the werewolves tribes.
 Since then, he's getting so many friends and colleagues from diplomatic meeting inter-territories, also gained more followers who later joined his packs, his subordinates being a caring family to him. Garou was so grateful to meet them. In this war, he lost half of his friends and subordinates. Of course Garou didn't regret his choice to make them following him into the battlefield, for they wholeheartedly willing to help him. He just have one regret: not be able to spend more time again with them. Wherever the place they're at now, Garou hopes they're also happy in there. He stepped back to let the Queen deliver her speech.
 The Queen began the speech, said that in truth the Vampire Order already become tired for the neverending wars between them and werewolves tribes that last for centuries. They thought werewolves are the most rude or barbaric people. But the very shocking event from previous day proved that the most rotten beings was actually their own kind, who wont hesitate to trample others for their egotistic ambition. On the other hand, the werewolves tribes were the one who helped them unconditionally, ready to protect them and willing to lend a hand if they need some help. Proving that they're natural kindhearted people.
 That facts brought a huge shame among the vampire communities, for so long misjudged the werewolves tribes and disregard them as the lowest social class. Now, they wanted to make amends for what they have done to them after these years, and they're very grateful that the werewolves tribes willing to accept their wish to build a friendship together. This is why the vampire communities along with all the royal family attended the funeral ceremony, to honour the fallen heroes, and also to show compassion towards the werewolves alliances who saved them.
 She wished the heroes' souls will be resting at peace at wherever they're now, and be happy knowing their great services will be remembered forever in the hearts of werewolves tribes and vampire communities. And in the future, she and the rest of vampire communities hopes that both werewolves and vampires could getting along and coexist together without discriminating each other. With that speech, the Queen ended the eulogy and allowed them to start burying the caskets.
 When the werewolves alliances buried the fallen heroes' grave together, suddenly the mourners from vampire's side come joined them helping the burial procession. They said that they wanted to show gratitude as a civilians who had been protected by the werewolves warriors before. They hoped these acts will be enough for the vampire communities to pay a deep respect to all the heroes, and to return the favor as a peace offering. Hearing the genuine reasoning from the vampire communities, the werewolves alliances members happily accepting their help.
 So they worked together finishing the funeral ceremony procession, the scenery itself made everyone touched by their teamwork. Just a small act, but meant so much for them and their future. It brought the Queen to tears, thinking that they should do it from long time ago. Because she's already weary from any useless conflicts that happen from both sides. And she should give more attention to Badd, who she knew since Badd was a baby and both of his parents were still alive. She regretted for neglecting him after these years, maybe after the ceremony ended she could talk to him again.
 Finished the burial procession and placing the tombstones, now it's time for them to give a moment of silence together. Everyone was bowing their heads while giving silent prayers, nobody was speaking or moving during that time. After a few minutes in silence, they ended the ceremony with the mourners scattering flowers on atop surface of the graves, made them looked more beautiful. One by one they left to come back to Fortress again, while some others wanted to stay a bit longer in the cemetery to mourn more freely in private.
 Garou was also the ones who wanted to stay in the cemetery for a few minutes. He told Bomb and Bang first, so they'd know when Garou will return. They brought Zenko and Tareo, while Gaman insisted he will accompanied his father who of course also wanted to accompany his dad. So, those three still lingering around in cemetery. Badd saw Garou crouching down on the corner sections of the cemetery, where it's the location of the graves complex for Garou's own subordinates and friends.
 While handholding Gaman, Badd come approaching Garou. Standing close behind him, they realized Garou was mourning for his departed subordinates. Even though Garou wasn't crying, Badd knew very well he's deep in sorrow just from the look of his frowned expression and glistening eyes. Garou said while it's true he didn't regret his decision to bring all his friends into this war, doesn't mean that he wouldn't be sad losing them. He would missed them terribly once they go back to home. Garou couldn't show this weak side in public like before, so right now he made sure nobody else saw him like this. He didn't want them worried for him.
 Immediately Badd and Gaman were draped all over Garou, hugging him as a way to give some comfort and support. Gaman said that of course Gaman would also missed all the uncles who usually played with him, but Gaman sure they're in happy place now and also would be in joy knowing they're will be remembered as the brave heroes. Badd said softly to Garou that he's not alone on griefing from losing people they loved, for Badd experienced it twice already by now. It's totally okay to feel sad and doesn't want to show it to the other people, but don't forget that Garou has his own family who's always be there to support him. So he wont be truly alone.
 Touched by his son's and Mate's words, Garou returned the hug and readjusted their position so both of them fit in his embrace. He kissed the top of Gaman's head and Badd's forehead then ruffled their hair fondly, saying thank you for being the constant moral support for him. Gaman only hummed happily while hiding his face on the crook of Garou's neck. Badd cupped Garou's cheek and nuzzled their noses together in eskimo kisses, said that it was the part of their love vow, to accompany each other both in sadness and happiness. So as a caring Mate, Badd will do anything to make Garou feel loved in any condition.
 To end his speech, Badd kissed Garou tenderly on the lips. Showing how much he loved this man, and how he can't bear to see him in sorrow. Finally released their brief kiss, Badd leaned his head on Garou's shoulder while Garou still wont letting go his embrace. Garou was so happy he still has a caring family, and he understand that he must moving forward for the rest of pack family members who still alive. He wont dwell in sadness for too long and instead turned it into a new motivation to be a better leader than before, so he wont be losing any of them anymore.
 Already got a new determination, Garou sat up from his position and decided that it's time for him and the entire of werewolf packs members alliances to return home. But first they should ask permission from the royal family before they leave the Palace, then after that they could go back to home together. Nodded in agreement, Gaman and Badd following Garou back to the Palace. They walking together holding hands side by side, with Gaman walked in between of his parents holding each of their hand.
 To erase the somber atmosphere they got from funeral ceremony, Garou wanted to be a bit playful with his family. He turned to Gaman and picked him up, earning a laughter from Gaman, before settled him on his shoulder so Gaman could ride on it. Garou knew it's Gaman's favorite thing to do everytime they all take a stroll together in the woods, never fails to put Gaman in cheerful mood. And this way, he could takes hold of his Mate's hand.
 Badd noticed Garou reaching his hand and holding it tightly with his caloused warm hand, lacing his fingers into Badd's. Knowing Garou's purpose, Badd gladly accept his invitation to entwined their fingers together. It was pleasing way for Badd to show affection between them, simple yet very effective. Badd's heart skips a beat whenever he felt Garou's fingers caressing his hands softly while he gives an adoring smile for him at the same time. Successfully made Badd blushing brightly, he felt like he's melting under the gentle gaze from Garou.
 As a response, Badd moved more closer to Garou, grabbing Garou's arm with his free hand, and leaning his head onto it while still holding hands. He purred in perfect bliss. Never thought that a walk from funeral could be this happy, thanks to his dear husband who always have clever ways to make him feel happy again. They enjoyed the rest of their journey back towards the Palace in contentment.
 After the family finally arrived at the Imperial Palace's gate, they saw several of Garou's subordinates waiting for them outside the gate. It seems they're waiting there for their arrival to deliver some messages for him. Garou asked what and whom the message was delivered from. They answered that all of Garou's family member has been invited by the Queen herself, she waited for their presence in the main hall of the Palace. Still didn't know exactly for what purpose the Queen inviting them, but all the other family members has already went to the main hall.
 Setting Gaman down to the ground again, Garou turned to face Badd only to find his confused expression. He just shrugged his shoulders, wondering what business the Queen had for them. Gaman told his parents that they should just go right away, so everyone wont be waiting for too long. Agreed with their son, Garou and Badd along with Gaman immediately walking through the gate towards the main entrance of the Imperial Palace. But before they could entered the Palace, two of royal guards stopped them briefly to present the official garments that Vampire Council members usually wear while on duty. It's a simple purple-colored velvet robes, with royal family insignia on the left chest, showed that the Council serving under the royal family.
 The guards instructed them to wear it before the ceremony begin. That information surprised Badd, because from what he heard from the royal family yesterday there's no more ceremony other than the funeral. The puzzled-looking Garou asked him if he knows something about this, Badd only shaking his head in confusion. So after three of them wore the robes, the guards opened the main entrance door of the Palace.
 From what Badd witnessed from the doorway was the already cleaned up main hall, all of the Vampire Council members (minus the pureblood traitors members, they've already discharged since the end of the war) along with the royal family members were gathered together on each sides of the Queen's throne. And the most important was, all of the werewolves alliances members also there, gathered on both sides of the main hall, only been separated by a long red carpet in the middle of the hall. Even his own family was lined up in front of the throne: Zenko, Tareo, Bang, and Bomb, they're wearing the same robes as they currently wore.
 Not wanting to waste time, Garou decided to walking on the red carpet first, followed by Badd who's hand holding Gaman beside him. During the walk, Badd looking around their surrounding: their werewolves alliances members' proud and happy expression, many of them wavering hands on Garou and his direction, or giving thumbs up in support (support for what? he still doesn't know). They stopped briefly when Bang and Bomb each rearrange the line by shifted aside to made three of them standing exactly in the middle of the line. Then the ceremony begin.
 One of the Vampire Council member as the representative from royal family announced, that the seven of them will be receiving honorary awards from the Queen for their services and bravery in the last battle, also for saving the royal family members and the civillian people. Additionally, each of them will also receiving a new status as honorary member of the Vampire Council from werewolves tribes side, in the hope both of the sides will establish cooperative relationship. As soon as the speech ended, the Queen stepped down from her throne to give Garou's family the awards herself. It was a badge with the Council Member insignia, which will be pinned on the left chest of recipient.
 One by one, each one of them receiving the badge from the Queen. And after the procession was finished, the Queen announced herself that she will give special honorary awards for Garou and Badd. Both of them were surprised hearing about that information, but it seems like everyone else already know it. Had it been informed and instructed before they come in here? If that's the case, maybe they just should returned much sooner.
 The Queen approached Garou with kindhearted smile, saying that she's very thankful of him for aiding and protecting the vampire communities during the war. She wasn't expected the werewolves alliances would be willing to help them from the treacherous vampire assassin army, because she thought they already accomplished their mission to save Badd. But she's extremely happy that the alliances did also helping the others, even if it's their supposed natural sworn enemies. It's really touched her heart that it was the sworn enemies who actually saved her people from the threat that caused by her own kin who had malice intent.
 That's why, she will awarding Garou an important position in Vampire Order, as honorary member of both on Council like she gives him before, and also as honorary member of royal family, directly becomes the first branch family of werewolves tribes for them. The reason is because Badd's departed family was included to royal family with high rank position, so with Garou married with Badd it'd made him also included into the new royal family member.
 The Queen allowed Garou to work with Vampire Order as an Official Spokesperson for the werewolves tribes. He can accomodate things such as every opinions from the werewolves' side, requests for some problem solving, or even constructive criticisms towards the Order, he could deliver it all to the Council Fortress to discussed together with the rest of the members. If there's something urgent or really important, or just want to visit the royal family personally, he has the rights to come to the Imperial Palace whenever he wants. He even can bring his family to have picnic in the Palace's Private Recreational Garden. She's more than happy to accept their presence here.
 To officiate the newly acquired position, the Queen gives Garou a medal with Royal Family insignia engraved on it, pinned it on the side of Council Member badge that he received before. As soon as she finished the awarding, the Queen shake her hands with Garou, then giving a pat on his shoulder in approval for becoming a newly member of her family. When he thanked her for her kindness, she just smiling warmly and saying he didn't have to, for it's all he deserved.
 Then it's Badd's turn to be awarded by the Queen. But before that, she wanted to say something first to him. She apologized for everything the vampire communities did to Badd, his late family and his current own family. She's deeply regreted why didn't she reached for him immediately after the massacre happened, or even quickly preventing it long before that. And to know the shocking truth behind of the tragedy, it pained her heart immensely for her own ignorance towards Badd's family. If only she just follow her heart and didn't have to listen the traitorous clan's covered story, maybe she could save him more earlier.
 Couldn't hold her tears anymore, the Queen hugged Badd tightly and weeping quietly in his shoulder. It surprised everyone in the hall, included many Council member and her royal family. They attempting to console her but she asked them to let her finished apologizing properly to Badd. Badd got shocked by this but didn't know what should he do at the moment, he just freezed. Gaman who's standing beside Badd also slightly puzzled by the Queen's outburst. But even though Gaman hadn't fully understand about what happened right now, he could feel the sincerity from the Queen's words. She really wanted to ask forgiveness from his father, despite her position as a Highest Ruler in the monarch.
 In between her small sobs, the Queen repeated "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, my dear child" to Badd. The boy who she regarded as her nephew since he's a little baby, because both of his parents were her childhood best friends and she adored all of their family clan members. How could she herself letting that tragedy happening upon them that day and also didn't checked if there's any survivor from it. She's terribly sorry for not reaching for Badd and lending a hand for help soon after he survived, instead of abandoned him on his own fate. She definitely could help but she did nothing.
 And it ashamed her that the one willing to help him wasn't from their own kin, instead an actual kindhearted werewolf who's supposed to be a vampire enemy. Even so, she's happy for Badd that he decided to built himself a family with his saviour, despite of their difference. And she gives them full blessing after knowing the entire truth from yesterday. Now that the real truth already spilled, she will take her chance to make amends to Badd. Understand the Queen's sincere apology, Badd said he's of course already forgiving her. Besides, the ones who were truly responsible for his misery has already been taken care by his family, the werewolves alliances and the royal family's justice enforcer. So he's no longer suffering anymore.
 Releasing her hug while wiping her remaining tears, she stand proudly before Badd. She declared that Badd will be the new official member of Royal Family, and he'll assigned for two important jobs. Firstly, as the remained Fighter Vampire from the extinct tame vampire family clan, he'll be the Queen's Special Royal Guard. The job is to lead the entire royal guards in the Palace, and his presence will be required whenever the royal family needs a strong protection.
 Secondly, as the peace maker between the vampire race and werewolves tribes, also a successful co-leader of the most influential werewolf packs, he'll be an Official Ambassador for the werewolves tribes. The job is to become a conciliator between vampire race and werewolf tribes, using his leadership and diplomacy skills. Because he knows more about werewolf world and understand them better than any vampire could do. Those skills will be needed for the Vampire Order in the Council.
 To officiate the raised status and new positions, the Queen gives Badd a medal with Royal Family insignia and also a Royal Guard badge, both were pinned on the side of Council Member badge that he received before. Finally finished the awarding, the Queen hugged Badd once more, thanking him for forgiving her grave mistake. The Queen said if he and his family need something from her, just ask her or come to visit the Palace. All of her family will accept their visit anytime. Patting Badd's cheek with her hands, she said that he's a good man, a good leader, and also a good father, too. She's really proud of him, for he has the same strong determination, just like what his parents were. The Queen's words about his parents made Badd smiling happily, at least now he knows they're not completely being forgotten anymore.
 It was soon after the Queen spoke with Badd, she noticed the little boy who stood beside Badd that looked so much like Badd's mini-me. She realized this is must be his son, the Werewolf-Vampire hybrid child, the miracle boy. The love child between Badd and his werewolf Mate who he loves so dearly despite the social taboo. The brave kid that fighting for both of his parents and his whole family. The hybrid child who amazed her people with his beautiful appearance and incredible talent. Badd must be very proud of his son. With a benignant smile, the Queen approached Gaman and crouched down before him to meet his height so they could interacted more comfortably.
 She asked him if he's really the one who saved Badd in the court room. Gaman unhesitantly answered yes, he's indeed the one who released his father, and then his dad quickly protected him. The Queen smiled, then asked more about if it's true that his transformation as a hybrid was triggered by the feeling to protect his family, then also immediately activated the "Fighting Spirit". Gaman said all were true, he's finally could unlocked his new power to transform into his Werewolf-Vampire hybrid after he's thinking about the safety of his family. He didn't want them suffering or in danger, and he also didn't to lose any of them, especially his parents who always protected him. That's why Gaman wanted to return their affection by trying to protect them, too. Because Gaman loves both of his parents so much.
 Badd was nearly in tears hearing such touching confession from his own son, also proud that Gaman is really could proved what he intended to do perfectly. Just like when they're fighting together. The Queen reached for Gaman, caressing his face, while saying that all of what Gaman did was exactly the same as what his grandparents did back then. She knew because she also saw what their clan could do to protect their family, and it was amazing. Also, even though she haven't seen how Badd's fighting was like, but listening many stories from her people and Gaman confession before, she was sure Gaman also did the same as his father do.
 That power was inherited through the family clan lineage. But it doesn't limited to just their family members only, actually it could be learned by everyone who shares the same determination like theirs. This secret was what Gaman's grandmother said to him a long time ago. The moment Queen confirned about this, Garou feels validated for obtaining the same power as Badd by having the same purpose and the strong determination. Gaman was in awe after the Queen revealing the unknown story about his grandparents. His father surely had already telling him all about his grandparents, but he never know these stories before.
 Gaman turned his head to Badd, he didn't say anything but his eyes shone as if asking if the stories was true or not. Badd nodded his head in agreement, giving a confirmation that it's true indeed. Gaman turned back to the Queen, showing his awestruck expression to her. The Queen giggled, saying that if his grandparents saw how incredible their grandson is, they must be very proud and happy. She was sure of it. Then the Queen hugged Gaman very tenderly, while saying a thank you for saving Badd and helping his family, also for protecting her people especially the innocent civillians from the pureblood assassin vampire army's invasion. She thanked him from the bottom of her heart, for being a good kid.
 And about his status about hybrid child, she thinks it was a miracle that happened among supernatural beings in their world, for it never occured before. This was the first time she knows about the existence of a hybrid, the result from a mating between a werewolf and a vampire, the very intense one. Showing how much love was shared between them. Badd who heard it all was only blushing and hid his face with his hands, while Garou was smirking all the way, finding it's amusing to see someone discussed their love life in public.
 The Queen continued explaining that on the other hand, Gaman will be the new hope for both of the sides, a symbol that there's no barrier wall between them to love each other anymore, for erasing any reason to be hateful for each other, for having a good life together, to set aside the differences so they could helping each other, to make a peace. She wished Gaman could lead them to the better future where the vampire race and werewolves tribes coexist together in a peaceful way. No more hate, fighting, battle, or war anymore. Only tolerating and loving each other as one family. She's sure Gaman could do that someday, become a good leader, just like what both of his parents do.
 That's way she's really appreciated Gaman's existence in this world, there's no reason to hate such adorable yet amazing child like him. Indeed, even though she hasn't seen it yet, from what her family told to her before, his hybrid form was really beautiful. Totally different from what people assumed before. Plus, he inherited both of his parent's traits, made him nearly invulnerable. With a right guidance and training to polish all if his potential power, she believed that Gaman will a great Fighter Hybrid in the future. It sounds nice, she can't wait to see it. As a part of royal family, Gaman could visit her anytime he wanted to play in this Palace. And he didn't have to call her name by Queen, just Granny or Grand Auntie. She's smiling adoringly to him.
 After that, the Queen kissed his forehead and hugged him once more. Then she stand up again to give standing ovation for Garou's family and his werewolves packs alliances. Everyone following the Queen's instruction and joined to give applause for them. The clapping sounds and cheering voices echoed in the main hall, nothing but approval was heard, everyone seemed to appreciating them sincerely. Badd's heart was swelled from happiness, he didn't think that the day where he was remembered not as an abomination and his family got recognization finally comes. He felt his eyes glistened with tears again, why is he becomes so emotional lately? He want to cry so bad.
 Badd felt a pair of strong arms enveloping him from behind, without even seeing who is it Badd already know it's his husband. Garou kissing his temple and whispering a congratulatory words into his ear, praising Badd with his soft husky voices before kissing his cheek lovingly. He instantly melt under Garou's touch and embrace, and his voice... He should banned Garou to use that sinful voices of him in public. Don't wanna pop an awkward boner in a room full of royal family and their own people, not to mention also in front of their innocent child! Damnit Garou, why he always choose the wrong time to seduce him?
 Still being embraced from behind by Garou, Badd wanted to stop him from doing any innapropriate things during this formal event. But before he managed to do it, Garou reached Badd's cheek, caressing it and then turned his head slightly to the side to kiss him fully on the lips. A more louder cheering sounds could be heard in unison with howling and shouting in glee. Badd wanted to shove Garou out from him quickly, but his kiss was so good he found himself humming into the kiss and start whimpering. That sounds instantly made Gaman closed his eyes tightly and blocked his ears with both of his hands, so he wont suffering the permanent mental damage. Badd think maybe the Queen will forgive him for doing PDA in her Palace, just one more kiss again. And he hoped Gaman will forgive him for being super gross with his dad again.
 Among the cacophonous cheering noises in there, he could heard some familiar voice protested, "Aaaah they're doing it again! Please stop, I'm gonna end them right now!". O-ow, that must be Zenko. Better be safe than facing her rage. Badd immediately shoved Garou out of his way to dodge Zenko's dangerous strike attack. Her face was reddened with embarassment, she complained why did she has an indecent big brother like him. Badd weakly retaliated that it was entirely Garou's fault and not him, while still trying to dodge her attacks. Then she unexpectedly glomped Badd, then delivering a congratulatory words to him, too. She's really proud and happy for him, that he finally achieved what he wanted for so long, getting recognised after being abandoned. And she will supports him no matter what.
 Badd was moved by Zenko's speech, this day is totally his emotional day. He hugged his dear little sister, saying that he becomes what he is now, all because of Garou. If he didn't save him back then, he wont be here today. Badd was looking at his husband and his little boy, both of them have a matched grinning smile that directed to him. Garou carried Gaman in his hold then walking towards the vampire siblings, joining in a group hug, although Zenko protested Garou because of his sickeningly sweet PDA before. Gaman asked Badd to hold him too in the middle, which Badd was more than happy to compliant. Then Tareo and more of their subordinates comes in to greet and compliments their bosses, surrounding their group hug. Bang and Bomb only shake their head in wonder, this is the reason why too many werewolves crowding together in a room wasn't good: they're so damn loud.
 The Vampire Council members were flabbergasted witnessing the noisy crowd in front of their eyes, while the family members were just amused because it intrigued them seeing the laid back and merrier side of the werewolves tribes. The Queen herself letting out a warm laughs watching the boys getting swarmed by their packs members. She's happy that now Badd surrounded by many people who cares for him, that he wont be alone again. Not to mention Badd found himself a loving husband and had a child together with him. It seems they will be okay, no more tragedy for them again. She wished the best for them.
 It's on late afternoon, Garou's family packs members and the whole alliances were ready to go home. They bid a goodbye to the Queen and the royal family, who were gathering together on the Fortress frontyard to give them the send-off. There were many civillians who also participate in the send-off, asking them to come visiting again.
 Badd was in the middle of packing his things, like his weapon and the gifts from the Queen, when he witnessing something hilarious. There's his werewolves subordinates he knows not-so-secretly dating the vampires civillians, one of them was the subordinate who get cockblocked by Garou last night. Some of them sharing a loving look and sweet promises to their lover before departing (that's so sweet, reminded him a lot of Garou and himself), some giving a longing hug and a bit of sad tears (poor young vampire, Badd shaking his head), and then there's some who share a passionate kiss and even making out in public (good lord why this feels deja vu! oh it's the cockblocked one again, damnit). Badd only hopes that none of his subordinates kidnapping any of their lover.
 Finally bid a farewell, they started their journey towards their home together. But if Badd was thinking again, this also could be their journey towards their new life, too. He still can't believe their life fate was changed in just 3 days only. So much happening in those days, but in a better way. Badd knows something must be sacrificed, but they also gained something else that greater than they'd have expected. Vampires living at peace together with werewolves? Never imagined it will comes true! But the reality said otherwise, they finally achieved it.
 And speaking of peace, Badd was so proud of Gaman, who becomes an alive symbol for the peace between the two different race. Gaman is the fruit of Garou’s and his love, so in the other name, Garou and him were making the peace itself. The though made Badd chuckled, how was that fateful day he met the most handsome werewolf turned out to become like this? That a lost vampire finally fallen in love with said werewolf and bear a lovely baby from him? Then birthed and raised the baby until he grow up to becomes a miraculous child who deemed as the symbol of peace? Unbelievable at first, but he's very happy to experience it all.
 After this, Garou and Badd will start a new life together. Both of them now have new responsibilities that must be carried out more seriously, because it will involving not only their packs or their own communities but also the other side communities, too. So they should be more careful at doing the job, especially when they got the honorary position from the Queen directly. Don't wanna make the Queen disappointed, then. But no matter how difficult their path they will faced, as long as they're together, it will be okay.
 Gaman's calling his name break his thought, he asked why Badd was smiling and giggling for a 5 minutes straight during the walk. Before Badd could replied him, Garou slung his arm around Badd's neck and jokingly answered that his father was already too tired so his mind just got short-circuited. Garou got an instant elbow strike on his stomach, put him into a coughing fit. Badd saying to Gaman that he's in so much happiness to have the best family ever, and he didn't regret to meet his dad, not a bit. Because from that fateful encounter, he could meet Gaman in this world. And he loves both of them so dearly.
 Garou blushed at hearing the implication of Badd's sweet confession, because he knew exactly what Badd meant. That Badd actually was deep in love with him since the first moment they met, that he only play hard to get just to test Garou's determination. It made Garou extremely happy, that both of them fell in love with each other at the first sight!
 To emphasize his confession, Badd lifted and carrying Gaman in his craddle then kissed Gaman on both of his soft cheeks, his nose, and his forehead. It earned Gaman's joyful laughter and multiple kisses on Badd's cheek from Gaman. After gotten Gaman's shower of affection, Badd asked Gaman to close his eyes because he wanted to share his happiness to his dad, too. Gaman immediately closed his eyes and turned his head to the other direction, not wanting to interupt their private time.
 Badd smiling sweetly at Garou, who returned to embrace both Badd and Gaman from behind. Garou nuzzled his cheek onto Badd's while delivering soft touch of his lips upon it, and Badd also doing the same thing as Garou. And then, Badd tilted his head and giving a lingering look at Garou, accompanied with a small smile on his cute pink lips and such warmth in his almond-shaped eyes. The same kind of looks when Badd agreeing to become his Mate, pledged his loyalty to be with him forever until their death. The kind of looks when Badd want to showing how deep in love he is to Garou. The kind of looks that Garou adores so much. He caressing Badd's cheek, then moved his face more closer to Badd, wanting to kiss him.
 Badd slowly closed his eyes, lips slightly apart. Garou kissed him tenderly, earning soft humm from Badd. Released their lip-locking just a few seconds to breath, Garou recaptured his lips for more deeper kiss that always makes Badd's knees weakened. He melted when Garou's fingers caressing his cheek, while his tongue invaded his mouth, brushing it against his fangs. Couldn't resist the temptation, he pricked Garou's tongue with his sharp fangs, made it bled a little. He sucked the sweet blood while still continuing their passionate kiss. At the moment Badd let out a soft whimper, suddenly Gaman asked if they're already finished yet or no. Not wanting to make their son further more uncomfortable, they ended their kiss with a wet smack sound (and Gaman started squirming on his craddle).
 Garou and Badd shared a happy look on their face then laughed together, they always do it when they're stupidly in love like this. Just being with each other was enough for them. Happiness is easy to get as long as they're together, and with their beloved child's presence, it completed their life. Perfectness.
 After getting scolded by Zenko for once again PDA in front of the entire family packs' troop and in front of their son, they continued their journey to home. Their home.
 Honestly I didn't expect this sequel to become a SUPER GIGANTIC like this, but a vomitted words and had lost mind control, so this was the result. Sorry, guys..  😂
 And did you noticed I always insert Batarou lovey dovey moment EVERYWHERE and WHENEVER I can? Can't resist the fluffyness aspects of Batarou relationship as Mates 👀✨
 Aaaaaa finally this story was ended! But don't worry, there's still one sequel left: the Aftermath. It's a story after Garou and Badd gotten the new job and being busy while still have a lot domestic family moment at home. Loving family always!
And also there will be 2 years timeskip, so Gaman will be 10 years old, woohooo!! 😚🎉🎉🎊
 Because I haven't finished writing for the Aftermath at this point I write this notes, I planned to submit it around Batarou Week. I will give notification when will I submit the last sequel to Temperans-sama before I send it to her email.
So please wait for me and stay tune for the last sequel of this story! Think of it as my contribution for Batarou Week (because I can't participate the event huhuhu 😢😭).
 Thank you so much, we will see again on the last sequel!
My God, I was speechless YuY ... everything was well balanced; It is important to emphasize when painful sacrifices can lead to achieving a better good for all. ;u; These two fools never learn, >W< I laughed so hard at their PDAs in front of everyone, I can see Zenko jump from behind and hit both of them in the head for being horny in public. I think we all identify with the Queen. Thank you very much for this, I fall short of words.<3<3<3 This has been like my early birthday present (yes, May 30 is my birthday)
18 notes · View notes
Level 13
IT’S A LEAP YEAR! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALL THOSE LEAP YEAR BABIES WHO ONLY GET TO CELEBRATE ONCE EVERY FOUR YEARS! Aren’t leap years wild? Can you imagine being born on a day that only pops up every four years?
Tagging: @loudartanimeeclipse​
Master List here or check the tag Ikesen AFK
Warnings: mentions of alcohol
Happy Reading, T~
Level 13
For a Friday, work had been incredibly slow, so slow you nearly blew your door off the hinges in your rush to get home and logged onto your game. There wasn’t anything crazy exciting going on, but you didn’t want to chance missing EdoPorcupine again. You were determined to sit around and wait for him to come on-line all day if it meant you could apologize for last night.
After what felt like an eternity on the loading page, you were finally logged in. Sitting around and waiting had sounded like a good idea, but the practical application was always messier than the theory. There was no guarantee that your new friend would even log on today, and if he did, you weren’t sure he’d want to talk to you after you didn’t show up last night. Especially when you had given no warning you weren’t going to make it, not that you had any way to actually tell him you’d be late, but still. You felt bad. 
Your quickly spiraling thoughts were interrupted when the list of online players to your right refreshed, and a little green bubble popped up next to EdoPorcupine5661’s name. Yes, excellent, now to jump on him before he could log off or disappear into a quest. 
I’m so sorry! ← WildCyt0m3rty 
EdoPorcupine5661 → What for? It’s not like I expected you to wait around for me forever.
Huh? ← WildCyt0m3try 
EdoPorcupine5661 → I’m talking about yesterday. I stood you up.  EdoPorcupine5661 → Sort of, I had a reason.
Well damn. I actually no-showed too. ← WildCyt0m3try Got stuck at work. ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5561 → Good. We’re even.  EdoPorcupine5561 → Shall we begin?
Yes please! ← WildCyt0m3try Lead the way Sensei ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → Only if you never call me that again
Okay! ← WildCytometry What should I call you then? ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → Edo
Saying you were struggling was the understatement of the century. As promised, the monsters in this field were manageable, and you’d be able to come back on your own and train your bow skills when EdoPorcupine wasn’t able to make it. That was nice and good, but the grinding was driving you insane. On any given attack you did, at the most, five damage; That’s if you were lucky or had a weapon advantage. 
The battle was literally dragging, and you felt bad that your friend was subjected to the torturously slow pace. He just kept typing, “it’s not like I’ve got anything better to do.” over and over again. At first, it had been a little off-putting, but the more it was used, the more you felt it was his way of not having to admit he was enjoying himself. 
Despite his generally sour attitude, Edo, as he’d requested you call him, was a surprisingly patient teacher. Giving you pointers and items to make sure you got the most out of the maps you were being carried off to. With a bit of practice, you were sure you’d have this new weapon’s stats up to par with your lance skill. 
With the monster maps all cleared out and your training bow nearly broken the both of you decided to stop the grinding and head off on a few quests with several others from Team Azuchi who had logged on throughout the evening. You were having fun and with some good back-up, were even able to use the steel bow you had picked up in an earlier raid in battle. A shining moment for you if you did say so yourself. 
OneEyedDrag0n → Would you look at how Kitten purrs. Proud of yourself over there?
Of course! It was a great shot! ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → It wasn’t bad.
See! Wasn’t bad! That means I did great. ← WildCyt0m3try
4myLord → Looks like Wild’s got Edo’s sour personality down to a tee. 
EdoPorcupine5661 → Sour? Who’s sour?
B00kOfLife7 → He’s not sour, that’s just how he shows his affection. Isn’t that right @EdoPorcupine5661
EdoPorcupine5661 → No, I’m sour.
OneEyedDrag0n → You’d do anything to argue with him! lol OneEyedDrag0n → How’s that make you feel @WildCyt0m3try? Special?
Of course, then again, my mother always told me I was special. ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine5661 → Something tells me that’s not what she meant.
Guess you’ll never know ← WildCyt0m3try
B00kOfLife7 → Why not? It’s an easy enough fix. You just have to ask your mother.
EdoPorcupine5661 → Except I don’t know her mother… EdoPorcupine5661 → It’s trouble enough knowing the rest of you lot in person, the last thing I want to do is meet a stranger's mother. 
OneEyedDrag0n → What about meeting...not a strangers mother?
EdoPorcupine5661 → If she’s anything like your mother, than no thank you.
4myLord → Fair point, but I’m sure @WildCyt0m3try has a very nice family
Thanks for trying to save my ego @4myLord, unfortunately, I have to report my family is the screaming the opposite of me. ← WildCyt0m3try
EdoPorcupine → Oh, so they are normal?
Terribly so. ← WildCyt0m3try
You were laughing out loud, you hadn’t had a conversation this crazy with online friends in ages. Sure the banter between Rose and Yuki was always exciting, but Kenshin or Shingen usually cut in and ended it quickly. This seemed to drag on for as long as it remained entertaining and light-hearted. From what you had gathered, everyone on Team Azuchi knew each other, having all gone to college together, the real kicker was that they had gone to the same university as you. Even crazier, you probably had seen a few of them around campus unknowingly, assuming they were your age. 
The plan was to log back on after you had finished your dinner and run through a few missions with Team Kasugayama. Rose had messaged you just before you had logged off, letting you know they had made plans to get on this evening. A large part of you wondered what sort of job Yoshi held that they had to start their team quests around 11:30p every other night, but that also wasn’t any of your business. 
“I’m here, are you guys ready to go?” You asked over the microphone.
“About time,” Kenshin mumbled behind a chorused yes from the rest of the group. Making you laugh. 
The communication lines were quiet for a long time, nobody really talking as they played through the more challenging map. Happy with the damage your lance wrought upon your enemies, you were beaming. This was so much more satisfying than your earlier grinding kills. 
“So, I see we’ve added some wings to the group?” You heard Yoshi ask through the mic. 
“See, and you’d know that if you had come to karaoke last night. Though, I’m happy to report that I’ve been pleasantly busy.” The unmistakable pride in your voice carried through the otherwise quiet chat. 
“Ah, I was wondering why Shingen hadn’t given me a hard time about that yet. They sent you to do the dirty work instead.” Yoshimoto laughed
“Nope. I volunteered.” You stated, drawing out the vowels in your response. 
“Either way, I quite like the aesthetic it adds, not only to your character but to the team as well.” Yoshimoto complimented. 
“Oh, I mean, I know I look good, but I'm happy it makes the team look equally as awesome.” You snickered into the mic realizing the two of you were in your own private chat window. 
“So humble.” There was a soft tisk to his voice that he tried to use to hide his own laughter. 
“And here I thought you enjoyed my confidence.” Choosing to sound wounded. 
“Oh, hush, I’ll have none of that.” Yoshimoto’s was scolding before it turned serious yet soft. “Your unabashed confidence is what makes you so stunning.”
“What do you want?” You rolled your eyes knowing full well he couldn't see you and continued to fight your way through a group of soldiers who had been hiding in a thicket off to the group’s left. 
“I want to know where you got that bow.” 
That explained the private chat. Yoshimoto wanted information, and he wasn't sure he wanted everyone else to have the intel yet. It was a well-known fact in your group that you were also a registered single player and often competed by yourself, but that still wouldn’t explain how you had managed to get your hands on anything other than a training bow. 
“A friend.” You answered as cryptically as possible. 
“Oh? I’m a friend, I didn’t give that to you.” Yoshimoto’s tone was suspicious.
“You’re right, maybe we’re not friends after all.” You feigned surprise and tried to bite back laughter when he scoffed audibly in your ear. 
“You’re something else. You know that?” He sighed as you snickered.
“I know, had a whole conversation about it today.” You couldn’t hide the amusement in your voice as you continued on. 
“Oh? Yukimura picking on you again?” Yoshimoto’s voice remained light as he teased.
“Not today, I’m actually on another team. Play with them when you guys aren’t around.” You stated matter-of-factly
“Cheating on us, are you now?” 
“I couldn’t help myself. If it makes you feel better, they’re definitely my side hoe.” You tried to remain as serious as possible, despite the turn in the conversation. 
“Alright, that’s it.” laughter filled the speakers of your headphones, and you found yourself laughing along with him. “How is it that I’ve not yet had the pleasure of meeting you in person?”
“You work terrible hours and never show up to sing with us.” You replied.
“You don’t want to hear me sing,” Yoshimoto assured you.
“And now I do.” 
“How about this? I’ve got work in a gallery late tomorrow night, stop by. I’ll see if I can pick you out of a crowd.” Yoshimoto suggested. 
“Sounds like my kind of challenge.” Excited, you agreed. 
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druddigoon · 5 years
Snippets of ATLA wips I hate too much to finish that I like enough to post on Tumblr
I know most of my followers are from Pokemon nowadays, but I still do post some atla stuff. Also this is probably like 4k+ words of complete shit so I’m putting them under the cut
Brother, Son 
“How do you play Pai Sho?” Ozai asks, peeking over the low rim of the Pai Sho table. He’s almost four now, toddles his way around the palace clinging the legs of the staff, parroting official declarations from the leverage of a chabudai. Their parents barely acknowledge his younger brother - Azulon is busy countering earthbender resistance on the eastern front, and Ilah handles military campaigns to the Water Tribes. As loyal Fire Nation citizens, their duty rings like a mantra: Nation beyond family, personal sacrifice for the greater good. 
And Ozai is left alone. 
Iroh idly twirls a lotus tile beneath his finger. “You’ll learn it when you’re older,” he says, pulling the trick their mother always used on him. Iroh is fifteen; old enough to join the army but not in the front lines, not yet anyways. It drives him mad. 
Ozai pouts and starts whining an ear-grating whimper. That kind of noise usually gets him a backhand and a harsh scolding from their father, but he’s smart enough to realize that Iroh would never hurt him in that way. He tugs on Iroh’s sleeve, puffs his chubby cheeks into a pout. “Please?”
When Iroh doesn’t respond, Ozai stumbles his way to his brother and collapses around his waist. Small arms try, and fail, to wrap around him. “I humbly request assistance regarding certain matters of conduct that appear to be beyond my comprehension. Would you care to enlighten me?”
If Iroh had been drinking tea at that moment, it would be coming back up through his nose. He ends up bursting out laughing, because did Ozai not realize how sarcastic that was? His brother rolls off, confused, but ends up giggling along. 
After their laughter petered off, Iroh wipes the tears off his face and grins. “I suppose that can be arranged.” He gestures at the tiles while Ozai bounces up and down. “Now watch, my disciple; Pai Sho is a game of strategy…” 
Ozai fails to grasp the finer points of Pai Sho, but Iroh discovers that he didn’t mind. He likes watching Ozai; the boy has an awful poker face, and Iroh can differentiate the multitude of emotions that manifested in his expression. Confusion, in a crooked tilt of his eyebrows and a crease on his nose. Contemplation, in a furrowing of his forehead and intense glare of his eyes. Glee, in the way the corners of his mouth curved like a shy little thing. Iroh begins giving him little loopholes just to see that smile more.  
Curt raps at his door snaps Iroh out of his contemplation. Ozai casually moves another tile. “Come in.” 
A servant enters. “Prince Iroh, your firebending lesson starts at noon. It’s been two hours.” 
Iroh looks at the sun outside his window, surprised to see how low it hangs; he’s never been the one to lose track of time. He glances back at Ozai, who has his head turned away from him as if he’d trying not to meet his gaze. “I’ll be out in a minute. Wait outside.” 
After the servant leaves, Iroh grabs his brother’s shoulders and turns Ozai towards him. “What’s that matter?” 
Ozai’s face looks crestfallen. “I-” he stops, purses his lips, and continues with the simple honesty of a child, “-I don’t want you to leave, that’s all.” 
So this is what having a brother feels like. Iroh smiles at Ozai, who looks back incredulously. "We’re princes. The servants listen to us, not the other way around.” He makes his move with a flourish. "Your turn.”
Oai’s grin was the widest he’d seen yet, and their game fades well into the evening.
Ozai cannot please their father, Iroh’s learned, and not for the lack of trying. The boy wakes up hours before the sun rises, rehearsing through his katas illuminated by the cusp of dawn. Stands a little straighter in court meetings, gleams with a pomp of authority when in the general vicinity of the throne. He loves Azulon with every fiber of his being.
Azulon hardly notices.
He can feel the flames of rigor flare in his brother’s chi as he watches Azulon address his troops, the wisp of smoke that escapes through clenched fists. They were royalty; lavished with care, laden with gifts, and yet he still yearns, yearns for something that he will never reach. (They have a habit, the Fire Nation, of aiming the arrow further than the bow can shoot.)
Because Ozai is flawed, and very much so. Despite his rigorous training, he is naturally clumsy, as if his chi is innately unbalanced from the moment of his birth. At the age of six he still possesses the incoordination of a toddler, tripping over his own feet and fumbling with objects enough that he’s been banned from the royal archives from accidentally dropping a candle. His fire burns strong, but not strong enough for someone of his bloodline. By the time Iroh was his age, he’d already mastered four more sets than he did. By the time Iroh was his age, he could recite the names and dates of all important battles (all Fire Nation victories, of course) and pinpoint them on a map. By the time Iroh was his age, he had earned the respect of his father of his country.
Ozai is the second-born; less talented, less needed. He bears the scars of the uncontrollable on his skin, reminders of their father’s fury and the love he can never own because of his succession at birth.
(And perhaps that was why, when Azula came to the world with infernos in her eyes and lightning at her fingertips, Ozai named her after his greatest desire, and reached out for her like it never did.)
Shortly after Lu (and he should think my son instead of just his name, like he’s a pawn on a roster, just a tally amidst the casualties, but it hurts too much when he’s used him like a soldier instead of loving him like a father) Ten’s death, Iroh receives a letter stamped with the royal insignia, addressed specifically to him. The person who brings it is one of his closest servants, one of the few he allows in his tent anymore; he bids him leave with a jerking sweep of his hand, and Iroh is alone.
The precise calligraphy of words is heartwrenchingly familiar, and yet the letter’s contents read like a stranger’s. His brother’s tone is formal, clipped. Ursa and I are sorry for your loss it reads, and the rice paper starts to smolder around its edges. I have decided to return this back to you. I no longer have any need for it.
There is a bundle attached to the message, heavier than expected, and inside Iroh finds the Prince’s crown. He knows that this means. He knows his brother too much and not enough, because they are worlds away and he is losing him.
His troops looked startled when they saw their general exit his tent for the first time in months, clad in the dark linens of a mourning man. When asked where he was leaving to, Iroh replied simply: “Home.”
(“Ozai used to be my brother.” Iroh mentioned once, offhandedly, the night they first camped at the Western Air Temple when he found Zuko wide awake. He was standing in the central pavilion (with its sweeping murals amidst pallid marble, that probably wasn’t built to be so empty) leaning out from the balcony to catch the passing wind on his arm. The other was wrapped up in a cast.
Zuko looked at him. He seemed confused; he could see it in the familiar crooked tilt of the brow, the way his nose wrinkled just so. “But Father still is.”
He says it with such sincerity and innocence despite the bandages obscuring his left visage, and later when he falls asleep, Iroh weeps. Because after all Ozai did to the boy, he still loved him like a son to a father, a brother to a brother.)
Azula Week Day 7 (AN: Never thought of a title for this haha)
“I did not consent to this,” Azula says, after she recovers from the initial shock.
Her only reply is a burble. Izumi is one year and five months old and still communicates in phonemes. Zuzu seemed to be slacking in supplementing her development; by her age, Azula was just beginning to recite classic Fire Nation poems.
She resolves not to mention it in front of him. “I was also under the impression you had alternate babysitting options that didn’t drastically increase your child’s risk of mortality.”
Zuko, who had barged into her household unannounced (“You know there are strict punishments for home invaders under Fire Nation law, right?”), has the grace to act sheepish. “And those ‘alternate babysitting options’ are out of reach now, unfortunately.” He unceremoniously dumps his daughter onto Azula’s lap; Izumi’s shirtfront is damp with slobber and immediately wets Azula’s robes. “Iroh’s tending to his teashop in Ba Sing Se, and Ursa left with Noren to visit their old village for a couple weeks. Mai—not that I consider her a babysitter, she’d kill me—is coming with me, and none of my friends except you and Toph are in the Caldera right now.”
Azula raises an eyebrow, still managing to look skeptical with a toddler drooling against her robes.
“Please?” Zuko pulls a puppy-cub face, the one he used when they were children to get what he wanted from their mother. Azula has no idea why he believes it’ll work on her. “I have an urgent meeting with Aang in Republic City, and I can’t bring Izumi—or Kiyi for that matter, she had school—along with me. I don’t trust the palace staff to take care of them.”
Funny how Zuzu trusts her more than the people hired to serve him. Azula relents. “Fine. You better come back for them in four days like you promised, or I’m putting both up for adoption.”
Zuko ignores the jab (it had no heat to it anyway) and showers profuse thanks, pulling her into a quick, uncomfortable, and consent-violating hug. He sweeps out of the apartment before Azula can retaliate, most likely in a way that would burn her house down.
The door swings shut behind him.
Not long after, Toph walks in, clad in her official ambassador’s attire and looking utterly bewildered. Azula takes mercy and fills her in.
“We’re impromptu babysitting for my brother. I have Izumi, and Kiyi’s already upstairs brooding or something.” Kiyi is pushing into her teens and is already doggedly stretching her independence, as well as everyone’s patience. (Azula likens it to jumping off a cliff and hoping to fly.) She had bolted for their guest bedroom the moment Zuko arrived, in an attempt to avoid the “grown-ups” below.
“Oh. Huh.”
“We’re stuck with them until Zuzu comes back from his meeting.”
“Huh.” Toph sits down on their living room couch, still processing the information. Azula tugs a bowl of fruit out of Izumi’s reach. “Huh.”
“Remind me again why I decided to make nice with him.”
Toph shrugs. “Beats me.” ------------------------------------
Azula has brought down armies, made lesser men bow beneath her feet; she overtook Ba Sing Se in a day’s coup without killing a single person, something her ancestors been trying for eons without success; she almost killed the avatar, and had once stood against him and three other master benders (because Zuko wasn’t one) to come out unharmed. She was a prodigy firebender and manipulator, capable of getting almost whatever she wanted.
If any of those achievements transferred to present day, it means that she is capable of feeding a drooling toddler.
“Eat.” Azula commands, pressing a spoonful of rice congee against Izumi’s unyielding lips.
She once had the unfortunate privilege of watching Zuzu feed her—saying “heeeere comes the dragon!” in a disgustingly sugary voice and cooing whenever Izumi took a bite—and refuses to replicate his technique. So far she’s managed to get one mouthful in, only for Izumi to spit it all out onto her bib.
An ungroomed Toph walks into the kitchen, yawning and rubbing her eyes. Whereas Azula always rises with the sun, the earthbender prefers to sleep in. She sticks a finger up her right nostril. “Everything alright here, Thunder?”
Azula takes the opportunity to remove herself from the warzone, stepping over to the sink to wash the stickiness from her fingers. “Just peachy. The infant seems determined to starve herself and I’ve just about given up trying to stop her.” She glares up indignantly when Toph has the audacity to laugh at her. “Hilarious, isn’t it? You try shoving congee up her mouth.” 
“Heh, sure,” It’s too early in the morning to engage in their snarky banter, so Toph just picks up the brush on the counter and grooms her boarqpine’s nest of a hairdo. Izumi starts making babbling noises, bits of congee still dripping past her lips. “You go wake up Kiyi then. The clock on the wall behind me says there’s only an hour until she has to go to her classes.”
“How did waking the sleeping beast go?” Downstairs, Toph seems to have successfully allocated half the bowl into Izumi’s stomach. Her amusement tapers off as Azula sweeps into the kitchen like a brewing storm. “What’s wrong, Thunder?” 
(It’s sweet that Toph can detect her moods and episodes through the way she carries herself and know what to do without Azula having to tell her outright. Right after the war it had been a sign that she was slipping from perfection, but nowadays Toph’s gotten sharper and Azula’s learned that there’s strength in vulnerability.)
“Not well, unfortunately. I stuck a hand in its mouth and it bit back.” She occupies herself in wiping Izumi’s face, hoping that Toph is familiar with her moods enough to know now is not the time to pry. 
Toph’s not happy about that (she can see it in the way she blows at her bangs, how her nose wrinkles just so) but decides not to pursue. “Well I think that’s all Izumi’s eating today. We should probably change her diaper now. I smelled something funky while I was feeding her.”
“I’ll do it. Agni knows how you wipe your own butt.”
“If you want, I’ll let you do it for me.” 
Azula mimes a shudder, and Toph snickers. “I did not need that suggestion. Next time you make such a scandalous request, I’ll sleep in my own bed for the next month.” 
“Pssshh. As if you’re able to hold out that long.” Azula is pulling Izumi’s linens out from under her when she hears Toph set another bowl of congee on the counter. She looks over her shoulder to see Kiyi creeping near the table, timid as a sparrowmouse. The girl quietly takes Toph’s offered spoon but ends up clinking it against the ceramic, looking up at Azula in guilt. Toph tilts her head expectantly. 
She sighs, strolling over to the pile of supplies Zuzu left her and picking out some clean linens. “I understand that some adolescents are incapable of regulating what comes out of their mouths, and will not hold it against you. Now stop acting like a kicked puppycub.” 
One questionably wrapped diaper later, Izumi is bouncing on the carpet with Azula holding her for support. The toddler is drooling (again) and making infant noises and what suspiciously sounds like “A-zhu-a”. Babies are a peculiar thing, high maintenance with rolls of fat, soft cheeks and a bulbous head. This one has come out of Mai’s vagina, after… no, best not to think about it. Azula can never imagine herself this gross and vulnerable.
An infant babbling Azula’s name on repeat is somewhat unnerving, so she procures a wooden rattle to occupy Izumi, only to remove it when she starts gnawing. Izumi starts pouting and making little distressed noises, so Azula returns it.
Toph has sent Kiyi off with some well wishes and a hearty slug to the shoulder. Now she settles on the carpet, listening to the rhythm of Izumi’s stomps.
“She should be close to walking by now,” Azula says, “Both Zuzu and I learned to walk by our thirteenth month.”
Toph shrugs. “Give her time. She might be a late bloomer; I didn’t walk by myself until I was well over two years old. It’s probably why my parents didn’t see me as a good earthbender, us being familiar with the ground and all.”
A pause. Toph leans in, contemplative. “...Do you think Izumi would let me touch her face?”
It isn’t like Toph—headstrong, stubborn Toph, Avatar’s sifu, greatest earthbender in the world—to speak with a quiet waver in her voice. In a way, her uncertainty makes Azula feel better about her own insecurities right now. They are navigating new territories, but they are doing so together. “I don’t think she’ll mind much. Be gentle with the top the head though; I’ve heard that the skull isn’t too developed there.”
It brings Toph out of her contemplation. She scoffs. “Yeah right, who do you take me as?”
“Someone who punches holes in the pavement when she’s angry and smashes boulders with her head when she’s bored,” Azula reminds her.
“Also someone who’s a master metalbender, which asks for, as you like to say about your crazy fire katas, ‘utmost finesse’.”
Despite her braggadocio, Toph reaches for Izumi’s face gingerly, cradling her cheek against calloused fingers. Izumi wrinkles her face but, to their surprise, does not cry out.
Azula watches as Toph’s hands explore Izumi’s face: cresting over her nub nose, ghosting past her eyes, combing the downy black hair without ever touching the scalp. Toph herself is in a trance, her brows furrowed in concentration. After a brief eternity she withdraws with a fluid motion as if finishing the tail end of a meditation.
“Hello, I’m Toph,” she tells her.
Izumi claps her hands.
‘She’s squishy.” Toph says, turning to Azula. Izumi is repeating “Tawh, Tawh, Tawh” while bouncing in Azula’s arms. Entranced, Toph reaches over to grab her hand. “Can I hold her?”
Yes, they’ll get through this together.
“Can’t know if you don’t try,” Azula says when Izumi leans forward into Toph’s arms.
Ember Island Blues  (AN: This was a test thing gone wrong and I hate it a lot)
 Azula has only gained a few inches after the war, making her shorter than Katara. Her hair, once lustrous black, has greyed prematurely; her eyes, while sharp, now have a haunted look to them - a sun’s wavering reflection on deep ocean. Still she walks with grim poise and posture, her royal robes replaced with a traveler’s attire that reminds Katara eerily of that decisive Agni Kai. They lock eyes, and the waves rock just a little higher.
She wakes to floorboards creaking, Aku’s muffled hiss as she bumps into the dining room counter. There’s a distinct click of a lock, an agonizingly slow creak of the door as someone tries to silence her sneaking out only to prolong the sound she makes. Only when it stops does Katara sigh and get up. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes and tamping down a yawn, she steps outside.
Despite the heat wave indicative of Fire Nation weather, Ember Island’s mornings are surprisingly chilly. It’s still dark outside, the sun a sliver of pink beyond the horizon. Katara expects to find Aku fooling around before quickly returning home as the temperature gets to her. What she doesn’t expect is to find her at the edge of the ocean, practicing katas with a single-minded intensity that she hasn’t seen since Zuko joined their group during the war.
She clears her throat, notices Aku’s breath hitch, like she’d been surprised. The girl looks at her with a wide expression. “Good morning, Auntie Katara.”
As if she has done nothing wrong waking up and causing a racket at the crack of dawn. Katara clicks disapprovingly. “Kya and the others are asleep.” You should be too.
“Can’t.” Aku says. She draws her arms and legs toward her body, lowering and exhaling and relaxing at the conclusion of her kata. The entire move is precise, not a hair out of place. “It’s a firebender thing.”
Firebenders rise with the sun, Katara knows. They get their power from its rays, just like how her blood thrums a little bit stronger, her movements a little more fluid, under the waxing of the moon. What she doesn’t consider is how it affects their sleeping schedule.
No wonder she never sees Zuko asleep in the mornings.
“Well, be quieter next time, okay?” She says. Aku nods before resuming her practice. Katara sits down on the spray-soaked crags to watch.
Since the conclusion of the war, Katara’s waterbending had taken a backseat. Nowadays she mostly uses it to heal the scrapes and cuts on her children, to do the laundry. Her real waterbending (the hardening of blood against flesh, puppets straining under a master’s reins) is always - has always - centered around combat, and there is little need for that in an era of peace.
It surprises her how Aku practices without stopping—her little brow furrowing in utmost concentration—until the sun fully rises from sea to sky. If Aang had been this disciplined at this age, he’d have defeated Ozai before the start of summer. Occasionally she breathes, little tongues of flame leaping off her palms, her mouth, weaving fiery blue filigree in the shadowed dawn.
“Were you cold out there?” Katara asks, when the air starts heating up and they are on their way back to the villa. “Do you do this every day?”
“Um.” Aku looked perplexed. “No and...yes? All firebenders have an inner fire, which they have to maintain so it won’t die or get out of control.
"Mine keeps me warm, I guess. We practice katas every morning so we don’t accidentally burn something or someone.”
For such a destructive element, Aku’s explanation hinges a lot on precision and control. Perhaps that is why they need it, Katara thinks. “Do you like firebending?”
“Mhm.” A turtlecrab pops out of the sand, and Aku stops to observe as it burrows back inside. “Mommy always says that bending is a gift. Something that should be used to its fullest extent.”
Of course Azula would say that. “And what about you?”
“I don’t think it’s a gift.” The house is still silent and dark as they enter, the three other inhabitants soundly sleeping away. When Katara closes her eyes, she can feel the pull of her element, Aku smoldering softly by her side. “I think it’s a part of who you are, as a person, I mean. When you neglect it, you’re neglecting part of yourself too.”
Aku gives her one last smile, the ripe innocence of a child, then heads back to her room with the floorboards creaking behind her.
The next morning, Katara rises with the sun and leaves for the seaside.
When it comes to her daughter’s appearance, Azula has clearly gotten the upper hand. Aku looks aristocratic: pointed nose, tapering chin, pale porcelain skin. The only outward resemblance to Sokka is her hair. Instead of jet black locks, Aku’s are dark and wavy, like the seas her father had once called home. 
Sometimes Katara sees snippets of her brother in Aku’s mannerisms. How she seamlessly segues from a noble strut to stumbling over nothing, how she demands “scientific proof and evidence” when accused of not eating her vegetables, how she inhales information like it is going out of style, how she seems to eat more than Bumi, Kya, and Tenzin combined. 
There are times when Aku is just Aku. Her demureness is all Azula with none of the underlying malice. Instead she’s hesitant, almost shy. Asks permission for almost everything she did. Speaks formally, and only formally, to Katara and her children untilasw Bumi decided to ask about her adventures with Uncle Sokka. She is—as Katara discovered accidentally, when she’d seen her sketching the sea on a notepad—an excellent artist. Katara has no idea who she gets that from. Certainly not Sokka, that’s for sure. 
Her children are already familiar with the Fire Nation princess, having been babysat together quite a few times. Back when Tenzin was too young to bring to the Air Nomads, when Katara had actually accompanied Aang during his excursions around the world.   
Tenzin is more wary than anything. Katara could distinctly remember Aku being there for his birth, but they never had the chance to bond as much as her other kids, what with Tenzin constantly being out with Aang. His father’s absence is clearly stinging; he’s more stiff than usual, takes his glider to coast the drafts first thing in the morning and doesn't return until dusk.
To Bumi, Aku is another playmate he can rope into playing with. As the sole non-bender of his family, he practically idolizes his Uncle Sokka. Aku soaks up the attention, telling (probably embellished, definitely exaggerated) tales of his conquests, later acting them out with theatrical flourish. She’s even carved out a replica of his boomerang out of driftwood, which now rests on Bumi’s bedside when he sleeps. 
Kya is immediately taken to her. The girls both love to read, spending hours upon hours on the couch while Bumi and Tenzin play on the beach, curling up against each other with a battered book propped up between them. When not reading, she leads Aku around a tour of their villa and the surrounding beach, pointing out little pools and deltas she uses to practice her waterbending. Aku is fascinated, and on nights when Katara is too tired to enforce the curfew, the shoreline roils with flame-touched waves and steam. 
Aku’s flames still give Katara a bitter taste in her throat, the pain of a could-be scar blooming against her chest. She remembers being at the receiving end of two pointed fingers, blue fraying at the edges, the same fingers her brother later kisses at his wedding. Aang is twelve years old again, wrapped in her arms; Zuko is seizing uncontrollably, the world is at war.
But this girl, the result of their union, is not born in war, has never carried the wounds or shed the tears or bore the frigid chains against metal grate bars. Just like Zuko shouldn’t be blamed for the deeds of his forefathers, Aku never asked for her parents’ histories. 
Somehow, watching her stumble in the sand, Katara finds it easier to forgive every day. 
“It’s funny,” she murmurs, “Daddy laughs more to strangers than he does to Mommy, and Mommy acts better to officials I know she hates than she does to Daddy."
"But when they’re alone with me, Daddy can frown and yell all he wants and Mommy can throw fits and cry. And I’m glad. To be part of that. It means they trust me with their weaknesses, in a way.” And perhaps there’s a quiet strength in that too.
Aku reaches over to grab Katara's hand (the girl's skin is gritty with clinging sand, soft with an innocence her aunt’s never had; Katara wonders if she’s ever been burnt before) and their fingers touch with silent truce. "I trust you too, Auntie Katara."
Bending is an art. Aku performs it with the steady tenacity of a wolf-warrior, an ice-dodger at the prow of a sailboat. Energy is never lost, only converted. Even firebenders must give to take. 
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devikong · 4 years
Kazuko san’s visit to Imphal
           It was during my visit to Japan in September-October 2019 that I met Mrs. Kazuko Yasunobu (Kazuko san) at the residence of the Indian Ambassador to Japan, H.E. Mr. Sanjay Kumar Verma in the evening of 1st October. That was a dinner party hosted to welcome the Manipuri cultural team led by our Honorable State Culture Minister, Mr. Langpoklakpam Jayantakumar Singh and the Director, Department of Art & Culture, Government of Manipur, Mr. Aribam Shivadas Sharma, MCS. I was part of the cultural troupe as a Coordinator. The cultural troupe performed at various events across different cities such as Namaste India Festival (Tokyo and Karia City), Kyoto, Niigata, Osaka, etc.
           That very night, Kazuko san was wearing a fine Assamese mekhala chaddar with a beautiful flower decorated on her hair and a bright red bindi on her forehead. It showed her immense love for our Indian Culture. Other than that, I knew nothing about her. However, it happened that she was performing Odissi (one of the six classical dances of India, originally of Odisha which is an Eastern state of India) at Namaste India Festival, Tokyo where our Manipuri Team also performed. As I was too occupied with the coordination work for our team, I somehow failed to notice her performance.
           She said she had plans to visit Manipur in January next year i.e. 2020. Later on 5th October, our cultural team went to Tokyo from Tokamachi mountain city to perform especially for the Bengali community as it was Durga Puja time. There, for the second time, I encountered Kazuko san with full make up and colorful costume as an Odissi dancer. Oh, I found out she is a professional Odissi dancer. She addressed me as ‘didi’ (Hindi word for sister) and we clicked few photographs together. She is currently an Odissi, Sambhalpuri Teacher at Vivekananda Cultural Centre (VCC), Embassy of India in Tokyo. Moreover, she has her own dance class at Studio Odissi in Tokyo.
           Next few months passed by and there was no communication between the two of us. One fine day, she sent me a message and told me about her confirmed trip to Imphal, my hometown, in January 2020. She had requested me to arrange for a home stay and to contact some teachers for Manipuri Dance and Thang-Ta (Manipuri Martial Arts) so that she could learn few basic steps. I responded to her request positively. As my husband, Mr. Gurumayum Dharmadas Sharma was working as Principal-In-Charge of Government Dance College, Manipur, I requested him to help Kazuko san in every possible way so that she could get what she had expected out of her Manipur trip.
           I told her about the Solo Dance and Music Festival which was to be commenced from 22nd February to 24th February 2020 and inquired if she wanted to come to Imphal in February instead of January. But she was firm in her decision to be here in both the months.
           My husband sent a formal invitation letter to Kazuko san at VCC, Tokyo by December end of 2019 for the Solo Festival which was to be jointly organized by the Eastern Zonal Cultural Center, Kolkata (Ministry of Culture, Government of India) and Government Dance College (Department of Art & Culture, Government of Manipur).
           Hence every arrangement was made starting from booking hotel, pick and drop from airport and other domestic travel, dance and martial art classes along with provision for students from the Dance College for her ‘Sakura’ (Japanese word for Cherry Blossom) Dance Composition and many more.
           Kazuko san arrived at Bir Tikendrajit International Airport, Malom, Imphal on January 3rd. We asked our friend, Mr. Acharyamayum Shantakumar Sharma to pick her up from the airport. In the evening of her arrival, I went to meet her at hotel Sangai, Nagamapal where she would be staying for the next few days of her first ever trip to Manipur.
           The next day, 4th of January, my family took Kazuko san to Rita Café, Classic Hotel, Imphal for evening tea. She wished me happy birthday as it happened to be my birthday. Since she wanted something Manipuri in taste and flavor, we ordered singju ( Manipuri salad ), khajing bora ( Deep fried battered prawn ), and CCT ( locally produced lemon grass tea ). As Japanese usually do not take very hot and spicy food, I asked the service boy to make singju less spicy. However, it turned out to be a bit hot and spicy for Kazuko san. Later, the service boy came back with another plate of less spicy singju at no extra cost. What a treat it was!!!!
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                            At Rita Café in the evening of 4th January                                                                  (Photo Credit : Kazuko san)
           While we were returning from the café, I told her about my morning nature therapy treatment. She expressed her desire to join as she felt exhausted after long hours of travel and hectic schedule. Before coming to Imphal, she already stayed in Bhubhaneswar, Odisha and had performed in various events. During those days, she had received prestigious awards such as Nritya Bhushan Award in addition to various other national and international recognition that she had already been honoured wih.
           So, on January 5th morning, Kazuko san joined me for the treatment which was conducted by one of our local therapists. It was a relaxing experience. Unfortunately she didn’t continue after some untoward experience.
           Once she arrived at Imphal city, she kept herself busy by learning Manipuri dance and Thang-Ta. At the same time, she made a fusion composition based on the famous Japanese classic ‘Sakura’ to be performed by herself and a team of students from Dance College at Japanese War Memorial, Maibamlotpa Ching, Nambol. For the Manipuri dance steps of the composition, she took help from Guru Gurumayum Loken Sharma, Senior Lecturer, Government Dance College, Manipur. Oja Laishram Brajakumar Laishram, Senior Lecturer (Flute ), oja Pebam Tiken Singh, (Pena, a traditional stringed instrument of Manipur), Mr. Ben Johnson ( Guitar ), Mr. Amit ( Pung, Manipuri Drum ) and Mrs. Anjella Yenkhom                (  vocal ) became important part of Sakura composition along with many other Manipuri students, both male and female dancers. She expressed contentment that our Manipuri students are quite enthusiastic, fast learners and are very serious in learning and make the whole process of interaction a fun filled activity. Often these students shared homemade food in the college premise and that made Kazuko san feel quite at home in Imphal in spite of being a first timer in the city.
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             Some special moments with friends in Imphal as captured by                                                                 Kazuko san
             On 7th January, we picked her up from hotel at 9 am for Japanese War Memorial. Just as we started, my elder sister Angousana Devi handed over to me a huge carry bag full of fresh marigold flowers near Nagamapal Lai Ishing Chaiba Temple to be taken for offering at Nambol as Kazuko san wished. The team of students from Government Dance College, Manipur led by Guru Loken and Kazuko san performed ‘sakura’ fusion composition as an offering to the departed souls of the numerous Japanese soldiers who led their lives on the soils of Manipur during the Second World War, 1945.
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            At Maibam Lotpa Ching (Red Hill), Nambol on 7th January 
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           At Maibam Lotpa Ching (Red Hill), Nambol on 7th January                                          (Photo Credit : A. Shantakumar Sharma)                       
           On the way to Nambol, she told me about one Manipuri friend of her husband who was currently in Fukuoka Ken, Japan.  This friend helped her husband with information about Manipur while he came here last year to gather some idea about select Manipuri hotels. As there was shut down of market on that day, Kazuko san’s husband failed to visit those hotels of which he wanted some information. To my utter surprise, this young lad came out to be my nephew, Vicky Ningombam, who is working in Fukuoka as a Manager in a hotel at present.
           So, while returning from Nambol, we took Kazuko san to Laxmi Hotel and Imoinu Hotel, both at Wahengleikai, Imphal West to collect information and to take some photographs especially of the local cuisines being served there.
           The very next day, the 8th January was the birth anniversary of Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra, a legendary Odissi exponent and is the guru of Kazuko san. We went to Sri Sri Govindajiu Temple, Imphal East where Kazuko san made special fruits and flowers offering to their Lordships Sri Sri Radha Govinda and Sri Sri Jaganath Baladev Subhadra as a humble obeisance to her dance guru. Later, we had delicious prasadam. In the latter part of the evening, Mr. Shanta took Kazuko san to Ima Keithel, the world’s only market run exclusively by women only. She purchased some colorful Manipuri traditional shawls and phanek (sarong worn by Manipuri ladies).
           After returning to Tokyo in January, she came back to Imphal on 20th February for participating in the Solo Festival. Renowned artists from Manipur and other states of India took part in the festival. It was the first time that a Japanese artist took part in this festival. Some of the artists who gave their scintillating performance during the 3-day festival apart from Kazuko san (Odissi dance) were Ms. Ivana Sarkar (Manipuri Dance), Mrs. Muktasana (Manipuri Dance), Mr. Srijan Cahtterjee (Hindustani Music), Mr. Anoubam Shashikumar Sharma (Sarod), etc.
           She performed a new composition ‘Saraswati Sakura Mangalacharan’ with live music by a team of musicians from Bhubhaneswar on 23rd February, the second day of the Solo Festival.
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         A beautiful shot of Kazuko san while performing Odissi on  23rd                              February (Photo Credit : Surjit Soraisam)
           On 24th February which was the third and the last day of the festival, Kazuko san performed an Odissi-Japanese-Manipuri fusion composition along with few teachers and students of the Dance College. She displayed nice Origami creations too during the performance. Even Mr. Ben Johnson ( a staff of Art & Culture Department, GOM) and Mr. Shanta also became part of the dance composition.
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             A pose from few of the participants of Manipuri Japanese Fusion Composition of 24th February Evening (Photo Credit : Ben Johnson)
             The 3-day festival was, as a whole, well acclaimed by viewers and critics. The location and timing of the performance at the Government Dance College with greenery all around and in the open auditorium right under the starry sky around the evening make the ambience so attractive and the performance an enjoyable one. Once you arrive there, you tend to watch the performance till the end. That was the attraction I am talking about.
           One good thing about the program was that many elected representatives  of state assembly came to see the performance along with their families and expressed words of appreciation.
           Though it was a Solo Dance and Music Festival, the Dance College showed two new group compositions choreographed by Guru Loken to give an exposure of the college students and to encourage them for future stage performance.
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             A shot from the group performance 'Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram' by the students of Government Dance College Manipur, choreographed by Guru Gurumayum Loken Sharma (Photo Credit : Somorjit Laiphrakpam)
              The next day, i.e. the 25th of February, I organized an “Origami” workshop for school children under the banner of Young Learners’ Academy, a kids care academy at Nagamapal Soram Leirak, Imphal West, the program of which was conducted by none other than Kazuko san. The “Origami” literally means folding of paper and is a Japanese art of paper craft. It is believed to be good for coordination and cognitive development and has become an important part of Japanese culture. Following the last few days of extremely hectic schedule of rehearsal and stage performance, Kazuko san was almost ill on the 24th night and 25th morning. However, she made sure that she would conduct the Origami workshop as planned. Some 29-30 kids along with their parents participated the workshop and it was a huge success. Thanks to Kazuko san who despite her weak health taught our kids the Origami items, that too with the materials she bought all the way from Japan. In addition to this, she distributed Japanese candies to the young participants. Sincere thanks to Saknaibi, Sormorjit Lai, Bikash, Loijing, Sonia and Vijaya, all students of Dance College, came and helped us during the workshop. It really was a great evening for all.
           On the day of departure, the 27th of February, madam Laishram Shantibala Devi, wife of  honourable Culture Minister of Manipur, met Kazuko san in Government Dance College. Students and teachers of Dance College met Kazuko san to bid farewell. Mr. Shanta dropped her off to airport.
            26th February was bit rainy and cold. Around 3pm, Saknaibi picked Kazuko san up from her hotel and took her to well known RKCS Art Gallery. Later she was taken to local sculptor who makes different idols of Lord Jagannath. Kazuko san has special affection for the Lord as she has already stayed in Odisha for several years and is used to Oriya tradition where Lord Jagannath is an important part of life and the Jagannath Temple at Puri, Odisha is a famous tourist attraction. In the evening, my husband joined them and took Kazuko san to our home at Brahmapur Mangjil for just few minutes. Once she was dropped back to her hotel, I met her for the last time of her February trip. We laughed and chatted together for a while. I told her that when our culture minister’s wife asked me what she could buy to present to Kazuko san, I suggested an off white, temple bordered ‘Rani Manao’ (traditional Manipuri hand loom silk stole). To pair up with that, I gifted Kazuko san a ‘Phanek Mapaanaiba’ (Traditional Manipuri sarong with embroidered border). Also Somorjit Laiphrakpam designed two white netted dupatta (the Hindi wod for stole) so that Kazuko san could use to display Japanese Manipuri fusion dance when she’s back in Japan.
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A photograph taken on 27th February at Dance College just before Kazuko san leaves for Delhi (Photo Credit : Somorjit Laiphrakpam)
           After two nights stay in Delhi, Kazuko san reached Tokyo safely on 29th February.
           On 8th March which is International Women’s Day, we had Review Origami Workshop at Nagamapal, Imphal as a follow up programme of the last Origami Workshop held on 25th February. Kazuko san came online to teach Ureshii Hinamatsuri Song (Delightful Doll Festival Song of Japan). She suggested that we should review Origami so that we do not forget the steps of the paper craft that we had already learnt.
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       A shot taken on 8th March during the Review Origami Workshop at                                                       Nagamapal, Imphal 
           Further, we made plans to have online interaction with Kazuko san and her students of Studio Odissi, Tokyo and our team of students of Government Dance College, Manipur led by Guru Gurumayum Loken Sharma. Though this could not happen on scheduled date of 12th April due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, it will certainly be done in near future as the current lockdown and emergency situation get lifted in respective countries. So it is the very beginning of our cooperation and the cultural exchange programme and it has a long way to go.
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mwsa-member · 5 years
MWSA Interview with Bill Riley
Date of interview: 27 October 2019 Bill Riley is a writer and retired US Air Force lieutenant colonel with interests in space exploration, coffee roasting, global communication, intelligence activities, and ancient ruins. Bill was an intelligence analyst during the Cold War. Later, he specialized in strategy and communications. During his career, he’s worked with intelligence and special operations professionals from every service, virtually every intelligence agency, and several friendly foreign governments. Bill’s deployments took him through combat zones across the Middle East where he played significant roles in Kuwait and Iraq, supported joint coalition operations, and helped nations rebuild after wars. He was the first US electronic warfare officer in Iraq for Operation Iraqi Freedom, he led the air force’s largest network operations and security center, and he was the first cyberspace operations officer to receive the Air Force Combat Action Medal. He holds degrees in literature, public administration, and strategic leadership, and he is a graduate of Air Command and Staff College and the Air Force Space Command VIGILANT LOOK program. Bill lives in Idaho, just outside Boise, with his wife and two sons. Find him at billrileyauthor.com Look for him on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at billrileyauthor
MWSA: How has MWSA helped your writing and/or marketing skills? Bill Riley: I've been a member for less than a year, and MWSA has already directly helped me in two ways. The biggest is networking. In a short time, I've had the opportunity to meet many writers willing to answer my questions and discuss both the art of writing and the struggle to make writing a career. Very well established authors have been generous with their time and advice, and both new and experienced writers have shared valuable tools, perspectives, and approaches with me. The second benefit has been feedback and recognition. These go hand-in-hand, and the review process MWSA offers is phenomenal. The volunteers who conduct book reviews are professional, constructively critical, and provide notes that provide feedback on what worked and didn't. This dovetails into the MWSA Awards program, which represents the genre of Military Writing in the United States. It judges each submission against professional literary criteria, not against the books submitted in a given year. This means we compete against the best standards of writing and storytelling, not each other. Baghdaddy won the 2019 MWSA Founders Medal and Gold Medal for Memoir, and I was blown away. It was exciting and humbling. As a writer, it was a moment I'll never forget. Now, being able to market Baghdaddy as an award-winning author has opened up speaking and media gigs that were difficult to get before. So please submit your work, the feedback is excellent, and you never know what'll happen. MWSA: Baghdaddy is an intensely personal sharing of your life’s journey. At what point and how did you decide it needed to be written?
Bill Riley: I witnessed the effects of Saddam’s rape of Kuwait and his failure to honor the terms of his surrender. Later, I was stationed in Iraq and experienced the unique challenges of trying to rebuild that country while some of its people were trying to kill me. My father tried to prepare me for the worst that life could throw at me. He taught me hard lessons that often hurt, and I resented them. After he passed away, I tried to put things in perspective. I realized that there wasn’t a lot of difference between the skills I needed to survive my childhood, be a father, and go to war. I met some amazing people along the way, and connecting those dots brought me to Baghdaddy. MWSA: What attracted you to intelligence and national security? Bill Riley: I wish I could say I had a noble purpose or a higher calling, but I didn’t. I was the stereotypical enlistee, in a bad situation without other good options, and the air force offered me a way out, an opportunity to prove myself, and a fresh start. Funny story: I entered the air force without a guaranteed job. I was an “open general” recruit, which is another name for “whatever the air force needs most.” A.k.a my recruiter Jedi mind tricked me into meeting his quota. Halfway through Basic, our military training instructor lined us up and said, “I have to send five volunteers to the new special ops pre-qualification course. Who thinks they have what it takes?” You’d think everyone would want in, but no. He got four volunteers, and I was “voluntold” to be the fifth. I was annoyed. It was just one more thing I had to do. But I said, “YES, SERGEANT,” on cue. I figured it would be obvious I wasn’t into it, nature would take its course, and I’d be out. The thing was, it wasn’t bad. Yeah, it was chaotic and exhausting, but there was no yelling, I ran and swam, and avoided the most tedious aspects of basic training. Our ability to observe and improvise was tested, and we wrote short essays to answer unanswerable morality questions as our group got smaller and smaller. When there were five of us left, we were given our final task. Dive in the water, reach the other side of the pool, pick up a mask from the bottom of the deep end, clear it, put it on, and swim back to where we started. All underwater, all in one breath. Problem was, when I’d almost gotten to my mask, some asshole with a padded stick hit me and knocked the mask away. I grabbed it, but another stick knocked me in the head, and I let go. I was running out of air, but surface and you lose, and I was pissed. I swam to the wall just above the mask, and the sticks came at me again. This time I grabbed both and kicked off the wall as hard as I could. One stick came free in my hand, and there was a big splash. I grabbed my mask, cleared and donned it, and swam to the finish line. When I broke the surface to gasp for air, a hand the size of a ham grabbed my head and hauled me out of the pool. It was a huge, unhappy sergeant in soaking wet fatigues. I figured I’d screwed up. I just hoped they’d let me finish Basic. They congratulated me. I finished first in that class and was offered a spec ops class slot. But there were only two slots, and there were three of us. In the pit of my stomach I knew I wasn't the right man for the job. I didn't want it like the other candidates did, and I figured their passion had to mean something. I declined the Pararescue slot I was offered, got yelled at by a major, for what seemed like a long time, then the big sergeant I dunked in the pool came in. He told the major that while he questioned my decision-making skills for not going in the program, I had integrity and grit and he recommended me for an intelligence job that just felt right. No one had ever told me I had grit or integrity before. I stayed because there’s a sense of community in the military that, for me, was like family. MWSA: Your book’s cover art elicits strong reactions. What were your thoughts behind it? Bill Riley: The Baghdaddy cover is polarizing, and I love it. I wanted it to cut to the heart of my story, and with one glance it does. I wish we lived in a world where there weren’t child soldiers, but we do, and they’re a part of this story. The art also captures the warlike aspects of my upbringing, and it feels personal. My father once said, “One definition of adult is surviving your childhood,” and I never forgot it. Each story element meets on this cover. You know the moment you pick it up. MWSA: Baghdaddy provides a firsthand view of war; what are the most common misconceptions held by many Americans? Bill Riley: We see war mostly in snapshots, and not everything gets the coverage or the attention or focus it deserves. There’s been a terrible war in Yemen for years, but the media barely covers it. The same was true of the atrocities of Saddam’s occupation of Kuwait and the campaign of rape and terror employed by Slobodan Milošević during the Bosnian War. Few were interested in investigating and reporting until the world couldn’t look away anymore. The first time I was in Iraq was just after President Bush declared victory. We absolutely met and exceeded the first phase objectives of the war, but even at the highest levels of power, there were misconceptions over what “victory” meant, and unfortunately, an agenda often drives what gets reported and what the public sees. I was with an army signals unit on the outskirts of Karbala, about fifty-five miles southwest of Baghdad. There was a friendly village just off the major supply route, and we encountered a news crew at the burnt and twisted remains of a blown-up semi-tractor-trailer. People from the village were rummaging through the blast field, looking for salvageable spoils. We waved, the Iraqis waved back, and the reporters were busy setting up their shot. We pulled over, and I went to touch base with the news crew just as they were assembling a group of men and boys with slung Kalashnikov rifles in front of the still-smoking vehicle for a picture. Back then, if a supply truck fell out of a convoy along the route, the driver detonated the vehicle and cargo so it wouldn’t fall into enemy hands. The vehicle in front of me, and the reporters was one of those. We knew it, they knew it. The title that ran on the picture in a scathing news story was, 'Insurgents Destroy Military Supplies.' It was a good picture, and insurgents did destroy military supplies, just not that time. If you look closely at the picture, you can see all the boys smiling for the camera. Don't get me wrong, there is still great reporting. Unfortunately, we've also reached a point of manufactured and skewed news saturation. The difficulty in separating the truth from the lies has, more than anything, led to misconceptions. MWSA: You're currently writing a YA series. What can you share about the series, and does it have a connection at all to Baghdaddy? Bill Riley: Absolutely, it does. Thank's for asking about this, I just finished the first book in my new Cypher series. In it, I draw on my military background and time in secret organizations, and while I was raising boys when I was often away doing things I couldn’t talk about. I’ll take readers to places they haven’t seen before in Young Adult Fiction, and it will be a wild and surprisingly moving ride. The first book is called Ashur’s Tears. In it, near-future technology collides with magic in a vibrant world where the government has a lot to hide. An apocalypse-class artifact has been stolen, powerful factions have emerged, and demons are poised to invade the world if a disgraced temple guardian and the three Cypher children can’t find their father and stop it. I love this story, and I can't wait to share it, probably late 2020/early 2021. You can check out billrileyauthor.com for updates and events.
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thomasroach · 6 years
Top RPG News Of The Week: March 10th (Cyberpunk 2077, Warhammer Chaosbane, Fallout 76 and More!)
The post Top RPG News Of The Week: March 10th (Cyberpunk 2077, Warhammer Chaosbane, Fallout 76 and More!) appeared first on Fextralife.
Happy weekend from Fextralife! If you’ve been too busy to keep up on the latest in the games we cover or are looking for a refresher we’ve got you covered! Here’s a bite-sized version of the Top RPG news of the week. Taste all the latest news across the Fextralife Wiki Network.
Check out the video above and read on for the text!
Humble Bundle
Announcing part of their lineup for April, Humble Bundle shared that Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden, Absolver and Northgard are joining the list of games as part as their subscription.
If you subscribed to Humble Bundle for $12 a month, you will able to bag three titles that add up to $94.97 worth of games. Adding to their lineup of titles Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden, Absolver and Northgard are available for April.
Northgard by Shiro Games is a strategy based title where you gain control of a Viking clan, and explore the Nordic landscape which remains rather hostile. This game is steeped in legend, myths ranging from wyverns to giants.
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is strategy RPG not to dissimilar to the XCOM series. In this world you take control of animal mutants that not only walk upright but have some major skills when it comes to combat.
Absolver is an online multiplayer combat game where you can create a character that follows a unique fighting style. If you’re taking on this MMO combat fighter be sure to check out our Absolver Wiki.
It looks like these won’t be the only titles to be added this April with more unlocking on April 5th.
For more about this new find it here in Mutant Year Zero And Absolver Joins Humble Bundle For April.
Fallout 76
Adding further information to their recent 2019 roadmap of free content, Bethesda reveal the next addition to Fallout 76 in the form of a Brewing and Distilling crafting system, which will be joining the Wild Appalachia this March.
Players will be able to live out their dreams as the Appalachia’s premiere bartender, first starting their brewing journey by attending the Vault-Tec University. Taking your acquired skills to the next level, by taking advantage of the new Brewing Station.
Using this workbench which you can learn to construct from the “Wasted on Nukashine” quest, you’ll add the ability to craft beers, cocktails, wines and spirits to your C.A.M.P. Just as you would imagine while they do bring a good temporary buff, there are some side effects which include a mild hangover.
Each type of Wine or Spirit may take different times to completely ferment, their effects will become even more potent the longer you leave them in the fermentation process.
Each alcohol type comes with benefits but are also offset by negative effects, for example beers will increase scope stability and damage against animals but also reduce your VATS accuracy.
Fallout 76 is currently available to play on PS4, Xbox One and PC. The brew crafting system will join Fallout 76 on March 12th. The next update Fasnacht Parade arrives on March 19th, along with the new Survival mode which arrives on March 26th.
For more about this new find it here in Bethesda To Add New Booze Crafting System To Fallout 76.
With Sekiro Shadows Die Twice releasing later this month, FromSoftware have been sharing new trailers featuring deadly bosses and enemies, but none so far have been quite as ferocious as the Great Serpent.
Towering over Sekiro, this Great Serpent definitely fits the name. In this latest trailer from FromSoftware’s Youtube channel, we see Sekiro run through a mountainous region with the viper setting its sights on him. Not only slithering with speed, this snake moves with great flexibility, ready to snap at the next victim to cross its path.
While the trailer is only 30 seconds, we get to see a new rocky area with plunging cliffs that will limit the player’s area of movement when it comes to the ground. It will be interesting to see if there are any other enemies that will be just as big, as it looks truly giant in size. This is the largest enemy they have revealed so far, and we’re definitely looking forward to seeing more. The trailer ends with the snake taking a snap at Sekiro before it cuts to black, leaving us in suspense of what will happen next.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice will be releasing on March 22nd 2019 on Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC.
For more about this new find it here in Sekiro New Trailer Features Great Serpent.
Warhammer: Chaosbane Closed Beta
The developers Bigben Interactive behind the upcoming action-RPG Warhammer: Chaosbane has announced the closed beta dates.
The first phase for closed beta which is available to those who have pre-ordered Warhammer: Chaosbane, will be available from March 7th at 9am GMT until March 13th at 9am GMT for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC via Steam. You will be able to experience the entire first act, try out two playable characters which includes The Soldier of the Empire and The High Elf Mage. You can also level abilities up to 20, experience co-op play as well as “many customization options” according to the developers.
Whether you pre-ordered your copy digitally or by retail, you will be able to access the beta.
Warhammer Chaosbane releases on June 4th, those who order the special edition will have early access on May 31st. Chaosbane releases on Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
For more about this new find it here in Warhammer: Chaosbane Begins Closed Beta On March 7th.
China Hero Project
It was last year in August when Sony Interactive Entertainment Shanghai showcased a number of games that have been supported by the Playstation China Hero Project, showing off some of indie developers works at ChinaJoy 2018. There was a slight update this week on a few of the projects at the Playstation China Hero Project Spring Showcase.
Titles Lost Soul Aside by Ultizero Games, Pervader by Beijing Light & Digital, as well as Project Boundary from Studio Surgical Scalpels are reported to be all in “stable and healthy development”. These three titles are going to be released for Playstation 4.
Launching in 2016, the China Hero Project is an initiative that supports creative Chinese studios to help develop gaming content for Playstation.
Project Boundary is already in preparation for its closed beta test which will be releasing for the Playstation Store for China. Currently no dates have been announced for the closed beta.
Lost Soul Aside is an action-RPG that gained great notoriety when the developer Yang Bing posted his first demo on Youtube, little did he know at the time that it would be met with such a great response. The game ultimately is a hack and slash game which looks like a blend between DMC as well as Nier Automata.
Produced by Pu An, Pervader is currently under development using the Unreal Engine 4, and follows the different perspectives of a growing crisis that hits a city in China. The producer strongly believes in his team’s potential and the talent of his artists in creating a gaming experience that takes inspiration from Chinese culture, with an interesting appeal to an international audience.
Project Boundary delves into the outer space experience, combining VR with first-person shooter game mechanics. Developed by studio Surgical Scalpels, this multiplayer FPS is set in the near future, where space travel is prevalent with the use of space elevators. But its a different time with a new type of government, merchants, space pirates, mercenaries and outlaws that are looking to make use of valuable goods from the universe.
Currently all games are in the development with no release window announced as of yet.
For more about this new find it here in Lost Soul Aside, Pervader And Project Boundary All In Steady Development and Action RPG AI-LIMIT Announced For Playstation 4.
Cyberpunk 2077
Taking some talent from the Witcher 3 team, CD Projekt Red’s upcoming title Cyberpunk 2077 will be gaining Konrad Tomaszkiewicz as Design Director.
Originally the Game Director for The Witcher 3, he will now be taking the promoted title of Design Director for Cyberpunk 2077. The news popped up on the Cyberpunk 2077 subreddit when a Linkedin user spotted the title on his profile.
Now Design Director, Tomaszkiewicz has steadily risen through the ranks at CD Projekt Red. Starting as Junior Tester for the first The Witcher title in 2004, now with over 15 years working for the developer.
But this is not the only news from CD Projekt Red this week, a new video has been shared by Playstation featuring the developer, as they share the thought process of the game’s progress.
The highlight video features members of the CD Projekt Red team as they reflect on the development process, even sharing how after releasing a teaser video in 2013, going almost silent for 4 or 5 years. For them this was a challenge, as their community were very excited to hear anything about the game that was a brand new IP.
The video also sheds more light on Cyberpunk 2077, stating that the development is “far from over”, which could mean there might be some time before its release. It features the importance of character customisation for players, which for a developer known for their detailed character designs such as The Witcher’s Geralt, is a new path for them to take allowing players more “freedom” with their protagonist. The importance of “first person” was also spotlighted, as it gives you a more “immersive” feel according to Level Designer Miles Tost.
We’re left with the tagline “it’s still coming, when it’s ready”, meaning there is no current timeline for the release date. Cyberpunk 2077 will release on platforms PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
For more about this new find it here in The Witcher 3 Game Director Moves To Design Director For Cyberpunk 2077 and Cyberpunk 2077 Progress Is “Far From Over” As Mentioned In Highlight Video.
Publisher Modiphius Entertainment announces they will be releasing an officially licensed Fallout pen and paper RPG which is set to release sometime in 2020.
The pen and paper RPG for Fallout will use Modiphius Entertainment‘s 2d20 system which is the same system used for Mutant Chronicles 3rd Edition and Star Trek Adventures RPGs. So far there is no title for the Fallout tabletop RPG and it will be next year when it gets its launch.
Sam Webb head of roleplaying game development at Modiphius will be taking the lead of this project. A long-time fan and also worked on previous games such as Star Trek Adventures.
But this is not the only Fallout themed project planned, there is also an expansion for the tabletop miniatures game Fallout: Wasteland Warfare in the works.
The expansion for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare is expected to launch sometime this summer 2019, while the Fallout pen and paper RPG is set to release sometime next year.
For more about this new find it here in Official Fallout Pen And Paper RPG Announced.
Playstation 4 Remote Play App
Playstation have announced support for a range of devices with the launch of PS4 firmware 6.50, as well as launching a new app for iOS meaning you can now stream PS4 games on your iPhone or iPad.
The new app allows iOS owners to play via their phone or tablet using the virtual buttons that work both in portrait and landscape modes. The features also include haptic feedback if your device supports it.
DualShock 4 will not work with your iPhone, meaning if you want to use a controller instead, you will need to use a MFi certified controller with your iOS device. Other features include 720p broadcasting using Niconico Live which is available in certain countries/regions. You can also customise button assignment to perform “Enter” from the designated Circle button to the X button instead by changing them in the Settings, but availability will also depend on region. You can also use voice chat using your mic on your mobile device if you prefer.
While this could open up more ways to play your PS4, I think the screen size will play a big factor. Smaller screens will make it a little hard to see in-game details especially when your fingers are covering half the screen. This might be more suitable on an iPad for a more comfortable viewing size. Where you can play will be limited to your home Wi-Fi reach as it is not supported by mobile network. However, the app could come in handy when you to be in other parts of  your home or when nature calls.
For more about this new find it here in Playstation Releases Remote Play App For IOS iPhone And iPad.
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The post Top RPG News Of The Week: March 10th (Cyberpunk 2077, Warhammer Chaosbane, Fallout 76 and More!) appeared first on Fextralife.
Top RPG News Of The Week: March 10th (Cyberpunk 2077, Warhammer Chaosbane, Fallout 76 and More!) published first on https://juanaframi.tumblr.com/
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aspirgallant · 7 years
Journey’s End
When Aspir awoke the next day, it was in his tent. He wasn’t sure exactly who put him there, but he was thankful enough for the effort. A water sack and a plate of sliced desert fruit were laid at his side. He guzzled down the sack’s contents greedily and shoved the fruit into his mouth. He became doubly thankful for the attentiveness of whoever had done all this.
The tent was stuffy from last night’s sweat and today’s heat, prompting Aspir to exit it as soon as possible. Upon doing so, he was immediately beset upon by the small, blue choya who had become a dear companion this past month. Quenchya clawed at his shoe, seemingly attempting to wrap her arms around it in a hug. He bent down and gently patted the top of her head in return.
“Don’t worry, I made it just fine. Don’t you know, the good guys always win?” he said with a grin.
Mayline was curled by a building several meters away, soaking in the afternoon sun peacefully. Aspir shook his head, somewhat jealous of the griffon’s ability to remain unphased even after the events of last night.
As he ventured out further into the old academy grounds, he could see the village folk gathered around a series of what appeared to be a massive pyre in the center of the school grounds. Suspended on the pile of branches and dry grass was a total of twelve bodies, each wrapped in cloth. The villagers gazed on as Ma’bud recited some sort of eulogy praising each of the fallen warriors who had died defending the academy.
Aspir frowned, and kept his distance as the villagers mourned. While twelve dead may have not seemed like much in the grand scheme of things, it was a devastating loss to the already small community.
The djinn finished off the ceremony by shooting a spark of electricity into the tinder. A tiny flicker of fire formed where the spark landed, and spread outward until the whole pyre was lit up. The flames consumed the bodies; a necessary precaution to ensure Joko would never claim the valiant dead.
The people began disperse, only a few staying behind to watch the affair. Ma’bud sighed grimly as he floated off. His eyes lit up as he noticed Aspir.
“Ah, outlander! It is good to see you up and about. I must thank you for what you’ve done to defend our little sanctuary. Amal claims you were invaluable last night.”
Aspir scratched the back of his head, blushing slightly. “Well, I don’t know about that… Speaking of her, where is she? I don’t see her anywhere.”
“Ah, yes. She had departed this morning after having one of us check in on you; mostly likely to ensure that there won’t be another assault from those dreadful constructs, and to perhaps discover the cause of that strange weather phenomenon. That was certainly no regular sandstorm. One second, magic was saturating the air and then the next…” he waved a fist in front of Aspir before unfurling it in an exaggerated manner, “all gone! Most strange... Most strange… Nonetheless, until Amal has returned, I suggest you sit tight. Who can say what the next few days will bring.”
Aspir slumped over slightly. His body was still sore from the night’s tribulations, and sitting tight sounded like exactly what he needed. “Yeah, ok, sounds like a plan. I just hope the worst of it is over…”
The djinn nodded. “Indeed.”
The rest of the day went about uneventfully with neither word nor sign of another attack by the Forged. The people of Yobash warily went about their business, ready to flee or fight the moment a metal soldier appeared, but none ever did.
When no attack came the next day, the people truly started to believe that it was over. Their hopes for normality didn’t rise too high, however, as the nearby brandstorm proved to be unusually tumultuous. The clouds were especially thick and the thunder especially forceful. The Branded, who usually avoided Ma’bud’s barrier, were becoming far more bold, forcing the guards to engage with them whenever they came too close. Fortunately, the barrier stood strong, protecting those within from the other dangers of the storm.
It was during the morning of the third day following the battle with the Forged that, at last, Amal had returned to Yobash. Her pleased expression riding into the barrier had confirmed what everyone was hoping for.
Balthazar was dead.
She explained that on her short journey, she had crossed through multiple Forged outposts; all abandoned or filled with the metallic pieces of their former occupants. It was at the Gardens of Seborhin that she heard of what happened.
The people there spoke of a grand battle between the Forged, Awakened, and Branded. It was unclear what it was they were fighting for, or who it was that ultimately vanquished Balthazar. Some claimed it was Joko, and others Kralkatorrik. There were a few who spoke of a hero from far off-lands. Amal had chosen to believe it was the Elder Dragon, due to the sudden flare up of the brandstorm over Vabbi.
The people of Yobash had done it; they had survived the wrath of the War God. To celebrate, Ma’bud called for everyone to devote their efforts to throwing a grand party. Food that was stored in underground bunkers was pulled out for a feast, and a great bonfire was built. The night was spent in merriment, with everyone eating and drinking and dancing.
Aspir was the only one who stayed away from the festivities. He was as happy about their victory as anyone, but his mind was preoccupied with one thing: home. It had been a long month and a longer journey, and he couldn’t help but fantasize about being back with his family. He knew that it was time to return to Tyria.
The next morning saw him either packing his things into his bag or hanging them off of Mayline’s new saddle, made by the villagers out of gratitude for his actions. He picked up Quenchya and carefully tucked her into a large pocket on the saddle made specifically for her. The choya cooed happily, seemingly pleased about no longer having to hold on to Aspir for dear life during their flights.
Opposite to her was his gear, including the Sunspear armor that Amal had given him permission to keep. It’d need restoring, but it proved in the battle that it could be worked with. He noted that he was down one weapon as he tied his bow to the saddle. The sandstorm had claimed his shield after he dropped it, but with spirit weapons at his command, he wasn’t sure he’d need it anymore.
With everything securely in place, he climbed onto the griffon and positioned himself. But before he could take off, he was approached by Ma’bud, Amal, and the sentry girl he had fought along with.
The girl, who he had learned was named Faizah, walked up to him first. She smiled as she spoke, “I just wanted to say thank you on the behalf of the people here. This is the only home we have and without you, we may have lost it. So, again, thank you!” She excitedly bowed, drawing out a smirk from the djinn.
Aspir found himself once again blushing. “Thank you for the kind words, but truth be told I’m sure you all would have been fine on your own. Amal here is the real hero, leading us all like she did.”
Ma’bud broke out into a laugh. “So humble this one! Take pride in your achievements, boy! It also wouldn’t hurt to learn how to take a compliment.”
“O-oh! Well, I, uh…” Aspir stammered.
The djinn patted him on the back. “Now, now. No harm done. Farewell and good luck on your journey, young outlander.”
With that, Ma’bud and Faizah departed, off to return to their respective duties. Amal stayed behind, and stared straight into Aspir’s eyes.
“So then, Outlander, you’re heading off back to Tyria?” she asked.
“Yeah. I think it’s time. I’ve done what I came here to do and, well, there’s people back home who must miss me by now,” he said while subconsciously reaching for the ring hanging off his neck. “Though, I wish I could do more…”
Amal quirked an eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Well, it’s just like you said that one night. Balthazar’s gone, but Elona is nowhere close to being safe or free. I just can’t help but feel like…”
“It’s not enough?” Amal interjected.
Aspir’s eyes went wide and his face became flushed. He had forgotten about their conversation the moment before the attack.
Amal sighed. “Look around you.” She gestured her hand towards Yobash; towards all the villagers going about their business. “See all these people? They’re alive because of what we did. The future is uncertain, but we’ve given them a chance to see it.”
Her hand extended up and tenderly grasped his lower-thigh. “I was like you once, you know. Fighting every day of my life, and yet never feeling any closer to achieving my goals. Every victory came with two defeats. Made me wonder why I even bothered trying at all.”
She smirked ever so slightly when she saw the look of shame on the young guardian’s face. “But I never gave up because I knew to do so would be true defeat. People like us don’t fight because we can fix all the problems in the world, but because the world is worth trying to fix. You understand that, don’t you?”
Aspir remained quiet. She could see the redness on his cheeks start to fade away, however.
“I don’t know what ideals it is that you fight for, but I can tell you believe in them. They may seem far off, but I can assure you, you’re far more likely to make them true by trying than not.” She pulled her hand back, placing it square on her hip. “You’ve got a lot of battles ahead of you, Outlander. Try not to get discouraged before they even start.”
There was another moment of silence once Amal finished. She became increasingly unsure if her words had done much to comfort the man until he finally replied.
“Thank you…” Aspir said quietly and with the most gentle of smiles.
Amal’s smirk further grew. “Farewell, Outlander. May Kormir see to it that we meet again.”
Aspir wordlessly nodded, smile still on his face. He squeezed his legs against Mayline, who perked up and leaped into a running start. Once she built up enough speed, she spread her wings and took off. Her wings beat rapidly, raising them higher and higher by the second. Aspir looked back at Yobash, catching Amal waving at him. He waved back, and kept doing so until the academy and the bubble around it appeared as a marble sticking out of the endless sand of the desert. He turned forward, and grinned towards the horizon.
He was finally coming home.
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